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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oops. I meant the maker of the Crumbler tech. With a name like Tuttle, well... Easy to assume.

And looking him up, he only faced Hal, it seems.
Actually, on Earth 12 he got the psychological help he needed at an earlier point in his life and never became a supervillain.
So Paul, not knowing the local variant of Nth Metal, almost killed everyone.

Fun times.
No, Nth metal has this same behavior in OL's locale. He's vaporized Nth metal more than once to fight phased targets. Evidently, he's perfectly aware of the limits and dangers of Nth metal, and he avoided them.

Peter Wynne isn't corrupted by the ring like Paul is.

Meaning he has no way to know it was stolen so long as Batman properly covered his tracks.
Paul woke up and almost immediately sensed that someone was touching the ring, despite the fact that Batman set off no alarms. Clearly he's at least somewhat sensitive and aware of Avarice, and it stands to reason that if he could sense someone touching the ring once, he could sense it again, or sense when the ring isn't nearby.
I'd like (but definitely don't expect) to see Bruce Wayne served with a civil suit for this theft.
Files criminal charges too. Comes at him with dozens of the high price lawyers. A green power ring has to be incredibly valuable. This one was unique in the universe.

Also consider that he used it to acquire approximately 12 billion dollars worth of platinum in an afternoon. I think he could to be owning Wayne Enterprises soon.
I hear a girl in some midwest city uses one. (Static Shock is DCAU canon, isn't it?)

DCAU contains: Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, The New Batman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Gotham Girls; The Zeta Project, Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited; as well as the movies Mask of the Phantasm, Batman & Mr. Freeze; SubZero, Return of the Joker, and Mystery of the Batwoman.

Batman and Harley Quinn and Justice League vs. the Fatal Five are claimed to be part of the DCAU, but I honestly squint a bit at that; personally I think they're closer to the status of Crisis on Two Earths in that they're mostly DCAU-compliant but aren't (or shouldn't be) strictly canon, except where (in CoTE's case at least) they fill in plot holes (such as Diana's invisible plane that suddenly appeared in JLU having been Owlman's).

There's also a few shorts/stop-motion comic adaptations that are considered part of the DCAU, and the Lobo web-series is arguably part of it.

Also, from the rubbish bin: Teen Titans was originally pitched as a DCAU series before being retooled, and Bruce Timm wanted to do a Catwoman series that never got the green light; there was also intended to be a SubZero sequel titled Batman: Arkham and a second Batman Beyond movie but both were cancelled, as was a Catwoman animated film that was supposed to link to the live-action Catwoman and actually had a full script but was cancelled when the live-action bombed.
I feel like I need to reread the chapter where this happened? Does anybody know which one it is?
I'm surprised anyone thinks that Paul cares at this point. He's made himself a trillionaire, has an army of employees, and that ring has 0% power. It's not like he'd ever be able to use it again.
There just mad Batman whent aginst the mc truth is Batman is being perfictly resanbol a civilian has a wepion that can take out planets confiscating it makes perfect sense but since Batman is a member of the authority he must be evil after all he went against the main character I mean seriously Justice League was created to stop threats to Earth so it's perfectly in their rights to investigate a man who has a weapon capable a Conquering whole galaxies especially when he seems to know things about them that no one else should. In truth since Paul is not a native that earth they are being lenient they didn't even interrogate him about his intentions and by law how they AR probably required to hand them over to the government.
How did Weaponer Lysis know how to repair a ring made from qwardmite, when Power Ring in her universe are made form concentrated emotions?
I kinda hope this backfires horribly on JL 12 and only Peter Wynne can help; which he'll do while simultaneously giving them a Reason You Suck speech that gets them to listen, unlike Paul's criticism of their actions affecting Earth -14.
You do realize that people can A not like Batman for other reasons, B not like Batman doing this specifically for better reasons, and C may actually be more worried about the consequences of the action rather than the action itself right?
Thats not what it looks like from reading the comi comments one person complains about Batman always geting away with it another thinks Paul should sue another complaning about Batman stealing the ring after Paul was so reasonable and yet someone eles just once Paul to do a resion you suck speech.

To be fank reading the comments it seems like people are mad that the evil authority dare to go against main character, I fully expect people actually be upset and nothing bad happens to the Justice League because of this after all if nothing bad happens to them you can't show the main character going against authority.
No, Nth metal has this same behavior in OL's locale. He's vaporized Nth metal more than once to fight phased targets. Evidently, he's perfectly aware of the limits and dangers of Nth metal, and he avoided them.
No actually it doesn't, it was even noted in one of the other chapters how the physics are slightly different in that particular universe then they are in Paul's universe of origin via the whole bit where he complained about the Hyperspace bypass storyline to his universes Hawkwoman.

Paul woke up and almost immediately sensed that someone was touching the ring, despite the fact that Batman set off no alarms. Clearly he's at least somewhat sensitive and aware of Avarice, and it stands to reason that if he could sense someone touching the ring once, he could sense it again, or sense when the ring isn't nearby.
Ah, but that's not what happened.

Whatever Peter did was an active thing he had to initiate and not something passive that automatically occurred.
I'm surprised anyone thinks that Paul cares at this point. He's made himself a trillionaire, has an army of employees, and that ring has 0% power. It's not like he'd ever be able to use it again.

It's still HIS and the key to really awesome super powers if he ever get his hands on a way to recharge.
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"It's almost completely out of power and he doesn't have any way to recharge it." Batman reaches into his utility belt and pulls it out. "He also didn't notice when I switched it with a fake. Green Lantern, we need the Guardians to analyse this as soon as possible."

I will be extremely disappointed if it turns out to be the real ring. What really should have happened is that Batman switched the fake ring WITH a fake ring.

Batman stole the ring for no reason simply because he could, it would be one thing if Paul was a suspicious person but bats is already aware of his circumstances and met him in person. I think Paul would have happily surrendered the ring to Batman if he just said 'hey this ring is really suspicious could we have an expert (The Guardians) take a look' instead he just took it.

That's not how you treat a co-operative potential ally that's poisoning a new relationship this is compounded by the fact he apparently wants to recruit him.
I will be extremely disappointed if it turns out to be the real ring. What really should have happened is that Batman switched the fake ring WITH a fake ring.
If the ring Peter kept in his safe was fake, he wouldn't have been able to use avarice to sense Batman touching it. Nothing about Peter's thoughts in that chapter give any indication that the ring is fake.
Wynne still technically has a army of supervillains at his disposal, and his alternate-universe alter-ego figured out how to curbstomp all of them at the same time.

And he's also not currently hostile nor malicious. But they don't know whether or not he'll stay that way if they steal a immensely powerful artifact from him. Returning it before he notices is prudent.

Yeah, that's pretty weird. He clearly should've noticed that Batman switched it with a fake.
Would he care? It's useless to him anyways until recharged
To be fank reading the comments it seems like people are mad that the evil authority dare to go against main character
Batman is a member of the authority he must be evil after all he went against the main character
I mean... yeah. Duh.

I don't read DC comics. Do you know why I don't read DC comics? Because pretty much everyone and everything is painfully stupid.

Why are supervillains inventing amazing schizotech that they could sell or use legally to get millions of dollars... and using it to rob banks. Why are superheros doing the exact same thing, but using it to punch the people who rob banks?

Why does incredibly advanced medical tech end up being used to bring a mainstream hero back to life again after their latest 'death'. Why aren't they giving it to hospitals to cure cancer-ridden orphans?

Why are there two aliens on one of the most well-known organizations on the globe, and lots of people still think that aliens don't exist. For that matter, why do so many aliens look almost exactly like humans? Do you know how many animals look even vaguely like humans? Maybe 2 or 3 species. And yet countless hundreds of species from entirely different worlds just so happen to look like a human with dyed skin?

Why does everyone who could do something amazing think "Oh boy, time to go use this to fight people.". Why not use that incredible strength and durability, and go do the work of a hundred men in skyscraper construction for lots of money? What, you want to help people with it? Go build orphanages. Or something.

Why is there a entire segment of physics, called "magic", used by lots of people including several entire underwater cities (who are only able to live underwater because of said physics), and yet not one single person has thought "Oh hey, It took me 15 minutes to learn this spell and it could revolutionize the modern world. Maybe I should go tell someone else about it."

For that matter, why are the oh-so carefully enumerated laws of physics just flat out broken or hacked in a million places, and yet none of the thousands of people who's entire lives revolve around learning and studying them said "Wait, hold on. This guy can conjure fire, and that guy can run faster than light. This breaks literally everything we've been writing down for the past two centuries."

Put simply, as I see it, every single living being in the DC universe is either:
A: Actively being manipulated or mind controlled into enacting the largest and stupidest WWE match of all time.
B: Breathtakingly, astonishingly, incomprehensibly stupid and shortsighted, with a mental blindspot that could hide a star and a one-track mind that would put a train to shame.

And so, along comes OL. He recognized that, yes, since everyone else is punching eachother it's probably a good idea to learn to do it too, but also asked what the fuck is everyone doing and is actively working to try and change the unimaginably bizarre state that the entire DC universe has somehow found itself in.

So, yeah, I'm kinda rooting for him and him alone. He represents a single shining beacon of "not stupid" in a entire universe that, otherwise, should be cast into the fires of fucking Mordor lest it infect us with the Stupid.
Why are there two aliens on one of the most well-known organizations on the globe, and lots of people still think that aliens don't exist. For that matter, why do so many aliens look almost exactly like humans?
To be fair, the latter of these kind of explains the former. "Alien? Yeah, right. Does that work for picking up chicks or something?"
"We'll return it when they're finished, but we can't take the risk of being so unprepared again."
You assume they would return it? Or are the Guardians-12 more reasonable bros?
No they are not. Unless Peter pulled one over on Bruce and the "real" Orange ring is a fake somehow, that ring is gone, and the next we'll see it is when the Guardians do something stupid with it, like waking up Larfleeze or creating another one.

Snart still has the gun. He just doesn't commit crimes with it anymore.
Thing is, DCAU Flash wouldn't call him "Captain Cold"; he'd call him Leonard or Snart. This is how Flash treats his "enemies", and it's why he's really the only DCAU Justice League member who's really a hero, and not just a self-righteous face-puncher who thinks his power/money gives him a mandate to ignore any laws they don't want to bother with:

I will be extremely disappointed if it turns out to be the real ring. What really should have happened is that Batman switched the fake ring WITH a fake ring.
Agreed. I'm not really surprised at Batman stealing from an innocent civilian here, but I am terribly disappointed. I really do hope that one of the two surprises discussed here actually happen; that kind of arrogance really needs a comeuppance.
Agreed. I'm not really surprised at Batman stealing from an innocent civilian here, but I am terribly disappointed. I really do hope that one of the two surprises discussed here actually happen; that kind of arrogance really needs a comeuppance.
Irony would be Bruce getting home to find that bits of his batmobile have been replaced with fake parts.
He is never getting that back once the Guardians get it, and I really hope he reacts in a horribly proactive way. At this point I don't believe for a second he can't give himself galactic threat level powers.
Or he builds earth up to a galactic power with the bull shit earth schizo tech and takes it back by force.
I'm surprised anyone thinks that Paul cares at this point. He's made himself a trillionaire, has an army of employees, and that ring has 0% power. It's not like he'd ever be able to use it again.

It's the principle if you where never gonna read a book you owned again would you be ok if I broke into your house and stole it?

There just mad Batman whent aginst the mc truth is Batman is being perfictly resanbol a civilian has a wepion that can take out planets confiscating it makes perfect sense but since Batman is a member of the authority he must be evil after all he went against the main character I mean seriously Justice League was created to stop threats to Earth so it's perfectly in their rights to investigate a man who has a weapon capable a Conquering whole galaxies especially when he seems to know things about them that no one else should. In truth since Paul is not a native that earth they are being lenient they didn't even interrogate him about his intentions and by law how they AR probably required to hand them over to the government.

I don't believe there is any law against owning lantern rings on DC's earth otherwise the local green lanterns have got a lot of explaining to do
"Peter Wynne, thirty eight, a British national. He hires supervillains and helps them find legal uses for their skills."

"Oh, hey, I've heard of him." Flash points at the screen. "He got Lenny and James jobs!"
Regardless of everything else, Earth-12 Flash is best Flash, simply for this.

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