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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oanite. Mined from Oa. Not only are green lantern power rings metal, they're a magnetic metal. Doc Polaris is fully capable of doing the "Why are you hitting yourself? Huh? Huh?" trick with Green Lanterns.

Alan's ring, barring YJ where they decided to go with the boring as hell option, was made by a Chinese man who found the meteorite that resulted from Yalan Gur's ring and lantern melting into slag on reentry.

Like star sapphire rings are made from the crystals that grow on Zamora.

Like the indigo rings are made from the underground rivers of the planet Nok.

Like how red power rings were made from the blood of the Five Inversions.
In that case, I bet Hinon and Kalmin would be fascinated by any scans Paul might have taken of Stewart's ring.
Batman glances at me, then returns his attention to the orange power ring in his right hand.

"Fascinating. I didn't know they came in this color."

"Put it down, Mister Wayne. Put it down now."

"How did you get it?"

"Is it whispering to you, Mister Wayne? Is it offering you everything you've ever wanted? Because that's what it does. It tells you that you can do anything with it. Please, put it down."

He places it down on the mantelpiece, and I take a moment to-.

"You need a better safe."
A bit risky of him to not put it down and steal it instead.
He was panicking over the whispering because if anyone would be able to get it recharged it'd be Batman and a lunatic with an orange ring equals a dead planet. Peter wasn't worried about it for himself - he's had it for years, he can handle it just fine - he was worried about Batman becoming Larfleeze.
No, that's just something you decided on your own.

Fact is the ring's dead, meaning there's no way to recharge it without an orange lantern, and there are no orange lanterns in the JLAU verse.
The thing about Batman stealing the ring is not that it's immediately useful to Peter (though who knows what the future holds, a long-drained power ring getting a kickstart to save the day is exactly the kind of Chekhov's gun that you'd see in a superhero universe after all). It's that:

A) it belongs to him
B) isn't being used to commit a crime and never has been as far as anyone can tell (indeed, all the arguments that he doesn't need it are also saying that it can't be used to commit a crime)
C) Batman really has no right to take it beyond satisfying his own controlling tendencies

In fact, Batman has a lot of reason to be wary here: if Peter finds out it was stolen and doesn't accept his reasons for taking it... well, he knows who Batman is. He has enough resources to get actual proof and present it credibly to a wide audience. While we can probably assume that Peter wouldn't retaliate like that, Batman doesn't know him that well and in any case is too paranoid to assume he wouldn't.

Basically the moment Batman heard the name Wayne he should have re-evaluated his plan entirely. But he didn't, and now I personally want to see him regretting that.

Say, I wonder if Peter had a curse put on the ring to punish thieves? That would be incredibly amusing and kind of in character.

*Edit* Come to think of it that's exactly the type of spell I could see OL's greed-based magic excelling at, not that Peter knows any.
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Have you read Dark Knights: Metal? You'll hate that even more.

It's a very meta type of Crisis storyline, but each stable universe has pillars. Pillars that embody ideas and keeps the universe stable.

Batman's pillar is "Batman Always Wins."

It's why whenever evil Batmen show up, it has to be Batman that beats them. Because they'll eventually steamroll over anyone else.

It's uh... certainly a trip as far as Crisis type narratives go. Especially when the Batman infected with Joker venom shows up.
Well that sounds ridiculously fucking stupid.
Do you live in Best Korea?

Nah, Canada. Look up our telecommunications; it'd drive the SI absolutely bugshit. 90% of telecommunications in this country is owned by three companies that totally aren't a cartel, nudge-nudge-wink-wink.

The result is that all smaller ISPs end up 'renting' the infrastructure of the mega companies who basically don't give a shit if it doesn't work like it ought to.
I love my Batty-Sue.

As long as he is written intelligently and not just 'because I'm Batman' that is. Most of the time they get it right.

Yeah he broke a few dozen laws again. But have you guys seen the old cartoons lately? He was already breaking a few dozen laws before that, including some fraud and embezzlement. He paid for the Watchtower in the DCAU series. How did no one notice the funds going out? Even ESPECIALLY the wealthiest business owners/CEOs still have some over site. Even if he (somehow) managed to retain 100% control of the company at that gargantuan size without anti-trust laws being brought down on you, the tax man will be checking your books carefully. Fraud HAS to be going on.

And I don't care, because he is saving lives, I will choose to look the other way on some minor violations. After all, Wyatt Earp was a hero of the old west, but he broke many laws and had a few conflicts of interest.
And before that, it had nothing to do with any of that crap, and was magic.

No, DC made both origins true.

Alan's ring and lantern were carved from a melted GLC lantern and ring, and was powered by the Starheart/Green Flame of Life.

Just like in Superman/Green Lantern Hal was able to recharge his ring from Alan's magic lantern.

Before DC did this "rings are solid emotion" nonsense, the power rings were just batteries.
I love my Batty-Sue.
As long as he is written intelligently and not just 'because I'm Batman' that is. Most of the time they get it right.
Yeah he broke a few dozen laws again. But have you guys seen the old cartoons lately? He was already breaking a few dozen laws before that, including some fraud and embezzlement. He paid for the Watchtower in the DCAU series. How did no one notice the funds going out? Even ESPECIALLY the wealthiest business owners/CEOs still have some over site. Even if he (somehow) managed to retain 100% control of the company at that gargantuan size without anti-trust laws being brought down on you, the tax man will be checking your books carefully. Fraud HAS to be going on.
And I don't care, because he is saving lives, I will choose to look the other way on some minor violations. After all, Wyatt Earp was a hero of the old west, but he broke many laws and had a few conflicts of interest.

Yeah, but in the DCAU Batman helped create a number of long term problems for the Justice league and his paranoid law breaking has also done a lot to create problems for him self with his family as well as his enemies.
As for Wyatt Earp he may be remembered as a hero but a lot of that is because he lived long enough to tell his story to some of the first people to make movies. He started out as a criminal and for most of his life was mostly interested in making money, which is why he and his brothers were in Tombstone.
You all are obsessing about Batman; I'm just impressed that the Justice League of Earth-12 is having a formal review session after a defeat to discuss what went wrong and how they can prevent future defeats.

That's (chef's kiss) exactly the time of rational thinking we're all here for, right?

"It doesn't matter. We have an enemy whose abilities we don't understand. Every vulnerability he exploited was one any of the League's other enemies could have used. We were lucky that he didn't want to kill you, and we can't afford to rely on luck."

Hawkgirl nods. "So what do you suggest?"

"I plan on asking Mister Wynne to join the League as a consultant, in order to examine League operations for weaknesses which we haven't noticed. Everyone has vulnerabilities, but when the world is depending on us we can't afford for our enemies to know ours better than we do."

See, that's the sort of clear thinking they can do when they want to. No wonder the Justice Lords version of them was able to take over so easily.
As long as he is written intelligently and not just 'because I'm Batman' that is. Most of the time they get it right.

Yeah he broke a few dozen laws again. But have you guys seen the old cartoons lately? He was already breaking a few dozen laws before that, including some fraud and embezzlement. He paid for the Watchtower in the DCAU series. How did no one notice the funds going out? Even ESPECIALLY the wealthiest business owners/CEOs still have some over site. Even if he (somehow) managed to retain 100% control of the company at that gargantuan size without anti-trust laws being brought down on you, the tax man will be checking your books carefully. Fraud HAS to be going on.

And I don't care, because he is saving lives, I will choose to look the other way on some minor violations. After all, Wyatt Earp was a hero of the old west, but he broke many laws and had a few conflicts of interest.
The problem here isn't that Bats broke any laws. The problem is he's fucking with someone he probably shouldn't, messing with an object he knows nothing about, and is now about to draw the Guardians into it...and who knows what they might do?

Now, we never saw Larfleeze in JLU obviously....but does that mean he really isn't there? If this Paul goes for his fake ring for...really any reasons, and ends up giving a tug much like Paul-16 did, and that gets Larfleeze's attention?

Good job Wayne.

What if the Guardians get paranoid, and want to toss this Paul into a science cell, or something worse? He's done nothing to deserve it.

The problem is, that once again, Batman did whatever the fuck he wanted to do, because he ALWAYS thinks that he knows best. That this is a cornerstone of who he is...and no one ever calls him on it, and then when he brushes them off with his arrogance, actually DOES something about it.

Making that worse, is not only does Batman seemingly exclusively fuck with his own allies. But the universe often seems to bend and twist, just to make him right.

Finally, he stole Paul's god damn ring for no reason other then he's a fucking asshole.

I mean, just imagine another character treating Batman like he treats others. Imagine Superman just walking up into his cave and fucking with his shit whenever he felt like it. OH, and with Bat's amazing plot powers NOT kicking in for once.
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Either way, rather looking forward to seeing if Earth-12 Justice League will ever meet their counterparts on Earth-16.

I mean, they've met Paul, so another encounter is bound to happen again some day.

DIANA-12: You seem awfully... friendly with your Orange Lantern

DIANA-16: Well, he IS a friend, and a citizen of Themyscira.

DIANA-12: WAIT... YOUR Themyscira allows MEN to set foot on the island?!

DIANA-16: Why wouldn't we? I mean, it would certainly be incredibly tragic if we had to exile or execute my son for example, just because of his gender.

Oh god I'm getting How it should have ended Darth Vader flashbacks.
Yes, but rather than ecstatic, Diana-12 would likely be more shocked for the most part, while Diana-16 might troll her a little...

DIANA-12: Alright. You have a son. Okay. (takes deep breath) ...Who's the father?

DIANA-16: Lex Luthor.

DIANA-12: THE F@#$?!:eek:

DIANA-16: Oh, and Superman.:D

DIANA-12: ....Wait, what?
"I'm glad the people I fight haven't tried using gold kryptonite." Superman shakes his head. "Green kryptonite hurts, but I can usually avoid it. I can't help wondering if his Justice League knows that he knows exactly how to take them all down."
SUPERMAN-16: We do. That's why we call him in to make observations from time to time.

PLASTIC MAN-16: Just, uh, don't do anything he considers REALLY unheroic. Last Doctor Fate, Nabu, found that out the hard way....

FLASH-12: OKAY, message well received! Don't piss off the resourceful ring-user!

FLASH-16: ....Wally? Is that you?
So... remember why Manhunter-12 didn't read the mind of his Justice Lord counterpart? How badly would he react to how fundamentally different the Martians of Earth 16, as Zoat has detailed them, are?
I mean, just imagine another character treating Batman like he treats others. Imagine Superman just walking up into his cave and fucking with his shit whenever he felt like it. OH, and with Bat's amazing plot powers NOT kicking in for once.

Yeah, that 'Batman always knows best' attitude is why he ended up a living all alone at Wayne manor having left Gotham hardly any better than he left it and having more or less ruined the lives of every member of the Bat family that was still alive when Batman beyond started.
Common Sense (part 5)
5th November 2010
15:18 GMT -5

Diana looks on with mild puzzlement as I leaf through her photo album.

"It would help me if I had some idea what you are looking for."

Group photograph from nineteen fifty one… Alan's smiling, but… Magnify… Hm, the picture quality is too low for me to be certain… I continue flicking through, making sure to record the images and the dates.

"Pictures of Alan."

"Alan's own collection is larger and in better condition than mine."

"Yes. But if I asked to do this with his collection he'd ask why I was interested."

"Are you saying that my interest does not present the same problem?"

"I fully intend to talk to Alan about it, but I'd like to have a solution to the problem before I do. Or… If there's no problem, I don't need to bring it up at all."

She waits patiently for me to give a helpful answer as I move on to the album from just before she went back to Themyscira. From the.. composition…

"You took these yourself?"

"Jay taught me. You'll have to excuse the blurring."

No, but it does mean that I probably won't get anything else useful out of this. Alright then. Ring, combine this with what we got from Mrs Hunkel and Mr Garrick


I take a holographic projector out of subspace and arrange the images in chronological order.

"While it may not be readily apparent to someone who grew up on Themyscira, Alan looks a lot younger than a man his age usually would. And he started looking younger recently. Looking at the photographs of him I've been able to find, it looks like this isn't a recent phenomenon either. His appearance is basically unchanged for all the time he was in the Justice Society and then he suddenly-" I point to a picture. "-enters middle age when it breaks up."

"That could be explained by him exercising less. Or by the stress of what happened to Rose."

"That would only explain the changes that happened then. Not all of the other ones." I sigh. "By comparing his cycles of rejuvenation and decay with.. everything that was going on in his life… As far as I can tell, it depends on whether or not he was regularly recharging his ring."

Diana's gaze grows a little distant, perhaps trying to match what I'm saying with her own experiences. "I.. see."

"And now he can't recharge. I mean, you've seen him change, right? Compare-" She's nodding. "-how he looked when I first arrived to how he looks now."

"And what do you intend to do about this?"

"Giving him back his personal lantern wouldn't work because it's the wrong colour. There wasn't enough green light energy left on the Maltusian ship to make much difference. Which means I need to talk one of the local Green Lanterns into letting him recharge from their personal lanterns."

Diana looks dubious. "Hal was clear that the Guardians were forbidding members of the Green Lantern Corps from allowing Alan to recharge using their equipment. I doubt that-."


"Yes, but if I don't ask-" I begin returning the albums to their shelves. "-I'll never know. And since the next best option is working out how to tap into the green light directly, I'm hoping that I can talk them into moderating their position."

5th November 2010
19:40 GMT -5

Hal shakes his head. "No can do, Orange. The Guardians were real clear about it."

I nod. "But if you could, would you?"

He frowns. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I hold up my hands in a pacifying gesture. "I'm not trying to start a fight. And I'm not.. asking you to throw your career away and flat out defy the Guardians. That wouldn't do Alan any good. I just want to make sure that if I did wangle an exception, you would be willing to let him use it."

"Of course I would!"

I nod. "In that case, I need two things. I need you to tell me exactly what the Guardians said, and then I need everything you have on Green Lantern Corps rules and regulations."

Hal's still frowning, but it's more thoughtful now. "The rules and regs? What for?"

"Guardians like order, but they've run a Lantern Corps for millions of years. I doubt that they've done that by deciding things on a case by case basis, but I suspect that the rules are immensely flexible in order to incorporate all of the different mindsets the different species they've worked with possess. If I can find an argument based on existing Corps rules, they'll probably accept it."

"O.. kay. Ah." He looks away for a moment as he tries to remember. "'This.. Alan Scott is not a member of the Green Lantern Corps. You may work with him or not as you see fit, but he is not to be treated as different from any other citizen of your homeworld.'"

I narrow my eyes slightly. "Nothing specific."

"Ah, no, but we're not normally allowed to share our rings or lanterns with anyone. And… The rules and regs are about a million pages long. I think it's only people like Salaak and.. Sinestro, who've bothered reading it. You sure about this?"

"Alan will die if I don't. Hit me."

He shrugs, then raises his right hand. "It's your brain. Send."

A ball of green light leaps from his ring to mine-.

Grgh. Ring, organise. Find me something useful.


Oh yes.

"Got it."

"You.. got it? That's it?"

I got a massive headache, but… "Non-emergency civilian aid. Outside of the emergency situations designated above, members of the Green Lantern Corps are authorised to use Corps resources in order to provide medical aid to those in their Sector or to such others as they may encounter in the performance of their duties, restricted to technological devices at or equivalent to devices available in the society in which aid is being provided."

"Yeah? And? Humans can't make lanterns."

"We don't have to, it doesn't matter. Okay, this means that you can use a dermal regenerator anywhere where they have dermal regenerators, but if you go somewhere where they don't then you can't but you can still use construct-splints on broken bones or use construct-needles to sew wounds shut."


"Ra's al Ghul claims to have created the first Lazarus Pit in the fourteenth century, and Batman's investigation confirmed that that's probably true. That means that you can use Green Lantern Corps equipment to provide aid equal to something which can cure death, because in theory any human could get access to it."

His face stills.

"You can literally fly anywhere in this Sector and bring back any medical technology you can legally acquire and release it for public use. You can't sell it, allow others to profit directly from it, explain how it works yourself or spend more than… Ah, 'a reasonable amount of time' doing that rather than working on law enforcement, but you can do it. Since 'Corps resources' explicitly includes your lantern and ring, you can let Alan recharge so long as him doing so isn't 'prejudicial to the wellbeing of life and order in your assigned Sector'. I don't think that some of these rules were written with Earth's particular brand of madness in mind. Oh! Got another one."


"Another way to let Alan recharge. It's from the section on the remuneration of 'mentors, aides and assistants'. You're allowed to hire people to assist you in your work, or benefit from relationships equivalent to what would exist in your society if you were not a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Humans have had apprenticeships for as long as we've had jobs, and sidekicks for nearly as long as we've had superheroes. If Alan agrees to tutor you, then you can class him as an 'auxiliary instructor', which doesn't let you do more than pay him. Except, since you're both American, and it's 'in keeping with local custom' for Americans to receive healthcare provision via their employers… The rules explicitly don't differentiate between insurance and direct provision. You're obliged to make sure that he receives it. Which, again, includes the use of Corps resources because in some places you have to let your weapons tutor try out your weapons as part of a coming of age ritual."

Huh. That wouldn't work if either of them were from somewhere with state-provided healthcare. That's the first time America's backwards attitude has come in handy for anyone.

Hal looks at me dubiously. "And you think the Guardians will buy that?"

"Can't know until you ask. But I'd be surprised if it didn't work in the short term. Are you willing to give it a go?"
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Yeah, that 'Batman always knows best' attitude is why he ended up a living all alone at Wayne manor having left Gotham hardly any better than he left it and having more or less ruined the lives of every member of the Bat family that was still alive when Batman beyond started.
It was a lot more complex then that.

Also Barbra turned out perfectly fine, so I wouldn't say he ruined her life.

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