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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Why is there a entire segment of physics, called "magic", used by lots of people including several entire underwater cities (who are only able to live underwater because of said physics)

People do use their superpowers for jobs in DC- Kapitalist Kouriers, Manhunter was a bounty hunter, Power Company acts as a private security firm, Private Eyes is a private investigator, Hitman is an assassin.

Just because things are out of focus doesn't mean they don't exist. Bruce Wayne has never been shown to go to a proctologist, that doesn't mean that colonoscopies aren't a thing in DC.

As for scientists in DC...You mean like the Atom with his shrinking technology? The government scientist who made the X-ionizer that can let a paper airplane cut through metal? You mean like Will Magnus who built a computer chip that makes sapient shapeshifting robots? You mean like Amos Fortune who has luck manipulating technology?

And speaking of superscience in DC, Atlantis does not live under the sea because of magic. Zoat made that up. Which is his prerogative, but it's silly to complain about DC doing something you find nonsensical when it's something Zoat made up.

Atlanteans live under the water thanks to science. A scientist invented a means to genetically alter people to live underwater. A wizard spiked the serum, resulting in the people of Tritonis slowing becoming merpeople over the generations, and Aquaman's marine telepathy.

From Kaldur's vague description makes it sound like much the same thing happened in YJ, since he said Atlanteans were altered through a combination of technology and magic, and that over millenia the people of various city states evolved into their current forms, also the fact that Aquaman has marine telepathy in YJ but normal Atlanteans like Garth or Kaldur do not.
I'm just kind of waiting for this to blow up. I mean we know the ring is going to the Guardians. What exactly makes anyone think they're not going to come and get P-12 for their Science Cells? He's already been exposed to Orange Light and could use it. Of course if this happens every contingency goes off P-12 leaves behind. And his Employee's get a target. Remember Cheetah was there when Bats showed up, she knows.
I kinda hope this backfires horribly on JL 12 and only Peter Wynne can help; which he'll do while simultaneously giving them a Reason You Suck speech that gets them to listen, unlike Paul's criticism of their actions affecting Earth -14.
Nah, don't give them a speech, give them an invoice.
Mr Zoat : Have you read Forging Hephaestus? Otherwise known as Villains Code. I think that you would really like it. It seems like a good match for your way of thinking.
The whole Qwardamite thing is silly, since the stuff that rings are normally made of is just the emotional lights themselves, and that sort of has to be available in order to make something that uses it.
Makes me wonder if green rings are made of 'maltusamite' or green light in that universe.
The Earth-12 contigent seem much angrier than Earth-16's would be in there place. When Klarion just totally beat there defenses with starro tech, it was mostly just a "okay, we needed a solution for that but whatever'. I guess their call to action regarding that sort of thing came sooner.
Stewart really never got a chance to scan OL's tech?
Wish they had commented a bit more about his behaviour and strategy than they did.
The whole Qwardamite thing is silly, since the stuff that rings are normally made of is just the emotional lights themselves, and that sort of has to be available in order to make something that uses it.
Was that established as canon in this universe, though? As far as I know, nothing forces that to be true here.
I'm surprised anyone thinks that Paul cares at this point. He's made himself a trillionaire, has an army of employees, and that ring has 0% power. It's not like he'd ever be able to use it again.
its the principle of the thing-
the man's part of a sanctioned paramilitary group recognized by the UN, and he's using his tech to act as a petty thief-and his reputation/standing as a shield against suspicion-

one wonders how many -other- people he may have burgled if this is a normal response to getting catch flatfooted/out-planned, instead of spur-of-the-moment stupidity?
Rich manchild who spent his entire life dodging therapy or not, the law applies to everyone- and i dont think he could of had a justification that would of held up in court when he could have just -asked-.
and i think it'd do him good in the long term to get yanked up short by the court system for ...well... committing a crime? a wakeup call that -this- version of Bruce is in danger of slipping before he has his own "brother eye" level disaster...
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There just mad Batman whent aginst the mc. Truth is Batman is being perfectly reasonable. A civilian has a weapon that can take out planets. Confiscating it makes perfect sense but since Batman is a member of the authority he must be evil. After all he went against the main character. I mean, seriously, the Justice League was created to stop threats to Earth so it's perfectly in their rights to investigate a man who has a weapon capable of conquering whole galaxies, especially when he seems to know things about them that no one else should. In truth since Paul is not a native to that earth they are being lenient. They didn't even interrogate him about his intentions and by law they are probably required to hand them over to the government.
Edited for spelling and grammar,

As I remember it, Justice League 12 has no legal authority to do anything. They're just so useful that most countries allow them in, and when that doesn't happen you get situations like Cadmus 12. If Batman had suspicions he legally should have informed either the local police or MI5. Batman has committed a number of minor crimes here, and the SI was not required to mention his power ring on his citizenship application.
How did Weaponer Lysis know how to repair a ring made from qwardmite, when Power Ring in her universe are made form concentrated emotions?
Universe 50 rings are emotional spectrum compliant. Universe 12 rings aren't. They're pre-War of Light compliant, and all work in more or less the same way as each other.
I kinda hope this backfires horribly on JL 12 and only Peter Wynne can help; which he'll do while simultaneously giving them a Reason You Suck speech that gets them to listen, unlike Paul's criticism of their actions affecting Earth -14.
It's more that Batman describes several scenarios, one of which is like Eath -14, and the SI explains in detail where they went wrong without knowing that it was a real situation.
That's not what it looks like from reading the comments. One person complains about Batman always getting away with it, another thinks Paul should sue, another complaning about Batman stealing the ring after Paul was so reasonable and yet someone else just wants Paul to do a reason you suck speech.

To be frank reading the comments it seems like people are mad that the evil authority daring to go against the main character. I fully expect people to actually be upset and nothing bad happens to the Justice League because of this. After all if nothing bad happens to them you can't show the main character going against authority.
I'm assuming that English is not your first language. In which case, congratulations. Your ability to write in English far outstrips my ability to write in your native language.

Maxx has a long recorded history of hating Batman, both as a character and as a comic. Batman has committed trespass and theft due to something a parallel universe version of Peter did. That is dodgy behaviour, and part of what led to the showdown with Cadmus. That showdown is the opposite of the problem Justice League 16 has in series 3, where they are complying too much and being rendered ineffectual as a result.
Thing is, DCAU Flash wouldn't call him "Captain Cold"; he'd call him Leonard or Snart. This is how Flash treats his "enemies", and it's why he's really the only DCAU Justice League member who's really a hero, and not just a self-righteous face-puncher who thinks his power/money gives him a mandate to ignore any laws they don't want to bother with:
He called him 'Captain Cold' the first time because he was trying to be professional, and he knew that the others wouldn't know who 'Lenny' was. A few lines later he calls him 'Lenny' when Batman brings Peter's face up on the screen.
Agreed. I'm not really surprised at Batman stealing from an innocent civilian here, but I am terribly disappointed. I really do hope that one of the two surprises discussed here actually happen; that kind of arrogance really needs a comeuppance.
Unfortunately, their 'comeuppance' for League highhandedness happened in the previous series in the form of Cadmus. They beat Cadmus.
Mr Zoat : Have you read Forging Hephaestus? Otherwise known as Villains Code. I think that you would really like it. It seems like a good match for your way of thinking.
No. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
I think the image says is 'qwardamite' instead?
Thank you, corrected.
The whole Qwardamite thing is silly, since the stuff that rings are normally made of is just the emotional lights themselves, and that sort of has to be available in order to make something that uses it.
Makes me wonder if green rings are made of 'maltusamite' or green light in that universe.
That only became canon in the run up to the War of Light. Prior to that, power rings were canonically rather different.
The Earth-12 contigent seem much angrier than Earth-16's would be in there place. When Klarion just totally beat there defenses with starro tech, it was mostly just a "okay, we needed a solution for that but whatever'. I guess their call to action regarding that sort of thing came sooner.
Justice League 12 are much less experienced and trying to do much more.
the man's part of a sanctioned paramilitary group recognized by the UN
I don't think that Justice League 12 has that degree of formal recognition.
No. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Thank you, corrected.

That only became canon in the run up to the War of Light. Prior to that, power rings were canonically rather different.

Justice League 12 are much less experienced and trying to do much more.

I don't think that Justice League 12 has that degree of formal recognition.

right, right, sorry, got my timelines crossed, boss >.<
Unfortunately, their 'comeuppance' for League highhandedness happened in the previous series in the form of Cadmus. They beat Cadmus.
I'm not sure Cadmus counts as comeuppance for League high-handedness; if anything it was the opposite. Cadmus-12 was the US government looking at the League and saying "Nuh-uh! Nobody breaks the laws better than the US government!" and forming a CIA black ops team to break as many laws as possible, in as short a time as possible, in order to show up the League.
I'm not sure Cadmus counts as comeuppance for League high-handedness; if anything it was the opposite. Cadmus-12 was the US government looking at the League and saying "Nuh-uh! Nobody breaks the laws better than the US government!" and forming a CIA black ops team to break as many laws as possible, in as short a time as possible, in order to show up the League.
I remember reading that the writers felt they had to shift cadmus into a more stupid evil mold. Because they found themselves agreeing with them, and were concerned that It would made the JLU look like shit.

that kind of arrogance really needs a comeuppance.
It's Batman.
I fucking hate Batman.

I fucking HATE BATMAN.


There is just no escaping his stupid bat-god bullshit.
He can be a bit Insufferable at times.

Where did Batman even get a fake orange ring?
I could see Pauls Company selling Lantern Ring toys & costumes
The mainstream Star sapphire costumes come in the DCAU variant of her costume.

The Comic Version is a big hit at the Adult Shops.

I will be extremely disappointed if it turns out to be the real ring. What really should have happened is that Batman switched the fake ring WITH a fake ring.
Uh Batman I hate to tell you this but that's one of those toy lantern rings with a bit of mildly radioactive isotope on it.

Unfortunately, their 'comeuppance' for League highhandedness happened in the previous series in the form of Cadmus. They beat Cadmus.
True they "beat" Cadmus, but Between the Lexor City fight and Lex hacking their Orbital fusion cannon
The League's Reputation got dragged into the gutter for a while.
I could see Pauls Company selling Lantern Ring toys & costumes
The mainstream Star sapphire costumes come in the DCAU variant of her costume.
I am strongly doubting that, considering that Eros Paul was very agaisnt the erotic version of his armor, because people might try to use them for actual superheroing assuming its bulletproof.
I'm just kind of waiting for this to blow up. I mean we know the ring is going to the Guardians. What exactly makes anyone think they're not going to come and get P-12 for their Science Cells? He's already been exposed to Orange Light and could use it. Of course if this happens every contingency goes off P-12 leaves behind. And his Employee's get a target. Remember Cheetah was there when Bats showed up, she knows.
Unless Zoat re-writes The Guardians, the only one likely to even care about Peter is Ganthet.

And his interest would only be in noting Peter's rather impressive willpower in ignoring the sirens call of the Orange Ring.

As to the ring itself, best case scenario they sever it's connection to the orange light then give it back. Worst case, they destroy it. But well, neither is much of a loss for Peter given it's not just an orange ring, but an orange ring with little to no charge left.
At this point I don't believe for a second he can't give himself galactic threat level powers.

Repeat after me: a higher challenge rating does not necessarily make for a happier life.
Until the JLA starts fucking with you, and stealing your shit because a alternate universe version kicked their ass.
What's really hilarious, is that if this had happened to the main Paul, Vaermina would be having an apoplexy over his "stupidity" that would last pages.
Loosing the ring isn't going to effect Peter's success.

And given the near neurotic panic over it's whispering it might even end up making him happier in the long run.
He was panicking over the whispering because if anyone would be able to get it recharged it'd be Batman and a lunatic with an orange ring equals a dead planet. Peter wasn't worried about it for himself - he's had it for years, he can handle it just fine - he was worried about Batman becoming Larfleeze.
The whole Qwardamite thing is silly, since the stuff that rings are normally made of is just the emotional lights themselves, and that sort of has to be available in order to make something that uses it.
Makes me wonder if green rings are made of 'maltusamite' or green light in that universe.

Oanite. Mined from Oa. Not only are green lantern power rings metal, they're a magnetic metal. Doc Polaris is fully capable of doing the "Why are you hitting yourself? Huh? Huh?" trick with Green Lanterns.

Alan's ring, barring YJ where they decided to go with the boring as hell option, was made by a Chinese man who found the meteorite that resulted from Yalan Gur's ring and lantern melting into slag on reentry.

Like star sapphire rings are made from the crystals that grow on Zamora.

Like the indigo rings are made from the underground rivers of the planet Nok.

Like how red power rings were made from the blood of the Five Inversions.
Alan's ring, barring YJ where they decided to go with the boring as hell option, was made by a Chinese man who found the meteorite that resulted from Yalan Gur's ring and lantern melting into slag on reentry.
And before that, it had nothing to do with any of that crap, and was magic.

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