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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Unfortunately, no one has put a completely legitimate scan of the Starman Annual where the affair is discussed. I've fixed the others, though.

Alas! If I thought it would help I would just re-up all the images I come across to imgur, but that would mean going through and doing a re-re-read to catch them all. Maybe next time I do a read through but that probably won't be for at least a year. That and I don't want to be a pain in the ass about the corrections, this is the first time I've ever actually interacted with the author of a story I'm actively following.

I'm kind of a major introvert.
I asked a lawyer friend and he said this wouldn't technically be legal, but it is the kind of illegal that is only enforced by the lawyers for the defendant objecting to it. So for a civil case, unless Batman wanted to out himself he could show up to court in the cowl and the case could proceed.

It's less clear for a criminal action.

In DC comics, the twelfth (!) amendment protects superhero identities.


Considering our twelfth amendment was added in 1803, apparently superheroes have been operating in the USA for a long time.

That might not apply on Earth 12 of course. :)
Considering our twelfth amendment was added in 1803, apparently superheroes have been operating in the USA for a long time.
(Rule 8 note: This is a discussion of things that happened over 200 years ago. Please, let's keep it that way; this does NOT need to tie into modern interpretations of the 2nd amendment.)

It's not specifically about superheroes. The next panel sheds some more light on it and it makes a lot of sense that it would be a very early amendment -- it has something to do with metahuman powers, and it has something to do with protecting loved ones, and it's something that Superman claims when he takes the stand. GL here also isn't the accused (The Flash is) but only a witness.

One person I saw compared it to the 5th amendment, which protects against self-incrimination in court, but I think it's better to compare it to the 2nd amendment. Metahuman powers provide a force multiplier on par with or beyond weapons, but they can't really be classified as "arms" in any meaningful sense. They're also not exactly something you can deny access to, especially with the tools available in the 1790s. And they're not something that can necessarily be relied upon as part of a militia, because there's no telling who's going to be available when and where or if they're going to be sympathetic to your cause or if they're going to want to blow you up for trying to draft them. So the terms of the 2nd amendment couldn't really be easily extended to cover metahumans.

So I think the 12th amendment ensures that the government can't deny the right for metahumans to use their powers to protect their loved ones. And just as subsequent jurisprudence has placed prerequisites on exercise of the 2nd amendment, it seems that this government has established a similar registration process for metahuman powers. Such registration appears to be a requirement for citing the 12th amendment as a legal defense in cases involving power use.

This doesn't really require "superheroes" as we understand them in a 20th-century context to have been active in the 18th century. It only requires that metahuman powers were sufficiently prominent in the public eye to spark legal debates over them. And we have evidence from other comics that metahuman powers were known in antiquity, so that's unsurprising.

EDIT: I forgot to include what I was going to say about secret identities. There are plenty of reasons to protect one's identity, ESPECIALLY when acting as a witness instead of as a defendant. We even have a Witness Protection Program explicitly for that purpose. So invoking the 12th amendment would essentially be a way of saying "I'm allowed to use my powers, and you haven't convicted me of a crime, so revealing my identity without a good cause would be an unreasonable search".
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Yeah, but in the DCAU Batman helped create a number of long term problems for the Justice league and his paranoid law breaking has also done a lot to create problems for him self with his family as well as his enemies.
As for Wyatt Earp he may be remembered as a hero but a lot of that is because he lived long enough to tell his story to some of the first people to make movies. He started out as a criminal and for most of his life was mostly interested in making money, which is why he and his brothers were in Tombstone.
Criminal, Casino Dealer, Lawman, Hero, and Teatotaler.

IIRC, he was also had that Shootout at the OK Coral because a corrupt judge let a murder go free.
The 12th amendment IRL is the election of the President and Vice President.
DC Comics didn't say that the amendment that we call the 12th Amendment doesn't exist in that universe. It's probably just got a different number on it, or maybe that version of America realized the problems with giving the VP position to the second-place presidential candidate up front and set up a president/vice-president ballot from the beginning.
DC Comics didn't say that the amendment that we call the 12th Amendment doesn't exist in that universe. It's probably just got a different number on it, or maybe that version of America realized the problems with giving the VP position to the second-place presidential candidate up front and set up a president/vice-president ballot from the beginning.
I'm more irratated they didn't even come up with something better.

Anything better. It's the sort of thing you could put under, well, a number of existing Amendments. Or, an entirely new one, but the 12th? That goes back to the begining of the US. Heck, there's no 27th Amendment, right now. If you're going to make something up.......

It's just my realisation, again, that the authors are less that impressive. Oh, well. There's a reason I don't read the comics.
In theory, at the start, the durlan attack which caused him to become August X in Iron is relatively recent and he hasn't yet been promoted yet.

Having thought about it a bit more, I think it makes more sense for him to start as a Colonel and to get promoted to General. If someone would like to point out where the story is currently wrong I will correct it.

Alrighty then. I organized all the ones I could find by chapter.

If they refuse, a man named Captain Fang Zhifu comes to see them."

I generate a life size image of his current appearance.

"His codename, is August Captain In Iron, and he is China's greatest superfunctionary.

This is from a Paragon chapter on the 28th of August.

I mean, you could probably talk them into lending you August Captain in Iron or whoever, but you wouldn't be able to fully trust them.

This is from a Paragon chapter on the 12th of September.

Flanking them are the public faces of the Great Ten: August Captain in Iron,

Captain Fang bows to the bench and then barks an order. The microphones don't quite pick it up and his rigid epidermis makes it impossible to read his lips but everyone around him hears it. Everyone save for Socialist Red Guardsman moves away from the condemned. Hm. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that they're using Gu Lao for this. Despite his spree-killing tendencies he's still well respected amongst the party old guard for his hard-line beliefs. Personally, I don't think even this could rehabilitate the man whose claim to fame is that he soloed Tiananmen Square, but I understand why they might try. Having Zou Kang pull them apart would ruin his image, Xu Tao's arrows wouldn't cut it with immortals-. I think, anyway. Need to check exactly what they can do. And while I'm sure Captain Fang would be happy to spear each of them until they were fully incinerated, the greater visual impact of-.

The iris over Guardsman Gu's chest plasma cannon opens. I had assumed that his suit focused his radiation, but it doesn't. Instead, it uses it to power both the suit's systems and an extremely powerful chest mounted plasma cannon. He looks to Captain Fang, who points to the condemned with his spear. The cannon glows and then:

Pfsssshhhh! Pfsssshhhh! Pfsssshhhh! Pfsssshhhh!

Not even ash remains. Captain Fang looks at the charred ground for a moment before lowering his spear and nodding. The image transitions back to the studio.

These are both from the same Renegade chapter on the 9th of November.

Captain Fang's own report claims that he had to destroy Socialist Red Guardsman's plasma cannon himself to stop him firing.

This is from a Renegade chapter on the 30th of December. Also, if you're making it so that August in Iron only became Iron relatively recently, it seems like Tiananmen Square would have to have happened relatively recently too if August in Iron was able to stop Socialist Red Guardsmen, as Grayven is saying in the above quote. Though making it more recent also improves Grayven's rant about the Justice League not taking action against it.

Captain Fang? Interesting. The Captain's standing a little away from the others,

Captain Fang's voice.

Captain Fang looks at me briefly before his eyes drill into Tao, who cringes slightly in response. I take my place just behind him and place a hand on his shoulder where Kon's body prevents Captain Fang from seeing it.

There's a grating noise as Captain Fang folds his arms across his chest. "I do not believe that one is required. Your devotion to the defence of the Earth has been noted, Grayven."

And he wouldn't be saying that without the Standing Committee's approval. "Thank you, Captain."

These are all from the same Renegade chapter on the 30th of December.

Next to him, staff at the ready, stands August General in Iron.

Captain Fang spots Barda a split second before she lands and swings his staff at her. She parries in mid air with enough strength to knock him back before carrying on her own swing. Savage manages a brief moment of bewilderment before her mega rod strikes his face and keeps going without slowing down, utterly pulverising his head and sending blood, bone and brain matter flying across the floor. Captain Fang returns to the attack

These are both from the same Renegade chapter on the 31st of December.

Captain Fang overextends on a thrust.

Savage, Klarion, Red Guardsman, One Deadly Bother and August General in the meeting hall.

Captain Fang's still hanging in there

These are all from the same Renegade chapter on the 31st of December.

Should work on the good Captain, and from how her pupils dilated slightly and from how quickly she hid the thing I think she got the idea. The exception from that reasonable arrangement was Gu Lao, who is currently in my newly constructed brig. I did offer to arrange for him to have died valiantly while fighting against Klarion but Captain Fang said that it wasn't his decision.

Renegade chapter, 31st of December, you know the drill.

"I understand that congratulations are in order on two accounts, Lieutenant Colonel. Long overdue, in my opinion."

Colonel Fang nods politely. "Miss Wayland."

She bows again, a little nervously. "Congratulations, Colonel Fang.

There's a slight scraping noise as Colonel Fang's face tries to move in shock for a fraction of a second before he clamps down on his feelings.

Colonel Fang's head doesn't move.

I spot Colonel Fang's eyes as they uncontrollably jerk towards his wife.

These are all from a Renegade chapter on the 25th of May. The Renegade mentions that Fang gets promoted this chapter, so he either needs to stay a Colonel, with the mentions of a promotion getting removed, or he needs to be called a General here.

Here are some normal corrections. Mostly just broken links.

I don't know where it is and I only know the name from the song, but I'm sure the ring will be able to find it.

This video is blocked in my country, which is the U.S., for the record.

Even Vas knows that's dumb. And what the hell is 'turbed'?

The video is unavailable.

I still don't think I care enough to hit him hard enough directly…

Oh, that's good.

The "g" in good links to a different video that is blocked in my country.

Me, the arctic wastes, the dulcet tones of Sandi Toksvig on the radio…

The account that uploaded this video has been terminated.

I don't.. think he's been… Involved with

Broken link.

A Cetus is far too big for us to see much of it from this position.

I'm having trouble connecting to the website.

Rob staggers out, still wearing his school uniform.

Broken link.

First link works, the second is a video that is unavailable.

I put my right hand to my forehead. "How did you even get this number?"

"A really pissed off GBS intern."

Ughh. I asked them not to fire her.

Anyway, reason I called. I got a phone call from Nylor Truggs this morning."

"What, you leave your number in a phone box or something?"

"He hacked GBS's phone records.
This looks like a mistake. In one chapter, Truggs says he got Paul's number from Dana Dearden. In the very next chapter, Paul tells Guy that Truggs got it by hacking phone records. Unless Paul didn't want to get Dana in trouble?
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I'm more irratated they didn't even come up with something better.

Anything better. It's the sort of thing you could put under, well, a number of existing Amendments. Or, an entirely new one, but the 12th? That goes back to the begining of the US. Heck, there's no 27th Amendment, right now. If you're going to make something up.......

It's just my realisation, again, that the authors are less that impressive. Oh, well. There's a reason I don't read the comics.
I wholeheartedly disagree. This is actually BETTER than if they had made something up. It suggests that there's a history to this world, one that's different from ours, one where superpowers have always existed and aren't some random new thing that showed up just in time for comics to be written about them. It implies worldbuilding, even if the writers didn't actually put the effort into fleshing it out.

I absolutely ENCOURAGE writers to think about the historical implications of their setting.
(Rule 8 note: This is a discussion of things that happened over 200 years ago. Please, let's keep it that way; this does NOT need to tie into modern interpretations of the 2nd amendment.)

It's not specifically about superheroes. The next panel sheds some more light on it and it makes a lot of sense that it would be a very early amendment -- it has something to do with metahuman powers, and it has something to do with protecting loved ones, and it's something that Superman claims when he takes the stand. GL here also isn't the accused (The Flash is) but only a witness.


From context is that superheroes don't have to reveal their identities, hence protecting their loved ones from retaliation from villains.

As for the federal authority registration, that also showed up in Aztek, and heroes don't have to reveal their identities to register either.

I wholeheartedly disagree. This is actually BETTER than if they had made something up. It suggests that there's a history to this world, one that's different from ours, one where superpowers have always existed and aren't some random new thing that showed up just in time for comics to be written about them. It implies worldbuilding, even if the writers didn't actually put the effort into fleshing it out.

I absolutely ENCOURAGE writers to think about the historical implications of their setting.

In Freedom Fighters, it was shown that North America had superheroes since before Europeans came.

They were shamans, or you know, whatever the equivalent would actually be called.

In Hawkman, it was shown that one of Hawkman's past lives was the shaman of his tribe. Vandal Savage was his brother.

So in DC, superheroes are just the latest name for a phenomena that has been going on for about 50 thousand years.

A conversation invading demons could have in DC-

"And here's our plan for dealing with the Earth's shamans."

"Mystery men, they're called mystery men now."

"No no no, superhero is the preferred term now."
I wholeheartedly disagree. This is actually BETTER than if they had made something up. It suggests that there's a history to this world, one that's different from ours, one where superpowers have always existed and aren't some random new thing that showed up just in time for comics to be written about them. It implies worldbuilding, even if the writers didn't actually put the effort into fleshing it out.

I absolutely ENCOURAGE writers to think about the historical implications of their setting.

I'd agree.

I just don't think they did.

Would you address the rare superpowers before adding the method of choosing the leader of your country?

In fact, given that superpowers aren't new, but wearing a mask to punch people in the face is(Well, newer), the slighest modicum of thinking this stuff through, would have something 20+ as the Amendment in question, or under something like the 5th, or 1st, even.

Just stupid.
Would you address the rare superpowers before adding the method of choosing the leader of your country?
Um... The 12th Amendment was ratified in 1803... and... the Constitution was adopted in 1789. And it was the SECOND constitution that the country had, and the first one got replaced because it didn't sufficiently outline how the government was supposed to work. It would seem a rather significant oversight if OUR universe's United States had gone 14 years without determining how to choose its leaders, especially after 13 years of experience learning what not to do with a government. The 12th Amendment just replaces the original one with one that's less subject to vice-presidential shenanigans.

The comics universe may have still passed the exact same amendment in 1803 in this universe. It just wouldn't have been the 12th one.
Unless it was created specifically to protect the identity of Uncle Sam, in order to protect the knowledge that the founding fathers created him through magic while they were still alive. Magic would be anti-Christian.
Specifically magic that involves consorting with or utilizing demonic powers.
Conqueror's Moon (part 2)
10th February
08:11 GMT -7

Sunset brushes off the remains caught by her lab coat's protective enchantments.

"Oooooohhhh… Kay. I think I know what the problem was."

I nod as I scrape the burned remains of the last sensor off my left arm. "And what was that?"

"You used your god-powers on the area the sensors were in. And on the sensors themselves. And on me."

"You didn't specify-."

Sunset leans towards me, her right finger outstretched. "You haven't conquered me."

"Sunset, you're a vital part of my research and development infrastructure. Conquest isn't about-. I'm sorry, isn't just about destroying anything in your way. It's about all of the mechanisms which make that destruction possible in the first place." Hm. "I wonder what would happen if we gave Celestia a book on plasma physics? I mean, your people don't even have radio telescopes yet."

"How much time have you spent planning what you're going to do in Equestria?"

"Um." Lie mode. "Oh, not long. Oh." I frown. "You're okay with me coming, right?"

Sunset looks away. "Eerrrrrr…"

"Oh, come on."

"Look, it's-. I'm fine with you being there, I just-. This is my thing. You know? Me making my big return and proving Cel-everyone wrong."

"I quite understand. You making your mark, showing off what you've learned and turning into an alicorn in Celestia's face takes precedence. But… Don't you think you'd find it satisfying if you demonstrated the value of your research to your fellow ponies?"

Sunset gives up on trying to get anything from what's left of the sensors and levitates all of the fragments into a thaumically isolated disposal unit. "I… Suppose… I'd find that satisfying. Doing something Celestia wouldn't or.. maybe even couldn't do. Do you have any ideas?"

"The stories you told me about your nation's history involved small groups of heroes fighting monsters against the odds. How capable is your regular army?"

"They're not." A g-promethean walks in with a new tray of sensors and hands them to her. "Thanks." She goes to hand one to me and then stops, frowning. "Wait, I didn't call-?"


"Mn." She hands them to me one at a time and I start attaching them again. "Raw magical power is the main thing that makes a fighter useful in Equestria. There's basically nothing that Princess Celestia can't overpower. All the most powerful pegasus ponies end up in the Wonderbolts; they're the best fliers, but they're trained as show-fliers rather than warriors. The strongest unicorns are usually the magical talents like me, and because Equestia hasn't had a real war in almost a century I don't think any pony in my generation took battle magic as a speciality. Plus, since we get cutie marks when we're young…"

"A pony would have to be a natural battlemage from foalhood."

"Right." She nods. "And earth ponies struggle to hold weapons, let alone fight effectively. Hooves and mouths aren't as good as hands for manipulating things."

"So: weapons ponies can use. Some sort of saddle-mount? A cadet system for pre-mark foals, and… Magic training for earth ponies?"

"Which doesn't exist yet."

"Not in Equestria. Didn't you say that the three tribes migrated there from somewhere else?"

"It's a story; I wouldn't take it too literally."

"But I've got boom tubes. If Equestria hasn't ever checked back on the old homelands, there could be all kinds of forgotten stuff back there."

"The story says that everyone left, and that was over a thousand years ago at least. Even if it's true, I doubt there's anything left but ruins." She checks my placement and then steps back again. "Ready to go again?"

"Yes, but what do you want me to do differently?"

"Try… Reaching further away and… Use less power?"

"Alright, I'll give it a go."

Not… Really something I've got much experience with. Usually, using as much power as I can is best. Hm. My link with Lynne is usually fairly low power, but… It's there all the time and I'm not sure that it would really register properly.


Who have I shaped?

I feel Kon-El as he sits in a classroom in Happy Harbor.

Beneficent Oversight.

I can.. feel the difference as he focuses harder on his work, on the teacher, distractions fading from his mind.

In Dakota City, Edwin Alva's lawyers are working on ways to impede Doctor Metcalf's newfound freedom.

Be Humbled By My Purpose.

And suddenly their own outlined arguments feel inadequate and nonsensical, a confidence that they could tie him up for months at least evaporating.

Freedom stands on the bridge of a warship, his eyes focused on-.

He knows. But there's someone else-.

My vision shatters.

"Uhg." That was.. odd. "Was.. that helpful?"

"It.. was. What happened at the end there?"

"Not sure. Mother Box, where's Scott?"


So not on a-. No, of course not. So what the heck was I seeing? "Sunset, what do your readings say?"

She studies her device for a few moments.

"I.. think your 'god power' works by rearranging local magic fields indirectly to produce an effect. But you're not using local magic to do it. I.. think I just got a look at the Source."

Heh. "I doubt it."

"No. Really. I think it's treating the universe as one high-intensity magic field, even those places that are actually thaumically weak. I don't… Even know how that could work."

"Does it help with 'Project: Alicorn'?"

"I won't know until I analyse the data in detail. What did you do, exactly?"

"Buffed Kon's learning ability, debuffed Edwin Alva's lawyers and I was going to have a go at buffing Scott, but something… Interfered."

"Well…" She creates an illusionary image, wiggly lines which are… Probably.. has.. something to do with local thaumic resonances. Honestly, just as I learn one of her graph formats she changes it to something else. Disadvantage of someone working on the cutting edge, I suppose. "This is what it looked like when you were warming up."

It's not really a peak, but there's a more defined shape to it.

"This is the second part."

The shape's different, but the structure is similar. Me, I suppose.

"And then…"

The third section starts similar, then.. there's another shape. And then… My shape… Doubles… Blurs..?

Another me. And Scott on a ship I now recognise as thanagarian.

"I.. think I need to check up on Earth 50. Now."
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"This is what is looked like when you were warming up."

*This is what it

And suddenly their own outlined arguments feel inadequate and nonsensical, a confidence that they could tie him up for months at least evaporating.

Freedom stands on the bridge of a warship, his eyes focused on-.

He knows. But there's someone else-.

Why would Scott be on a warship? Grayven couldn't possible reach through alternate universes could he?

Another me. And Scott on a ship I now recognise as thanagarian.

"I.. think I need to check up on Earth 50. Now."

He did. Wow.
Sunset brushes off the remains caught by her lab coat's protective enchantments.
Good to see sensible safety practices.

"You used your god-powers on the area the sensors were in. And on the sensors themselves. And on me."
Heh, so general overload?

Sunset leans towards me, her right finger outstretched. "You haven't conquered me."
So I was right, knowing he's trying to 'conquer' you allows you to resist?

"Um." Lie mode. "Oh, not long. Oh." I frown. "You're okay with me coming, right?"
He's been planning shit since the day she arrived, hasn't he? :D

"Look, it's-. I'm fine with you being there, I just-. This is my thing. You know? Me making my big return and proving Cel-everyone wrong."
Amazed there's no Want in that line.

"The stories you told me about your nation's history involved small groups of heroes fighting monsters against the odds. How capable is your regular army?"
What regular army? The royal guard? Pffft.

"A pony would have to be a natural battlemage from foalhood."
And that would be one messed up kid.

"Right." She nods. "And earth ponies struggle to hold weapons, let alone fight effectively. Hooves and mouths aren't as good as hands for manipulating things."
Spiked or bladed barding?

"But I've got boom tubes. If Equestria hasn't ever checked back in the old homelands, there could be all kinds of forgotten stuff back there."
oooh... Fascinating idea. Pity the show never bothered with it.

"Try… Reaching further away and… Use less power?"
Rather than conquest-bombing the local area.

I can.. feel the difference as he focuses harder on his work, on the teacher, distractions fading from his mind.
Heh. I wonder if Kon even noticed?

In Dakota City, Edwin Alva's lawyers are working on ways to impede Doctor Metcalf's newfound freedom.
That would be Hardware's situation resolving, yes?

Oh, dear. That was odd.

So not on a-. No, of course not. So what the heck was I seeing?
what do your readings say?"
Odd line break here, assuming you didn't already fix it.

"I.. think your 'god power' works by rearranging local magic fields indirectly to produce an effect. But you're not using local magic to do it. I.. think I just got a look at the Source."
Wait what.

"No. Really. I think it's treating the universe as one high-intensity magic field, even those places that are actually thaumically weak. I don't… Even know how that could work."
Did she just ping the universe's foundation?

"Well…" She creates an illusionary image, wiggly lines which are… Probably.. has.. something to do with local thaumic resonances. Honestly, just as I learn one of her graph formats she changes it to something else. Disadvantage of someone working on the cutting edge, I suppose. "This is what is looked like when you were warming up."
At this point, she may well be inventing a new kind of thaumatology.

The third section starts similar, then.. there's another shape. And then… My shape… Doubles… Blurs..?
A double image?

"I.. think I need to check up on Earth 50. Now."
Inter-universal road-trip!

Seriously, what did Earth 50 do now? This gonna get weird.

I feel Kon-El as he sits in a classroom in Happy Harbor.

Beneficent Oversight.

I can.. feel the difference as he focuses harder on his work, on the teacher, distractions fading from his mind.

In Dakota City, Edwin Alva's lawyers are working on ways to impede Doctor Metcalf's newfound freedom.

Be Humbled By My Purpose.

And suddenly their own outlined arguments feel inadequate and nonsensical, a confidence that they could tie him up for months at least evaporating.

Freedom stands on the bridge of a warship, his eyes focused on-.

He knows. But there's someone else-.

My vision shatters.
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Magic theory and your concept of god powers is so interesting.

Conveying magic in a sense that makes it both otherworldly yet perfectly sensible is super hard to do.

Also, when Grayven visits Equestria, please let the portal turn him into a male Alicorn?
I always figured the Wilsonian sun and moon were smaller than actual ones. If a ball of hydrogen were contained and compressed by a magic based force field rather than it's own gravity, you could have a tiny star if you created a feedback loop where the energy of the star powered the force field.
I always assumed the Wilsonian universe was geocentric. The sun is the largest stellar object, and everything else is contained on an outer shell, like the medieval model. Luna gets control of the outer shell and moon, while Celestia gets the largest object in the universe, besides maybe Wilson itself, the sun.

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