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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

No, no, wait, I've been here before.
Overconfidence has slain many a Lantern, yes.

"The one with the-" I hold my right fist in her direction. "-yellow ring? The one who fixed your bones? Grayven Sixteen?"
Trouble with the local Grayven confirmed.

"This is what's left of the Thanagarian Resistance."
'Resistance'? I thought Thanagar was in a better position...

"They haven't fired any at me."
Why would they bother?

She brandishes her own mace. "How about we deal with them first?"
Priorities, Grayven.

She dives, viffing in the air to take hold of the shaft of the first soldier's mace with her left hand in order to turn aside his swing while her swing takes him in the unarmoured flank. There's a crack as the entire lower part of his torso skips sideways while still being tenuously connected to his upper torso and legs.
Ow. She's not playing around, is she?

Lantern Grayven, I would be less quick to complain about how your enemies hand you victory.
Some people in the thread would agree. Others, well...

And then I fire, shooting the gunman on the right through the neck and neatly severing his head from his shoulders. And another and another. The remaining three get a clue and turn to flee, dropping face first towards the forest canopy, madly flapping for it.
Actual sensible retreat. Good to see.

And she's panting in terror. Un.. productive.
Little hard to interrogate someone wetting themselves in terror...

"The other Grayven won. The ships we sent back reached Thanagar just in time to pick up escape pods from the Thanagarian fleet as the gordanian fleet took up position to start landing troops." She looks around. "This planet is on the edge of what used to be the Thanagarian Empire. It was being build up as a staging area before it was abandoned due to the war starting. They've been using it as a base of operations."
Ah... Conquest living up to his role.

She smiles ruefully. "You caught that too?"
I'm guessing it's a pun in some language...

"She didn't do anything the rest of us didn't. And.. she's… Changed more."
Oh, really?

"Lantern Grayven, a Thanagarian Command Carrier has just entered orbit. You may wish to take cover."
Oh, that's not good.

The sky blurs, trees explode into pulverised chips around me as I'm slammed into the ground! Through the clouds I see the glow-
Ah, Stormwatch has arrived?

But this time I'm ready. A sonic cannon combined with a vertigo inducer forms on my right hand and fires. Batson's eyes widen and he's forced to evade, his flight slightly unsteady as the intense sound wave tears a swath through the forest below us. Another construct releases a cloud of noxious gas around him, but he seems-.
Wisdom of Solomon, proving useful tactically.

I take a purple death ray out of subspace and shoot him with it.
Oh, let's hope the Stamina of Atlas can cope...

Well, this is amusing. He can't go easy without outing himself as not the local Grayven, but he clearly doesn't want to go full-force.
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You know, I actually don't really know what happened when Renegade previously visited the Justice Lords universe. The story doesn't really do "recaps" and I wasn't reading at the time that arc happened.

I don't even know where to look for it if I wanted to go back and read that arc.

This story could really use some Marvel Style editorial notes. "The Renegade visited the Justice Lords back in Arc XXXX, true believer!" Not to pile more work on Zoat's shoulders, as I'm sure it's hard enough to pump these out daily as it is... perhaps other readers could suggest reference notes to be edited into appropriate chapters?
Oh, let's hope the Stamina of Atlas can cope...

Well, this is amusing. He can't go easy without outing himself as not the local Grayven, but he clearly doesn't want to go full-force.
Actually he picked a great way to go easy and nonverbally communicate his intent: "feel my desire to murder you" shoots a healing beam. Then trust the Wisdom of Solomon to catch on
Conqueror's Moon (part 6)
26th December 2004
21:07 GMT -6

Batson is fast-.

He winces and tries to evade the beam but it's light speed. His best logical option-.

I raise a construct shield and hold it over my head as he flies underneath me.


The lightning bolt strikes, shattering my construct and hitting my body. My armour soaks most of it but I feel an uncomfortable tingling in my left arm. Why are my.. constructs this.. weak?

Fear. The thanagarians are either dead, flying away or staying back, and Batson's got the Courage of Achilles. I'm not scaring him, I'm not scaring Shayera and I'm… Probably not scaring Rayner.

Sorry, Sinestro.

My construct gun vanishes from my right arm and a new one appears on my left. It looks… Slightly more solid than its late yellow counterpart, which I suppose will have to do.

And Batson's looping back so shield over my head again.

"William, why are we-?"

He flies underneath me and then changes direction to fly up underneath me! As soon as I spot his intent I try to evade but he's actually pretty quick. He grabs my legs-.


Conductive cables!

The cables appear, running from my shield to Batson himself.


Then the lightning hits, blasting down from wherever the Wizard's lightning comes from and pouring into my shield. The shield lasts a fraction of a second, but the lightning is mostly redirected around me and into Batson.


And now Batson isn't grappling my legs so much as hanging off them, opening his mouth-.

Gag him.

By your command.


I wreath him in orange chains and then pull him up so that our eyes are level.

"You should really talk to the Wizard about that weakness. That could get you killed."

He glares, but it turns out that the most righteous youth on the planet just isn't very good at actual malice. He looks like a grumpy puppy or something.

"No, seriously, that's your main form of ranged attack and all someone needs in order to end you is a copper wire. Now, if I take the gag out, are you willing to have a civil conversat-?"

A hammer construct hits me in the face, knocking me back in the air as it flies around and comes at me again!

"Mister Rayner, it's poor form to-"

I draw the Sword of the Fallen with my right hand and stab the construct in the head, causing the construct to shatter.

"-take advantage of the fact that your opponent doesn't want to kill you!"


Rayner's construct wall of American football players shatters under Shayera's assault, his follow up brick wall construct failing a moment later. That's the thing to do with Green Lanterns: don't give them time to focus. Keep them off balance. For a low-will high-creativity type like Rayner it should be particularly effective…

Right… Up until the point where Shayera smashes his rib cage in and kills him because her mace doesn't have a stun setting. Need to stop this before that happens.

I turn my attention back to Batson. "I'm going to remove your gag. Don't say 'Shazam'. Okay?"

He looks back sullenly. "M-mrurh."


"Why did you kill those people?!"

"Can you narrow it dow-?"

"The thanagarians!"

"You mean just now? Because they were trying to kill Shayera. And probably me. You have realised that-."

"You're the Grayven from January, not the Grayven from Thanagar. Wisdom of Solomon. But did you need to kill them?"

"Strictly speaking, no, but keeping them alive seemed like an unnecessary risk to Shayera's safety. If you try and kill someone, you lose the right to complain about them trying to kill you. And anyway, they sent out a fake distress call. That's very illegal in most civilised regions. So yeah, heard a distress call, came here, got attacked."

"Why did you come here?"

"There was a distress call."

He regards me sceptically.

"And I wanted to link up with the Lords who'd signalled they were responding, and I was interested in the nth metal ore. Honestly, I was just expecting some miners. Is there any chance you could call Rayner off so we can go our separate ways?"

"You tried to take over America!"

"And I saved millions of lives while getting hit by a nuclear weapon your 'totes legit' president shot at Washington. I really do think that you'd have to be rather unreasonable to bear a grudge about it." I look upwards towards where their ship is settling into low orbit. "The only reason I'm not gagging you, grabbing Shayera and boom tubing away is that I want to make sure that Scott's alright before I leave."

"Mister Miracle? Why wouldn't he be?"

"I was practising with my god powers earlier and when I tried empowering him I got interference.. probably from your Grayven."

"Um, we dropped him off on Thanagar."

My eyes widen. "Okay, I know he's good at escaping stuff, but another me isn't going to use X-Pit style traps and tricks. He's just going to carry out an orbital strike on the area Scott is in if he feels that his authority is being undermined. Scott isn't even bullet proof. What the hell did you leave him on occupied Thanagar f-?"

"We're trying to evacuate refugees because the other you is using reprisal attacks to keep control of the thanagarians."

Ah heck. What exactly happens if the God of Conquest wins a god-fight with the God of Freedom? Nothing good, I'm sure.

"Fine. I don't object to that and Shayera is probably all in favour." I look around. "Are we good now? Can we call an end to hostilities?"

"Can I turn back?"

"I don't know, Batson. Is Kara in a position to blindside me yet?"

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He winces and tries to evade the beam but it's light speed. His best logical option-.

I raise a construct shield and hold it over my head as he flies underneath me.
Yeah, easy to see that coming.

The lightning bolt strikes, shattering my construct and hitting my body. My armour soaks most of it but I feel an uncomfortable tingling in my left arm. Why are my.. constructs this.. weak?
One guess, Corpsman.

Fear. The thanagarians are either dead, flying away or staying back, and Batson's got the Courage of Achilles. I'm not scaring him, I'm not scaring Shayera and I'm… Probably not scaring Rayner.
The joy of fighting Superheroes. Gotta wonder how Sinestro managed it.

My construct gun vanishes from my right arm and a new one appears on my left. It looks… Slightly more solid that its late yellow counterpart, which I suppose will have to do.
Because you don't want this fight...

Then the lightning hits, blasting down from wherever the Wizard's lightning comes from and pouring into my shield. The shield lasts a fraction of a second, but the lightning is mostly redirected around me and into Batson.
Serious drawback, that.

He glares, but it turns out that the most righteous youth on the planet just isn't very good at actual malice. He looks like a grumpy puppy or something.
Too nice a boy, I guess.

A hammer construct hits me in the face, knocking me back in the air as it flies around and comes at me again!
How rude!

Rayner's construct wall of American football players shatters under Shayera's assault, his follow up brick wall construct failing a moment later. That's the thing to do with Green Lanterns: don't give then time to focus. Keep them off balance. For a low-will high-creativity type like Rayner it should be particularly effective…
So, how did he earn the ring in this universe? I doubt he's the most courageous person in the sector...
Also: That's the thing to do with Green Lanterns: don't give them time to focus.

Right… Up until the point where Shayera smashes his rib cage in and kills him because her mace doesn't have a stun setting.
Joy of a berserker.

"You mean just now? Because they were trying to kill Shayera. And probably me. You have realised that-."
Faceless Mooks and all. Not optimal, but...

"Strictly speaking, no, but keeping them alive seemed like an unnecessary risk to Shayera's safety. If you try and kill someone, you lose the right to complain about them trying to kill you. And anyway, they sent out a fake distress call. That's very illegal in most civilised regions. So yeah, heard a distress call, came here, got attacked."
It's called Self-defense, kid.

"You tried to take over America!"
"Not seriously! Believe me, if I'd been trying, you'd know it."

My eyes widen. "Okay, I know he's good at escaping stuff, but another me isn't going to use X-Pit style traps and tricks. He's just going to carry out an orbital strike on the area Scott is in if he feels that his authority is being undermined. Scott isn't even bullet proof. What the hell did you leave him on occupied Thanagar f-?"
And who was holding the idiot ball for any of that to seem sensible?

"I don't know, Batson. Is Kara in a position to blindside me yet?"
He knows how they think, for sure.

Well, that was pleasant enough. Let's see if things can remain civil for a while longer.
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Wait, so they let Grayven take over Thanagar, then the only thing they did when things turned to shit was drop of Scott as a guerilla type thing and now they are complaining other Grayven is killing Thanagarians that attacked him?

This seems a little...schizophrenic.
Wait, so they let Grayven take over Thanagar, then the only thing they did when things turned to shit was drop of Scott as a guerilla type thing and now they are complaining other Grayven is killing Thanagarians that attacked him?

This seems a little...schizophrenic.
One of the problems with writing superhero fanfiction is that if you're writing them in-character, a lot of the major characters tend to come off as either crazy, idiots, or crazy idiots.
The joy of fighting Superheroes. Gotta wonder how Sinestro managed it.
He mostly fought Green Lanterns who were afraid of him.
So, how did he earn the ring in this universe? I doubt he's the most courageous person in the sector...
Superman: The Animated Series never really made that clear.
Also: That's the thing to do with Green Lanterns: don't give them time to focus.
Thank you, corrected.
It's called Self-defense, kid.
Defence of another, actually.
And who was holding the idiot ball for any of that to seem sensible?
Scott himself. He wants to help more people and he has a Mother Box for boom tubing.
Wait, so they let Grayven take over Thanagar, then the only thing they did when things turned to shit was drop of Scott as a guerilla type thing and now they are complaining other Grayven is killing Thanagarians that attacked him?

This seems a little...schizophrenic.
Actively killing someone isn't the same as choosing not to help the people who recently tried to blow up your planet.
Ah, what do we have here? That should be 2004.
Thank you, corrected.
Nobody in the Royal Flush Gang can fly, right?
Metallica can stand on a metal disc and make it fly.
Sinestro's a better Lantern than Grayven for sure, Grayven's lantern abilities aren't really that great, probably because he focuses on his New God technology and powers, using the rings as accessories and easy-to-use tools. Plus, almost every Green Lantern is, even subconsciously, afraid of Sinestro; I think because of two things, his status as former First Lantern (meaning they acknowledged him as the best of them) and because he apparently survived and came back from Qward, what was supposed to be a death sentence.

For the situation in Thanagar, I don't think Stormwatch could have prevented Grayven 50 from conquering Thanagar, not even the Thanagarian Empire could (they were losing their war after all). So is not like they let Grayven 50 conquer the place, they just couldn't prevent it and now want to help as much as they can, which probably isn't much but they are superheroes and will try, I bet.
Absolutely nothing because you're overestimating the strength of your own power.
His own power? You mean Grayven-50's power? Cause Renegade Grayven has little interest in fighting Scott, especially if it'd cause a metaphysical disaster, so it's not him.

Because Grayven-50 is the son of the God of Tyranny, Terrifying Ruler of Apokalypse, Darkseid. With all the metaphysical oomph that implies.

And Grayven-50 is so conquer-y that he crowned himself ruler of a entire civilization, and has just gotten through pounding another civilization into dust. And he has all the military force used in that campaign at his immediate command.

And he's fighting... a person who has baseline-human strength who's special ability is that he can escape from stuff.

Yeah, sorry but I think I'm going to bet on mister "I can turn your head into a salsa dish with one punch" here.
His own power? You mean Grayven-50's power? Cause Renegade Grayven has little interest in fighting Scott, especially if it'd cause a metaphysical disaster, so it's not him.

Because Grayven-50 is the son of the God of Tyranny, Terrifying Ruler of Apokalypse, Darkseid. With all the metaphysical oomph that implies.

And Grayven-50 is so conquer-y that he crowned himself ruler of a entire civilization, and has just gotten through pounding another civilization into dust. And he has all the military force used in that campaign at his immediate command.

And he's fighting... a person who has baseline-human strength who's special ability is that he can escape from stuff.

Yeah, sorry but I think I'm going to bet on mister "I can turn your head into a salsa dish with one punch" here.
You might want to think of Freedom as a conceptual power - so, does it include escaping from dangerous situations?
Is this Grayven still emotionally crippled thanks to the anti-life exposure? I was never clear on if that was fully healed or just filled in with a stopgap kind of deal made of the emotional light he got exposed to at the time. Still hoping he gets a full rainbow array of power rings by the way.
So, how did [Rayner] earn the ring in this universe? I doubt he's the most courageous person in the sector...
Superman: The Animated Series never really made that clear.

By not being Hal Jordan, who they didn't want to use...oh, you meant in-universe.

Apparently based on backfilling...it wasn't really a retcon, per se...from JL/JLU material John Stewart was "in another sector" when Abin Sur's ring chose Rayner in Universe 12 (also Katma Tui specifically refers to Stewart having sent Kyle to Oa for training at one point in an episode. Presumably Universe 50 had a similar timeline.
You might want to think of Freedom as a conceptual power - so, does it include escaping from dangerous situations?
You're right, Grayven-50 would win by a landslide if they actually fought, but Scott's power would help him avoid any such engagements.

Still though, if the fight happened It would probably be very one-sided. I wouldn't say that any of the Grayvens are underestimating their strength compared to Mister Miracle, unless his power is much stronger than we know and could make it effectively impossible for a fight like that to happen in the first place.

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