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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's kind of ironic and amusing that the Renegade's worst moment, one can argue, has ended up being his last option double edged poisonous sword. And that both times he has used or showed it is against his Grayven alter-ego.

Besides that, Scott is 'best bro', and that 'Doctor Nobody' guy better run or he won't like when the Renegade gets his hands on him. I mean, I don't think Scott will let the Renegade exercise his right for lethal retribution but 'mishaps' happen, you know.
I nod to myself. "Where do we go from here?"
In a non fan-fiction world to New Genesis to have the Anti-Life equation that's slowly killing you removed.

But since this is a fan-fiction I am going to guess to go pick up your miraculously surviving allies. (Except maybe the Genomorphs who are pretty much faceless clones so don't really count on the "always survive" scale.)
Seeing Renegade using emotion to fight Anti-Life and the fact he's not gone full on Orange to the degree of core timeline Paul makes me wonder if we'll see more Lights in the future. Not necessarily as far as becoming a White Lantern, but getting enough rings to constitute a reasonable emotional range seems like a good way to contain his Anti-Life fragment and ready himself for a potential conflict with Darkseid.
In a non fan-fiction world to New Genesis to have the Anti-Life equation that's slowly killing you removed.

But since this is a fan-fiction I am going to guess to go pick up your miraculously surviving allies. (Except maybe the Genomorphs who are pretty much faceless clones so don't really count on the "always survive" scale.)
Well that depends on how reasonable highfather is planning on being
"Why is it that the cruel always believe they have a monopoly on ruthlessness?"
ohhh, i like that one- one of your own, or a reference my brain missed?
got one i like myself-
to quote Commodore Terekhov from Honour Harrington:
"Why is it that people like you always think you're more ruthless than people like me?", after responding to a threat to execute civilian hostages with a precision orbital strike....
ohhh, i like that one- one of your own, or a reference my brain missed?
got one i like myself-
to quote Commodore Terekhov from Honour Harrington:
"Why is it that people like you always think you're more ruthless than people like me?", after responding to a threat to execute civilian hostages with a precision orbital strike....
That's actually exactly what I was referencing, I just couldn't recall the exact wording.
Wow, Scott can deal with the Anti-Life pretty easily o_O
that would be because in the comics Scott contains a full copy of the anti-life equation.
The source seemed to enjoy the Irony of giving the god of freedom the ultimate means of enslavement.

Well Grayven-5o has now known fear and it's just the beginning of his shitty day.

That's five different equations.
No, it's one equation with some associated variable substitutions and identities. We don't say "E=mc2​ where c=speed of light, m=mass, E=energy" is four equations.

Is this supposed to be 'sarcophagus' or does Apokolips have boxes that consume their occupants? Given the capital letter and the way Apokolips does things, the latter really wouldn't surprise me whatsoever...
It's kind of ironic and amusing that the Renegade's worst moment, one can argue, has ended up being his last option double edged poisonous sword. And that both times he has used or showed it is against his Grayven alter-ego.

Besides that, Scott is 'best bro', and that 'Doctor Nobody' guy better run or he won't like when the Renegade gets his hands on him. I mean, I don't think Scott will let the Renegade exercise his right for lethal retribution but 'mishaps' happen, you know.
Bold of you to assume Doc Impossible would die so quickly and easily.

That Grayven would let him.
In anti life is Self = Dark side

I'm pretty sure self=null in the anti-life equation.

Paulven's views of "The biggest badass is not the guy who gets in all the fights; it's the guy who ends them." probably isn't that obvious to a native Apokoliptian.

It translates pretty well to real life too. I've seen studies that indicate that the more martial arts training you have the less likely you are to actually get into a fight (other than martial arts competitions, of course, but those don't count since they're not real fights).
In anti life is Self = Dark side

I'm pretty sure self=null in the anti-life equation.

Self=Null is part of it. It's cropped up in this story, IIRC, only in conjunction with people who've been exposed to the antilife and brainwashed into mindless drones.

Self=Darkseid has also made an appearance, but only when Darkseid himself has also made an appearance. It appears to be the result of him incorporating a fragment of the equation into himself.
Zoat, while I have you, why did we never get the Captain Marvel/Billy Batson discussion with the SI about Nabu, I was looking forward to that but we skimmed over it before the fight where they rescued Adom's brother-in-law from the anti-life
No, it's one equation with some associated variable substitutions and identities. We don't say "E=mc2​ where c=speed of light, m=mass, E=energy" is four equations.

But they aren't substitutions;
companionship + understanding + assurance + joy + altruism ÷ respect ÷ commendation ÷ sympathy x innocence x dignity x success x acceptance y=n where y=despair and n=caution, love=truth, death=rebirth, and self=light side
The variables despair, caution, love, truth, death, rebirth, self, and light side are not used anywhere in the rest of the equation. They aren't associated with the first equation at all, or with each other, so they're separate equations.

Also, now that i look at it further, there's a fair bit of ambiguity with the order of operations because of how its laid out. It might simplify to:


Hmm... from googling, I think the most correct way to simplify it is...

which condenses into

...Would it have killed Highfather to use some parentheses? Or even some better formatting, at least? He has Mother Boxes, he can get one of them to teach him bloody LaTeX.
The second, more or less.

Is that concept (and word) your own invention or something from DC canon? It reminds me a bit of the Blood Angels' use of what are basically high-tech vampire-esque coffins; I'm wondering if that was an inspiration.

Zoat, while I have you, why did we never get the Captain Marvel/Billy Batson discussion with the SI about Nabu, I was looking forward to that but we skimmed over it before the fight where they rescued Adom's brother-in-law from the anti-life

I would have liked to have seen that as well, as well as honestly every other member (or at least most of them). Black Canary would have been especially good to see, given her role as counselor for the Team. But I imagine it would be tiresome to write Paragon having generally the same counter-arguments and reactions to everyone. There was a bit of discussion of it with the Team as a whole, but it was still kind of glossed over, though there are some good moments like Paragon's "what burden?" response to Kaldur.

On another note, the thought occurs to me that Mr Zoat may write/create another iteration of the SI who landed in a world where season 3 is included in canon (though I hear season 4 is on the horizon so it's probably best to wait). I asked before how things would have changed in WtR if season 3 was canon, with the answer that not much, but I think knowing the Light's true motivations, even if their practices don't represent the most optimal or intelligent way to realize their goals, could change a lot of how they deal with Paragon's capabilities and feats (though given season 3's horrendous treatment of Luthor I'm fine if this doesn't happen). I may have said this before, but most of the great YJ fics were or are being written before season 3 was released so it would be interesting to see any new ones and how they would deal with new/expanded source material.
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Conqueror's Moon (part 21)
27th December 2004
22:08 GMT -5

"He was preparing to leave when we arrived."

Scott checks both directions, his multi-cube set to a sensor-disrupting configuration.

"You bet he was. I doubt he was expecting you to turn up, but this whole set-up was definitely intended to lure Stormwatch away from Earth." He glances back at me. "How are you holding up?"

"I'll have nightmares for weeks. And I'll need Scott Sixteen to check the containment; I probably wrecked-"

Sunset frantically shields herself with magic as the station is destroyed around her, her weak defence lasting just long enough that she knows that she'll die before it breaks and her lungs collapse. She shouldn't have come here.

Hinon's words ring true and the Dog Soldiers burst through the walls, their blasters scything down the few who dared dream-.

"Whoowph." Freedom from Limitations.

I pick myself off the floor as Scott holds his Mother Box up to me. I feel… Better…


"How exactly did the other me contain it?"

"'Exactly'? I don't know. He said that he made a pearl from my soul to surround it. I felt better after reaffirming each part of the emotional spectrum. Would you mind helping?"

"I'll do a lot of things to stop that leaking out again."

I nod. "Are we in the clear?"

"For the moment, sure."

I hug him, pulling him tightly into me. Scott takes a moment, then grips with his left arm so he can pat me on the back with his right.

"You know, for some reason, I never get this from Orion."

"Or Kalibak. You should visit. I can't imagine not having Lynne with me, and I owe that to you and Barda."

"Alright. After we deal with Grayven the Anti-Hugger. Ah. You gunna let me go..?"

"Yes." I release him. "But I may need to grab you again later."

"Alright." He peeks out of cover again, then leaps, sticking to the wall and scrabbling up until he reaches the ceiling. He then proceeds to scurry out of my line of sight.

I know that I wasn't entirely coherent last time this happened, but I remember feeling really weak. This time… I didn't feel any physical weakness when I used the Anti-Life fragment against Grayven and the tamaranian. Psychologically, yes, it was horrible… Darkseid certainly wasn't weak, for all the Anti-Life fragments he acquainted himself with. I wonder what was different this time?

Scott drops from the ceiling, twisting as he does so to land lightly on his feet. "One squad of guards who won't care whether we walk past them or not."


"Because I dosed them with something that inhibits their initiative."

"Oh. I wasn't sure-."

"Bodies would be a giveaway. Your alter ego would probably feel it if a soldier sworn to him died."

I nod. "True. I don't suppose they're coherent enough to know where Barda is being held?"

"No. I don't even know that she's on this ship." He holds out his Mother Box and waves her around for a moment.


"I suppose it's as good a direction as any other."

He leads the way down a corridor which looks to me like most of the others.

"Wouldn't Barda have broken free at the same time as we did?"

"Barda doesn't have the resistance to the Anti-Life equation that we-. Ah, that I do. She might not have got away before the Sarcophageus reactivated."

I should be thinking, but I can barely focus well enough to trudge after Scott. Frustrating as I'm sure this weakness would be if I could focus well enough to get properly angry, it's.. interesting. Grayven 50 fled rather than confront the Anti-Life, and I'm.. if not exactly skipping like a summer lamb, then at least functional.

"What do we do after this?"

"After we free Barda and Kyle?" I nod. "Try and stop Grayven. I don't think he'll destroy the Earth, but I still don't want him taking it over."


He stops, glancing back at me. "You do remember what I'm the god of, right?"

"Do you remember what I'm god of?"

"Ah. Actually, no. I don't think anyone ever told me."

Oh. "Conquest."


"I'll kill him for killing Sunset and Rex, but that's personal. If you look at the governments of Earth, why are you certain that Grayven is worse?"

He snorts quietly. "You or him?"

"Both, I suppose."

"Earth has hundreds of different ways of ruling. Grayven can use his divine powers to make himself supreme."


"So that's it. No one will ever try out other systems of government again. I'm not just 'I'm free now', I'm 'I'm becoming free'. I'm recognising the value of freedom. I can live with a degree of tyranny as long as people can see it for what it is and fight against it. If Grayven takes over, that's it. No more systems, no more noble experiments, just Grayven, stamped on the face of the human race, forever."

How melodramatic. "Are you coming over all libertarian on me, Scott?"

"No, because I recognise that threats to freedom don't just come from governments." Break the Wheel.

"Heh. Tell you what: once I become an absolute autocrat of somewhere I'll invite you over and see if you can find any actual faults in the system I create."

"And if I do, you'll give it up?"

"No, I'll fix them. I want my people happy-. Well. Generally satisfied and happy at times. An external hostile viewpoint would be useful in identifying problems."

"I think you're missing the point."

"We are rather different people, but I prefer engagement to-."

The wall in front of us explodes, and-! Barda stomps through.

"Scott, you found him for me."

"Barda." He holds up his hands in a placatory gesture. "He's not the Grayven from this universe."

"I know. And?"

"We might need him." She appears sceptical. "And he's carrying an Anti-Life fragment. We don't know what happens to those when the one carrying them dies."

2nd Best Barda growls under her breath, then glances back through the wall rubble as a ringless Rayner emerges.

I nod to him. "Rayner. If you're injured, I've got a purple healing ray."

He nods. "Yeah. Thanks." I remove one from subspace and toss it to him. He catches it, examines it for a moment and then plays it over his body. "So. What's our next step?"
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