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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I just finished reading after promising myself to not read for the rest of the week till Friday due to the cliffhanger aspect of these postings. But, Zoat's ability as a writer dragged me out of "read-only" mode to comment:

HOLY S**T! I loudly exclaimed that as I read the end of the latest part. I mean, wow, and Zoat is known to not pull punches. I hate ruthless non-charismatic characters. Be an ass, but be a charming ass, and I feel that Paragon Paul is too much of an ass at times when doing the old murdering assholes in space thing. Renegade is funny and charming, makes seeing people being brutalized much easier to swallow when he does it.

Again his whole character is soft balling his power, be subversive as opposed to oppressive. Graven 50 just does not give an F and just wants to let his New God nature rule his decisions.

"Every time you willfully, unnecessarily make an enemy, you create an extra opportunity for things to go horribly wrong.

And the payoff of this statement comes moments later as he in FRONT of a basically more decent version of himself decides to start his invasion by blowing up the Justice Lords Watchtower while some of what Grayven 16 considers to be his stuff is on-board. And Grayven had stated to Grayven 50 a better methodology that works and he just goes with Military Conquest because of f'ing PRIDE.

Life=Pain indeed.
See Grayven? This is what happens when you recklessly mess with Apokolips.

And now he recklessly mess with the Anti-Life.

Rene-Grayven is kinda compounding his failures right now.
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Ohhhhhhh... That was Renegade's piece? For some reason I thought it was Impossible or Grayven using a new piece on him.
Nope; that was the piece Darseid gave to Grayven after Jade left him, or rather showed that they were never really together in the way he thought they were the whole time.

Fitting, in that I suspect he's employing it in an instance where he believes Sunset dead, when in reality she wasn't there either.
The wreckage. There isn't all that much left, but… There were only two things of any size in near-Earth orbit. And those parts aren't Thanagarian. He just shot the Watchtower. Rex, Batman, the genomorphs.

Are, as you will soon discover, perfectly fine because they weren't on the Watchtower when it was destroyed.
"Good evening, Richard." His face freezes as he recognises my voice. "No, I don't think we have. I've done some work with your father."

"… Seven. And…" He looks around. "Did you kidnap a middle school class?"
Is he using 'Seven' as an identifier for Grayven here? If so, it should probably be Sixteen (short for Grayven from Earth 16) to differentiate him from the native Grayven 50

Okay, taking your chidren to another paralel for breakfast, one were you are a global criminal, seems once again rather reckless.
I thought he took a group from Earth 50 back to Earth 16 and that small town near Challenger Mountain he frequents. There was that passage about him wanting to see what the reaction would be when he showed up with Supergirl in tow, but everyone was used his his shenanigans by now and someone asking her for an autograph was all.

That may not be what happened, but that was the feel I got from the episode. And he was talking about staking the Justice Lords over shortly before, on account of them being persona non grata on Earth 50...

Given how much his mind's been messed with, I'm not sure he doesn't actually remember getting such a lesson.
Especially when the piece of technology responsible for 'rebuilding' his soul was probably present when that scene occurred, and could have easily transferred those 'missing' memories over to Grayven sometime during the process.

This post has not been liked by Zoat; perhaps it got overlooked?

Or is there a New God of Unfreedom I don't know about? With Darkseid dead there's probably some metaphysical room opening up.
Ok, remember way back when ReneGrayven first started getting his godpowers and mantling was brought up? And wondering if ReneGrayven was siphoning ActualGrayven's Domain of Conquest? Like there was this exclusivity clause like there was this exclusivity aspect to New God domains and once Grayven became the New God of Conquest that meant he like owned the idea of Conquest and if anyone else wanted to be Conquest if meant they had to be more Conquest and steal some of that conquest from Grayven my Mantling Conquest.

And the author got a bit huffy and weighed in to say 'This isn't Dresden Files' and 'There will be no Mantling in WTR'? Where ReneGrayvens Conquest and ActualGrayvens Conquest were their own things, because what Domain a New God gets is about them, their personalities and powerset and individual growth, not about what job openings are available.

But this thing you just wrote, about 'metaphysical room opening up' and Darkseid needing to die before a New God could develop the Unfreedom domain? That sounds a lot like mantling there...

[Cheek] Did you know there is a FAQ? Because I feel at this time like I should ask you if you've read the FAQ. I think Mantling came up enough times it was added to the FAQ. Except it seems to be a memetic truth that no one has read the FAQ. Even the author of the FAQ, seems to not have read the FAQ. So.. have you.. read the FAQ? [/Cheek]

Maybe one of the Thanagarian Gods?
You mean one of those seven demons from legend?

Grayven smiles smugly as I make no progress. "Fond of them, were y-?"
Confucius say, Do Not spiritually anguish man with metaphysical nuke housed in soul.
Ever hear about Mutually Assured Destruction?
And I get the feeling the title of the episode wasn't referring to Sunset at all... Unless she had a sudden breakthrough... It's referring to the Renegade...

Are you referring to the name Conqueror's Moon, and your speculation that it would have something to do with Sunset becoming like Nightmare Moon?

I mentioned this a while back, but the episode is likely named after Hunter's Moon, the Justice League Unlimited episode that featured Hawkgirl getting ambushed by Thanagarians wanting revenge. Someone else mentioned that this is based on Mr Zoat's old habit of using modified versions of original episode titles.
This would be more significant if Zoat didnt already confirm that
the Renegade is going to visit the Pony planet, implying that Sunset is fine and the others who were with her likely as well
This would be more significant if Zoat didnt already confirm that
the Renegade is going to visit the Pony planet, implying that Sunset is fine and the others who were with her likely as well
what if he's there to bury her frozen corpse?
Wrong question; you should be asking "How fast can a skilled sorcerer cast a 'enviromental shield' spell? And can they do it without speaking?".
I am pretty sure Sunset uses Atlantean magic, so unless she got tattoos or some tool similar to water bearers, she should need to speak to cast a spell like that, and it should take at least several seconds.
Is he using 'Seven' as an identifier for Grayven here? If so, it should probably be Sixteen (short for Grayven from Earth 16) to differentiate him from the native Grayven 50
I'm sure there was some reason why I had him say 'seven' there but I've got no idea what it was.
This post has not been liked by Zoat; perhaps it got overlooked?
Yes. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. I'll try and remember to do them this evening.
Ok, remember way back when ReneGrayven first started getting his godpowers and mantling was brought up? And wondering if ReneGrayven was siphoning ActualGrayven's Domain of Conquest? Like there was this exclusivity clause like there was this exclusivity aspect to New God domains and once Grayven became the New God of Conquest that meant he like owned the idea of Conquest and if anyone else wanted to be Conquest if meant they had to be more Conquest and steal some of that conquest from Grayven my Mantling Conquest.

And the author got a bit huffy and weighed in to say 'This isn't Dresden Files' and 'There will be no Mantling in WTR'? Where ReneGrayvens Conquest and ActualGrayvens Conquest were their own things, because what Domain a New God gets is about them, their personalities and powerset and individual growth, not about what job openings are available.

But this thing you just wrote, about 'metaphysical room opening up' and Darkseid needing to die before a New God could develop the Unfreedom domain? That sounds a lot like mantling there...

[Cheek] Did you know there is a FAQ? Because I feel at this time like I should ask you if you've read the FAQ. I think Mantling came up enough times it was added to the FAQ. Except it seems to be a memetic truth that no one has read the FAQ. Even the author of the FAQ, seems to not have read the FAQ. So.. have you.. read the FAQ? [/Cheek]

It's a combination of Grayven not knowing how it works and Apokoliptians traditionally killing anyone who tries to get a domain similar to their own.
Confucius say, Do Not spiritually anguish man with metaphysical nuke housed in soul.
Ever hear about Mutually Assured Destruction?
He didn't know it was there.
Ok, remember way back when ReneGrayven first started getting his godpowers and mantling was brought up? And wondering if ReneGrayven was siphoning ActualGrayven's Domain of Conquest? Like there was this exclusivity clause like there was this exclusivity aspect to New God domains and once Grayven became the New God of Conquest that meant he like owned the idea of Conquest and if anyone else wanted to be Conquest if meant they had to be more Conquest and steal some of that conquest from Grayven my Mantling Conquest.

And the author got a bit huffy and weighed in to say 'This isn't Dresden Files' and 'There will be no Mantling in WTR'? Where ReneGrayvens Conquest and ActualGrayvens Conquest were their own things, because what Domain a New God gets is about them, their personalities and powerset and individual growth, not about what job openings are available.

But this thing you just wrote, about 'metaphysical room opening up' and Darkseid needing to die before a New God could develop the Unfreedom domain? That sounds a lot like mantling there...

[Cheek] Did you know there is a FAQ? Because I feel at this time like I should ask you if you've read the FAQ. I think Mantling came up enough times it was added to the FAQ. Except it seems to be a memetic truth that no one has read the FAQ. Even the author of the FAQ, seems to not have read the FAQ. So.. have you.. read the FAQ? [/Cheek]
Even if matelling isn't a thing, if any domain is affected by another god gaining power in it, it would be conquest. So Grayven is probably going 'wtf, another me is walking around, encroaching on my domain, and being more effective at it?" and that affects his powers. Most others would be like "so what?". Like, Scott would probably actually be boosted if another god with a domain related to freedom showed up because he wants people to be free.
Hey, Graven 50? There is only one phrase in my vocabulary which can adequately illustrate the extent of your misstep at this juncture. There is, in other words, only one thing I can say with regards to your foolish provocation of your parallel universe counterpart:

Ya dun fukt up sun!
The lesson to take from this for local-Grayeven, Just because parallel version is 'soft pedaling' the primitives doesn't mean he is 'soft' or incapable of taking 'harsh' measures when provoked
The Renegade is a good man, under everything- the ring-reinforced "I-h-has-a-shitty- week-and-want-to-punch-my-boss" aggressive/frustrated mentality aside-
not a -nice- man,quite offen,or an especially patient one, but he has that trait the most dangerous of "good people" who's are more invested in making their world better then pumping their ego (even if they enjoy doing so)have-
push him far enough, get him genuinely enraged/ afraid for his loved ones, the grandstanding, grandiose dramatics, the chances to surrender vanish, and he reaches for the biggest weapon in his arsenal to make the world a better place- and him and his safer....
unless "budget Gravy" (he comes in granules now!) gets very lucky, the smug, grandstanding idiot is about to literally get get his soul cored like an Apple- and he has systematically alienated himself from literally -anyone- willing or capable of putting his soul/emotional matrix back together.
as Stephan king once wrote:
no great loss.

if iseem very harsh ,from my current (tired) POV, OG Grayven 50 is, literally, pathetic- a MORTAL (in mindset) playing at being a god dispite being born a god, whilst the Renegade intuitively understood this dispite living an entire life as a mortal-soft power/conquest is superior over time, hard conquest/ unnecessary armed conflict means an increased risk of death- both of them literally have eternity!

why rush and risk overreaching when you can take your time to solidify your power and reach ( whilst still making progress- not brooding on other people's couches like a certain someone in the memes does)- does it matter if earth is entirely theirs in a week,in smoking ruins, or in a century with far less work needed to fortify it, and the crown laid willingly at their feet?

A true General- a true Warlord thinks in the strategic as well as the tactical-is setting himself up to potentially fight the reach/the guardians if they realise the white entity is in range if someone who might have access to antilife (depending on Intel) really worth that shiny, green-blue rock daddy was so obsessed with?

honestly this version of gravy, well.... feels like a petty thug who lucked into cosmic powers and a shiny warship that was a hands-me-down from daddy- day what you want about the Renegade, but he's FOUGHT for what he has, and learnt from his mistakes, at least some of them....
So... how does Sunset's armor handle a vacuum?
Oh, I'm positive the armour will be fine!
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Is there a tier above "war crime"? Like, a "double war crime" or something?
There are Hitlers, which is using the number of people he had killed in WWII as a standard for measuring the evilness of other people or events in the number of lives lost. Since even the most conservative accounting would be in the millions, even a fractional Hitler would be orders of magnitude worse in scope than a standard war crime.
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There are Hitlers, which is using the number of people he had killed in WWII as a standard for measuring the evilness of others people or events in the number of lives lost. Since even the most conservative accounting would be in the millions, even a fractional Hitler would be orders of magnitude worse in scope than a standard was crime.

Yeah-the next unit is kilohitlers, then the scale switches over the "stalins" at the "giga" point
There are Hitlers, which is using the number of people he had killed in WWII as a standard for measuring the evilness of others people or events in the number of lives lost. Since even the most conservative accounting would be in the millions, even a fractional Hitler would be orders of magnitude worse in scope than a standard was crime.
Do we have the data on how many Hitlers it takes to reach point-one Stalin?
Do we have the data on how many Hitlers it takes to reach point-one Stalin?
They've been arguing over that for decades- they were even talking about a sub-hitler unit named after Turkey, which brings a rather dark joke about coffee to mind.
... *coughs* how -do- you make Turkish coffee?

... you grind up a million Armenian coffee beans and lie about it for a hundred years >.
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