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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'd like to point out that a while a longer knife may look more scary, a shorter knife can still slit your throat, cut any number of arteries or even pierce organs.

Sharpened metal of any size is still incredibly dangerous for the human body.
I haven't read the comics with White Rabbit, so the only place I know her from are these fanarts/jokes by Stjepan Seijic, aka Nebezial/Shiniez on DeviantArt.


If White Rabbit is from post-Flashpoint then why would Zoat be using her? Unless there's an older individual with the same moniker.

Well, there's a Shadowpact villain and a John Henry Irons villain that both use the name "White Rabbit", but neither of them are Alice in Wonderland themed or based out of Gotham like Ms. Hudson of the Biofission fame.
Guys from Gotham (part 8)
16th February
23:48 GMT -5

"I'm glad I didn't have plans this evening."

I note that the police who are loading the gang members into the van are highly experienced in applying straitjackets to uncooperative future-patients. I tried unmuzzling 'Alice' for a little while, but there are only so many insane rants a person can listen to.

Detective Foley nods sympathetically. "You got work tomorrow?"

"I make my own hours, and I don't have any meetings scheduled."

That earns me a smile which is significantly less sympathetic. "Alright for some."

"If you want an orange power ring, you're welcome to go through our training process. We've only driven seventeen people insane so far."

Dox's prognosis -or rather, the prognosis Dox passed on- was that most of them will recover. Shorn of contact with the orange light their minds should be able to return to equilibrium, though obviously it will never be safe to let them wield an orange ring again. I.. don't know exactly the 'drop out' rate I was expecting, but… Honestly, I'm a little surprised it's gone this well.

"They all singing 'New York New York' too?"

"Little more serious than that."

He looks away. "Yeah, I guessed. Think I'd handle it better?"

I stare at him, my eyes flaring orange. Um. Gosh, how the heck did a well balanced individual end up on the Gotham police force? Strands of orange light within reasonable bounds, restrained by socialisation. There's no real core to his identity, no one thing I can point to as his defining characteristic. More green than average, but not exceptionally so. Probably a consequence of having a job that routinely involves confrontation. In the event of an orange light surge… Probably nothing worse than petty selfishness. But at the same time, he lacks the mechanisms to channel the orange light well.

I blink the glow away.

"Yes, probably. But not particularly well, without significant retraining."

He shrugs. "Probably couldn't get the time off work anyways."

"So, again, do you still need me..?"

"The mayor's gunna want to thank you, but he can do that tomorrow. Far as I'm concerned you can go. We know how to get in touch if we've got any other questions."

I nod, wave my right hand and then raise it to my forehead. Alright, where's Selina?

"…quietly as you can."

I'm in a.. small room, an unconscious albino laying on the floor next to an open reinforced door. A mildly dishevelled crowd is creeping out and down a corridor at Selina's urging. Recent abductees? Not a lot of Caucasian faces. Racial targeting or targets of opportunity amongst the unregistered immigrant community?


She looks my way, for a second going into a combat pose before recognising me and returning to her previous level of alertness.

"Can you get them out faster?"

Hm. My vision is being blocked, radio.. also being blocked.

"Where are we?"

The liberated prisoners stop, making way as Selina walks over to me.

"Underneath the Breed Building."

"And why are we being quiet?"

"Guards. One of them was a dog made of darkness. I think there's something magical going on."

I nod. "Are you wearing the spell eater-?"

She nods, smiling. "Never leave home without it."

"Quickest way out is for me to cut a tunnel through the ground. Lots of noise and collateral damage. Or I can fly us out the way you came in, which any competent wizard will have warded."

"How good are you at fighting ancient sorcerers?"

"Really good. The older the better, really; they're less likely to have kept themselves up to date."

I can see the patterns of activity as she thinks it over. While perfectly capable of acts of selflessness, Selina isn't a superhero. She doesn't have the burning need to shove her hands into fires that they… That we do. Given the opportunity to do what she set out to -rescue these people- she's perfectly happy to leave the rest to a professional.

She turns to the crowd. "Anyone up for running away really quickly?"

Several nods, a few of the braver ones even smile. I redon my armour, switching out a few of the anti-telepathy systems for the newer magic-baffles. With three rings' worth of power to draw on the cost of putting things like that in subspace is much less of a problem than it used to be, and something about Larfleeze's ring makes it easier still. Age, perhaps? Prolonged contact with the Ophidian? Don't know.

I generate a large and -due to the space requirements- somewhat flattened crumbler gauntlet construct. They don't usually make much noise, but I'll add a suppressor anyway. And up it goes, cutting a steep tunnel out through the Gotham… Soil, right, transmuting some supports to keep the tunnel intact. The braver prisoners are edging towards the construct-.

Selina smiles as she takes the lead.

"Let's not stick around while a Lantern fights an ancient sorcerer. I doubt digging a giant tunnel under a skyscraper made this place any safer."

And with her in the lead and a worried glance at the ceiling, they're on their way. I cancel the construct as it punches its way through the street outside the lobby. I sliced through some power cables, but this whole building is going to need to be mystically decontaminated anyway

"Huh. You took down White Rabbit. I wonder if his feet are luckier than the rest of him?"

A woman with white hair and wearing a black mask, tight-fitting black t-shirt and black cycle shorts walks through the door.

"I doubt it. He was taken down by Catwoman. Are you the hierophant of this little cult?"

She blinks, confused. "Hierowhat?"

That sounds like a 'no'.

"Alright. Take me to your leader so I can beat him, her or it into a stupor and get on with my day."

"Yeah, no." Her body begins to disintegrate, the blackness around her taking on a new shape as it does so. "I-."

My world darkens as my photon cannon shoots her in the face-


-and she collapses to the ground, her shadow construct failing and her human body returning. Interesting. I knew there were other people who could draw power from the Shadowlands, but I hadn't specifically heard of this one before. I take a dimensional stabiliser out of subspace along with a set of manacles and start binding her.

Now, while I could probably handle whoever's running the show myself, I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to have some expert advice.

Ring, phone John Quinn.
Last edited:
"I'm glad I didn't have plans this evening."

I note that the police who are loading the gang members into the van are highly experienced in applying straitjackets to uncooperative future-patients. I tried unmuzzling 'Alice' for a little while, but there are only so many insane rants a person can listen to.
Mostly variations of "I'll get you for this!" no doubt.

Detective Foley nods sympathetically. "You got work tomorrow?"

"I make my own hours, and I don't have any meetings scheduled."

That earns me a smile which is significantly less sympathetic. "Alright for some."
Eh, the mental requirements are kind of extensive... 'High stress' doesn't even begin to cover it.

"If you want an orange power ring, you're welcome to go through our training process. We've only driven seventeen people insane so far."

Dox's prognosis -or rather, the prognosis Dox passed on- was that most of them will recover. Shorn of contact with the orange light their minds should be able to return to equilibrium, though obviously it will never be safe to let them wield an orange ring again. I.. don't know exactly the 'drop out' rate I was expecting, but… Honestly, I'm a little surprised it's gone this well.
Presumably the Ophidian is doing something to mitigate the effects. She's probably loving seeing all the different Wants anyway.

"They all singing 'New York New York' too?"

"Little more serious than that."

He looks away. "Yeah, I guessed. Think I'd handle it better?"

I stare at him, my eyes flaring orange. Um. Gosh, how the heck did a well balanced individual end up on the Gotham police force? Strands of orange light within reasonable bounds, restrained by socialisation. There's no real core to his identity, no one thing I can point to as his defining characteristic. More green than average, but not exceptionally so. Probably a consequence of having a job that routinely involves confrontation. In the event of an orange light surge… Probably nothing worse than petty selfishness. But at the same time, he lacks the mechanisms to channel the orange light well.
In much the same way that not everyone can manage to focus the Green light. In Green Lantern: Rebirth, Green Arrow manages to make a single arrow construct, and he described it as 'like running a marathon', I believe.

I blink the glow away.

"Yes, probably. But not particularly well, without significant retraining."

He shrugs. "Probably couldn't get the time off work anyways."
Dedicated guy, ain't he?

"So, again, do you still need me..?"

"The mayor's gunna want to thank you, but he can do that tomorrow. Far as I'm concerned you can go. We know how to get in touch if we've got any other questions."
I'm sure Alice will never appear again anytime soon. :rolleyes:

I nod, wave my right hand and then raise it to my forehead. Alright, where's Selina?

"…quietly as you can."

I'm in a.. small room, an unconscious albino laying on the floor next to an open reinforced door. A mildly dishevelled crowd is creeping out and down a corridor at Selina's urging. Recent abductees? Not a lot of Caucasian faces. Racial targeting or targets of opportunity amongst the unregistered immigrant community?
And there's the White Rabbit. Mr Zoat didn't lie.


She looks my way, for a second going into a combat pose before recognising me and returning to her previous level of alertness.

"Can you get them out faster?"
All business. Nice to see.

Hm. My vision is being blocked, radio.. also being blocked.

"Where are we?"

The liberated prisoners stop, making way as Selina walks over to me.

"Underneath the Breed Building."
I'd say the building looks suspicious from the architecture, but this is Gotham, home of Gothic architectural fever dreams straight from the Absinthe-addled minds of Byronic madmen...

"And why are we being quiet?"

"Guards. One of them was a dog made of darkness. I think there's something magical going on."
Welp, definitely something supernatural.

I nod. "Are you wearing the spell eater-?"

She nods, smiling. "Never leave home without it."

"Quickest way out is for me to cut a tunnel through the ground. Lots of noise and collateral damage. Or I can fly us out the way you came in, which any competent wizard will have warded."
Never assume your entry method is still available.

"How good are you at fighting ancient sorcerers?"

"Really good. The older the better, really; they're less likely to have kept themselves up to date."

I can see the patterns of activity as she thinks it over. While perfectly capable of acts of selflessness, Selina isn't a superhero. She doesn't have the burning need to shove her hands into fires that they… That we do. Given the opportunity to do what she set out to -rescue these people- she's perfectly happy to leave the rest to a professional.
Admittedly, OL doesn't have nearly as much experience as the Renegade does...

She turns to the crowd. "Anyone up for running away really quickly?"

Several nods, a few of the braver ones even smile. I redon my armour, switching out a few of the anti-telepathy systems for the newer magic-baffles. With three rings' worth of power to draw on the costs of putting things like that in subspace is much less of a problem than it used to be, and something about Larfleeze's ring makes it easier still. Age, perhaps? Prolonged contact with the Ophidian? Don't know.
A handy bonus for investing deep in the Light Shaman skill tree, especially on the Orange branch.

I generate a large and -due to the space requirements- somewhat flattened crumbler gauntlet construct. They don't usually make much noise, but I'll add a suppressor anyway. And up it goes, cutting a steep tunnel out through the Gotham… Soil, right, transmuting some supports to keep the tunnel intact. The braver prisoners are edging towards the construct-.

Selina smiles as she takes the lead.

"Let's not stick around while a Lantern fights an ancient sorcerer. I doubt digging a giant tunnel under a skyscraper made this place any safer."
Ah, Selina, so sensible. If only more heroes were so inclined.

And with her in the lead and a worried glance at the ceiling, they're on their way. I cancel the construct as it punches its way through the street outside the lobby. I sliced through some power cables, but this whole building is going to need to be mystically decontaminated anyway

"Huh. You took down White Rabbit. I wonder if his feet are luckier than the rest of him?"
Ugh, busted.

A woman with white hair and wearing a black mask, tight-fitting black t-shirt and black cycle shorts walks through the door.

"I doubt it. He was taken down by Catwoman. Are you the hierophant of this little cult?"

She blinks, confused. "Hierowhat?"
OL, please don't annoy the unknown metahuman/magic-user with your vocabulary. It never works out well.

That sounds like a 'no'.

"Alright. Take me to your leader so I can beat him, her or it into a stupor and get on with my day."

"Yeah, no." Her body begins to disintegrate, the blackness around her taking on a new shape as it does so. "I-."
Rule of combat #whatever: Never use a transformation with a time cost larger than instant in reach of a hostile.

My world darkens as my photon cannon shoots her in the face-


-and she collapses to the ground, her shadow construct failing and her human body returning. Interesting. I knew there were other people who could draw power from the Shadowlands, but I hadn't specifically heard of this one before. I take a dimensional stabiliser out of subspace along with a set of manacles and start binding her.
Heh, someone OL doesn't remember from the comics. Not that common.

Now, while I could probably handle whoever's running the show myself, I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to have some expert advice.

Ring, phone John Quinn.
OL uses Summon Backup: Info-gathering. Will it be super-effective?

Well, the thread was asking for action. Time to get messy.
Aww...no biofission bunny....with catwoman around to heckle that would have been good fun. Still, This looks like the Shadowpact's counterparts, which seems odd. They didn't form to counter that team....I mean while we've got Blue Devil around and maybe a few of the others we're clearly down a Dete-........wait a minute.......Zoat you magnificent bastard!
Aww...no biofission bunny....with catwoman around to heckle that would have been good fun. Still, This looks like the Shadowpact's counterparts, which seems odd. They didn't form to counter that team....I mean while we've got Blue Devil around and maybe a few of the others we're clearly down a Dete-........wait a minute.......Zoat you magnificent bastard!
care to share

some of us don't know these setting that well
"Yes, probably. But not particularly well, without significant retraining."
You know one of these days someone is actually going to take him up on that offer.

With three rings' worth of power to draw on the costs of putting things like that in subspace is much less of a problem than it used to be
Three rings? He's got his original, Larfleeze's ring, and he gave Stewarts ring to Hinon, When did he get a third?

"How good are you at fighting ancient sorcerers?"

"Really good. The older the better, really; they're less likely to have kept themselves up to date."
Hahaha, funny how developing new techniques turns that "more ancient; more powerful" trope on it's head!
I didn't recognise this name - for a minute I thought he might have called on Richard Swift since I couldn't remember his name either (he was a mostly not-evil semi in good standing guy in this timeline right?), but that seemed like it might be a touch of the nuclear option.
I didn't recognise this name - for a minute I thought he might have called on Richard Swift since I couldn't remember his name either (he was a mostly not-evil semi in good standing guy in this timeline right?), but that seemed like it might be a touch of the nuclear option.

The current Dr Fate after Constantine supposedly gave the helmet to him.
"How good are you at fighting ancient sorcerers?"

"Really good. The older the better, really; they're less likely to have kept themselves up to date."
The ones that DO such as Thessaly, or Frau Totenkinder from a few parallel universes over, are the ones to avoid conflict with at all costs

Though considering Doctor Gotham's been listening to the world move on these past forty millennia, he MIGHT be somewhat in their league. Man's got a collection of magical artifacts to draw power from that might make Gilgamesh jealous.
So does this White Rabbit have any supernatural abilities? The wiki link just said swordsmanship but I assume being a member of a magic cult/group there's more to it than that. How big a role did Catwoman's Spell Eater play in her victory?
So does this White Rabbit have any supernatural abilities? The wiki link just said swordsmanship but I assume being a member of a magic cult/group there's more to it than that. How big a role did Catwoman's Spell Eater play in her victory?
He only showed up once, and nothing other than being an extraordinaryly skillful swordsman with a magic sword is mentioned. His opposite number in the Shadowpact similarly had no other abilities.

The spell eater prevented the defensive spells killing her. Sneaking up on White Rabbit was pure skill.

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