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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So, pretty consistent with the DCAU aesthetic, then (with a few exceptions, the male DCAU characters who get a lot of screentime tend to be much broader than the female characters who do).

YJ SEASON 3 SPOILERS: didn't Wally fucking die and come back as a ghost with abs bigger than his head?
(Minor YJ S3 Spoiler) The recent mention of the old Green Lantern/Alan
Was there? I don't remember that. It must have been really brief.
plus the season 3 funeral of Joan Garrick, prompt me to ask- has he rejuvenated all his peers from the Justice Society, or at least offered? Paragon should probably have offered this too at some point. I can see them refusing because of some platitudes about already having lived their lives or whatever, but I don't think the issue was ever brought up. Given that a lot of their members have been active (Red Tornado, Wonder Woman) or newly active (Blue Lantern, the Hawks) and that there should still be an unidentified speedster villain running around from the Zigzag episode, I'd hope they'd at least consider returning to heroics.
Some would be against it due to afterlives provably existing. But the SI doesn't have the sort of attachment to the other members of the Justice Society that would let him do that.
YJ SEASON 3 SPOILERS: didn't Wally fucking die and come back as a ghost with abs bigger than his head?
You know, there are these things called 'spoiler tags'. Let me show you.
The Wallace we see in series three is a figment of Artemis' imagination created by Zatanna. Apart from the one Richard hallucinated.
Guys from Gotham (part 7)
16th February
23:35 GMT -5

Detective Foley frowns slightly as he walks back from interviewing a small group of witnesses from the apartment block opposite. "Hm."

"Something wrong, detective?"

"It's this whole 'Gotham not being a nightmare' thing." He shakes his head. "Just a few years back everyone would have clammed up after something like this. Now, I'm gunna have to call in more uniforms just to get all the statements."

"I take it that you grew up in Gotham, then?"

"Uh-huh." He looks around, putting his notebook back in his jacket. "I joined up too late to have to go through the worst of it back in the nineties, but I saw plenty anyway. Heh." He smiles. "I guess this is what it's like being on the police in other cities, right?"

"People helping the police, yes. Drive by shootings, not so much."

"I don't know if this counts-."

There's a flash as another member of the Congregation teleports in, carrying a flask of coffee.

"I thought those guys were all auxiliaries these days. Why not get them to do it? You know they'd love to."

"That's against the rules. Oh, they can type them up and whatever, but actually questioning witnesses? No way. They wanna do that, then they can go to the academy like everyone else."

"Are some of them doing that?"

"Yeah. Which is gunna be fun in a couple of years. Don't think we're ever had metahuman officers in Gotham."


"Yeah." He shrugs. "You'd think with all the crazies we'd get at least one or two." He shakes his head. "No. Guess they figure they can get better offers in Metropolis or something."

"Well… Given the choice"

He nods. "So… Hey, you don't need to.. stick around. We've got your statement, your recordings. The Dragons aren't going to try anything with all of us right here."

I nod. "Thank you. I'll do that. Let me know if-."

"Detective!" We look around as a uniformed officer dashes up. "Message on the radio! Some gang's attacking the mayor's house! Commish says we're closest!"

"Yeah, probably." He turns to me. "But if we're working with vigilantes now anyway… You wanna chip in?"


"Ah, excellent!"

"That's kinda harsh. I mean, I didn't vote for him either-."

"I'm not an American citizen. My ring just showed me that the attackers are wearing Alice in Wonderland-themed costumes! I've wanted to talk to Jervis Tetch for a while. I've got a sneaking suspicion that his hats are based on a stripped-down Thinker's Cap-."

"Whow." Detective Foley looks concerned. "The mind control guy. Ah, look, I don't think Gotham would survive it if he got a hold of you. Maybe-."

I don my power armour. "No, it's fine. Not only am I trained to resist mental intrusions, but this armour has every different sort of telepathic baffle I know about. Including a short term memory backup, just in case. It'll take more than a 'mad hat' to get through. Please organise prisoner transportation for twelve people."

In this armour it isn't practical to raise my right forefinger to my forehead, so I skip that and just teleport straight to the room. Two guards, wearing… Extremely amateurish Tweedledum and Tweedledee costumes. They look like someone tried to design a 'dark and gritty' version, but was hamstrung by the need to make it recognisable as the Lewis Carroll character. They aren't Dumfree and Deever Tweed. Maybe they fell out with Tetch?

Doesn't really matter. I take control of the cameras attached to their jackets and the cameras mounted on the roof and set them to show what they would show if all was well. Then I scan their phones, examine their records… Next call in is in three minutes. I don't need that long. Pick up the numbers and stun them. Subspace their guns and tie them up.

Ten people remaining. Three watching the front, two at the back. Three shepherding the mayor and family into the dining hall. Two waiting there. None of them are Tetch, which is a little disappointing. Maybe that's an Alice? He's found one who's actually criminally inclined? From her dress I'd have thought that she was more of a Duchess figure, but I've… Never actually read Alice in Wonderland. Their clothes are a bit off and they've got themed masks. How important is it?

Probably not very.

I phase through the building, coming out behind the two rear guards. Cameras-. In fact, get into the internal security cameras and make them all send clear images. And stun, guns and telephones. Then I drop, phasing through the basement and coming up behind… Two, the third out of line of sight for a moment. Huh, if I couldn't see emotions this might actually be hard. They're stunned, third guy's stunned, and everyone else is in the dining room.

Huh. No scry-blocking here either. I suppose that there's no margin in it for Luthor to help Gotham crazies, but it's still nice to see the bad guys not being first to adopt new techniques.

Five remain, four armed men and the woman who appears to be in charge. She's carrying a small knife, with another small knife in a concealed sheath. No gun, no armour. The patterns of emotion inside her suggest that she's a good deal less than entirely rational. But: Gotham. At this point that was more or less what I was expecting. Extend filaments through the house and.. transition the hostages to the front door.

I wave to them as the mayor hustles his family out of the house, then amble -in as much as power armour lets me amble- towards the dining room.

"Boss, they just vanished."

"Oh. So they did."

"Yeah, that was me." I stroll in. "You're under arrest for… Attempted murder? I don't really know what your aim was-"

Guns come up and bullets stop dead as they hit my kinetic barrier.

"-here. I've been living in this city long enough that I'm getting junk mail with my name on it posted to me. And even if -for some insane reason- I didn't get called in… Twelve people? Batman's only in the Ukraine, he could be back in an hour if he felt he had to. Robin could take twelve people. Artemis could take twelve people. And Batwoman… Exists."

Hm. Not feeling any telepathic intrusion or detecting any equipment.

"And I didn't want to go there, but that knife? My penis is bigger than that knife. That is not a scary knife. Is Tetch getting here later?"

"I don't work for Tetch."

"You might end up working for him involuntarily if he finds out you've been using his theme. What are you called, anyway?"

"I am Alice, and I will-."

I put a construct muzzle on her.

"Oh, not a good choice of name. I'll see about making sure you aren't housed near Tetch when they take you to Arkham. Now are you going to put your weapons down or am I going to have to nearly make an effort?"
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This is probably actually significant but I would absolutely love it if this genuinely was just a gang or whatever going with another villain's theme. If she's a canon DC character she could even be the real Alice from Alice in Wonderland, probably from Hellblazer if that's the case.

I'm guessing she's someone else though.
Detective Foley frowns slightly as he walks back from interviewing a small group of witnesses from the apartment block opposite. "Hm."

"Something wrong, detective?"

"It's this whole 'Gotham not being a nightmare' thing." He shakes his head. "Just a few years back everyone would have clammed up after something like this. Now, I'm gunna have to call in more uniforms just to get all the statements."
Wow, people actually being helpful, too? Amazing stuff!

"I take it that you grew up in Gotham, then?"

"Uh-huh." He looks around, putting his notebook back in his jacket. "I joined up too late to have to go through the worst of it back in the nineties, but I saw plenty anyway. Heh." He smiles. "I guess this is what it's like being on the police in other cities, right?"

"People helping the police, yes. Drive by shootings, not so much."
Some cities anyway. No naming any names... And lucky guy, missing out on the dirty era.

"I don't know if this counts-."

There's a flash as another member of the Congregation teleports in, carrying a flask of coffee.

"I thought those guys were all axillaries these days. Why not get them to do it? You know they'd love to."
Good to see the Congregation behaving themselves.
Correction: 'all auxiliaries these', unless that's an americanism.

"That's against the rules. Oh, they can type them up and whatever, but actually questioning witnesses? No way. They wanna do that, then they can go to the academy like everyone else."

"Are some of them doing that?"

"Yeah. Which is gunna be fun in a coupe of years. Don't think we're ever had metahuman officers in Gotham."
Heh. They can even call in their own backup! Gotham's going to have to write some laws about non-police Congregation members serving as backup. Civilian deputies?


"Yeah." He shrugs. "You'd think with all the crazies we'd get at least one or two." He shakes his head. "No. Guess they figure they can get better offers in Metropolis or something."

"Well… Given the choice"
Hey, why go to the spooky city if you can be in Superman's town?

He nods. "So… Hey, you don't need to.. stick around. We've got your statement, your recordings. The Dragons aren't going to try anything with all of us right here."

I nod. "Thank you. I'll do that. Let me know if-."

"Detective!" We look around as a uniformed officer dashes up. "Message on the radio! Some gang's attacking the mayor's house! Commish say's we're closest!"
Because of course a Weirdo tries something tonight.
Odd apostrophe there. Natural speech?

"Yeah, probably." He turns to me. "But if we're working with vigilantes now anyway… You wanna chip in?"


"Ah, excellent!"

"That's kinda harsh. I mean, I didn't vote for him either-.
Heh. Love how he forgets how people usually can't see what the ring's showing him.

"I'm not an American citizen. My ring just showed me that the attackers are wearing Alice in Wonderland-themed costumes! I've wanted to talk to Jervis Tetch for a while. I've got a sneaking suspicion that his hats are based on a stripped-down Thinker's Cap-."

"Whow." Detective Foley looks concerned. "The mind control guy. Ah, look, I don't think Gotham would survive it if he got a hold of you. Maybe-."
pffsh. As if OL would leave any openings for mental control these days? ;)

I don my power armour. "No, it's fine. Not only am I trained to resist mental intrusions, but this armour has every different sort of telepathic baffle I know about. Including a short term memory backup, just in case. It'll take more than a 'mad hat' to get through. Please organise prisoner transportation for twelve people."
Quick curbstomp combat engage!

In this armour it isn't practical to raise my right forefinger to my forehead, so I skip that and just teleport straight to the room. Two guards, wearing… Extremely amateurish Tweedledum and Tweedledee costumes. They look like someone tried to design a 'dark and gritty' version, but was hamstrung by the need to make it recognisable as the Lewis Caroll character. They aren't Dumfree and Deever Tweed. Maybe they fell out with Tetch?
Maybe he hasn't recruited those particular two yet... Or this is a copycat.

Doesn't really matter. I take control of the cameras attached to their jackets and the cameras mounted on the roof and set them to show what they would show if all was well. Then I scan their phones, examine their records… Next call in is in three minutes. I don't need that long. Pick up the numbers and stun them. Subspace their guns and tie them up.
Boy, this is almost cruel, how easy it is... Amazing that they didn't level-scale this side event. ;)

Ten people remaining. Three watching the front, two at the back. Three shepherding the mayor and family into the dining hall. Two waiting there. None of them are Tetch, which is a little disappointing. Maybe that's an Alice? He's found one who's actually criminally inclined? From her dress I'd have thought that she was more of a Duchess figure, but I've… Never actually read Alice in Wonderland. Their clothes are a bit off and they've got themed masks. How important is it?

Probably not very.
Yup, Copycats.

I phase through the building, coming out behind the two rear guards. Cameras-. In fact, get into the internal security cameras and make them all send clear images. And stun, guns and telephones. Then I drop, phasing through the basement and coming up behind… Two, the third out of line of sight for a moment. Huh, if I couldn't see emotions this might actually be hard. They're stunned, third guy's stunned, and everyone else is in the dining room.

Huh. No scry-blocking here either. I suppose that there's no margin in it for Luther to help Gotham crazies, but it's still nice to see the bad guys not being first to adopt new techniques.
It's like Batman: Arkham Asylum, Lantern edition.

Five remain, four armed men and the woman who appears to be in charge, She's carrying a small knife, with another small knife in a concealed sheath. No gun, no armour. The patterns of emotion inside her suggest that she's a good deal less than entirely rational. But: Gotham. At this point that was more or less what I was expecting. Extend filaments through the house and.. transition the hostages to the front door.

I wave to them as the mayor hustles his family out of the house, then amble -in as much as power armour lets me amble- towards the dining room.
He took all of them down, and wasn't even inside? Orange Light Shaman OP, for the win!

"Boss, they just vanished."

"Oh. So they did."

"Yeah, that was me." I stroll in. "You're under arrest for… Attempted murder? I don't really know what your aim was-"
Who knows, with these Weirdos.

Guns come up and bullets stop dead as they hit my kinetic barrier.

"-here. I've been living in this city long enough that I'm getting junk mail with my name on it posted to me. And even if -for some insane reason- I didn't get called in… Twelve people? Batman's only in the Ukraine, he could be back in an hour if he felt he had to. Robin could take twelve people. Artemis could take twelve people. And Batwoman… Exists."
Ha! Talia burn!

Hm. Not feeling any telepathic intrusion or detecting any equipment.

"And I didn't want to go there, but that knife? My penis is bigger than that knife. That is not a scary knife. Is Tetch getting here later?"

"I don't work for Tetch."
Definitely Copycats. Tetch isn't gonna like this, for sure. Or he'll be ecstatic to find another fan of Alice.

"You might end up working for him involuntarily if he finds out you've been using his theme. What are you called, anyway?"

"I am Alice, and I will-."

I put a construct muzzle on her.
No need for your life story, honey. OL can find that out in about three seconds.

"Oh, not a good choice of name. I'll see about making sure you aren't housed near Tetch when they take you to Arkham. Now are you going to put your weapons down or am I going to have to nearly make an effort?"
I can see the goons deciding discretion is the better part of valor. 'Alice' Not so much.

If this is Elizabeth Kane, I can see some reputation boosts in the future, with the Kane family... Hmm... Wonder what identity Kate Kane would use now, with Talia as Batwoman?
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Yeah, Alice is kind of the wrong choice of leader for a Wonderland themed gang. She's an outsider and a victim to all the insanity going on in the original story. Wonderland literally seems to break apart and turns out to be seemingly a dream when she starts questioning it's logic. She sort of makes sense for a target for Tetch, since she's the innocent victim coerced into accepting new strange behaviors, whereas the Mad Hatter controls the speed of his party and is a source of wierdness/ declares stuff to be going on.
This is probably actually significant but I would absolutely love it if this genuinely was just a gang or whatever going with another villain's theme. If she's a canon DC character she could even be the real Alice from Alice in Wonderland, probably from Hellblazer if that's the case.

I'm guessing she's someone else though.

This is Elizabeth Kane, Kate's crazy twin sister and a member of the Religion of Crime.

Good to see the Congregation behaving themselves.
Correction: 'all auxiliaries these', unless that's an americanism.

Because of course a Weirdo tries something tonight.
Odd apostrophe there. Natural speech?
Thank you, corrected.
If this is Elizabeth Kane, I can see some reputation boosts in the future, with the Kane family... Hmm... Wonder what identity Kate Kane would use now, with Talia as Batwoman?
Second Lieutenant Kane. With the ban on homosexuals serving in the military overturned, why would she ever become Batwoman?
sick burn

Is this episode ALL going to be stuff and nonsense? Or are things going to get serious at some stage?
That was pretty serious for the mayor's family.
who ?

she sound important

Alice aka Red Alice.
Short version: Twin Sister of comics batwoman Kate Kane (the red and black one). Went missing after events as a child, turned up as a Gotham Weirdo. Initially had links to the 'Religion of Crime'that played a part in Final Crisis, links which were retconned away after Flashpoint.
(Added a link in my original post.)
Was this the Lantern who insists on using the costumed criminals' real names? I kind of forgot.
Actually Gotham has a second metahuman officer. In the comics anyway, maybe not here.

Simon Dark is a Gotham superhero, stitched together from the bodies of 20 boys who died in a bus crash and brought back to life by a combination of mad science and a cult's magic.

He has a big brother. A cop died in the line of duty. Simon's "father" plugged up those holes and brought him back to life with the aid of the same cult. So there's a cop in Gotham who didn't let a little thing like dying stopping him from going in to work.

He's dating a ME.
This is Elizabeth Kane, Kate's crazy twin sister and a member of the Religion of Crime.

Hmm this religion and their Bible is new to me. And it looks like it is older than the New 52, so it might not be ridiculous or one-note like the Necronomicon is usually portrayed. Ohhh and it might be minor-enough that Paul didn't know about it before he was inserted into this setting!
What I don't get is, why don't the Maltusians/Oans/Guardians of the Universe imprint anti-magic tech into the rings? Just cause not all places in the universe use/have magic sounds lazy. With the same reason you could explane you need defenses against green lasers, cause most places don't use green lasers....

But why does OL not insist on an update to circumvent those magic talismans (or cast magic with his ring). Or search for places he can't find/scan with his rings. I know Luthor put them everywhere, but locations in the amazonas or in the desert should be interesting to check out anyway (Also mon goverment facilities). Maybe even all non-luthor places. Depending how many there are.

He could just scan a place with and without talisman and look at the differences. And then scan the whole world and look for similar differences.

So then he could just scan for x, if he doesn't find it (and knows it exists) he just has to visit the hidden places that are likely to have it.

And yeah, I know he can put eyes everywhere (with the elemental) and I think he can scan in two different ways and compare the results and has a subparticle scan that is really resource intensive, but he acts like magical hidden places aren't locatable for him.
Hmm this religion and their Bible is new to me. And it looks like it is older than the New 52, so it might not be ridiculous or one-note like the Necronomicon is usually portrayed. Ohhh and it might be minor-enough that Paul didn't know about it before he was inserted into this setting!

It's not lovecraftian.

It's the gospel of Cain, purportedly the original book's stone cover was carved from the stone Cain used to kill Abel.

It's also a possible front for Darkseid, since his agent Libra used the religion of crime as a means of control.
And could take twelve people, if you selected them carefully?

I mean, Talia is a trained assassin from the League Of Shadows.
She could easily take down twelve people.
I assume she's probably significantly better at murdering people though.

That said, both Robin and Artemis are Dannered in this story, so...
I mean, Talia is a trained assassin from the League Of Shadows.
She could easily take down twelve people.
I assume she's probably significantly better at murdering people though.

That said, both Robin and Artemis are Dannered in this story, so...
Her training as an assassin was somewhat light on 'how to keep hostages alive'.
Her training as an assassin was somewhat light on 'how to keep hostages alive'.

But rather heavy on 'taking people out before they know you were there' which... in the batman school of hostage rescue, is basically the same thing.

Can't shoot a hostage if you go sleepytime before you know you're under attack.
Religion of Crime stuff relates to the Anti-life equation stuff that OL ran into with The Question, Intergang, and recovering Adom's new brother in law. So while this might be fighting mooks for Paul, there's a plot point to be dug up here. Which does raise a few questions regarding the Kane family, since the OTHER batwoman is rather critical in the whole story line there, and she's not in earth-16's hero radar as of yet.

Also, there is another Wonderland related villain out there that this could have been, but I'm rather glad we didn't run into White Rabbit. OL's Brain might 404 attempting to figure that one out.

Or Zoat's might from it being New 52.
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Religion of Crime stuff relates to the Anti-life equation stuff that OL ran into with The Question, Intergang, and recovering Adom's new brother in law. So while this might be fighting mooks for Paul, there's a plot point to be dug up here. Which does raise a few questions regarding the Kane family, since the OTHER batwoman is rather critical in the whole story line there, and she's not in earth-16's hero radar as of yet.

Also, there is another Wonderland related villain out there that this could have been, but I'm rather glad we didn't run into White Rabbit. OL's Brain might 404 attempting to figure that one out.

Or Zoat's might from it being New 52.
White Rabbit shows up tomorrow.

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