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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Field Trip (part 5)
8th January
10:52 GMT -7

I smile, extending my right hand towards Mr Ardeen. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He smiles back. "Likewise, Mister Grayven."

He releases me, and I extend my smile to his daughter. "I suppose that it's actually a little odd that we haven't run into each other before."

Imra shakes her head. "You're… Busy saving the world and things like that." She shrugs with… Feigned nonchalance? A little odd… "And Rifle's a pretty safe town."

True. Especially now. I… Really don't know how frequently the parents of American High School students would usually meet. I rather missed the part of Lynne's life where she would be dependent on me for lifts to places or require constant oversight.

"Very little of what I do saves the world in the short term." Hm. I give Mr Ardeen a quick scan, but he reads as a regular human man. "But if you're ready to depart..?" I gesture to the hush tube opening with my right hand.

"Yes!" She picks up her bag, stands on her tiptoes to kiss her slightly surprised father on the cheek, then strides through the opening.

"Mars, huh?"

"I realise that bringing a martian teacher to Earth would have been better, but martians don't really have the human adventuring spirit. It took me a while to find a place prepared to do this."

"No, it's just…" He gestures to the hush tube. "People casually going to Mars. I didn't think I'd see it in my lifetime."

"It won't happen with purely human technology for a little while yet. You heard about… Lex Luthor's spaceships?"

"Sure, I could hardly miss it."

"I need to talk to the… Martian government about that. Alienating the system's other native sophont species would be a poor way to start."

"Ah… Yeah. Good luck with that."

"I'll have your daughter back by five."

"Okay, I'll see you this evening."

I nod, wave goodbye with my right hand, then head through the hush tube after Imra. As I emerge into the 'embarkation room' I immediately spot Lynne helping Imra with her space suit. The pressure in the Martian caverns is high enough that humans could endure it, but it wouldn't be particularly comfortable. Plus, an actual suit allowed me to include armour, a personal force field and a 'security recall' short ranged teleporter. Having checked the report J'onn gave me, I don't think that there's much risk, but… I'd rather be paranoid than have to explain a dead child.

"Hey, Mister Grayven."

Lucian Crawley waves at me with his right hand while trying to sort out his collar with his left. Ah, looks like his shirt is getting in the way of his suit's neck ring.

"Looking forward to seeing Mars, Lucian?"

"Ah… I guess? I'm mostly looking forwards to meeting some aliens."

I tilt my head a little to the left. "Sorry to be such a disappointment in the alien department."

"Um." He stops moving. "S-sorry?"

"No, no, nice to know that I'm fitting in so well. You need any help with that helmet?"


"I'll get it." Lilith Clay walks up to him and sticks her hands inside his-


-collar. I… Vaguely recognise her name as belonging to a minor Teen Titans character. I.. think. I don't know if that version is similar to the one who exists here or not. She's a classical telepath who also experiences precognitive images. As far as we can tell those aren't magical in nature, so it's possible that she's somehow calculating them based on information data mined from the minds of those around her.

Which is interesting. There was a story in Temps about a scientists who studied superpowers, who expressed the belief that precognition was misdiagnosed telekinesis. A mind would dream up an image and then make it happen. The issue came up when an insurance firm refused to pay out on a life insurance policy until it was demonstrated that a boy who foresaw his father's death hadn't caused it, intentionally or otherwise. It would be fascinating to study, but she only attends the Center part time in order to learn how to keep her abilities under control.

Have to talk to her about the Department of Metahuman Affairs. The contracts they've been offering telepaths are pretty generous, even at the entry level.

April and May Marigold finish checking each other's suits, their helmets firmly in place. Jean's horns glow for a moment as she tugs at each part in turn, then nods, satisfied. She and a small horde of G-Gnomes and G-Elves will be accompanying the group, all with their own specialised suits and weaponry. The telepathy of the Genomorph Entire should be significant by martian standards, but I doubt that Jean's telekinesis or the physical abilities of the G-Elves would matter much during a confrontation.

A boom tube opens, and Ghia'ta steps through with a Green Martian close behind her. The children immediately turn to stare at the school's representative as she shifts to a slightly more human-seeming form... Huh. It's not bad for a first attempt. Basically J'onn in drag with a blonde wig.

"Hello, children."

Pretty close to being a copy of his voice, too. Though I do appreciate her not just assuming that everyone was fine with telepathy.

Doctor Williams smiles and approaches her. "Welcome to Earth, J'en. Is everything ready at your end?"

"Yes, we are prepared. Is everyone ready to depart?"

"I believe so."


Yes, by some miracle the human youths have managed to correctly don the most idiot-resistant space suits I have ever seen.

Really? The most idiot resistant?

Be proud, Lantern Grayven. Most species prefer to improve their habitats rather than go to the lengths which you have. Those who must use space suits generally lack the technology to create something this sophisticated.

Score one for me. I wonder if there's a Guinness Book of Galactic Records or something?

No. There isn't.

I clap my hands together. "Alright, if everyone's ready, please follow Miss J'en and Ghia'ta through the boom tube. Have fun!"

They troop off, Lynne turning to wave before falling in beside Imra and Doctor Williams making use of his suit's flight system to avoid slowing everyone down. In the span of a few moments they're through, and the tube shuts down.

Now the second party. I turn and walk over to them. The two from Euphorix quite sensibly brought their own suits with them, but from Circe's reaction I get the impression that they're a level or two below the rest of the party. "Are you ladies and gentlemen sure that you don't want a space suit?"

Councillor Endor shakes his head. "This isn't my first time away from Zerox. I'd be a poor magician if I couldn't maintain a comfortable environment for myself. Larissa?"

Circe shakes her head. "I know you mean well Grayven, but really. Would you like one?"

"I'm a little more physically resilient than you." At least, more resilient than 'Principal Larissa'. "But very well. Lord Cyprian? Sunset?"

He shakes his head and she rolls her eyes.

"Alright then. Let's be off."
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JESUS CHRIST, is Ork technology having a psychic component to it such a FUCKING ballbuster?
Orks having balls was more of a Rogue Trader era thing. I actually don't mind the spore reproduction system later editions gave them.
Personally I don't 40k, but having the tech genetically encoded strains my suspension of disbelief more than the other option. It's not that I can't accept the idea of it. Really it just seems like a bad idea for your super soldiers. What are they going to do when advancing technology leaves their encoded knowledge obsolete? Or if a genetic mutation scrambles the blue prints for building a gun?
The original intent was for the Brain Boys to be the ones creating anything radically new. Oddboys are perfectly capable of developing new things within their field, they just get a built in education. Mutation is what leads to Madboys.
I'd rather be paranoid than have to explain a dead child.
Yeah, best to be very careful.

The telepathy of the Genomorph Entire should be significant by martian standards, but I doubt that Jean's telekinesis or the physical abilities of the G-Elves would matter much during a confrontation.
Surprised interplanetary range isn't an issue. Some manner of Quantum Entanglement link, perhaps?

Basically J'onn in drag with a blonde wig.
Surprised you didn't take the opportunity to pull out a pic of 'Joan Jones' from that one issue of... JLI, wasn't it?

"This isn't my first time away from Zarox.
"This isn't my first time away from Zerox.

And Sinestro-Ring continues to be best AI. The lovely snark returns.
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You know this reminds me of a little spoof I imagined.

Gravy of Earth-12 sending his daughter to the Academy of Super-Heroes of Dean Egghead.

"Dear Dad,

This has been a slow week.

Miss Pink was possessed by the White Light Entity, went insane, and died, but Mr Basilisk says she just does that to get attention.

Mr Icarus came back as a technorganic emissary of the planet Technis, so it turns out he's not dead this time either, but now he's an alien robot.

And we had our career fair. The demon worshipping magical ninja cultists were really pushy, but I think Space Pirate has lots of room for growth.


Or maybe it's just me, but the idea of Lynne going to DC's School for Gifted Youngsters spoof amuses me.
The original intent was for the Brain Boys to be the ones creating anything radically new. Oddboys are perfectly capable of developing new things within their field, they just get a built in education. Mutation is what leads to Madboys.

Are they able to add to their genetic database when they develop something new?
The telepathy of the Genomorph Entire should be significant by martian standards, but I doubt that Jean's telekinesis or the physical abilities of the G-Elves would matter much during a confrontation.
Surprised interplanetary range isn't an issue. Some manner of Quantum Entanglement link, perhaps?
That's why Jean is accompanying the group.
Basically J'onn in drag with a blonde wig.
Surprised you didn't take the opportunity to pull out a pic of 'Joan Jones' from that one issue of... JLI, wasn't it?
J'oan J'onzz doesn't look like J'onn J'onzz in drag. I think hanging around with female superheroes have given him a distorted view of what human women usually look like.
"This isn't my first time away from Zarox.
"This isn't my first time away from Zerox.
Thank you, corrected.
Are they able to add to their genetic database when they develop something new?
They've never been alive during the 40K 'now', so it's impossible to say.
That's why Jean is accompanying the group.
Ah, like a network router, holding the Mars group in a miniature collective. It'll make for quite the download once they return ;)

J'oan J'onzz doesn't look like J'onn J'onzz in drag. I think hanging around with female superheroes have given him a distorted view of what human women usually look like.
Never mind the fashion sense, either... :p
Huh? What do you mean? Are you referring to the people who made the Orks? I was asking about the Orks on their own.
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.

In theory, Orks are just as capable of modifying themselves as anyone else. The problem is that they aren't really inclined to study biology. Mekaniks are mechanical engineers and Runtherdz are more like farmers or labour gang bosses. The few who are scientifically inclined usually don't go into pure biotech. There doesn't appear to be a natural mechanism for rewrites, though.
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.

In theory, Orks are just as capable of modifying themselves as anyone else. The problem is that they aren't really inclined to study biology. Mekaniks are mechanical engineers and Runtherdz are more like farmers or labour gang bosses. The few who are scientifically inclined usually don't go into pure biotech. There doesn't appear to be a natural mechanism for rewrites, though.

That's a feature, not a bug, considering they fight daemons.

Plys plants and fungi tend to evolve quite fast.

And Zoat please use a darker tone of yellow.
The Imperium is wrong about a lot of things... This surprises you? o_O

i mean, you kinda have a point-
half the reason the imperium fell (his inhuman psychology/pathetic lack of social skills without the crutch of his psyker abilitiesaside) was the Emperor approached the problem of the warp in ENTIRELY the wrong direction (as if the Choas Gods were another mundane, if powerful enemy that was POSSIBLE to destroy without going full pre-retcon Necron),
due to his guesswork about its nature/power source being SPECTACULARLY off-base- even before the decay set in, they were building their knowledge on a flawed base- misreading the nature/effects of the Warrgh collective/Ork psykers function would be completely believeable for whoever in the Ordos Xenos originally wrote those reports.

from an outta universe perspective, it doesnt help a LOT of things have been changed/retconned over the years, and updates to a lot of info in newer editions are..patchy at the best of times even when...the Wardian one isnt wrecking havoc- there's entire Armies that havent had non-homebrewd rules under the current mechanics anymore for multiple editions/ a good chunk of a decade, and they keep going back and forth on wither or not any of the Squats survived the Great Nomming..
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Darn, I was just about to reply about the 40k stuff too.
Be proud, Lantern Grayven. Most species prefer to improve their habitats rather than go to the lengths which you have. Those who must use space suits generally lack the technology to create something this sophisticated.
Am'i the only one who can't read that without going blind? that yellow is intense.
Am'i the only one who can't read that without going blind? that yellow is intense.
Ah, heck. It's been forty pages, might as well repeat the PSA since people probably aren't going to be reading from the start of the discussion:

Unlike the old location of WTR, Questionable Questing uses a dark-text-on-light-background text scheme by default. Unfortunately, WTR was colored for a light-on-dark text scheme like SV or Spacebattles' defaults. As a result, most colored text has poor contrast that makes it difficult and unpleasant to read.

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This will lock in the changes, and you can go and change it again at any time if you'd like. Enjoy having a color balance more suited to the Emotional Spectrum!

Unlike the old location of WTR, Questionable Questing uses a dark-text-on-light-background text scheme by default. Unfortunately, WTR was colored for a light-on-dark text scheme like SV or Spacebattles' defaults. As a result, most colored text has poor contrast that makes it difficult and unpleasant to read.

To switch to light-on-dark and make the background more readable, hover over your username at the top of the page, like seen here:

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This will lock in the changes, and you can go and change it again at any time if you'd like. Enjoy having a color balance more suited to the Emotional Spectrum!

can't you just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the style option there? I suppose I haven't played around enough to know if it's not permanent or whatever but it'd cut a step or two out
can't you just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the style option there? I suppose I haven't played around enough to know if it's not permanent or whatever but it'd cut a step or two out
I wasn't aware of that being a option actually. That might work, or you might be right and it'd only be temporary.
have to admit, it was a pretty nice little tangent- no scream
8th January
10:52 GMT -7


Yes, by some miracle the human youths have managed to correctly don the most idiot-resistant space suits I have ever seen.

Really? The most idiot resistant?

Be proud, Lantern Grayven. Most species prefer to improve their habitats rather than go to the lengths which you have. Those who must use space suits generally lack the technology to create something this sophisticated.

Score one for me. I wonder if there's a Guinness Book of Galactic Records or something?

No. There isn't.

you know, if the design's practical for serial production, i could see these Vac suits being quite useful as a product/ long-term passive influence-spreading tool.

prove to the average spacer that it really IS idiot proof and reliable,so much so that Even Tourists/passangers cant screw up putting one on, and there's be a queue several AU's long lining up to replace all their Emergency/General use suits, and as long as the marketing was right, it'd spread the Corps's/Grayvern's name/reputation out there positively across known space with minimal effort.

basically, its the kind of essential item EVERYONE working in death pressure would want- from ground-to-orbit shuttle runs, low to high orbit, asteroid mining or naval use- literally EVERYONE who isnt full-time planetside would be potential buyers
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So... Imra Arden, aka Saturn Girl from Legion of Super Heroes, is she under cover in the 21th century using her own name (and Reep Daggle pretending to be her dad, or is that Brainiac 5 in a holographic disguise?), or is she open with the "Hi! I'm a telepath from the future!"?

From the LSH perspective they should be able to use their own names since nobody will know who they are for another thousand years. And if B5 notices Grayven noticing (Has Grayven noticed?) his twelvth level intellect will probably logically deduce that Grayven is involved in time travel shenanigans, not that Grayven read it in a comic book...
have to admit, it was a pretty nice little tangent- no scream

you know, if the design's practical for serial production, i could see these Vac suits being quite useful as a product/ long-term passive influence-spreading tool.

prove to the average spacer that it really IS idiot proof and reliable,so much so that Even Tourists/passangers cant screw up putting one on, and there's be a queue several AU's long lining up to replace all their Emergency/General use suits, and as long as the marketing was right, it'd spread the Corps's/Grayvern's name/reputation out there positively across known space with minimal effort

Yeah, but Grayven doesn't need space money. He has Apokolips tech, which can be completely post-scarcity if he really puts his back into it. He needs very specific groups to help him, and those generally don't need spacesuits.
So... Imra Arden, aka Saturn Girl from Legion of Super Heroes, is she under cover in the 21th century using her own name (and Reep Daggle pretending to be her dad, or is that Brainiac 5 in a holographic disguise?), or is she open with the "Hi! I'm a telepath from the future!"?

From the LSH perspective they should be able to use their own names since nobody will know who they are for another thousand years. And if B5 notices Grayven noticing (Has Grayven noticed?) his twelvth level intellect will probably logically deduce that Grayven is involved in time travel shenanigans, not that Grayven read it in a comic book...
I wonder if them showing up will cause Grayven to start cursing Destiny for not letting him really change things?

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