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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Demos have pretended to be the devil when summoned, the SI told that during the Fawcett City arc.
Maybe Satanus gave Ibac his powers.
It was mentioned though that they would call themselves "Satan" though. It was mentioned that while Lucifer exists, "Satan" doesn't, hence why demons call themselves the latter. I'm guessing that Lucifer might be rather nettled if other demons were stealing his name to make deals (guy is really fixated on his reputation for not lying) and I'd imagine he'd have the muscle to bring the hurt to whoever was stealing his brand, so wondering why "Lucifer" was the one behind Ibac, if he was at all.

On a different note, are the old Nazi supervillains like the Kriegers an Captain Nazi still around in Earth 10? Presumably there was nobody to kill them there but didn't see them on the roster of the Reichsmen.
The First could technically be called Satan.
Captain Nazi may not exist because they didn't use so much as they had advanced tech.
Wolf Krieger may exist.
.. have to admit, OL's being a...lot more.....
...... i..dont know if "nice" is the right word regarding a literal nazi- for anyone of a lower power level, id say suicidally trusting/naive,
but if i was in his shoes, she'd have been shockcrowned, branded, and interrogated within a minute of confirming her point of origin under the latter compulsion about the actions she's carried out since being empowered under the quite reasonable assumption that there's a better than even chance she's kicked/gassed/chocked at least ONE puppy to death with her bare hands"off page/offscreen", just to be safe >.<

He is an empath, he can literally SEE what she is feeling... That helps a lot in regards to how "trusting" he appears to be.
So they can't just shoot lightning from their hands, but just call the magic name and then move out of the way?
Hey can you tell us what those demons, that gave Sabbac his powers, what exactly did each demon give him, like who gave him power and who wisdom and who speed and who gave him everything else?
I suggest that you go and read Prayer, where that was stated.
Do the evil spirits inhabiting Ibac give him each something specific like strength, speed etc. and if so then who gives him who?
Sort of, but basically no.
And who gave Ibac his powers in the first place?
I don't have a firm opinion. I might have had Lucifer do it for a laugh, but he'd have already left at that point.
Thank you, corrected.
.. have to admit, OL's being a...lot more.....
...... i..dont know if "nice" is the right word regarding a literal nazi- for anyone of a lower power level, id say suicidally trusting/naive,
but if i was in his shoes, she'd have been shockcrowned, branded, and interrogated within a minute of confirming her point of origin under the latter compulsion about the actions she's carried out since being empowered under the quite reasonable assumption that there's a better than even chance she's kicked/gassed/chocked at least ONE puppy to death with her bare hands"off page/offscreen", just to be safe >.<
He's doing that because 1) he got a pretty good read on her character with empathic vision and 2) he wants to reform her.
We have a whole arc when Fawcett City got invaded showing that Sabbac got those powers from those six demons including Satanus though.

Actually wondering what the explanation in-story would be for Ibac's powers. We know that Vertigo is canon to this story since Constantine and Desire have shown up and we have heard that Lucifer retired decades ago, but the entity that gave Ibac his powers explicitly identified himself as Lucifer rather than Satan at least according to the wiki, so that would imply that Ibac was Lucifer playing around at being a stereotypical devil for kicks while he wasn't dodging Amenadiel and playing the piano, some other demon (perhaps Satanus) was impersonating Lucifer, or that whole situation was retconned in-story and there's a different explanation in-story for how Ibac got his powers.
The SI also mentioned that plenty of demons claimed to be The Devil.
On a different note, are the old Nazi supervillains like the Kriegers an Captain Nazi still around in Earth 10? Presumably there was nobody to kill them there but didn't see them on the roster of the Reichsmen.
Captain Nazi was never created, and Wolf Krieger was eventually purged.
His name is Nommo Balewa.
Thank you, corrected.
Captain Nazi was never created, and Wolf Krieger was eventually purged.

Ah, a heady vintage, overtones of tin and sulfur, definite traces of salt, some coal but not sufficiently integrated to create steel bits that ruin the texture. Pairs well with red wines, or copper wiring. All in all: delicious.
Wolf Krieger was eventually purged.

This is more ironic than that time H'El figured out he was an artificial being rather than a natural born kryptonian.x3
Don't think he'll really reform her, but tried to do a better job with the map.

HoI4 is a little annoying in that a number of the states they divided their map into make historical partitions all but impossible to recreate. Like, you can't really recreate the partition of Slovenia between Italy, Germany, and Hungary.

There's a console command for changing ownership of the individual provinces that make up a state, but it almost never works. Even when it does, it gets undone the moment you let time pass. Plus the provinces themselves don't always cooperate. Actually had to use paint to accurately show Romanian Transnistria.


Slightly more historical rush job.

That bit of black in the Balkans is Banat. Both Hungary and Romania wanted it, so Germany maintained an occupation of the region so they could use it as a bargaining chip.

Hungary also wanted Slovakia. Anyone's guess if they'd ever have actually gotten it in a Nazi victory.

But if the Earth 10 Nazis annexed Hungary, they probably also went ahead and annexed Slovakia and Banat. Maybe Northern Transylvania gets returned to Romania in such a scenario? Unless Earth 10 Nazis annexed them too.

Finland is kind of amusing because the only reason Hitler didn't plan on annexing them is because he thought Finland was too cold and miserable for any would-be German settlers. But who knows? If they're bolstered by Kryptonian tech and Overman, maybe they annexed Finland too. If nothing else, it'd make the GGR look better on a map.

In fact . . . Just for the fuck of it . . .


The stuff I just talked about. For a hypothetical Earth 10 GGR.

As for Paul's concerns about the treatment of the Hungarians . . . Between the Magyars and the Germans . . . A majority of Hungary's population probably came out of it alright. I think any purges would have taken around 20% to 30% of the population.


Are the above screenshots blown up enough?

Oh, and for the actual update . . . I guess if you sterilize them all instead of shooting them it's technically not a purge, but they definitely would have gotten rid of Earth's blacks one way or another.

Earth 10 Nazis: Oh, yes. We exiled them. To the sun.
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Could you please blow up Europe a bit more?
You fiend!

I'm fine with people trying to guess my name. If I wasn't, then I wouldn't have used my real first name or home town in the story. What I'm not okay is people being lazy about finding out.
Do you want someone hopping a plane to England, taking a train to your hometown, and going door to door asking if where the Pauls are and what their last names might be? Because whatever else that kind of hands on investigation might be, it sure isn't lazy.

Friend Zoat, lazy is good.
Is the paragon going to adopt any children in the future like the renegade did?
Has avenger Paul adopted Rogue?
Has avenger Paul managed to defeat Sublime?
Will any of the other versions of the SI adopt any children in your story?
Has Peter Wynne given himself any super powers?
I know that his girlfriend is a scientist that gave herself powers and he wanted to hire that Farmer Brown, who gave his daughter enchanced strength and he already had Starmans cosmic rod and probably some cold guns,so i was wondering if he would try to gain powers?
Speaking of Cheetah, is her earth 16 counterpart cheetah like because of that god that she served in the comics?
What year will Peter Wynne show up again, you said that he may show up in two other episodes?
Can you give us any hints about year 4 april fools episode, we know that Rita Repulsa is going to show up in year 3?
That's generally frowned upon.
It's tradition!
Is the paragon going to adopt any children in the future like the renegade did?
Not quite that many, but yes.
Has avenger Paul adopted Rogue?
Not yet.
Has avenger Paul managed to defeat Sublime?
Not yet.
Will any of the other versions of the SI adopt any children in your story?
In the story? Probably not. I don't have time for all that many.
Has Peter Wynne given himself any super powers?
I know that his girlfriend is a scientist that gave herself powers and he wanted to hire that Farmer Brown, who gave his daughter enhanced strength and he already had Starman's cosmic rod and probably some cold guns,so i was wondering if he would try to gain powers?
Most of the readily accessible ones have serious risks and side effects and he doesn't have access to a functioning power ring to reverse them.
Speaking of Cheetah, is her earth 16 counterpart cheetah like because of that god that she served in the comics?
Go and watch Batman The Animated Series, Superman The Animated Series and Justice League.
What year will Peter Wynne show up again, you said that he may show up in two other episodes?
The Crisis episode and one in the last year where the main SI goes to Earth 12.
Can you give us any hints about year 4 April fools episode, we know that Rita Repulsa is going to show up in year 3?
No, I actually can't. Seriously, you think I plan them that far ahead?
I am pretty sure that comic Cheetah was granted her powers by that god, while geneticist Barbara Ann Minerva was only something they did in the JL cartoons.
So earth 16 Cheetah is a geneticist that became part cheetah?

And yes i do believe that you plan them that far ahead, though i will acknowledge that even you have some limits.

Also what year will paragon adopt a child, or if you haven't decided then is he going to adopt one during the story?

Will the Queen of Fables show up again in the paragon side?

What is the relationship between Hela and Rogue like, assuming they have even met each other?
If she's alive isn't that vivisection?
"We've never had anyone live through one of our dissections before sir, but if you do I'm sure that we can work something out."
I am pretty sure that comic Cheetah was granted her powers by that god, while geneticist Barbara Ann Minerva was only something they did in the JL cartoons.
So earth 16 Cheetah is a geneticist that became part cheetah?
And yes i do believe that you plan them that far ahead, though i will acknowledge that even you have some limits.
Thank you.
Also what year will paragon adopt a child, or if you haven't decided then is he going to adopt one during the story?
The last one.
Will the Queen of Fables show up again in the paragon side?
I have no plans for her to do so.
What is the relationship between Hela and Rogue like, assuming they have even met each other?
I've been thinking about it, and I haven't worked out what order I want events to happen in. The 8096 SI would travel to Helheim immediately after the fight with Loki, and I don't think he'd agree to that if he had a daughter to look after. Which means that Ann-Marie can't show up until after the fighting with the Skrull is over. Which in turns means that he probably adopts her during that whole mess with Ultron, or in the off-screen downtime between the two events. I haven't given much thought to what they're relationship would be like; I've given more to how the SI would relate to his Skrull doppelgänger.
During the episode where the Queeen of Fables appeared there were those icons with her image, and when the episode finished she wrote that she will be back several years from then.

So the SI has a Skrull doppleganger.
How would that even work, would the Skrulls steal his ring and give it to someone they think can use it, make some copy that can make orange energy constructs without the whole avarice thing, or are they somehow inspired by it and use magic to make one, i know in the comics they used magic with the whole shapeshifting and there was a Skrull sorcerer in the 2018 comic of Doctor Strange?

Also it would be interesting to see the SI interact with his Skrull doppleganger.
What would their relationship be like if you have given it any thought?
Considering OLs rather ... unique mindset it would certainly be interesting.

Will the Justice League of earth 16 discover how old the paragon is any time in your story and if so when?
What's this about a marvel SI? is this just ideas you have for future chapters or existing chapters?
What's this about a marvel SI? is this just ideas you have for future chapters or existing chapters?
Multiple copies of the main SI have been inserted into various other settings. Occasionally, they get a segment written about them. The one who ended up in Universe 8096 had an unlisted snippet in which he bargained with Hela, and a full length segment where he came to terms with Magneto.
During the episode where the Queen of Fables appeared there were those icons with her image, and when the episode finished she wrote that she will be back several years from then.
So the SI has a Skrull doppelgänger.

How would that even work, would the Skrulls steal his ring and give it to someone they think can use it, make some copy that can make orange energy constructs without the whole avarice thing, or are they somehow inspired by it and use magic to make one, i know in the comics they used magic with the whole shapeshifting and there was a Skrull sorcerer in the 2018 comic of Doctor Strange?
Holy run on sentence Batman.

The Skrull probably just had an orange-tinted force field generator, and tried to keep things simple.
Also it would be interesting to see the SI interact with his Skrull doppelgänger.
What would their relationship be like if you have given it any thought?
Considering OLs rather ... unique mindset it would certainly be interesting.
The SI attempts to get the Skrull treated as prisoners of war rather than as criminals.
Will the Justice League of earth 16 discover how old the paragon is any time in your story and if so when?
Right at the end.
How would avenger SI deal with J. Jonah Jameson?
And how would he deal with Doctor Doom?

Is there a version of your various SIs that ended up in a romantic relationship with Koriand'r?
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How would avenger SI deal with J. Jonah Jameson?
He wouldn't. Jameson is a newspaper owner who hates people hiding their identities. The SI doesn't need a newspaper's approval and doesn't conceal his identity.
And how would he deal with Doctor Doom?
By trying to persuade him to demonstrate his superiority through improvements to civilian technologies.
Is there a version of your various SIs that ended up in a romantic relationship with Koriand'r?
Yes, the harem anime one.
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krylatto - intensely interested, please define? Thanks!
Mulatto is a somewhat derogatory term for a halfbreed, typically a half-black half-white of the kind the Nazis would not be particularly pleased about.
Obviously Overgirl isn't half-black, but the other half of her is literally more inhuman by definition, and calling her out on her racial purist ideology with the term makes the point.
Oh, oh, they should subject Overgirl to Miss Martian. That would be great. I'm sure she has an opinion on skin color she could share.
When you say harem anime are you being specific about a certain setting?

Or is it just some generic storyline where the main character ends up with several beautiful women in his harem?

I know this will be a most likely 'no' answer, but would you write a chapter about this, after reading your praise for Eros thread i really want to see how the SI would handle a harem, emotionally and socially i mean, not sexually?

Also i really liked your NSFW thread, it was really interesting to see the relationships and interplay between the characters in what most people expect to be pure smut.
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Huh. Didn't know there was a harem anime universe. Unless you mean that one universe where all the heroes and villains are sexy women and Paul would be the only male superhero. The Ame-Comi universe.

Where this was the actual cover art of one of the issues.


I think one of the only villains in that universe that's still a dude is Trigon.

Even the Manhunter robots are sexy ladies.

And just another shot of Ame-Comi Brainiac . . . Plus a shot of Ame-Comi Sinestra . . .



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