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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you ForeverShogo
Unfortunetly if it is Ame Comi Zoat said that we will probably never see the SI that ended up there.
Though he did say in the past that that particular SI will get an episode.
Maybe he changed his mind and won't show him?

Also wasn't there that comic where Superman was the last man on the planet and had to help repopulate the world by impregnating various women, including superheroines?

Hey was violet SI the one that ended up in Ame Comi, i forgot?
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.. have to admit, OL's being a...lot more.....
...... i..dont know if "nice" is the right word regarding a literal nazi- for anyone of a lower power level, id say suicidally trusting/naive,
but if i was in his shoes, she'd have been shockcrowned, branded, and interrogated within a minute of confirming her point of origin under the latter compulsion about the actions she's carried out since being empowered under the quite reasonable assumption that there's a better than even chance she's kicked/gassed/chocked at least ONE puppy to death with her bare hands"off page/offscreen", just to be safe >.<

OL has literally recruited a being that is close to Omnicidal on a universal scale. I don't think we even have a word for what Qwardians are, because Omnicide is just humans, where these fuckers want to kill EVERYTHING. The english language literally cannot encapsulate how fucked in the head these people are.

Compared to that, Nazi's are a cakewalk.
When you say harem anime are you being specific about a certain setting?

Or is it just some generic storyline where the main character ends up with several beautiful women in his harem?
It might end up being Fool's Canon 4. It's still Young Justice, but rather than being a western action animation it's a Japanese harem anime. A reskin, if you will.
I know this will be a most likely 'no' answer, but would you write a chapter about this, after reading your praise for Eros thread i really want to see how the SI would handle a harem, emotionally and socially i mean, not sexually?
If I did do it as a Fool's Canon episode, it would be the regular SI being thoroughly weirded out by all the girls and women throwing themselves at him, Kon and M'gann being open to polyamory, Wallace and Richard being a couple and Kaldur abandoning romance after Tula spurned him in favour of extreme workouts.

Harem anime Kaldur in hench.
Also i really liked your NSFW thread, it was really interesting to see the relationships and interplay between the characters in what most people expect to be pure smut.
I'm trying to write a new segment for that now.
Kaldur is gay in the comics and the SI has confirmed that he is bisexual:cool:

Also does Wally mean condom in British slang, because if it does him and being in a relationship with someone called Dick is really funnyx3
Kaldur is gay in the comics and the SI has confirmed that he is bisexual:cool:
When did he do that? I know he has a boyfriend in the cartoon Young Justice, but I am pretty sure him not being attracted to men was the main reason he rejected Canis.
When did he do that? I know he has a boyfriend in the cartoon Young Justice, but I am pretty sure him not being attracted to men was the main reason he rejected Canis.

While that was implied, it was written before Kaldur was canonically bisexual, and even though season 3 canon doesn't apply here, I feel like making a minor change to that line wouldn't be too bad, so there's at least a possibility of Kaldur entering a relationship with either his canon (new) love interest or another guy as well as a girl- unless Zoat has an idea of his future love interest already. You don't have to be not into men to reject one, after all, especially since this is Canis we're talking about. Additionally, Kaldur was probably still not fully over Tula. Of course, I'd have loved seeing them together and the possible character development that could result, but alas I know it will not be.
I feel like every Paul that knows there are other Pauls out there should have a tech package ready. That way when the criss of the infinite Pauls happens all of them can immediately share with each other and get a quick tech up.

Should be as huge an upgrade as when he got the green ring database.
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Also wasn't there that comic where Superman was the last man on the planet and had to help repopulate the world by impregnating various women, including superheroines?

Lex Luthor survived the androcide as well, so the next generation of Earth was fathered by either Superman or Lex.

There were no harem antics though, it was done artificially.
When I think soft part of the jaw and look at that link . . . Looks to specifically be the submental and submandibular triangles.

Anterior triangle includes those, as well as parts of the neck itself.
Try again: "ethno".

And as to the surname question I was wondering when we will discover it?
If anyone on this site knows Zoats surname could you please post it, he only confirmed that his name is Paul?

Coda could you tell us what his surname is?
Seriously, I'm not entirely sure if you're breaking a rule, but its gotta be close.
I don't know about QQ, but on SV the mods explicitly put the kibosh on people trying to guess because of the doxing rule. A similar rule is present here, but it does say "without their consent" so Zoat's opinion that guessing is okay probably pulls it ever so slightly on the "not going to get banned for it" side of the line assuming you don't do anything skeevy... but still.
OL has literally recruited a being that is close to Omnicidal on a universal scale. I don't think we even have a word for what Qwardians are, because Omnicide is just humans, where these fuckers want to kill EVERYTHING. The english language literally cannot encapsulate how fucked in the head these people are.

Compared to that, Nazi's are a cakewalk.
Omniomnicidal perhaps...univercidal...
Gammadion (part 9)
14th March
20:43 GMT +1


The closest energy blade spins into Overgirl's right arm. She doesn't react to the impact as it burns through her uniform, instead immediately sighting the top of the armature and firing her heat vision. The arm jumps as the point she hits doesn't merely melt but vaporises.


Overgirl jinks, avoiding a swinging blade and battering the armature with her right fist! It flies off its mount and goes careening into the force field containing the containment chamber.

Dr Sivana looks away from his control panel.

"Yes? Usually?"


He blinks. "Oh! You didn't mean-?"

An energy saw catches Overgirl in the back of her head, crimping her.


"I really don't think that was clear from-" I gesture at the containment chamber, where two track-propelled combat robots have entered from portals along the interior wall and point their plasma blasters at Overgirl. "-your introduction."


"Oh, very-" He reaches out with his right hand and pulls a lever. "-well."

The combat robots lower their weapons and begin retreating-.

Overgirl flies into the first, rips off its head and fires her heat vision down its neck hole and into its interior! Its joints glow as its more delicate components are melted from the inside! She then grabs the slagged hulk and hurls it at its partner, which ducks behind the exit just in time for her improvised projectile to bounce off.

Then she turns towards Dr Sivana, eyes still glowing. Ah-.

There's a gold flash and she's on the floor, Dr Sivana taking a moment to admire the gold kryptonite laser pistol he's holding in his left hand.

"Superman would have been faster."

"What-?" She tries to push herself up, clearly having no idea why she's suddenly so weak. "What did-?"

I transition next to her, creating a barrier construct around her and firing a beam of sunlight at her. It won't reverse the effects immediately, but it should speed up her recovery.

"Doctor, what are you doing?"

He slips his pistol back into his lab coat.

"Experimenting. Learning." He grins evilly and rubs his hands together. "Those heat beams were approximately two thirds of Superman's highest recorded output. You were giving it your all and I'm confident that he never has. Why would the Nazis, with their fixation on strength and blood purity, create a weaker knockoff?"

"What was that gun?"

"Gold kryptonite. Radiation on the right frequencies interferes with kryptonian physiology."

"Orange Lantern usually enhances his kryptonian friends to prevent me doing that."

"You are Thaddeus Sivana." Her eyes narrow. "The version of you from my Earth was executed for treason."

"I don't think I'll miss him. And now that you don't have that frustrating force field scattering my scanners, I can try and work out how you got here."

He pulls a couple of levers and a scanner array descends from the ceiling.

"Hold still. You probably picked up all sorts of fascinating resonances on your.. way…" He frowns as he looks at the results. "Hm."

"I removed those as part of healing her."

"Yes, you did, didn't you? That's… Inconvenient. Did you at least keep a record of what you removed?"

"Sorry. Orange ring consumption is fairly undiscriminating. Couldn't you just send a probe?"

"I've already done that, but it's not as resilient as a kryptonian." He makes eye contact with Overgirl. "And you haven't answered my question. Why did they make you?"

She glares at him, then turns to me.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because I'm afraid that despite his idiosyncrasies Doctor Sivana is the most intelligent human presently alive. When I have a problem that requires a scientific solution, I find myself increasingly turning to him and his family."

"Fam-? That dwarf was allowed to breed?"

"I'm not a dwarf; merely short. And unlike Nazis, I approach eugenics scientifically. My-."


He shrugs. "There's nothing to do until I get some useable data from my probes. If more portals open there are any number of things I could try in order to force their closure. But I don't imagine that you would be all that happy about the collateral damage that would be involved. So unless there's a reason to rush things, I may as well attempt to alleviate my own frustrations with someone I won't be working with ever again."

"Doctor, it's not like you to get this distracted. What's going on?"

"Hm." He thinks for a moment. "I think it's you. Since our first meeting I've been thinking about my rejections more."

"The ones which led to you-?"

"Becoming a supervillain, yes. Do you know how many times I was called a Nazi for trying to prevent the propagation of damaged genes?"

"More than you should have been."

"Tia and Magnificus are blonde and blue-eyed because their mother is blonde and blue-eyed and those were the genes I was working with."

I raise my hands in a pacifying gesture.

"You have no need to convince me."

"The Nazis were terrible scientists. They dismissed atomic physics as 'Jewish science'."

"I know they did, but Overgirl wasn't making policy-." I glance at her. "How old are you?"

"Thirty nine."

Huh. I've have guessed younger, but I suppose that's kryptonian physiology for you.

"Wasn't making policy during that era. And I also doubt that she thinks that atomic science is nonsense."

"Of course not. It was simply that the pool of physicists working in the area were predominantly Jewish and so politically unreliable. There was little point in the Empire expending resources without any chance of getting useful results."

"Useful. Results."

"Doctor, thank you for taking the time to investigate this phenomenon, but unless you need us here I think it best if we left."

"Yes. I think so too." He presses a button. "This facility is now transparent to zeta rays. You can leave when you like."
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Yeah... Paul should do something nice for Sivana senior as an apology for having to deal with Overgirl. Also, nice to learn more information on what his early work was - preventing propagation of damaged genes might have been a politically hot topic, and, given his... quirks, he might not have sold it well, leading to his other ideas being rejected too.

Though... One big question: who did the reverse engineering of the kryptonian technology? And how did they do it without using the pool of knowledge and competence that was represented by jewish scientists?
Though... One big question: who did the reverse engineering of the kryptonian technology? And how did they do it without using the pool of knowledge and competence that was represented by jewish scientists?
Probably those same Jewish scientists before they become "politically unreliable" and everyone who "inherited" their notes.

The closest energy blade spins into Overgirl's right arm. She doesn't react to the impact as it burns through her uniform, instead immediately sighting the top of the armature and firing her heat vision. The arm jumps as the point she hits doesn't merely melt but vaporises.
Loving that panicked fast-talking. I mean, I said it yesterday but I didn't expect it to be so literal!


Overgirl jinks, avoiding a swinging blade and battering the armature with her right fist! It flies off its mount and goes careening into the force field containing the containment chamber
Well, good to see she's tough as a Kryptonian should be.

Dr Sivana looks away from his control panel.

"Yes? Usually?"
He means, you do other tests to them first, then you dissect. Living subjects usually give better results than dead ones!


He blinks. "Oh! You didn't mean-?"

An energy saw catches Overgirl in the back of her head, crimping her.
If OL wanted her dead, she'd already be dead!


"I really don't think that was clear from-" I gesture at the containment chamber, where track-propelled two combat robots have entered from portals along the interior wall and point their plasma blasters at Overgirl. "-your introduction."

"Precision, Orange Lantern! It's the hallmark of Science!"

"Oh, very-" He reaches out with his right hand and pulls a lever. "-well."

The combat robots lower their weapons and begin retreating-.

Overgirl flies into the first, rips off its head and fires her heat vision down its neck hole and into its interior! Its joints glow as its more delicate components are melted from the insides! She then grabs the slagged hulk and hurls it at its partner, which ducks behind the exit just in time for her improvised projectile to bounce off.
Yeah, she is not happy with her reception...

Then she turns towards Dr Sivana, eyes still glowing. Ah-.

There's a gold flash and she's on the floor, Dr Sivana taking a moment to admire the gold kryptonite laser pistol he's holding in his left hand.

"Superman would have been faster."
Damn fine timing, sir! Disable, then quip. He knows his stuff.

"What-?" She tries to push herself up, clearly having no idea why she's suddenly so weak. "What did-?"

I transition next to her, creating a barrier construct around her and firing a beam of sunlight at her. It won't reverse the effects immediately, but it should speed up her recovery.
It's likely the first time since her powers first came in that she's been so weak...

"Doctor, what are you doing?"

He slips his pistol back into his lab coat.

"Experimenting. Learning." He grins evilly and rubs his hands together. "Those heat beams were approximately two thirds of Superman's highest recorded output. You were giving it your all and I'm confident that he never has. Why would the Nazis, with their fixation on strength and blood purity, create a weaker knockoff?"
"If you're going to do something, you do it right!"

"What was that gun?"

"Gold kryptonite. Radiation on the right frequencies interferes with kryptonian physiology."

"Orange Lantern usually enhances his kryptonian friends to prevent me doing that."
In other words, she might want to remember to look into radiation shielding tech when she gets home.

"You are Thaddeus Sivana." Her eyes narrow. "The version of you from my Earth was executed for treason."

"I don't think I'll miss him. And now that you don't have that frustrating force field scattering my scanners, I can try and work out how you got here."
Uh, if you meant he odd radiation she was soaked in...

He pulls a couple of levers and a scanner array descends from the ceiling.

"Hold still. You probably picked up all sorts of fascinating resonances on your.. way…" He frowns as he looks at the results. "Hm."

"I removed those as part of healing her."
... Yeah, OL already dealt with it...

"Yes, you did, didn't you? That's… Inconvenient. Did you at least keep a record of what you removed?"

"Sorry. Orange ring consumption is fairly undiscriminating. Couldn't you just send a probe?"
Gotta wonder what he did Om-Nom back there. Hopefully nothing likely to cause difficulties sometime around, say April 1st?

"I've already done that, but it's not as resilient as a kryptonian." He makes eyes contact with Overgirl. "And you haven't answered my question. Why did they make you?"

She glares at him, then turns to me.
Avoiding the question? She is really not happy at all.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Because I'm afraid that despite his idiosyncrasies Doctor Sivana is the most intelligent human presently alive. When I have a problem that requires a scientific solution, I find myself increasingly turning to him and his family."

"Fam-? That dwarf was allowed to breed?"
Be nice. He could be your only way home.

"I'm not a dwarf; merely short. And unlike Nazis, I approach eugenics scientifically. My-."

Focus, please.

He shrugs. "There's nothing to do until I get some useable data from my probes. If more portals open there are any number of things I could try in order to force their closure. But I don't imagine that you would be all that happy about the collateral damage that would be involved. So unless there's a reason to rush things, I may as well attempt to alleviate my own frustrations with someone I won't be working with ever again."

"Doctor, it's not like you to get this distracted. What's going on?"
Frustrations? I take it something he's working is not going well.

"Hm." He thinks for a moment. "I think it's you. Since our first meeting I've been thinking about my rejections more."

"The ones which led to you-?"

"Becoming a supervillain, yes. Do you know how many times I was called a Nazi for trying to prevent the propagation of damages genes?"
Wow, he's actually reforming, or at least considering his issues? Rare.

"More than you should have been."

"Tia and Magnificus are blonde and blue-eyes because their mother is blonde and blue eyes and those were the genes I was working with."

I raise my hands in a pacifying gesture.

"You have no need to convince me."
I like OL's sympathetic attitude here. Many of his colleagues with be antagonistic...

"The Nazis were terrible scientists. They dismissed atomic physics as 'Jewish science'."

"I know they did, but Overgirl wasn't making policy-." I glance at her. "How old are you?"

"Thirty nine."
Well, Earth-10 Kryptonians definitely age well...

Huh. I've have guessed younger, but I suppose that's kryptonian physiology for you.

"Wasn't making policy during that era. And I also doubt that she thinks that atomic science is nonsense."

"Of course not. It was simply that the pool of physicists working in the area were predominantly Jewish and so politically unreliable. There was little point in the Empire expending resources without any chance of getting useful results."
...Should we tell her about the Americans' efforts?
('We' as in OL and Sivana. I know this isn't a quest...)

"Useful. Results."

"Doctor, thank you for taking the time to investigate this phenomenon, but unless you need us here I think it best if we left."

"Yes. I think so too." He presses a button. "This facility is now transparent to zeta rays. You can leave when you like."
Don't mind the twitching eyebrow and throbbing veins. He only gets like that when someone insults Science!... Oh, wait.

Well, That was a productive meeting... [/sarcasm] Hopefully she isn't so obnoxious with other people she has to work with...

...containing the containment chamber
...containing the containment chamber. (Missing full stop)
...head, crimping her.
...head, crumpling her.
(Not sure if an error, but... 'Crimping'?")
...track-propelled two...
...two track-propelled...
He makes eyes contact with Overgirl.
He makes eye contact with Overgirl.
"Tia and Magnificus are blonde and blue-eyes because their mother is blonde and blue eyes and those were the genes I was working with."
"Tia and Magnificus are blonde and blue-eyed because their mother is blonde and blue-eyed and those were the genes I was working with."
(An inconsistency in hyphenation there...)
Always nice to see a chapter involving the good old Doc Sivana, keep it up.

Will Dr Sivana show up again in this episode?

Will the SI tell Overgirl or anyone from earth 10 about the Hitler clone, you mentioned that he may appear in this episode?
If he does i can't wait to see her reaction!x3

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