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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

You're... Asking what 'Sleez' is the New God of?

Just wanted some confirmation from you. Also, is he a mindcontroller, or does he just make people want to do nasty things by amplifying that part of them?

Will Paul ever discover J'aarkn's lawyer is Apokoliptian?

Will Grayven be keeping tabs on this dumbass, if only to make sure he doesn't do anything like this, or even more idiotic, in the future?
Glorious Godfrey might have fled Earth in the Renegade timeline. Regardless, he wouldn't be behind this particular bullshit; it's a little too stupid to involve somebody who regularly works directly for Darkseid, which Godfrey does.

Luc "Can We Turn 'Sleez Did' Into The New 'Darkseid Is'?" French
I didn't think he was behind this silliness. I just remembered him when Grayven was thinking about the Apokalyptians on Earth, since again, he was in Young Justice. Feels like any version of Paul would at least take note of G Gordon Godfrey, but... I started reading this story while it was on Spacebattles, which is definitely long enough that I could have forgotten about him being handled.
Sleazes beating honestly reminded of those time traveling aliens from Rick and Morty when they beat up Einstein.

''Don't fuck with the law'':D

The paragon only remembers Godfrey from the JL cartoon where he was human.
Just wanted some confirmation from you. Also, is he a mindcontroller, or does he just make people want to do nasty things by amplifying that part of them?
In comic canon he can flat out control people. In this... Probably the latter.
Will Paul ever discover J'aarkn's lawyer is Apokoliptian?
Will Grayven be keeping tabs on this dumbass, if only to make sure he doesn't do anything like this, or even more idiotic, in the future?
Oh, Sleez is going to be in no state to do anything idiotic after this.
Oh, Sleez is going to be in no state to do anything idiotic after this.
He's getting deported back to Apokolips isn't he? Probably while in a coma too. Good riddance.

A nice little interlude; either the next is back to Overgirl, or just one last chapter seeing the aftermath of Sleez' beating.

When Overgirl is properly introduced I strongly suspect that Paul will have to stop her and Rocket from starting something. When Overgirl then makes remarks about her country's conquering of both Atlantis and Mars, things will most likely get even more awkward. I really can't wait for that series of conversations to happen.
Mars may not have a population anymore not because of the Nazis but because of that H'ronmeer curse, or civil war over the race thing the martians have, the nazis probably just colonized a non inhabited world with only the martian that joined the New Reichsmen being left. The Martian appears to be white, but i don't know if that is because he is a white martian, or maybe a red or green one that took on a white skin tone to better fit in
Though yeah her and Rocket interacting would be something to see, as well finding out that the leader of the Team is black and the interactions between Overgirl, a racist, and M'gann someone who belongs to a group that suffered racism for thousands of years, though hopefully getting better seeing as Zoat left a small snippet that J'emm and the other reds are passing laws to give more rights to the whites, would be interesting.

Does Overgirl even know about Arnus and his fight with Karl?

Is the Cooperative in your story like the one in the comics, that being a post scarcity society that has the ability to give people superpowers?
Are Icons powers natural to his species or is it something the ship gave him either accidently or to help him survive on a alien world?
Are you going to do a future storyline about the thanagarians and their interest in earths gods?
"Yes, because the monarch is usually first among equals, and a sufficiently large group of major nobles could overthrow them. That's where the Magna Carta comes from. That doesn't work on Apokolips-" Except briefly under Queen Hegra. "-because in an arena fight between Darkseid and everyone else -even allowing the 'everyone else' team to punch voodoo dolls so they didn't get in each others' way- Darkseid would still win. That makes for a very different social structure."

I'm not sure how actually true this is in most continuities. Darkseid is powerful, but is he really "beat everybody else" powerful? There have been plenty of occasions where someone (usually Superman or someone similarly powerful) manages to lay hands on him and demonstrate he can at least bleed like anyone else.

However, I'm sure it's what Darkseid wants everyone to believe is true and insists that they all repeat as the truth and many do believe it. Certainly there's no benefit in Renegade doing anything other than spouting the party line at this time and place.

"Hey! You can't-!"

Knockout takes her right hand off his shirt and slaps him hard enough to send him flying into the wall. Though she's restrained enough to avoid doing lasting harm. "Silence before your betters, Lowlie."

I'm a little sympathetic to Burns since we found out that a mind-controlling Apocalyptian was pulling his strings. I'm sure he was out to dodge his taxes, but would he have ever come up with this particular scam without Sleez pushing him to it?
He's getting deported back to Apokolips isn't he? Probably while in a coma too. Good riddance.
No. Deporting him back to Apokolips would be an insult to Darkseid, as Darkseid was the one who exiled him in the first place.
A nice little interlude; either the next is back to Overgirl, or just one last chapter seeing the aftermath of Sleez' beating.
Back to Overgirl.
Does Overgirl even know about Arnus and his fight with Karl?
She knows that Overman fought a variety of superpowered Americans. She probably doesn't remember that one in much detail.
Is the Cooperative in your story like the one in the comics, that being a post scarcity society that has the ability to give people superpowers?

Are Icons powers natural to his species or is it something the ship gave him either accidentality or to help him survive on a alien world?
Are you going to do a future storyline about the thanagarians and their interest in earths gods?
Was Garth -14 not born with purple eyes like earth 16 Garth?

That would explain why he was racist against Orin -14, if he never suffered from racism he could have adopted his families rather extreme beliefs.
Is the paragon going to have any children with Jade, aside from the one/s he may adopt in the final year?
Was Garth -14 not born with purple eyes like earth 16 Garth?

That would explain why he was racist against Orin -14, if he never suffered from racism he could have adopted his families rather extreme beliefs.
Oh, he had purple eyes. But Atlantean attitudes to power are somewhat different on Earth -14.
Is the paragon going to have any children with Jade, aside from the one/s he may adopt in the final year?
Probably, but that will be beyond the scope of this story.
How many years, in real world time not your stories time, are you planning to continue this story?
Are you planning on writing a sequel?
Will there only be six years in your stories universe?

Also have you read Super Powereds or Corpsies?
Their books about superheroes, really interesting ones.
I really like the fact that one of the characters in the books is a guy with the ability to manipulate orange energy called Citrine.:D
If you have read these books would you do a crossover with them, or well just an alternate universe look where he ended up in that universe like the other versions of the SI?
Imagine the SI going to a superhero school or attempting to help the corpsies with their issues and help build them as a team like the paragon does.

What type of changes has Saul done to the team he was in, aside from probably taking away some of their powers, the only thing we know is that their doing better from the last time we saw Saul?
What has the Paul in the exalted universe been up to since his ring became, or him i don't remember, became a infernal?

Will we see a version of the SI that became a green lantern in your story?
How many years, in real world time not your stories time, are you planning to continue this story?
As long as it takes.
Are you planning on writing a sequel?
Not unless human life expectancy dramatically increases in the next twenty years.
Will there only be six years in your stories universe?
No, it'll keep going, I just won't be writing about it.
Also have you read Super Powereds or Corpsies?
No, I haven't.
What type of changes has Saul done to the team he was in, aside from probably taking away some of their powers, the only thing we know is that their doing better from the last time we saw Saul?
Minor brain modifications for augmented intellects, general physical training and skills focused training.
What has the Paul in the exalted universe been up to since his ring became, or him i don't remember, became a infernal?
Fixing Autochthon. It's a work in progress.
Will we see a version of the SI that became a green lantern in your story?
I don't have any plans for one.
No, but it should be.
Ah, the man whose villainous plan was to mind control some of the most powerful people on Earth, use them to make a porno, and use the profits to (somehow) create an army capable of overthrowing Darkseid.

Honestly it's nice to see him improving himself with a merely "pants-on-head retarded" plan rather than his usual fair.

You go, little perv. Reach for the stars.

Even a Super Pervert would hsve found that plan quite stupid.

There are shape changers, illusions and so on.

Wonder Woman had to deal with porno of her since the war.

And of course there is certain Martian...
I'm not sure how actually true this is in most continuities. Darkseid is powerful, but is he really "beat everybody else" powerful? There have been plenty of occasions where someone (usually Superman or someone similarly powerful) manages to lay hands on him and demonstrate he can at least bleed like anyone else.

You made a logic mistake there.

Your incorrect assumption was that the other New Gods of Apokalips are a threat just like the likes of Superman have been shown to beat the snot out of Darkseid.

They aren't, because for the vast majority of New God history, New Gods were shit compared to Kryptonians, Guardians, Martians, Daxamites, etc, etc. It isn't until the post flashpoint continuity that New Gods were actually given god-like power. And that was bad bad writing, because it showed Power Rings as like useless crap you get at the bottom of a cereal box, which means it made no sense that Highfather felt power ring technology was too much power to trust to mortals.

God is a description of their race not their power level.

New Gods are a sequel to Marvel's Thor, where the Asgardians aren't bulletproof and Thor once had to save Sif from Dracula because vampires are higher up the food chain than deities.

Superman's son by Lashina that showed up in this story? He was going to be the God-King of Apokalips in Batman Beyond. The fact the half Kryptonian was going to be the strongest god on Apokalips makes it quite clear where Kryptonians stand in power level against most New Gods.
Gammadion (part 12)
14th March
15:05 GMT -5

"Recognized, Orange Lantern, B zero six."

I walk out of the glaring light of the zeta tube with my fingers crossed. It's not that I think that she'll actually attack anyone, it's just… I don't think that further shocks to the system will help my case.

So, what do we know? Overman, the most powerful and highly respected superhero on Earth 10, thinks that the holocaust was a really bad idea. He's playing his horror down, but the person closest to him spotted it. And since she really didn't-. Doesn't want to believe it, I don't think that she's merely mistaken. So okay, he was a teenager when the Second World War ended, and Angelika said that he didn't commit mass 'purging' himself. I wouldn't expect most teenagers to question the society they grew up in at that age, and…

And I'm not sure that I can criticise him too harshly for not trying to topple the fascist status quo when I left the Crime Syndicate as a going concern. Okay, he's had sixty years and I had a couple of days, so… No, no, the Syndicate doesn't have a broad support base. By now fascism is just normal. The surviving groups who aren't considered 'acceptable' aren't going to have the economic or military power to form a separate support base. And at this point the more stupid parts of Naz-. Yes, Nazi political organisation must have reached some kind of resolution, otherwise the system just wouldn't be able to function.

Overman openly said that he thought the purges were a mistake and they don't appear to have tried to purge him. Yes, kryptonians are tough but they're not invulnerable. If the current regime were that sensitive to criticism then they could probably have gotten rid of him. Ultimately, I just don't know enough-.

"Recognized, Overgirl, A six one."

I don't know what he's planning. And I don't know if I could come up with something better.

Angelika looks around curiously. Her eyes alight on the bio-ship for a moment, but she appears familiar with the general design.

"Is that Martian?"

"Yes, it belongs to my colleague, M'gann M'orzz. What's Mars like in your parallel?"

"It was dead. There's a Germanian colony there now, but the only member of the native species left is A'monn A'mokk."

"What happened to them?"

"I don't know him well. Some sort of weaponised disease. It killed the entire population over the course of a few days." She shrugs. "It does nothing to humans, so there was no reason not to colonise it."

Hm. Don't remember an A'monn A'mokk from the comics.

"Good news, then! Martian civilisation is alive and well here. The Justice League has a Martian member, as does my team. That's a Martian spaceship."

She nods, and continues looking around.

"I can't see through the rock."

"Yes, it's a security measure. I reinforced it with super tough materials and arcane wards, and there's an enchanted grove inhabited by a dryad on top of it." I frown. "What does National Socialism say about dryads?"

She shrugs. "Since they aren't human, our standards of racial purity don't apply. The National Church dislikes them, while the Ariosophists.. generally revere them. I have never dealt with one myself. Do you intend to introduce us?"

"I think Euanthe's probably a bit tactile for you."


"She doesn't really have a concept of personal space. Oh, um… Should I introduce you as Overgirl, or Angelika? Actually, is it alright if I call you Angelika? Overgirl sounds a little.. odd in-." I wince. "Do you speak English?"

"Yes, and Spanish and French. Though I am told that I have a strong accent."

"I hadn't noticed."

"Of course not, we are both speaking German."

"No, I'm speaking English." I hold up my left hand. "My power ring includes a translation function."

"It does?"

"I got a 'C' at GCSE German, which means that I can't speak German. I didn't even get that far with any other language."

"Sentinel's ring does not translate. Is that because his ring is green?"

"Did he get it from an American superhero called Green Lantern?" She nods. "It's defective. Damaged during a remote shutdown when its previous owner stopped obeying the people who made it. It doesn't have a lot of the functions the rings in good working order have."

"How would he repair it?"

"Ta.. king our parallel as an example, find someone who understands the technology and ask them to do it. The Guardians of the Galaxy might do it, but… How National Socialist is Sentinel?"

"They would refuse to aid a hero due to his political beliefs?"

"If those political beliefs include the idea that mass murder of people who haven't committed a crime due to genetic characteristics is okay then yes, they probably would. If the Green Lantern Corps in your reality works like it does here then there are two Lanterns in your region of space already. If they haven't approached him -even just to find out how he got his ring- then it's probably because they don't want to."

"Their own species has never cleansed itself? They do not have their own defectives?"

"Yes, and I work for them. When Maltusian political factions can't agree with one another they just avoid one another, they don't kill each other. The last time there was Maltusian on Maltusian violence was when one of them came close to accidentally destroying the universe, and there wasn't any internal disagreement about how to handle that."

"Other species, then. How do they handle-?"

"Some species do sterilise people with genetic disorders… Those are actual disorders which make parts of their body not function properly, not for membership of a particular social group. More advanced places just fix them or use assisted reproduction techniques to ensure that the damaged genes aren't passed on. Political purges happen in a lot of places, but… Remember all of the centuries German Catholics spent killing German Protestants, and vice versa? Same thing, and about as sensible. Trying to kill a popular idea by killing people usually doesn't completely work, and trying to kill an unpopular one is pointless. Other places have caste systems, but even then… Flat out extermination of the sort Germania went in for is very unusual."

I call up a holographic screen and connect it to my rings by a construct.

"Feel free to review our database if you wish to confirm that for yourself."

"Yes." She walks over to it and begins entering her search parameters. "I think that I will."
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