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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

According to Morrison's Seven Soldiers, there are people with superhero fetishes who'll risk death to get powers (cf Bulleteer's origin story). Stands to reason that also applies to supervillains.

I imagine there are people who get the serum or Ray gun or whatever, use it, get powers, and then go "okay, now what?"

And then some of them become Twitch streamers.

If real life serial killer can get groupies why not Super Villains? I mean it's been established that in a number of Universes the FRAKING JOKER has fanboys and fangirls!!
Ah people, admiring great men like Tesla, Lincoln and let us not forget Ted Bundy.
Yes I can see people admiring supervillains.
I have to say, it's hard enough to keep the different universes separate without them being time-shifted like Earth-12 is. I get that it needs to correlate to when the show aired or things get a bit weird, but for a story where every part has an exact time, the timeline is a lot harder to follow than it should be.
Hey, Mr Zoat - just curious, but with all of the sudden interludes from alternate realities, are we nearing the endgame for the SI or does the story have a long way to go?

Not asking for spoilers or anything, just curious about a general timeline.
It's not like I want you to read the FAQ or anything, babaka.
We seem to be nearing the Crisis of Infinite Pauls. However, considering that Season 2 of the show hasn't even begun, and the mystery of what happened to John Constantine remains in the air? I suspect we have a way to go.

Speaking of John: How's he doing on the Renegade side?
Miserably. After he turned up to a lecture tipsy Circe cursed him with sobriety.
And then some of them become Twitch streamers.
Because that turned out so well for the New Warriors.
Ah, back to Earth-12 and the DCAU alternate. And it's good to see 'Peter' getting involved in things after losing his Ring. I assume Batman never gave the real thing back.
Or Batman never got the real thing in the first place. I mean, Peter felt him picking the thing up from the other room; how could he have not noticed him trying to palm it while right there in front of him? I think he pulled a second switch, and Batman didn't notice because not even Mister Ultimate Detective would be able to notice a switch done literally instantaneously.

Neither of them are all that well known, globally. Other employees know that she's an altered human trying to turn herself back.
A bit surprising that Peter isn't known that well, really. The early 2000s are around the time that people like Elon Musk and Meg Whitman became well-known for making it big with novel approaches to tech companies, and "The Man Who Employs Supervillains" would make for a great headline for an enterprising blogger.
A bit surprising that Peter isn't known that well, really. The early 2000s are around the time that people like Elon Musk and Meg Whitman became well-known for making it big with novel approaches to tech companies, and "The Man Who Employs Supervillains" would make for a great headline for an enterprising blogger.
It's 2020 and I still don't know who Meg Whitman is.
Peter was distracted when Bats took the ring so he probably didn't notice at the time.
He may know now but probably doesn't really care, aside from maybe being a bit pissed at Bats, though seeing as the Pauls all seem to have a unique way of viewing the universe probably not. The Guardians may not give it back, but he probably thinks it is safer with them. He also may think he got lucky in being able to use it without going insane and doesn't want to risk it. He also has advanced tech to compensate for lack of a ring.
Peter was distracted when Bats took the ring so he probably didn't notice at the time.
He may know now but probably doesn't really care, aside from maybe being a bit pissed at Bats, though seeing as the Pauls all seem to have a unique way of viewing the universe probably not. The Guardians may not give it back, but he probably thinks it is safer with them. He also may think he got lucky in being able to use it without going insane and doesn't want to risk it. He also has advanced tech to compensate for lack of a ring.
Because if there is one thing orange light users are known for, it's being cool with people taking their shit.

Yeah, the Guardians fucking around with an orange ring and getting Larfleeze's attention would be great.
Yeah, the Guardians fucking around with an orange ring and getting Larfleeze's attention would be great.

It was mentioned that in Universe 12 Power Rings arent made out of emotions, but from a minerals found on Oa and Qward. So there likely aren't Ring users of other Colors there. So no Larfleeze to worry about.
We don't know how similar Peter is to the paragon and renegade, especially as he has spent several more years in another universe compared to the other versions of the SI when Bats took it.
He may be pissed, but he would still feel it was in better hands, that being people who actually know shit about how power rings work.
The Guardians already know not to mess with Larfleeze, though they may try to figure out who sent this ring because they don't want another insane orange lantern flying around. They were lucky Larfleeze decided to stay in his cave.

Peter may also be willing to work with the League irregardless of the ring theft, because he doesn't want an organization that is responsible for the protection of the planet he lives one to be inefficient and sloppy.

Aeess i am pretty sure rings in earth 12 are just made of minerals but still channel those emotions, so Larfleeze may very well exist.
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It's 2020 and I still don't know who Meg Whitman is.
She's fallen out of the public eye lately, but in the 2000s she was making the news regularly as the CEO of eBay when it became a household name, then HP, which didn't quite go as well. Then she got into American politics when she probably shouldn't have and hasn't been really making the news as often lately.
I am admittedly curious, it seems the next logical step would be not Helmutt, but hauling Angelika to Metropolis for a word with Earth-16's version of Overman. Clark is good at seeing the good in people, and he's probably a lot happier than his counterpart without the guilt of not stopping the Holocaust.
Wait, what happened to John? I don't remember something happening to him.....
Also can someone give me a link to the last time we saw this version of Paul? Can't find it and to be fair not even sure which one he his.
Wait, what happened to John? I don't remember something happening to him.....
Also can someone give me a link to the last time we saw this version of Paul? Can't find it and to be fair not even sure which one he his.

Don't have a link, but this Paul ended up in the DCAU (Superman and Batman the Animated Series, Justice League cartoon, Justice League Unlimited) and never found a way of recharging his ring. So he mined enough gold and rare metals to set himself up for life, adopted the name Peter Wynn since he couldn't use his own one, and used a bank to dispose of the metals claiming it was from an exotic teleporter device. Then, using the power of money he started reforming supervillains by offering them gainful employment, got into a relationship with Cheetah, and seemed generally content.

After the Earth-12 League teleported to the Syndicate-verse (Earth -14) and got spanked by Paragon Paul, Batman 12 broke into Peter's home and nicked his mostly-dead orange ring from his safe.
Don't have a link, but this Paul ended up in the DCAU (Superman and Batman the Animated Series, Justice League cartoon, Justice League Unlimited) and never found a way of recharging his ring. So he mined enough gold and rare metals to set himself up for life, adopted the name Peter Wynn since he couldn't use his own one, and used a bank to dispose of the metals claiming it was from an exotic teleporter device. Then, using the power of money he started reforming supervillains by offering them gainful employment, got into a relationship with Cheetah, and seemed generally content.

After the Earth-12 League teleported to the Syndicate-verse (Earth -14) and got spanked by Paragon Paul, Batman 12 broke into Peter's home and nicked his mostly-dead orange ring from his safe.

The ring nicking happened in 2007 local time, I think, 5 years after this segment
3 years.
Bats took the ring in 2005.

Hey Zoat what did anti green lantern Paul do with that Amazon that tried to kill all the men in the world, assuming he involved himself in that?
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Did he at least kill her?

Is Shade 12 just a magic user, and not someone that could go toe to toe with gods, in your story?
He was affected by that anti man gas, but he could have been faking it, unless it is his achilies heil and can poison him too.
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Did he at least kill her?

Is Shade 12 just a magic user, and not someone that could go toe to toe with gods, in your story?
He was affected by that anti man gas, but he could have been faking it, unless it is his achilies heil and can poison him too.
Earth 12 Shade is a minor villain with a magic rod that lets him control darkness.
Did he at least kill her?
Probably not. There wasn't any particular reason for the League to tell him anything about her, and little chance that he'd have just happened upon her.
Is Shade 12 just a magic user, and not someone that could go toe to toe with gods, in your story?

He was affected by that anti man gas, but he could have been faking it, unless it is his Achilles heel and can poison him too.
I suspect that the intent with Shade was that he was the original comic Shade, rather than the uberpowerful Starman version.
He'd honestly have no reason to kill Aresia. She died at the end of the two episodes she was in.

And I suspect Peter probably didn't care too much about his ring being taken because, as has been pointed out, it's out of juice by the time Batman snatches it. Annoyed by it, but likely not so much that it'd be worth trying to pick a fight with the Justice League.

Especially if it was the super expanded version. What year did the DCAU version of the League become a small army?
It's not like I want you to read the FAQ or anything, babaka.
Speaking of, actually, I have a...quibble about the FAQ. "Mantling" is an elder scrolls thing, not a dresden files thing. Mantling basically means taking up the role of a being of mythical power until the world itself fails to distinguish you. The main character of Oblivion mantles Sheogorath by repeating acts he has done, and then, in the end, taking up the symbol of his power and taking the seat on his throne.

A mantle is something from Dresden files, and is basically the supernatural role someone performs, which usually comes with a bunch of power along with it. Mantles (at least in most circumstances we have seen as readers) move to the next most suitable person, or into the custody of the person with the authority to bestow the mantle on others. In the Dresden files, if a fairy queen dies, her mantle moves to the next suitable target. (If the Queen dies, the Lady takes up the role, and the next suitable non-queen is made the Lady)

My basic quibble: "Mantling" as a verb is not a Dresden files thing.

This has been my TED talk, thank you.
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Speaking of, actually, I have a...quibble about the FAQ. "Mantling" is an elder scrolls thing, not a dresden files thing. Mantling basically means taking up the role of a being of mythical power until the world itself fails to distinguish you. The main character of Oblivion mantles Sheogorath by repeating acts he has done, and then, in the end, taking up the symbol of his power and taking the seat on his throne.

A mantle is something from Dresden files, and is basically the supernatural role someone performs, which usually comes with a bunch of power along with it. Mantles (at least in most circumstances we have seen as readers) move to the next most suitable person, or into the custody of the person with the authority to bestow the mantle on others. In the Dresden files, if a fairy queen dies, her mantle moves to the next suitable target. (If the Queen dies, the Lady takes up the role, and the next suitable non-queen is made the Lady)

My basic quibble: "Mantling" as a verb is not a Dresden files thing.

This has been my TED talk, thank you.
Okay, so what is the action of taking up a mantle called in Dresden Files?

Also -as stated in the FAQ- I haven't read it.
Covert Community (part 2)
8th March 2002
00:38 GMT -7

Jade backs up further, a shock baton appearing in her left hand and a crossbow pistol in her right. But there isn't any particular surprise in her expression. Her life to date hasn't encouraged or rewarded trust and she certainly wasn't putting any faith in me at this point in our working relationship. To be fair, I don't trust her either, which is why none of my employees know why we're here.

"Hey, what the hell are you-"

There's an arrowhead next to my head-


-as the battered canisters leak brown sludge over the floor of Mr Edge's vault. Liquids don't really compress that well but they do conduct blast waves. Thank you, Hollywood Science. I could shoot it again, but at this point-.

The mud begins purposively pouring out of the canisters, collecting into thick strands which writhe and twist around one another before merging into a unified mass.

The arrow lowers.

"The.. hell..?"

I lower the Gravity Rod and step forward as arms, legs and the outline of a face begin to appear.

"Mister Hagen? Are you compos mentis?"

I don't look, but I suspect that Roy is frowning as he reorientates his arrow. "Hagen. Clayface?"

"Not my greatest role." Mr Hagen mimes cracking a neck he no longer possesses, then lumbers around to look at the canisters. "How long was I in there?"

"About four years, I'm afraid."

He turns back to the four of us, eyes -such as he has- properly focusing on me for the first time.


"Will be spending some significant time explaining himself to the Federal Bureau of Investigation once we anonymously drop him off."

He thinks about that for a moment.

"You some kind of superhero?"

"I prefer to think of myself-."

"Heh. Supervillain, then."

"Not really." I hold up the Rod. "Barely know how to use it." I indicate Roy with my right thumb. "He's a superhero. She's-" I look around and nod at Barbara. "-a former supervillain and she-" I nod at Jade. "-issss..." I raise my eyebrows. "Former supervillain?"

She shrugs.

I turn back to Mr Hagen.

"Former supervillain. I, Mister Hagen, am in the business of locating people who have -for whatever reason- made some rather unfortunate choices, but whom I think might be amenable to making better ones in future."


I reach down with my right hand, unclip a chemical flask and hold it out to him.

"MP Forty. I understand it helps you pull yourself into shape."

He looks at it hungrily. "It does more than that. It makes me feel human again. What do you want for it?"

I shake my head. "Nothing. First taste is free."

"Heh." He reaches forward with his left hand and takes it from me. "And the second taste?"

I shrug. "You need to show me that you're serious about reforming. I can arrange for you to continue receiving doses while you're in prison-"

"Ah, I already don't like this plan."

"-and for a legal team who will keep the time you'll serve to an absolute minimum. Doctor Bates is already working for me-."

He frowns. "Stella? She's still..?"

"Invested in your wellbeing? Yes. Her work has enough other applications that that I've been able to justify setting her up in a laboratory, and I'm happy for her to also work on a long-term fix for you."

"If I play ball."

"If you play ball."

He holds up his right arm and turns his hand into a morning star.

"And if I don't?"

"I don't intend to stop you." I step aside, leaving a clear aisle towards the vault's exit. "You're free to go."

He lumbers past us and sticks his head out through the door. "That sounds better. Where are we, anyway?"

"A small island in the South Pacific." He stills, then turns back to me. "I won't stop you from leaving… But if we don't come to terms then I won't help you to leave."

He lumbers back, growing larger as he does so. Though his combat abilities are… Disturbing, he is restricted by conservation of mass. While he can whip out his arms to tens of metres long they're not particularly strong when he does that, which is why he makes dense patches in the shape of bludgeoning or melee weapons when he wants to seriously hurt someone.

I fold my arms across my chest and wait patiently.

"Not Arkham. Not Blackgate. Someplace… Nice. I think I want to take up gardening."

"I don't have the authority to negotiate, but… I'll see what I can do. Avoiding Arkham should be simple enough; whatever else you are you're clearly not insane."

"Guess that'll have to do." He shifts his right hand back into a hand, twists the top off the flask and downs the contents. Then he tosses it back towards the canisters which contained him. "How are we getting off this rock?"


He closes his eyes and groans.

"Submarine. Why did it have to be a submarine?"

"The island's too small for an airplane big enough to carry you and I don't own a helicopter big enough to carry you. Cheshire, would you be so good as to lead the way out?"

She stows her pistol bow, makes brief eye contact with Roy and then turns away, heading cautiously down the corridor towards the exit. Mr Hagen regards me for a moment, then turns away to lumber after her.


"Arsenal, I don't like using their-" I make fleeting eye contact with Barbara, who looks away. "-nom de infamies. I think it encourages them to think of themselves as criminals and nothing else. Will you stay here until the navy arrives?"

"Yeah, no problem." He nods. "Good trip."

Barbara and I follow Mr Hagen towards the front door, the sky outside… Glowing red for some reason? Flares? Did we miss someone, or is the navy early? That could be a little awkward if-.

"Acquisition successful. Locating local variant 'Peter Wynne'."

What the hell is-?

Mr Hagen smiles as he looks back at me.

"Guess I'm getting out-"

He shrinks, assuming my form.

"-after all. Thanks for the jail-."

A giant blue.. hand reaches down and grabs him, pulling him up into the air.

"Acquisition successful."

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