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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Still surprised that renegade recruited Misa, the yandere, and gave her powers.
She was just an ordinary girl and he helped her get revenge.
I know he gave Orana powers, but she was an extremely skilled warrior and Diana wanted more women on the team.
Recruiting someone like Misa is.. well odd.
Check the text on the first post of every episode?

Someone made an episode guide for the Renegade updates back when the migration to SV {when stars crossed episode} happened.

Anyways 60% of the earlier Renegade updates are pointless filler.

First important deviation Paul used Gangbusters on himself and used the ring to control and stabilize the muscle growth.

Second important deviation he assimilated sportsmaster and bane.

The forever people confronted him and called him Grayven, this led to 'Grayven' kneecaped DeSaad and stole his father box, then he convinced said Father Box that he was the real Grayven and he was soulless because his original soul got shredded when he threw himself through that portal.

Batman asked 'Grayven' to use his resources to attempt to infiltrate the 'hypothetical' alliance of super villains we know as The light.

During the April fools update Grayven got interference from Ambush bug radiation and got Sunset Shimmer and the yandere from Death Note in his crossover.

Now start reading at Stars Crossed part one.
And we are back to just skipping the red parts. To much hassle.
And we are back to just skipping the red parts. To much hassle.


Just read the star crossed part 1 and 2 as that is when Renegade became very entertaining, the earliest updates are mostly mirrors of the paragon barring single points of deviation thus you get the most of them from a simple summary.

I'm pretty sure Brimstone counts as a kind of sun. And Brimstone tried to squish Grayven. And we both know how that ended - so in all fairness, if I were Grayven, I... wouldn't really be too scared of a big lump of combusting hydrogen.

He can survive it and the rest of equestria can't (and its up to debate how "big" the sun of Wilson is) so he has nothing to be fearful just yet.
I'm kind of getting the feeling Celestia isn't really acknowledging what Sunset is saying as much as she should.

I really don't know what Sunset was looking for there. Not an explanation, certainly, because six times when Celestia tried to talk Sunset interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

An apology? An acknowledgement that she was wronged I guess? Well understandably that's not going to happen because Celestia correctly understood that Sunset was a real piece of shit and helping her to become an alicorn before correcting some of her character flaws would have been a bad idea.
An entire chapter of Sunset throwing a semi-coherent tantrum.
Guess Grayven didn't think it worth actually preparing her for the big confrontation.

A few of the more blatant inconsistencies:
- Believes Celestia only took students to free Luna. Sunset is apparently unaware that people can have multiple reasons for their actions.
- Believes Celestia deliberately chose a sycophant as a student. Ignoring that pretty much the entire population of Equestria holds her in worshipful awe.
- States that she made friends as soon as she met someone she could see as an equal. Also states that no one in Celestia's school was even worth her time. Seems to believe Celestia should have 'fixed' this.
- Just announced (via song) that what she learned on Earth would utterly revolutionise Equestrian magic. Complains that Celestia couldn't teach her as much about magic as she learned on Earth.
- Fundamentally Sunset still seems to believe that Celestia is all-knowing. That she could have taught Sunset everything. That every decision is deliberate, calculated to give a specific outcome. That she has no limits on what she can arrange except her own willingness to do so.

"Graven." She turns her head towards me. "I want to know what you've been teaching my student."
Unless there has been a whole bunch of off-scree interactions… very little actually.
Grayven gave her a couple of bops on the nose with the civil-war mission but for the most part all he did was gives her a well-stocked lab, a variety of associates and plenty of free time.
Celestia smiles.

"You're making friends now?"

"Yes, I'm making f-. No!" Her face twitches. "I'm not-! Grghkaaagh!"
This feels like Celestia trying to take credit for that, in a "It all worked out in the end, in fact it was a net positive experience for you" kind of way. That frustration was experienced second hand and I still hate her a bit, so great job. :D
Celestia not telling her how to become an Alicorn was most likely because she knew Sunset had some serious flaws that needed to be overcome, so giving her more power would have most likely ended badly.

And yeah practically everyone on Equestria worships Celestia so finding someone who doesn't, and also is a skilled and brilliant mage, would have been very difficult.

Celestia may become proud of how far Sunset has advanced as a mage, but as an individual...eh, i'm not sure there has been that much character development, aside from that try to listen to those that have more experience than you moment with the renegade after giving Bullock the gun to kill Hatter.
Well, he is the new god / Alicorn of Fascism.
No, that's Darkseid, Grayven is the New God of Conquest (both by force or by 'Hearts and Minds')

Is there an index for all the renegade parts? I've been skipping them because of general disintrest untill now since they don't impact the main story. But I thought I'd give it a try, but digging trough all of this stuff to find what i want is a bit much.
I'm pretty sure that when the 'Crisis of Infinite Pauls/Jades' finally occurs, both the main Pauls will be front and center in the action (as well as many/most of the alternates we've seen in the supplementary chapters)

Still surprised that renegade recruited Misa, the yandere, and gave her powers.
She was just an ordinary girl and he helped her get revenge.
Grayven has reflected on occasion, that he did it on impulse (And I think it was partly a 'will this work?' experiment) and that it wasn't a very good idea. He certainly didn't expect her to be so obsessively devoted to himself. I don't think he's ever realized she's a counterpart to a Death Note character
He's unlikely to admit it out loud (since he doesn't like admitting to mistakes period), but he's though about it a few times.
Looking at the comments, lots of people seem to think that Celestia is trying to 'win' the argument. She isn't.

Consider this:
From Sunset's perspective it has been a year. And at no point was there any doubt in her mind that Equestria and Celestia would be patiently waiting for her return and their epic confrontation.

From Celestia's perspective it has been over a decade. Sunset ran through a portal that Celestia regards as the gateway to hell. She didn't reply to any messages in the linked-diary. She didn't return when the 'thirty moons' cycle came round again. She was just gone, dust in the wind like all the others Celestia has lost over the centuries.
And then as if by some miracle Sunset returns, hale and hearty.

Celestia doesn't give a barn about the argument. She doesn't give a buck about 'winning' or justifying herself or any of that dross. All she cares about is finding out how her student, someone she cared deeply for, has been doing.

Her saying "You're making friends now?" isn't a sarcastic counterpoint. It is an expression of surprised delight.
WereDragon makes a good point.
We know that Celestia practically considers Twilight like a daughter so she probably also considered Sunset like that once.
To know that she is alright is probably a blessing.
She is letting her emotions get the better of her, but not anger, just love, relief and joy that she is somehow alive.
...so, just throwing this out there, but has it been posited that Celestia might be... insane?
"Graven." She turns her head towards me. "I want to know what you've been teaching my student."
Graven: Honestly, I mostly just asked her to help whenever I had a problem that only magic could solve. And with my physical might and the technology I have access to those problems were pretty rare and specialized.
"Graven." She turns her head towards me. "I want to know what you've been teaching my student."

Friendship and magic.

He hasn't, actually. Not intentionally, anyway, but it's snappy and it reminds people that friendship and magic aren't actually the same subject.
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Got bored enough to read this one....ahem

"I hoped that you could learn to have friends. I didn't want you to shut yourself-."
Everything about this pisses me off. More of that "I could have taught you things that are worthwhile, but I wanted you to have perspective/Be humble/Normal life" Dumbledore/Hiruzen/literally any "mentor" of a chosen one that doesn't really do their fucking job ever.

"Graven." She turns her head towards me. "I want to know what you've been teaching my student."
Thought it was Grayven?

Also, that's be big 10-4 on the go fuck yourself woman pony creature who fucked things up and thus doesn't deserve answers to shit.
Everything about this pisses me off. More of that "I could have taught you things that are worthwhile, but I wanted you to have perspective/Be humble/Normal life" Dumbledore/Hiruzen/literally any "mentor" of a chosen one that doesn't really do their fucking job ever.
Keep in mind this is a setting where Friendship is a magical weapon of mass destruction.
Everything about this pisses me off. More of that "I could have taught you things that are worthwhile, but I wanted you to have perspective/Be humble/Normal life" Dumbledore/Hiruzen/literally any "mentor" of a chosen one that doesn't really do their fucking job ever.
I mean the 'worthwhile' thing that Sunset wanted to learn was the method to become an Alicorn and the process to do so that Celestia knows of involves making friends as a prerequisite to the process. So in this case the "have perspective/Be humble/Normal life" thing was a necessary step in reaching the 'worthwhile' lessons.

And really would you teach a method to acquire almost god-like power to someone that seems extremely anti-social and hates interacting with almost everyone, when part of going through with the process involves basically learning to interact with people.
I mean the 'worthwhile' thing that Sunset wanted to learn was the method to become an Alicorn and the process to do so that Celestia knows of involves making friends as a prerequisite to the process. So in this case the "have perspective/Be humble/Normal life" thing was a necessary step in reaching the 'worthwhile' lessons.

And really would you teach a method to acquire almost god-like power to someone that seems extremely anti-social and hates interacting with almost everyone, when part of going through with the process involves basically learning to interact with people.

Well yeah, that's how you know they won't use that power to become politicians.
Sunset may think that she could have made friends with people that share similar interests to her, but this could still prevent her from wielding the Elements, because even if she thinks she could have made friends it would most likely be a relationship of colleagues and she can still try to keep a distance from them and may not become that close to them.
Remember she is an anti-social and somewhat arrogant person.
For all Celestia could have known Sunset could have resented people who who were as smart, smarter, or tried to become as smart as her and needed some humility.

And before anyone starts badmouthing me that this humility takes the form of making someone feel down, let me remind you that we are talking about a highly arrogant and anti social person that wants to become a god, you don't give someone like that that much power unless they are humble, or at least have better control over themselves and their impulses.
Sunset has done things that put her so called genius into question.
She is a brilliant scholar and mage, but in everything else...ehh

Celestia isn't trying to make her feel down about her accomplishments and trying to put her down.
She just discovered that her student, who she probably thought was dead for over a decade, was alive and well and had made friends, something that she wanted for her.
She is like a parent who just discovered their child was alive and doing well, OR COURSE she isn't going to think in a totally rational manner and may fixate on certain things, because she is extremely RELIVED,
And her being suspicious of the renegade is logical, because there is a complete unknown in her home that may have done something to her former student.
If Luna, or the Mane 6, showed her their memories of him she may still be suspicious because he could have manipulated them.

Even if Sunset gets her 'apology' from Celestia like she wants it, it will be a hollow one, or at least even if it is genuine it won't be like the one she wishes.
Zoat is a brilliant writer and he has created scenarios that make his characters think about what they want and what getting it will feel like, i really hope that he doesn't just write one where Celestia just apologizes to Sunset.
She can apologize, but i get the feeling the taste of victory will be bitter.
And her being suspicious of the renegade is logical, because there is a complete unknown in her home that may have done something to her former student.
If Luna, or the Mane 6, showed her their memories of him she may still be suspicious because he could have manipulated them.

To be fair, being suspicious of Grayven is logical because he's a smug git.

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