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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Warlantern 40,000
0 086 936.M41
Or thereabouts

I wince as the ork kroozer's magazines finally detonate, visibly blasting the lower part of the hull away from the more heavily armoured prow and… Um. Top? Then I wince again as the construct orks I had onboard return to the ring and I'm forced to feel their thoughts and feelings… I suppose if there were any species able to cope well with constructhood it would be the orks. They want nothing more than combat and expect to be reincarnated as orks after their deaths. In a way, I've just arranged things so that neither Mork nor Gork need to trouble themselves with arranging matters.

At this distance the size of the thing looks almost reasonable. For goodness sake, I boarded that bloody thing and I know that it's colossal. The little models Battlefleet Gothic use really make you underestimate it. Though far from the biggest ship in the Grim Dark Present, it's still four and a half kilometres long and home to hundreds of thousands of orkoids. I mean, I've seen bigger, and I'm very glad that I didn't get a closer look at any of those monsters I saw when I appeared back in the Sol system, but there's something about hundreds of bellowing lunatics firing at you with automatic scatterguns that makes you appreciate the scale of these things.

Or when their primary armament tries to aim at the little orange blip and you realise as one flies past that the shells they're firing at you are taller than you are.

Yeah. But-

Up and to my right the last Ork escort explodes and the squadron of Manta bombers that finished it off begin their return flight to their command ship.

-now that's dealt with, I can calm down to something approaching sane levels and make first contact with the least mental major faction in the setting. I gave the matter some considerable thought after I legged it away from 'Terra' with my non-warp based FTL ring, and appealing as the idea of finding an isolated, human-inhabited world somewhere safe is… It's the forty first fucking millennium! Where am I going to find somewhere safe?! I mean reliably safe, in a universe where daemons can enter some poor bastard's mind from the warp because he didn't realise he was a psyker, or there might be a sleeping Necron tomb under the ground ready to eradicate all life above, or a Hive Fleet might be about to turn inwards towards the Milky Way Galaxy from any part of intergalactic space.

So. Yeah. I try not to look threatening as I accelerate towards what looks like an airlock in the middle of the front half of the dull green Tau ship. And I try not to worry about the ion cannons which are almost certainly tracking me and are likely to be a little more accurate than the orks' gunnery. The Mantas ahead of me return to their launch bays located on either side of the third quarter of the ship. Though less massive, narrower and flatter than the ork Kroozer it's actually a fair bit longer. Which strikes me as odd; I seem to remember Tau ships having the same sort of wing shape as their tanks. Maybe… No, they're definitely using Tau transponders, but… Maybe they're auxiliaries? Armed merchantmen? Tau-aligned aliens? Not sure. I can also see the damage its hull has taken; though their damage control is better than that of the orks I can see dozens of hull breaches as well at the remains of ork boarding torpedoes where they struck the rear quarter of the ship from below.

I see a couple of smaller Tau ships turn and… Huh, they're not small-small, but in a setting where attack craft are jumbo jet size they're practically tiny. A single main gun plus wing-mounted turret weapons… Less well armed than the Manta, so I'm going to guess that those are interceptors.

I should probably contact the ship.

Ring, do it.

Ave, Lanterna.

No, see, that would be fine if I was joining the Imperium, but for the Tau-.

"This is the T'olku Lar'shi Vhel-." The speaker pauses. "Vhel'ua. Identify yourself."

I'd say the voice was female, but I don't know whether 'high pitch = woman' holds true for Tau. How.. best to begin?

"You're welcome."

Another pause. "For.. what?"

"I just destroyed the cruiser that was battering you. Naturally, your first response was to thank me. I have decided to be magnanimous. You're welcome."


"Who are you?"

"I am Kor'Ui Vey'ue. And.. I.. apologise for my lack of courtesy. Our diplomats are… Not available at present."

"I quite understand. It's hard to switch from battle command to negotiation. Look, I'd like to come on board. Could those fighters you're sending my way escort me to somewhere suitable?"

"For what reason?"

"I wish to request political asylum, with a view to studying Tau philosophy and eventually becoming a citizen of the Tau Empire. As you can see… I can make myself quite useful. Also… I've been awake for thirteen days straight." I think. "I need sleep."

"I will not allow you to board this ship until you tell me who and what you are."

"Fair enough. I'm a human, and I'm currently flying through space using an alien device known as a power ring."

"You're hu-? Stand by."

"Look, I know my whole species went insane some time in the last thirty nine thousand years. I was born in M Two, I wash my hands with the whole lot of them. I still remember when we looked forward to meeting other intelligent species."

"You.. do..?" A new voice, slightly deeper.

"Yeah. Want to guess what the first alien species we met was?"

"I do not know."

"Orks. And then daemons, because those come with the warp drives. Suffice to say that between the two of them they rather put us off." Those.. fighters are getting a bit close… "Look: if you're not going to let me on board just say so. I'll go somewhere else where the people are less ungrateful."

"No." Kor'Ui Vey'ue again. "I will authorise this." On the side of the ship I see a circle of light flicker around the airlock while the lights further away go out. "Please proceed to the airlock. I will send a party to meet you."

"Thank you. I look forward to meeting you in person." Ring, transition.

The universe… Is far enough away that it doesn't actually appear to move, other than the fact that a chunk of it is now obscured by a wall of ship hull. But the airlock is sized for a single person and-. Ah! A button! And even better, it isn't made of fucking skulls!

Ring, open it up.


The ring picks up a series of warning radio pings, then there's a slight vibration as the outer door unlocks and swings inwards and upwards. I transition inwards again and send the signal to close the outer door. Still no skulls! Curved edges, which is a little strange, but otherwise it looks pretty much like a science fiction airlock should, damn it!

I feel the vibration as the airlock seals behind me, and hear a very quiet noise as air begins to enter the compartment. Good show. Ring, show me what's on the far side of the inner door.


A small team of soldiers in dull green armour move into position around the airlock. Fire-caste marines with.. what are probably pulse weapons of some kind. Fully sealed armour, I note. Well done them. Their squad leaders motions with her hand and the guns are lowered slightly. Another tau, this one more slightly built and not wearing armour, hurries down the corridor. A diplomat?

Any threats I can't see?


Oh dear.

The inner airlock opens inwards and I walk inwards towards my hosts, a strained smile upon my face.
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nd I'm very glad that I didn't get a closer look at any of those monsters I saw when I appeared back in the Sol system, but there's something about hundreds of bellowing lunatics firing at you with automatic scatterguns that makes you appreciate the scale of these things.

Bullshit. Terra and Luna space has constant Psyker scanning that identifies and fries every unauthorised spec of dust. They really over reacted to the whole Mars debacle.

Also, I hope this OL dies fast. There's nothing more disgusting than a literal race traitor who will sell his species into servitude.
I'm not sure how psychic Tau-Genestealers would be, but any chance they felt the scan? The SI thought they were regular Tau so he might have felt comfortable doing a ring-scan (which as established is similar in some ways to magic scrying) since they don't have psychic potential.

How long has Warlantern Paul been in the 40k universe? Does Tzeentch (or someone from the Court of Change) know about him?
Any threats I can't see?


Oh dear.

Oh, well done! Out of everything I could think of in 40k that could kill you (or worst), you found one I didnt ever want to consider.

I'm going to go scream now.

At least you didn't join the Orks. I know what a Purple Ork is is, I don't want to know what a Orange one would be.
0 086 936.M41
Or thereabouts

I wince as the ork kroozer's magazines finally detonate, visibly blasting the lower part of the hull away from the more heavily armoured prow and… Um. Top? Then I wince again as the construct orks I had onboard return to the ring and I'm forced to feel their thoughts and feelings… I suppose if there were any species able to cope well with constructhood it would be the orks. They want nothing more than combat and expect to be reincarnated as orks after their deaths. In a way, I've just arranged things so that neither Mork nor Gork need to trouble themselves with arranging matters.
Heh, I bet the boyz are still happy to be getting to scrap and scrap forever.

At this distance the size of the thing looks almost reasonable. For goodness sake, I boarded that bloody thing and I know that it's colossal. The little models Battlefleet Gothic use really make you underestimate it. Though far from the biggest ship in the Grim Dark Present, it's still four and a half kilometres long and home to hundreds of thousands of orkoids. I mean, I've seen bigger, and I'm very glad that I didn't get a closer look at any of those monsters I saw when I appeared back in the Sol system, but there's something about hundreds of bellowing lunatics firing at you with automatic scatterguns that makes you appreciate the scale of these things.
Ah, Warhammer 40,000. The setting where ten kilometres is a cruiser-sized vessel. And nice to see the Lord Inquisitor reference.

Or when their primary armament tries to aim at the little orange blip and you realise as one flies past that the shells they're firing at you are taller than you are.
Big bullets, shit aiming. Humanity of the 41st millennium!

Yeah. But-

Up and to my right the last Ork escort explodes and the squadron of Manta bombers that finished it off begin their return flight to their command ship.
Interesting design. You can almost see the Tau aesthetic, but it's buried under greebling.

-now that's dealt with, I can calm down to something approaching sane levels and make first contact with the least mental major faction in the setting. I gave the matter some considerable thought after I legged it away from 'Terra' with my non-warp based FTL ring, and appealing as the idea of finding an isolated, human-inhabited world somewhere safe is… It's the forty first fucking millennium! Where am I going to find somewhere safe?! I mean reliably safe, in a universe where daemons can enter some poor bastard's mind from the warp because he didn't realise he was a psyker, or there might be a sleeping Necron tomb under the ground ready to eradicate all life above, or a Hive Fleet might be about to turn inwards towards the Milky Way Galaxy from any part of intergalactic space.
Yes, the life of an ordinary person in the Dark Millennium is short, brutal and likely to end violently. I can understand his desire for safety.

So. Yeah. I try not to look threatening as I accelerate towards what looks like an airlock in the middle of the front half of the dull green Tau ship. And I try not to worry about the ion cannons which are almost certainly tracking me and are likely to be a little more accurate than the ork's gunnery. The Mantas ahead of me return to their launch bays located on either side of the third quarter of the ship. Though less massive, narrower and flatter than the ork Kroozer it's actually a fair bit longer. Which strikes me as odd: I seem to remember Tau ships having the same sort of wing shape as their tanks. Maybe… No, they're definitely using Tau transponders, but… Maybe they're axillaries? Armed merchantmen? Tau-aligned aliens? Not sure. I can also see the damage its hull has taken; though their damage control is better than that of the orks I can see dozens of hull breaches as well at the remains of ork boarding torpedoes where they struck the rear quarter of the ship from below.
Gue'vesa or Demiurg, perhaps? The ship suggest function over form, guns placed wherever they can fit...

I see a couple of smaller Tau ships turn and… Huh, they're not small-small, but it a setting where attack craft are jumbo jet size they're practically tiny. A single main gun plus wing-mounted turret weapons… Less well armed than the Manta, so I'm going to guess that those are interceptors.

I should probably contact the ship.
Yes, probably a good idea unless you want them to panic and start shooting.

Ring, do it.

Ave, Lanterna.
Oh, goddammit, it's stuck on High Gothic responses, isn't it?

No, see, that would be find if I was joining the Imperium, but for the Tau-.

"This is the T'olku Lar'shi Vhel-." The speaker pauses. "Vhel'ua. Identify yourself."
Sounds like someone who's not a regular crew member, if they don't know their ships name. Or it's brand new and they're a fresh crew.

I'd say the voice was female, but I don't know whether 'high pitch = woman' holds true for Tau. How.. best to being?

"You're welcome."
Interesting opening.

Another pause. "For.. what?"

"I just destroyed the cruiser that was battering you. Naturally, your first response was to thank me. I have decided to be magnanimous. You're welcome."
Putting quite the character out there, aren't you?


"Who are you?"

"I am Kor'Ui Vey'ue. And.. I.. apologise for my lack of courtesy. Our diplomats are… Not available at present."
So, likely killed during the Ork's boarding actions...

"I quite understand. It's hard to switch from battle command to negotiation. Look, I'd like to come on board. Could those fighters you're sending my way escort me to somewhere suitable?"

"For what reason?"
A 'thank you' in person, for a start? She's really not used to talking to non-tau, is she?

"I wish to request political asylum, with a view to studying Tau philosophy and eventually becoming a citizen of the Tau Empire. As you can see… I can make myself quite useful. Also… I've been awake for thirteen days straight." I think. "I need sleep."
Concerning. I shudder to imagine the state of his ring charge, unless it's got the same deal as the Old World, charging from the Warp.

"I will not allow you to board this ship until you tell me who and what you are."

"Fair enough. I'm a human, and I'm currently flying through space using an alien device known as a power ring."
Not that that means anything to her. You're going to have some explaining to do.

"You're hu-? Stand by."

"Look, I know my whole species went insane some time in the last thirty nine thousand years. I was born in M Two, I wash my hands with the whole lot of them. I still remember when we looked forward to meeting other intelligent species."
How frank. But seeing the xenophobes humanity have become, I can see why.

"You.. do..?" A new voice, slightly deeper.

"Yeah. Want to guess what the first alien species we met was?"
Spoiler, it was not one that said "We come in peace."

"I do not know."

"Orks. And then daemons, because those come with the warp drives. Suffice to say that between the two of them they rather put us off." Those.. fighters are getting a bit close… "Look; if you're not going to let me on board just say so. I'll go somewhere else where the people are less ungrateful."
So not "We come in peace," So much as, "Waaaaaagh! Krump dose Grots!"

"No." Kor'Ui Vey'ue again. "I will authorise this." On the side of the ship I see a circle of light flicker around the airlock while the lights further away go out. "Please proceed to the airlock. I will send a party to meet you."

"Thank you. I look forward to meeting you in person." Ring, transition.
Good to see he's learnt some basic techniques with the ring.

The universe… Is far enough away that it doesn't actually appear to move, other than the fact that a chunk of now obscured by a wall of ship hull. But the airlock is sized for a single person and-. Ah! A button! And even better, it isn't made of fucking skulls!
Hoo-bloody-ray. Damn Imperial death-fetish.

Ring, open it up.

Maltusian Xeno-tech vs Tau software? No bet.

The ring picks up a series of warning radio pings, then there's a slight vibration as the outer door unlocks and swings inwards and upwards. I transition inwards again and send the signal to close the outer door. Still no skulls! Curved edges, which is a little strange, but otherwise it looks pretty much like a science fiction airlock should, damn it!
As opposed to the Gothic portcullis-and-gate of an Imperial craft.

I feel the vibration as the airlock seals behind me, and hear a very quiet noise as air begins to enter the compartment. Good show. Ring, show me what's on the far side of the inner door.

Yes, a very good idea to know what's waiting for you.

A small team of soldiers in dull green armour move into position around the airlock. Fire-caste marines with.. what are probably pulse weapons of some kind. Fully sealed armour, I note. Well done them. Their squad leaders motions with her hand and the guns are lowered slightly. Another tau, this one more slightly built and not wearing armour, hurries down the corridor. A diplomat?
A Fire Caste Breacher Team and a Water-Caste Diplomat? A reasonable response to an unknown entity.

Any threats I can't see?

And Stealth Suits? Or Stealthed Drones.

Oh dear.

The inner airlock opens inwards and I walk inwards towards my hosts, a strained smile upon my face.
Oh, that does not sound as good as hoped for. Please don't be a Genestealer Infestation...

Well, first contact achieved. And from Zoat's comments, it's 4th-edition era Space Communists Tau rather than the later Grim-derp versions.
Let's hope this Paul doesn't promptly get killed off, at least not before he gets snatched by the Time-Trapper or the Red Queen, or whoever's responsible...

Maybe they're axillaries?
Maybe they're auxiliaries?
...but it a setting where...
...but it is a setting where...
...a chunk of now obscured...
...a chunk of it is now obscured...
Except someone willing to work with the 40k imperium, of course.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Most of the human population lives on civilised worlds and in hives. They go to church to pray, and they occasionally get roughed up by an Arbites patrol looking for mutants or Psykers. They not live in the most glamourous enviroments or locales, but on the whole they are safe and free to go about their lives. They may be drafted to help stop rampaging aliens from Eating thier whole sector, or raping their entire planet to death. It sucks, but it needs to happen.

They may be killed by overenthusiastic leadership in galactic firebreaking endeavers. It sucks. It might need to happen, maybe not.

But by and large it's humans for humanity. And they live their lives as best they could.

The Tau Empire victorious has them as second class citizens. Black people in early 20th century america, For the Entire human race. Don't count the Psyker purges that will probably see them performing genocide on the regular.

One state of affairs is clearly superior to the other, and it isn't the fucking aliens.

The Imperium isn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but in a Universe that wants to Murder, Corrupt, Eat, Rape and Enslave you, it's the clear fucking front runner for human interests.

Bar. Fucking. None.
it's the clear fucking front runner for human interests.

Bar. Fucking. None.

First of all, chill.

Secondly, if the choices are between a morally repugnant group that will elevate your race or... an arguably less morally repugnant group that wont treat your race all that well, the choice isn't set in stone. I'm not sure I'd sign up with the Tau, but working with the Imperium? I'm trying to avoid Godwins law here but we are talking about collaborating with genocidal fascists.
Heh, I bet the boyz are still happy to be getting to scrap and scrap forever.

Ah, Warhammer 40,000. The setting where ten kilometres is a cruiser-sized vessel. And nice to see the Lord Inquisitor reference.

Big bullets, shit aiming. Humanity of the 41st millennium!

Interesting design. You can almost see the Tau aesthetic, but it's buried under greebling.

Yes, the life of an ordinary person in the Dark Millennium is short, brutal and likely to end violently. I can understand his desire for safety.

Gue'vesa or Demiurg, perhaps? The ship suggest function over form, guns placed wherever they can fit...

Yes, probably a good idea unless you want them to panic and start shooting.

Oh, goddammit, it's stuck on High Gothic responses, isn't it?

Sounds like someone who's not a regular crew member, if they don't know their ships name. Or it's brand new and they're a fresh crew.

Interesting opening.

Putting quite the character out there, aren't you?

So, likely killed during the Ork's boarding actions...

A 'thank you' in person, for a start? She's really not used to talking to non-tau, is she?

Concerning. I shudder to imagine the state of his ring charge, unless it's got the same deal as the Old World, charging from the Warp.

Not that that means anything to her. You're going to have some explaining to do.

How frank. But seeing the xenophobes humanity have become, I can see why.

Spoiler, it was not one that said "We come in peace."

So not "We come in peace," So much as, "Waaaaaagh! Krump dose Grots!"

Good to see he's learnt some basic techniques with the ring.

Hoo-bloody-ray. Damn Imperial death-fetish.

Maltusian Xeno-tech vs Tau software? No bet.

As opposed to the Gothic portcullis-and-gate of an Imperial craft.

Yes, a very good idea to know what's waiting for you.

A Fire Caste Breacher Team and a Water-Caste Diplomat? A reasonable response to an unknown entity.

And Stealth Suits? Or Stealthed Drones.

Oh, that does not sound as good as hoped for. Please don't be a Genestealer Infestation...

Well, first contact achieved. And from Zoat's comments, it's 4th-edition era Space Communists Tau rather than the later Grim-derp versions.
Let's hope this Paul doesn't promptly get killed off, at least not before he gets snatched by the Time-Trapper or the Red Queen, or whoever's responsible...


Maybe they're auxiliaries?

...but it is a setting where...

...a chunk of it is now obscured...
Hint. The "Yes" reply from the ring is a link.
The thing is its not about the Human Race its about Zoat, joining the imperium would likely require brain flossing at a minimum while the Tau would give him premium membership with the gold trim.

He straight up said he washes his hands of humanity so hes obviously looking out for number one here.
Bullshit. Terra and Luna space has constant Psyker scanning that identifies and fries every unauthorised spec of dust. They really over reacted to the whole Mars debacle.

Also, I hope this OL dies fast. There's nothing more disgusting than a literal race traitor who will sell his species into servitude.
yeah paul is not gonna let them take advantage. also please dial back on the white nationalist language. the imperium are bad guys. also the space wolves suck.
He straight up said he washes his hands of humanity so hes obviously looking out for number one here.

At the expense of the Human race.

Let's be generous and say that he limits his operations to Tau space itself. He clears out gene-stealer infestations, invades Ork strongholds and so on. He becomes a stabilising influence in the sector.

The Tau will then take all the resources that has saved them, and pump it into the next Expansion, using those gains and internal security to strengthen their invasion forces as they conqueor human worlds. Then comes the sterilisations, the brainwashing, the forced relocation and Slavery in all but name.
The thing is its not about the Human Race its about Zoat, joining the imperium would likely require brain flossing at a minimum while the Tau would give him premium membership with the gold trim.

He straight up said he washes his hands of humanity so hes obviously looking out for number one here.
you are making a lot of assumptions. if i wanted a better future for humanity i wouldnt start with the zealots.
One's view of the Imperium rather heavily depends on the media they've been (or haven't been) exposed to, I think. As someone who's most familiar with Cain's memoirs and Rogue Trader, I don't see the Imperium as that bad of a state in general (although the edge cases can be all kinds of horrifying). Even then, though, a case can be made for working with Tau because the Imperium is horrifically resistant to any kind of positive change, partly due to doctrine that emerged to resist any kind of change at all in response to the plethora of subversive threats, partly due to enormous social inertia. Meanwhile, it's just not possible to strike out on one's own and build something from scratch without significant risk of being arbitrarily crushed by an unstoppable threat (as MC notes), and 40k setting is woefully low on palatable interstellar powers that could shelter such an undertaking in its infancy.
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yeah paul is not gonna let them take advantage.

He has no say in Tau internal affairs, and to think he would have any wieght worth anything is laughable.

also please dial back on the white nationalist language.

Fucking lol. If being against humans being taken over by aliens and forced into being second class citizens is White Nationalist language then (ironically) you can call me a white nationalist any day of the fucking week. It's that the conotations it carries, I'll wear it with pride.

he imperium are bad guys.

To who? They keep trillions of humans alive in a hostile galaxy. They arn't the best guys, but they are far from the bad guys.
also the space wolves suck.

The Space wolves are unironically some of the best people in the entire setting. If you think they suck, with your wierd ass definitions, then they are clearly the tourch bearers of awesome.

. if i wanted a better future for humanity i wouldnt start with the zealots.

Then why would he be stating with the Tau? Fucking lol.
The T'au are the closest thing to M2 humanity that exists in M41. It's not close. The Imperium shares genes, but the T'au share (Dawkinsian) memes, and we are far more a product of our memes than our genes at this point.
Oh, i do love a good Wh40K insert and yeah humanity are kinda crazy but so is every single species in Wh40K in a way or another, the Tau aren't exempt from this and can't even fight in melee, Paul should be careful because if they see an ocassion were they can can kill him and take the ring, they will not hesitate.
The Tau Empire victorious has them as second class citizens. Black people in early 20th century america, For the Entire human race. [...

...]One state of affairs is clearly superior to the other, and it isn't the fucking aliens.[...

...]a Universe that wants to Murder, Corrupt, Eat, Rape and Enslave you
My issue here is that you seem to be pretending that that last bit doesn't include the imperium. The bit about black people in 20th century America is fair enough but you really need to mention that the alternative is Jews in 1940s Germany. That said, I do agree that one is clearly superior to the other I just find it a little disconcerting, disturbing or, dare I say, "disgusting" that you disagree on which it is.
Still, you do you, I guess.
I don't think that there is sufficient unbiased lore on the Tau for anyone to definitively say whether they are better or worse than the Imperium. The morality and wisdom of siding with them will all depend on Zoat.
Bullshit. Terra and Luna space has constant Psyker scanning that identifies and fries every unauthorised spec of dust. They really over reacted to the whole Mars debacle.

Also, I hope this OL dies fast. There's nothing more disgusting than a literal race traitor who will sell his species into servitude.
Paul no doubt misidentified the solar system because his ring used pulsar positioning.

Remember, Golden Age Humanity moved the actual Sol system twenty thousand some light years away from it's normal position.
This version of Paul could be working for the Emperor.
Zoat said something about him going to his throne room.
This could mean that he is working on his behalf and trying to gain an alliance with the Tau seeing as they are practically the most reasonable species in this setting.
The Emperor could have asked him to do this seeing as while he protects humanity, even he has to acknowledge that humanity is fucked up and practically useless right now.

Zoat what is Steppenwolf the god of?
The newest chapter of Life Ore Death said that he was the god of Predation and i was wondering what your version is the god of exactly?

Can Old Gods travel through space by their own power in your fic, and please don't say the SI or renegade doesn't know?
The newest issues of Lucifer have had the Wild Hunt and Odin travel to another galaxy to hunt the Hunted God, plus Mazekeen was able to track Lucifer down to another solar system and in Life Ore Death, one of the Titans was able to leave the Earth and go to the Vega system even though she was greatly weakened and Donna was sent to capture her, flying using god magic to go there.

Zoat will there ever be any chapter about alternate versions of the SI that went into some anime universe, like Bleach?
He could help Hallibel with creating a society for Hollows and maybe strike up a romance there, or with one of her Fraccion, or both her and the other three:D
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i'm just gonna point out. if i was seen as peanuts, and my choice was slavery or EXTERMINATUS on the rough chance that there might be a single daemon on my planet, you're damn fucking right i'd pick slavery. fuck being melted to dust. bunch of coked up cunts is what the inquisition is these days.

EDIT: and calling him a race traitor is rich, considering that A. Chaos marines exist, and B. most "Factions" of the imperium, are more likely to spit all over each other, slaughter each other, and other "others" just on a whim, or because the voices in their head told them to, or just because they don't want to be accused of being a traitor. most of the legions are completely neurotic, the astartes are basically useless in the golden toilet bowl coffin, and then there's the inquisition. just. all of the inquisition.

Calling paul a race traitor for doing the EXACT SAME THING that rogue traders do, is fuckin stupid.
i'm just gonna point out. if i was seen as peanuts, and my choice was slavery or EXTERMINATUS on the rough chance that there might be a single daemon on my planet, you're damn fucking right i'd pick slavery. fuck being melted to dust. bunch of coked up cunts is what the inquisition is these days.
Yea... The Inquisition hasn't been like that for a good long while...

Especially since Roboute Guilliman returned.

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