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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Slavery, sterilization, brainwashing basically exist within the Imperium.
So it's essentially just a choice between a lesser evil, which the Tau even in their worst tend to represent, and just being mistreated by another species instead of your own.
i'm just gonna point out. if i was seen as peanuts, and my choice was slavery or EXTERMINATUS on the rough chance that there might be a single daemon on my planet, you're damn fucking right i'd pick slavery. fuck being melted to dust. bunch of coked up cunts is what the inquisition is these days.
The other side of this is that it's infinitely preferrable to be incinerated as opposed to actually running afoul of a daemon powerful enough to warrant an Exterminatus. And the trade-off between type I and type II errors is a merciless thing.
Zoat said something about him going to his throne room.
He did? He doesn't remember doing that.
Zoat what is Steppenwolf the god of?
The newest chapter of Life Ore Death said that he was the god of Predation and i was wondering what your version is the god of exactly?
I suppose that's not a terrible answer.
Can Old Gods travel through space by their own power in your fic, and please don't say the SI or renegade doesn't know?
Probably. Though I should point out that humanoids can as well, by building spaceships.
Zoat will there ever be any chapter about alternate versions of the SI that went into some anime universe, like Bleach?
It's not impossible. Interspecies Reviewer for the NSFW thread?
He could help Hallibel with creating a society for Hollows and maybe strike up a romance there, or with one of her Fraccion, or both her and the other three:D
I haven't ever watched Bleach.
Daemons? I thought he meant like hidden weapons or something?
Oh, it's just something terrifying: Check the ring's response for a hidden link...
Still, it could be worse. Said threat could be a chaos-tainted version of said threat. And such things existed in 1st edition (minus the Tau part) complete with demon-possessed leaders, And said possession could be anything from a Nurgling to a Bloodthirster...
A little disappointed he's playing with the Tau. I mean, I can see how it makes sense, but it's so cliche and predictable.

Though I feel the safety justification is a little off. Like, the only threat he listed that he might be safe from is the random psyker accidentally summoning a daemon. Pretty sure all the other threats could just as easily show up in Tau space as Imperium space. And even then maybe the daemon thing can still happen in Tau space. Don't they have some Human worlds in their empire?

I think I'd at least try to work with the Imperium before making the jump to the Tau.

Maybe the Tau have good waifus?

Counterargument: There are no humans in 40k. There's a whole bunch of horrible alien races, one of which is a tyrannical empire set on creating a Fifth Chaos God of blind faith and xenophobia, that happens to share it's name with humanity. ;):p

My actual point is, 40k is a grimderpy morass of competing canons that was created to make any combination of tabletop game battles seem like a plausible event. Nobody is a good guy, there are good reasons to oppose every single faction, and the nature of 40k means that if you're telling a story that tries to fix all the big issues in the universe you'll end up eventually having to defeat every single one of the factions including whichever one you've allied with, because each contains the seeds of its' own progression into a Big Bad of the story.
Though I feel the safety justification is a little off. Like, the only threat he listed that he might be safe from is the random psyker accidentally summoning a daemon. Pretty sure all the other threats could just as easily show up in Tau space as Imperium space. And even then maybe the daemon thing can still happen in Tau space. Don't they have some Human worlds in their empire?
The Tau have barely any warp presence and no psykers. Tau worlds are about as safe from cultists and random possessions as the 41st millennia gets. Worlds towards the centre of their empire also have large fleets.
Maybe the Tau have good waifus?
Eh... Sort of? They aren't anything like as human-looking as those pictures suggest, but they just miss being uncanny valley. Think that woman in the Playstation advert.
Also, I hope this OL dies fast. There's nothing more disgusting than a literal race traitor who will sell his species into servitude.

The Imperium of Man are literally genocidal fascists. The only time that it is morally acceptable to work for fascists is as part of the process of escaping from fascists. Given that he has a power ring he doesn't need to work for them to escape from them, making it morally indefensible to spend so much as a single second in the corpse emperor's service.

So since the Imperium is utterly unacceptable, his options are either hiding somewhere (which would be kind of a waste, but Spider-Man can suck it, nobody has a moral obligation to help people) or picking another faction to work with. Well, technically I suppose he could learn how to turn construct Orks into construct rings and found his own faction, but that's a bit forward thinking considering the whole "no sleep, everything wants to kill me" thing.

The Orks are fight happy loonies. The Eldar and Dark Eldar are genocidal smug racist loonies. The Necrons and Tyranids are genocidal. Chaos is even more utterly unacceptable than the fascists, which takes work.

That leaves the Tau, who are caste based space communists and the only faction that isn't super duper mega evil all the time. Even in the later editions with the mind control stuff they're still leagues and leagues less evil than everyone else in the setting.
It's 40k. There are no good guys. The whole setting is designed to be as laughably fucked as possible.

But on that note, argh....he's joining the facking Tau?!

Oh OL, the heresy....it burns!

He is trying, but considering these Tau have genestealers among them he is probably reconsidering his options at the moment.

Joining the space communist and using the low key emotional mind control to subvert their resources and set them in a cooperation mood is a fairly good idea, even more so when factions of the Eldar will inevitably contact him as well.

Joining the Tau is prolly not a good long term goal. I know they seem nice and fluffy but humans don't have much in the way (if any) when it comes to rights under the Tau, most being conscripted/'recruited' Gue'vesa and second class citizens. Better treatment is present on neutral worlds that don't care either way, but those are usually not part of the tau empire. In other ways the Tau are too nice and naive to stand any chance against other factions military-wise without a much greater tech advantage. The imperium is enormous, the tau empire has only survived thus far due to the imperium being busy with more important things than dealing with 'Those upstart xenos on the other end of the galaxy.' Depending on when this is set the Tau may not even believe that the warp or Daemons exist, as they don't use warp drives except in more recent media. Yes humans are generally happier under Tau rule, but believe it or not, the current model of the imperium is more about resource production and survival than happiness. Also 10,000 years of war fatigue.

Would have been better off finding an unaffiliated human world or just dealing with the Mechanicus. Without the authority of the emperor any actual improvements to the imperium would take centuries if not millennia to make it through the labyrinthine bureaucratic nightmare of the current imperium so they are off the table if Paul wanted to make an impact within his lifespan, unless he got unrealistically lucky. Maybe working in the background with the harlequins or other such unaffiliated rogue agents that tend to be used to progress the plot of 40k.

Joining the space communist and using the low key emotional mind control to subvert their resources and set them in a cooperation mood is a fairly good idea, even more so when factions of the Eldar will inevitably contact him as well.
Zoat might be trying to show us that the ring can't detect whatever cloaking tech they use. The Tau are sorta already under emotional control because of the ethereals and whatever they use, pheremones or whatever. Dealing with the Eldar is usually a bad idea, as they are far less reasonable than would be in their best interests. They are intelligent, yes, but most of them are about as arrogant as you would expect hyper-intelligent space elves who once ruled the galaxy to be. That is, arrogant enough to ignore the stupid humans unless doing otherwise would result in eldar deaths.

Edit: Nvm is the stealers.
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Hmm. Maybe Paul just uses the ring to restore the Emperor's flesh? I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen if he did that.

And if Tau waifus are like the girl from that Playstation ad . . . Well . . . I wouldn't say no.
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Finding one of the "good" Primarchs might be his best bet. And of the Tau I think Farsight? would be his best bet.

Huh wonder if he could find either of the two 'lost' Primarchs.
The Imperium of Man are literally genocidal fascists. The only time that it is morally acceptable to work for fascists is as part of the process of escaping from fascists. Given that he has a power ring he doesn't need to work for them to escape from them, making it morally indefensible to spend so much as a single second in the corpse emperor's service.

the Imperium is authoritarian (this is further encouraged by the grim limitations of the FTL travel and communication tech) but it does not fall under the definition of fascist but archwarhammer explains it in detail far better that I can , here is the link to his video
Oh, it's just something terrifying: Check the ring's response for a hidden link...

Oh. Das bad.

Well, if he uncovers a hidden infestation that should secure him brownie points wth the T'au at least, right?

A little disappointed he's playing with the Tau. I mean, I can see how it makes sense, but it's so cliche and predictable.

Though I feel the safety justification is a little off. Like, the only threat he listed that he might be safe from is the random psyker accidentally summoning a daemon. Pretty sure all the other threats could just as easily show up in Tau space as Imperium space. And even then maybe the daemon thing can still happen in Tau space. Don't they have some Human worlds in their empire?

I think I'd at least try to work with the Imperium before making the jump to the Tau.

The problems would come from the Imperium itself. For one reason or another most factions would hunt him down. He would never be safe unless he managed to get a decree from Emps himself. Guilliman might work too, though not as secure.
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Much like the fantasy snips, this is prolly going to be pre-gathering storm. So no guilliman, sometime after the tau empire started expanding, though likely somewhere between M.38 and M.41
I am not worried about Zoat's interpretation of 40K since I think that having the first Tau (whom the SI thinks are the most preferrable faction) he meets turn out to be a genestealer cult is a good storytelling move. It somewhat upholds the tone of the setting and introduces a new and interesting subfaction to play. It allows us to see how this SI behaves when dealing with one form of the near constant internal threat present in the 40k universe since we have been exposited to about his methods with external threats with these Orcs.

However I do find it pretty interesting how heated everybody got pretty much immediately and I question if it is worth spending time on writing 40k fiction since people are always going to complain about it when it doesn't match their exact headcanon. Still as long as you are happy about it Mr Zoat then keep on keeping on. I look forward to interesting stories regardless of where they are set.
Hmm. Maybe Paul just uses the ring to restore the Emperor's flesh? I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen if he did that.
I'm fairly sure that they've fixed the security since Jaq Draco broke into the throne room.
And if Tau waifus are like the girl from that Playstation ad . . . Well . . . I wouldn't say no.
That was more of an example of how disconcerting they look than a literal description.
Much like the fantasy snips, this is prolly going to be pre-gathering storm. So no guilliman, sometime after the tau empire started expanding, though likely somewhere between M.38 and M.41

The first digit is the reliability. '0' means that the date comes from Earth directly. The next three are the year fragment. The next three are the year.
And from Zoat's comments, it's 4th-edition era Space Communists Tau rather than the later Grim-derp versions.
Late 3e, actually.

I don't think that there is sufficient unbiased lore on the Tau for anyone to definitively say whether they are better or worse than the Imperium. The morality and wisdom of siding with them will all depend on Zoat.
Considering the fact he has a power ring, he's probably going to have a lot of clout for someone who isn't a Tau. Especially if he finds a way to reverse-engineer archeotech for them.

Remember, Golden Age Humanity moved the actual Sol system twenty thousand some light years away from it's normal position.
Do you have a source for that? I keep seeing this claim but no one ever offers a source on where they got it. For all we know it was moved by warp storms during the Age of Strife.
At the expense of the Human race.

Let's be generous and say that he limits his operations to Tau space itself. He clears out gene-stealer infestations, invades Ork strongholds and so on. He becomes a stabilising influence in the sector.

The Tau will then take all the resources that has saved them, and pump it into the next Expansion, using those gains and internal security to strengthen their invasion forces as they conqueor human worlds. Then comes the sterilisations, the brainwashing, the forced relocation and Slavery in all but name.
You mean, like the kroot are slaves? Slaves who go where they want, do what they want, regardless of what the tau say about the whole 'eating people' thing? Who build their own ships and guns and dismantled their advanced technology in a way not at all compliant with the Greater Good?

Dark Crusade said that there were 'rumours' of tau sterilising humans. But it showed humans equipped by the tau and operating as part of their military. How many tau were shown alive in the other endings? The fall in the human population could just as well be explained by having a planet of fanatical xenophobes fighting tooth and nail against their alien occupiers, even after the Imperium's armies had been defeated.

The tau have a 'don't take alive' list. Tyranids, orks and marines are on it. Eldar were on it, then got taken off after they met some eldar who aren't Urien Rakarth. Regular humans aren't.
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Zoat what is the violet lantern SI been up to?

Is there a version of the SI with the white ring?
Is there ever going to be a violet lantern version of the SI?

What about a white ring one?
You mean, like the kroot are slaves? Slaves who go where they want, do what they want, regardless of what the tau say about the whole 'eating people' thing? Who build their own ships and guns and dismantled their advanced technology in a way not at all compliant with the Greater Good?

Aren't the Kroot closer to mercenaries with an exclusive contract, anyway? The Tau control the homeworld, and get some kroot to fight for them, but the kroot are noncompliant and can't be practically forced to comply.

As opposed to say, the Vespid.
Well, I truly pity Paul. Warhammer 40K is one of the worst place to land for someone who is very
proactive with correcting what he considers flawed or damaged.

This universe is labeled Grimdark for a very good reason.

The whole universe is crappy and will only get worse. Whatever you say, whatever you do,
nothing will get better. The best you can do is to preserve the statut quo with the faint hope that
things won't get too bad.

The Tau Empire may be the least moraly dubious. It doesn't mean they are nice or willing to listen.

Afterall, their "Greater Good", is nothing new. On earth we called it the "White-man Burden".

In fact, I think it is hilarious because they are still better than everyone else. Granted, in this
galaxy, the bar is comicaly low.

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