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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Warlantern 40,000
0 086 936.M41
Inasmuch as it matters
I wonder how the tau dating system works?

The diplomat has skin a little more towards the blue end of the blue-grey spectrum. Tau… I was sort of expecting standard rubber forehead aliens, but the slightly larger eyes, lack of nose and the Y shaped facial cleft stretching from a point parallel with the bottom of her eye orbits up to a third of the way up her forehead… Her face is too… Off. Not creepy, exactly, but clearly something different.

But she's not a tau Brood Brother, and I'll take what I can get.

She's wearing a green skullcap with a glossy black thread decorating the rim, and what I assume to be a civilian spacesuit coloured a slightly brighter green loosely covers the rest of her body. Actually, I think it's designed to look a bit like a robe without impeding her motion too much. Two braids hang down from the back of her head. And she's… Is she baring her teeth? Is that something tau do? The fingers of the soldiers on either side of us are tightening around their grips slightly… What am I doing wrong?

"Hello." Still baring her teeth, the diplomat performs a shallow bow. "I am Por'La Lar'shi Tsua'm Raard."

I dismiss my construct armour. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Tsua'm. I'm… Hm. Gue'vesa'Saal Earth-" And this would be a good deal easier if I could say my own name. Just glad I was in a breathable atmosphere when I found out that I couldn't. "-Orange Lantern." I hesitantly extend my right arm. "I'm not sure how familiar you are with human body language…"

She starts to mirror my gesture, mildly hesitant as she carefully watches my hand. When our palms come together she doesn't make any attempt to grip it. I remember from reading Fire Warrior that tau reflexes are significantly slower than those of humans. I hadn't really thought about what that I2 would mean in terms of how they actually interacted with their environment. Should I..?

"N-nearly. Like this." I gently curl my fingers around her hand and shake it slightly. "It was originally a martial greeting which showed each party that the other wasn't carrying a weapon in their favoured hand."

"Oh." She looks up at me, still baring her teeth.

"Of course, since the ring is an empathic weapon and doesn't require any physical action at all it's a little misleading." I withdraw my hand. "Is there some-" I point at my mouth with my right hand. "-reason you're.. doing that?"

She closes her mouth slightly. "Smiling? Is that not a friendly human expression?"

"You weren't getting it quite right. I'll.. show you later." I gesture towards the marines with my right thumb. Ring showsTwo infected. "Am I doing something that's putting them on edge?"

She bows her head slightly. "We are… Not used to powerful human psykers being so polite. Your… Aura is a little… Strange."

"Hm?" I look down at my right hand. Right, the clearly visible orange glow. "Oh, no. I'm not a psyker. Honestly, I'm… Probably about as much of a psyker as you are. Since I predate human warp travel…" Though the shamen who created the Emperor did as well. Were their abilities purely sorcerous..? Don't know. "This shield is a product of this-" I hold up my left hand. "-ring. I don't think that it draws power from the warp. Because if it did I'd be-" I jazz hands. "-'hearing the voices' right now."

"I see. What does the force field do?"

I float slightly off the deck. "It's mostly for environmental protection. It protects me from external attack, lets me fly and deals with.. breathing and waste production."

"That is a remarkable device. Will you permit us to study it?"

I nod. "Anything non-destructive, but… It does a lot more than that, and I'll be happy to give your senior staff a-" Her nasal slit trembles slightly. "-full briefing, but… Your ship is full of holes and.. I've been awake for rather a long time. Perhaps now isn't the best-."

"Ah. Yes. Of course. I'm am sorry, but it will be some time before the.. senior staff can spare the time…"

"I quite understand. The needs of the ship come ahead of personal curiosity or pride."

"Just so. I can-" She presses a button on her spacesuit, and a small hologram appears in the air between us. "-assign quarters to you, if you wish to rest. I am afraid that we do not have anything designed with human aesthetics in mind, but please accept it until we can return to port."

"What, no skulls? What was your interior decorator t-." Huh. "Do tau have sarcasm?" She looks blank. I'll explain later. "As long as there's a mattress, it will be fine. But first, would it be possible for me to speak with your senior medical officer? I realise that most diseases can't cross the species barrier, but I'd hate to make my hosts ill because I was carrying something you weren't adapted to."

"As.. I said, the senior-" She dismisses the hologram. "-staff are likely to be occupied. We have many wounded, and the senior medical officer will be busy overseeing their repair."

I raise my left hand, generating a cut away of a tau body. "This ring has some quite remarkable medical functions as well. As long as the injuries are relatively simple, I should be able to aid their work quite considerably." I dismiss the construct and raise my-. No, there's no point doing that. She clearly doesn't understand human body language well enough.

"That.. would be his decision. But I see the value in making the request." She looks over to the fire caste warrior in charge of the detail. "Shas'Ui, would you please escort us to the primary medical station?"

I don't hear a response, but four members of the squad break away and march back down the corridor away from the airlock. Miss Tsua'm turns away from me to follow them, and I in turn follow her. And try to politely ignore the fact that the majority of the squad is now behind me, including one suborned by the tyranids. On the other hand, slightly fewer of them can shoot me at any one time now, and there isn't much advantage in shooting me further inside the ship.

And there isn't much advantage in me walking the length of one of these huge Warhammer Forty Thousand ships. Ring, interior map.

Map available.

Hr. Interior's… Okay. With a full interior scan the damaged areas are obvious. Multiple bulkhead doors are down around damaged sections and… The areas between where the boarding torpedoes hit and everywhere important. Doesn't appear to have completely saved the primary drive, but I'm not seeing any living orks. What else looks off? Hm, that's a lot of power and communication relays that don't go anyw-.

"They destroyed your bridge."

The orks totally destroyed their bridge. From the outside, it was so gone that I didn't notice that there was anything missing. I suppose that's what critical hits look like when it's real people. It also explains why I haven't spoken to any senior officers: they're a bit busy being dead. The senior air caste member at least, and probably the senior spirit caste member. And a dead Aun results in impeded inter-caste cooperation and a collapse of morale... And with medical too busy dealing with the wounded, any amount of opportunity for the Cult to spread. Can Brood Brothers spread the taint sexually, or do they need a purestrain?

Her facial cleft twitches again. "That.. is.. true. But once the engines are repaired, we can return to a friendly port."

"Then -and I do apologise- we need to move faster."

I envelop us both in orange light and transition us through the ship, the corridors now open to allow personnel and equipment to move efficiently reach damaged sections. We reappear by the room I tagged as 'primary medical', surrounded by a triage area of heavily injured tau. The more fortunate amongst the heavily injured are on antigravity beds, floating so as not to stress their injuries. The less fortunate are on the floor with whatever bandages they were brought in with keeping them from bleeding to death. The lightly injured are either keeping out of the way or assisting the medical technicians and their drones.

And while air and earth caste tau make up most of the injured, a small number are members of a reptilian species I don't immediately recognise. Well, the Tau Empire being a multispecies polity is why I'm here, I'll take that as a good sign. The one closest to me opens its right eye as I walk past and I give it a friendly wave before it passes out.

Ring, acquire biological data.


"What did-? Did you teleport?"

"Technically, no. Which one of these is in charge?"

A squad of fire caste soldiers have noticed us, but since Miss Tsua'm is clearly with me they're at least not opening fire right away. Right. My ship, my crew, my ticket to relative safety.

"Ah-? There." She points to a chunky earth caste tau in the middle of a small cluster of other medics. "Fio'Vre-"

Orange light blasts outward, veins and arteries reknitting, muscle regrowing and organs repairing, shrapnel evaporating and infections being scourged from existence. Yes YES!

Guh! Stop! Stop. Stop.

"-Lar… Shi…"

Miss Tsua'm trails off as all eyes turn to me, aside from those checking their bodies for the now vanished wounds.

"You're all welcome. Fio'Vre, I really need a moment of your time."
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With a Lantern Ring he could revive Guilliman, Lion'el, and maybe the Emperor. Any one of which would be worth a lot of goodwill from the Imperium. He could also loot the databases of all those secretive Forge Worlds hoarding a better toaster to boost their own importance and redistribute that knowledge more fairly. Don't get me wrong, though. The Tau are a decent option if you ignore that the only reason the Imperium hasn't buried them in bodies yet is always having a bigger concern when they gather the fleets and armies to do so. Depending on the timeframe, he could maybe save Panacea, the STC fragment with cures to all diseases that the Dark Eldar destroyed out of petty spite.
Even just repairing the golden throne would be worth a lot to them.
Since the SI has no idea how primarch bodies or the golden throne work he would struggle to fix either, even if the locals were supportive of his efforts, which they wouldn't be.
Better would be to replace the star goat with the biggest WAAAGH! imaginable. The Orks will genocide everything, then fight among themselves for eternity or until they wipe themselves out. But, as Uthan the Perverse notes, they will enjoy every last zoggin minute of it. Orks are insane, but they're also living their best lives despite the Grimdark.
'Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.'
Thank you, corrected.
Fifty years with an Orange Power Ring and OOC knowledge might just manage something. And the Eldar may not necessarily be antagonistic if the presence of the SI enables a future path that does not result in the triumph of tyranids.
And people say I'm optimistic.
Baring, I assume, unless she's about to get a lot hairier and start craving raw salmon.
Thank you, corrected.
Baring, I assume, unless she's about to get a lot hairier and start craving raw salmon.

Thank you, corrected.

And I just noticed that the same mistake is actually repeated a couple of times...

"Hello." Still bearing her teeth, the diplomat performs a shallow bow.

"Oh." She looks up at me, still bearing her teeth.
Waiting for Paul to figure out the Tau are just as much monsters as everyone else, they're just subtle and try to hide it unlike everyone else.
As everyone was saying earlier, depends on which version of the Tau we're dealing with here. Even if it's the more grimdark version instead of the optimistic space communists, they have two major difference that sets them apart from the other factions. They're open enough that Paul could actually get his foot in the door with relative ease, and they're small enough that our favorite "one man post scarcity civilization " could actually effect meaningful change in a reasonable amount of time, putting them on a more even playing field with the other powers at the very least.
0 086 936.M41
In as much as it matters
I wonder how the tau dating system works?
Probably not nearly as complicated as the human one seems (only the last 7 digits really count..) I expect it would be keyed to local time, though. Might want to ask about whether it's morning or evening at your leisure...

The diplomat has skin a little more towards the blue end of the blue-grey spectrum. Tau… I was sort of expecting standard rubber forehead aliens, but the slightly larger eyes, lack of nose and the Y shaped facial cleft stretching from a point parallel with the bottom of her eye orbits up to a third of the way up her forehead… Her face is too… Off. Not creepy, exactly, but clearly something different.

But she's not a tau Brood Brother, and I'll take what I can get.
No noticeable face ridges, either. Would the Tau Brothers even have that?

She's wearing a green skullcap with a glossy black thread decorating the rim, and what I assume to be a civilian spacesuit coloured a slightly brighter green loosely covers the rest of her body. Actually, I think it's designed to look a bit like a robe without impeding her motion too much. Two braids hang down from the back of her head And she's… Is she bearing her teeth? Is that something tau do? The fingers of the soldiers on either side of us are tightening around their grips slightly… What am I doing wrong?
Baring her teeth... She's trying to smile. <facepalm> A very junior diplomat, it appears.

"Hello." Still bearing her teeth, the diplomat performs a shallow bow. "I am Por'La Lar'shi Tsua'm Raard."

I dismiss my construct armour. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Tsau'm. I'm… Hm. Gue'vesa'Saal Earth-" And this would be a good deal easier if I could say my own name. Just glad I was in a breathable atmosphere when I found out that I couldn't. "-Orange Lantern." I hesitantly extend my right arm. "I'm not sure how familiar you are with human body language…"
Oof. I wonder what Tau use-name he'll end up with...

She starts to mirror my gesture, mildly hesitant as she carefully watches my hand. When our palms come together she doesn't make any attempt to grip it. I remember from reading Fire Warrior that tau reflexes are significantly slower than those of humans. I hadn't really thought about what that I2 would mean in terms of how they actually interacted with their environment. Should I..?
For the uninitiated, 'I' means Initiative, a measure of a species' reflexes and reaction time. 3 is human norm, 4 is superhuman (ie Space Marine supersoldiers). Anything higher hits low levels of superspeed.

"N-nearly. Like this." I gently curl my fingers around her hand and shake it slightly. "It was originally a martial greeting which showed each party that the other wasn't carrying a weapon in their favoured hand."

"Oh." She looks up at me, still bearing her teeth.
Sharing information! That'll put her at ease.

"Of course, since the ring is an empathic weapons and doesn't require any physical action at all it's a little misleading." I withdraw my hand. "Is there some-" I point at my mouth with my right hand. "-reason you're.. doing that?"
And then you blew her mood right back to 'worried'.

She closes her mouth slightly. "Smiling? Is that not a friendly human expression?"

"You weren't getting it quite right. I'll.. show you later." I gesture towards the marines with my right thumb. Ring showsTwo infected. "Am I doing something that's putting them on edge?"
Hopefully, he can convince the senior officers of the threat... Assuming they haven't been subverted. Crap.

She bows her head slightly. "We are… Not used to powerful human psykers being so polite. Your… Aura is a little… Strange."

"Hm?" I look down at my right hand. Right, the clearly visible orange glow. "Oh, no. I'm not a psyker. Honestly, I'm… Probably about as much of a psyker as you are. Since I predate human warp travel…" Though the shamen who created the Emperor did as well. Were their abilities purely sorcerous..? Don't know. "This shield is a product of this-" I hold up my left hand. "-ring. I don't think that it draws power from the warp. Because if it did I'd be-" I jazz hands. "-'hearing the voices' right now."
And you haven't wondered why you've still got charge? How conservative have you been with the power usage?

"I see. What does the force field do?"

I float slightly off the deck. "It's mostly for environmental protection. It protects me from external attack, lets me fly and deals with.. breathing and waste production.
"Not a pleasant sensation, in fact..."

"That is a remarkable device. Will you permit us to study it?"

I nod. "Anything non-destructive, but… It does a lot more than that, and I'll be happy to give your senior staff a-" Her nasal slit trembles slightly. "-full briefing, but… Your ship is full of holes and.. I've been awake for rather a long time. Perhaps now isn't the best-."
Right. There may well be a few Ork Infiltrators lurking somewhere too.

"Ah. Yes. Of course. I'm am sorry, but it will be some time before the.. senior staff can spare the time…"

"I quite understand. The needs of the ship come ahead of personal curiosity or pride."
Good, good, appeal to the group mentality. Joy of them having evolved from a herd species, way back down the evolutionary track...

"Just so. I can-" She presses a button on her spacesuit, and a small hologram appears in the air between us. "-assign quarters to you, if you wish to rest. I am afraid that we do not have anything designed with human aesthetics in mind, but please accept it until we can return to port."

"What, no skulls? What was your interior decorator t-." Huh. "Do tau have sarcasm?" She looks blank. I'll explain later. "As long as there's a mattress, it will be fine. But first, would it be possible for me to speak with your senior medical officer? I realise that most diseases can't cross the species barrier, but I'd hate to make my hosts ill because I was carrying something you weren't adapted to."
Or vice-versa, though your ring can fix that easily enough.

"As.. I said, the senior-" She dismisses the hologram. "-staff are likely to be occupied. We have many wounded, and the senior medical officer will be busy overseeing their repair."

I raise my left hand, generating a cut away of a tau body. "This ring has some quite remarkable medical functions as well. As long as the injuries are relatively simple, I should be able to aid their work quite considerably." I dismiss the construct and raise my-. No, there's no point doing that. She clearly doesn't understand human body language well enough.
Some learning ahead for all concerned. Jolly cooperation!

"That.. would be his decision. But I see the value in making the request." She looks over to the fire caste warrior in charge of the detail. "Shas'Ui, would you please escort us to the primary medical station?"

I don't hear a response, but four members of the squad break away and march back down the corridor away from the airlock. Miss Tsua'm turns away from me to follow them, and I in turn follow her. And try to politely ignore the fact that the majority of the squad is now behind me, including one suborned by the tyranids. On the other hand, slightly fewer of them can shoot me at any one time now, and there isn't much advantage in shooting me further inside the ship.
Plus, the likelihood of their weapons beating even a low-level environment shield. 2+ save, I would hope...

And there isn't much advantage in me walking the length of one of these huge Warhammer Forty Thousand ships. Ring, interior map.

Map available.
Careful, they're still on edge... Don't want to set off any incidents...

Hr. Interior's… Okay. With a full interior scan the damaged areas are obvious. Multiple bulkhead doors are down around damaged sections and… The areas between where the boarding torpedoes hit and everywhere important. Doesn't appear to have completely saved the primary drive, but I'm not seeing any living orks. What else looks off? Hm, that's a lot of power and communication relays that don't go anyw-.

"They destroyed your bridge."
Oof, no wonder the radio contacts seemed a bit unsettled. No Ork infiltrators, at least.

The orks totally destroyed their bridge. From the outside, it was so gone that I didn't notice that there was anything missing. I suppose that's what critical hits look like when it's real people. It also explains why I haven't spoken to any senior officers: they're a bit busy being dead. The senior air caste member at least, and probably the senior spirit caste member. And a dead Aun results in impeded inter-caste cooperation and a collapse of morale... And with medical too busy dealing with the wounded, any amount of opportunity for the Cult to spread. Can Brood Brothers spread the taint sexually, or do they need a purestrain?
Hopefully not, and ew. I'm sure scans would have alerted you to a Purestrain, at least.

Her facial cleft twitches again. "That.. is.. true. But once the engines are repaired, we can return to a friendly port."

"Then -and I do apologise- we need to move faster."
"Brace yourself, this can be a little... Disconcerting."

I envelop us both in orange light and transition us through the ship, the corridors now open to allow personnel and equipment to move efficiently reach damaged sections. We reappear by the room I tagged as 'primary medical', surrounded by a triage area of heavily injured tau. The more fortunate amongst the heavily injured are on antigravity beds, floating so as not to stress their injuries. The less fortunate are on the floor with whatever bandages they were brought in with keeping them from bleeding to death. The lightly injured are either keeping out of the way or assisting the medical technicians and their drones.
Thankfully, you aren't getting hit by the smells. I shudder at the thought...

And while air and earth caste tau make up most of the injured, a small number are members of a reptilian species I don't immediately recognise. Well, the Tau Empire being a multispecies polity is why I'm here, I'll take that as a good sign. The one closest to me opens its right eye as I walk past and I give it a friendly wave before it passes out.
Thinking "What the Fornication was that thing?"

Ring, acquire biological data.


"What did-? Did you teleport?"
This is the kind of thing that will unsettle people, Paul...

"Technically, no. Which one of these is in charge?"

A squad of fire caste soldiers have noticed us, but since Miss Tsau'm is clearly with me they're at least not opening fire right away. Right. My ship, my crew, my ticket to relative safety.
Meet your new ingroup, Lantern.

"Ah-? There." She points to a chunky earth caste tau in the middle of a small cluster of other medics. "Fio'Vre-"

Orange light blasts outward, veins and arteries reknitting, muscle regrowing and organs repairing, shrapnel evaporating and infections being scourged from existence. Yes YES!
And quite a few shocked medics... Let's hope the guards don't start shooting...

Guh! Stop! Stop. Stop.

"-Lar… Shi…"
"What just happened?"

Miss Tsau'm trails off as all eyes turn to me, aside from those checking their bodies for the now vanished wounds.

"You're all welcome. Fio'Vre, I really need a moment of your time."
Well, that was... impressive. I see some upset people in the near future... And quite a bit of fast talking...

Well, so far so good. Let's hope that little display is enough to make them realise this is someone who you want to be on the good side of...
As everyone was saying earlier, depends on which version of the Tau we're dealing with here. Even if it's the more grimdark version instead of the optimistic space communists, they have two major difference that sets them apart from the other factions. They're open enough that Paul could actually get his foot in the door with relative ease, and they're small enough that our favorite "one man post scarcity civilization " could actually effect meaningful change in a reasonable amount of time, putting them on a more even playing field with the other powers at the very least.
But...but they're tau. For Emperors sake they don't even fight in melee. You cant fix what is already that broken.
Since the SI has no idea how primarch bodies or the golden throne work he would struggle to fix either, even if the locals were supportive of his efforts, which they wouldn't be.

Didn't it just analyse alien tissue within seconds? And we have seen it do the same with alien tech, no? The Warp aspect may be a problem though.

Also, can the ring not just heal the Genestealer infection? if it can detect it, it should be able to remove it.

Also interesting to see a Paul struggling with his ring, maybe due to sleep deprivation.

As for the people saying the Orks have it best: that's like saying a slave with a brain implant that makes them happy has a good life.

Just because the Orks do not realise their entire life amount to nothing more then the worthless perpetuation of mindless destruction doesn't mean their lives suddenly gain meaning.

They are a malfunctioning bio-weapon, nothing more.
This probably wants some punctuation, or a change of case, or both.
Thank you, corrected.
But...but they're tau. For Emperors sake they don't even fight in melee. You cant fix what is already that broken.
But...but they're tau. For Emperors sake they don't even fight in melee. You cant fix what is already that broken.
That's just it, with just a little orange light modification, they'll be able to fight in Melee, maybe even better than the humans! Nothing's too broken to fix if you have the right tools!
Didn't it just analyse alien tissue within seconds? And we have seen it do the same with alien tech, no? The Warp aspect may be a problem though.
Tau tech, which is the least advanced in the setting by several orders of magnitude.

Imperium technology runs the gambit from a couple thousand years more advanced then the Tau to more advanced then the Guardians. Also a lot of it runs at least partially on the Nosphere, which is psychic magic. And of course most of the Imperium's tech is warded.

Eldar technology is literally made of warp magic.

Necron technology is more advanced then the Guardians.

Ork technology only works because of the Ork collective psychic belief in it.

Put simply, the most Paul could do for the Tau is give them a small boost via copying some mass produced Imperial Guard crap.
As for the people saying the Orks have it best: that's like saying a slave with a brain implant that makes them happy has a good life.

Just because the Orks do not realise their entire life amount to nothing more then the worthless perpetuation of mindless destruction doesn't mean their lives suddenly gain meaning.

They are a malfunctioning bio-weapon, nothing more.
i mean, the whole point of DA ORKIE BOYZ and their ancestors the korks, is that they live to fight. their lives gain meaning as they fight. every scar, every nick, every bullet, is a thousand words in the majesty of that ORKIE GITZ life. it's why the WAAGHbosses are so kitted out with almost as much cybernetics as a mechanicus priest.

Their lives hold no meaning to us because we can't understand a life that is constantly fighting, because humans get tired of fighting, and always being angry. ORKIES don't.
i mean, the whole point of DA ORKIE BOYZ and their ancestors the korks, is that they live to fight. their lives gain meaning as they fight. every scar, every nick, every bullet, is a thousand words in the majesty of that ORKIE GITZ life. it's why the WAAGHbosses are so kitted out with almost as much cybernetics as a mechanicus priest.

Their lives hold no meaning to us because we can't understand a life that is constantly fighting, because humans get tired of fighting, and always being angry. ORKIES don't.
What are Kroks? I've never heard of them?
Zoat is there a version of the SI that ended up in the She Ra Princess of Power universe?

I could see him helping Adora with her issues and maybe help Hordak with his whole cloning and self esteem issues.
He already helped Kon with his problems, plus he could start a romance with Hordak and maybe Entrapta, he did seem interested in one with Kon and M'gan, also defeating Hordak Prime and making the Horde into a benevolent empire that uplifts the world they conquer would be something he could do, he already helped Xor make the soldiers of his world more interested in honor rather than simple loyalty.

Is there a version of the SI that has ended up in a romantic relationship with a male?
Will we ever see him if there is?

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