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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It sort of did.

Given she looks like a mature Alicorn instead of a young one like Twilight Sparkle and Cadance she must have burned at least a thousand years off her lifespan.

Which given we know Luna and Celestia don't last another thousand years means she probably burned up most of her life to become an Alicorn.
On the other hand, Luna was stuck in stasis for a thousand years and she emerged looking like that, before being reduced in size when she was defeated with the magical friendship rainbow laser. I think it might simply be a marking of power levels rather than age; I'd guess it's just that power levels usually increase over time as an alicorn gets older.

"Sunset and I are 'study buddies'." Circe twists her head towards Sunset. "Isn't that right, Sun-"

Finishing her last check, Sunset makes momentary eye contact with Celestia and then prances over to nuzzle Circe.

"-set." Circe hesitates for a moment, then cranes her neck down and attempts to reciprocate the gesture. "Are you prepared?"
Is Sunset trying to make Celestia jealous here?
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Is Sunset trying to make Celestia jealous here?

As if pony immortality would be a challenge for Grayven.

Noice. Sunset Alicorn.

Princess Starlight when?
When she has it explained to her that levelling up is better for everypony involved than levelling down. She's one of the few ponies in Equestria who could cast this spell.
Princess of Trickery Trixie when?
When Starlight gets around to her.
Probably as above.
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Zoat does Hephaestus have any children, aside from the one with Athena, in your story?

Was reading some of the myths and I saw that he was married to Aglaea and had several daughters with her.

Does Eris have children like in the myths, like Neikea, Algae, Ate, Makhai etc.?
I'm....somewhat disturbed to learn that's a thing. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised though.
It's silly rather than pervy.

Twilight was supposed to be a thousand years old in the ending? But everyone else was still alive. The other bearers were visibly older but still very much alive, the students from the school were adults, even the Cutie Mark Crusaders were simply young adults.
Plus the fact that Spike was teen dragon-sized. A fully mature dragon is fuckoff huge. Remember Torch? His head was the size of a house.
Zoat does Hephaestus have any children, aside from the one with Athena, in your story?

Was reading some of the myths and I saw that he was married to Aglaea and had several daughters with her.

Does Eris have children like in the myths, like Neikea, Algae, Ate, Makhai etc.?
I don't know. Maybe? They're unlikely to become relevant.
Does Eris have children like in the myths, like Neikea, Algae, Ate, Makhai etc.?
That would depend which Eris she is. The "Hera's daughter" one isn't known for having a dozen of horrible children. The "daughter of Primordial Night" one does.
Actually that's twilight in her forties or fifties, since her friends are still alive and only have mild graying of their hair.

Is not impossible for Twilight to grow in power that fast, considering Cadance was taller than her as an alicorn while only having like two decades at most over Twilight age.
Is not impossible for Twilight to grow in power that fast, considering Cadance was taller than her as an alicorn while only having like two decades at most over Twilight age.
I think you replied to the wrong comment friends, I didn't talk about power at all.
Just wondering with all these seperate different story snippets, are there a place where their collected and sorted or do you just have to go looking through all tge threads yourself.
That image is exactly what I'd expect a Sunset Shimmer to look like! :D
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Just wondering with all these seperate different story snippets, are there a place where their collected and sorted or do you just have to go looking through all tge threads yourself.
This... Must be how Chojin Patriarch feels looking at my posts.

I have a word document for each episode on my computer at home, and a back up on a data stick. But I usually locate things I half-remember using Google advanced search on the story only thread.
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It sort of did.

Given she looks like a mature Alicorn instead of a young one like Twilight Sparkle and Cadance she must have burned at least a thousand years off her lifespan.

Which given we know Luna and Celestia don't last another thousand years means she probably burned up most of her life to become an Alicorn.
Celestia looked exactly the same now that she did when she banished Luna a 1000 ago and she wasn't really older then Luna, it doesn't look like all alicorn age up the same way, if you think Celestia appearance is how alicorne look when they are past 1000 years old then it would mean that at the very least Celestia is 2000 years old, (so Sunset would just have burned half her lifespan) furthermore Celestia and Luna aren't dead in the future but decided to retire also it wouldn't be a real problem with all the way to extend one lifespan in Dc Comics.
Kind of already stated, but Twilight wasn't 1000 years old in that episode. It was only however long it took characters that were children in the rest of the series to reach adulthood.

I think the Mane 6 were all in their 30s or something, and any signs of aging were just exaggerations on the animators' part. "See! They're older now!"

The flashbacks in the episode were only about the events surrounding Twilight's coronation.
I haven't heard it stated in any canon source that alicorns are Immortal/Ageless or Mortal either way. So its up to authorial interpretation. Personally I lean toward the Immortal/Ageless side myself. Seems more interesting that way.

Now it could theoretically be a good bit of time into the future as we don't know pony lifespans really. And it was said Granny Smith was their at the founding of Ponyville which was according to winter wrap up hundreds of years ago. So...eh?

Also....how do ponies measure time? I remember this snippet from Alicornundrum

The next stop was the great clock. It was a gigantic thing, a massive clockwork of glass and gilding and gears the size of a two-story building, that sat in the middle of the palace right where everypony passed by on their work day. Nyx had found the doorway into the inner workings on her first day and had marveled at the massive cogs and levers and gears working away, measuring out the day.. That stop off was a little disappointing; the enormous clockwork was being dismantled and maintenanced, and workponies were climbing in and out, hauling parts and shouting at one another, so there wasn't even a chance to sneak inside and look around. "No worries, though," the forepony said to the children cheerfully. "We'll have her back together in just a few hours and running the castle schedule right as rain."

Gossamer hovered in front of the stilled clock face. She had the look of somepony thinking very, very hard. One could almost see the smoke rolling out of her ears. "How do you know?" she finally said.
The forepony looked up at her. "Pardon?"

"How do you know that it'll be right?" she said. "The right time, I mean?"

The forepony scratched his mane under his hard hat. "I don't follow," he said, confused.

Gossamer fluttered down to hover in front of his face. "Okay, you said everypony in the castle sets their clocks by this one, right?" she said. "So how do you set this one?"

The forepony grinned, back on familiar ground. "We use the sun dial out in the courtyard, little lady," he said.

"But that's the thing," Gossamer said. "The sun comes up whenever Princess Celestia says it does! It reaches high noon whenever she says it does, too! She could sleep in late one day or something..."
"No, no, she gets up at the crack of dawn--" Nyx started to say. Then her brow furrowed. "Wait a minute...."

"Yeah, but dawn only cracks when she says it does," Killdeer pointed out. He looked at Adder and grinned. "Dude. That would be awesome. We could sleep in as long as we want!"

"Oh, she'd never do that," the forepony protested. "Princess Celestia is much too devoted to her duty to do that. Besides, her steward sets her alarm clock every day."

"And he sets it by what, again?" Gossamer said, pointing at the enormous, inert clock behind them. Brows furrowed, eyes went wide as realization set in. "Uh huh, you see? You see? Nopony knows what time it is! Nopony!" Gossamer threw her tiny forehooves wide. "It could be yesterday, or tomorrow, or tea time last Tuesday, right now, and nopony would ever know it!"

Nyx looked at Doubloon. "I think I wanna stop thinking about this," she said. Doubloon nodded. Fervent agreement went up from all the children. "Excuse us, Mister, we're gonna go... um... someplace else," Nyx said to the forepony. "Thank you for talking with us..." They all hastily trundled off, leaving the forepony there to dwell on his growing existential horror.
I've assumed that Alicorn can transform / shapeshift at will. As shown by them having evil super-Saiyan modes. Explains why Luna can be small. Just because Twilight was tall in that pic, it doesn't mean she was old.
I've assumed that Alicorn can transform / shapeshift at will. As shown by them having evil super-Saiyan modes. Explains why Luna can be small. Just because Twilight was tall in that pic, it doesn't mean she was old.

Luna is also a master of illusions and transformation magic.
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