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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

'Ive already' not 'I'm already'
'would volunteer' not ' would volunteers'
Thank you, corrected.
So Time Trapper Paul now has Hope that he can successfully resurrect his timeline. Somebody get this boy a blue ring and things will wrap themselves up right quick! Unless of course there have been changes subverting the story we think we know which is a disturbing possibility.

Regarding Angelika, when did she get an offscreen massive power boost? Last I recall she was a decently powerful kryptonian but not really even on Kal El's standards let alone those of a God-King Superman (I know nothing about that timeline, I'm just guessing). Also, I must admit I was hoping for Blue Paul or Evil Zatanna more than her, since her whole deal never resonated much with me. Sympathetic Nazi redemption arcs just don't do it for me I guess.
While her raw power is less than a natural kryptonian, it was mentioned that she'd studied kryptonian martial arts to a high degree.
Ah, he doesn't know it's Maul, does he? Surely OL remembers enough of Time Trapper to know it's not always the same person?
Hmm... Not ringing any bells. Likely something Mr Zoat invented.
No, that's what the inside of the Materioptikon canonically looks like.
Wait, what? When'd she manage that? How'd she manage that, even?
Link in the text.
Ah, a temporary hideout? Of course he went for a giant tower, what evil wizard wouldn't? (Yes, I know, not an evil wizard... But he's dressing the part so well...)
No, a spire as in a giant lump of crystal, not a tower.
...an individual who is gradually...
He leads me along a narrow path...
Thank you, corrected.
The red crystal is probably connected with the Red Queen.

For those of you who don't know she is a female character based on the Red King in the comics.

The Red King was someone that created a device that allowed him to explore other universes through dreams.

In this setting he appears to be John Dee, who after getting healed by Dream tried finding other dream rocks like the one he had.
He found lesser ones, but managed to create a device that allowed him to travel to other realities and live in them.

Jade may have come across his device in this story and became the Red Queen.
She probably wasn't bracing herself for the portal.

She was probably more wary now that she was then and was able to resist the time manipulation.

Also the portal that brought her to Earth 16 wasn't a time portal so much as a dimensional/planar portal.
For a start, you can throw her at Krona? Just have to convince her it was his fault, not Maul's...
She'd make an excellent distraction and bonus if she absorbs time energy, she might actually be able to kill him.
And this is how you get universe-retcon level Crises. Do you know how much of a pain those are? A big damn pain!
they're also a shortcut to time-skipping to season two I imagine
But much higher chance of succeeding. Great thing about time shenanigans is that he can try as many times as he needs to get it just right. Every failure is a chance to learn from his mistakes and refine the final product.
The problem is that it's impossible for him to get it right, because Time Trapper is doomed to failure.
Maybe that is why all the Paul's exist in different timelines? Time Trapper shifted/created/what-evered them and now Krona is screwing up his work by abducting the Paul's?
For a start, you can throw her at Krona?

He could keep her in the love crystal and use her as a bludgeoning tool. Jordan has his construct box gloves and Pavlos just lost his ring and all he has is this violet 'Made in China Zamaron' substitute he doesn't even know how to use. Going back to basics seems prudent.
Honestly if Nazi girl can delay time trapper by acting like the coolaid man without Krona showing up, then he should have enough spare seconds to let Paul get his original orange rings... But Meh, I will shut down my brain for this few parts.
Honestly if Nazi girl can delay time trapper by acting like the coolaid man without Krona showing up, then he should have enough spare seconds to let Paul get his original orange rings... But Meh, I will shut down my brain for this few parts.
Those situations are entirely different, though? Overgirl is already with them in that temporal dislocation, while the rings remain back within the timeline, which Krona is observing.
The problem is that it's impossible for him to get it right, because Time Trapper is doomed to failure.
then again, he's currently paired off against the biggest fuckup in the multiverse - HOW incompetent/ uncommonly stupid (a crime in the hollows universe in demon society- the accusation being you did something so stupid/careless that it warrants execution regardless of context- something threatening society/the ever after itself) do you have to be to irreparably damage the entirety of reality EVERYWHERE, including anchronically damaging parallel universi that dont even EXIST yet, to the point of inevitable entropic decay,with a one-way time window!?!?!

given the fact that the idiot's last brilliant scheme backfired so bad he accidentally invented entropy as a force by trying to LOOK at something, this might be one opfor a Time Trapper iteration could potentially defeat, assuming they were out of the splash zone when whatever the maltusian moron's planning literally blows up in their face...

not to mention that a MINIMUM of one of his other abductions- specifically one of the one-screen ones failed- and failed HARD-there's likely other pauls he fucked up the abduction of, including ONE botched extraction we've seen onscreen-arguably, the entire thing's already over with the multivercidal loon loosing-
if his scanning gear was so inexcusably shitty he fell for a duplicate with no internal organs/skeleton that would be rumbled by an 1800's./early 1900's X-ray, when he, to all appearances, had no time crunch/reason to hurry.........

... in short, not...really impressive as an arc villain so far XD
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Wait, what? How? When? If she could absorb time manipulation energy all this time how did she end up getting tossed through a portal of it against her will?
Because that's like asking why Superman can't become invisible / create a bubble of darkness by absorbing the light around himself. She can absorb background time manipulation energy if time is being manipulated in her vicinity, but she can't stop time by herself.
I pick up the crystal and carefully step through the portal.

"-what-. Why are you bringing a lunatic kryptonian?"

"She's not a lunatic. She's a friend of mine and since she's resistant to your abilities I think that keeping her with me is the sensible thing to do. Now, if you're really desperate-."

He waves the crystal and the portal closes.
That is two uses of 'the crystal' which refer to two different crystals - it might be useful to change the second use to 'his crystal'?
Yes, I do realise that the first use is a different colour, which may be enough to distinguish, though some read without colour, and some are using text-to-speech, which typically handles coloured text poorly.

I do find it interesting that Overgirl has 'joined the team' - there's a lot to be said for having someone with that power level with you, assuming, of course, that she cooperates...
Gantridies says that Krona is a stupid villain that isn't that impressive and frightening because he chose the wrong Paul.

I disagree in the fact that a stupid person with access to the power and tech someone like Krona has is far more scary than any intelligent person with the same access:D

Krona may have done some stupid shit, but seeing as how much power he has at his fingertips, that is truly frightening.
paler than their surrounds
Unless this is a British usage, 'surroundings'

He waves the crystal and the portal closes.
At first I thought there was a word missing, but Ace figured it out. Give him the credit, but "the red crystal" or "his crystal" would probably fix the confusion. (I had thought he was waving to beckon Angelika's crystal to follow along.)

Surprised this wasn't a Renegade interrupt, despite what he thinks of it...
Interrupts require changing your mind. If it's what your train of thought was already going towards, it's not an interrupt.
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Honestly if Nazi girl can delay time trapper by acting like the coolaid man without Krona showing up, then he should have enough spare seconds to let Paul get his original orange rings... But Meh, I will shut down my brain for this few parts.

Those situations are entirely different, though? Overgirl is already with them in that temporal dislocation, while the rings remain back within the timeline, which Krona is observing.

They don't need to get Paul's rings, the just need to get AN Orange ring that is fully functional.
They don't need to get Paul's rings, the just need to get AN Orange ring that is fully functional.

But that won't happen. Because Pavlos with an orange ring means an easy normal mode. If he gets it at any point before the last part of this storyline that invalidates the nerf. The DM wants him to finish this level with an ill matched ring for whatever reason.
But much higher chance of succeeding. Great thing about time shenanigans is that he can try as many times as he needs to get it just right. Every failure is a chance to learn from his mistakes and refine the final product.
Yeaaaah, if Time Trapper can't go afford to go back five seconds so that Paul has his ring then this is a one time deal

Also, while I've calmed down from the convenient bullshit of the last update I do have to say that my excitement for a storyline that I was previously really looking forward to has been greatly reduced as a result of Paul being rendered useless going into it
That is two uses of 'the crystal' which refer to two different crystals - it might be useful to change the second use to 'his crystal'?
Yes, I do realise that the first use is a different colour, which may be enough to distinguish, though some read without colour, and some are using text-to-speech, which typically handles coloured text poorly.
Unless this is a British usage, 'surroundings'
Thank you, corrected.
So Time Trapper Paul now has Hope that he can successfully resurrect his timeline. Somebody get this boy a blue ring and things will wrap themselves up right quick! Unless of course there have been changes subverting the story we think we know which is a disturbing possibility.

Regarding Angelika, when did she get an offscreen massive power boost? Last I recall she was a decently powerful kryptonian but not really even on Kal El's standards let alone those of a God-King Superman (I know nothing about that timeline, I'm just guessing). Also, I must admit I was hoping for Blue Paul or Evil Zatanna more than her, since her whole deal never resonated much with me. Sympathetic Nazi redemption arcs just don't do it for me I guess.

Not godking supes, a Chris Kent who was raised in a Buddhist monastery who apparently developed a Wuxia style art for energy manipulators.

He could also grow and grab heat vision beams.
I've always found that the grand, multiverse/universe changing plotlines were the weakest in comics. Or at least the ones I'm least interested in. Similarly here, I'm having more fun when Paul is doing Pragmatic Superheroing or actually making an effort at rehabilitating people, and the looks at the alternates. So this setup kind of leaves me flat, because nine times out of ten in any fiction dealing with time travel results in nothing really happening to the status quo.
I've always found that the grand, multiverse/universe changing plotlines were the weakest in comics. Or at least the ones I'm least interested in. Similarly here, I'm having more fun when Paul is doing Pragmatic Superheroing or actually making an effort at rehabilitating people, and the looks at the alternates. So this setup kind of leaves me flat, because nine times out of ten in any fiction dealing with time travel results in nothing really happening to the status quo.
To be fair, the introduction to any new episode tends to be the weakest part of it, specifically because there hasn't been enough material to capture one's interest yet. This might turn out better than you think.

Thank you, corrected.
I don't see any difference on the crystal description?
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Hm... I kind of want to see a version of Paul in the Castlevania show Universe - for one, it's written by Warren Ellis, has some fairly interesting characters talking about existential stuff and it's also got it's own version of the bleed and multiversal travel now with season 3.

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