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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

What is this fixation you people have with Go? I notice dog shit when I walk down the street, but I don't fixate on it after I step around it.

It is one of the worst DC incarnations there is, this fic is mostly about DC. It is topical.

Was that red lantern not canon? Was that an omake? I might have mixed that up...
My money is still on TP betraying all of them, or him being manipulated by someone else to do his bidding.
I'd guess that, to continue the metaphor, it's because you tend to fixate on dog shit a bit more if you only realise what it is when it's already squishing between your toes.
And in this case, the dog/dogs owner has a bizarre obsession with flinging it around wildly at as many passers by as they can,Despite repeated complaints/legal threats/attempts at GBH in retaliation.

... I think the shows very existence is our
/the reader's personal version of the endless deluge of people making dresdin files references to "mantling" despite zoat's increasing frustration/irritation, at this point...0
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That one isn't a real thing.

At this point I think this should be clarified in the faq...
As the name implies, the FAQ is for questions which are asked frequently, not for questions which come up once a year.
Hey people what ring color does the Paul in the Buffy series have? It was a black ring?
Yes, black, though it's more an unlife support system than a power ring.
As the name implies, the FAQ is for questions which are asked frequently, not for questions which come up once a year.

Yes, black, though it's more an unlife support system than a power ring.
... I was gonna make a snappy comment, but if it kills/sterilised microorganisms ala rightness wholly assures,the term actually makes a lot of sense for a user who's technically/literally undead...
Paragon already saw Raul on that first April Fools episode.

He told a member of the team, Tula or Donna, that he saw him and that he was killing people that made the world worse.

He also said that when he was becoming enlightened he also considered doing those tings.
Literary going behind people and shooting them in the head and then crossing their names off a list.

Zoat what has Black Lantern Paul been up to, helping the Scoobies with their save the world thing, killing other monsters, joining that government group, trying to get vampires and demons to adopt more sensible means of survival etc.?
That one isn't a real thing.

At this point I think this should be clarified in the faq...

Hey people what ring color does the Paul in the Buffy series have? It was a black ring?
It had to be incredibly nerfed because a sane, competent Black Lantern with decent charge would curbstomp BTVS. And DC. Bringing him into this mess would probably not be a great idea, as:

1. He'd need a recharge to be useful, but not a full one. A full charge is apparently Bad End terrority.

2. Bringing him into a DC universe could potentially allow Nekron to seize control over him, and that could be anywhere from 'just' your standard, not-very-bright Black Lantern, to a Black Lantern Paul who has all of his critical thinking skills turned to killing everyone as efficiently as possible.

3. Good guy or not, partial recharge or not, you're bringing a Black Lantern to a buffet and putting him on the honor system. You better hope the Time Trapper can handle a Black Lantern, because the Lanterns can't really do anything against him but run.
Leaving aside the whole "acquire an orange ring", Paul can and in fact already did use a violet one in combat without any inconvenience. He is most probably not at his peak, but I can't see where are you getting "no real combat ability" at all.
Between his having no way to recharge currently, not having access to anything in his subspace pocket, including his power armour, and just generally not being as proficient with a violet ring than an orange one he is a the very least extraordinarily weakened
Between his having no way to recharge currently, not having access to anything in his subspace pocket, including his power armour, and just generally not being as proficient with a violet ring than an orange one he is a the very least extraordinarily weakened
A wildly different statement from "no real combat ability".
Non-lethally took down a kryptonian hybrid immune to kryptonite and (possibly) red sun radiation.

Depending on how good she is at that art, and how far Zoat wants it to go, she might not have any of the standard kryptonian vulnerabilities, if she has time to prepare.

Become kryptonite powered? Become red sun powered? Become magic powered against a magic foe? Become psychic energy powered when attacked by a telepath?

And Chris Kent, as he showed in that page Zoat linked, was capable of active absorption ala the Parasite to boot, since he absorbed the harmful radiation out of the American and Russian Supermen in Countdown Arena.
Don't know if it's just me, and I hope that I'm not being influenced by my name, but can you see this ending up in The Dreaming, with Morpheus and all the other fun characters?

Imprisoning Krona there would not seem to be a stupid thing to do...

OTOH, Mr Zoat has proved pretty good at coming up with plot-lines I didn't anticipate...
Repetition (part 5)
3rd January 2005
21:34 GMT -5

"…won't you stop them?!"

I lean back slightly in my chair as a slightly singed Mr Logan gesticulates at me.

I shrug. "Why..? Would I?"

Somewhere in the distance there's an explosion as the Red Guard open fire on… Something or other. From the state of Mr Logan I'm going to assume that it's the rest of the Teen Titans.

Komand'r nods, raising her eyebrows as she chews on a slice of pizza. The rest of the restaurant-goers are looking rather nervously in the direction of a plume of smoke…

"Because they're trying to kill a guy!"

"A.. guy who took part in mengelese biological experiments and thoroughly deserves it, yes. And.. anyway, I don't have the authority to give Senior Lantern Abysmus orders even if I wanted to."

"They're wrecking the city!"

"Then get out of their way. It's not going to take them more than a few minutes to kill him if your team don't interfere. Much less collateral damage." That doesn't seem to satisfy him. "Alright, tell you what." I take my-.


I sigh as my ring incinerates my personal computer. That's-.

"Here." Komand'r reaches into her purse and passes me her phone. "Try not to set it on fire as well."

I smile at her. "Thank you, oh light of my heavens." Okay, access file and-.

Komand'r looks around in a mild panic. "Not in public!"

"Oh, you love it, snookums." And the file is there. "Now, 'Beast Boy', I have the files on-"

A pillar of fire leaps into the sky a street away, and a couple of patrons throw money at their table as they sprint for the exit.

Looks like we're getting excellent service this evening.

"-the whole process. If you can watch the videos all the way through without throwing up, I'll talk to Senior Lantern Abysmus about pursuing their vengeance in a way that causes less collateral damage. Does that sound reason-"

He grabs the phone and taps the screen to play the first video. Ah, I know it well. A splendid aid to building up enough rage to incinerate someone who was 'just following orders'.


"No it doesn't, but if all I gotta do is watch some stupid-."

I hear a very quiet sawing sound from the phone's speaker.

"-video, then I-"

He catches sight of the screen and is instantly entranced.


I lean forwards and grab the phone from his hands just before the wave of gastric juices erupts from his mouth and splashes all over the restaurant floor. I wait for him to finish, then look over towards the counter, make eye contact with one of the servers and smile at him.

"Would you be so good as to clean that up? I'll be sure to tip appropriately."

The server I'm looking at checks his immediate surroundings in case I could possibly have been looking at anyone else, then nods. Excellent! I pass the phone back to Komand'r, who snatches it out of my hand and checks it for vomit before checking Mr Logan's progress.

"How far did he get?"

"Vivisecting the guy with the sticking out spine. They just stuck the third hook in."

I frowns and lean forward as Mr Logan starts to pick himself up.

"Are you sure you're in the right line of work?"

"Why do you even have that on your phone?"

"To remind me why what I do is... If not 'justice' then at least 'just-ish'."

Mr Logan looks blank while Komand'r rolls eyes and picks up another slice of pizza.

"'Just-ish'-? No, never-"

There's a bang from just outside, and a spray of gravel and dust billows past the window.


Komand'r leaps into the air, fists balled and glowing purple-.

"Not inside the pizzeria, honey-bun."

Her fist-flames gutter and she glances at me with a cringe I nearly miss before she regains her focus. "Stop. Saying things like that!"

"Oh stop pretending, love-kitten. I know what public displays of affection do to you." I lean forward slightly and point to my back with my right forefinger. "I've still got the burns on-."

She flies out of the pizzeria. But through the door rather than through the window. And her thighs are pressed together. Hopefully, the Red Guard outside last long enough that she works out her aggression but not so long that her arousal winds down. Keeping up with a tamaranean requires intense stamina-training, but it's well worth the effort.

I get to my feet and offer Mr Logan a hand up, which he accepts.

"It looks like the Red Guard are about to make it justifiable self-defence. And getting between me and my hot-to-trot fiancée is something I cannot abide."

My ring drips red light as I stalk after Komand'r. I suspect that this is going to hurt. My armour's back at home, and red rings are rubbish at defensive constructs. The Red Guard know that I'm nominally on their side, but their training erred very much on the 'no pulling punches' side of things. On the other hand I'm wearing a personal force field and… Heck, Grayson's no tougher than me and he's still alive. I'll see if I can talk some sense into those algebators and then…

That's… Not a Red Guard.

It's even less of a Red Guard after a rictus-grinning Komand'r slams it into the ground and then shoves her burning right hand into its eyes while her left wraps around its throat, but my puzzlement causes my aura to flicker.

"Mister Logan, what is that?"

Hands on his stomach, he walks out of the restaurant behind me, taking in the scene and then looking towards the last known location of his comrades.

"I dunno dude, but I gotta go." He morphs into a bird form, flapping for all he's worth towards the most recent explosion.

Komand'r's right hand finally burns through the facial armour, so she hooks her fingers around and-


-rips it free before flying over to me, frowning at it.

"Do the Red Guard use robots?"

"They have scout automata. They don't use them in combat, though. Who was that?"

"She said she was looking for you, so I thought-."

The woman Komand'r just defaced activates some sort of thrusters in her… Armour? And staggers upright, crippled face staring at me.

"Red Lantern located. No man escapes the Manhunters."
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The Man hunters are probably working for Króna.
Or the Guardians are doing some shit again.

Zoat when you said the Crisis is going to have 40 to 50 chapters did you mean that the chapters that focus on the POV of the alternates, like this chapter does, will count as those chapters instead of counting as supplementary chapters?

What has Black Lantern Paul been up to, helping the Scoobies, killing monsters, joining that government group, trying to get demons, vampires and other creatures to adopt more sensible means of survival etc.?
Should there be a full stop after "nods"?
Thank you, corrected.
Zoat when you said the Crisis is going to have 40 to 50 chapters did you mean that the chapters that focus on the POV of the alternates, like this chapter does, will count as those chapters instead of counting as supplementary chapters?
In total.
What has Black Lantern Paul been up to, helping the Scoobies, killing monsters, joining that government group, trying to get demons, vampires and other creatures to adopt more sensible means of survival etc.?
Yes, things like that.

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