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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oh. It's the Ame-Comi Manhunters.

So probably working for Krona. And he's probably using them because of what Grayven did when he tried to snatch him.

Fun universe if you're a pervert. All the heroes and villains are beautiful women wearing the slutty Halloween costume version of what they'd normally wear.

Except Batwoman. She's actually the exception that doesn't operate like some kind of battle stripper.
3rd January 2005
21:34 GMT -5

"…won't you stop them?!"

I lean back slightly in my chair as a slightly singed Mr Logan gesticulates at me.
Ah, Teen Titans. So naive in their youth. I suppose they've gotten a little wiser with Raul around.

I shrug. "Why..? Would I?"

Somewhere in the distance there's an explosion as the Red Guard open fire on… Something or other. From the state Mr Logan I'm going to assume that it's the rest of the Teen Titans.
A concept from the Green Lantern animated series, eh? I suppose they needed faceless grunt troops for the heroes to beat without ticking off broadcast standards boards... Living up to the grand tradition of Faceless Mooks everywhere!

Komand'r nods, raising her eyebrows as she chews on a slice of pizza. The rest of the restaurant-goers are looking rather nervously in the directing of a plume of smoke…

"Because they're trying to kill a guy!"
Well, clearly he's a bad guy. Otherwise they wouldn't be trying to kill him, would they?

"A.. guy who took part in mengelese biological experiments and thoroughly deserves it, yes. And.. anyway, I don't have the authority to give Senior Lantern Abysmus orders even if I wanted to."
Yep, really bad guy. I'm presuming he's a Psion?

"They're wrecking the city!"

"Then get out of their way. It's not going to take them more than a few minutes to kill him if your team don't interfere. Much less collateral damage." That doesn't seem to satisfy him. "Alright, tell you what." I take my-.
Typical teenagers. Leaping in without asking who's who. And this group is especially prone to that.


I sigh as my ring incinerates my personal computer. That's-.
"Ring hate puny smartphone! Ring is superior device!"

"Here." Komand'r reaching into her purse and passes me her phone. "Try not to set it on fire as well."

I smile at her. "Thank you, oh light of my heavens." Okay, access file and-.
Heheh... Not above a little teasing, eh?

Komand'r looks around in a mild panic. "Not in public!"

"Oh, you love it, snookums." And the file is there. "Now, 'Beast Boy', I have the files on-"

A pillar of fire leaps into the sky a street away, and a couple of patrons throw money at their table as they sprint for the exit.
Honestly, I'm amazed they waited that long. Typical DC bystanders.

Looks like we're getting excellent service this evening.
Oh, I like this Paul. He has no fucks to give, except where his lady is involved. Then he has lots to give..;)

"-the whole process. If you can watch the videos all the way through without throwing up, I'll talk to Senior Lantern Abysmus about pursuing their vengeance in a way that causes less collateral damage. Does that sound reason-"

He grabs the phone and taps the screen to play the first video. Ah, I know it well. A splendid aid to building up enough rage to incinerate someone who was 'just following orders'.
Vomit in five... Four...


"No it doesn't, but if all I gotta do is watch some stupid-."

I hear a very quiet sawing sound from the phone's speaker.

"-video, then I-"

He catches sight of the screen and is instantly entranced.


I lean forwards and grab the phone from his hands just before the wave of gastric juices erupts from his mouth and splashes all over the restaurant floor. I wait for him to finish, then look over towards the counter, make eye contact with one of the servers and smile at him.

"Would you be so good as to clean that up? I'll be sure to tip appropriately."
You better. That's nasty shit...

The server I'm looking at checks his immediate surroundings in case I could possibly have been looking at anyone else, then nods Excellent! I pass the phone back to Komand'r, who snatches it out of my hand and checks it for vomit before checking Mr Logan's progress.

"How far did he get?"
"He pressed play."

"Vivisecting the guy with the sticking out spine. They just stuck the third hook in."

I frowns and lean forward as Mr Logan starts to pick himself up.
"Why are there bits of carrot? I didn't even eat carrot today..."

"Are you sure you're in the right line of work?"

"Why do you even have that on your phone?"
Not his phone, his girlfriend's. Unless he accessed a cloud server...

"To remind me why what I do is... If not 'justice' then at least 'just-ish'."

Mr Logan looks blank while Komand'r roller eyes and picks up another slice of pizza.
Ah, no patience for the idiots her sister hangs out with, eh? Good to see she hasn't mellowed out at all.

"'Just-ish'-? No, never-"

There's a bang from just outside, and a spray of gravel and dust billows past the window.

Sounds like things are wrapping up out there. Hopefully not too many bruises involved...

Komand'r leaps into the air, fists balled and glowing purple-.

"Not inside the pizzeria, honey-bun."
Yeah, the cleanup bonus is already bad enough...

Her fist-flames gutter and she glances at me with a cringe I nearly miss before she regains her focus. "Stop. Saying things like that!"

"Oh stop pretending, love-kitten. I know what public displays of affection do to you." I lean forward slightly and point to my back with my right forefinger. "I've still got the burns on-."
Okay, too much information!

She flies out of the pizzeria. But through the door rather than through the window. And her thighs are pressed together. Hopefully, the Red Guard outside last long enough that she works out her aggression but not so long that her arousal winds down. Keeping up with a tamaranean requires intense stamina-training, but it's well worth the effort.
You bad man, you...:p I bet you drink plenty of fluids...

I get to my feet and offer Mr Logan a hand up, which he accepts.

"It looks like the Red Guard are about to make it justifiable self-defence. And getting between me and my hot-to-trot fiancé is something I cannot abide."
See, now he gives a fuck... Well, maybe later...

My ring drips red light as I stalk after Komand'r. I suspect that this is going to hurt. My armour's back at home, and red rings are rubbish at defensive constructs. The Red Guard know that I'm nominally on their side, but their training erred very much on the 'no pulling punches' side of things. On the other hand I'm wearing a personal force field and… Heck, Grayson's no tougher than me and he's still alive. I'll see if I can talk some sense into those algebators and then…
I... hope that's their species name and not a typo? Or some tamaranean insult?

That's… Not a Red Guard.

It's even less of a Red Guard after a rictus-grinning Komand'r slams it into the ground and then shoves her burning right hand into its eyes while he left wraps around its throat, but my puzzlement causes my aura to flicker.
"Huh. Since when did the guardians start giving their 'bots tits?'"

"Mister Logan, what is that?"

Hands on his stomach, he walks out of the restaurant behind me, taking in the scene and then looking towards the last known location of his comrades.
Like he has any idea either? He's what, fifteen?

"I dunno dude, but I gotta go." He morphs into a bird form, flapping for all he's worth towards the most recent explosion.

Komand'r's right hand finally burns through the facial armour, so she hooks her fingers around and-
"That's so hot, cuddle-bunny..."


-rips it free before flying over to me, frowning at it.
You'd think she'd know to check for life-signs after ripping something's faceplate off... Never leave a living enemy behind you, and all that.

"Do the Red Guard use robots?"

"They have scout automata. They don't use them in combat, through. Who was that?"
Heh, loving the confusion. Ame-Comi was not something you knew about before you started this, was it?

"She said she was looking for you, so I thought-."

The woman Komand'r just defaced activates some sort of thrusters in her… Armour? And staggers upright, crippled face staring at me.

"Red Lantern located. No man escapes the Manhunters."
And that name has never seemed more appropriate... Wait... 'Defaced'? ouch, 5 points of Pun damage!

I'm guessing this is where OL gets dropped in, I take it. Looking forwards to that scene, especially if the Titans get to see it...

...in the directing of...
...in the direction of...
...Komand'r roller eyes...
...Komand'r rolls her eyes...
It could be that the local Guardians have gotten wind of what is going on and are trying to secure Raul before Krona gets him.

Using tue dumbest way possible, by sending armed robots after him.

Also, who are the red guard?
The robot manhunters are usually trash unless they get powered by an emotional light.

Yeah but the ame-comi Manhunters still work for the Guardians, who have mastery of all of the emotional lights except for love and fear, which as usual are the Zamaron and Qwardian domains.

So chances are good that these Manhunters have plenty of emotional light mojo coursing through their circuits.
Pretty sure the Red Guard are like the Darkstars.

That is non ring wielders who work for the Lantern Corps.

Hm wonder if the Guardians will ever have one of their own.

In the Earth 27 fan universe the Guardians actually wield all the seven lights and have an organization of non ring wielders acting as the Manhunters. The one that scourged sector 666 was a rogue sect.
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It's even less of a Red Guard after a rictus-grinning Komand'r slams it into the ground and then shoves her burning right hand into its eyes while he left wraps around its throat, but my puzzlement causes my aura to flicker.
Should be 'her left wraps'

"They have scout automata. They don't use them in combat, through. Who was that?"
Should be 'They don't use them in combat, though.'

Raul said armor and scarred face. Are those versions of Jade that are being controlled?
No just Manhunters from another universe most likely working for Krona.

TP said that Krona already went to Angelika's world and took some things he needed, either some equipment, a version of Jade that somehow exists there, or maybe a version of Paul, but seeing as Zoat said he may be dead I doubt it.

He probably picked these Manhunters from another universe to do his grunt work, either because renegades attack left him damaged, he is afraid of getting attacked again, is too busy to get the alternates himself etc.
It's even less of a Red Guard after a rictus-grinning Komand'r slams it into the ground and then shoves her burning right hand into its eyes while he left wraps around its throat, but my puzzlement causes my aura to flicker.

It's even less of a Red Guard after a rictus-grinning Komand'r slams it into the ground and then shoves her burning right hand into its eyes while her left wraps around its throat, but my puzzlement causes my aura to flicker.
Okay, which bit are you having problems with?
This line:
He waves the crystal and the portal closes.
If I scroll my screen just right, I can just about get this line visible at the same time as the previous reference to Time Trapper's crystal, and in between there's a bunch of action concerning a different crystal altogether. Phrasing this as "waves his red crystal" or something similar would tie it back to the previous reference more clearly.

From the state Mr Logan
Missing something, either "state of Mr Logan" or "state Mr Logan is in"

Not getting any Google hits on this at all; even trying to force an exact match comes up with people talking about "Algebrator" software. What is this?

Ha. ha. How droll.
Not getting any Google hits on this at all; even trying to force an exact match comes up with people talking about "Algebrator" software. What is this?
Odds are it's 'algebra' and 'masturbator' made into one word - onanism with math? So, an insult, possibly aimed at those with math-type (robotic/AI) minds.


This, in fact, is not correct. See below for Word-of-Zoat.
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"Apokolips is a fully industrialised super-Earth controlled by an individual their culture identifies as the New God of Tyranny. It's a total autocracy, the majority of the population are slave workers conditioned to regard their conditions and misery as normal and good… It's not an efficient form of industrial production, but the point is that their leader derives power from their suffering. He's turned his entire planet, with a population of hundreds of billions of people, into a giant algemantic generator. They don't conquer and occupy places, but they do routinely invade planets and burn them back to the stone age. They've got a huge fleet, a huge army and their elite are the equivalent of mid to high tier supervillains."

Can someone explain what algemantic is supposed to mean here?
Can someone explain what algemantic is supposed to mean here?

It's actually from 'algos,' a Greek neuter noun meaning 'pain' (taken from Wikipedia), referring to how the suffering of Apokalips mystically empowers Darkseid. 'Mantic' here seems to just be used to mean something magic-related, since there doesn't seem to be any explicit divination going on (which is what the '-mancy' suffix primarily means).
It's actually from 'algos,' a Greek neuter noun meaning 'pain' (taken from Wikipedia), referring to how the suffering of Apokalips mystically empowers Darkseid. 'Mantic' here seems to just be used to mean something magic-related, since there doesn't seem to be any explicit divination going on (which is what the '-mancy' suffix primarily means).

So what you're saying is that it's a math/pain pun.

This line:

If I scroll my screen just right, I can just about get this line visible at the same time as the previous reference to Time Trapper's crystal, and in between there's a bunch of action concerning a different crystal altogether. Phrasing this as "waves his red crystal" or something similar would tie it back to the previous reference more clearly.
Okay. I thought that it was clear from the context, but I'll change it.
Missing something, either "state of Mr Logan" or "state Mr Logan is in"
Thank you, corrected.
Not getting any Google hits on this at all; even trying to force an exact match comes up with people talking about "Algebrator" software. What is this?
Pain fetishist.
Repetition (part 6)
Angelika and I float in the air off the Atlantic coast, the portal swirling shut behind us.

"Ring, when and-?"

I exhale sharply through my nose, bowing my head. No, can't do it like that any more.

"Angelika, I never thought to ask. Do you have a significant other waiting for you back home?"

She doesn't look at me, instead peering at the coastline.

"I told you. I am infertile."

Ring, when and where?

3rd January 2005
21:36 GMT -5

"And I do not appreciate you bringing it up."

"I'm… Okay, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to rub it in, but there are probably plenty of people who wouldn't care, and then there's adoption or biotechnolo-."

"Are you going to tell Jade Nguyen?"

"Ah? Tell her what?"

Ring, find me.

I think I can manage that.

A violet waypoint appears in my visual field and I fly towards it. After a momentary delay Angelika follows.

"About your feelings."

"I-." She's clearly referring to something that I've missed. "So that we don't spend the next ten minutes talking past each other, could you please assume that I've got no idea what you're talking about and just tell me directly?"

"Violet rings are catalysed by love. You were able to use it to… 'Help' me, then you asked if I was dating someone. I had wondered why you were so much more eager to spend time with me than your friends."


Oh. Okay. She…

"You know that these don't depend solely on-."

"-on romantic love, yes. Is that what you are claiming? That what you feel is not romantic love? Even after asking me if I am single?"

Of all the conversations I didn't think I'd be having today…

"Angelika, I like you, but I'm perfectly happy with the relationship that I'm in."

"That does not stop some people."

"I'm not carrying on behind Jade's back and -attractive as you are- I don't plan on starting. While I'm sympathetic to your situation, your intense racism is simply too unpleasant, and with my empathic vision I see it all the time."

A coastal city up ahead. Neither it not the area around it precisely map onto anywhere in America 16, but-.

There's a.. tower shaped like a 'T' on a small island oh gods I'm in Teen Titans. A Red Lantern me ended up here?

"Ah." Angelika seems to cringe slightly in the air. "I… Ah. I apologise-."

"Don't worry about it. Harmless mistake." I flash her a reassuring smile but she's.. shut down. Gone into full business mode. We'll talk about it later. Possibly with Harleen? "Can you see anything?"

"A group of metahumans are fighting either soldiers in power armour or combat robots. They are shielded against my vision so I cannot see inside."

I see clouds of brick and concrete dust drifting through the air in several places, while a.. few small fires are burning in a couple of places. The local fire brigade appears to be following the same sort of rules of engagement as their America 16 alter egos: hanging way back to douse the area of the fires more to keep them from spreading than to put them out. They can't risk bringing enough people into the area of a metahuman fight to put it out properly.

No freeze rays, though. Are there people in the buildings, or do they just not have them?

"Follow me."

I fly off the coast and down one of the main roads. I can see my objective up ahead, his anger and hate focused into a scalpel-point. But just under that, his intense love for… Komand'r, apparently. I thought that the Teen Titan version of her was kind of a psycho, but I suppose that their version of Jade wasn't any better.

And… Quite a bit younger, if I remember correct-

"No man escapes the Manhunters!"


A surprisingly female-looking robot shoots off the ground below, the pulse plasma guns built into its forearms opening fire!

Not confident of my ability to block shots from a Manhunter with this ring, I opt to evade and leave the smashing to my companion.

"Robot! Smash away!"

Shots from its forearms strobe through the air, missing me and mostly hitting nothing. A few punch through the windows and walls of the surrounding buildings. That needs to st-.

Angelika blinks twice, red rays burning through the cowling around the Manhunter's guns and causing a flashback in the fuel cell. The forearms explode, the Manhunter wheeling to face the new thre-.

Angelika's there and ripping, some.. thing coming out of its chest and being tossed aside, another flash of heat vision burning through its eyes, blinding it for the fraction of a second it remains whole before she shoves her hands deeper and pulls it in two.

Then she floats down to street level and carefully puts them down, so as to not add to the property damage.

"Where does this robot keep its memory?"

I float down after her and give it a scan.

"Not sure. Guardians don't share data on Manhunter layouts, and these are different enough to the models the Controllers are familiar with that I'm not sure how much is applic-. No, there it is."

I point to an armoured compartment where the lower lungs would be in a human.

"Long term data storage. We'll be lucky if we can actually read it, but-."

"-last one, so if I find it first then-."

Komand'r 32 and my own alter ego fly out of a side street and immediately spot us. I raise my right hand in greeting.

"Good evening, me."

He looks… Thinner, and he has the characteristic glowing irises which often accompany ring usage. But he's not spitting acid blood, which is a good sign.

"No, just an evening."

"Ah, Red?" Komand'r floats a little closer to him, the purple plasma around her hands fading slightly. "You got a brother you didn't tell me about?"

"Parallel universe." / "Parallel universe."

He raises his eyebrows slightly. "Old hat for you?"

"You're the second 'us' I've actually met. But we've all got a problem. Krona the Fallen Guardian is picking different instances of us up to make a giant inter-planar tuning fork. I assume you're up for stopping him?"

He tilts his head back and sighs. "I just wanted a quiet evening."

I hold my hands out to the side. "Events, dear boy, events."

"Right. I'll get my armour and sort out the sidekick team, then I'll be with you."

"I also need to locate your version of Jade Nguyen. Apparently she's the second pick."

He shakes his head, frowning slightly. "Who?"
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