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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Did you mean Time Trapper instead of Krona?
Thank you, corrected.
Honestly, how has Raul not noticed the tightly controlled Orange light in OL's soul-glow? Does he simply not pay attention to his empathic sight? You'd think it would stand out, like Vril Dox's near-total self-control...
He doesn't have that ability.
Yeah, unless you want to use their ash for something (molding clay?), it's hard to have good trophies.
The Master left a skeleton, but I think it was already smashed by this point.
It's not like she's Apollo (the Wildstorm version, though the greek god might also count...) She's solar-powered, not solar-generating.
Last time I read The Authority, Apollo was solar powered as well.
Is that his personal spelling choice? Isn't it usually 'Tamaranean'?
I don't understand this - is there a missing word or two?
Missing closing quote before full stop.
Thank you, corrected.
Vaermina, Stsword stop. Next time will be a report. Please stop fighting, and if you're incapable of that, take it to dms. I can see from the general thread that this mostly started from vaermina mentioning that something is not to their liking and when others went to give their view a fight started. And now everyone is bitching at eachother.

Take a deep breath and ignore everyone, start fresh. Otherwise I will be forced to report you for perpetuating a fight after you've been asked to stop. Mr Zoat, can we have an official ruling please?
I can only see half the argument. The half I can see isn't that disruptive, and appears to be reasonably well argued. I'm not inclined to start seeing the other half, and I would urge anyone who feels as I do to use a similar approach to me.
did red kill spike but leave angelus and Drusilla alive?
No, he destroyed Spike and Drusilla and left Angel animate. Angel's possession problem is currently under control.
by under control do you mean he still has a soul cause that wouldn't make sense since oz said he only recently found out about the supernatural and that happened in the same episode that angel lost his soul.
by under control do you mean he still has a soul cause that wouldn't make sense since oz said he only recently found out about the supernatural and that happened in the same episode that angel lost his soul.

It's been established by now that the plot was off the rails even before Red Lantern happened to it.
Last time I read The Authority, Apollo was solar powered as well.
Apollo did glow brightly when fairly charged. That's more what I meant... So... Solar-emitting. I doubt Tamaraneans glow like the sun. The sisters might when using starbolts, but not just walking around...
And I'm rambling... It's late, I need sleep...x3
Zoat is Max Mercury teaching Wally any of his super speed tricks?
by under control do you mean he still has a soul cause that wouldn't make sense since oz said he only recently found out about the supernatural and that happened in the same episode that angel lost his soul.
Why are you assuming that Oz learned at the canonical time?
Which episode did Giles meet the Black lantern in, again?
The first chapter of the Black Lantern SI story I haven't written.
Why are you assuming that Oz learned at the canonical time?

Yeah this could be an alternate universe that differs from the show and not just in the presence Zaul being there, but in other ways.

Also nice to know about Max teaching Wally some tricks.

If you do a time travel plot in the future it can somehow involve Wally seeing as he may learn to time travel thanks to Max.
12th August 1997
23:58 GMT -7
Somewhat hypocritical. OL admonishes Raul for wasting time killing people he could (theoretically) kill later. Then wastes time inquiring about the memetic difficulties each of them have overcome.

"If I left the Earth, I might forget 'why' and just float there for eternity."
Also it is likely that the Controllers reaction to a Black Lantern showing up would be at best 'kill it with science' and at worst 'vivisect it for science'.
"Ten different versions. I met the blue version of me-. Us, from Earth negative fourteen. I also visited his parallel. I also.. got.. visions of three other versions of us; an indigo version, a version with an anti-green ring and-" I nod at Red. "-you."

"No, just-. Ambush Bug did something that made me see parts of their life from their perspective. And then the next year I got visions of a yellow ring user, someone with angel wings grafted to his back and several other orange ring users."

I didn't realize Paul still gets visions because of what Ambush Bug did. I thought those were just snapshots for our pleasure, not something that happens in-universe. Has Paul told anyone about his visions? I mean his new visions.
He told a member of the League or the Team about the first visions.

It is possible that Zoat will reveal how he got these new ones in the following chapters or the end of the episode.

Maybe he had a run in with Ambush Bug again, the effects from what he did to him are coming back, or some other adventure that somehow led to him getting a look into his alternates
Holy crap, that was the second compulsion? I could never figure it out! And I burned out on the full thread read through right as I got to that arc. Dann. Well, now I know.
It probably didn't help that Zoat was pretty inconsistent about it. After it was revealed, I found I think 10 instances on just that page of the story only thread.
Somewhat hypocritical. OL admonishes Raul for wasting time killing people he could (theoretically) kill later. Then wastes time inquiring about the memetic difficulties each of them have overcome.

Not really. OL chastises Raul and Angelina for interacting needlessly with the timeline and their alternate self in specific when they need to make sure that Krona doesn't twig onto them, which the ending of the snippet implies he did.
A quick use of Google-Fu reveals nothing, so I'd guess probably not.
I got nothing either. I had assumed it was a quote as it comes up a few times in story and is the kind of phrase that can easily stick with you. Although when I was searching I noticed that Zoat apparently used "horrors of the universe" previously, instead of "evils of the universe".
I-. I'm not red, anger. When I am confronted by the horrors of the universe I rejoice-

The woman pushes herself up slightly with her right hand twitching as she tries to get her feet under her.

-for when I am done there will be one less.

"Stop." When I am confronted by the evils of the universe, I will rejoice. F-for when I am done, there will be one less.
"When I am confronted by the horrors of the universe I rejoice for when I am done there will be done less" sounds very much like something you'd read from main-line Less Wrong, the part that isn't crazy. It doesn't quite show up word-for-word in this post, for example, but the sentiment is clearly there.
Repetition (part 17)

Black focuses intently on the portal. "Hostile?"

"Of course it's hostile. I can feel the other versions of me he has hooked up to the machine he uses to generate it."

"And we're not being swarmed under with Manhunters because..?"

Time Trapper begins picking up shards of crystal and depositing them in his robe. "Because this place is protected. But imperfectly. Charging in will turn his assault force into an outwardly-directed blast of exotic radiation, but he can work around that problem given time." He looks at me. "Did Ambush Bug show you anything about how you should handle events like this?"


"Did he say anything that could be helpful?"

"No, but… When I met Doctor Schwab, he mentioned..? I don't know if it's important, but he mentioned that he was having some sort of contact with Grayven."

"Grayven? Darkseid's son?"

"I don't know anyone else with that name."

"What exactly did he say?"

"'Only from your point of view. From everyone else's, they got a quick lesson on the Antarctic's environment and an awesome fight with robots and pirates! And that Grayven guy, for the niche crossover appeal.'"

"Niche.. crossover-?"

I point at Red. "Teen Titans." Then at Black. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

Red frowns. "What?"

"You don't know who the Teen Titans-?"

"No, I know who the Titans are. I just didn't recognise the exact line-up."

"You don't remember the animated series?"

"Not with that line-up. Why? Do.. you?"

"I remember a Buffy the Vampire Slayer film."

"But not the television series?"

"No. I remember the comic series, which…" He frowns. "I watched Angel. I remember Buffy appearing in a few episodes. I didn't think it was important…"

Shit. Have I forgotten some sort of.. comic series, or Teen Titans reboot that.. I'm now living through? I didn't recognise how I was talking about my ring and I still can't say my name…

Time Trapper exhales sharply. "Your mental deficiencies are not pertinent at this stage. Were any of the versions of you which you've seen involved at all in parallel universe travel?"

"Blue's parallel has planeshifting technology, but they're a Crime Syndicate reality."

"That will have to-."

Red Queen tenses.


The universe around us shudders as the portal jerks wider, just in time to admit a huge robot.


It's clearly a Manhunter, though at eight feet tall and nearly as wide it's far larger and less feminine than the previous batch we encountered. Its outer surface is red, shaped like a heroically proportioned humanoid sumo wrestler, the only breaks in colour being the purple-grey bands around its legs and forearms. Its chest-. The head is bucket-shaped, purple-grey face and two 'eyes' which I suspect are show. The front piece of the chest is transparent, clearly showing a woman-

Jade, that's a Jade.

-trapped there like I remember the pre-War of Light Manhunters did with captured Green Lanterns. It's using her in order to exist here.

"By the command of Krona, no man escapes the Manhunters."

My crystalline construct armour is already in place, and I put a shield in front of Red Queen and Time Trapper happens to be there. Red throws out construct magnets-on-poles, Angelika flies an evasive pattern while firing heat vision and Komand'r charges.


Angelika burns out its faux eyes, though the armour beneath proves far more resilient. Komand'r's eye beams hit the middle of the transparent section a second ahead of her fists. For a instant the Manhunter appears to be moving to block her, then the constructs hum and it trembles, not crippled but just slightly put off its stride.


The Manhunter shakes at the hits, but isn't knocked back, much less actually damaged.


The Manhunter's internal sections start to glow, and the crystal landscape around us starts to fracture.

"-what are-"

Time Trapper's hood jerks around. Great, he doesn't know what's happening either.

"-we doing?"

The spheres of bubbling wax twist and flow, moving through the air to form circles around the Manhunter.

Angelika darts to the Manhunter's right arm and grabs a finger, straining for a moment to bend it back and break it. A moment later it gives way and Red sprays red vomit into the breach-.

And then it moves.

Komand'r is pushed into the ground, fracturing crystal embedding itself in her flesh. Golden light flares around the hand Angelika is attacking, disintegrating an arc across her costume and leaving an angry red welt on her skin. The red light from Red's ring is redirected, drawn into a siphon deployed from the grey-purple bracer on its left forearm. And then it's in front of him, damaged face-.

Black hits it, ghostly white claws coating his hands and slicing through the Manhunter's chest-mounted containment unit-.

A small explosive detonates, and that Jade's head is reduced to a red smear.


Violet crystal encases the Manhunter's arms and legs as Red grabs Komand'r and pulls back as fast as he can.

"Queen, anywhere."

"They're-. Jamming-."

The portal spasms again as the crystal around the Manhunter I trapped begins to crack. Their AIs aren't sophisticated enough to learn to feel love.

Red Queen sags as another, smaller portal opens. "Go."

Jade 32 appears from behind the spire and dives through, Time Trapper just behind her, and Angelika waits just long enough to get a nod from me before flying for it. Komand'r's gotten over her shock sufficiently to take Red through with her, while Black pulls back more slowly, alert for any sign of weapon-.

Another Manhunter drifts through their portal, opening fire as it comes! Black just tanks the shots-


-and I fly through the portal.
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'how you should' not just 'you should'

Hopefully the Jade that died was the one that fought Anti Green, or some other evil version like her nuke happy comic counterpart, and not Green Lantern Jade, or any of the more heroic versions of her like Batwoman, assuming she was captured.
So all the Paul's forget the exact universe they are in.

I knew some people said that hey don't remember that and may be mindwhammied because of that, but it is interesting to know now that we have a confirmation of this, don't think there was one previously

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