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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

The second 'that' doesn't sound right but I don't know how to fix it because I can't tell what OL means to say.
Thank you, corrected.
That's how teh kidz say it.
Angel rings should be wings
Thank you, corrected.
wait does this only apply when referring to the ring he arrived with? cause it can't be saying the words 'my ring' as Raul says those words just before?
Did paragon have an adventure offscreen when he saw those other versions of himself, or is this what Ambush Bug did to him coming back, if not then how did he see these other versions?
Huh. So I've looked at the dates, to see if I missed anything. Paragon's POV stopped at March 18th, and restarts at April 2nd, so presumably Ambush Bug appeared again a day before Repetition began. No idea why Mr Zoat decided to skip that, though. Maybe we will see it.
doesn't mean that wait until we're done."

Missing... something there, can't, we can't, it can't, some other possibility I haven't thought of...

Edit: It got fixed while I was typing

"And I use an orange ring. I wanted them dead too, but that doesn't mean that wait until we're done."

To be fair to Red, Orange is the only version of the SI here who's managed to achieve enlightenment with his chosen forced colour. Pre-enlightenment, he was a bit more impulsive.
Missing... something there, can't, we can't, it can't, some other possibility I haven't thought of...

To be fair to Red, Orange is the only version of the SI here who's managed to achieve enlightenment with his chosen forced colour. Pre-enlightenment, he was a bit more impulsive.
Yellow achieved it, remember?

Edit: Ah, sorry. I missed the "here". He's the only one who achieved enlightenment if you only consider the people in the conversation, yes.
I think he meant that he was the only one who achieved enlightenment and was with them at the time.
The IDW portion of the run directly states that Lee wasn't Linda Danvers...

You really really should read up on things you debate instead of relying on massively out of date wikia articles.

And you should learn to pay some attention before making a fool out of yourself.

If you had reading comprehension you would have noticed I typed that Lin was Linda Danvers.

If you had reading comprehension you would have noticed that I typed that Supergirl was the former guardian of Bete Noir.

And if you had read Fallen Angel, it's freaking obvious that Linda was Supergirl.

If you had done any research at all, you would have known that the author of Supergirl and Fallen Angel had admitted that Lin was Linda Danvers.

But instead you decided to act like you knew better when you were completely and utterly unqualified to have any opinion of any worth whatsoever.
"The point I was making is that I've learned to act when I'm angry. The things that make me angry are -I think- things that a right-thinking person would get angry about, but condition themselves to accept. Krona didn't tell us not to kill people, we know they're bad-."
Did you mean Time Trapper instead of Krona?
I think it may be Saul saying that it isn't one of his portals.
He is able to open them as show in that chapter where he threatened to fuck a corpse.
12th August 1997
23:58 GMT -7

"A few hours, Angelika."

I shake my head at her, trying not to look at the burning pits Red-me burned into the Sunnydale landscape. It's not that I don't understand why. Empathic vision shows clearly that she's now part way towards resolving her internal contradictions. In any circumstances other than one in which we'd been told specifically not to encounter parallel universe versions of ourselves I'd be delighted.
Whoa, early chapter! And it seems Raul has been busy. Taking out assorted threats in town, I take it?

"I-. I know."

"Fucking red wanker!"
Guessing that's Spike, the british Vampire.

"Heart ready for-"

There's a quiet poof as William the Bloody turns into a pile of dust.

Heh, Zaul's getting in on the fun. Wonder what the Scoobies are doing? Sitting in the Library, wisely keeping their heads down?

Can't say Red isn't efficient. With Mayor Wilkins, Spike and Glory dead, I guess Buffy can take a year off to actually have a life. A few years, actually. I wonder if her desire to get the slayer done as quickly as possible would make her a good choice for an orange ring?
Something for his later multi-dimensional recruitment quest (which we saw back in Fool's Canon.)

"Are you finished?"

Red nods. "That's it for now."
"And I almost wish I smoked. This deserves something..."

"We're work-." I make a point of flying through Red Queen's portal and waiting for them. Angelika is through a moment later, followed first by Red and then Black. "We're working for a time traveller. Why could none of you wait?"

"Red ring."
Nope! No pulling that excuse, you aren't a rage-beast like the comic's Reds...

"And if you were a feral monster I'd accept that for an answer."

"I'm not making an excuse, I'm saying-. It encourages you to think-" The portal closes. "-in certain ways. And-."
Ha! Consider who you're talking to, Raul. Orange is almost more mind-rapey as Red, if only because Red just turns the mind off...

"And I use an orange ring. I wanted them dead too, but that doesn't mean that I couldn't wait until we're done."

He frowns. "Really? I'd have thought that you'd have had to embrace our impulsive side."

"I learned not to indulge myself."
Honestly, how has Raul not noticed the tightly controlled Orange light in OL's soul-glow? Does he simply not pay attention to his empathic sight? You'd think it would stand out, like Vril Dox's near-total self-control...

Komand'r flies over my head with an unpleasant chuckle. "Bet that make your girlfriend happy." She kisses Red. Loudly. "Hey bae. Kill anyone good?"

"No, I only kill bad people. And you know vampires don't leave good skulls."
Yeah, unless you want to use their ash for something (molding clay?), it's hard to have good trophies.

She floats on to take a look at Black. "And this is the new you?"

He leans away. "Tamaranian. I don't like sunlight."
It's not like she's Apollo (the Wildstorm version, though the greek god might also count...) She's solar-powered, not solar-emitting (mostly.)

"Yeah, I see that."

"The point I was making is that I've learned to act when I'm angry. The things that make me angry are -I think- things that a right-thinking person would get angry about, but condition themselves to accept. Time Trapper didn't tell us not to kill people, we know they're bad-."
And you're not concerned about the impact on the local timeline, anyway. After all, it's not your universe...

"Get over here!"

We look around at Time Trapper's exclamation, then fly over to the spire.
Now to see how unhappy Maul is at their little diversion...

"Alright, simple question: have any of you had any contact with parallel universe versions of yourselves before?"

Angelika glances awkwardly at me. Red and Black shakes their heads, while I nod.
Joy of being the primary focus. The definitive article, as it were...[/hartnell]


"How many?"

"Ten different versions. I met the blue version of me-. Us, from Earth negative fourteen. I also visited his parallel. I also.. got.. visions of three other versions of us; an indigo version, a version with an anti-green ring and-" I nod at Red. "-you."
Wait... That count doesn't add up...


"I saw you rescuing Komand'r from some police officers and… I think you had a good argument, there. And then I.. saw you return to your home with her, stow your armour-. You keep skulls?"
Seriously, a yautja would get a jealous hard-on at the sight of his place.

"I feel immense satisfaction whenever I look at them."

"You've met before?!"
"Not in person..."

"No, just-. Ambush Bug did something that made me see parts of their life from their perspective. And then the next year I got visions of a yellow ring user, someone with angel wings grafted to his back and several other orange ring users."
Wait, OL actually saw those little side-chapters? When did they happen again? Was this something that came of Jiggity-Jig?

"And you didn't think to mention that?"

"You came to me, having met me before. You didn't ask. I don't know how this works."
He has a point, Maul. You're treating everyone like a mushroom: Kept in the dark, and fed shit...

"And it was Ambush Bug who did it?"

"Irwin Schwab, yes."

"Wait." Komand'r's starting to smile. "Do you insist on using everyone's real name as well?" Her smile grows, and she elbows Red. "You do!"
"Well, using the names they choose only encourages them..."

"Indigo." The Time Trapper nods. "Indigo. We can work with that. The indigo light can serve as a link… Did he have a staff?"

"Yes." I frown. "Which… Seems a little unfair." I look at Red. "Did you-?"
Seriously, I think he'd call 'bullshit' if other Pauls got Batteries. But the Staff is kind of standard kit for an Indigo...

He shakes his head. "Lord Atrocitus gave me one. You?"

"Alan Scott gave me his. Black?"

"I don't use a lantern. I don't even know where this ring came from."
To be honest, the less charge he has the better, remember?

"'This ring'?"

Oh-ho, the secondary compulsion again? Neither of them have unlocked Propriety yet, have they?

"Say 'my ring'."


"I spent a year being literally incapable of saying 'my ring' until I met my ring's creator and she gave me the ability. It was always 'this ring' or 'the ring."
Thank you, eidetic memory. And people in the threads working to ensure that was actually correct...

Red raises his eyebrows. "You met your ring's creator?"

"You haven't?"

"No, this-. My ring, the ring I'm wearing now, was made by Lord Atrocitus. He took the ring I started with because he didn't trust it."
I'll bet he didn't. Odd that it was Red, though. Some quirk of the process that caused all the alternates?

"Can you call it 'my ring'?"

"The ring-. The ring-." He blinks. "No, I can't ."
I see he's suitably upset about it. Probably at the idea of the psychological interference.

"Did you ever talk to the Controllers?"

"Why would I? Lord Atrocitus hates them for being part of the Manhunter development program."
Because of course... Maybe that's something he'll have to look into when he returns to Earth-32...


"If I left the Earth, I might forget 'why' and just float there for eternity."
And he doesn't really have the charge for interplanetary travel anyway...

Time Trapper exhales. "Though it does suggest that Controller Hinon is disturbingly insecure, it's just a memetic program. Red Queen, please open-."

A new portal opens.
Welp, onto the Universe of the 'The Boys' comic...

"Thank you. You need to acquire this Indigo Lantern, or confirm his disappearance. If you get him, I can get to work on-."

"That portal isn't mine."
If that was Red Queen talking, that's bad. Very bad...

Welp, it seems Krona might have taken notice. Unless that was Saul, things are about to get rather heated in a moment...

He leans away. "Tamaranian. I don't like sunlight."
Is that his personal spelling choice? Isn't it usually 'Tamaranean'?
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wait does this only apply when referring to the ring he arrived with? cause it can't be saying the words 'my ring' as Raul says those words just before?
Which is why the story is called with this ring and not with my ring?
When did Paul realise this?
I think you mentioned at one time that Robin would notice him saying 'my ring' and asking him about it
There's a quiet poof as William the Bloody turns into a pile of dust.
And that's the point the Powers that Be hit the reset button and rewound time across the entire universe again.

And you should learn to pay some attention before making a fool out of yourself.

If you had reading comprehension you would have noticed I typed that Lin was Linda Danvers.

If you had reading comprehension you would have noticed that I typed that Supergirl was the former guardian of Bete Noir.

And if you had read Fallen Angel, it's freaking obvious that Linda was Supergirl.

If you had done any research at all, you would have known that the author of Supergirl and Fallen Angel had admitted that Lin was Linda Danvers.

But instead you decided to act like you knew better when you were completely and utterly unqualified to have any opinion of any worth whatsoever.
It's adorable that you are still missing that much of the story.
Holy fuck, talk about a reveal. Paul's second comoulsion has been a mystery for years!

At first it seems really petty to block his ability to say "my ring".

But then you realise that preventing an Orange Light user from saying "my ring" is actually not a bad idea.

Which might indicate that Orange was the original light intended for all the Pauls.
And that's the point the Powers that Be hit the reset button and rewound time across the entire universe again.
Not necessarily.
I mean, while I love how Spike evolved as a character and how much character growth he brings to the rest of the BtVS cast, some black hat or white hat character can replace him for his various actions, especially when some of the prerequisite events for needing him acting as a champion will be missing. If events can be railroaded by supernatural beings into happening again even without the presence of major antagonists, they can be railroaded by the other side with major protagonists missing too.
Not necessarily.

I mean, while I love how Spike evolved as a character and how much character growth he brings to the rest of the BtVS cast, some black hat or white hat character can replace him for his various actions, especially when some of the prerequisite events for needing him acting as a champion will be missing. If events can be railroaded by supernatural beings into happening again even without the presence of major antagonists, they can be railroaded by the other side with major protagonists missing too.
Rolling back time a couple of hours doesn't take a particularly large amount of effort for the beings in question.

Hell, they rolled back time a couple of days just to keep Angel on the path they wanted him.
That's assuming that any of the Powers would want Spike to be around in the first place.

Killing Glory changes a lot of things and they may decide he is unnecessary to their plans anymore so wasting their power on bringing him back is pointless.
I wonder if her desire to get the slayer done as quickly as possible
I don't understand this - is there a missing word or two?
It was always 'this ring' or 'the ring.
Missing closing quote before full stop.

I'm guessing RL trashed Drusilla, then BL got Spike...

I'll admit I'm curious as to whether RL was tempted to go after Angel...

The compulsion on describing their rings is interesting... One might suspect that it's something deeper than an insecure ring creator... Might want to note that 'wed' can mean more than conventional human-human marriage...

Action continues nicely, going to see if another actor has decided to join the drama!
(I'll be amused if it's Ascended Cordelia...)

Viz the PtB rolling back time, it's possible that out-world visitors (from a lot further off than 'demon' dimensions) making a change may put causative 'blocks' in the way of doing that?
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That's assuming that any of the Powers would want Spike to be around in the first place.

Killing Glory changes a lot of things and they may decide he is unnecessary to their plans anymore so wasting their power on bringing him back is pointless.
Spike was the Powers "break in case of emergency" card for defeating the First Evil's army of Turok-Han without fucking over the balance even more then it already was.

Speaking of which, because of their actions without a rollback the First Evil would be free to act both sooner, and in a much larger way, then it was originally.
Huh. So I've looked at the dates, to see if I missed anything. Paragon's POV stopped at March 18th, and restarts at April 2nd, so presumably Ambush Bug appeared again a day before Repetition began. No idea why Mr Zoat decided to skip that, though. Maybe we will see it.
I thought about sticking it in at the end of the episode, but I didn't think it would fit in.
Still think it is Saul commenting on it not being one of his portals
EDIT:Or now that I look at it it could be RQ saying that it isn't one of her portals.

I thought about sticking it in at the end of the episode, but I didn't think it would fit in.

Pretty sure you could do it
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Vaermina, Stsword stop. Next time will be a report. Please stop fighting, and if you're incapable of that, take it to dms. I can see from the general thread that this mostly started from vaermina mentioning that something is not to their liking and when others went to give their view a fight started. And now everyone is bitching at eachother.

Take a deep breath and ignore everyone, start fresh. Otherwise I will be forced to report you for perpetuating a fight after you've been asked to stop. Mr Zoat, can we have an official ruling please?

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