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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"I think it could work for an English-speaking audience, but you'd need different instrumentation. The relatively soft, pop music sound is just too much of a clash." I take a small Thanagarian data storage device out of subspace and load… A cross-section of Earth's music onto it.
"As I understand it, thanagarian performers don't usually have much to do with alien music. I hope that it's a norm you'll continue to subvert."

Wacky paragraph spacing.

...what? Why are you guys looking at me like that? I can stop whenever I want to.
So this is going to end with Manga Khan exporting Warhammer 40k across the galaxy/universe, right? Wonder how the game will go through permutations and cultural shifts.
Guardians for Old Ones, Empire of Tears for Chaos, Reach for T'au (depending on the interpretation of T'au). What's the closest equivalent to the Eldar in DC?
Apokalyps / New Genesis
Zoat how many chapters will this episode have, aside from the ones about the alternates?
There's clapping, but I don't look much like myself at the moment. I based this appearance on the hermaphroditic 4th edition Daemonettes, combined with Mad Donna. I even bit the metaphorical bullet and added in a dozen or so piercings.
Didn't your mother ever warn you that it might stick like that?

Like seriously, you just got back from being interrupted while doing something and getting stuck like that. You'd think you'd learn.

Ow. Now that's suffering for your art... For the few seconds it lasts before the ring registers your displeasure.
He wants the perfect cosplay more than he doesn't want the piercings. The not-want is enough to keep him from being able to use his ring for it but it doesn't overpower the want to make the ring prevent it.
Might want to consider the wording of this episode, Mr Zoat, as I didn't find the text conveyed, to me, how... enthusiastically asymmetrical this bit of WH Chaos God cos-play was...

I'm wondering if having seen the... cranial modifications in the alts on the Tuning Fork of Doom our hero was willing to go a bit further in self-modification? Changes to the 'self', tinkering with your self-image, is something many people are terrified of, as it's pretty core to their identity. Maybe OL is just that more confident, having survived being a snake in the Silver City, he's happier to take these risks?
How is this chapter related to the rest of the 'Low Politics' chapters? It looks more like a random interlude.

Well you see...
"-I'm afraid that a full consultation will have to wait. I have plans tomorrow."

OL is being consistent with his stated position that he has no authority and only slight responsibility for Lord Monologue. By sticking with his prior commitments and promoting the sort of thing he would take responsibility for.
Well, for Paul, tomorrow is a tuesday. That means game night and he's finally painted his 5000pt army.
I strut after him as we leave the staff area and walk out onto the stage they set up for the demo game.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Someone hit the prediction jackpot.
(Just hop aboard the Black Ship to claim your prize, an all expenses paid vacation to Holy Terra)

Even mix of both half right, or two-face style split-down-the-middle half right?

Also, he should have went as Cultist-chan.
Cultist-chan sounds sweet and endearing.
Generic 3rd edition daemonette just sounds bitchy and vaguely disgusting.
Well you see...

OL is being consistent with his stated position that he has no authority and only slight responsibility for Lord Monologue. By sticking with his prior commitments and promoting the sort of thing he would take responsibility for.

Also, he actually wants to do this, vs the "wrangling comic king" thing which is a gigantic pain in the wherever hermaphroditic daemonettes don't want to feel pain.
Also, he actually wants to do this, vs the "wrangling comic king" thing which is a gigantic pain in the wherever hermaphroditic daemonettes don't want to feel pain.

I don't think there is a place where they don't want to feel pain.

Wonder what the 40k Paul (who was presumably part of the background Orange-Pauls last episode) would make of this.
How is this chapter related to the rest of the 'Low Politics' chapters? It looks more like a random interlude.
Well, OL is out among the people, boggling the norms...

If you want to do well in (British, national) politics there is the 'Rubber Chicken Circuit'. This involves lots of years, maybe decades, going around to small, local, meetings, and generally getting rather low-quality chicken dinners, as 'visiting speaker'. If you do this then the party considers that you are 'reliable', and put you up to be elected. Do a good enough job and this is in a 'safe seat', when one becomes available.

You might wonder what sort of organisation would want people to go around and cos-play war-games, in lots of local places, so you acquire a 'good reputation'... Would this be 'Low Politics'?
Even mix of both half right, or two-face style split-down-the-middle half right?
Might get somewhere by reading entries on (likely NSFW) Slaanesh, the Warhammer Chaos God...

I recall the Monty Python (news reader?) character apparently wearing a suit, which when they turned around appeared to be back-less, maybe just a g-string... So they were half front, half no back...
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Doubtful, once it was explained that Paragon's from a universe without the warp and its attendant dangers.
If you want to do well in (British, national) politics there is the 'Rubber Chicken Circuit'. This involves lots of years, maybe decades, going around to small, local, meetings, and generally getting rather low-quality chicken dinners, as 'visiting speaker'. If you do this then the party considers that you are 'reliable', and put you up to be elected. Do a good enough job and this is in a 'safe seat', when one becomes available.

Kinda like how doing charity work, apprenticing to political work, or running a business is in American politics I see.
Me too man, but it's fun to go all in and accuse people of Heresy. Especially those Chaos worshipping bastards.

Only space wolves or blood angels are any good, certainly not the smurfs with upside down toilet seats on their armour.. or rather, only their Primarchs were.

Still, google is fantastic for images of horrifically sexy slaaneshi.
Not the Dark Angels though, GEEZ-
no sense of humour- you'd think they were hiding something!
Low Politics (part 8)
7th April
17:48 GMT +2

I look around at the surprisingly green scenery of South Kahndaq.

"Not that I want to come across as a total doomsayer, but is this self-sustaining?"

Adrianna nods confidently. "It will survive. The plants are evolved for the desert. The roots of larger plants stabilise the soil and store water, while the smaller plants can survive under their protection."

"I heard about the goat ban."

Slightly before Adom put it into practice.

"Goats ravage marginal land. If they were allowed to graze here then they would undo my work in a generation."

"I don't recognise all of the plants. Have you been talking to Swamp Thing or Doctor Isley?"

"I spoke briefly with Swamp Thing. But these plants are merely… Old. They are not my creations." She pointedly looks out across the verdant scrubland and towards the gleaming metal structure that wasn't there yesterday. "Why is that here?"

"It's a trade post-."

"Yes, I know. I -and everyone else in Kahndaq- heard the mental broadcast. Why is it here?"

"Because -as I understand it, technically- this territory isn't part of anyone's country. Unless you're saying that you've de facto annexed it with your plants."

"No. I am not limiting the blessings of Isis to helping only the people of my nation. But isn't this part of Zambesia?"

"It's-. Whatever the opposite of 'disputed' is. Before Adom took over, Kahndaq and Zambesia couldn't agree on exactly where the border was and they both said that this was part of the other country. Adom's been clear that he isn't planning on expanding Kahndaq's territory -and I'm grateful about that- but… Because of that and because he's had better things to do, who owns the southern border area hasn't been settled."

"Oh." She frowns. "So I could have done whatever I wanted without creating a diplomatic incident."

"Maybe, but doing that might have been seen as the Kahndaqi government accepting the Zambesian government's preferred interpretation of the border, and you should probably talk to a few people before doing that."

"And you should talk to the one who built that."

"I don't think I should. I don't think I should. Just because the leader has an orange power ring, that doesn't mean that it's my job to find some sort of magical solution that makes everyone happy."

She doesn't look impressed. "Would it be my job if he didn't have an orange power ring? Because I haven't seen him use it yet."

She considers for a moment.

"You know more about interstellar economics than anyone else on Earth."

"No, I… Don't think-" I frown. Who… Would..? "-I do."

Wait. Arnus would. I mean, I.. think he was more a corporate lawyer than a criminal lawyer anyway. Sure, he'd be a little out of date, but the broad principles should be the same. And Ploutos should be able to fill in the gaps. Yes, I can dump it on the pair of them.

"Ring, contact Icon."

"'Icon' not on Earth."


"Ring, contact Rocket."

"In progress."

I raise my left hand to the side of my head as it rings.


"Rocket, Orange Lantern h-."

"Are you why Nazigirl's been followin' me around?"

"Only indirectly. You're-. Um."

"Yeah? You wanna finish that sentence?"

"The most admirable black person she's met, and she thinks that you alone can break decades of racist cultural programming?"

I hear her huff.

"Okay, yeah, great, but the economy in Dakota City ain't so great and most a' the criminals I arrest are black too. It's not.. like, the best image she could get."

"Okay, but every criminal she's ever arrested before was white, so I doubt that she'll draw a conclusion based on that."

"Fine. What were you callin' for?"

"It occurred to me that Arnus' experience with interstellar relations would make him the man to take a lead on this whole business with ClusterCorp. Do you have any way to contact him?"

"Ah… No."

"Raquel, I don't like to call a team mate a-."

"I'm not supposed to contact him. Ah. Especially if you're asking."


"I ain't suppose to tell you unless the world's ending. Is it?"

"No, this isn't even-. Do you know if he's coming back soon?"


"Okay, I-. Clearly don't know what's going on here. If you get in contact with him please mention the ClusterCorp situation?"

"Sure. But-."

"Yeah. Talk to you later."


Well… Darn. Don't know what's going on there, but I don't-.

A jet plane with.. the LexAir logo on the side flies over the Red Sea and.. uses its directional jets to perform a near-vertical landing on the trade post's landing platform. A group of armoured figures move out to greet…

Lex is here. Of course he is. The only surprise is that he's come in person and without a camera crew.

"Alright, fine, I'll meet with him. But I'm doing this under protest, and if anyone complains afterwards I'm going to take great pleasure in reminding them that I wanted nearly anyone else to handle this."
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Cool, it's been a while since Paul and Lex have had a conversation.

I think this just show Paul being too weak willed to follow on doing what he says he will do.

Why did he even need to hire mages from an underwater city again?

Ah right because he screwed up with any other magical contacts he had.

Grayven? He has Circe, Sunset and Luna.

This is a whole "We could have avoided this" plot.

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