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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Low Politics (part 1)
Low Politics

4th April
09:12 GMT -1

I appear in the air over the mid-Atlantic, empathic vision scanning the seas below for the man who-. There he is. I

step out

and appear a short distance from him within his field of view. Lord-. No, King Cyprian is moving his hands, water rippling around them to unleash a destructive pressure blast before he's even consciously aware of who it is that just appeared. I raise my hands as his not-much-slower-off-the-mark bodyguards begin preparing their attacks as well.

"I'm sorry, but-"

He moves to conceal his hands as he dismisses the spell, consciously relaxing his posture to indicate that his guard should stand at ease. He's hoping that I didn't notice his preparedness, or the situation with the rest of Atlantis that caused it.

"-I urgently need-"

Spell dismissed, he raises his right hand to stand down the guard and straightens his posture.

"-to talk to you."

"Illustres Paul. You can simply make an appointment. Since we're working together I've put you on the 'priority approval' list."

"Too slow. I urgently need to hire as many archmages as you can spare."

He conceals his concern well, but whatever protections he routinely uses aren't blocking my empathy. I'll warn him about that after this meeting.

"What for?"

"Magic users are uncommon in the galaxy at large. A world under NEMO's protection is being threatened by a magic-based intelligence and it doesn't have a native magic tradition. NEMO doesn't have good access to magic users inside its territories and.. those it could get generally aren't as well educated as Atlanteans."

"What sort of intelligence?"

"Thousands of eyeballs floated into the sky, came together in blobs and started accusing the locals of 'breaking the covenant'."

"Ah. Yes, that does sound like magic."

I see a little spark of interest, swiftly doused.

"Do you know the nature of the covenant? If it's just a matter of making a votive offering-."


"I realise that it's concerning, but as king I make a number of ritual offerings and sacrifices each year to gods whom Venturia no longer worships. These-."

"I can't find out because my colleagues and I killed all of the priests."

"Oh. Yes, that.. would make things rather difficult."

"I don't want to negotiate. I want to kill it. I'm confident that the local Orange Lanterns and I can kill it, but I want to check that there won't be any blowback and that it isn't doing anything actively against the civilian population other than being really disturbing."

King Cyprian nods slowly. "We can help with that. Do you have any other requirements?"

"Everyone you select must be able to survive exposure to magic-based planes of reality, because that's how we'll be travelling."

"That cuts it down considerably. But I'm certain that we can-" He looks over to a courtier. "-draw up a list."

The courtier nods and activates a scrying pool.

"Given.. the.. international situation, I'm afraid that I can't simply release our archmages without getting something in return. I assume you're offering something in exchange?"

"Yes. A LEGION defence contract."

While I doubt that he'd usually offer one over something like this, Dox is rather interested in recruiting magic users on an ongoing basis. We didn't even know that Tillettit was mystically active, and if there's one thing Dox hates it's intelligence oversights.

"Is.. that..?"

"Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operations Network. NEMO's space fleet and marine corps. If you accept the pact, your security becomes our concern. Please note that this will only cover defensive operations. If you start a fight you can't finish, we don't care."

"I don't intend to. You're.. aware then that relations with Atlantis…"

"I know that you were crowned king and declared independence. I don't know enough about Atlantean law to know how problematic that is."

"Generally speaking, when part of your country decides that it doesn't want to be part of your country any longer, that means war."

"Is King Orin going to take that option?"

"I'm not sure that I've given him much choice. What do you know about the political situation?"

"Not much. And to be honest, it's not my problem."

"This agreement will make it your problem."

"No, it won't. I don't care who was right or wrong… Does this go back to Princess Diana's fight with Queen Clea?"

"No, before that."

I think for a moment, then shrug. "I still don't care. Your city has been disconnected for long enough that hardly anyone in Atlantis is going to be meaningfully affected. If the royal family had decades to fix the problem and didn't, then they don't have any cause for complaint. I would however respectfully suggest that it might be politically advantageous to hold a ballot on the subject, but otherwise it isn't my concern."

He regards me curiously. "A ballot?"

"King Orin grew up in America, a democracy. He's used to the idea that the will of the majority of the citizens should set the direction of policy. I assume that you have an up to date census?"

A mild frown. "Of course we do."

"Then invite a few observers from other city-states in and get your citizens to record their preference: independence or reunification. If you get a decent majority in favour of your position then he'll feel that he's in the wrong, and you could probably get him to agree to postpone things indefinitely."

"I hadn't.. considered… I assume that the observers are to demonstrate that we aren't strong-arming our citizens." I nod. "A curious way of doing things, but I take your point. Have you told him what you're offering us?"

"No. I'd rather that he didn't need to find out. But feel free to inform him if he threatens to invade."

"Can your LEGION fight in the ocean?"

"The guns we use? We don't really need to."
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In Order
Day 341
It's always dawn somewhere

Ideally, in an organisation, no one should be irreplaceable. At any moment, an individual may be struck ill, fall dead, or get a better offer. As such, it is necessary to arrange things that the functionality of the organisation may be maintained despite the absence of anyone, even if that means that an individual of superlative skill may not be able to exercise it to the greatest extent.

"… cover this up, Khoah! The whole patrol saw a giant hand reach down out of a hole in the sky and grab him!"

I knew that, of course. But I've been so busy keeping everyone alive that I hadn't fully considered what it meant for me. I rather assumed that I would either be here or I would be dead, in which case the ring would go to Pumyra. The idea that I might be taken alive with the ring never occurred to me. Talking to some of my more politically experienced alter egos…

"I know. But if it becomes known that he might not be coming back, people will panic."


"Take the patrol on a mission to the City. Make sure to take a full inventory of any materials we could take from it. That will buy us a few weeks with no more than quiet rumours."

With the danger of immediate starvation or invasion beaten off, I think that now is the time to address matters of governance.

"And then?"

"And then if he has not returned we will have to learn to live without him."

I transition downwards, appearing in the small meeting room with them.

"Fortunately, that-"

Pumyra's hand is on her knife immediately, while Khoah is sliding her chair back to stand.

"-won't be necessary. Though this does raise an interesting point about continuity planning." I cause my eyes to flare with yellow light. "The owner of the hand will no longer be an issue. Khoah, your plan was sound."

"Ah, thank you, my-."

I step closer, pulling her into my embrace and firmly pressing my lips to hers. She moulds herself into me, her fears evaporated by the physical confirmation of my existence.

"Lord Protector, you need to go outside so that people can see you."

I pull back from Khoah, her eyes brimming with… Not.. love, that's… Faith.


"Quite right. Walk with me, both of you."

I turn away and stride towards the door, pushing it open and being mildly pleased as the two guards stationed there take a half-step away as they see me.

"As you were."

My residence isn't a large building. It's not a fort or guard post and building materials are still at a premium. As a result it's only a short march to the exterior doors, which I throw open in a display of vigour. Worried people look around, hoping for some direction from their leaders and instead see me.

"I'm fairly certain that you all have assigned duties which you should be performing. Be about them."

And they're going, and while there's an air of guilt and fear from most, there's also… Relief.


I fold my arms across my chest. Here's as good a place for this discussion as anywhere, and it won't be a problem if the people with a good reason to be here overhear it.

I turn back as Khoah and Pumyra come through the door.

"The Thunderan tradition is that the king reigns until infirmity or death claim him, then he is succeeded by his eldest legitimate son. Without a woman of my own species I can't have children, and I'm not convinced of the value of hereditary rulership anyway."

Pumyra nods approvingly.

"Khoah, you will begin forming a governing council. Select a representative from each farm and project and gather them together each week to discuss any issues they're having. You are empowered to deal with them as you see fit. I will be taking a step back from governance to allow our people to become accustomed to following your direction."

She nods. "My lord."

"Once the system has the confidence of the people, I will award you the title of 'mayor' and codify our precise legal relationship. As of now, you are my heir designate."

She nods again.

"Pumyra, select your most competent lieutenant and train them how to perform your current duties. Once they are up to your standard, I will begin training you in the use of this ring. This is not intended to cast aspersions upon Khoah, but her skills do not lie in the direction of inspiring fear. Tell me, what was your solution to your soldiers spreading rumours?"

"Long range.. 'scouting'."

She inclines her head very slightly, and we both know that they wouldn't have come back.


I turn away from them, looking not at the remaining lollygaggers but at the homes and warehouses, and further away the fields.

"During my time away I gained access to a large quantity of useful data. Our next large community project will be our own iron mine, but first I have a more esoteric project of my own to complete."

I take the Sword of Plun-Darr out of its sheath and look at the soul stone on its crosspiece.

"It should be possible for me to use this to create a more efficient method for recharging the ring. I will be spending as much time working on that as possible. When I am successful, I will be able to become far more active. I intend to explore this region of the universe to attempt to locate people who have more information on Mumm-Ra."

"Like who?"

"If the story Lion-O told us about his visions of this world's past was accurate, Mumm-Ra attacked numerous worlds prior to your ancestors' revolt. I hope that there were survivors, or at the very least records we could use."

Possibly other creatures like him. Because I'm very curious about how he works. And what the heck he is.

"I am pleased with the way you handled my absence, and I will endeavour not to be grabbed by giant hands in future."


I turn back and smile at Khoah.

"One last thing before you both go." I take a pair of thundrillium rings out of subspace and go down on my left knee. "Khoah, will you marry me?"
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Low Politics (part 2)
5th April
16:52 GMT -5

"…the eye-goo out of my hair for the next month, but we managed to deal with it."

Kon frowns as we head towards the training room.

"What happened to your environmental shield? Did the magic bypass it?"

"No-. I mean, metaphorically. Yes, my environmental shield kept it from actually touching me but it was still pretty disturbing."

"What did it want, anyway?"

"Eyeballs. We confirmed links between the elemental and the reliquaries the cult used to use."


"Don't know and don't care. When you demand that people give you eyeballs, you lose the right to complain when they take yours."

Richard and Wallace look around as we enter the training room, Richard smiling…


"The UN Security Council wanted to talk to the Justice League about Brazil."

Wallace nods. "Sounds like they aren't too happy about a tribe with superpowers trying to take over a country. Or about the League not stopping them."

I frown. "But they didn't-." Understanding dawns. "Which Security Council member called the meeting?"

Richard's smile widens. "China."

"And they want to hash out the League's policy on civil wars."

He keeps smiling.

"Because they don't really care about Brazil, but they aren't all that keen on the idea of the League deciding that Taiwan or Hong Kong aren't part of the People's Republic and doing something about it."

"And guess who just handed a city full of Atlantean separatists a space fleet?"

I turn to face Kon. "You didn't."

He blinks in surprise. "No? Why did you give a separatist city a space fleet? I didn't even know you had a fleet."

"I personally don't have a fleet. LEGION on the other hand has several fleets. Dox has wanted to put some ships in this region of space for a while. I think he thinks we're a 'threat to the universe' or something."

I shrug. Wallace grins.

"Ah, was he just talking about you there, Oh El, or do the rest of us count as well?"

"Wallace, you can run at the speed of sound in an atmosphere without catching fire. I suspect that he actually finds you more offensive than me. And I didn't give them a fleet. Venturia is now a LEGION supplier, and is entitled to its protection. The rest of Atlantis has had next to nothing to do with it for more than fifty years and I'm fairly confident that the referendum they're holding will show landslide support for partition." I shrug. "That's good enough for me and it's more than good enough for Dox. What do you think a place should have to do for us to recognise its independence?"

Kon shrugs. "Why do we have to do it at all?"

"Because we're the most powerful military force on the planet."

Wallace shakes his head.

"We're not a military."

"What was Mister Garrick doing during the Second World War?"

"Okay, yeah, and Russia didn't give more people super speed because they didn't want him to help America give more people super speed. But Jay coulda given more people super speed anytime since the thirties."

Richard bows his head slightly. "Yeah, that's the point. If you've got power, everyone else who wants to do anything has to take into account the fact that you might use it. The whole reason why we have anti-vigilante laws is because not everyone who wants to beat up bad guys has the same definition of 'bad' as everyone else."

"But we're not.. going to invade Taiwan." Wallace looks a little nervous. "Right?"

"You tell me. What would have to happen for you to decide that invading Taiwan was the correct thing to do?"

"I dunno. World War Three?"

Kon doesn't look sure. "Most wars aren't as morally simple as World War Two. I don't think I'd want to fight in World War One."

"I totally would."

"Themyscira didn't fight in World War One."

"Sure, but if I win a tournament I can call myself Wonder Man and go out and beat everyone into submission in the name of peace. I would be a just and fair hegemon-"

Richard looks up at the ceiling for a moment. "Everyone else seeing Paul in Wonder Woman's-?"

Wallace and Kon nod.

I shrug. "It's unisex."

Kon shakes his head. "I don't think men are allowed to participate in that tournament-. You already checked."

"You just have to be a citizen of a Themysciran city. In the old days men weren't, but I legally am."

"But the point-." Wallace stops and looks me over. "The point is, okay, just because there's a big war happening doesn't mean I'd need to get involved. I get it. And since I paid attention in history class I know that since the Second World War there's a whole lot of stuff the US government has done that I'd probably try and stop if I was there. But if Venturia can break away and you're fine with it, what's the difference between that and the American South breaking away before the Civil War? That was pretty popular in the South."

"Slavery, obviously. If the South didn't have slaves and still wanted independence, what would be wrong with that?" I shrug. "Nothing. I mean, that's what democracy is all about: legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed. The people are sovereign. If the majority want to go, what right do the rest have to stop them?"

Richard folds his arms across his chest. "Can't see the US federal government seeing it that way. Or Poseidonis."

"Before I left Earth Prime, my country had a ballot scheduled on Scottish independence. If the nationalists won, a chunk of the United Kingdom would have separated with the consent of the national government, completely peacefully. But going back to the original point-."

Wallace nods. "China… What, they freaked out because if Taiwan made an army of super soldiers the Justice League might decide not to do anything about it?"

Richard shrugs. "Or they woke up to the fact that Justice League members do have political opinions. Or that like Paul says, the Justice League is the most powerful military force on Earth and might just decide that it doesn't want UN oversight anymore."

Kon looks at him. "But Batman's got a plan for that, right?"

"Recognized, Aquaman, zero six, Aqualad, B zero two."

Kon pats me on the back, then the three of them make a speedy exit.
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Low Politics (part 3)
5th April
16:56 GMT -5

I smile, because why wouldn't I?

"King Orin. Kaldur'ahm." Kaldur's face is neutral, while Orin looks mildly annoyed. "Do you want to do this here? I don't really have an office in my official capacity."

Orin gives me a curt nod. "We may as well."

We watch each other for a moment.

After I feel that it's dragging on, I raise my eyebrows and shrug.

"As King of Atlantis, I formally request that you rescind your offer of a defensive pact with the City of Venturia."

"As Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, I refuse. The Orange Lantern Corps and its allies will stand by its commitment to the City-State of Venturia."

"You have the authority to do that?"

"My powers aren't precisely defined yet. But naturally, I talked the issue through with Clarissi Vril Dox, who can deploy both Orange Lanterns and LEGION fleet resources on his own authority, and he agreed to it. The only higher authority would be the full NEMO council, and between us Dox and I have three out of seven votes. If you want to try and get us overruled then you'll need to convince three Controllers and the head of the Darkstars that this offer is contrary to NEMO's broader interests, and frankly I don't think they'll care enough."

He nods. He didn't think that was a workable avenue, but he had to ask.

"Why are you doing this?"

"The Orange Lantern Corps needs magicians, and a single city-state that depends on us for its protection is a lot easier to deal with than anywhere else on Earth we could get them from."

He doesn't start exactly, but that clearly surprised him.

"That's it?"

"No, no, there are a lot of other factors that made them a good choice and now a good time. But if we didn't need their expertise Dox wouldn't have agreed to use LEGION resources, and if the Atlantean political side was different then they wouldn't have wanted what we're offering."

"You're intervening in an internal Atlantean political dispute. If you actually send troops into the ocean it's an act of war."

"Is Atlantis renewing its claim to the entirety of Earth's oceans?"

Which was actually a thing. Not for a few generations now, though some slogans referencing it occasionally make the rounds even today.

"Our part of the ocean."

"Venturia considers itself to be an independent political entity, something which it has de facto been for several decades. Have you been informed of the referendum they intend to hold on the subject?"

"The Queen hasn't authorised it, and wouldn't have the authority to even if she wanted to."

"I.. haven't actually met King Cyprian's wife, but since he has full regnant authority I'm not clear why her feelings matter?"

"Queen Ptra, the rightful ruler of Venturia."

"Venturian rulership isn't strictly hereditary, and there might be a slight problem with expecting a city to accept the rule of a woman who hasn't ever visited, let alone lived there."

I look him pointedly in the eyes when I say that. We both know perfectly well what Queen Cora was trying to do when she left him to be raised by his father, but he moved to Poseidonis when he was eighteen and not sixty. And he still struggled to be accepted. Still does in some places. Ptra is not only older but a total outsider trying to get the top job. Orin was tutored by his mother for years before her death.

"If Cyprian wanted to dispute the approved succession arrangements, then he should have brought it to me for adjudication."

"The approved succession arrangement, in accordance with Venturian law and tradition and in keeping with their treaties with Poseidonis, is that the monarch nominates their successor. The fact that the Poseidonis government for some reason decided to ignore the notification or treat it like something that required its approval is irrelevant. If you were unaware of this, then I can only suggest that you fire your legal counsel. There is no dispute in law; the law is very clear. Also -not entirely relevant to me, but worth mentioning- last time they went to the ruler of Atlantis for adjudication your grandmother stole Queen Clea's daughter. They have no confidence in you or your position."

"Even if I accept that, Cyprian still doesn't have the authority to secede from Atlantis."

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters."


"Why does the law matter?"

"Yes. From where does the law derive its authority? If it's royal authority, Cyprian wants to secede. If it's the consent of the governed, they're having a referendum. If it's military force…"

"If it's military force then I've got until your fleet arrives to pacify Venturia."

"Our treaty went live the moment he signed it. If the fleet arrives and finds Venturia occupied, they'll still attack. In the interim, I and any other Orange Lanterns who can get here will undertake the defence of Venturia, should it become necessary. My recommendation is that you send official observers to the referendum and then focus your efforts on building a working relationship with the newly independent Venturia."

"Sending observers would demonstrate that I considered that referendum valid."

"A free and fair referendum is an expression of the will of the people, whether it has the force of law or not."

"People who've only heard Queen Clea's propaganda for the last fifty years."

"So you'd accept it if you were able to run a 'remain' campaign?"

"I wouldn't-."

"Hawkman to Mount Justice." A holographic screen appears with Mr Hol's face on it. "And.. Orange Lantern. I commend you for your efficiency. We weren't expecting your fleet for some time."

King Orin stares. "They're here-?"

I frown. "I wasn't expecting them for.. months."

Mr Hol presses a button, and a second smaller screen appears. A representation of the solar system and a marker approaching the inner planets.

"It seems that your Corps has prioritised you."


"Fleet is broadcasting LEGION codes. An Orange Lantern is also present."

"Oh. Okay." I frown. Can't think who-. Did Lantern Xor finish.. really quickly? I don't think that Dox would have given him new orders… "Show me the ships?"

A construct appears, an.. odd conglomeration of spheres linked by tubes. The size suggests a generation ship or space borne habitat. It clearly doesn't look like a conventional ship. I don't recognise-.

**Greetings, Earthlings and future customers!**

Mr Hol's grimace suggests that he heard that. I glance at Orin and Kaldur and from their responses they heard that too.

**I am Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and I am proud to announce that your system has been chosen as the new site of ClusterCorp's ongoing megasale! You will shop! You will consume! We will be enriched! Or else! ClusterCorp: for all your needs, forever!**

Slowly, the attention of the others turns towards me.

"Don't look at me. I didn't give him a power ring."
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Low Politics (part 4)
5th April
19:33 GMT -5


My forehead bangs against the table in front of me.


And again.


And again.

Did Dox decide to give a power ring to Lord Manga Khan? Did he just find one? But Dox hates things going out of his control-

"Orange Lantern? Is this a.. bad time?"

-and becoming a problem for him. If he'd picked up a ring like that then Dox wouldn't have given him a significant job.

I look up at the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United Nations, Mister Naif al-Sheikh, and shrug.

"I doubt that I'd be here if it wasn't."

Mister al-Sheikh looks for a moment at the rotating Chair of the Justice League, who as luck would have it is King Orin at the moment.

King Orin doesn't look at me.

"Very well. If you could tear your attention away from your desk for a moment, perhaps you could tell the Security Council why the Orange Lantern Corps is blockading Earth."

"We're not." I shuffle into a more comfortable position on my chair. "The Orange Lantern Corps does not restrict its members from engaging in private commercial activity. Lord Manga Khan's announcement was made on behalf of ClusterCorp and in his role as Chief Operating Officer of ClusterCorp. The fact that a person owns a Mercedes-Benz is not proof that the German government is supporting them. In addition, the Earth has neither interplanetary imports or exports. He can't prevent Earth from doing something it hasn't ever done and isn't trying to do."

"He has a power ring."

"He does."

"Is he here under your authority?"

"He's here in response to a request-. I was expecting a LEGION flotilla to arrive in a few months."

He regards me sternly.

"You don't seem entirely pleased."

"A LEGION flotilla would be crewed by disciplined soldiers. ClusterCorp has a habit of skirting the technical definition of interstellar piracy a little too closely for my liking."

There's a.. stirring amongst his colleagues.


"Different empires have different laws on what levels of contact are allowed between civilisations of different levels of technological sophistication. And they have them… Because they recognise that a small group with space age technology can easily dominate a primitive planet. That introducing certain technologies can massively disrupt a species' social and technological development. But there's no galactic UN where a set of legal standards could be agreed upon and Earth isn't under the aegis of a larger empire. The closest to a standard set of rules is 'how far can I go before the Green Lantern Corps stops me', but the Corps' rules of engagement are defined by precedent and are well known to spacefaring civilisations. ClusterCorp won't cross that line, because it would create too much trouble for this exercise to be profitable. But they'll do anything else, because they're here to make money."

"Are we to understand that you have no command authority over him?"

"I have seniority, but Dox hasn't put him under my command. Unless we encounter a situation outside of his original orders, then yes, I have no direct authority over him."

"What level of military force does the ClusterCorp possess?"

"By the standards of their home region, the Cluster Ship is a lightly armed trading vessel with a corporate security battalion. But the precise armament isn't important because they have the run of the system. They could be completely unarmed and all they'd need to do in order to wipe out life on Earth is throw a sufficiently big rock at us."

"Even so, I would like to know how lightly armed."

"Assuming that they haven't upgraded a lot since my last update, no primary weapons. About thirty anti-attack craft coilgun turrets and maybe a couple of light laser batteries. It's not a warship. If they pointed all of their guns at the Earth -which they can't, the shape of their ship doesn't allow it- and fired, nothing would reach the ground. They have maybe twenty actual marines, a few hundred armed robots -mostly fairly cheap ones- and all of their personnel have some weapon training."

"And a power ring."

"And a power ring. Earth has plenty of power rings already. He hasn't had it for long, and… I'd describe him as being moderately powerful with no desire for actual combat. Any of Earth's native Lanterns could beat him in a fight."

"You appear to be trying to reassure us."

I shake my head. "Oh, no, that ship is a potential civilisation-ender. I just don't want you to mischaracterise it. It's not a military threat; it's an economic threat."


"It almost certainly has holds filled with refined metals. If Manga Khan used his ring, he could have harvested asteroids on their way into the system. The quantities of metal they hold could crash Earth's metal markets. In addition, they have records of the technologies used by hundreds of spacefaring civilisations. And they'll sell them, crashing any technology market. They might not want to attack anyone on Earth themselves, but they'll happily sell weapons to anyone who wants to buy them, thus destroying Earth's balance of power."

A few Security Council delegates are looking more concerned now, but… Nothing like what they were when they thought it was an armed warship.

"If he already has all of that, what exactly is he hoping to trade for?"

"I don't know exactly. If you're asking me to speculate, I guess any of the unique technology Earth possesses, and… Magic objects and expertise."

"What about cultural objects; art, literature..?"

"Anything that has a copy publically available, they'll already have taken. Otherwise they might try and buy a few pieces for display, but there isn't much of an interstellar art market. They're here to make money for the ClusterCorp; they have no other objective."

"Al… Right." He consults his notes. "Now, Manga Khan himself. What is a 'Lord-Lantern'?"

I roll my eyes. "There's no such thing as a 'Lord-Lantern'. He's a Lantern who already-. No, he's not even a Lord. He just picks out words and syllables in his trading partner's language and starts calling himself that. 'Lord' is short and implies authority, so he chose it as his English language prefix. He picked 'Manga' and 'Khan' for the same reason. 'Lord Comic King', that should give you some idea of the psychology you're dealing with."

"Why doesn't he use his actual name?"

"Because it's-"

I generate a construct of a cloud of dust, then have it twinkle in patterns.

"-this. The suit of armour you saw in his transmission is just an environmental suit he wears so that humanoids have something to interact with. His natural form is a sentient gas cloud."

He nods slowly.

"So you are confident that the presence of the Cluster Ship is not a military threat to Earth, or to human civilisation as a self-governing society?"

"Not as long as Atlantis doesn't invade-" I give King Orin a sidelong smile. "-Venturia, no."

"Thank you, Orange Lantern. The Chair yields the floor."
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Everything is Awesome
11th September 2004
21:33 GMT +2

It still hasn't gotten… Any. Less. Great!

"Everything is awesome!
Everything is cool when you've got a gold ring!"

Richard sighs faintly as we walk towards the cell holding Jade Musenda. Kaznia isn't messing around with the security here. Constant remote monitoring and highly professional guards, multiple mechanical locks and the woman herself is wearing an impressive-looking array of chains.

"Everything is awesoooooooome!"

"Please stop. It's been three days."

"Three days of unimaginable luxury."

"The palace is nice-."

"Three days of not dying. Three days of being able to use my ring without pain. Three days of a polite-" We stop while the last line of guards confirm our identities. "-AI and not a Qwardian lunatic. I could be sleeping on a bed of nails and eating out of a dustbin and I'd still be overjoooooyed!"

"Just try and be professional when we talk to Cheshire."

I bow my head, close my eyes and raise my right hand in a gesture of benediction.


The guards step aside and the senior member of the detail makes a quick visual inspection of the cell's interior through the pane of reinforced glass in the final door. Seeing nothing amiss she unlocks the final door and pushes it inwards.

Mrs Musenda is chained to the walls, but has enough slack to move between her bed and toilet. Not quickly though, as her ankles and wrists are chained together. She's also dressed in standard prison attire rather than her more flamboyant supervillainess outfit. Her face betrays only mild wariness as Richard and I step inside and the door is locked behind us.


"Robin. Lantern."

I smile brightly. "Gooood evening."

"Do you want something?"

"We want to know who hired you to go after Queen Audrey."

"There's a surprise. What's in it for me?"

"A reduced sentence."

She nods.

"And if I don't go along with this, Lantern kills me."

I grin.

"Actually, no. Kaznia is applying to join the European Union, and the European Union has a prohibition on the death penalty. They can't even extradite you to somewhere that might kill you."

Richard eyeballs me for a moment.

"So what am I being offered?"

"Kaznia has an automatic life sentence for murder." Richard makes a dismissive gesture with his right hand. "Just for the people you and your accomplice killed during your assassination attempt, they're going to leave you in this room for eight hundred years. You won't ever be let outside, you won't speak to anyone other than a priest and a court-appointed lawyer. No books, no phone calls, you'll have no contact with the outside world at all."

"And if I help you?"

I take out the official document.

"The sentence is the same, but it gets commuted to fifty years and the conditions are considerably more humane. You'll be an old woman by the time you get out, but you won't be a vegetable."

She rolls her eyes. "Please. I wouldn't help you for anything less than a full pardon."

Richard and I look at each other. I shrug theatrically, while he just turns away to knock on the door.

"As you wish. There's no time limit on the offer, but it isn't going to improve. Queen Audrey's experience with her late husband left her with a rather dim view of supervillains."

"Would my employers get an eight hundred year sentence too?"

"Only if they were arrested." My smile becomes less warm. "And I don't have arrest authority."

"When you handed me over, I wasn't sure if-" The door opens. "-the stories about you were true. Why did you take me alive?"

"A whim, more or less. Killing someone in cold blood still doesn't sit comfortably with me." Richard walks out and I turn to follow him. "Let your guards know if you change you mind."

11th September 2004
22:12 GMT +2

"You know, some-" I look Richard over. "-costumes don't work in well-lit environments, but you can pull it off."

"Ah…" He gives me an awkward glance as we head towards one of the palace's drawing rooms. "Thanks..?"

"Definitely prefer it to that 'Robin-the-boy-target' thing you used to wear. Oh, I've been meaning to ask: would you mind helping me with my exercise regime? Between a Qwardian power ring and the Lazarus Pits it didn't take much effort to keep myself in shape, but now…"

"Sure, we can.. come up with something. How much do you actually know about me?"

"Summary only. My research was focused on the Society of Shadows rather than Batman's allies."

One of the palace under butlers pulls open the door ahead of us to allow us inside, and we stroll past him into Queen Audrey's presence. No one else here..? No, guards on the balcony and in an adjoining room, but no one in here. Queen Audrey looks up with a polite smile from where she's sitting on a settee, a folder of paperwork open on the low table in front of her. She looks… Tired, but she's covering it well. She shuffles her papers into a stack and returns them to the folder before giving us her full attention.

"I assume that she did not take it."

I shake my head. "No, but.. that was expected."

She nods to the settee opposite her, and Richard and I take our seats.

"Our police have not yet been able to uncover the identity of her employer. I am sad to say that I still do not have any shortage of enemies. Do either of you have any suspicions?"

Richard nods. "HIVE have been expanding their assassination operations, now that they don't have to compete with the Society of Shadows. Cheshire is the kind of woman they'd hire."

I shrug. "My first thought was your late husband's family, but that's not based on any actual evidence. No reason why we can't investigate both."

"Family-?" She looks away with a disgruntled huff. "Of course a man of his age had family."

"To be fair, most of them don't like him. Locating them won't be hard."

Richard nods. "I'll work on the HIVE angle. If you can get me access to your intelligence reports-."

Queen Audrey nods. "Of course." She takes a deep breath in and then a slow breath out, visibly becoming more relaxed. "Will you need somewhere to stay while you work? Putting you up is the least I can do."

"Thanks, but I'll be moving around to follow up leads-."

"Not tonight, surely? It will take some time to gather together the information you require."

"That-. I.. suppose. Thank you."

"I'll have my servants prepare something suitable." Then she smiles, and more than a little of her old playgirl personality peeks through. "Inviting two men into my home unchaperoned when I am newly widowed. What will people think?"
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Low Politics (part 5)
6th April
04:18 GMT

Batman's eyes narrow at the holographic representation of the Cluster ship as it opens its primary docking bay, releasing three craft.

"Where are they going?"

I know that I don't need sleep and that Manga Khan and I are part of the same organisation, but that doesn't actually mean that I have any insight that I couldn't share in five minutes. And yet since he arrived I've been more in demand than ever. Are people seriously only just waking up to the idea that the rest of the universe exists? I'd say 'no', but…

I look over to John Stewart, who raises his eyebrows.

"He's talking to you."

"I'd have thought that the Green Lantern Corps' records on ClusterCorp would make you the expert."

"You're really not taking any responsibility for this, are you?"

"If he were a Green Lantern Sector Lantern and I was the Illustres of the Green Lantern Corps, I wouldn't have any responsibility for him outside of a war zone unless the Guardians gave it to me."

But anyway, I turn and look through the Watchtower's hull towards the Cluster ship.

"Looks like… Someone on the surface radioed them and they're going to make a trade. Not something profitable; they're just doing it to build market confidence."

Kal-El frowns at me. "But the UN hasn't finished negotiating trade terms yet."

"Manga Khan will start caring about that the moment it impacts his bottom line. He has no intention of giving even lip service to any agreement that he isn't a party to and doesn't serve his interests. The fact that Earth doesn't have any space-based weapons means that the UN has no way of preventing him from landing where he wants and doing business with whomever he wants, with the possible exception that governments that want to do business with him might try and hide the fact."

King Orin's arms are firmly folded across his chest.

"Do you have any helpful suggestions?"

"Those landers are pretty cheap and.. probably only crewed by dumb robots. Destroying them would send a clear message about territorial sovereignty, though that would imply to anyone watching that the Justice League are the rulers of Earth with total executive authority on the subject of foreign trade."

Lines appear on the holographic display as Batman tries to work out where the landers are going.

"Central Australia, East Africa and the South Pole."

Kal-El raises his eyebrows slightly.

"Not exactly bustling trade centers."

King Orin looks at me. I look at John.

"Why are you trying to be so hands off with this?"

"Because this is Earth's first contact with an extra-terrestrial political entity and I -may I remind you- have no legal authority to act. I have the capacity to act-."

Kal-El nods. "But you don't want us to get off on the wrong foot."

"It's not that I'd mind being made King of Earth…" I frown. "No, I would. I'm not even comfortable making a joke about it. But… You've been openly kryptonian for… What, fourteen years? If no one's got a plan for dealing with this sort of thing by now then it's trial-by-fire time because they've had plenty of notice."

"The ship heading towards East Africa is most likely going to land on the disputed border between Zambesia and Kahndaq."

"Is Zambesia still disputing it? Brave of them."

King Orin continues to be unimpressed. "Do you have any idea why?"

"No one owns the South Pole, no one owns Bir Tawil and Central Australia is basically empty. I imagine that Manga Khan is going to claim that they're unowned, and as such that no government has the authority to restrict what happens there."

John looks at the holographic projection. "I think the Australian government might take issue with that."

Batman enlarges the image of the lander. "Are they armed?"

"I'd be armed if I had to deal with Koalas all day."

"Are the landers armed?"

"They're usually not, though the crew will be lightly armed."

He looks at King Orin. "Did the Security Council give you any indication of how they wanted us to handle this?"

"Nothing actionable. Not unless they attack somewhere. Until things change, the most we can do is monitor the Cluster ships and keep them informed. Orange Lantern."


"Go and talk to Manga Khan. Try and get a better idea of what he wants."


His face hardens. "I don't care that he's not under your authority. You just need to have a conversation with him."

"Aquaman… Aside from the obvious conflict of interest, you don't… Actually have the authority to give me orders. I'm not-" He grimaces. "-a member of the Justice League, and I'm not one of your subjects. If you want me to do you a fav-?"

"Orange Lantern." Batman turns to face me. "Go to the Cluster ship and talk to Manga Khan. Try and find out for certain exactly what he wants here."

"Certainly, sir." I raise my right index and middle fingers to my forehead. "I'll let you know when I have something."

I vanish,

reappearing just behind the landers and facing the Cluster ship. It's big, but I've seen much bigger. And the design… The original design was for something like the Star Wars Trade Federation Lucrehulks, a ball-shaped central unit with additional units stuck on the outside as needed. This abomination is the result of them deciding that it was cheaper and easier to just stick the balls together, especially given that their form of FTL doesn't require much in the way of structural stability.

But still

"Orange Lantern Illustres-"


"-to Lord-Lantern Comic King. Please respond."

My ring.. glows, as if he was responding. But my ring doesn't show his face. Then the roomba-like head of an L-series personal assistant robot appears.

"Lord-Lantern Comic King is currently engaged-"

"Manga Khan!"

"-in legitimate commercial activity, pursuant to-."

"I know you are. I've been told to do the laziest sort of corporate intelligence gathering and just ask you what you're planning."

"They want me to tell them what I'm planning?"

And suddenly I remember one of Lord-Lantern Comic King's most well-known personal attributes.

"Yes. I'm obliged to listen to him talk about it for as long as he likes."

"Let him on board! I will astound him with the brilliance of my business strategy!"

The robot's eye lights noticeably dim.

"You're shouting again, sir."
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Low Politics (part 6)
6th April
04:23 GMT

I'm standing in what appears to be a communal area on the command sphere of the Cluster ship, people-watching. I've identified several species so far, some wearing the symbol of the ClusterCorp and others not. Not everyone here is employed by the ClusterCorp directly; some are contractors while others actually pay for a berth and make money taking advantages of the opportunities Comic King creates. Some of them are AIs with robotic bodies and others are wearing the same sort of power armour as Comic King himself. Less garishly decorated, though.

A gold-coloured L-series robot floats towards me. The model is highly customisable, but even though the head matches what I saw over my ring that doesn't mean that it's the same individual. If it even has human-equivalent intelligence.

"Greeting, Illustres."

"Hello. I'm sorry, you didn't say your name?"

"I am L-Ron, majordomo to-."

"I said majordomo to-."

I frown. "I'm not sure-?"

"Majordomo to-."

There's a thud on the far side of a nearby door.

L-Ron sinks slightly in the air.

"Excuse me."

L-Ron turns away, floating over to the door control panel and extruding a small tool which it proceeds to insert into the door's control system. It chimes, the door opening momentarily to reveal Lord-Lantern Comic King on the far side.

"I, Lord-L-!"

The door closes again.


Why did we give this guy a power ring?

"Should I go out and come in again?"

"No, we can pretend that this didn't happen without you physically leaving." It disconnects from the door control. "This time for sure, m'lord!"

"Understood, my loyal servant, secretary and lackey!"

L-Ron floats in place for a moment.

"I've asked him not to call me that."

"Maybe you should consider unionising."


The passers-by dive for cover behind pillars, seating, suddenly appearing rows of chest-high walls or their more solid looking co-workers.


"Oh dear. You-"


"-shouldn't have said that."

I don my armour and generate construct armour. But… Nothing appears to happen.


"Perhaps they need oil-"

Gatling laser turrets on ball mounts deploy from the ceiling, the walls, the floor and a flower bed.

"-or perhaps not."

They fire, and… They're lasers. If I was an unarmoured civilian, this would be quite deadly. As it is, my construct armour is entirely untroubled.

"Not an organised labour friendly environment?"

"To say the-" A stray laser shot hits him and deflects off his highly reflective outer casing. "-least, sir."

I raise my left hand and destroy each turret with precision bolts of orange light.

"Just so we're clear, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan is the one with the ring and not you, right?"

He doesn't breathe, but I hear him sigh.

"That is so, sir." He pauses. "Ahem!"


"I am L-Ron, majordomo to..."

The door slams open, and a figure in gold armour accessorised with a purple-with-orange-trim cape strides through.

"Lord-Lantern Manga Khan! Which is me!"

And there's an orange power ring on his left middle finger.

"Here to gather resources from this world for the fungible glory of ClusterCorp! Earth's economic and fiscal distinctiveness shall be added to our own! Its financial systems will adapt to service us!"

Why, Dox? Why did you do this?

"Our thirst for profit knows no bounds! The resource requirements of ClusterCorp is my sole consideration! My first upon waking!"

His species doesn't sleep.

"My last upon retiring! And already as the Earth's planetary government reacts to our arrival with confusion, other free economic actors heed the call of profit! As the sole supplier of off-world services, ClusterCorp and licensed affiliates is perfectly placed to take advantage of a favourable trading environment!"

There's a brief pause, and one of the ClusterCorp employees hiding behind a raised bed risks sticking his head up and clapping-.

"Not yet!"

He ducks back down again, arms over his head.

"And light-touch regulatory regime!"

"M'lord, they don't yet have a regulatory regime."

"Then its touch cannot be anything but light! Furthermore, opportunities abound for establishing permanent trade posts and inflating demand further! What we exchange during the initial contact period is but the smallest fraction of what long-term transactioneering might profit us!"

Well… Nice to know that he's thinking long term.

"Even outside of our core competencies, opportunities abound for tech-divergent leverage! Already, multiple requests for freelance peacekeeping support services have been forwarded to our outsourcing-handlers!"

Ooooh… Dear.

Alright, the League can sort of blame me for that one.

"But now I will consult with my valued external operating partner, the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, providing a full briefing on corporate strategy so that on the morrow we may begin synergising with local assets and begin value-extraction in the most expedient manner!"

"I'd be happy to, but-"


"-I'm afraid that a full consultation will have to wait. I have plans tomorrow."

"Plans?! What plans could possibly be of more significance than the day upon which I, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, first arrived at your planet?!"
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Low Politics (part 7)
7th April
10:48 GMT -5

"Are you..?" Zatanna looks me over, blushing under her makeup, then averts her eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

"It was this, or go and work at Taco Whiz for a week with Diana and Kon."

I straighten my bustier.

"I've made my choice."

"Y-es, but I thought-" She fiddles with her helmet. "-you were going to wear your armour again."

I shake my head. "No, it's too big and bulky." Plus, I don't have the Praexis Demons any more. "Is my hair alright?"

"Ah… Yes, it's got really nice… Volume?"

"You know, I used to have long hair. Before I came to this Earth."

"You did?"

"Saved a fortune in hair dressing." I shrug, an action which makes my breast sway in a way that I find slightly unsettling. "I assume. I don't really know what they charge on account of never using one."

A Games Workshop staffer comes into the room, eyes half fixed on his mobile phone. "We're about ready, if yo-" His eyes widen. "-uuuuuuuuuu…"

I roll my eyes. "It was this or Azazel, and I'm no good at tails and I couldn't move the miniatures with a claw."

"O-kaaay. Right. You got your-?"

I take the tray supporting The Blissful Scream out of subspace. I'm not a great modeller and I can't paint for toffee but power ring awesomeness stretched to a fully custom Emperor's Children warband. Plume-helmeted Noise Marines with guitar-shaped sonic blasters, double-guitars for the blastmasters, drop pods which unfold into stages, metalhead cultist mobs for objective camping with a Chaos Lieutenant and Cult Icon Bearer to make sure that they don't run away and a Sorcerer Lord leading a squad of Terminators all with sonic weapons as roving heavy-hitters.

And I made this army legal and sort-of competitive when I wrote this edition. Unlike whatever fun-killing git wrote the previous one.

"Yes, I've got it."

"Alright. Ah, follow me?"

I strut after him as we leave the staff area and walk out onto the stage they set up for the demo game. I spent several hours trying to learn to walk in these high-heeled boots, and after getting no help at all from my sensibly-shoed female colleagues turned instead to a drag star of Diana's acquaintance. Zatanna doesn't strut but instead marches, helmet in place and bolter at the ready.

"…Lantern and Zatanna Zatara!"

There's clapping, but I don't look much like myself at the moment. I based this appearance on the hermaphroditic 4th edition Daemonettes, combined with Mad Donna. I even bit the metaphorical bullet and added in a dozen or so piercings.

Raquel was a little too cheerful about helping with that. My right nipple does not like me at the moment.

I hold my arms out to the side with a saucy grin, and bikini-clad construct 3rd generation daemonettes (the ones which are actually attractive) materialise, taking hold of them to escort me to the gaming table. That gets a bit more of a response, and I note there are a good deal more journalists here than would normally be the case at a gaming convention.

Zatanna's armour got a little reworking as well. There's a gold sash to mirror her yellow original costume's waistcoat, white paint to create a visual link to her dress blouse and quite a lot of black. She stops in front of the crowd, removes her helmet and mag-locks it to her right pauldron before reaching up with her right hand and pulling her non-regulation hair free.

Then her face hardens and she spins, her boltgun coming up and pointing right at me. I dive out of the way as a bolt round literally and figuratively rockets into one of my daemonette escorts, lifting hir off hirs feet and then exploding, shattering the construct. A moment later she switches target and destroys the other as I pull myself to my feet and hold out a miniature case as a shield.

A little laughter, a few woo's, a smattering of applause… And more than half the crowd watching through their camera phones. Such a modern audience. I shrug and toss the case to Zatanna, who is just about able to stow her bolter fast enough to catch it. Then I saunter over to the gaming table.

The baseball player who… Okay, be fair to him, he is actually a fan, is about a quarter of the way through setting up his green tide Ork army. So we've got about half an hour to wait there unless we all pitch in. The fourth player is an actual tournament winner, and he's brought an Imperial Guard tank company. Which probably means that someone told him to go easy on us, because while tank companies can utterly destroy slow moving armies due to no one taking enough anti-tank in a balanced list for that sort of thing, they die easily enough to deep striking anti-tank or fast assault units. And the lack of anti-tank in balanced lists isn't even an issue here, due to the fact that his team mate has an all-infantry force.

My guys aren't great against armour. Sure, I've got melta bombs in a few places and enough krak grenades that I should be able to kill them eventually, but most of my force is specialised for anti-infantry work.

Zatanna's force, on the other hand…

"Edasurc ecrof, etaidemmi tnemyolped!"

Frateris Militia artillery is an often overlooked option, and not just because there's no official model for it. Representing a mob of irregulars grabbing any old field gun they can and sticking it on the firing line, it isn't going to threaten most things. Unless you deploy twenty of them to back up the Exorcists you've taken because you know your team needs something that can do more to tanks than stun-lock them with psychic powers.

See how things go, because it might be more efficient to use their explosive shells rather than their anti-armour shots, given that Frateris Militia have BS2… The original plan was to deploy them at either corner of our deployment zone to ensure that we could enfilade them and hit their side armour from somewhere, but looking at the terrain I don't think that's possible.

And Zatanna's spell agreed. Clusters of guns with their ablative Frateris Plagas are sited at each point that has a good enough line of sight, while her counter-attack force are in their concealed Rhinos and Immolators well behind them. The Exorcists -being more mobile- are deployed in position to maximise their ability to fire at the Imperial Guard tanks opposite.

"Nice costume, mate."

"Costume? Oh honey." I grin with a mouth that no longer complies with human physical limits, and extend a tentacle tongue to lick the air. "I'm going to role-play this entire battle."

He blinks, then holds up his hands and shakes his head. "Ah, 'kay?"

"Just ignore the heretic if he annoys you." Zatanna rolls her eyes. "I'll purge him later."

"Purge me long and hard, sugar plum."

I lick my lips, the tip of my tongue flicking from left ear to right ear.

Zatanna gulps.

"Now. Where to position Slaanesh's most expendable?" All the good vantage points are taken, but really I just need somewhere that won't block the field guns' lines of sight. "Here we are. And…"

I use my ring to send the radio signal, and the scale replica of a Slaanesh-corrupted Battle Barge drops down from the ceiling and flies over to hover above our table, prompting another round of chatter from the watchers.

"Drop pods incoming."
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Low Politics (part 8)
7th April
17:48 GMT +2

I look around at the surprisingly green scenery of South Kahndaq.

"Not that I want to come across as a total doomsayer, but is this self-sustaining?"

Adrianna nods confidently. "It will survive. The plants are evolved for the desert. The roots of larger plants stabilise the soil and store water, while the smaller plants can survive under their protection."

"I heard about the goat ban."

Slightly before Adom put it into practice.

"Goats ravage marginal land. If they were allowed to graze here then they would undo my work in a generation."

"I don't recognise all of the plants. Have you been talking to Swamp Thing or Doctor Isley?"

"I spoke briefly with Swamp Thing. But these plants are merely… Old. They are not my creations." She pointedly looks out across the verdant scrubland and towards the gleaming metal structure that wasn't there yesterday. "Why is that here?"

"It's a trade post-."

"Yes, I know. I -and everyone else in Kahndaq- heard the mental broadcast. Why is it here?"

"Because -as I understand it, technically- this territory isn't part of anyone's country. Unless you're saying that you've de facto annexed it with your plants."

"No. I am not limiting the blessings of Isis to helping only the people of my nation. But isn't this part of Zambesia?"

"It's-. Whatever the opposite of 'disputed' is. Before Adom took over, Kahndaq and Zambesia couldn't agree on exactly where the border was and they both said that this was part of the other country. Adom's been clear that he isn't planning on expanding Kahndaq's territory -and I'm grateful about that- but… Because of that and because he's had better things to do, who owns the southern border area hasn't been settled."

"Oh." She frowns. "So I could have done whatever I wanted without creating a diplomatic incident."

"Maybe, but doing that might have been seen as the Kahndaqi government accepting the Zambesian government's preferred interpretation of the border, and you should probably talk to a few people before doing that."

"And you should talk to the one who built that."

"I don't think I should. I don't think I should. Just because the leader has an orange power ring, that doesn't mean that it's my job to find some sort of magical solution that makes everyone happy."

She doesn't look impressed. "Would it be my job if he didn't have an orange power ring? Because I haven't seen him use it yet."

She considers for a moment.

"You know more about interstellar economics than anyone else on Earth."

"No, I… Don't think-" I frown. Who… Would..? "-I do."

Wait. Arnus would. I mean, I.. think he was more a corporate lawyer than a criminal lawyer anyway. Sure, he'd be a little out of date, but the broad principles should be the same. And Ploutos should be able to fill in the gaps. Yes, I can dump it on the pair of them.

"Ring, contact Icon."

"'Icon' not on Earth."


"Ring, contact Rocket."

"In progress."

I raise my left hand to the side of my head as it rings.


"Rocket, Orange Lantern h-."

"Are you why Nazigirl's been followin' me around?"

"Only indirectly. You're-. Um."

"Yeah? You wanna finish that sentence?"

"The most admirable black person she's met, and she thinks that you alone can break decades of racist cultural programming?"

I hear her huff.

"Okay, yeah, great, but the economy in Dakota City ain't so great and most a' the criminals I arrest are black too. It's not.. like, the best image she could get."

"Okay, but every criminal she's ever arrested before was white, so I doubt that she'll draw a conclusion based on that."

"Fine. What were you callin' for?"

"It occurred to me that Arnus' experience with interstellar relations would make him the man to take a lead on this whole business with ClusterCorp. Do you have any way to contact him?"

"Ah… No."

"Raquel, I don't like to call a team mate a-."

"I'm not supposed to contact him. Ah. Especially if you're asking."


"I ain't suppose to tell you unless the world's ending. Is it?"

"No, this isn't even-. Do you know if he's coming back soon?"


"Okay, I-. Clearly don't know what's going on here. If you get in contact with him please mention the ClusterCorp situation?"

"Sure. But-."

"Yeah. Talk to you later."


Well… Darn. Don't know what's going on there, but I don't-.

A jet plane with.. the LexAir logo on the side flies over the Red Sea and.. uses its directional jets to perform a near-vertical landing on the trade post's landing platform. A group of armoured figures move out to greet…

Lex is here. Of course he is. The only surprise is that he's come in person and without a camera crew.

"Alright, fine, I'll meet with him. But I'm doing this under protest, and if anyone complains afterwards I'm going to take great pleasure in reminding them that I wanted nearly anyone else to handle this."
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Low Politics (part 9)
7th April
17:51 GMT +2

I transition forwards, appearing on the landing platform just as the jet's door opens. A group of the attendant robots-. They start to pile up and make a staircase with their chassis, but fortunately the LexAir jet has an airstair which unfolds from its doorway. The cheapest-bidderbots spot this as they're shoving one another aside for the honour of being the third step and collapse into a pile of thwarted disappointment.

Mister Luthor appears in the doorway and sees the robots as they regain a semblance of organisation and line up into something that might generously be called a line-up. There are at least five different makes of near-humanoid robot, and those that share an origin look like they've had multiple generations of non-standard repairs and upgrades. No two of them are precisely the same. Mister Luthor doesn't have a puzzled expression on his face, but from the way his eyes linger and the way his face doesn't move I strongly suspect that he can't quite make sense of what he's seeing.

Then he sees me, smiles faintly, and completes his journey down to the landing pad.

"Paul. I had gotten the impression that you were attempting to distance yourself from this endeavour."

"I am, Mister Luthor, but no one wants to listen." I nod as Ms Graves follows him down the stairs. "Ms Graves."

"'Mister Luthor'?" He affects an expression of mild affront. "What happened to 'Lex'?"

"I made my best offer and you turned me down." I look around. Big as it is, this thing is essentially a space-aged prefab and it's still under construction. I doubt that much of the inside is furnished. "And lied about it."

"I'm afraid-."

"Can we skip the obviously feigned denial, please? I understand why you feel obliged to make it, but I'm.. not-. I'm never going to be in the mood."

Lex fans his palms in a gesture of mock surrender.

"As you wish. Did the Security Council give you any idea of how they intend to handle the situation?"

"Remember when you complained about the money the US government is wasting housing the artistic collection of the late Adolf Schicklgruber?"


"I believe we are about to be amazed by their efficient decision-making. And I'm getting a painfully pointed lesson in how bad the cult of the superhero has become for Earth's command and control processes, so if you want to make me an offer, you're unlikely to get a better opportunity."

I get a very thin smile. "Are you unhappy with your relationship with Ted Kord?"

"There's only so much one man can focus on. And you were always my first choice." I look towards the entrance to the building-proper. "Are you just dropping in, or are they expecting you?"

"I notified them that I was coming. I was told that I was welcome, but perhaps I misunderstood how welcome." He looks at the robots. "Does one of you have seniority?"

One with mostly-red armour rotates its head to focus on him.

"I am the longest functioning robot here."

"Does that mean that you're in charge here?"

"No, it means that I'm the first piece of equipment in the recyclers if something goes wrong."

"I.. see. Should I take it that the ClusterCorp does not recognize AI rights?"

"It's really more that it doesn't recognise employee rights. But they tell me that if I work really hard then in a century or two I might graduate to loading crane."

"Of course, that efficiency thing isn't just limited to the Earth side. When you've got an absolute monopoly-."

"Yes, I.. see. Meetings with aliens never seem to go as I expect them to. Perhaps if we-."


There's an explosion of orange light as Manga Khan appears before us in an interesting application of ring-based teleportation. The resulting light flare slides over my environmental shield while Mister Luthor, Ms Graves, the robots and the LexCorp jet are sent flying!

I reach out with construct tethers, grabbing each of them and returning them to their prior positions.

"Hm, good catch, Illustres! What do you think of making it a sporting event? I'm told that Earth's pay-per-view market is exceptionally lively!"

Mister Luthor takes a moment to check that he's on solid ground, then adjusts his tie and straightens his suit. Ms Graves returns her cybernetic to its arm configuration.

"Well, it's… Not illegal in Bir Tawil. But there aren't enough Lanterns to make it a team event."

"So you think that we would need to have different divisions? Yes! Yes. That way we could have a widespread grass roots game."

Mister Luthor's face.. freezes, his mouth slightly open and his left eye slightly narrowed, as if he can't quite believe what's happening. His eyes flick to me for an instant, then he regains his composure.

"It's a fairly saturated market. Perhaps a limited test program first, to test the viability?"

"Yes." He bows his head solemnly. "Boldness without intelligence is how we got fart apples. A worthy reminder."

He somehow makes his armour shudder.

"L-Ron! Take a memo!"

I look around, but the little gold robot doesn't.. appear to have accompanied him.

"Product testing comes before wide-scale implementation!"



The robots nervously rotate their heads to make sure that their owner's chief minion hasn't snuck in somehow. Receiving no response, Manga Khan stomps up to the closest.

"L-Ron? Didn't you used to be gold?"

"I'm not L-Ron, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"And shorter. I'm almost certain that I remember you being shorter."

"I'm not L-Ron, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"And your voice was a different pitch."

"I'm not L-Ron, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"And you had a gravity-repulsor rather than legs."

"I'm not L-Ron, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"And a unified sensor array rather than those little faux-eyes."

"I'm not L-Ron, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"And three fingers-."

Due to the love of a merciful god, the communicator on Manga Khan's armour lights up, a hologram of L-Ron appearing next to him.

"He's not me, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan."

"L-Ron! You're in two places at once! I didn't know you could do that!"

"You teleported without me, m'lord. I'll be down in a few minutes by shuttle. Please try to keep the monologuing to a minimum until I arrive."

"Very well."

The hologram shuts down.

Then Manga Khan stomps right up to the robot so that it's forced to bend back slightly.

"Why were you pretending to be L-Ron?"
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Low Politics (part 10)
7th April
17:57 GMT +2

"I know you like to pretend-"

"… second stage, undercutting and displacing local suppliers, aided by the socio-political instability…"

Mister Luthor has recovered somewhat, but now… He's getting a better idea of what he's hearing.

"-that you're not a supervillain-"

"…leveraging our privileged position to fully monetise the opportunities provided…"

And praise be to Ploutos, I don't think he likes it. I think he's actually disgusted by it. That someone like this can succeed as a trade-prince.

"-but if you wanted to-"

"…seventh stage, welcomed with open arms by local stakeholders due to the collapse…"

Or I could just be projecting, there.

"-take over the ClusterCorp-"

"… a new chapter in the history of both Earth and the ClusterCorp-. Though at that point those two will be the same."

"-I'd totally help."

"Your confidence is appreciated."

Lord-Lantern Comic King turns to face us, throwing his arms up in exultation!

"Any questions?!"

"Just.. one. I was going over the briefing material which L-Ron gave me, and I couldn't help but notice that some of your.. business tactics are.. awfully similar to those employed by the Reach. Now, as I'm sure you're aware-."

He points at me with his right hand!

"Copyright strike!"

"I'm-? I'm sorry?"

"Huh." He looks at his right hand. "I thought that was how people on Earth stopped each other talking about subjects they didn't want them to. Perhaps it only works for natives."

"Um. That's not-."

"Though there may be some superficial similarities between the Holy Writ of the Rrrrrrr and the business plans of ClusterCorp, but if so then it is merely an example of convergent evolution as plans are darwinistically trialled and either continued or discarded. Naturally, this has resulted in a degree of similarity, considering that our objectives are often similar, at least in the initial phases, but the Rrrrrrr-."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"A degree of similarity between, considering that our objectives and theirs are-."


"Our… Competitors, and-."

"And who are they? What are they called? The… Reach?"

"The R-. The R-. The Rrrrrrr-."

Mister Luthor shakes his head.

"I don't really think-"


"-we need to hear him pronounce-"


"-the word 'Reach'. Though I can recommend a good voice coach-"


"-if you think that it would help."

The meeting room door opens and L-Ron flies in at speed, a small cylinder deploying from his chassis!

"M'lord! Your inhaler!"

"-rrrrrrrrrr-" Manga Khan grabs the cylinder and plugs it into a port in the side of his helmet. There's a gasping noise as the cylinder crumples. "-reach. Reach. Reach. Thank you, L-Ron."

"You're welcome, sir."

Mister Luthor and I share a glance. I hadn't realised that Manga Khan's species could have speech impediments.

"So." Manga Khan slams his hands down on the table. "What say you?"

"I think that some of the local governments may take issue with some of those steps."

"Of course! Competition is a vital part of the capitalist experience!"

"Yes, good. Um. Well, I agree that competition is vital to spur progress. I'm not sure that you're correctly modelling legislative impacts and -frankly- social panic and human ingroup-outgroup psychology. But I do have contacts amongst your target marketisation groups and can arrange meetings with potential suppliers."

Mister Luthor nods.

"I… Was planning to offer my services as a go-between for your negotiations with the United Nations, but your business plan-" And this time I do see him swallow his distaste. "-appears to involve you bypassing them entirely. Is that your opening position, or are you truly committed to it?"

"What works is what works. I, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and through me ClusterCorp, have no interest in appeasing market-oppressors! Any group who wishes to persuade me to do business with them would be wise to make me a convincing offer!"

"M'lord, you're shouting again."

Manga Khan stiffens slightly, then raises his arms to shoulder height and makes an.. odd crackling noise as he slowly lowers them back down again.

"And done. Perfectly calm. Perfectly rational."

"Am I to understand that you will only comply with local laws if those laws provide you with a greater advantage than you could get by operating outside of them?"

Manga Khan waves his right hand, and… Dozens-. Hundreds of messages begin playing, accompanied by holographic representations of the sound wave. They appear to be… People seeking to buy or sell various objects or services. Some are.. purely speculative, and some are offering things which are quite illegal.

"I have the high ground. The racket is in my court, and I am ideally placed to kick it out of the parking lot. Seventeen minor governments have already purchased non-interference contracts. Two more have entered negotiations to rent our surface-to-space lift capacity. And that is ignoring the thousands offering to pay to see us ungarbed."

Mister Luthor's eyes dip for a second. Big countries probably haven't started making overt moves yet, but ClusterCorp has no investment in the Earth's current power balance. Building a satellite is relatively cheap. If countries other than the US could make observation satellite networks… That's an… Interesting leveller.

"As a member of a species that doesn't reproduce sexually, that latter request puzzles me, but a merchant like myself is obliged only to satisfy the demands of the client-base. Lex Luthor, you said that you had an offer for me?"
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Here's Mud in Your You
Earth 12

8th March 2002
00:42 GMT -7



Roy stands next to me, looking up at where the hole in the sky used to be.

"That's not something you see every day."

He's… Not wrong. I've seen a few strange things since I arrived on this Earth, but 'portals in the sky with giant hands coming out of them' are a new one.

He shrugs, then turns to look at me.

"How'd you wanna handle this?"

"Um. I… Think I'm going to need to call Green Lantern, because that's-."

Another portal opens, this time at ground level. Roy draws his bow and I trigger my Gravity Rod's force shield mode as… Mr Hagen stomps back through.

And then another Mr Hagen stomps through. This one seems more.. sullen? The first glances back at it in apparent irritation as the portal closes behind them.

"Anywhere. We could have gone anywhere. Any time!"

"We're turning over a new leaf and going straight, not pretending it never happened."

The first jabs its mud right hand at the second.

"What the hell happened to you?! No." He pulls his arm back. "No. On second thoughts, don't tell me. If you want to go to prison so much, you go right ahead."

I switch the Gravity Rod to flight mode and rise through the air towards them.

"Excuse me? Mister Hagens?"

Two muddy heads twist in my direction.

"What.. happened?"

The second one straightens up slightly.

"Some ex… Guardian?" I nod. "Named 'Krona' kidnapped a whole lot of different parallel universe versions of you and strapped them to a giant tuning fork. He thought I-." A brief glance at his.. twin? "We were you. Krona lost and everyone got freed."

"Okay. And why are there two of you? Did.. another version of you have the same idea?"

The first Mr Hagen glowers. "He's a copy. I split off a bit of myself to try and escape, and now it's giving me attitude."

"We killed a little girl!"

"We killed a toenail! A little bit of mud!"

"Oh, fuck us! I know you! The only reason you're angry is that you know I'm right!"

"I…" I shake my head. "I don't remember anything about you murdering anyone?"

The second Mr Hagen shakes his head. "We couldn't be charged. There was no record she ever existed. We didn't-. I didn't know she even could be intelligent. She was just supposed to be a… Detachable eye or something. But she wasn't. When I got intelligent I realised there was no reason why she couldn't have gotten intelligent in the same way."

"Okay. Maybe. But, one, we don't know that she was, and two, she chose to merge with us."

"Yeah, because we were beating on Robin and she wanted us to stop! I know how we justified it ourselves because I'm us! And I also know that it's bullshit!"

"Clearly-" I raise my hands to get their attention. "-the two of you disagree on this, but I'm not hearing anything actionable. What do the two of you want to get out of this situation? Where do you want to go from here?"


Mr Hagen Two is very definite. One hesitates for a few moments.

"If that deal's still on the table, I'll take it. But not for murder."

"From the sound of it, it wasn't murder. You didn't plan to kill someone you knew to be a living person. But the decision on what to charge you with will be up to the district attorney."

If the two of them can be charged. I'm not sure that American law was designed to deal with mitosis.

"I don't care what it technically was." Two returns his attention to One. "She was clay from our body you bastard!"

"The two of you are going to have years to talk out your differences. Is there anything you need to discuss, or can you just separate so I can call in the submarine?"

"Yeah." Hagen One shrinks down slightly, making an effort to humanise his exterior as he does so. "Yeah, I'm ready to get out of here."

"You don't get it." Two shakes his head, clearly disgusted. "You just don't get it."

"Yeah, well, what you gunna do?"


Hagen Two dives-

"No no NO!"

A freeze-arrow hits him mid-dive, covering about two-thirds of him in ice and.. probably freezing a lot of his mud solid. But not enough. His tendrils lash out as One tries to back away, latching on and merging with him!

"I don't wanna be you! Get outta meaaaaaaagggghhh!"

He loses his human shape, the two masses of clay being sucked together, merging and intertwining until there's no distinction but the occasional… Silently screaming face bubbling to the surface.

"What… The…"

Jade taps Roy on his right shoulder as he slowly lowers his bow.

"We should leave."

I float away from the clay mass, making sure that I can throw up a force field if it moves in this direction.

"We should back up, certainly."

Barbara's already shimmying up a wall and Jade swiftly sprints to a position of concealment. Roy backs up more slowly as two, four, eight hands emerge from the clay and grasp the screaming heads, pushing and pulling and ripping at them. He loads three more freeze arrows, but he doesn't exactly look confident.

I.. know how he feels.

"Got anyone else you can call?"

I level the Gravity Rod and keep my thumb over the force blast button.

"No one who can get here quickly."


The mud mass bursts, throwing damp clay in all directions! Shieldshieldshield!

Okay, blocked it, then… Shake off and deactivate.

"Um. Excuse me?"

Mr Hagen… One Mr Hagen, is face down and unmoving, the clay of his body surrounded by mounds of discarded clay. And standing next to him is a small girl who's looking around with no idea what's happening.

"What's going on? Where.. am I?"
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Low Politics (part 11)
7th April
23:19 GMT +2

Lex walks slowly back towards his jet, with Ms Graves and I on either side.

"So, that just happened."

"Yes." Mr Luthor nods. "Yes, it did."

"First impressions?"

"Between the waffle, pontificating and wandering tangents, I could barely decipher what it is that he's actually planning. I think it might be wise for me to speak with the ClusterCorp board of directors and offer them my services."

"He's not as stupid as he sounds. It's not wise to project onto non-humanoid species."

"Does he know enough about our culture to encourage us to underestimate him with such… Precision?"

"I would be surprised, but I wouldn't rule it out."

"How.. badly would your colleagues in the Justice League react if I did have commercial dealings with him?"

"A mild increase in hostility towards ClusterCorp. They're already as hostile towards you as they can get without bringing it into the open."

"Ah. I find it rather a shame that-."

I don't even let him finish his platitude before rolling my eyes. "Please."

"As you wish. Still, it would be beneficial to present a united front."

"There are too many people on Earth to present a united front. And while I don't think that the League will oppose your lawful dealings out of spite, that's the exact limit of what they'll do to cooperate with you."

"That might make a successful resolution of this crisis harder to achieve."

"You should have thought of that before you signed up with Savage. Or said 'no' to me."

"You tried to implicate me in some rather serious crimes."

"I wasn't trying to implicate you. I was trying to exculpate you, to give you better options for achieving your legitimate goals. You and Truggs…" I shake my head. "I'd be a lot happier about this if I wasn't expected to somehow 'fix' it."

Mr Luthor stops at the bottom of the stairs up into his jet.

"You don't have to."

"It's like watching a child play in the front garden. I don't feel obliged to put reins on them, but I really think I should keep an eye out in case they start running towards the road."

"At.. which.. point, you… Guide them back inside the house?"

"At which point I gently guide them away from the road and then go back on overwatch."

"I.. fear we may be pushing the metaphor further than it can withstand. But I take your point. Out of curiosity, what would the rest of the ClusterCorp do if their ship was destroyed or seized?"

"I'm not sure. They do have better armed ships. If it was seized then I imagine that they'd take it back. If it was destroyed… In the past they've seized property from the aggressor or sued them. Neither really apply here. I suppose they might try taking orbital infrastructure-"

Like the Watchtower or the Xenon base. But I'm not sure who officially or unofficially knows about either of them and I'm confident that the League wouldn't be pleased if I confirmed the existence of anything in conversation with Mr Luthor.

"-or retaliating, but they're a private enterprise and there's little profit in revenge." I smile. "If you take it where no one can see, and the reason that it's taken this long for this to happen is that no one's watching Earth. And of course that sort of thing would make it a League problem."

"Mm. I wonder why they chose now?"

"Ah. That was me. There's a political dispute in Atlantis and I decided to back the weaker party. I thought Dox would send me a regular LEGION fleet. Instead, we get this."

"You were..? Planning on bringing a fleet into near-Earth space?"

"Oh, come on, Mister Luthor. I brought a planet into near-Earth space. The fact that I'd bring a fleet here is hardly a strange idea, and no surface world country cares about Venturia."

Hm. An.. idea is occurring.

I haven't wanted to introduce advanced alien technology myself because I was concerned that it would have a stupefying influence on human civilisation. But if Earth is going to get access to alien technology anyway, then I'm perfectly capable of making anything ClusterCorp does unprofitable by undercutting them. 'Lord-Lantern Comic King' doesn't strike me as someone who would be prepared to work on matter transmutation 24-7.

Or I could find a competitor or two and invite them here. Or a mercenary fleet with orders to enforce a particular set of customs arrangements. Amalak would be happy to take on that role, I'm sure, and we're too far away from his centre of power to have to worry about him annexing the planet. There isn't really any group in this Sector that I'd want to-.

Thanagar. Is Thanagar going to be 'officially concerned' about this? If I decide to take any action I'll have to check with the Hawks.


"An Atlantean city-state. I'm afraid that the incident has already soured relations between myself and King Orin, so if you want more information I direct you in the direction of Ambassador Vallambrosa."

"I quite understand. I can grasp the implication of you calling in a fleet."

"Right. So -just so we don't step on each other's toes- what are you planning on doing about this?"

"I'm.. still in the planning stages. As I said earlier, this has.. really been nothing like what I thought the Earth's first contact with an alien corporation would be like."

"Okay, of course you're not obliged to tell me anything. But if you don't tell.. me..."

Competent authority.


"Sorry, I-. I can't tell Manga Khan-"


"-what to do while he's not on the clock, but I can still discipline him for breaking our code of conduct."

"Which.. includes trading with worlds like Earth?"

"No, that's fine. Like I said, he's not on the clock. But because the Orange Lantern Corps is trying to build a defensive alliance, there are rules about how Lanterns are obliged to relate to governments we might want to open direct negotiations with. They're.. pretty relaxed, and…"

I look out across the night time desert.

"I now realise exactly why he's here rather than a few miles north or south. I'm also revising upwards my estimate of his intelligence."


"I'm going to do some reading. Get in touch when you've formulated a corporate strategy and I'll let you know what I've got."
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Low Politics (part 12)
8th April
21:23 GMT

"…summary, but I need to know which of my ideas you want me to put into operation because none of them can be implemented quickly."

Kal-El looks dubious. "Didn't you tell me that Amalak wanted to kill every surviving kryptonian in the universe?"

"Naturally, I'd try and talk him down from that position first. I'm hoping that Jor-El or Har-Zod have genetic records of life on his homeworld I can offer him in trade. And I've got scans of the Citadel's cloning technology which he almost certainly doesn't have. But while I'll know almost immediately whether he's genuinely prepared to call off his vendetta the only way I'd be able to prevent him acting on it once I tell him that you're here is by altering his mind or killing him."

"Katar?" King Orin looks over to the Honourable Member for Thanagar. "What will Thanagar do when they hear about this?"

"Nothing. Whatever future plans my government might have regarding its relationship to Earth, the ClusterCorp isn't an entity our government considers a threat. Until they start selling things produced on Earth to our enemies I can't think of a reason for the Thanagarian government to intervene."

In a way, I'm pleased that all of the Justice League members here are wearing their wards. But as always, it does make my life just a little harder. His answer is reasonable and it would be difficult for Thanagar to take any action quickly even if they wanted to. But I don't know for sure.

"And if Earth hired the Blades of Alstair to run our security?"

His eyes dart to me for a second before fixing on King Orin.

"I would strongly suggest not recommending them to the UN."

Batman doesn't look up from his copy of the Orange Lantern Corps Code of Conduct.

"How does the Orange Lantern Corps define 'Competent Authority'?"

"It doesn't. The rule exists to encourage cooperation wherever practical without compelling it, because for the most part we trust our Lanterns with their rings and there are all sorts of situations where it's convenient to ignore people."

I carefully avoid making eye contact with anyone in particular when I say that line.

"There isn't any body on Earth with the authority to determine interstellar trade policy, and Manga Khan has set up shop in territory that he could 'reasonably' claim isn't owned by anyone. That implies but doesn't prove that he's actually paying attention to our Code of Conduct. If the Security Council votes itself the authority to regulate interstellar trade and all members ratify the decision, he might pay attention to it."

Batman freezes the relevant sections on three holographic screens.

"And if he doesn't?"

"He has to refrain from using his power ring, or he gets ejected from the Corps. And that's a decision I can make without referring it to Dox."

Though I probably shouldn't make it without referring it to Dox.

King Orin nods. "But that wouldn't make him leave."

"Correct. And it would probably result in Dox appointing someone else."

"Such as?"

"Anyone with strong avarice and a sense of mission. Amalak would be an appropriate choice, as he wants to create stability and to recreate his species. Lex Luthor is similarly well motivated."

Kal-El's eyes narrow.


"I considered him myself prior to him deciding to double down on the Light. He has many worthwhile character traits; the undesirable ones just outweigh them. Dox told me that he is experimenting to see what sort of person makes the best Orange Lantern. I don't know who he'll pick next, and chances are he doesn't yet know either. And of course doing nothing is an option because now that we're reasonably confident that Manga Khan isn't a military threat dealing with this isn't our j-."

I blink.

"Sorry, isn't your job. I'm happy to enact any of my proposed solutions, though I reiterate that doing nothing is very much an option. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

King Orin shakes his head.

"No. I think you've done enough."

And in a remarkable display of self control I don't stick my tongue out at him.

"Thank you. On the subject we were discussing before we were so rudely interrupted, do you actually want to run a 'remain' campaign?"

"Does it matter?"

"It's the difference between them running the referendum in two months or next week."

"… Yes, I will."

I nod politely.

"I will inform King Cyprian. I imagine that you can liaise with him via Venturia's ex-senators, who.. are still in Poseidonis, to sort out the particulars."

Apparently, they're under house arrest. With Poseidonis backing Ptra and Venturia backing Cyprian something like that was inevitable. But there's no need for me to underline it.

I raise my right hand to my forehead.

"I will bid you all a good evening."

I step out

8th April
20:27 GMT -1

and reappear just outside of King Cyprian's private quarters, next to the charmed circle set aside for magic teleportation.

The duty magician recognises me immediately.

"Orange Lantern. What news?"

"King Orin opted to run the campaign, though I suspect that it's just a delaying tactic."

She nods.

"Do you wish to be escorted to the king?"

"No, there's.. no need. Please just pass the message on. No need for an immediate reply."

"As you require."

"Thank you."

I raise-.

"Would you..? Object to me recording your teleportation? My mentor was one of those who aided you against the eye creature, and his description made it sound fascinating."

"Not a problem at all. Actually, if you want to study it in detail I'm happy to make room in my schedule."

"I-. Yes! That would be splendid."

I smile at her.

"I will be fascinated to hear what you discover."
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Low Politics (part 13)
8th April
22:36 GMT


Jediah Rikane stops the moment he sees me, his protection detail immediately spreading out to make sure that they have a clear shot.

"Chief Minister. A pleasure to see you again."

"Yes. I.. expect-."

"To save us both some time: I'm annoyed about your government trying to keep me out of the loop and out of the way during the burning of Womb World, but it's not as if I'm actually going to miss the psions. I'm annoyed because I could have saved more of their test subjects than Princess Koriand'r managed and because you giving me the run around was insulting."

"I… Understand." He nods slowly. "And what do you consider to be reasonable recompense for the insult?"

"You have a perfectly legitimate foreign policy aim in straightening out Vega. And I don't have any objection to you helping a friendly government come to power. But that's it. You don't annex territory inside Vega and you ensure that I have access to the data I need to confirm that."

"That is.. what we were planning on doing anyway, so it doesn't present any difficulty. Duke Oswin is perfectly happy with the territory the Crown has awarded to him without intruding upon the Vega Moat."

"Good. The last thing this region needs is any further violent conflict." I open my mouth-. And close it again. "Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious: my concern is the probity of local powers and their ability to act in the greater good. This is the worst possible time for obfuscation or using 'clever' language to deceive me. I will find out, and I will be angry."

"There... The idea of Duke Oswin having a political marriage with a notable woman from Vega has been mooted, as has the idea of Prince Gavyn accepting a court position of some kind. Nothing is decided yet, and if gaining a claim on Vegan territory is one of your red lines then it probably won't happen."

"No talk of Prince Ryand'r marrying your Queen?"


"If you've been communicating with King Myand'r, then you should know how I feel about political marriages."

"He.. did.. mention it. I imagine that the.. cultural context is rather different. Had you done for a noble of the Crown Imperium what you did for Koriand'r and Lord Karras… It's just not done."

"I can't imagine letting something that no one wants to happen happen."

"No, I imagine that you can't. Tell me, are you married yourself?"


"Betrothed? Or.. however your civilisation arranges their affairs prior to marriage?"

I nod. "Yes. But.. while it's desirable for people to get on well with their partners' families, it's the couple who are going to have to live together, support one another and raise their children together. There are many women who might be 'better' matches in some sense. There are none whom I love as I do her. None whom I desire-"

My environmental shield flares, triggering desire-associations in all of those present, and giving me a fairly generic slideshow.

"-as I do her."

"I assume that your civilisation isn't governed by a hereditary aristocracy, then."

"You assume correctly."

"Thus, you don't consider lineage to have.. wider significance. Perfectly reasonable with an alternate social order, but for us it's… I'm afraid that you'd be cast as the villain in our social dramas."

"I think I'll live. The intelligence reports?"

"I will have them compiled for you."

"Thank you."

"Do you intend to stay in the region for long?"

"No, this is just a check up. There's a.. situation on my homeworld that I'm.. monitoring, in case I need to take action, but for now I want to stay out of the way of the people who are supposed to be managing it."

"What sort of situation? Is there anything we can do?"

"I appreciate the thought, but probably not. My world is isolated, but has.. weirdly advanced technology in some areas. We're being visited by an interstellar trading corporation which… Could be really useful, if we were actually organised enough to respond with any sort of unity. As it is, people are running around like headless chickens and buck-passing for all they're worth and I suspect that we're going to get the worst possible outcome."

He frowns. "I'm… Not sure that translated properly. 'Headless chickens'?"

"A simpleminded food animal. Usually they're killed by decapitation as the first stage in the preparation process, but if you cut too high then enough of their central nervous system survives that they can... Sort of keep going, though without eyes or ears or reasoning. The expression serves as a metaphor for failures of leadership."

He chuckles quietly. "My word. How… Completely appropriate. You wouldn't have a recording of such a beast, would you?"

Ring… Do I?


When did I..? Why did I-?

"I'll upload a copy to the palace server. How long will it take your people to collate those intelligence reports?"

"I presume that you're mostly interested in the period since your last visit?"

"Mostly. Though I'm also curious about the decision making process which led up to the alliance I encountered during my last visit. I mean, it's nice to see the forces of civilisation coming out ahead, but I think I'd benefit greatly learning from a worked example."

"A day or so should do it."

I nod.

"Any problems I should attend to immediately? Amalak behaving himself?"

"As well as one can expect from a rogue such as him. There was some talk of granting him a title in exchange for bringing his holdings into the Imperium, but… Since he's expanding into Vega I imagine that you would disapprove. And there are clear advantages in maintaining a buffer state."

"I agree." Hm. "I think that's everything. I'll return tomorrow. Thank you for your time."

"You're welcome."

I raise my right hand to my forehead

step out and

back, appearing on Tamaran.

**Adam, you're an omnidisciplinary genius. Earth needs your advice.**

**Then I'll be happy to offer it.**
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Low Politics (part 14)
8th April
23:03 GMT

Orange light from my ring strobes over an area infected with what I can only imagine was some sort of psion biological weapon, recording its character and then destroying it utterly. I.. can't even work out why the gordanians bothered using this here. Maybe the psions paid them for the test results? It made the Tamaraneans in the nearest town catch fire then went into hibernation until the relief mission from the regional capital arrived. Komand'r and Koriand'r visited here of course, but neither of them were confident enough in their abilities to guarantee to their people that the area was clear.

And they were right. This thing is… Clever. Only a mercy that it wasn't designed to travel.

**I must admit, I'm a little disappointed that the United Nations isn't better prepared.**

**You and me both.**

**And I understand why you don't want to bring about your own solution, though I don't agree with your aim.**

**Why's that?**

**If the system isn't fit for purpose, why not replace it?**

**Probably the same reason why you didn't become President of the United States.**

**No, I'm too elitist to tolerate standing for election by my mental inferiors.**

The mental impression accompanying that is that the statement isn't just a self-depreciating joke.

**And I'd find the separation of powers and term limits too restricting. While I appreciate that it adds to the challenge, I don't like being hobbled.**

**Alright, then it's probably the same reason why you didn't become Overlord of Earth.**

**I wouldn't have minded becoming Dictator of Earth, if I had to deal with a crisis that actually required me to take that power. Half the challenge would have been getting it. But I understand; you don't want to manipulate people's emotions on a large scale any more than I want to manipulate their minds.**

**How is Tamaran handling predatory corporations?**

**The branx are still repairing the damage their corporate war inflicted. Other than that, all we've had are relatively small traders. And we have a self defence fleet and a true planetary government.**

**That would make things easier.**

**The best idea I can come up with that could be implemented quickly would be for America, Russia and China to invite the ClusterCorp to establish a trading post in their territory and put in place whatever rules they want without reference to each other. That maintains national self-determination and allows the ClusterCorp regulated access to Earth's markets.**

Think I.. got it all. I send a pulse of orange through the ground to check… Yes, clear. Next step is to reintroduce soil microbes and fauna.

**And other nations?**

**They can ask ClusterCorp for a trade post, or work through an ally. The United Nations just isn't designed for handling interstellar relations. The Security Council isn't going to be able to agree on a change in function within a relevant time frame. Treating it as a body which can serve the purpose you want it to will only waste your time.**

**You could be right.** I look around the somewhat overgrown vista and… Smile contentedly. This was certainly worth my time. Something that needed my particular abilities to fix and will directly benefit people. Not like that nonsense that's happening on Earth at the moment. **But I don't think that Manga Khan will want to give up his current freedom. Any other ideas?**

**It would be a trivial matter for the Justice League to enforce isolationism. If the Security Council voted to give them that authority, they could overrun the Cluster Ship's security teams fairly quickly.**

**I'd… Rather not go to war against the entire Earth.**

**You could just choose not to. Or you could train a group of people from Earth as Orange Lanterns and uphold your agreement with Venturia using them.**

**The problem there is that the characteristics which might make someone likely to obey my instructions don't lend themselves to making good Orange Lanterns.**

**In that case, you could ask Queen Hippolyta to grant Orange Lanterns from elsewhere Themysciran citizenship. With major fleet operations in Vega finished the princesses are available, should you need them. They've both spoken to me at length about human society, and I know that Koriand'r believes that she failed you concerning the way we handled Wombworld.**

**Of course, they might try specifically banning Lanterns. Or at least Lanterns who don't have an operating agreement. Until now we've been lumped in with vigilantes, but if Earth's governments are forced to confront the fact that we're members of an alien police force then that could change.**

**If dealing with it was a simple matter, I doubt that you'd have crossed the galaxy to speak to me.**

I nod. **No, I wouldn't. Is there anywhere else that needs me?**

**Almost every part of Tamaran could benefit from your work, but nowhere that needs you.**

Just like Earth.

**How are things going here in general?**

**The basic education system has been more or less restored now. Though because there hasn't been much provision for such a long time, classes on the same subjects are being delivered to different age groups. Following your example, the princesses spent a good deal of time recreating the mass transit network, which -combined with the defence ships we use as relays- means that transportation and communication are restored globally. The centralisation of global projects is reinforcing the authority of the crown, which combined with the fact that the princesses are Vega's Sector Lanterns means that there aren't any problems from internal political disagreements.**

**I don't suppose that Tamaranean unification is something that we can replicate on Earth?**

I sense his amusement.

**No. The different noble families on Tamaran arose due to the distance between settlements and the lack of transportation infrastructure when Tamaran was first settled. They were far closer to cultural homogeneity than humans are. Of course… You could make the people of Earth want to work more closely together.**

**We're nowhere near the point where I'd do that.**

**Have you decided in your own mind where the point is?**

**No, but I've decided where it isn't. I might nudge a single individual if I thought that one person was holding up the whole process, but in this case it's the whole system.**

I take a closer look at the overgrown town, then send out a swarm of secateurs to prune the shrubbery back. I also remove the mortal remains of the plague's victims as respectfully as I can and arrange them a short distance away.

I can't think of a better approach than what Adam came up with. Earth's flirtations with unified governance have been victor's justice at best and a political football at w-. At medium. At worst it's been a money sink and tax haven.

I remember the Night's Dawn series, where it was noted that Earth's early colonies replicated Earth's chaotic governance structure by having colonists from a wide variety of different cultural backgrounds on the same world. They inevitably established political groupings with people from the same backgrounds in opposition to other groups. Later colonies gave up on that approach and allowed monocultural colonisation and that resulted in stable unified planetary governments.

It's a depressing thought, but based on what I've seen…

Ah well. Half the reason why I didn't take the Clarissi job is that I know perfectly well the limits of my abilities. Hopefully someone else has come up with something better while I've been gone.
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Low Politics (part 15)
8th April
18:23 GMT -5

Kon knocks on the transparent laboratory airlock safety door as I stare at the vial of blue gunge in my right hand. I set it down in the rack and nod to him, prompting him to enter his access code and come inside.

"Hey. What's that?"

"I think it's Compound V. One of my alter egos ended up on a world where it's the only source of super powers."

And that's the problem. My indigo alter ego said that he was only willing to give me the data because he was confident that I'd never use it. And.. having experimented with it a little I can see why he was that confident.

"Unfortunately, it turns out that it's not exactly reliable."

In front of me, the rat which got fire powers finally asphyxiates, its body joining those of the rats who gained frog-like attributes, supernumerary eyes, what I'm tentatively calling 'laser feet' and rock skin respectively.

"Are you familiar with the concept of 'required secondary powers'?"

"You mean like how someone who's got super strength but doesn't have flight can't punch all that hard without flying backwards?" He nods, a wry smile on his lips. "Think I've heard about that somewhere."

"This is more like what would happen if Flash wasn't immune to friction. Their bodies change, but nothing about the change guarantees that they'll be able to survive it, actually… Use their new powers, or… Well." I point at the burst skull of 'eye-rat'. "That one's visuospatial cortex expanded to deal with the input, but its skull didn't. And this is controlled doses; this stuff is a known environmental contaminant on Indigo's Earth. People even use it as a narcotic."

"Not exactly the Danner Formula."

"To say the least. And apparently subsequent generations have the same problem, even if they don't get dosed with the stuff themselves."

Which… Lines up with my memories of The Boys to an extent. But Homelander was a sure thing. They had a foetus, they.. somehow dosed it with a great deal of some formulation of this stuff… They were sure that they'd get a top tier superhuman out of it. They must have been, or they wouldn't have put the money into it.

Maybe foetal exposure is the key..?

Kon looks around at some of my other half-completed projects.

"Is this all stuff you've copied from the other versions of you?"

"Yes, and it's all… Basically useless."

Yellow had scans of some advanced technology, but none of it was radically different -or better- than designs I already had access to. From the sounds of it Mumm-Ra is an invocational magic user, and without knowing more about what the 'ancient spirits of evil' actually are none of what Yellow was able to tell me was much use. And that wasn't much in the first place. The files on Third Earth physiology were interesting, but they're of no practical use to me other than for earning some Brownie points from Cranius.

Indigo shared what he knew about Compound V, but that looks like it would take a great deal of research in order to see any return on my investment in time. Red didn't think that it was his place to share what Atrocitus taught him about blood magic, and apparently his ring doesn't interact well with IT systems. What Black learned about Buffyverse magic is directly contradicted in several areas by what I've learned about magic here, though I'll pass-. I'll indirectly pass it on to Sephtian so that he can study an alternate magic system if he has the time.

Commander Gordon didn't want to give a gold power ring to someone with a positive working relationship to Maltusians. Time Trapper didn't have ring-based records of his timeline's more advanced human-created technology. Angel-me was willing to give me a small amount of his blood so that's my angel-tissue ammunition slightly replenished, which was… Nice. But as for the rest…

It looks like I'm ahead. Which is… Good. Mostly good for them as the files I was able to give them will prove more useful to them than theirs will be for me. But aside from a brief moment of self satisfaction at my achievements… I didn't really learn much.

"I'll give this…"

No, can't give it to Dr Munro née Danner, because he's busy in Brazil. His research station… They can probably handle it, but that means that it will inevitably get back to Mr Luthor. And while there isn't really a way to use human technology to cheese the Danner formula, this…

You can give it to adults. Adults who are already loyal to you, who are desperate and will consent to anything if they think it will give them a way out of whatever pit they've fallen into. It's far easier to misuse, far easier to do stupid… Supervillain stuff with.

Dr Sivana Senior would probably limit himself to animal applications, at least. And he already has the capacity to create enhanced animal-based sophonts.

Heck, how did I get to the point where sharing data with Thaddeus Bodog Sivana was a reasonable option?

"Are you staying for dinner?"

"Is it tacos?"

"Yeah, but not from Taco Whiz."

Because it turns out that reheating low-quality frozen food doesn't result in anything particularly good. I mean, I don't think anyone is under any illusion about the quality of the meals in fast food restaurants, but there's nothing quite like working there to really take any residual shine off.

"Mom showed me how to make them from raw ingredients."

"You're cooking?" Filaments flick out, tidying and making safe and… Completely destroying the remaining Compound V. I'll hand the rats over to Dr Sivana. I'm sure that he can learn all sorts of interesting things from them. "Yeah, I'm in."

He nods, smiling, then leads the way to the door.

"How are you finding working there?"

"It's… Ah… Kinda interesting."


"A 'totally inefficient waste of time'. You said that when Batman gave us all the assignment. I actually kinda like doing a regular job."

"Yes, and people in rural India like having irrigation and an electricity supply. Having Justice League members do a week of charity work as a public relations exercise is ridiculous, and it doesn't become more sensible by making us do it as well."

"Mom says it helps her connect with people."

"I'm not sure that a stage managed stint as a fast food restaurant cook really helps with that, but fine. It's her time."

"You don't think people seeing us as people is a good idea?"

"Of course it's a good idea. But most people know that most League members maintain secret identities; that is to say, already have actual paying jobs they do in addition to being unpaid auxiliary police."

"You didn't enjoy that charity board game you did with Zatanna?"

"Oh, it was fun; I just don't think it was at all productive. Hm."


"How would you feel about releasing kryptonian technology for human use?"

He thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "I don't have a problem with it. Why?"

"A potential solution to the ClusterCorp problem." No, I'm… Not going to think about that at the moment. "So what goes into making a good taco?"
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Low Politics (part 16)
8th April
18:56 GMT -5

"…why you're not more excited about this?" M'gann uses her fork to scoop up some escaped shredded beef. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"Once things were a bit more organised, yes." I'm not usually a fan of wraps. Or salads. But this is actually quite nice. "But as it stands, even someone of Manga Khan's intellect can easily play Earth's governments off against each other. To say nothing of the potential damage to Earth's socioeconomic systems. I held off on introducing alien technology because I wanted to force Earth to actually use its advantages, and only.. engage once it started doing that. As it stands, there's no… Unity." I point at her with my right index finger. "Mars is far better placed to take advantage of this than Earth is."

"Are they.. coming to Mars?"

I shrug. "Can't think of any reason why they wouldn't. Martian biotechnology probably doesn't have quite as big a market as some of the things Earth produces, but in the hands of a species without monophobia it might be viable as an alternate tech base for spacefaring telepaths."

"Like who?"

"Bolovaxians, like Lantern Kilowog." I create a small construct image of him standing on the table. "If they could adapt Martian animals to join their group mind they'd probably prefer it to mechanical technology."

Kon nods. "And maybe meeting new species might make more martians want to leave Mars?"

"It… Might…"

"Ted phoned me earlier to tell me that he's been getting a lot more-."

Canis stabs his taco with his fork, causing guacamole to spray in two directions across the table.

"This is insufferable."

Kon takes the insult to his culinary abilities in his stride. "If you don't like-."

"No, Orange Lantern and Aqualad."

I.. look at the mountainmate whose eyes I've been avoiding. He does the same.

And then we both look away.

"That." He points at the air halfway between us. "Did you see that!?"

Ghia'ta nods. "I most certainly did. This is not good for team unity."

M'gann leans back a little. "Humans sometimes like to be a little less direct about things."

"Yeah, but I'm only human out of habit. Okay, Kaldur?" He meets my eyes. "Given that Venturia has played next to no part in Atlantean political life for the last sixty years, what exactly is going to change now that they're going to formalise it?"

"Most likely, nothing. But that does not change the fact that you once again concealed information from my king."

I frown. "What do you mean? Cyprian had been sending messages to the government in Poseidonis since Queen Clea's death. It was hardly a secret."

"And you had no dealings with them before that."

"I first met Cyprian on the twenty fourth of December last year when I expressed a desire to hire Venturian magicians for a project. That was when I learned that Queen Clea was dead. And that's how I know that King Orin was informed; I took him a personal message from King Cyprian and delivered it into his hand. The impression I got was that it wasn't the first contact they'd had on the subject, but it's the first I can personally confirm happened."

"Why did you wish to hire Venturian magicians?"

"Because I was overworking Sephtian already. His expanded team couldn't handle any more projects, but because the Venturians were so cut off from the Atlantean mainstream their specialists were still available."

"You wished to hire them for the Orange Lantern Corps."

"No. I wanted to find out-." I look around. "Did you all read my report on my first meeting with Lantern Mother of Mercy?"

Three nods.

"In my fantasy we'd found a way to spread the Earth's magic system out from the planet. I wanted to find out whether that was actually possible or not, so I hired some Venturians to research the links between Earth's magic systems and the Dream. Fairly blue skies stuff, and things were so tense with Poseidonis that Cyprian didn't want to release his researchers from military service. Hiring them directly for the Orange Lantern Corps was something I negotiated for four days ago due to the urgent necessity."

"That was not what you told King Orin."

"No, convenience was why I wanted to expand the agreement beyond that one incident, and getting Venturia's magicians returned to their civilian occupations was why I offered a defence contract I don't think will ever be activated."

"What else did you offer them?"

"The designs for the arcane forge, which I have a perfect legal right to."

"Queen Mera had offered to include Venturian scholars in the Conservatory's research program."

"And they'd turned it down because it would have meant surrendering more sovereignty to Poseidonis. With modern communication magic there's no reason for all research to be carried out at a single location, other than to emphasise the centralisation of authority. Now they can work from their own city and still share their results with the-. With Atlantis. Look, do you actually know about how King Orin's grandmother ballsed up relations with Venturia?"

"She raised Princess Ptra in the royal court after her mother clashed with Aurania's senate. It is not uncommon in the Atlantean tradition for noble children to be raised apart from their parents in times of civil strife."

"I'm going to respectfully suggest that you do more research -preferably including Venturian sources- before making any decisions which require you to assume that is true. One, Venturia was completely secure, two, Clea didn't request it and wasn't allowed to refuse it, three, Ptra might have been a ward of the throne but she spent more of her time in Aurania than in Poseidonis which proves that the 'place of safety' justification is irrelevant if not flat out nonsense. Venturia seceded not because of anything I did but because three successive Poseidonian monarchs dropped the ball. The most I did was preventing a military conflict."


Both our heads jerk in the direction of Canis. His eyes move from Kaldur to me. Then he nods.

"You don't understand-. Why did you prevent the war?"

"Because it might have resulted in the deaths of people useful to me. And it wouldn't have solved the underlying issues. Queen Clea will never get to raise her daughter. She'll never know who murdered her husband. Nothing that we could do at this point could fix that and I don't particularly want to duel another Justice League member."

"Very well." Canis nods. "Aqualad, why did you want the war to happen?"

"I do not. I do not agree that war was inevitable without Orange Lantern's intervention."

"Well, no, King Cyprian might have surrendered. I'm not sure how long Ptra would survive ruling a city that didn't want her and considered her a Poseidonian puppet, but that was a possibility. But okay, how was King Orin planning on handling it?"

"His plan was to continue to refuse to recognise Cyprian's claim to the throne of Venturia while offering political and financial incentives for Venturia to become more involved with the rest of Atlantis. He realised that Ptra would not be able to rule without her cousin's willing assistance and wanted his agreement regarding any settlement. Military force was not something he had seriously considered. Your actions prevented him resolving the dispute in the interests of all Atlantis."

"Then he should have communicated that more clearly to King Cyprian. Not that it would have mattered, because opposing the expansion of the authority of the High King is the core of Venturia's policy towards the rest of Atlantis and King Cyprian would have interpreted everything you just said Orin was planning as a power grab. Which is something he would have explained if he'd been asked about it and which anyone who knows anything about Venturia should have told Orin."

"You did not explain that to King Orin."

"It's not my job to tell him how to do his job." I sniff. "And that's one thing this whole situation has cemented in my mind: I am not responsible for other people making bad decisions."
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Low Politics (part 17)
9th April
06:11 GMT -5

"…deadlock in the UN, Senator Knight has called for the US to pursue its own policy separate from other world governments."

Oh, that's a point.

I pause with my spoon part way from my porridge bowl to my mouth.

I didn't even consider talking to the probable next president of the United States of America. But America has a pretty strong iconoclastic bent at the best of times, and if they stop bothering with the Security Council there's no way that the others will keep at it.

No… No.

I take another spoonful of porridge as I ruminate.

I need to let human civilisation make these decisions for themselves. Even if they make a bad one, the consequences are unlikely to be catastrophic and it will be good experience for when they have to deal with more dangerous alien parties.


I should talk to Cyprian about what King Orin was actually planning. I doubt that Orin will actually tell him, and him knowing that will hopefully take a good deal of bile out of the relationship. It did sound like something a well intentioned but surprisingly ignorant person might try, and I… Don't think it would make the population more likely to vote 'rejoin'. But it might make coming to sensible terms afterwards easier, and I think that trading with their neighbours would reduce tension-.

Except they don't need to trade with their neighbours. Given the distances and their history of self-sufficiency, there isn't really anything Venturia can get from anywhere else in Atlantis. Certainly nothing in terms of raw material or manufactured goods. King Orin would.. probably have been offering them access to the goods Poseidonis gets from the surface which Venturia can't-.

Venturia has islands. Venturia's defence is nominally being undertaken by an alien merchant prince. Those islands are easily big enough for one of his prefabricated trading posts to be landed there. Venturia is-. I suppose will be a micronation rather than a world power, and even if they do become a bit more interested in the rest of the universe after this they're not going to be interested in dominating surface nations. But it would remove King Orin's carrot.

Breakfast over, I clean my bowl, glass and spoon and float them back to their homes in the cupboards and drawer. Venturia is four hours ahead, so there shouldn't be any problem with me appearing. Fingers to


9th April
10:13 GMT -1

and nod politely to the usher.

"Is the king available?"

"Certainly, sir. If you'll come this way?"

It's only a short walk to the room that serves as Venturia's cabinet office. Naturally, the room is shielded against as many forms of detection as they can defend against. I can't even see that there are people inside. Slightly unusually, it's underwater, because-.

"I hadn't thought about it before, but… The Venturian buildings with air pockets inside them. Is it just a matter of tradition or pride, or is it an overt reference to pre-sinking Atlantis?"

The usher waves his hand through the 'request attention' sensor.

"I hadn't really thought about it, sir."

"Because Teth Adom used to consider Queen Gamemnae a-"

There's a slight twitch, which makes me wish I could remember that comic in more detail. Naturally, I've read up on the woman's history as much as possible, but that doesn't tell me anything about the cultural significance she has in modern Atlantean society.

"-friend, and the other potential reference in having air-filled rooms is her effort to return Atlantis to the surface."

"I.. don't think it's that, sir."

There's a faint chime, and the usher regains his confidence. He pulls open the door and gestures towards the opening.

"In here, sir."

"Thank you."

Unlike the British cabinet where the Prime Minister sits in the middle of one of the long edges, Cyprian very definitely sits at the head of the table. I.. half-recognise some of the other members, though we haven't been formally introduced. Archmage Thalia was part of the team that came with me to Tillettit, and General Megarios was more than a little interested in the potential military uses of orange power rings. He probably wouldn't make a bad Lantern, but he's more… Dox's sort than mine. There's no philosophical conundrum to resolve, aside from maybe his background desire to conquer Aurania to prove a point.

I stop just before I reach the table and bow.

"Your majesty, honoured councillors."

"Illustres." Cyprian nods in acknowledgement. "I understand that King Orin will be sending a deputation to campaign here."

"He has expressed that desire. How familiar are you with how surface world elections are conducted?"

"We are descended from surface-dwelling Greeks. The idea of public consultation isn't wholly lost on us."

"Yes, but the Greeks usually had a fairly limited suffrage. I would encourage you to-." I frown. "Actually, the precise terms of the ballot are something you should probably discuss directly with King Orin."

Cyprian nods. "If you don't mind acting as a go-between, I'm happy to meet him whenever it's convenient to him. And while I'd rather my cousin wasn't in attendance, I won't insist upon it."

"Right. I should probably warn you that not only am I not his favourite person in the world right now, his… Actual plan for preserving Atlantean unity wasn't as confrontational as you were assuming it was."

"What makes you think that?"

"I live with Kaldur'ahm. We had a… Fairly robust exchange of views at dinner last night, and according to him, King Orin's plan was to apply diplomatic pressure on you until you peacefully accepted Ptra."

Cyprian looks mildly puzzled. "I would never have done that. Quite apart from anything else it would be completely against Queen Clea's wishes."

"I know that and you know that but apparently King Orin didn't know that. And with the military option firmly off the table I think it might be wise for the two of you to have a slightly more expansive discussion, because whatever the outcome of the vote you're going to have to live with one another afterwards."

Cyprian meets the eyes of a few of his ministers before nodding to me.

"It sounds as if that would be wise."

"In other news, the individual whom my Corps dispatched to guarantee your independence has arrived and is… In a way which is actually completely in keeping with my Corps' operating philosophy, expanding his mercantile interests to include Earth. Would you at all be interested in leasing one of your islands to him?"

I hold up my hands.

"To be completely clear, it's not at all conditional, you're not obliged to agree, but Poseidonis has become a lot richer as a result of trading with the surface and I thought that you might like the opportunity brought to your attention."

"It's worth investigating, I suppose. And it would be politic for me to meet with the Lantern in command anyway. How long will it take to arrange to speak with him?"

"Speaking with could be difficult. Being spoken to by him on the other hand is extremely easy."
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Low Politics (part 18)
9th April
13:24 GMT

"Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, this is-."

His head jerks around.


"M'lord, 'Lord-Lantern Manga Khan' was the name which you chose to be identified with while dealing with the planet Earth."

"It was?"

"If you've changed your mind, m'lord, you have merely to inform me and I will ensure that everyone whom you informed of your initial choice of name is also informed that you've changed it."

"Did I tell you why I chose 'Lord-Lantern Manga-. HAHAHAHA!"



There's an electrical… Huffing noise.

"I just worked it out. I'm a wit."

"Y.. es." Thalia is giving me a decidedly sceptical look. "I need to talk to you about the reason why you're here."

"Well, sometimes, two clouds of vapour impregnated with exotic particles are exposed to an electrical discharge, which results in the spontaneous-."

"No. No. The reason why you're here on Earth, as opposed to wherever you were when Vril Dox contacted you."

"Oh, the defence contract. I handed that off to our actualisation team, and they're eagerly awaiting contact from our client!"

"Are the people on your actualisation team members of the Orange Lantern Corps?"


"Legally. De jure. Do they have orange power rings?"

"I don't know. They might. L-Ron, do-?"

"Lantern Khan, I'm-"

"Lord and Manga."

"-afraid that while I don't have any right to instruct you in how to carry out your commercial business, I am empowered to check up on how you perform as an Orange Lantern. Dox gave you the orders, and you alone are responsible for ensuring that they are carried out."

L-Ron floats a little closer. "Sensor scans revealed no combat taking place in the area indicated in Clarissi Dox's information packet."

"Did that information packet also mention that Atlantean weapons are usually magic-based, and therefore don't show up reliably on regular sensors?"

Manga Khan puts his right fist to his chin.

"It.. may have..?"

"Did you read it? Dox is usually very thorough. I'm sure that it would have been very helpful."

"I.. skimmed it."

"Lantern Khan, several-"

"Lord and Manga."

"-million people made a contract with NEMO. You were tasked as our primary delivery agent. And you're telling me that you've not.. made.. any attempt to deliver. You personally had one obligation here, and you have not undertaken to discharge it. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to insist that you prioritise it."


"I hope that's a 'sigh, yes'."

"None of our security units are specialised for aquatic combat. I thought it most likely that a species like humans would not dare assume that the ClusterShip was not capable of intervening in this conflict and that its presence would be nearly as much of a disincentive to hostile action as the confirmed presence of the capacity, while being less harmful to any civil negotiations than an open display of martial power."

"I agree with your assessment. But that still means that you prioritised ClusterCorp trading operations over reassuring a NEMO stakeholder. At the very least, you should have personally visited King Cyprian to assure him that we were prepared to back our words. As things stand, the only NEMO assets in this system are you and me, which means that if open warfare did commence the two of us would be obliged to go down there in person."

He throws his left arm out to the side, and presses his right hand into his face plate.

"You're right! I neglected the most basic principles of customer service! I am shame!"

"I'm glad that you recognise your oversight." I step aside as he collapses to his knees. "This is Archmage Thalia. She's here on behalf of the government of Venturia. She will be able to provide you with more specifics on the situation, and inform you what the Venturian government expects from us."

I crouch down so that I'm on his level.

"I expect you to prioritise this."


I stand, and… Thalia looks even less certain.

"He's actually very good at his job. He just gets a bit overenthusiastic about some aspects of it sometimes."


L-Ron extrudes a manipulator arm to pat his master on the helmet.

"There there, m'lord."

"I'm going to leave you in his care while I relay King Cyprian's message to King Orin."

Less certain still.

"I'll be back in an hour at the latest."

I raise my right hand to my forehead, and don't miss her sketching a sensory mandala in the air as I do it.

9th April
11:27 GMT -2

I hold up King Cyprian's letter as the guards at the Poseidonis royal palace level their sonic impellers at me.

"I'm serving as King Cyprian's herald at the moment. Is High King Orin at home, or should I try the Hall of Justice?"

They lower their guns, without any obvious reluctance. I suppose there's a good chance that the exact state of relations with Venturia hasn't really percolated through wider Atlantean society quite yet.

The detail's leader swims forwards slightly.

"Please come with me, Orange Lantern. If King Orin isn't available, someone else will be able to receive you."

"Thank you. Very kind."
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Low Politics (part 19)
9th April
14:41 GMT -2

"...cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy bl-"

Queen Mera swims into the room.


I dismiss my Cat's Cradle construct. I… Haven't really had much to do with Queen Mera for a while. Sephtian was my point of contact with the Conservatory. I don't even know whether the Atlanteans who swam in after her are government officials, aides, or additional security. I'm a little surprised to see her acting in what I assume is about to be a government capacity. My knowledge of Atlantean nobility isn't perfect, but my understanding had been that she left that stuff to her husband.

"Your majesty."

She smiles politely.

"My lord Illustres."

That's… Probably about right.

"Just came from a meeting with the Venturian cabinet. Is that.. something I can talk to you about?"

"Atlantean diplomatic custom would have us make small talk for a while first."

I nod. "Alright. How's Artur getting along?"

"He's in good health, thank you."

"Are you planning on having any more?"

"I.. think that we'll be waiting a year or two before deciding on that."

"Because if you're concerned about the whole Atlantean brothers' curse thing-."

"I'm more than capable of ensuring that Artur only has sisters. And that line of enquiry is outside of what would be considered polite noncommittal conversation in Atlantean society."

"I'll keep that in mind. For an Orange Lantern, it's… If you don't care, why bother talking about it? I imagine you'd be more interested in the Deep Dream analysis I'm hiring the Venturians to do for me, I'm certainly more interested in it-."

"Dream research?" I nod. "Are you interested in prophecy?"

"No, I'm.. pretty sure that Apollo has it in for me, so there's basically no chance of me getting anything useful from an oracle. I believe that there's at least some chance that-."

"That our arcane analytical equipment -which you shared with them- is now advanced enough that we might get something useful out of it? I hadn't even considered that aspect of it."

"You don't really have the personnel to spare to work on the project here-."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes. I have a near-complete list of every Atlantean research mage above a certain level courtesy of Professor Sephtian, because I asked him for the names of everyone he wanted to involve. I went to Venturia in the first place because-."

"None of them participate in our research programs."

"Though the chance of us getting anything useful isn't that great. And-. Are you familiar with the novel Nineteen Eighty Four?"


"It's… Really depressing for anyone trying to influence the world in a positive way, actually, but there's one bit where one of the characters says that they have some of the world's greatest scientists working on projects that won't ever bear fruit in order to keep them occupied. So if Poseidonis is worried about what Venturia's researchers are going to be doing-."

"They're going to be working on a project which -if successful- would result in them being able to command the fundamental forces of creation."

"And Oceana was going to get an earthquake machine. Except they weren't, ever. At most, I expect to get a way to extend the distance from Earth magic can be actively used, and that will probably be decades away. And it might turn out to be impossible. Which is worth knowing, but…"

"I thought that you wanted to employ Venturia's sorcerers for the Orange Lantern Corps."

"King Cyprian's not going to release all that many for long term detached duty, and they're going to have to learn a new world's magic system almost from scratch before they can teach anyone. The point is that Venturia isn't going to present a security threat to Atlantis. "

"Unless their research into the Dream bears fruit faster than you expect it to and they gain the ability to control magic universe-wide."

"Being an empath, and having spent some time in King Cyprian's presence, I feel safe in saying that if they were that successful, everyone involved would be rounded up and told in no uncertain terms that they weren't that successful, and that they were being reassigned to metaphorical Alaska, and that they should never talk about the thing that never happened again. Of course, you've got more resources. You could almost certainly outpace them. But-"

"As you pointed out, we have more demands upon those resources and there may be no payoff at all." She considers for a moment. "Will the Venturian Academy be willing to share their findings?"

"I imagine that academic cooperation will be a subject for debate post-referendum. Though given that they didn't really share while they were part of Atlantis and that I rather got the impression that King Orin was planning on using that sort of thing as a lure to persuade them to stay…"

"Something which Kaldur assured me that you believed would not work."

"It wouldn't, but me falling out with King Orin isn't a constitutional crisis. But since we've come full circle…"

She nods. "What does Lord Cyprian wish for you to discuss with me?"

"King Cyprian wants to meet with High King Orin to discuss the terms of the referendum. How the vote will be conducted, the methods both sides will use to persuade people to their viewpoint, and what happens afterwards."

"And Queen Ptra's involvement in these discussions?"

"As far as Venturia is concerned, she's the ruler of an Atlantean city-state. She has as much right to be involved as, say, the Speaker of the Shayeris senate. They're not going to insist that she leave if she's there, but they're not there to negotiate with her."

"Will they accept her as their Queen if the vote to leave fails?"

"It's not a vote to leave. They've already left. It's a vote to rejoin. And almost certainly not, though King Orin is welcome to raise the issue." I frown. "I know that King Orin didn't grow up here, but you're a native. You are.. aware of the history here, aren't you?"

"Some.. what. My studies were more focused on magic than on politics or history."

"At least make sure that King Orin is properly briefed before the meeting? Because he clearly hasn't been to date."

She looks at me for a few moments.

"I believe, Orange Lantern, that you have my husband's full attention."
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Low Politics (part 20)
9th April
20:11 GMT +2

Ploutos suppresses a chuckle as he leans back in his chair.

"And no one's talking to you about this?"

"Yes, people are talking to me. Other professors, mostly. A few financial journalists, and I had a ten minute conversation with the Minister of Finance."

"Not the President?"

He shrugs slowly.

"I don't think that an alien trading company is going to want to come to Greece. Philippos just wanted to check our economic shock-resistance with me. But… We're not a big country, or a rich country, and I doubt that the aliens will be interested in taking a holiday here. Unless you're going to tell me that I'm wrong?"

"No, ClusterCorp doesn't run package holidays." I frown. "Though, actually, their form of FTL means that they could. Do you want to bring it up with Manga Khan?"

"Hah!" Ploutos covers his mouth with his right fist, chuckling to himself for a few moments. "Ahem. Please tell me that you didn't do this for me?"

"I didn't even want him here. I thought I was getting a LEGION fleet. A small one."

"And would you have stopped it, if you had known in advance?"

"I'd have asked Dox to send someone else, and if he wouldn't I'd have warned people."

"That would certainly have spread the market panic out a little, but I don't think it would actually have helped in the round."

"No, but they might have blamed me less."

"Yes. How are you..? Managing." I raise my eyebrows. "I watched the broadcast of your meeting with the Security Council. Where you… Beat your head against your table."

I shake my head. "That was just frustration, and the fact that I don't really care what they think of me."

"I wouldn't be so quick to throw aside the usefulness of a good public image."

"I think that was off the table after the Cake Incident." I sigh. "But really no one's talked to you about it? You're the world's leading financial expert."

"Greece doesn't have a seat on the Security Council. Every government that does has their own favourite economists and fiscal policies. It will be a little while before I'm drawn into the web of contacts." He leans forwards. "Capitalist economies are only rational over the longer term. In the short term they are panicky and stupid. Particularly now. Do you know what High Frequency Trading is?"


"You know, I… Used to be able to predict share movements… Gains, losses, rebalancings… Even in the short term, even irrational changes, I could predict them fairly well. And then some clever and probably quite rich person plugged a computer into my economy." He shakes his head. "Some men would kill for the blind faith machines which think for people receive. Now… Now I have no idea."

"And in the longer term?"

"Oh, just tell me every technology which Lord-Lantern Manga Khan plans on introducing, who he intends to sell it to, what raw materials he intends to deposit on our markets and what raw materials he intends to take away and I will be your oracle. Hmh." He smiles. "A poor choice of words in your case."

I look away. "Yes. And I… Can't. There are all sorts of technologies he could introduce…"

But what could he actually make a profit on? ClusterCorp employs economists, but understanding a system as complex as an industrialised planet in any detail takes decades. That's part of why I've been so hesitant. Usually, a merchant cartel in Manga Khan's position would supply products slightly ahead of what the planet could produce at a much lower cost. Which means that a place like Greece really isn't at risk, only the richest countries are. The cheap end of the manufacturing market won't be affected, agriculture won't really be affected… Directly, anyway. And neither will tourism, unless Manga Khan starts offering off-world tours. But he was pretty clear that he didn't mind providing 'security services', and I expect that he'd be looking for a free trade agreement in return. And Greece is pretty stable. I mean, there's Cyprus, but other than that…

"Yes, it's been interesting watching the ripples from the new wave of power generation technologies, the patterns of investment and divestment. I'm writing a book on it, actually."

"Okay, so investment in.. developing existing forms of power fell off a cliff. People haven't stopped building generators because it's going to be a while before coverage of the new generators is wide enough."

Though the 'market disruptors' are putting a lot of effort into it. To expand as fast as they have they must have gotten a good deal of start up money from somewhere, or access to novel fabrication technology. Or maybe I'm underestimating human ingenuity? I'd ask Sephtian who got tapped for the magic-based stuff, but…

"Yes, and?"

"Companies which make or develop batteries are going up in value, oil products… The cost is probably going down. Electric cars still need lubricants and rubber. But demand isn't going to go up, their costs are just going to go down. Which means that prices will as well, and profitability might not change." I frown. "Actually, as production falls... Prices might not change at all. I… Don't know."

"It's a complicated business. Made all the more complicated because I have to factor in the rate at which various market participants realise the things that I've realised."

"Sounds like it will be a must-read for someone in my position. Let me know when it's published, I'll get a copy."

"Of course. But going back to your original question, I don't think that Mister Blake's plan will work."

"Why not?"

"Lord-Lantern Manga Khan won't want to operate from a country with a vested interest in limiting his access. He'll want to work somewhere dependent on him. Somewhere small. An oil-producing nation would be a good bet, as they would have the ready cash to invest in the infrastructure he would want, but a growing awareness that their place in the global economy was about to take a hit. But of course, a good many of them are already closely aligned-."


The civil war petered out, but the country is the model of a failed state. There's an 'official' government that controls almost no territory and is dependent on foreign aid for its income. Adom's moved away from helping the areas it controls due to a combination of the fact that they're getting help from UN agencies and his general contempt for the situation. But any of the claimants could accept a ClusterCorp presence and benefit from their security services and their own new role as a trading hub.

"That's plausible." Ploutos nods. "Did Manga Khan say whether he intended to establish a permanent presence here, or is this more temporary?"

"It sounded fairly permanent."

"And will any other interstellar concerns follow him?"

"Probably not. This isn't a rich region of space, and the last time it came to wider galactic attention it was because a lunatic built a giant fleet and was trying to kill everything that exists. We don't have the best reputation." I frown. "How would you handle this?"

"I would appoint a Tyrant with full dictatorial authority to bypass normal United Nations decision-making, and have them set trade terms by force." He shrugs. "Unfortunately, certain historical events have made people wary of executive power. Even modern Greeks often don't understand how Greek democracy used to work."

"I'm.. a little surprised-. You think modern democracy is mob rule?"

He raises his eyebrows. "Isn't it?"
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3rd May 2018
10:23 GMT -5

I have to admit, after that business with the Get Out of Hell Free card I rather assumed that I wouldn't be working with Task Force X any longer. But…

I don't think that Krona meant for my angelic abilities to interact with his tuning fork quite as they did, but I… Saw things. The structure of the cluster of parallel universes huddled together for warmth in the sea of raw chaos that is the Bleed. Patterns of action and identity which… Changed the way I think about things.

"…any here present know of any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

And… People.

Scandal doesn't look around, but Knockout can't quite prevent herself from turning her head aside to glare at the witnesses.

Mr Lawton shrugs, the gun strapped to his right forearm not moving even a centimetre from its position against the right side of the registrar's head.

"Hey, no problem here. Hope you're happy together."

He taps his barrel against the poor man's ear, who frantically nods. I did say this was completely unnecessary, but calling him out on his behaviour right this instant would be rude to the happy couple.

"Then by the power vested in me by the State of Nebraska and by the Source I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may-"

Oh, they've already started.

"-now kiss one another."

So even though I have the ring and personal lantern which Dr Waller promised me, I've stuck around. I've been out with Task Force X a couple of times since, and I'm confident that my presence has reduced the fatalities all around.

Mr Lawton taps the registrar again.

"Don't you have a book to sign?"

"Yes-. I'll-. Just go and get it?"

Mr Lawton smiles. "Sure." He stops smiling. "Slowly. No sudden movements."

The two of them walk slowly towards the offices attached to the ceremonial chamber.

And they're still going.

"Ladies, while I'm glad that the two of you are happy, we do still have a mission to complete if you want that pardon."

Crimson folds her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes at Knockout's behaviour.

"Has living on Earth reduced you to the level of an animal in musth, mother? I should have stayed on Apokolips."

I managed to acquire a Mother Box from Intergang last month. Strangely, the Apokoliptian forces that invaded Earth a few years ago were using them as simple explosives rather than using any of their more sophisticated functions. As far as I have been able to determine, they were taken in combat from New Genesis and making them explode was just about all they could do with them. Since I now possess a link to the Source, the one I recovered was far more agreeable. With DeSaad dead and Darkseid maimed, locating Knockout's daughter in Granny Goodness's orphanage while Apokolips was in anarchy was relatively easy.

Knockout wasn't all that bothered about her daughter's whereabouts, but she appeared to appreciate that I was trying to do something nice for her.

Knockout comes up for air, her gaze still fixed on her wife's face.

"Someday, sour fruit of my womb, you will know what it is to love someone. Until then, please your squad leader by completing your objective. Without talking to her."

Crimson rolls her eyes and stomps off, drawing her sword as she does so. She shoves the door open as she walks out so that it slams back once she's left.

Knockout stares after her.

"When I was her age, Granny had already beaten that attitude out of me."

Scandal puts her right hand on her wife's left cheek and guides her face back to her.

"That's not a good thing, Kay. You're not on Apokolips any more. You don't need to live like you're still there."

Knockout smiles at her. "I would not dare permit myself this weakness if I were still on Apokolips."

I politely bow my head. "If you will excuse me, I will keep an eye on the young lady."

Knockout glances my way. "She can look after herself."

Scandal nods at me while her wife's eyes are elsewhere.

I smile and open a boom tube to the… Somewhat damaged street outside. The dismembered body of Equus is still where we left it, at the bottom of a furrow in the formerly well-tended garden outside. The severed ends of his cybernetics spark and crackle as his power plant continues to try and power the now-missing components, and even with-.

Crimson shoves her sword through his forehead. That… Causes the sparking to stop and his eyes to dim.

"You didn't need to do that."

"He was my enemy."

"Oh, come now; we both know that there are plenty of reasons for leaving an enemy alive."

In the distance, the emergency services are finally being allowed past the cordon. I have already put out the fires and healed those amongst the wounded who survived, but the initial evacuation was necessarily haphazard.

"In his case, we could have learned-."

"What is love?"

I regard her levelly as she extracts her sword and wipes it clean on his skin before striding back in the direction he came from. I spread my wings and fly after her.

"Love is a type of intense emotional bond-."

"Why does it let that small human control my mother?"

"It… Doesn't, but it does encourage people to aid one another."

"Control one another."

I look ar-. Ah. I dart through the smashed in frontage of a nearby newsagent, pick up a chocolate bar, deposit payment next to the till and then fly back outside and hold it out to Crimson.

"Do you want this?"

She glances suspiciously at both me and it.



"Because it tastes good."

"And why does it taste good?" She shrugs. "Because those amongst our ancestors who ate foods rich in sugar and fat generally survived periods of shortage, bestowing on their descendants a positive association with eating those foods. The fact that objectively there are far better things you could eat doesn't factor into it. In the same way, certain types of emotional response generally promote group survivability. As such, those people who are part of communities who feel them tend to survive, as do their members."

I toss her the bar and she slashes it with her sword, neatly avoiding my 'mind control attempt'.

"Their brains are lying to them."

"If you're willing to expand the definition of 'lie' to encompass every type of sensation… Yes. Your mother and Scandal love one another, and as such have as strong a motivation as they possibly can to ensure one another's wellbeing in a way that mere self-interest could never hope to match. I hope that I will be able to teach this to you now that you are no longer living in Granny Goodness' orphanage."

That earns me a slight frown, then she shakes her head.

"Find the man we're looking for."

I hum, the wondrous harmony of the universe playing around me, and a single off-key note…

I point in its direction.

"Mister Orr is in that direction. Let's not keep him waiting."
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Plutonian (part 1)

12th April
08:43 GMT -1

King Cyprian looks out across the foam-wreathed seascape surrounding Venturia's largest surface territory.

"You know, I came up here once as a young man."

His meeting with King Orin and company is scheduled to begin a little later today. It was agreed fairly early on that neither Venturia nor Poseidonis were appropriate venues. Aurania would have been even worse. Most other Atlantean cities were unacceptably close to Poseidonis, and Venturia didn't really have good relations with any of the ones who weren't. Thankfully, Queen Hippolyta was willing to host them both.

"What did you think?"

"I thought that the smell was unpleasant, and that at any moment I might fall into the horizon."

"Can't do much about the first, but in my experience the second is very uncommon."

"Obviously I knew that I wouldn't, but even in clear waters it isn't possible to see so far beneath the surface. And the sun…"

He looks up for a moment.

"It seemed so small. In the shallows the light diffuses through the water, so I assumed that as I kept going up it would become more diffuse. Instead, the sky was covered by silt and there was a tiny burning dot."

He gestures towards it with his right hand.

"It was a very strange experience. Though I'm proud to say that I toughed it out longer than all but one of my peers."

"And then what?"

"Then I was berated by my nursemaid, and then my father, and then my mother. And then my aunt, though for different reasons." He looks down for a moment. "My caregivers felt that I'd exposed myself to risk unnecessarily. My parents thought that I would harm my relationship with Queen Clea by reminding her of her defeat by Princess Diana, and thus reduce my chance of becoming her heir."

"And did it?"

"I don't think that it affected it one way or another. Most of my competition disqualified themselves in various ways. Sometimes, keeping your head down and your nose to the grindstone works." He lets out a quiet chuckle. "If attaining political power is your objective."

"Wasn't it yours?"

"No, not particularly. I was born to a high station, and I was aware of the responsibilities that gave me. I.. simply.. endeavoured to serve the state as best I could. As the more ambitious people around me crashed and burned."

Another quiet chuckle, this one not particularly happy.

"I didn't think that Queen Clea was ever actually going to die. Ah-." He shakes his head. "I know that's ridiculous; Atlantean Purebloods aren't immortal by any stretch of the imagination. But she defined our politics for so long, the idea of anyone -myself especially- taking over from her…"

"I think I know how you feel. Of course, I'm not in the frame to take over from Queen Elizabeth."

"I don't have any real objection to Lord-Lantern Manga Khan having it. The next class can just use one of the other islands. But what to do afterwards…"

"Trade with the surface?"

"I hesitate to say 'yes', but if Poseidonis can do it…" He takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. "We planned extensively for what we would do if Poseidonis ever became aggressive. But even after Arthur Curry became Crown Prince, we never really planned for peaceful interaction with the surface."

"I'm told that you're not supposed to call him that."

He turns his head my way. "Is it not the name he was born to? That he was raised under? I don't know what Queen Atlanna was thinking."

"She was thinking that with a lot of the monarch's powers transferred to the senate, that her heir's focus should be international relations rather than internal affairs."

"It's a little disheartening that she thought so little of us."

"Did you ever try to reach out from your side?"

"Yes. To Prince Orm."


"Quite. It seemed like we had a lot in common." He shrugs. "I tell myself that he fooled a great many people, but if his duplicity hadn't been uncovered by someone-"


"-then-." He frowns. "Honestly?"

"I disarmed and disabled him. Tracking him down was a team effort. You didn't know?"

"A disadvantage of isolationism is that we're generally last with the news."

"Well, word to the wise: if you're going to get into a fight, make sure that your invulnerable armour covers your entire body. Losing to a group of teenaged neophytes because it didn't can be rather embarrassing."

"I'm under no illusions about my martial abilities. Though I'm… I'm not sure. 'Disappointed' doesn't seem quite right considering what he was trying to do, but knowing that he was defeated like that seems a little… Off."

"Real life is frequently lacking in poetry. I suppose that ideally he should have been defeated in a climactic duel at the North Pole while undertaking a desperate attempt to pull off his master plan after having his identity revealed. But as it happened a group of youths only one of whom had ever met him before walked in on him and beat him into a coma. Heck, I can name a dozen American supervillains who died from gunshot wounds inflicted by random passers by, and a dozen more killed by police."

And a few like Yellow Wasp who retire with a bag full of loot and their nemesis' infant son as a trophy and finally die in a car crash years later having not gone down for so much as speeding. That's pretty unsatisfying too.

"I imagine-."

My ring blinks, and King Cyprian looks down at it.

"Is that our call?"

"Probably." I raise it to eye level. "Answer."

The head of Lantern Savenlovich appears over my ring.

"What news?"

"The Atlantean delegation has arrived and cleared the gate area. You are free to proceed."

A pretty reasonable arrangement. While they are both the monarchs of their respective countries, Atlantis is larger, older, and more prosperous than the City-State of Venturia. Which naturally means that King Orin comes ahead of King Cyprian in the order of precedence.

King Cyprian nods and raises his right hand towards his entourage, who begin moving towards us.

"We'll be with you shortly. Illustres out."

"I've been wondering about that. Is it wrong that I still consider myself Atlantean, even though I am no longer a resident of a part of the nation of Atlantis? It is our culture as much as theirs."

I smile.

"Try reading up on the Eastern Roman Empire some time."
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Plutonian (part 2)
12th April
13:02 GMT +3

"Ho, Arachneros! Did they throw you out?"

I turn at the sound of Zosime's voice, and raise my right hand in greeting as she marches down the street towards me.

"No, but since the whole point of coming here is to get King Orin and King Cyprian to come to understand one another's state of mind, I felt that my ongoing presence was at best a distraction."

She comes to a halt just before me, and I notice that her civilian clothing is cut to show off as much of her reflective skin as it can without passing beyond what Amazons consider 'polite' clothing.

"And at worst?"

"I'd appear to be a threat by one party to the other. And 'arachneros'? Really?"

She makes an amused snorting noise, raises her right fist with her index and middle fingers extended and then curves them.

"Okay, one, her genital slit isn't the right shape for that to do anything, two, she's got one on each side, so-"

I raise both fists, both index and middle fingers extended.

"-you'd want both hands or you'd leave half of her wanting-"

Zosime doubles over, wracked by silent hysteria.

"-and three, with the size difference it's really more-"

I clench my fists and punch with my right fist while drawing my left back. Then I punch with my left while withdrawing my right. Right forwards left back, left back right forward.

A small crowd is beginning to congregate, and those closest are giggling and whispering explanations to those further back.

"-like that. And anyway, I wouldn't want to claim the title based on a single encounter."

"Wha-? Whe-? When do you think you should g-g-get it?"

"When she invites me back having sent her attendants out of the room and having arranged for eggsitters and grubsitters to look after her offspring, and I walk in to find her pre-lubricated with decorative lace negligee covering her thorax."

Zosime is still silently guffawing, but now she moues and a faint moaning sound emerges as I lean closer.

"And now perhaps you've learned better than to try and embarrass a discordian."

"Yes. Learned."

I straighten up.

"Because let me tell you, our last meeting was purely professional. She's doing well, her branch of the Guild is doing well, and there are absolutely no drider babies."

Zosime pulls herself upright and makes an effort to compose herself.


"Like a centaur, but rather than having horse-parts-."

Her eyes widen, her mouth wobbles and she raises her right hand. "N-no, no, I can picture it."

"Of course, it's not like I'm the only one. When I visited, I found out that they-. I don't know if they were paying customers, or if it was a mutual interest thing, but there were several people more directly engaged than I was, and without my excuse."

She looks at me in disbelief.


"I mean, okay, sailors, but given that most of them had mixed sex crews they clearly had alternatives."

"Do the..? Male spiders look like..?

I generate a life size construct of a regular Guilder.

"Like that."

One of the women in the crowd takes a step closer, peering at it in clear distaste.

"With-? With that? Why would anyone knowingly do such a thing?"

"Really?" I gaze at her levelly. She returns my gaze, giving her head a small shake. "You've been on this island for three thousand years, and you've never even considered looking for a companion who isn't a human woman?"

A couple of women in the crowd look away, while I walk closer to the spider-sceptic and lay my right arm over her shoulder.

"Because if so, as a disciple of Eris, I feel obliged to help you out. We could start with a member of another humanoid species, or someone totally non-corporeal? Or how do you feel about automata?"

That gets a slightly larger portion of the crowd shuffling. Even I've heard the jokes about how popular 'demi-automata massage aids' have become, and I'm hardly ever here. I'm pretty sure that Philippus was blushing when she asked me about getting Themyscira's power grid set up.

I donated a bleed torsion generator to the cause.

The sceptic brushes my arm off.

"I'm perfectly happy with my wives, thank you. And-"

My ring blinks.

"-I am not-."

"I'm very sorry." I raise my ring so that it's more obvious. "I need to take this. Answer."

The Guilder construct is replaced by a full-sized image of Koriand'r, in traditional Tamaranean dress. That gets more than a few appreciative looks from the Themysciran women.

"Lantern Koriand'r, what can I do for you?"

She smiles at me.

"Illustres. I have… A situation which I think you would want me to bring to your attention."

"Okay, thank you for your consideration. What is-"

She looks at something slightly out of shot.


"I have been trying to improve relations between the Queen of the Spider Guild and the rest of Vega. It is.. difficult, but I will maintain the peace."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"But the Queen-."

Something, a small Guilder, jumps onto her shoulders and peers in the direction of the 'camera'.

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Plutonian (part 3)
12th April
13:07 GMT +3



"Are-? Are you alright?"

12th April
10:08 GMT

I appear in the Spider Guild's base, physical Koriand'r replacing construct Koriand'r.

"Lantern Koriand'r, could-."

The young Guilder jumps at me, and I gently catch… Her? In a construct bubble.

"Could you please explain this?"

The young Guilder waves all four of her forelimbs at me.

"Hello Daddy!"

"Rather urgently."

"The Spider Queen is an expert in biological engineering-."

"No. No. There is no way that human and Guilder genetics are similar enough to make hybridisation possible even if she somehow got a genetic sample from me, and I don't think that she ever got the opportunity."

"No, she-"

The young Guilder tries running up the side of the bubble, fails, then tumbles backwards to the bottom.


"-was created by the Queen. She designed the child's mind based on the lessons you wrote in the book you gave her. Her intent was to create someone who would instinctively make a good Orange Lantern."

"Okay, that's-"

I take a moment to get a better look at the young Guilder as she picks herself up. Now that I look, there are several divergences between her morphology and a typical Guilder. No hair, though that could just be an age thing. The hard edges of her carapace are smoother and more rounded, and rather than a dull yellow-brown she's a more appealing peach.

"-not too surprising." Considering what I did in the time that I was here, it makes perfect sense that she'd want someone to join us if that was at all possible. That wasn't why I gave her the book, but from her point of view creating a specialised strain makes more sense than teaching a non-specialised individual. "Why is she calling me 'Daddy'?"

The Guilder in question gets her feet back under her and stands facing me.

"Because I need to be the bestest Lantern ever and that means I need to learn from you!"

"Okay! Okay. Okay. Congratulations, you made about a hundred Themyscirans laugh harder than they have in over a thousand years."

She moves her pedipalps into a configuration which makes it look like she's smiling.


"However, I will warn you now that if I decide to offer you a ring-" And if I don't and Dox hears about this then he will. "-it will not be until you are physiologically mature."


Ring, updated internal map… Thank you.

"Lantern Koriand'r, can I assume that you brought this matter to my attention the moment you found out about it?"

She nods. "That is what I did."

"Thank you, that was the correct thing to do." She smiles. "I'm going to talk to the Queen now. You're free to remain, or attend to your other duties."

"I.. think that I would like to remain."

"Very well."

I rise off the floor of… Looks like a… Gymnasium? And head out into the main corridor, the young Guilder's bubble floating along-


-beside me. The facility has grown since my last visit, but they appear to be expanding their facilities on the surface rather than digging down further. That makes sense; they don't feel the need for kilometres of rock between them and a potential orbital bombardment. And it makes it easier for them to offer additional services to their customers.

I wonder if they've considered a space elevator? Or several? Moving large quantities of raw material into orbit costs a lot of energy if you're using teleporters. Though I.. suppose that they don't have a lot of the restrictions on energy generation techniques that I'm used to on Earth.

"Young lady, what-"

"Yes, Daddy?"

"-is-? Why are you calling me that?"

"Because you're the bestest-."

"Plenty of Lanterns think that I'm the best and want to learn from me without calling me 'Daddy'."

"You told Mummy what to put in me! There's no way Mummy would have made me if she hadn't met you."

"She might have made a Guilder like you who had completely resolute will instead."

"And then she could call Green Man 'Daddy' or Guy Gardner 'Daddy'. I think he'd be a good Daddy. But she wouldn't be me, and the first thing I want is to exist."

"Existing is generally a good place to start. Did the Queen mention that I can see other people's emotions?"

"It was in the book."

We fly over a group of Guilders, whose mandibles click nervously when they see me.


Her body droops.

"So you can see the real reasons why I want things."


"And I call you 'Daddy' to try and make you feel responsible so that you'll agree to teach me."

"Please remember that I don't like people lying to me."

"And the real reason why I'm this colour and why my face looks like this is so you'll find me cute!"

"That's an uphill struggle you've got there. Couldn't the Queen have altered your physiology more radically? There are plenty of humanoid species with pseudo-insectoid physiological traits."

"But that wouldn't help the rest of the Nest! If I don't look like a Spider they'll just say 'oh, some random humanoid did something good' and keep on thinking that the Spider Guild is evil!"

"The Spider Guild does eat people."

"Then I need to show them a new way of doing things, too!"

We reach the outer blast door leading to the Queen's chamber, and I land in front of the guard.

"I think you know why I'm here."

They cringe slightly.

"The Queen will see you at once."
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Plutonian (part 4)
12th April
10:14 GMT

The Queen's throne room looks a little different to how it was last time I was here. The computer equipment looks slightly more sophisticated, and the room is generally a bit more tidy… In a way which the Guilders I've spoken to said that they don't usually bother with. It definitely has a more sci-fi office tint. Amalak's influence, I wonder?


The young Guilder scrabbles at her bubble again as the Queen gives her her full attention. I place the bubble on the ground and dismiss it, prompting the girl to scuttle across the ground towards the Queen.


The Queen shifts position slightly, causing her midwifery team to hurriedly move in order to field her next egg. I scan it, but it appears to be a regular Guilder. The Queen then picks our her daughter up and bends to deposit her upon her thorax. She takes a moment to make sure that her miniature self has a grip on her carapace, then returns her attention to me and Koriand'r.

"Illustres. I assume that Lantern Koriand'r informed you of my daughter's existence."

"Yes. Aren't.. almost all of the female Guilders around here your daughters?"

"I am their surrogate. With most of them I have little to no genetic relationship. And similarly little social one, other than as their ruler. This one is based on my genetic template, and I am ensuring our long term social compatibility by spending time tutoring her, rather than dosing her with obedience hormones."

The small Guilder-.

"What's her name?"

"She doesn't have one yet. Informally, we call her 'Princess'."

"And not, I'm assuming, when representatives from other Nests are around."

"We have fallen far enough that they do not condescend to speak with us."

"That must be convenient."

"Yes, immensely. I think that some of the closer ones are waiting for us to beg for their aid. So long as they believe that we are being compelled at gunpoint they will not attempt to intervene on their own initiative, either to aid us or oppose us. Once we have paid off our treaty obligations, things will change. I am presently designing a puppet Hive Father type so that we will be able to resume diplomatic relations with our fellows at some point in the future. I will raise him myself as well."

"Good to know that you're thinking ahead, and investing in regional stability."

"Potential aggressors are monitoring us so closely that -perversely- they feel absolutely no need to raise arms against us. Once our treaty obligations are concluded, I may well permit the monitoring to remain in place. By that time Amalak's military forces should be potent enough to ensure that we will simply not need a substantial military to ensure our safety."

"That's surprisingly… Trusting."

"Amalak strikes me as rational in most areas. If I continue to make it clear in word and deed that we are not threats to him, it is almost certain that he will not attack us just because."

I nod. Good to hear. And… In the very long term, this is a potential avenue for reforming the entire Spider Guild.

"Why did Princess address me as 'Daddy'?"

The Queen reaches back with one arm, and Princess rubs herself against it.

"A great deal of what I have relayed to her concerns you and your outlook. Since she does not have a biological father in the conventional sense, you are the closest to a male role model that she has. Spider Guilders do generally form monogamous pairs for the purpose of raising their young… Perhaps she felt the lack."

I look inside her and let my ring's body language analysis systems dissect every part of her behaviour in search of deception. It's a little difficult. I can see desires and things people have strained to work towards regardless of their desires, but I can't see things they just did without any strong feeling at all. I suspect that the Queen knows why Princess did it, but as far as I can tell she wasn't specifically tutored-.

I half-turn.

"Lantern Koriand'r, exactly how much information on Earth culture have you shared with the-? With anyone?"

Because while I obviously didn't specifically mention that either 'Superboy' or 'Superman' were kryptonian in my book, that information obviously exists on the ring-based records Koriand'r and Komand'r both hold. I don't want Amalak knowing about our kryptonian residents until I'm ready for it.

Koriand'r doesn't appear to know what I'm getting at.

"Some information on your cultural practices." She smiles. "I have made a study of Earth's computer games ever since you told us that you were making one about Vega. I am greatly enjoying Harvest Moon."

Fortunately, Vega doesn't recognise Earth copyright law.

"Koriand'r, while you're welcome to review the entire database yourself, I would rather that you hesitate before sharing its content with anyone else. I'm already dealing with.. one interstellar mercantile company which our political structures are struggling to cope with. I'd rather not add to that for a decade or so."

The Queen leans forward slightly. "We don't have spare ships to send to your home. And even if we did, it would take them a considerable time to get there. Such distances may be small to Lanterns, but to our ships they are more substantial."

Koriand'r nods.

"Adam Blake has not hesitated to tell us about human culture. Tamaran knew the location of Sol in the sky long before your arrival."

"Oh, I trust Tamaran near absolutely. It's the people who could get that information from you that I'm less inclined to trust." I lock eyes with Princess. "Like the young Guilder who decides to use what she knows about our social structures to manipulate me into taking her on as my apprentice. I did not appreciate that."

The Queen takes a firm grip on Princess, picks her up and lifts her out in front of her.

"Princess. The Illustres is not your Daddy. You know full well that you are only related to me."

"Yes, Mummy. Sorry, Illustres."

"Remember this, Princess. You must consider how your desires interact with the desires of others. You wanted to spend time with me and you took what you thought was the route most likely to make it happen. You failed to consider my likely response to that, despite knowing about human family structures and my own interpersonal relationships."

"But… You were angry that Kal-El didn't spend any time with Kon-El."

Koriand'r shared that bit. Marvellous.

"Kon-El didn't have a parent or caregiver. You do. I came here immediately to say this to your face where Kal-El simply avoided Kon-El."

She nods jerkily, and I move my attention back to the Queen.

"Alright, one awkward situation dealt with. Is there anything you need from me, or is everything working here?"

"Between our own resources and those of our partners, we are meeting our needs."

"Glad to hear it. Koriand'r, are you available for detached duty?"

"Yes. Why, is Earth-" She smiles excitedly, her environmental shield brightening slightly. "-in need of my aid?"

"It usually needs something, but I think that having at least one Tamaranean with direct experience might be helpful. If you can spare a few days, I'll escort you there myself."
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Plutonian (supplementary, Renegade option)
12th April
04:14 GMT -6

"…not sufficient?"

Luna snorts, then realises that her forehooves are on the table between us. She blinks, then breathes in and out before sitting back down in her seat.

"Your pardon."

"No, no, you raise an interesting point that.. speaks right to my pseudo-cutie mark."

She smiles in amusement. "We suppose that you are not aware that in Equestrian society, speaking of one's own special talent to one who does not share it marks one as a frightful bore. But… We suppose that you have been so courteous as to listen to Us pontificate 'pon Our minor vexations. Pray, bore Us."

"If I can't make my own specialist subject sound interesting, then burn my mark off with acid and brand me with a bore-mark!"

"That punishment was once practised in Dream Valley. But wouldst your flesh not merely grow back?"

I frown in mock indignation. "What, you think I'm stupid? Of course it would! You think I'd volunteer to get maimed?"

"We suppose not. So then, oh potent pontificator of perfect pony presence and power politics, lecture Us the lessons that Our learn'ed tutors neglected."

"I think it comes down to legitimacy, really. What is it in pony society that says 'this pony is someone I should listen to'?" I incline my head slightly. "Well?"

"Our sister is this land's figure of authority and reverence, having ruled unchallenged this past millennium."

"And what's unique about Celestia? She's physically large and powerful, magically immensely powerful, old and wise, and -perhaps most importantly- she's been doing the job for so long that no one can imagine anyone else doing it."

"So either We are doomed, or We should wear platform hoofshoes."

"Luna… Let me tell you the tale of Stanley the Tool. Stanley was a soldier, raised to the rank of Warlord for his good service to his king, and he lived in a land where the word of a nation's monarch was absolute. A noble might rule a city, but their position was not held in virtue of their lineage but on the whim of their overlord. At any moment they could be recalled to the capital, transferred to another city… Or simply killed with a single spoken sentence. The monarchs of that land held that the Titans who created their world had endowed monarchs with rights and powers over all of those they ruled, and that to question that system was the highest heresy."

"And in this land, there were great tools left behind by the Titans from when they made the world. In a world with many magic artefacts of limited utility and power, these tools not only outstripped them all in power but had such a strange appearance that they were clearly not beholden to the same rules as the rest of the world. And one day, Stanley stumbled upon one of these tools. Moreover, he attuned himself to it, gaining the ability to draw upon its greatest power. Thus began his rise, from Warlord to Chief Warlord, eventually gaining such renown that his monarch anointed him his heir in spite of his lowly origin."

"And then his monarch died, and Stanley became king. And then he committed heresy. Because it seemed to him that if authority -ultimately- came from the approval of the Titans… Then surely the greatest sign of their approval was not the happenstance of one's birth, but whether one was considered worthy by them to bear the very tools with which they created the world."

"Naturally, none of his neighbours -all monarchs, none attuned to one of the Titans' tools- agreed with him, and the result was a rather large war."

Luna nods. "And his arrogance at believing himself uniquely empowered was his undoing, thus proving him wrong?"

"It was more of a bloody draw, but that's not really the point. Stanley the Tool undermined the mandate of all of the monarchs he went on to fight. Their pride could not let him stand, so all manner of old enemies rallied together and against him. So where does legitimacy come from in Equestria?"

"Our Sister, who has ruled for a millennium."

"Does she appoint every political figure in the country? Is university level education available to everyone with the intellectual capacity to benefit from it?"

"No, and.. no. Those with hereditary peerages hold a majority of offices, those with wealth most of the rest. At least, outside of small villages."

"Princess Celestia could drop into any of those places and be obeyed, but in practice, the ponies there are mostly following others."

"We suppose that is true. We are not certain that we see the similarity to this 'Stanley the Tool'."

"For most of the last thousand years there has been one alicorn. Now there are five, and Sunset is openly auditioning for the sixth. And then there are the non-alicorn former bearers of the Elements of Harmony, whose great deeds have kept this country… The world, safe from monstrous evils. Of the five of them, none come from armigerous families, but all were judged and found worthy by embodiments of the virtues which -in theory- all Equestrians revere."

"And then we have the hereditary nobility. In feudal states, they might have the loyalty of their tenants. But as you pointed out, all ponies regard Celestia as the highest authority. They are educated and wealthy, but whatever deeds caused their forebears to be ennobled… Each time Equestria has been tested recently, their efforts have been conspicuous by their absence. So if tomorrow the bearerherd went through Sunset's process and Celestia created them duchesses and awarded them lands… Or did so anyway…"

She nods slowly.

"What little natural authority they still possess would be gone."

"One alicorn cannot rule a country of any size. How many ponies would have to ascend before non-alicorns are no longer required in top-level government roles? Individuals of great ability and virtue… And they're ageless, so this isn't a case of a new noble family being created and their descendants just become part of the ruling class. They can keep doing the job until they don't want to any more and… Well, Celestia's still going after a thousand years."

"You believe that they are reacting against me… Because they fear that their time as this nation's elite is coming to an end."

"Mi Amore Cadenza was a peasant who was elevated by magic. She knew nothing about governance and yet Celestia effectively made her Crown Princess, then gave her a city to run. Was Blueblood in the frame for that?"

"Neigh, he was not."

"Me, I'd have sent someone with experience as a big city mayor. But Celestia sent a guard captain and the other alicorn, and no one questioned it." I shake my head. "Equestria's elite have no reason to ease your path. You're a threat they can't deal with."

She sits back on her haunches, looking thoughtful.

"Then what would you suggest?"

"There are two basic paths. Firstly, ingratiate yourself. Probably marry someone from a notable family. Fit in. Be part of the herd and work through existing power structures. Alternatively-."

"Simply plough through them. We are reasonably confident that We know which option you favour."

"Naturally. You're mine."

"We are uncertain how we feel about being described as property."

"Luna…" I look away for a moment. "I genuinely can't tell if… You're not interested in me, if I'm coming on too strong… You can tell me. I won't be offended."

"No, that-. We admit to being somewhat out of practice with such matters. You do not appreciate your mares playing 'hard to get'?"

I lean across the table.

"No, it's confusing and annoying. I'm huge and powerful and in personal matters I'm worried that I might simply be intimidating people into going along with what I want. You not telling me what you want and giving mixed signals -especially when I'm trying to be as direct and plain as possible- is a recipe of misunderstanding and frustration. I'm happy going fast and I'm happy going slow but I need to know that you actually want to go."

"Ah. Then We will be plain too. You are courteous and passionate, and have about you a kindness at odds with your occasionally brusque manner. We are most certainly interested, but perhaps in such matters actions are of more import than words."

She leans across the table and kisses me.
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Plutonian (part 5)
12th April
10:23 GMT

"…outside Vega much?"

"No." Koriand'r looks around as we head for open space, carefully noting the position of the Spider Guild's tugs, Amalak's patrol ships and the less orderly vessels of the Jarko-affiliated pirates. "Since the risk from the psions and the gordanians was so great, I wanted to remain close enough to stop them immediately."

I nod approvingly. "Very responsible."

I take a moment to look around myself, not at the ships but at the desires of the crew. Not a full analysis, but detailed enough to pick up anything immediately dangerous. No… No, they all seem happy enough. A few of Jarko's people aren't entirely reassured by their hosts' good behaviour, and they're only here because Jarko got annoyed and threatened to trade their slots away. But they're hunkering down, rather than being actively problematic.

"And of course there is a great deal of work to do on Tamaran and Emana."

I slow to a stop.

"You understand that my invitation to Earth is just an invitation. If you believe that you are needed here, you are at liberty to remain here."

"I understand, but-" She smiles at me. "-I want to go with you. I want to see your homeworld. And there is a problem in my training that I hope time away will give me a new perspective on."

"Is it something you want to talk about? Keeping Orange Lanterns on an even keel is my job."

"I will, but not yet."

Odd. Tamaranean culture usually encourages openness and honesty about personal strife. Oh, I suppose she spent a lot of her childhood on Okaara. Their attitudes are rather different.

"As you wish, but I'm here whenever you want to talk. See you on Earth."

Space around me warps, orange light shading the stars as they fly past-.

I stop in the middle of interstellar space.

Ring, where's Koriand'r?

The ring pings a location some distance behind me. Ugh, of course.

Space warps again as I fly back towards her, stop and turn around, this time ensuring that I'm only warping space to the same degree that she does.

"Sorry. I don't actually work with other Orange Lanterns all that much."

"You are very fast."

"It's why I want to help clear your mind. But perhaps if I..?"

She stops her own space warping and I carry her along in mine.

"My strength is a product of the clarity of my desires. I might not know how best to achieve my aims but I always know what I want and why."

"Do you think that every Orange Lantern should try to become stronger?"

"I believe that every Orange Lantern should engage in self-reflection. Larfleeze was strong -far stronger than me- because he could obsess about everything. He could want whatever was in front of him with insane voracity. But he achieved little, even on the world where he spent millennia. So I try to encourage that self-reflection rather than obsessive focus at the expense of rationality. Of course, that doesn't-"

We exit the warp a moderate distance away from Earth. The planet is clearly visible, as is the moon and the Clustership.

"-mean that every Orange Lantern who manages that is exactly my type."

"There is another Orange Lantern here?"

"Lantern Khan. Whom Clarissi Dox deployed, allegedly to help me."

My ring starts blinking, and I try to pretend that it isn't.

.-.. --- .-. -.. .- -. -.. -- .- -. --. .-

It's not like I don't know what it's saying.

"Forgive me if I'm coming off as self-pitying. I'm fully aware that Tamaran would have loved to be able to call upon Lantern aid as easily as I did for.. so many years. The ClusterCorp's presence just represents a social challenge that my world isn't.. quite ready for."

"Adam explained it to me, but I don't think that I understood."

"It's what we native English-speakers call a 'first world problem'. But I'll explain on Themyscira. I probably need to give my countrywomen oxygen by now."

I transition around and down-

12th April
13:26 GMT +3

-into the same street in Themyscira-.

"Oh, don't you people have-"



"H-ow-? Is your daughter? And-. And her mothahahahaha!"

"The Queen's fine, Princess is a manipulative little wretch who will not be referring to me as being her father in any sense again because I'm not her father."

Zosime's keeping it together, but it's clearly a close-run thing.

"Was she..? Seeing other men… Without your knowledge?"

"She doesn't need men to reproduce."

"Just for her pleasure?"

That came from the crowd.

"I haven't asked, I don't want to know."

Though… All those scans I have of her physiology.. tend to indicate that she can't 'interface' with other Guilders, and there aren't males of her particular morphology because she was supposed to be a living incubator. I-.

Koriand'r appears in a flash of orange, and immediately the women of Themsycira have something better to look at than the deadbeat male sexual deviant.

Zosime elbows me as the two parties regard one another.

"Did you pick up the wrong one?"

Koriand'r smiles warmly as the crowd.

"Hello everyone! I am Princess-Lantern Koriand'r of Tamaran, and I am delighted to be here! Please, show me your world!"

"Okay, I'm-"

The crowd flows past me to mob her.

"-heading back to-."

Zosime pats me on the shoulder.

"No one's listening, Pavlos."

"Yes, and that's an improvement. I'm going back to the talks. Please make sure that no one hassles her too much."
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