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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That's not how the burden of proof works. If power rings are incapable of matter alteration, than it simply will never come up: It won't be specifically denied in the story. There are fare too many abilities that are never denied that you don't assume the ring gives.

For example: can the ring let someone teleport into the real world and talk to the author? No? Well, it's never specifically said to be incapable of it, so it must be.

Obviously, that's going a bit far, but the point still stands that the burden of proof is on showing that there's something that proves they CAN perform matter alteration, not that they can't, and simply saying that it can do stronger things doesn't necessarily mean everything below that is thus possible (for example, telepathy: telepathy is lower-tier than time travel, but you still need proof the ring could perform telepathy before saying it's canon it can do that).

For the record, I don't know whether the ring can or can't do that, I'm just pointing out the fallacy of trying to shift the burden of proof to "well, can you prove that ISN'T the case?"

What is this all about? If rings can transmute matter? They explicitly can in this fic and has been done in several episodes... What are you guys even arguing about?

Edit: If I am missing the context then it has to be a chain argument with Vaermina, the rings have transmuted matter several times and are only limited by energy requirements and cost. We have had episodes in with EXPLICITLY normal air is transmuted to knockout gas, this is NOT in dispute, nor it requires exhaustive DC canon sources, its been done to hell and back in the canon of this fic thus the capability is NOT in question.
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I am sure you can provide an example of someone without magic powers healing with a non-blue power ring then.

Here's two examples of Hal Jordan using his ring for healing:


The constructs fade. Tula jerks away from me before steadying herself. Garth swims in a arc around me to float alongside her, watching me warily.
Found an error in the story only thread. Should be "in an arc".

When Sandy is found, I really hope he can become a future member of the Team. This is of course after he receives physical and psychological therapy, as well as time to adjust to the things that have changed while he was trapped.
A Week in the Life of (part 15)
15th April
06:58 GMT -5

The people of New York are reasonably well-accustomed to superheroic comings and goings. And while the Justice Society's old headquarters has been a museum for decades, it isn't open at this hour of the morning and so our arrival doesn't arouse much in the way of attention.

Jay puts his key in the lock and opens the outer door.

"I haven't been back here in a while."

Naturally enough, Wallace would have preferred to go with his grandmentor, but we all kind of need him to study the alchemical records we've gotten hold of so far. Diana's going to talk to Dian Dodds' grandnephew, who apparently is now the owner of what there is of the couple's stuff that wasn't donated to the museum. Including their house, which is one of the locations where they might have stashed Hawkins. Which is going to be very strange for the owner if she actually finds Sandy there.

Other members of our team are making contact with old All-Star Squadron and JSA-era contacts and allies and looking into property owned by the Dodds family, directly or indirectly. The best place to stash someone like this would be a dramatically expanded basement under an old property held by a zombie trust. I did look for things like that early on, but after the three hundredth empty abandoned shack I stopped trying to locate all buildings like that in the US. Too much time, too little reward.

Angelika looks around some of the exhibits in the entry hall with interest.

"We have something similar in my Berlin."

Jay doesn't appear to be taking news of 'his' death quite as phlegmatically as Alan did.

"Trophies, you mean? Or do you have mementos from Nazi supersoldiers?"

"Oh, both. But most of the pieces from the All-Star Squadron are recreations. Your deaths were usually violent enough that they did not leave bodies behind."

Jay walks a little faster, and I give Angelika a glare.


"Is it not something to be proud of? That they fought so hard and for so long? I.. did not think that having pride in indefatigable will was a specifically National Socialist trait. I wasn't-." She turns to look at Jay. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you."

"No, I… Know. I suppose I should just be glad that I didn't get mind controlled by the Spear of Destiny."

Angelika shakes her head. "I still cannot believe that such a thing actually worked. The-. Our Adolf Hitler threw out such superstitious people after Overman arrived on Earth. He wanted nothing to do with them."

"Just because it sounds nonsensical, that doesn't mean it's not true. Case in point: all of us."

"Alright, I may as well ask: how did I die?"

"In America, in nineteen fifty. Originally, we thought that you died when Green Lantern did: during the invasion of Britain. But we did genetic tests on the body years later and confirmed that it was Jonathan Chambers and not you. There simply stop being confirmed reports of you appearing after nineteen forty seven, and after it was confirmed that it was Chambers that had died we had no idea where you were. Even after the Conquest of America it took some time before we found out what happened to you."

"So? What was it?"

"We were never certain, but… Artillery based on kryptonian technology had.. devastated the Soviet Union. Fast as you are, it would have been easy for you to have been caught in a bombardment. You were found in a hospital. You killed two of the soldiers sent to apprehend you, but you could no longer move well enough to get away."

"I guess that makes sense. A man would have to be faster than me to dodge all of the shrapnel from a heavy bombardment." He leads us through the public section of the museum towards the storage vaults. "Did anyone I know make it?"

"American supersoldiers were killed after the Conquest. When they were found. By the seventies there were none left alive."

"Of course there weren't." The vault requires another key, and code entered onto a keypad -Jay hesitates for several seconds as he tries to remember it- and a palm scan. "Did that include your version of Sandy?"

"I… Don't remember. A lot of the bright costumes blur together after a while. If he didn't have any innate powers he probably wasn't considered important enough to record in detail."

The door clanks open and we enter… What is essentially a medium sized basement warehouse with desks for the hardcore researchers. Most of the material here has been gone over dozens of times, though I suspect that the only person to do that recently is-


-me… And Nylor Truggs, apparently. Because of course he'd come here. Not recent, and I can't detect any booby traps or anything like that. I wonder how he feels about golden age superheroes? They weren't responsible for the Earth's defeat in his future. And given that he never went after Jay for not sharing the speed formula I can only assume that he isn't directing his vengefulness in that direction.

"Wesley's stuff is over that way." He points along one of the rows and up several shelves. Angelika nods and flies upwards to get it while Jay heads over to a weapon safe. "I'll pick up a couple of his gas canisters for Kid Flash."

This is where I came to take a look at them, with Alan vouching for me with the trust that runs the place. I asked about the risk of keeping the perfect knockout gas here, and they pointed out that all of Sandman's old enemies are long dead and that frankly if it came to it they'd rather have a thief use knockout gas on people than a regular gun that they could buy in any town or city in the US.

"Overgirl, you don't remember anything about a monster made of sand? Or earth?"

I generate a construct pallet and she begins loading it with boxes.

"Yes, there were several such creatures during the Pacification of Africa. I.. think that there were a few during the Conquest of America, but I don't remember the reports well enough to be of use. Minor supersoldier fights from the forties weren't required reading. Except for their biological relatives."

Jay picks up the box containing one of Sandman's guns and several vials of compressed gas.

"Biological-?" His face twists in distaste. "I can't believe that-. That any of their kids… Okay, maybe Miya would have had her reasons-."

"No. I don't think that any of them betrayed their country. We used tissue samples -usually bone- to create clones or.. biological children. Particularly when we could not recreate augmentation formulae such as yours. Blitzen is your doppelgänger's biological daughter."

I catch the box before it hits the floor.


Jay rests his hands on the safe and takes a moment to regain his equilibrium. He closes his eyes, regulates his breathing… No, no, he's not dying just yet. Jay and his wife were never able to have children and after… Their adopted son died of pneumonia, they decided to not worry about it anymore. Barry Allen is pretty much the son he never had, and Jay and Joan have become his parent-substitutes. But learning that he effectively has a Nazi daughter…

"Overgirl, I think we've probably learned enough about your home parallel for the day."

"Ah-?" She looks at Jay, then nods. "Yes. Of.. course."


"I'm fine. Just a bit of a… Surprised." He shuts the safe and turns around. "Do we have everything?"


"Then let's get back to base so that the rest of the team can look this stuff over."
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Even after the Conquest of America it took some time before we found out what happened to you."

"So? What was it?"

"Not quite, but the injuries you took… Artillery based on kryptonian technology had.. devastated the Soviet Union.
This part of the conversation seems a little disjointed.
15th April
06:58 GMT -5

The people of New York are reasonably well-accustomed to superheroic comings and goings. And while the Justice Society's old headquarters has been a museum for decades, it isn't open at this hour of the morning and so our arrival doesn't arouse much in the way of attention.
Presumably, it's not a particular target of villians. There wouldn't be anything particularly useful to loot, and with no team in residence, why attack it?

Jay puts his key in the lock and opens the outer door.

"I haven't been back here in a while."
Not in the mind to dwell on departed friends, huh? Kind of maudlin when you consider it.

Naturally enough, Wallace would have preferred to go with his grandmentor, but we all kind of need him to study the alchemical records we've gotten hold of so far. Diana's going to talk to Dian Dodds' grandnephew, who apparently is now the owner of what there is of the couple's stuff that wasn't donated to the museum. Including their house, which is one of the locations where they might have stashed Hawkins. Which is going to be very strange for the owner if she actually finds Sandy there.
That would be quite the 'oh my god' moment, I bet. But unlikely.

Other members of our team are making contact with old All-Star Squadron and JSA-era contacts and allies and looking into property owned by the Dodds family, directly or indirectly. The best place to stash someone like this would be a dramatically expanded basement under an old property held by a zombie trust. I did look for things like that early on, but after the three hundredth empty abandoned shack I stopped trying to locate all building like that in the US. Too much time, too little reward.
Which is ironic, since if I remember right, Sandy actually was stashed in such a place... But hey, Orange Light. Can't make him do something he doesn't want to.

Angelika looks around some of the exhibits in the entry hall with interest.

"We have something similar in my Berlin."
Monuments to worthy foes? A place to remember those who once challenged the state?

Jay doesn't appear to be taking news of 'his' death quite as phlegmatically as Alan did.

"Trophies, you mean? Or do you have mementos from Nazi supersoldiers?"
Yeah, that'd be more likely. I can picture whole wings to particular heroes of the state, with displays of notable foes they defeated...

"Oh, both. But most of the pieces from the All-Star Squadron are recreations. Your deaths were usually violent enough that they did not leave bodies behind."

Jay walks a little faster, and I give Angelika a glare.
Yeah, he's not happy about hearing this shit, I see.


"Is it not something to be proud of? That they fought so hard and for so long? I.. did not think that having pride in indefatigable will was a specifically National Socialist trait. I wasn't-." She turns to look at Jay. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you."

"No, I… Know. I suppose I should just be glad that I didn't get mind controlled by the Spear of Destiny."
She's still blundering into things like that? I suppose it's a part of her charm.

Angelika shakes her head. "I still cannot believe that such a thing actually worked. The-. Our Adolf Hitler threw out such superstitious people after Overman arrived on Earth. He wanted nothing to do with them."

"Just because it sounds nonsensical, that doesn't mean it's not true. Case in point: all of us."
So their Fuhrer focused on definite gains from Kryptonian science, instead of the psuedo-science of people like the Kreigers? I suppose it makes sense. The Nazis were always pushing the technological envelope even in our world. Not always successfully, but they tried.

"Alright, I may as well ask: how did I die?"

"In America, in nineteen fifty. Originally, we thought that you died when Green Lantern did: during the invasion of Britain. But we did genetic tests on the body years later and confirmed that it was Jonathan Chambers and not you. There simply stop being confirmed reports of you appearing after nineteen forty seven, and after it was confirmed that it was Chambers had died we had no idea where you were. Even after the Conquest of America it took some time before we found out what happened to you."
For those wondering, that's Johnny Quick, a speedster who gained superspeed via a mathematical formula-cum-mantra (probably actually a magical effect.) Easy to imagine one speedster being confused for another in combat.

"So? What was it?"

"Not quite, but the injuries you took… Artillery based on kryptonian technology had.. devastated the Soviet Union. Fast as you are, it would have been easy for you to have been caught in a bombardment. You were found in a hospital. You killed two of the soldiers sent to apprehend you, but you could no longer move well enough to get away."
Ouch. That does not sound pleasant. I bet the increased range of the kryptonian weaponry allowed them to avoid having to overextend their supply lines, one of the perils of invading Russia from the west.

"I guess that makes sense. A man would have to be faster than me to dodge all of the shrapnel from a heavy bombardment." He leads us through the public section of the museum towards the storage vaults. "Did anyone I know make it?"

"American supersoldiers were killed after the Conquest. When they were found. By the seventies there were none left alive."
So no Freedom Fighters team in their universe. Or they were the last hold-outs. I wonder what their Uncle Sam looks like these days...

"Of course there weren't." The vault requires another key, and code entered onto a keypad -Jay hesitates for several seconds as he tries to remember it- and a palm scan. "Did that include your version of Sandy?"

"I… Don't remember. A lot of the bright costumes blur together after a while. If he didn't have any innate powers he probably wasn't considered important enough to record in detail."
And if he wasn't a sand monster by then, he would have been a kid in long underwear, maybe using a gun. Nothing memorable.

The door clanks open and we enter… What is essentially a medium sized basement warehouse with desks for the hardcore researchers. Most of the material here has been gone over dozens of times, though I suspect that the only person to do that recently is-

Uh-oh. Who is it?

-me… And Nylor Truggs, apparently. Because of course he'd come here. Not recent, and I can't detect any booby traps or anything like that. I wonder how he feels about golden age superheroes? They weren't responsible for the Earth's defeat in his future. And given that he never went after Jay for not sharing the speed formula I can only assume that he isn't directing his vengefulness in that direction.
Ah. Because of course he was here at some point. Surprised he never bothered with them. Maybe he didn't know or care about them, or assumed they'd all be dead by now.

"Wesley's stuff is over that way." He points along one of the rows and up several shelves. Angelika nods and flies upwards to get it while Jay heads over to a weapon safe. "I'll pick up a couple of his gas canisters for Kid Flash."

This is where I came to take a look at them, with Alan vouching for me with the trust that runs the place. I asked about the risk of keeping the perfect knockout gas here, and they pointed out that all of Sandman's old enemies are long dead and that frankly if it came to it they'd rather have a thief use knockout gas on people than a regular gun that they could buy in any town or city in the US.
Indeed. I'm impressed it's remained viable this long. Don't most chemicals eventually lose strength over time? Or does it's alchemical nature make it non-degradable?

"Overgirl, you don't remember anything about a monster made of sand? Or earth?"

I generate a construct pallet and she begins loading it with boxes.

"Yes, there were several such creatures during the Pacification of Africa. I.. think that there were a few during the Conquest of America, but I don't remember the reports well enough to be of use. Minor supersoldier fights from the forties weren't required reading. Except for their biological relatives."
I expect that was Doctor Mist's work, if not another local mage. He probably wouldn't take kindly to the Nazi's encroaching on his turf.

Jay picks up the box containing one of Sandman's guns and several vials of compressed gas.

"Biological-?" His face twists in distaste. "I can't believe that-. That any of their kids… Okay, maybe Miya would have had her reasons-."
Remember, different history. If they were even born, there's nothing to say they didn't have different beliefs.

"No. I don't think that any of them betrayed their country. We used tissue samples -usually bone- to create clones or.. biological children. Particularly when we could not recreate augmentation formulae such as yours. Blitzen is your doppelgänger's biological daughter."

I catch the box before it hits the floor.

Yeah, that's quite the bomb to drop on someone. He's not going to have any trouble from that shock, I hope...

Jay rests his hands on the safe and takes a moment to regain his equilibrium. He closes his eyes, regulates his breathing… No, no, he's not dying just yet. Jay and his wife were never able to have children and after… Their adopted son died of pneumonia, they decided to not worry about it anymore. Barry Allen is pretty much the son he never had, and Jay and Joan have become his parent-substitutes. But learning that he effectively has a Nazi daughter…
Even if it's an alternate universe, and the only relation is genetic. People just aren't logical that way.

"Overgirl, I think we've probably learned enough about your home parallel for the day."

"Ah-?" She looks at Jay, then nods. "Yes. Of.. course."
Yeah, let's not bother the ninety-year-old man with more stories of a world where he and his lost the War.


"I'm fine. Just a bit of a… Surprised." He shuts the safe and turns around. "Do we have everything?"
Hope he's not going to dwell on it. That's not going to make his life any easier.


"Then let's get back to base so that the rest of the team can look this stuff over."
I'm guessing they'll be looking for some kind of sympathetic link. Something to track Sandy's aura through.

Boy, that was a bit dark. I mean, would you particularly want to hear about another universe, where you die young? At least Angelika seems a little remorseful about it all. Even if she wasn't around for it all, she's probably feeling more than a little responsible, as the only representative of her people around...
So no Freedom Fighters team in their universe. Or they were the last hold-outs. I wonder what their Uncle Sam looks like these days...

I think that they may still exist in that universe and are a resistance movement against the Nazis.

They also tend to commit terrorist actions.

I expect that was Doctor Mist's work, if not another local mage. He probably wouldn't take kindly to the Nazi's encroaching on his turf.

Probably another mage.

Mist doesn't like to get involved unless it's magic related.

Seeing as the Nazis mostly abandoned magic during their conquests he may not have felt the desire to interfere.

I also think Zoat mentioned that he's keeping his head down in that Earth.
I'm surprised Flash is so affected. Has he never travelled to other worlds?

I mean, sure. Having a Nazi version of yourself or a relative would be upsetting.

But compared to some of the crazier stuff the League has gotten up to. Even just the stuff Paul was involed with thus far it's actually pretty tame.
Was there any mention of what happened to that reporter lady with the magic coin that helped capture OL or even Brainiac 5 and his bunch? They weren't present when we next saw Time Trapper.

I think they went back to their time and she joined them as a member.

I'm surprised Flash is so affected. Has he never travelled to other worlds?

I mean, sure. Having a Nazi version of yourself or a relative would be upsetting.

But compared to some of the crazier stuff the League has gotten up to. Even just the stuff Paul was involed with thus far it's actually pretty tame.

I don't think he did.

They may not have faced some of the crazier stuff they did in the comics.

He's also not the League Flash, but the original one, so he probably didn't face all the stuff Paul did, aside from that time he was possessed by a demon.
I'm surprised Flash is so affected. Has he never travelled to other worlds?

I mean, sure. Having a Nazi version of yourself or a relative would be upsetting.

But compared to some of the crazier stuff the League has gotten up to. Even just the stuff Paul was involed with thus far it's actually pretty tame.
I know right? It's the multiverse, the possibilities are quite literally endless. Maybe it just hit close to home for him since he wasn't able to have a child.
Here's two examples of Hal Jordan using his ring for healing:


Good finds.

But neither of those are healing, the first is Hal flooding Batman with green light to energize him. (Basically charging him up with willpower like the energizer bunny.) The second is him holding stuff together with his ring ala a construct bandage.
Good finds.

But neither of those are healing, the first is Hal flooding Batman with green light to energize him. (Basically charging him up with willpower like the energizer bunny.) The second is him holding stuff together with his ring ala a construct bandage.

Wow, you really will come up with the most pathetic excuses to justify your statements, no matter how pathetic your arguments are.

The first had Hal use his ring to heal Bruce of the chemicals. He may have energized him, but he did use that to heal him.

Paul also has his ring fill people with orange light so he can heal them.

The second had him patching himself up I. E. healing himself with his ring, not just holding it in a bandage.

Both are examples of healing

Also I will repeat this once again.

Zoat can just decide to make the rings in Earth 16 do all these things, even if it supposedly goes against whatever source you're using.

He can use whatever source he likes, since there're practically a dozen different sources nowadays, many of which contradict each other.

He can add different things from different sources, or make up some abilities the rings have.

This doesn't go against Earth 16 power rings canon, since there practically isn't any canon on them.

He's already made it so that some of the things that happen in his story go against comic canon, but not against YJ canon.

I'm the comics Blackfire betrayed her people. Here she didn't.

In the comics the Psion females were the good members of their species. Here the Psions may not even have females and their entire species is evil, not just males.

In the comics Superman has been portrayed as being able to sneeze planets away. Here he can't do that.

All of these things go against what is shown in the comics, but not against what was shown in YJ.
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Huh, I was just reading a couple questions asked to Greg Weisman, and apperantly the Green Lantern Corps in Universe 16 only covers most of the galaxy, not the entire universe.

That came really as a surprise.
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Wow, you really will come up with the most pathetic excuses to justify your statements, no matter how pathetic your arguments are.

The first had Hal use his ring to heal Bruce of the chemicals. He may have energized him, but he did use that to heal him.

Paul also has his ring fill people with orange light so he can heal them.

The second had him patching himself up I. E. healing himself with his ring, not just holding it in a bandage.

Both are examples of healing

Also I will repeat this once again.

Zoat can just decide to make the rings in Earth 16 do all these things, even if it supposedly goes against whatever source you're using.

He can use whatever source he likes, since there're practically a dozen different sources nowadays, many of which contradict each other.

He can add different things from different sources, or make up some abilities the rings have.

This doesn't go against Earth 16 power rings canon, since there practically isn't any canon on them.

He's already made it so that some of the things that happen in his story go against comic canon, but not against YJ canon.

I'm the comics Blackfire betrayed her people. Here she didn't.

In the comics the Psion females were the good members of their species. Here the Psions may not even have females and their entire species is evil, not just males.

In the comics Superman has been portrayed as being able to sneeze planets away. Here he can't do that.

All of these things go against what is shown in the comics, but not against what was shown in YJ.

Once again DC Canon isn't needed, if the argument has now shifted to green rings being unable to heal people (as the transmutation argument bit was utter bullshit because it has been done to death in several episodes of this fic) then that has also been mentioned to have happened. It's mentioned in the fic that Guy EXPLICITLY made his own version of Pauls auto heal command "Rightness wholly assumed" or whatever its called... So Green rings can heal damage, it's just harder than orange, blue or indigo. In the same way healing with Red is also very difficult.
Imagine a version of Nazi Earth where they had not just Overman and that reverse-engineered Kryptionian tech, but they also had magic stuff like the Spear of Destiny.

Hitler: Overman is pretty great, but there's no reason we can't cover all our bases.

But I guess in such a world a reform minded Overgirl would instantly have her desire for reform blasted out of her mind the moment she set foot on German soil.
Once again DC Canon isn't needed, if the argument has now shifted to green rings being unable to heal people (as the transmutation argument bit was utter bullshit because it has been done to death in several episodes of this fic) then that has also been mentioned to have happened. It's mentioned in the fic that Guy EXPLICITLY made his own version of Pauls auto heal command "Rightness wholly assumed" or whatever its called... So Green rings can heal damage, it's just harder than orange, blue or indigo. In the same way healing with Red is also very difficult.

Vaermina was badmouthing Zoat because what he wrote apparently went against their version of comic canon.

Yes we've seen the rings in this story do all those things, but according to Vaermina what they are doing should not be possible, because it wasn't shown in the comics.

My argument with Vaermina was trying to show that the rings were used in the comics for the things they claimed they couldn't do in the comics.

Also Zoat in the latest chapter of I want to play a Game, chapter 107 to be specific, the Ophidian makes a reference about your SI and how he was more dutiful than Larfleeze.

It also has the MC and Larfleeze be possessed by the Predator and Ophidian respectively, who then proceed to have off-screen sex.

Wonder how the MC's fiance, Doranchatok, will react to that?
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Vaermina was badmouthing Zoat because what he wrote apparently went against their version of comic canon.

Yes we've seen the rings in this story do all those things, but according to Vaermina what they are doing should not be possible, because it wasn't shown in the comics.

Also Zoat in the latest chapter of I want to play a Game, chapter 107 to be specific, the Ophidian makes a reference about your SI and how he was more dutiful than Larfleeze.

It also has the MC and Larfleeze be possessed by the Predator and Ophidian respectively, who then proceed to have off-screen sex.

Wonder how the MC's fiance, Doranchatok, will react to that?

What the fuck....

Anyways who cares about DC Canon, the fanfiction of DC is a prolific medium BECAUSE people don't like where DC Canon has gone (in the past or present) and want to substitute it with their own. If Vaermina doesn't like it he can just stop reading the fic... God knows he has been complaining about "With this ring" for years now...

There are certainly some parts... Whole episodes of this fic that I don't like... However I don't see any value in complaining about subjective preferences, either the criticism is objective or you shut up.
I know. I'm following that story.

But of a stretch, but is there a chance for a crossover with it?

You already did one with Inviolate.

It would be interesting if Paul gets some knowledge that can potentially allow his to create a magic tradition utilizing the orange, and various other, lights of the Spectrum.

At least Paul isn't the only lantern SI that has had a sexual experience with a extremely weird alien.

David and Paul can bond over their weird sexual experiences with aliens and the fact that they're both kinda eldritch abominations.

Wonder how long members of the Sinestro Corps are going to call him dog fucker?
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But of a stretch, but is there a chance for a crossover with it?

You already did one with Inviolate.

It would be interesting if Paul gets some knowledge that can potentially allow his to create a magic tradition utilizing the orange, and various other, lights of the Spectrum.

At least Paul isn't the only lantern SI that has had a sexual experience with a extremely weird alien.

David and Paul can bond over their weird sexual experiences with aliens and the fact that they're both kinda eldritch abominations.

Wonder how long members of the Sinestro Corps are going to call him dog fucker?
I did Inviolate because it's over, and the setting is effectively 'DCU + evil Guardians'. An ongoing story with a radically different arcane setup would be another matter.
I did Inviolate because it's over, and the setting is effectively 'DCU + evil Guardians'. An ongoing story with a radically different arcane setup would be another matter.

Well, hopefully if Chairtastic finishes his story before you do you may be able to somehow do a crossover.

With you skills in writing making the two mesh together shouldn't be too difficult.

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