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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Why can't Paul just clone himself and let Zatanna have him instead? With all the mad science and magic bullshit it shouldn't be too hard to create an identical clone, copy & paste his mind into it, and copy his soul as well since Paul's soul was artificially created anyway. Just cut a piece off, graft it on there, and give it those fancy tattoos to help it grow.

Hell give the poor girl an entire harem of Pauls!
Shit. Well, clearly both plan Directly State That You're Not Interested and plan Ignore It Until It Goes Away have failed me.
Ya think?
Maybe ask Diana first? She's got tonnes of experience of getting rid of unwanted suitors.
Better have her on hand to give girl talk.
Brut actually bears his teeth at us for a moment before he gets our scent.
Mother Box will allow me to detect the gnomes and I will recognise any truly valuable pieces of art before they can be harmed."
Father Box?
Oh I can't wait for this arc to end so we can move on to the Zatanna love ar- Grayven is after this one, isn't it. Goddamnit.
1) Why hasn't Paul looked into magical options for recharging Alan's ring? Simply drawing the star sapphire rune generated violet light, and it's unclear that power rings require any complicated thing to happen to format the light in such a way that he can recharge.
2) Did Paul just totally forget about actually giving Jade powers, or is he still looking for other options?
I'm interested to see the reach's attempts to deal with the lanterns once they start deploying in earnest. I mean, even near peak technology seems to be able to only shut down part of what a lantern can do.
Why? Is a fairy circle something specific? It looks like the fairy circles still need to be near places with mystical significance. Maybe they also occur naturally without magic?
Next you'll be telling me bigfoots teleport through redwood fairy rings?
Traditional fairy circles are rings of mushrooms, and with the gnomes using them, well, that points more towards this being fey inspired crazy
1) Why hasn't Paul looked into magical options for recharging Alan's ring? Simply drawing the star sapphire rune generated violet light, and it's unclear that power rings require any complicated thing to happen to format the light in such a way that he can recharge.
Alan can recharge his Blue Ring with his Blue Lantern power Battery. In addition to being able to recharge via ambient hope.

2) Did Paul just totally forget about actually giving Jade powers, or is he still looking for other options?
I'm interested to see the reach's attempts to deal with the lanterns once they start deploying in earnest. I mean, even near peak technology seems to be able to only shut down part of what a lantern can do.
Jade has thus far actively refused upgrades not in the form of gadgets or armor, in addition to an Orange Power Ring.
Traditional fairy circles are rings of mushrooms, and with the gnomes using them, well, that points more towards this being fey inspired crazy
Ok, but we knew it was fey inspired. We knew that as soon as we found out these were gnomes. They are literal fey, just controlled by another magical creature. Why are fairy circles a sign of this going crazy? Especially ones that only work in certain areas?
Alan can recharge his Blue Ring with his Blue Lantern power Battery. In addition to being able to recharge via ambient hope.

Jade has thus far actively refused upgrades not in the form of gadgets or armor, in addition to an Orange Power Ring.
I was referring to his green ring.
As for the upgrade thing, didn't notice that.
Why can't Paul just clone himself and let Zatanna have him instead? With all the mad science and magic bullshit it shouldn't be too hard to create an identical clone, copy & paste his mind into it, and copy his soul as well since Paul's soul was artificially created anyway. Just cut a piece off, graft it on there, and give it those fancy tattoos to help it grow.

Hell give the poor girl an entire harem of Pauls!

The Kei Kurono school of relationships?

Yeah, a clone with a brain copy upload is something I would have set up since a while ago if I were in Paul's shoes... Then again I am quite the self centered prick I am told.

IE : I would go the Arsenal/Red Arrow route, the original and two extra clones at the very least.
The Kei Kurono school of relationships?

Yeah, a clone with a brain copy upload is something I would have set up since a while ago if I were in Paul's shoes... Then again I am quite the self centered prick I am told.

IE : I would go the Arsenal/Red Arrow route, the original and two extra clones at the very least.
Impossible - he'd Need to split his soul for this to work, otherwise it would just make a clone that isn't him that he doesn't control. He did download into a robot body when the angels were going after him, but that was still just moving his soul from point a to point b. That kind of thing only works if there is contact between 2 brains, and they are designed to work together in a hive mind. M'gann could maybe do it with shapeshifting + some sort of soul split magic, since she could split + grow her brains into more copies with the soul maybe still attached, OL could not. Still wondering if current OL, what with the soul not being originally his, is still the OL that came to this universe, or a brain upload clone that was hiding inside him, and he died when his body was destroyed.
I question the assertion that soul splitting magic would be necessary.
I question the assertion that soul splitting magic would be necessary.
It's the if you make a clone - is it really you? assertion. In this fic, OL's "self/mind" is his soul, as demonstrated in the heaven episode. Unless he finds a way to split that, or create some sort of linked copy (maybe using Hades' soul control spell to move his soul to it when he dies), there is no way for him to consider a simple physical brain/body clone his "self" when he can survive without having a brain/ body. A possible option might be to "share" his soul between 2 bodies and control them simultaneously, with a sort of hive mind, but he's not good enough at soul self-manipulation to do that, at least not yet, and he can't make himself think quickly enough to run 2 bodies as well as one (probably - this is more questionable).

He can upload his brain / soul no problem - that's been done, in universe, but in most cases, that leaves the body empty. The easiest thing would probably be to set a system to create an artificial mind, then use Hades' soul control spell to move himself into it when he dies. Unless the brain is created while his soul is being called to it, however, you run the risk of it becoming a soul-eating zombie/ abomination, as mentioned as what happens to soulless bodies according to Atlantis, who would be experts - this is biomancy / necromancy after all.

On a side note, if power rings turn out to directly interface with people's souls, he might be able to use that to create a hive mind somehow using that, or maybe, depending on how assimilation works, create a body double of himself that is controlled by an orange construct of himself. However, using Murphy's Law again, it would likely only be able to think orange thoughts. Maybe if he eventually gets a white ring?

If you're thinking of another way to do this, please do tell.
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His current soul is made of orange light, so he could just ask the Ophidian to craft a soul for his copy, which she would gladly do as it means having twice as much Paul around.
Ok, but we knew it was fey inspired. We knew that as soon as we found out these were gnomes. They are literal fey, just controlled by another magical creature. Why are fairy circles a sign of this going crazy? Especially ones that only work in certain areas?
A fairy circle tends to be more of a transportation method to the fey world. The place with fucked up temporal messes and everything else, often with a "you really can't come back" situation...
His current soul is made of orange light, so he could just ask the Ophidian to craft a soul for his copy, which she would gladly do as it means having twice as much Paul around.
It's not though, (at least I don't think so). He is capable of more than just orange thoughts. That means his soul is actually probably made of White light, that is mostly seen as orange. An orange version of himself would be similar to when he was bonded to the Ophidian, and incapable of anything more than orange thoughts.
A fairy circle tends to be more of a transportation method to the fey world. The place with fucked up temporal messes and everything else, often with a "you really can't come back" situation...
Yeah, but that's clearly not the case - they're stated to be Dolmen Gates / teleporters to other traceable places on Earth. More than that, gnomes live in warrens on Earth, not in the DC version of Dresden's nevernever.
On the matter of souls, honestly it could be argued that the soul acts as another source of hardware running the software that is the self. That'd be consistent with how Nabu was described and if reincarnation was basically a factory reset then it'd explain why most people lose their memories between incarnation. Also considering he spent a few months soulless upon arrival I rather doubt that OL would view the soul as the be-all, end-all of the self.
Hoard (part 14)
11th January
23:48 GMT +1

I look around the warren's antechamber. The walls are carved into the stone of the surrounding mountain, but the floor and steps downwards are made of cut stone blocks mortared into place. Mortar implies a level of technical sophistication I wasn't expecting; more powerful fae would just make the rock flow in accordance with their whims in a continuous piece. Those mutant gnomes could have used their breath to partially melt the stone to stick the bricks together… Perhaps it was made while they were regular gnomes. Or perhaps only a small proportion of the population was changed? I don't have an advisor on the habits of the fae. Maybe… Other John..?

Amon looks around. "No guards."

Zatanna nods. "Their first line of defense is secrecy. If someone found their way in here by accident, they don't want to reveal exactly what it is right away. A random hiker would probably take a look around the entrance, assume they found some old tomb or something and then leave."

I nod. "And then the gnomes' own magic would prevent them remembering exactly where they found it."

"Exactly." Zatanna smiles. "The gnome soldiers will be further inside, somewhere they can ambush us."

I nod, starting my way down the steps. Zatanna's concealment spell is making the sound echo oddly. "Or their magicians. A disappearance or a body would provoke a search. Someone turning up a few days later bereft of their wits is a reminder not to mess with the wee men."

Zatanna starts to follow me, only to stop as Canis finally pierces the illusion covering the warren entrance. An all-senses illusion, you actually feel like you're trying to walk through rock until you come out the other side. Whatever he felt, Canis actually seems to have been calmed down by the passage. A novel experience, perhaps?

Zatanna and I return our attention to the stairway, and I walk down just ahead of her. It's about a metre wide by… Two tall, and there's enough of a curve to it that someone at the top wouldn't be able to see a light at the bottom. From the way they were scrambling around I assumed that the mutant gnomes would be at home on any surface, but I can't see any claw marks on the walls.

We're just out of sight of the entrance when the steps become noticeably steeper. And… Again, given the size of the gnomes I would have expected the steps to be smaller, but I'm comfortably putting my feet on them. Was this built so that larger fae creatures can use it? Or for the occasional human? Could be part of the disguise. There aren't records of gnomes working with other fae on an institutional level. Still, hobgoblins are a possibility here, and those things can be savage.

The stairs level out slightly as we come to the first interior chamber. Zatanna and I can see in the dark, but a dim lighting gleams from lanterns on the walls containing bioluminescent insects. The ironwork of the lanterns looks old, and the misshapen pieces of glass come in a range of colours and thicknesses. Not their own work. A little further in and oh my.

The larger cousin of the mutants we encountered in Ms Vadim's office towers over us in the vaulting space. Ill-fitting armour is strapped in place about its torso, and it's carrying a thick-hafted axe in its right hand. Ordinarily I'd say that either of us could take it without much difficulty, but given the exotic effects which the smaller ones could conjure I'm not so certain. Plus, this is the logical place for an ambush. There should be-.

Zatanna points and I nod. Yep, half a dozen or so more lurking just out of sight of the exit in the lee of stone support pillars.

"Are those weapons enchanted?"

"I can find out if you want me to, but…"

"Never mind then."

I cautiously move around the room, taking note of their positions. They're basically lurking in a series of cubby holes, nine, ten… Three passageways leading off, but one only leads to a… Break room? There's a fire pit and.. bones. Scanning is a risk, but the bones don't look human. Choice of two, then. Empathic vision constrained by the spell, so… That one.

At least that explains who is using the large steps. Though those large mutants don't look like the sneak-thief types. Whoever's running the place must be keeping them back. Are they older? Elite warriors? Can they only empower a limited number? The one I interrogated didn't give the impression of being particularly intelligent, but I wasn't really seeing it at its best. No.. chatter between the guards. Limited intelligence or faultless discipline?

The passageway I selected takes us down further, the opening at the far end taking-.


It looks like they hollowed out the interior of a mountain down here. It actually reminds me of Hades' palace, classical style stonework in a dingy environment. Colossal stalagmites have unglazed windows cut into them, while other structures are a combination of carved stone and stone blocks. The actual interior walls look… Yes, those are melted. I think I can see the glow of insect lanterns through some of the windows, but the majority of the light is coming from large orange-yellow crystals hanging from the roof on long iron chains.

And the people! Regular gnomes lurk in corners and archways, only moving in the open in groups and even then their motions are furtive, as if they're hoping not to draw attention to themselves. Clothing appears to be limited to leggings and pointed shoes, though one or two appear to have acquired hats. The smaller type of mutant gnome is also evident and the regular gnomes are clearly backing away whenever they encounter one another.

Take over? Using or creating mutants from the.. general population? But the mutants aren't the majority. The other gnomes could just leave… Except the mutants could probably track them. And gnomes don't have a reputation for being fighters. Thieves and saboteurs, certainly, but not fighters. So they can't get away, can't resist martially…

I wonder if they'd be willing to work for me? Assuming we.. deal with whoever is making the mutants. Honestly, the more I see the less I think this is a dragon. Even in the legends regarding intelligent dragons, I don't remember anything about them being able to fleshcraft their servants. Crazy gnome wizard? Crazy human wizard? Possibly with a dragon to scare the rest into compliance? Grabbing a gnome and interrogating them looks like a sound option, except that if grabbing gnomes was easy everyone would be doing it.

"We need to go deeper. Having any trouble with the spell?"

"Okay." Zatanna nods. "And no. I don't think they're trying to use magic in here."

Alright, that staircase should take us in the right direction, and it's wide enough that we shouldn't have to push past the locals.

"Is there a reason why we're not flying down?"

"You're not doing it in order to minimise your magic expenditure-."

"I have my kinetic belt."

"Which might reveal our position if it takes a hit while we're using it to fly." I glance at her. "I'm probably being excessively cautious, but we're not really under any sort of time-."

A wind rushes up from the depths. I suppose a place like this must have some sort of system for refreshing the air. I certainly haven't seen any plants. Still, that sort of thing should result in unusual air currents and heat gradients that someone should have spotted, in this part of the world anyway. That could be something I could offer the gnomes as part of a settlement: Atlantean air purification-.

Zatanna has attached herself to my left arm.

I turn my head left, looking down at the top of her head. This would be a catastrophically bad time for us to have a relationship conversation. I don't think for a moment that she'd be unprofessional enough to actually… Press her suit here.


She points and I look as one of the normal looking gnomes on a nearby platform staggers, clutching at his head. His neighbours react with obvious fear scampering away even as the mutant variety stalk closer.

"I want you."

What? Okay, yes, I could see Zatanna becoming more assertive in her efforts to seduce me, but just stating a desire as a demand is out of character. I half-turn, reaching across myself with my right hand to hold her in place as I free my left arm.

"Zatanna, what's going-?"

The spell concealing us evaporates in a puff of violet mist!
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