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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So, my hopes that Zatanna talked to Jade already and worked out a mututally satisfactory arrangement behind Paul's back are dashed. Shame. Plus side - Paul was actually aware of it.

Potentially worrying sign - Zatanna is sensitive to star saphire color in other's words. I am assuming she is running Predator's Ears (analog of Ophidian's eyes) constantly.

This ends with enlightenment and mantlng Predator, does it not?
That and pink quotation marks.
Well ... that's gonna get awkward when she finds out his age. Hopefully she won't need to, but if Paul is out of commission for the world-threatening lie dragon... she might try doing what Paul did - possibly changing him into her literal love slave due to her altered state of mind.
Zatanna, you're going to have to settle for an OT3 if you want a piece of Paul. You need to either come to terms with that or move on.

Sticking on it like you have been just isn't healthy.
Star Sapphires aren't exactly good at the whole "letting go" thing, and she's been running around using one as her magical power source for how long now?
Thank you, corrected.
I mean, how many actual metahumans (as in people with active metagenes) would have been around back then? You've got Savage who might count, but then who else? Most of the ancient superhumans are magic users, blessed by gods, or otherwise deriving their powers from sources common throughout the universe. Whereas the metagene might only recently have become common enough to give a meaningful sample size worth studying.

After all, making Desaad spend a few years poking the only handful of metahumans to exist and not getting anywhere because there aren't enough to really see trends form is a waste of time when he could be working on a new flavor of agony ray that makes you sneeze out your tongue.
No idea. Stormwatch actually gave figures for the metahuman proportion of their Earth's population but I don't think any other publication has. In the Young Justice episode, both of those accompanying Savage were described as being his sons, and given that his offspring don't usually manifest unusual abilities, they were specifically described as metahumans and two of them existed in Mongolia while his empire was at its height... They wouldn't be that thin on the ground. Certainly common enough that a dedicated eugenics program would produce results faster than leaving Earth to some primitive warlord.

Alright, maybe not DeSaad, but Apokolips has other scientists. Virman Vundabar would be fascinated by living weapons.
Now I understand that in Season 3 they showed that Apokalypse is a military threat to the universe in YJ just as Zoat made them a threat here, so Darkseid isn't just sitting around waiting for a plan for a power up to reach fruition.
Technically, no. All we see is one fleet, and they used a metahuman bomb to fight rather than engaging the enemy directly. We don't know what their total strength is like.
I'm not sure what "mantlng" is, but kinky...
It's something that happens in Dresden Files. Which I'm still not writing.
Zatanna, you're going to have to settle for an OT3 if you want a piece of Paul. You need to either come to terms with that or move on.

Sticking on it like you have been just isn't healthy.
Funnily enough if Paragon and Renegade ever do crossover in any significant way Zatanna will probably learn that alternate Jade dumped Grayven for a long while, which might give her some ideas.

Also I'm pretty sure Blue Lantern Paul is in a relationship with Crime Syndicate Zatanna, though whether he's aware of it or if he's being almost forced into it are very distinct questions that haven't been answered yet.
Funnily enough if Paragon and Renegade ever do crossover in any significant way Zatanna will probably learn that alternate Jade dumped Grayven for a long while, which might give her some ideas.

Also I'm pretty sure Blue Lantern Paul is in a relationship with Crime Syndicate Zatanna, though whether he's aware of it or if he's being almost forced into it are very distinct questions that haven't been answered yet.
Zorina and BL-Paul are supervillains, and Zorina is scary. She's not a role-model I'd want someone imitating, nor one that I think even this Zatanna would be comfortable imitating.
Thank you, corrected.

No idea. Stormwatch actually gave figures for the metahuman proportion of their Earth's population but I don't think any other publication has. In the Young Justice episode, both of those accompanying Savage were described as being his sons, and given that his offspring don't usually manifest unusual abilities, they were specifically described as metahumans and two of them existed in Mongolia while his empire was at its height... They wouldn't be that thin on the ground. Certainly common enough that a dedicated eugenics program would produce results faster than leaving Earth to some primitive warlord.

During the whole OMAC thing it was stated that 1.3 million metahumans live on Earth, but that includes everyone with superpowers regardless of origin.
During the whole OMAC thing it was stated that 1.3 million metahumans live on Earth, but that includes everyone with superpowers regardless of origin.
Any idea how many humans live on Earth? Same as in real life, or less (what with the constant alien invasions/ mad scientists)?
Any idea how many humans live on Earth? Same as in real life, or less (what with the constant alien invasions/ mad scientists)?

They might have more, what with the extra cities and countries.

DC has Bialya and Libya, both Egypt and Kahndaq.
They might have more, what with the extra cities and countries.

DC has Bialya and Libya, both Egypt and Kahndaq.
I was under the impression that Kahndaq was DC Egypt? At least in this fic, Egypt has not been mentioned.
Come to think of it, for all we know, in this world, the USA could be the Unified states of America, and the UK could control all of Ireland. Or it might just be England, with no UK. Things like the Irish potato famine might not be a problem in a world with magic. Ireland might have been more powerful at the time, and still turning out magic-powered superheros, if those were a thing. Or their gods might have helped them.
Would have assumed Paul would recognize the ring of mushrooms as a potential fairy circle, because if so this might go off the rails pretty quickly
Why? Is a fairy circle something specific? It looks like the fairy circles still need to be near places with mystical significance. Maybe they also occur naturally without magic?
Next you'll be telling me bigfoots teleport through redwood fairy rings?
Shit. Well, clearly both plan Directly State That You're Not Interested and plan Ignore It Until It Goes Away have failed me. And as much as I'd like to blame the Star Sapphire… It's not as if she wasn't highly attached to me before she started using it full time. After this missions over I'm going to have to try Honestly Talking About Our Feelings.
And Zatanna is going to counter with plan Prove She Is More Worthy, isn't she? Star Sapphires (and the Predator) come up with some really bad plans, as I recall... At least she's probably smart enough to avoid plan Kill The Rival, given that Jade is stationed at a Maltusian military base.
I was under the impression that Kahndaq was DC Egypt? At least in this fic, Egypt has not been mentioned.

No, Egypt is DC's Egypt. Kahndaq is a fictional country that exists between Egypt and Israel.

Black Adam's wife and child were killed by the ruler of Egypt, Ahk-Ton, the first metamorpho, who used his powers to conquer Egypt. Being unable to kill him, Black Adam buried him alive.

Zoat decided to replace Egypt with Khandaq, although in point of fact Bialya seems to be YJ's answer to Egypt- Isis, as in a character that was a female Pharaoh empowered by an Egyptian Goddess, was a superhero of ancient Bialya.

The temple where the blue beetle scarab was found is in Bialya. The original Dan Garrett having found the beetle in Egypt, and of course, the beetle being a sacred animal in Egypt being the entire basis for that version of Blue Beetle.
1. She is a teenager

2. She has a Star Sapphire

3. She is a teenager

And? In what a year or two at most she will be legal. Heck if she really gets in the love sickness bad she might go to another dimension where time flows faster for "training" to master the Star Sapphire. I mean given Paul's desire to try for the living forever thing means the age difference isn't going to matter much. Heck on BOTH sides of my family tree I have fairly recent ancestors who had 30-40 year differences with their spouses and one pairing was married for 50+ years.

And I have to point out as Devil's advocate their are no rules on this site about that kinda of relationship like SB and SV though I can agree with the distaste for that when dealing with serious relationships.
And? In what a year or two at most she will be legal. Heck if she really gets in the love sickness bad she might go to another dimension where time flows faster for "training" to master the Star Sapphire. I mean given Paul's desire to try for the living forever thing means the age difference isn't going to matter much. Heck on BOTH sides of my family tree I have fairly recent ancestors who had 30-40 year differences with their spouses and one pairing was married for 50+ years.

And I have to point out as Devil's advocate their are no rules on this site about that kinda of relationship like SB and SV though I can agree with the distaste for that when dealing with serious relationships.

No, I'm saying to expect her to act rationally when it comes to relationships is dumb for Love-Light reasons and basic human biology reasons.
Zatanna, you're going to have to settle for an OT3 if you want a piece of Paul. You need to either come to terms with that or move on.

Eh, if she's smart, I think she'd recognize that Jade is pretty much the best-case scenario for her. It gives her time to grow up (since even without knowing Paul's age issues, it's pretty obvious that he has a thing for older women), and the long-distance thing means that Paul is off the market but with a lesser risk of the relationship getting more serious.

The smart thing to do would just be to wait it out, figuring that they're eventually going to drift apart, and she can then pounce when the time is right. Unfortunately, Star Sapphire + teenager is not exactly a good combination for doing the smart thing.

Related to this, I'm curious: How much regular contact do Paul and Jade have? Is this a "talk every night on the phone" or "email once a week" kind of long-distance relationship?
1. She is a teenager

2. She has a Star Sapphire

3. She is a teenager

Lord knows I wasnt smart when it came to 'love' in high school. For some reason my hormone-addled brain thought that 'no, im not interested' meant 'not right now, try again later.' The cringe hurts me to this day.

With the Love Rock, she probably needs to focus on the people she loves in order to make magic happen, similar to how Paul needed to focus on his specific desires and reasonings in order to u se his ring before he got possessed by Best Snek.

So basically, in order to use the rock, she has been consantly conditioning her mind to view the world under rose colored glasses - 'I need this object to float so Paul will love me, I need this spell to work so Dad will love me, im powering this laser beam with the way I feel when Paul hugs me,' ect.

Tbh I will not be surprised if next arc is Predatarra vs Paulphidian, battle of the embodiments.

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