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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I... Don't remember that?
Darko is talking about this:

Hephaestus raises his hands in a gesture of helplessness. "Whatever the reason, the famine happened. Zeus had to admit to Hades that he hadn't talked to either of them, a divorce was unthinkable…"

"And the pomegranate seeds?"

Hephaestus scoffs. "Given when Zagreus was born, I think we can take a guess at what sort of seeds he was putting inside her. Which would explain why he wasn't willing to accept a separation."
They may have only committed state crimes that they can actually be charged with, or Paul could have been just talking in hyperbole.
Transporting a kidnap victim across state lines is automatically a Federal crime.

Also, the state government doesn't have the authority to kick someone out of the country, that's very firmly a power held by the Federal government.
Well negotiating with her father may work, that's how Hades got Persephone.

That giant pile of souls OL gave him is a nice present.
Judging by Zeus: shapeshift into a wierd shape that shouldn't be able to make her pregnant, then perform whatever mating ritual the animal usually follows, whether it be duck rape or rain showering. This being Paul and with all the jokes, I suggest an Arachnid shape - she seems like the sort that might like bondage.
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Judging by Zeus: shapeshift into a wierd shape that shouldn't be able to make her pregnant, then perform whatever mating ritual the animal usually follows, whether it be duck rape or rain showering. This being Pail, I suggest an Arachnid shape - she seems like the sort that might like bondage.

The Spider Queen would be very happy if he takes on spider shape.
Hi Mr Zoat. I looked at this and noticed that the omake I made about Zatanna and her father isn't here. Is it possible for it to be included? I put a link down here. I named it Hoard Aftermath on the wiki, but an alternate title you can use if you don't like that is Father/Daughter talk.

13 January
08:13 GMT -5
Transporting a kidnap victim across state lines is automatically a Federal crime.
So the dreamkin is at risk of being arrested by the feds if they stick around. Whoop de do.

Also, the state government doesn't have the authority to kick someone out of the country, that's very firmly a power held by the Federal government
And they weren't kicking them out of the country, they were making the pardon conditional on them sodding off. There's a significant difference there.
Hi Mr Zoat. I looked at this and noticed that the omake I made about Zatanna and her father isn't here. Is it possible for it to be included? I put a link down here. I named it Hoard Aftermath on the wiki, but an alternate title you can use if you don't like that is Father/Daughter talk.
"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and had to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."

So did OL get a chance to talk to Icon like he wanted?
He wanted to talk to him because of that Manga Khan situation, but now that Manga is gone there wouldn't be any reason to.

Yes but when he asked Rocket for help getting in contact with him didn't OL find out that Icon was avoiding him or something?

"It occurred to me that Arnus' experience with interstellar relations would make him the man to take a lead on this whole business with ClusterCorp. Do you have any way to contact him?"

"Ah… No."

"Raquel, I don't like to call a team mate a-."

"I'm not supposed to contact him. Ah. Especially if you're asking."


"I ain't suppose to tell you unless the world's ending. Is it?"

"No, this isn't even-. Do you know if he's coming back soon?"


"Okay, I-. Clearly don't know what's going on here. If you get in contact with him please mention the ClusterCorp situation?"

"Sure. But-."

"Yeah. Talk to you later."


Well… Darn. Don't know what's going on there, but I don't-.

I figured OL would want to talk to Icon to see what that was about.
Then the squig claps its hands and the room around us evaporates.
I take a sip of water from the glass on the coffee table next to me, and then sit back slightly in my chair.

"So, mission over? No one injured, no one.. even arrested, objective accomplished?" I shake my head. "No. And if any of you still think that a vigilante's job is that simple, then you need to go back and do the workshops again."
I am deeply suspicious of abrupt scene changes that occur right after a Dreamkin does something dramatic.
Wyrm (part 3)
16th April 2011

I regard the 'were-chipmunk' as it regards me. A curious creature; it puts me in mind of something that might have existed in a Beatrix Potter book as reinterpreted by Tim Burton. It's got the cute little jacket and scarf combined with eyes that no natural creature should have and razor sharp teeth just a little too large to hide behind its gums.

"I have an appointment with King Jamie. If you would be so good as to escort me?"

The creature flicks its strangely lion-like tail as it contemplates me.

"I wonder if you're a farmer?"

"Not by preference, and I wasn't much good at it."

"You can understand me?" I n-. "You can understand me!"

"I can understand any form of spoken or written communication. Now-?"

It lunges for my right leg and attempts to scramble up, but my environmental shield allows it no purchase. Instead it slips down, falling over and then rolling back onto its hind paws.

"I don't think that King Jamie would appreciate me being late."

"I was only made with short legs-. Oh! You should have seen how quickly some of the others used to run and leap!"

Having watched every visual record of their activity, I know it perfectly well. Home videos and strike team recordings that leaked out. Even security camera records from the businesses inside Ellisburg. The children of 'Nilbog' didn't do all that much damage to the infrastructure of the town, and quite a lot was recoverable. He loved his children. He loved making children. He didn't care a whit for his fellow humans, and I've seen it argued each way whether that was because of his power or just how he was anyway.

"Allow me."

I create a construct plane, designed to look like one of the comically misshapen ones that you used to be able to pay 50p to ride at the front of a supermarket. The.. creature stares at it in absolute admiration for a second before leaping and landing head first in the seat. The propeller starts up as it twists into a sitting position, and then it grabs the steering column.

It has a few false starts, but it still takes less than a minute before it understands the control system well enough to fly us through the abandoned fields surrounding the town proper. I think that King Jamie was attempting some sort of 'mystic forest' thing here, but his talents don't actually make trees grow any faster. Or perhaps the problem is a lack of personal discipline? I know that further into town there's an area where he appeared to be attempting to recreate the yellow brick road of Wizard of Oz fame. Sadly for his Scarecrow simulacrum he has no more knowledge of pottery than he does of arboriculture.

I see a few of the Goblin King's children as I fly after-.

"You haven't told me your name."

"Oh no, sir. Giving one's name to the fae is a terrible idea, they can make you do all sorts of things."

"You do understand that I'm not a fae creature, yes?"

"You must be, sir? Or else why would you be here?"

"As a foreign diplomat attempting to negotiate."

The creature turns its head, apparently disappointed by my reply. Or perhaps that I replied to what was supposed to be a rhetorical Cheshire Cat paraphrasing?

I reach down to my equipment harness and pull out an iron horse shoe. That seems to mollify it.

"My name is Hunca Munca, yes it is! What is yours?"

"I might not be a fae creature, but you definitely are."

It grins.

As we approach the town hall it.. veers off, turning its toy plane down another road and towards… A playing ground which is being fully enjoyed by the locals. Creatures like my guide, midget animals who went for cute and fell far short. Others look like miniature demons, gremlins and gargoyles. I think perhaps that I'm too familiar with goblins from Warhammer to recognise that mythological goblins had far more varied appearances.

And the man I'm here to see, dressed like a cross between a court jester and Slenderman. His people have built him a platform atop the climbing frame, and a couple of heavy wooden chairs have been stuck together with the adjoining arm rests removed to create something that can serve as his throne. His eyes are sufficiently altered that I can't tell where he's looking.

Hunca Munca flies up to the top of the climbing frame and leaps out of the plane, landing at its creator's feet and prostrating itself.

"Oh mighty King Nilbog! I come, with the ambassador!"

I've only just realised that his name is 'goblin' backwards.

I dismiss the construct, land at the base of his climbing frame and bow.

"Your majesty. I thank you for receiving me."

"Mm. And what do I call you? And who do you work for?"

I straighten up. "My title is Lord Protector. And I work for myself."

"Are you a king?"


"It's a very grand-sounding title, for a man who says that he isn't a king."

"There was some suggestion that after I reunified Thundera I might take the title, but I decided against it. It is my opinion that once a community reaches a certain size, it isn't wise to have every decision be made by a single individual. I guard the state. I do not control it."

His face… Sort of squishes.

"You think I'm a tyrant, do you? You dare accuse me of keeping my children as slaves?!"

"Not at all, your majesty. The affection you feel for them is obvious. It is simply that the political community I guard will outlive me, while your children are dependent on you and your abilities. Were I to claim the title of king I would be lying, whereas you are simply describing your situation accurately."

"Hmm." He settles down slightly. "What do you want, Ambassador Lord Protector? What boon do you ask of me?"

"I wish to trade. My people have recently undergone a revolution in farming technology. Not only do we have a surplus of farming equipment to exchange, we also have a surplus of farm animals. I understand that you have consumed all of the animals within your territory for resources."

I don't have Orange Prime's empathy, but I can hardly miss his reaction to that.

"And as a personal gift…"

I take a pile of books on farming techniques out of subspace and… Ah. There isn't really anywhere to put-.

A moleman ambles up and holds out his large fore claws. I hand them to him.

"This should enable some of your children to set up the farms you will need to ensure the long-term viability of your s-. Kingdom."

He shifts in his seat. Oh yes, the reports made it clear that his people skills weren't very good but even he knows that he shouldn't seem too eager.

"And what do you want in return?"

"When I first came to Thundera, its people were starving. For now, it is enough to know that your people won't be. But if you will agree to meet me again in a year, perhaps we could discuss a longer term agreement?"
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Lord Paultector would be much better served nuking the place from orbit.

The Protectorate were well-able to destroy Nilbog's kingdom in Ellisville, it's the aftermath that kept them from doing so. A lot of precog time was spent asking variations of "okay but what if we tried x" and they consistently returned "bad idea, do not attempt, just let sleeping dogs lie"
Lord Paultector would be much better served nuking the place from orbit.
Lots of people, in universe and out, have suggested the same thing. It would cause more problems than it solves. You might get Nilbog himself, but his creatures can reproduce on their own, and he's set up a lot of contingencies to assure MAD if anyone tries it.

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