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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Hm, now I gotta wonder if he will try and follow CS example if he remembers the things he did, or meets him later on.

He is already an incredibly powerful power ring user and if he gets some common sense into him...well enemies beware.
her nom de héroïque
It looks very weird from a French point of view.
I guess it's supposed to be similar to "nom de guerre" (which would probably be what should be used in a French sentence), but transposed to heroism. The problem is that "héroïque" is an adjective, and AFAIK it should be a noun instead for grammatical reasons.
I would suggest "nom d'héroïsme".
22nd April 2011
23:03 GMT -5

The lead fire fighter looks at me with… Not fear exactly, but he's certainly… Nervous. I smile warmly, and there's a look of recognition in his eye as he spots my ring.

"Indigo Lantern. Didn't recognise you without the tassels."
Ah, 'The Boys'... Where possibly the most powerful person in the setting... Gets set up with a Native American Shaman's costume. Complete with Buckskins, fringes and tassels...

"That's… Something I wear for photographs."

Though the urban camouflage which Thomas Koche from Red River suggested would have been nearly as bad, just from the opposite direction.
Going from Hollywood Injun to Paramilitary Operative probably wouldn't have had quite the intended message, no...

"Are your..? Team…"

I glance upward as Sarah -who abandoned the name 'Ladyfold' as soon as she could complete the paperwork- ushers residents out through an upper window, heading down a ladder which until a few minutes ago was her team mate Klanker. He's come on in leaps and bounds since we've been working together.
I see his work with Superduper, dumping ground of sub-par teenage superhumans, has come along nicely.

"Will be getting out of your way, saving that you think we can be useful."

I could deal with this myself. And it's… Hard, not to. People are afraid and in danger, but… Not only do the children need to prove themselves like this, other people need to know that there are superhumans other than me who are capable of acting to serve the greater good. Not just normal humans; people didn't stop getting super powers just because Voight American American Consolidated became the most hated company on the planet. And… Scary though it is to be inside a burning building, I'm tracking everyone inside and there's no reason to believe that everyone won't get out.
Hard to pick what you're being compassionate about, isn't it? Sure, the people in danger need help, but so do your charges...

Shadow phases through a wall, two small children clasped to her side. Altering the nerves she uses to trigger her ability was a little awkward, but all it needs now is that she presses her right thumb to her right palm, rather than… What is was before. I spot her open her hand and then push the children away from her in Charlotte and Bobby's direction before closing her hand again and darting back inside.
If anyone's wondering, the previous trigger used to be in her anus... And the motion needed? Her former name is 'Stool Shadow'. Take a guess.

"You got an idea where there's still people inside?"

I create a three dimensional model with small dots marking their locations. Black Hole and Kid Camo -having at long last learned that they don't need to use their powers where there isn't an immediate need- are doing door to door and herding people towards the front door. They should be coming out-.
Yeah, turning yourself into a puddle isn't going to help people escape a burning building...

There's a small cheer from the crowd as the front doors open again and the residents begin pouring out. My two young colleagues are dressed similarly to myself; there's a clear visual link to their superhero costume but it isn't a costume. It's stab resistant, insulated and contains a gas mask.
So, sort of SWAT Gear with colourful patterns? Much better than their previous spandex.

"Looks like it's clear-." He turns away as the fire engine's ladder and hose are brought to bear. "Fifth floor, Steve! Fifth floor!"

Steve the Hose Operator nods and waves as the ladder extends.
Good to see professionals at work.

"You need to warn Stool Shadow?"

"No, she's trained in how to deal with this sort of situation."
Training you were in charge of, so it couldn't be screwed up. I wouldn't have trusted the corporate guys to train dogs...

Actually, once we built up her confidence in her own abilities a little-. A lot, and after I repaired the effects of her mother's substance abuse upon her brain, she was a natural. I worried that I might need to make some sort of clothing out of her cloned skin or something, but it turns out that she can actually phase with a significant amount of additional mass.

"Always wondered about that name…"
A not-particularly-funny in-joke amongst the morons in charge of personas, I bet.

"The… Original idea from the marketing department was that she would conceal herself and listen in to criminal conversations… In the sense of being a stool pigeon." He nods. "But it turns out that doing that wasn't really practical and people… Misunderstood the name-. You should have heard some of the ridiculous things people came up with." He nods again, then awkwardly looks away. "And with the previous Shadow being executed, after… What happened in Washington" Another nod. "There wasn't any reason not to change it to something which made more sense."
Joy of only having so many hero names to pick from... Both in-universe and in our world.

It wasn't that. When I became de facto team manager I was given access to the full files. The document -the single page- which contained the entire discussion on her nom de héroïque made it clear that their attitude was 'she's a shit hero who activates her power by shitting, let's not waste time with someone nobody cares about'.

I had a word about their attitude with the new head of Superhuman Development. I've been reassured that in future members of that department will put a little more effort into things. And I will be checking that.
And I suspect when he comes calling, it's the department's members having involuntary movements...:D

The water blasts out of the hose, punching though the window and beginning the process of soaking the building's interior. Sarah takes the ladder down as soon as the last evacuee has reach the ground. The building is… Mostly evacuated, and Shadow is heading towards the last few inhabitants. Might be safer for them to stay where they are, actually. This isn't a huge fire, and the building is reasonably up to code.
Depends on whether she becomes lighter-than-air when phased, I suppose. If she can levitate while incorporeal, Kitty Pryde style, that radically increases someone's mobility...

Once Sarah reaches the ground, she raps her knuckles against Klanker's third rung in the pre-arranged 'tap tap, tap tap' pattern which he's learned means that he should change back. That was an essential lesson, as he can only turn into iron objects and he'd be both rather heavy and conducts heat dangerously well. He switches back to human form, staggering for a moment before righting himself with a smile.
I bet he's enjoying the improved control over his powers too...

"Is there anything else you needs us for?"

The lead fire fighter takes a quick look around, then looks at my construct. Looks like the last few residents have made their way out.
Very efficient. That probably took all of, what, ten minutes?

"This here the bit that's on fire?" I nod. "Then… No, I think we've.. got it covered. Ah. Thank you."

I give him a small bow as I dismiss my construct. "I'll leave you to it, then. You know where to find us when you need an official statement."
I bet it's a real surprise to have useful, actually heroic superheroes involved... Of course, with the help of the most powerful person in the setting, it looks easy...

He nods, then returns his attention to the building as I head over to Charlotte.

"I think that went well."
Yay for optimism. I bet the headlines will read 'Local Supers don't suck!' or something like that. Depends on how long they've been improving, really...

She looks up from the small boy she's reassuring. "Did everyone get out?"

"We're just waiting for Shadow."

Her attention immediately turns to the building, even as hot water vapour begins emerging from the middle floors. "Are you tracking her?"
I can understand the concern... That's a dangerous situation for trained professionals...

I smile reassuringly. "Now now, Aunty. You have to let the ducklings swim on their own eventually."

A minor point of contention between the two of us. Having known that her job was to effectively be a live-in carer, she's… Having trouble adjusting to the fact that they can handle a lot of things for themselves these days. I on the other hand am… Occasionally too enthusiastic about the children's' newfound skills. And their psychological ability to handle the stress involved. It.. sort of works when we're.. covering for each other's oversights, and the children themselves accept that we can disagree and still be good friends. But sometimes-.
Hard to break old habits, especially since she's seen them at their worst... She's too close to take in the gradual changes...

Shadow steps out through a second story wall, drifting to the ground before phasing back in. She's carrying a small bundle-. There weren't any babies-.
Okay, she does reduce gravity effects on her. That's helpful.


The small dog Shadow was carrying perks up at hearing its master, jumps off Shadow and dashes across the tarmac to jump at him and bark excitedly. Shadow pulls off her mask, smiling as she heads over to us at a more sedate pace.
I bet that'll play well for the media... Imagine if a photographer got that moment on film... Then again: Power Rings are Awesome.

"Shadow." Charlotte puts her hands on her hips. "It was very nice of you to rescue that dog, but you're not suppose to put yourself at risk when you do this."

"We weren't near the fire. He just got shut in and couldn't find his way out."
And it's not just the humans who are important, after all...

Charlotte can't quite maintain her stern expression in the face of Shadow's earnest desire to help. She exhales, bowing her head. "Alright then." Shadow beams. "Team!? We're leaving, now."

Black Hole and Kid Camo turn away from the people they were talking to. I smile. It's not all that long ago that people wouldn't have dared speak to a superhero, but patience, hard work and a moderate media presence have gradually won people-.
Of course, this being an Ennis joint, how long till something fucks it up? Even with Saul's best efforts otherwise...

On the other side of the crowd I catch sight of a limousine containing our American Consolidated contact. She nods approvingly at me, then turns away and winds the passenger window up.
Heh. Honestly, it's heartening to see things improving...

I turn around, smiling at the team.

"Yes, let's be off."
And then Raul and OL turn up. Things are about to get crazy.

Good to see Saul again. And he's actually managing to improve things? Despite the crapsack nature of the world? Outstanding.

Corrections, Mr Zoat:
People are afraid and...
Double space.
What it was before.
What happened in Washington" Another nod.
Missing a full stop.
Last edited:
It looks very weird from a French point of view.
I guess it's supposed to be similar to "nom de guerre" (which would probably be what should be used in a French sentence), but transposed to heroism. The problem is that "héroïque" is an adjective, and AFAIK it should be a noun instead for grammatical reasons.
I would suggest "nom d'héroïsme".
I neither speak French nor know what an adjective is.
Double space.
What it was before.
Missing a full stop.
Thank you, corrected.
I neither speak French nor know what an adjective is.
Adjectives are such words as orange, blind, insufferable, or heroic. They're modifiers that apply to nouns (eg orange lantern, blind fool, insufferable oaf, heroic effort). And speaking French is easy - just string together French sounding words until you run out of breath; speaking comprehensible, coherent French is a different, harder, problem.
I neither speak French nor know what an adjective is.
Adjectives are part of a conspiracy called 'grammar', which is a claim that languages are logical, and have a structure anything other than what people made up between them, as they were going along. :)

Don't believe that? Read up on Wittgenstein, and things like his 'Language Game'...
So given Saul in the Boys universe, what's happening with Billy Butcher and his genocidal plans for supers and dealing with his team after Homelander was dead?
"Ultimately, the only one who can decide what you're going to do is you. If you really want to kill yourself, I will not prevent you. But please believe me when I say that where there's life, there's hope."

She appears to be going somewhat limp. I run a wave of indigo light over her, removing the vomit and mending her wounds, before picking her up and laying her on the room's bed. I linger for a moment, leaning over her and smiling kindly.

"And where there's death, there's me fucking your corpse. So… Think about it."

Ah, that Paul.

I wonder what happened afterwards? Does she have nightmares about waking up with a Indigo d*** floating above her?

Curious how this all will wrap up. They seem severely outnumbered.
So given Saul in the Boys universe, what's happening with Billy Butcher and his genocidal plans for supers and dealing with his team after Homelander was dead?
Iirc Saul didn't actually participate that much in the main plot of The Boys, the vast majority of his time was taken up by training his team and helping people, the only thing he's been confirmed to have taken part in was trying to talk down Homelander at the White House

I think Zoat actually mentioned that his only actual interaction with The Boys was when they spent like two months trying to find dirt on him, time he spent alternating between helping his team, fighting crime, healing the sick and feeding the hungry, so when they released all the dirt that they had gathered he actually came out of it with a somewhat improved reputation as the only good cape
Iirc Saul didn't actually participate that much in the main plot of The Boys, the vast majority of his time was taken up by training his team and helping people, the only thing he's been confirmed to have taken part in was trying to talk down Homelander at the White House

I think Zoat actually mentioned that his only actual interaction with The Boys was when they spent like two months trying to find dirt on him, time he spent alternating between helping his team, fighting crime, healing the sick and feeding the hungry, so when they released all the dirt that they had gathered he actually came out of it with a somewhat improved reputation as the only good cape

Don't forget petting stray cats.
"Is there anything else you needs us for?"

should be ' need '

It's not all that long ago that people wouldn't have dared speak to a superhero, but patience, hard work and a moderate media presence have gradually won people-.

On the other side of the crowd I catch sight of a limousine containing our American Consolidated contact. She nods approvingly at me, then turns away and winds the passenger window up.

I need some more clarification on this. What is the relationship like now with Saul and his people and American Consolidated? Is it just lines of communication? Something more?

With the AC rep nodding at Saul, is that just 'good job', or what? Is AC hoping Saul's slow but steady actual heroism and media presence rehabilitates them somewhat or makes something they can spin?

Back when AC was Voight, they knew Indigo Lantern was the smartest super they had on their books and after all the death and destruction Saul continued as an active hero skating through the negativity that came from Homelander's rebellion. Saul managed to make Superduper viable!

I'm kind of surprised they haven't at least tried to offer Saul a job rebuilding their superhero portfolio. Or would that be a step too far?
should be ' need '

I need some more clarification on this. What is the relationship like now with Saul and his people and American Consolidated? Is it just lines of communication? Something more?

With the AC rep nodding at Saul, is that just 'good job', or what? Is AC hoping Saul's slow but steady actual heroism and media presence rehabilitates them somewhat or makes something they can spin?

Back when AC was Voight, they knew Indigo Lantern was the smartest super they had on their books and after all the death and destruction Saul continued as an active hero skating through the negativity that came from Homelander's rebellion. Saul managed to make Superduper viable!

I'm kind of surprised they haven't at least tried to offer Saul a job rebuilding their superhero portfolio. Or would that be a step too far?

Superheroes are probably still a pretty hotbutton issue right now so them getting more supers to work for them could be very risky.

Their probably still trying to see if Saul's methods can work that well.

Still Saul probably has a great deal of power over them seeing as he is probably the most beloved superhero on the planet now and if he cuts all contact with AC it could be seen as them still being corrupt by the public.
Hey Zoat does anyone in The Boys universe, like Charlotte or the kids, know that he is from another universe, or has he not told them that much and they just think he somehow has powers without having any Compound V?
Thank you, corrected.
I need some more clarification on this. What is the relationship like now with Saul and his people and American Consolidated? Is it just lines of communication? Something more?

With the AC rep nodding at Saul, is that just 'good job', or what? Is AC hoping Saul's slow but steady actual heroism and media presence rehabilitates them somewhat or makes something they can spin?

Back when AC was Voight, they knew Indigo Lantern was the smartest super they had on their books and after all the death and destruction Saul continued as an active hero skating through the negativity that came from Homelander's rebellion. Saul managed to make Superduper viable!

I'm kind of surprised they haven't at least tried to offer Saul a job rebuilding their superhero portfolio. Or would that be a step too far?
He is an American Consolidated employee, though his status is such that they can't really refuse any of his requests. Unfortunately, the institutional rot is such that they don't appear to be able to comprehend the reforms he's pushing for and all too often slide back into their old ways.
Hey Zoat does anyone in The Boys universe, like Charlotte or the kids, know that he is from another universe, or has he not told them that much and they just think he somehow has powers without having any Compound V?
He mentioned it to a few people, but after the truth about Compound V became public knowledge they assumed he was lying.
Common Sence: Okay if the villain wants to get all these alternate versions of myself, why the heck are we doing the job for him? Whatever he is doing looks complex and delicate, wouldn't it be easier to just sabotage him? Even the freaking Antimonitor during The Crisis Of Infinite Earths got really screwed when his machine was broken.

Red: Oh who gets to do the heroic sacrifice and be gone for a few decades?

Common Sense: There is no need for self sacrifice if we do the sabotage the right way. Krona depends on the Emotional Spectrum, if we can neutralise that he is toast.
Common Sence: Okay if the villain wants to get all these alternate versions of myself, why the heck are we doing the job for him? Whatever he is doing looks complex and delicate, wouldn't it be easier to just sabotage him? Even the freaking Antimonitor during The Crisis Of Infinite Earths got really screwed when his machine was broken.

Red: Oh who gets to do the heroic sacrifice and be gone for a few decades?

Common Sense: There is no need for self sacrifice if we do the sabotage the right way. Krona depends on the Emotional Spectrum, if we can neutralise that he is toast.

Okay so maybe TP is doing Kronas work by bringing the various Paul's together.

If this is true then my theory about him being manipulated by someone else would be true.
According to the time stamps its been nearly two years since indigo's last appearance. Superduper seems pretty stable, but does the world treat superheros better or are they still likely to be shouted at in the streets?

Edit: is there ever going to be a parallel that Paul jumps to where his equivalent has already lived a full life or died? Meets his own grandchild or something?

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