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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I really hope that wasn't Duke Oswin. I really liked him as a character. He was someone with drive!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh are we going to get to see Lynne flex her little New God tele-muscles?
I wish Lynne and Artemis had taken the time to work out "Mind Arrows" as a valid form of attack. Ah well, time for Lynne to do something clever, perhaps make Sunset nod in approval.

I lean forwards. Gaea's a few inches shorter than me, and to an external observer it looks like I'm leering. I'm not. I'm staring directly into her eyes.

"What do I want? Well, like any good businessman-" I take a moment to focus on the metaphysical additions I gained when I slew and absorbed that idiot Zarm. "-I want to tear the coverings of the Earth to get at the stuff underneath."

She raises her eyebrows.

I grin. "But for now, I'll settle for the rights to your photovoltaic technology. I've a mind to abolish fossil fuel use worldwide within a century and yours are the best available."


"And as a gesture of good will..." I open up the well ventilated box I brought with me. "I brought you a present."

I pick up the Tasmanian Tiger cub within and hold it out to her.
I completely forgot about that. Well remembered.
I really hope that wasn't Duke Oswin. I really liked him as a character. He was someone with drive!
No, he's in Vega as part of the defence.
'In the comics it was stated that Darkseid would absorb the powers of other pantheons, though I think it was only shown in the n52 when he killed those Old Gods and later fought Zeus and absorbed his power.

No, it was a plot point in New Gods.

Darkseid had nomnommed on the gods of hundreds of worlds, and the now godless survivors formed a fleet to destroy Earth for whatever reason.

The New Gods talked them out of if with "You know, Earth has like plenty of gods to pick and choose from. We'll help with the selection process."

So basically they saved the day by suggesting the reality tv show "Who wants to be worshipped by aliens?"

Then Orion, possessed by Desaad, destroyed the entire fleet.

What I find funny is that after going Highlander on the gods of hundreds of worlds, who killed Highfather? Ares.

So killing all those gods for a power up was just more useless hype.

Presuming the New Gods kept their promise, it would be legitimately possible for someone to come to an alien planet and find that the local pantheon includes Thor, Athena, and Ptah.
No, it was a plot point in New Gods.

Didn't know that.

Darkseid had nomnommed on the gods of hundreds of worlds, and the now godless survivors formed a fleet to destroy Earth for whatever reason.

Ahh, or course.

So basically they saved the day by suggesting the reality tv show "Who wants to be worshipped by aliens?"

For some reason I can easily see something like this being a part of Doom Patrol.

Presuming the New Gods kept their promise, it would be legitimately possible for someone to come to an alien planet and find that the local pantheon includes Thor, Athena, and Ptah.

That's starting to happen in this story at least.

Hades has temple on Karna. Or had one since a Gordanian that ended up in Erebus apparently died in the temple and it may have been destroyed.

The Titans may also be know in the wider universe since they're not as planet bound as regular gods.

The First of the Fallen may also be well known.
But they still integrated it so badly she is basically a split personality right now.
This is probably a good thing and may have even been intentional.

I wish Lynne and Artemis had taken the time to work out "Mind Arrows" as a valid form of attack. Ah well, time for Lynne to do something clever, perhaps make Sunset nod in approval.
The power to kill a yak from 200 yards away... That's telekinesis, Kyle!

How about the power... to move you?
I think Darkseid still regards Renegade better than Graven 16 here.

Darkseid seems to like people who defy him. After all, you can't be a tyrant over the hopeless or the willing. Renegade has created a fully independent powerbase with a novel way to contain and purge his fragment of the Anti-Life. While Graven 16 has just gone and become a lesser version of Darkseid.
He doesn't.

Darkseid was just using Renagade as an Anti-Life science experiment since he knew from the start he wasn't actually Grayven.
He doesn't.

Darkseid was just using Renagade as an Anti-Life science experiment since he knew from the start he wasn't actually Grayven.
When was that mentioned?

Darkseid sent Steppenwolf and a hellspore robot to test Graven and the gang when he first found out about him from Desaad and didn't get involved personally until he overthrew the Light. Not to mention he's tolerating his usage of his name and let him retrieve Graven's mother.
When was that mentioned?

Darkseid sent Steppenwolf and a hellspore robot to test Graven and the gang when he first found out about him from Desaad and didn't get involved personally until he overthrew the Light. Not to mention he's tolerating his usage of his name and let him retrieve Graven's mother.
When Renagade found out Fatherbox had been reporting everything he said and did back to Darkseid.
For Darkseid, like Zeus, son of his loins versus son of his mind is indifferent. He made Renegade in his image for a purpose and he recognized him as his son. Given their New God natures Renegade is basically more Darkseid's son than anyone else.

It is interesting that Darkseid set Renegade on a path to have to confront and best the Anti Life too.
When was that mentioned?

Darkseid sent Steppenwolf and a hellspore robot to test Graven and the gang when he first found out about him from Desaad and didn't get involved personally until he overthrew the Light. Not to mention he's tolerating his usage of his name and let him retrieve Graven's mother.
It's Darkseid, so the answer is probably "a little of column a, a little of column b".
His thought process seems to be
1) Someone using the name of a son I don't care about
2) This someone is stupid enough to use a father box I have direct control over
3)This someone is doing some interesting things.
4) Lets pay him a visit
5) Let's fuck with him and test the anti life
6) Oh, this someone has overcome the antilife, impressive
7) Let's put him on a path with the other one, it will be funny. Whoever wins deserves to keep the name/position.
But he's been keeping that a secret from pretty much everyone including his kids. The only one who knows the truth is Luna and that was long after he met Darkseid.
But he wasn't keeping it when he was alone.

And well, Darkseid's not an idiot. He has every bit of data Fatherbox sent back about Renegade, and that includes the biological scans it took at the start that only passed the "this isn't actually Grayven" threshold for the Fatherbox's AI because of the combination Ring faking and Fatherbox damage.

Really Renegade should have started getting suspicious the moment he started getting memories of growing up on Apocalypse. Since the only place those could have come from is an outside source.
But he wasn't keeping it when he was alone.

And well, Darkseid's not an idiot. He has every bit of data Fatherbox sent back about Renegade, and that includes the biological scans it took at the start that only passed the "this isn't actually Grayven" threshold for the Fatherbox's AI because of the combination Ring faking and Fatherbox damage.

Really Renegade should have started getting suspicious the moment he started getting memories of growing up on Apocalypse. Since the only place those could have come from is an outside source.

Yes, he has been keeping it a secret when he was alone. Even in his own mind, he usually refers to Darkseid as father and as you just put it references growing up on Apocalyps. He came up with a story he tells about how he traveled to Earth Prime which he mentally uses to explain his memories of growing up there. It wasn't father box giving him the memories, he basically mind fucked himself into believing he was Grayven.
Based on the power levels demonstrated in this fic. The only answer that comes to mind is 'Complete curbstomp, followed by obliteration'.
Yes, he has been keeping it a secret when he was alone. Even in his own mind, he usually refers to Darkseid as father and as you just put it references growing up on Apocalyps. He came up with a story he tells about how he traveled to Earth Prime which he mentally uses to explain his memories of growing up there. It wasn't father box giving him the memories, he basically mind fucked himself into believing he was Grayven.
That sort of thing started after Fatherbox finished fucking up his soul.

Also the memories are part of Fatherbox's brainwashing, not him faking metaknowledge. We know this since there's stuff he's claimed as memories that just straight up don't exist in DC media.
Veganism (part 16)
1st September 2012
15:45 GMT





"Diana, I'm leaving this with you. Call Earth if you need help."

I step through the tube onto the bridge, Karras glancing around for a moment before returning his attention to the screen. At this point there's not much to do except wait for Dox to tell us where he wants us except that was my daughter.


"Fleets are attacking Karna, Tamaran, Euphorix and our reserve units. Dox is directing us to Tamaran."

I nod. Orange Lanterns will fight much better for their own homes. "And their Grayven?"

"No specifically Apokoliptian ships identified so far."


"In space, light on both sides. They're heavier on the ground. They're using boom tubes to perform raids on our shipyards and manufacturing centres."

I'm not too worried about ground attacks. We have Lanterns. Fights between gordanian warriors and Lanterns only go one way.

"No attacks on Hny'xx?"

"No. Not yet."

The children thought it was a game, but putting super hard beams across every part of its internal space made boom tubing into the facility virtually impossible while not restricting the manoeuvrability of the g-elves significantly.

But no other Grayven. Why not? His ability to boost his servants with his god powers would be stronger if he were present, and he wouldn't even have to engage himself. If he's not here for the boost, he'd be better off attacking to maximise the advantage of his dreadnaught and omega effect. The only reason he'd be hanging around would be…

Waiting for me? Waiting for Astarte? I mean, she wasn't exactly rushing

"Lynne, report."

"They keep opening tubes near me. I dealt with the gordanians but they've been sending robots. Knockout and Persuader are getting annoyed."

They would.

"You've tried relocating?"

"Four times. They're locked onto us."

But… How? There are other New Gods around; that was half the reason I asked Mr. Queen to come here. Three being in one place doesn't mean anything. Spies? Maybe, but there definitely wasn't anyone there when we discussed her fallback locations. Between my rings, our god senses and her telepathy there isn't anywhere to hide. So-.

She feels like me. And, presumably, him. Could he track her based on that?

Could I track him like that?

I could go to her, but she's got boom tube access and… Frankly, Knockout and Persuader are two of my most expendable assets. Every robot-.

"Apokoliptian robots?"

"I think so."

Apokoliptian robots are made to terrorise primitive people, but they're not actually that good against intelligent or well armed opponents.

"Lord Grayven!"

I look up at the screen as a new wave of enemy ships appear, jumping in behind our fleets near Karna and Tamaran. We've gone from local advantage to mild disadvantage, but Dox is already moving ships and Lanterns to counter them. I'd still put us ahead, and there's still no sign of Grayven 2. Assuming that all he has spare is his flagship and its escorts, once we get back we'll have a comfortable advantage.

No. He's me. There's something-.

I call up clan insignias on the ships in the first wave. Tearing Bite, Bloodied Claw, Gizzard Something-Or-Others… Yes, I suspected. Local clans, displaced by Tamaranean ascendancy. He's probably upgraded their ships a little and then released them to pin us down. They have to fight to have any sort of future, and since they're not loyal to him he doesn't lose anything when they die. The second wave have a more uniform clan emblem-.
"Daddy, they've sent golden women. I can't feel their minds, and-. Ah!"

Mother Box, boom tube.


Hush tube, then.


How did anyone block-? Persuader, Serve My Will.

An axe blade slices through the air in front of me before suddenly being yanked away. I dive through the portal, appearing back on Tamaran and seeing a solidly built woman with golden skin hurl Persuader violently to the ground!

"Stop." "Halt In My Name."

Gold woman turns away from the recumbent Persuader, smiling cruelly at me. Persuader's armour is battered and the left side of her chest is partially caved in.

"Are you our boss or their boss?"

Assimilate her. All Those Who Stand Before Me Die This Day.

Orange beams fly from my ring, slamming into the gold woman's chest. Her smile widens as they achieve precisely nothing.

"Their boss. Ours wants you alive 'if it's not too hard'." She cracks her knuckles. "How hard do you think you are?"

"Hard enough." Empower Loyal Vassal.

I storm forward, not bothering to draw my blade. No idea who this is, but my daiklave hasn't exactly proven reliable against high end targets. Goldie appears to appreciate the sentiment, coming towards me and throwing a right hook. I lean around it and grab her arm, straining to shove it aside to try and get at her neck!

"Idiot! No one overpowers Estrogina!"

She grapples right back, and she's strong enough that I'm not sure that I can win like this, which would be a problem if Persuader hadn't just gotten up with her axe at the ready.


Persuader's axe exits the left side of 'Estrogina's' body, having cleaved her in two. The shock causes her grip to weaken, so I thrust my arms forward and grip her shoulders.

"Sever the head."

The axe comes around again, a small amount of blood squirting into my face as her neck parts company with her shoulders. I drop her torso and catch her head, holding my left hand up to her neck hole.


Assimilation in progress.

"Where's my daughter, Persuader?"

"They took her, master. The other two."

"Come closer."

She walks up to me immediately, no apparent concern for the fact that most Apokoliptians would kill her for a failure like that. Or that her own injuries might kill her in a moment.

Assimilation complete.

I lay my left hand on Persuader's head and reach out for the other part of my soul. There it is.

"Cut open a portal. Now."
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Based on the power levels demonstrated in this fic. The only answer that comes to mind is 'Complete curbstomp, followed by obliteration'.
Stormwatch demonstrated that xenomorphs incubated in superhumans get their powers. So if that happened, they might be able to do something.
I storm forward, not bothering to draw my blade. No idea who this is, but my daiklave hasn't exactly proven reliable against high end targets. Goldie appears to appreciate the sentiment, coming towards me and throwing a right hook. I lean around it and grab her arm, straining to shove it aside to try and get at her neck!

"Idiot! No one overpowers Estrogina!"

She grapples right back, and she's strong enough that I'm not sure that I can win like this, which would be a problem if Persuader hasn't just gotten up with her axe at the ready.


Persuader's axe exits the left side of 'Estrogina's' body, having cleaved her in two. The shock causes her grip to weakened, so I thrust my arms forward and grip her shoulders.

"Sever the head."

The axe comes around again, a small amount of blood squirting into my face as her neck parts company with her shoulders. I drop her torso and catch her head, holding my left hand up to her neck hole.


Assimilation in progress.

"Where's my daughter, Persuader?"

"They took her, master. The other two."

"Come closer."

She walks up to me immediately, no apparent concern for the fact that most Apokoliptians would kill her for a failure like that. Or that her own injuries might kill her in a moment.

Assimilation complete.
An anticlimactic but satisfactory end for Estrogina. Also, I wasn't expecting to see Persuader do anything like that. Mr Zoat, has the Renegade Awakened her?

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