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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I drink tea out of a mug because those dainty little tea cups don't hold enough.

Ah, a kindred spirit. I don't know who decided that tea should be in tiny, baby cups. That shit isn't original recipe Coca Cola, that just isn't enough! Bring me an adult sized mug at the very least!

But I do agree on the ice thing. Tea and coffee weren't made for ice.
I don't know why, but I find the idea of Snow just chilling there thinking "Snow." adorable.

I look at the cup of hot tea next to me and I'm imagining all of the molecules excitedly bouncing around (because it's hot) going "Water, Water, Water, Tea, Tea, Tea, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar." and the ceramic mug is just "Bitch, I'm a coffee mug!".
That's just the ambush scene from the end of Beuty And The Beast, when all the servants are pretending super hard that they are inanimate objects.
The stygian depths of the Atlantic are unusually atramentous today,
You're British enough to get away with "stygian" but "atramentous" requires
Wayne June energy to pull off without sounding pretentious.

Also, having used the first adjective as the foundation for the description, using another of the same level as a garnish makes the sentence seem top-heavy. It's puts another sundae on top of a sundae instead of a cherry.https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7634378/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_lk
You're British enough to get away with "stygian" but "atramentous" requires
Wayne June energy to pull off without sounding pretentious.

Also, having used the first adjective as the foundation for the description, using another of the same level as a garnish makes the sentence seem top-heavy. It's puts another sundae on top of a sundae instead of a cherry.
Did you mean to make it sound tasty?

And why would I fear sounding pretentious? I'm English.
Because coffee mugs are strong and sturdy and hold more liquid then tea cups, which are small and dainty and hold less liquid and probably get called 'girly-man' by all the other dishware?
Except of course for demitasse cups, which are like French miniature coffee cups that probably hold less than the average teacup (then again, I haven't measured them, and thus may be way off on what counts as 'average' for teacups).
Pyrrhucy (part 8)
14th February 2013
13:24 GMT -5

"The old hometown just… Looks the same,
Like a derelict man who had died out of shame

But that's Gotham, I suppose.

This place is going to need a lot of work once this is over. Not a lot of people out on the streets, and those are a mixture of long term homeless and… People who just don't have any real objective. Within their limits the homeless are better able to care for themselves…

Wasn't there an Authority comic where something like that happened? Someone broadcast a signal that made socially dominant people kill themselves? They haven't quite gotten to that stage yet, but they can see it from where they are.

Empathic vision shows threads of black clogging up everything in everyone I can see. No broadcaster, and no obvious organisation by a strong man figure.

"Orange Lantern to Justice League assets. Please respond."

"Orange Lantern. Proceed to New York."

"Mister Atom?"

"Ah, I apologise. Proceed to New York now."

"Right." I turn towards New York and accelerate. "You're working with the League?"

"I judged it to be the course of action most likely to result in there being a world for me to rule in thirty nine point four years. Approximated."

"What's happening in New York?"

"A group of Justified are attempting to raise an Anti-Life broadcast tower. A Task Force X group were assigned to stop them, but both groups are under attack from a group not on file."

"There are aliens parked around the moon."

"We do not have the resources to fight them effectively. Vexing."

The United States flashes by beneath me. Nice to see that the fires have gone out. "Lawrence Crock isn't there, right?"

"No. Currently in need of rescue: Cameron Mahkent, Tuppence Beresford, Wade Eiling and Abra Kadabra."

"Has Mannheim learned to do Anti-Life feedback through a power ring scan?"


I form a railgun construct and start scanning New York, wincing a little as I… Hear the whispers of the Anti-Life, and see that the state of the place is much more orderly than Gotham. Gunfire appears to be coming from Newark, and there's an Apokoliptian structure-.

Figures in airborne power armour use plasma throwers to force the… I recognise some of them as Alliance members, but their uniforms now have a degree of actual uniformity. Along with the helmets that mark them as Justified. Another alien in power armour is attaching… Teleport beacons to the large antennae sticking out of the top of the structure.

A building's front explodes, chunks of rubble shooting out as Eiling and… Anthony Woodward, try punching each other! Eiling's efforts have the most visible effect, but Woodward's metal face just snaps back into place while the tears in Eiling's skin aren't healing anything like as fast.

Woodward isn't vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses and I don't have a specific anti-metal weapon. Anything I could hit him with would do just as much damage to Eiling. On the other hand I doubt that Eiling is going to die in the next thirty seconds, so there's no particular rush.

Woodward somehow manifests a mechanical crusher from his chest and uses it to grab Eiling's head.

Okay, he is going to die in the next thirty seconds.

Particle beam.


A pale blue beam lances out, cutting a groove across Eiling's right shoulder and hitting Woodward full in the face. A tiny shift in the angle of the beam and it slices across the top of Woodward's head, confusing whatever passes for his mind enough that Eiling is able to free his right hand and tear the clamp off.

And now I've arrived.

Eiling shoves his hands through the hole in Woodward's chest and pulls, tearing a vertical cleft in him and literally ripping him apart. I grab both halves and shove them into two separate furnace constructs, melting them into solid masses before freezing both and dumping them on the floor.

Eiling grimaces at me as he gets his breath back.


"Eiling. Situation?"

"Kadabra's still in the tower, Mahkent's laying face down in a ditch and the Terror girl got disintegrated." He grimaces. "And I got a voice in my head telling me it was all inevitable."

"You're not pardoned yet. Find enemies to kill."

He grunts, then leaps in the direction of the broadcaster. I scan to try and find where Mahkent ended up… Not in a ditch, but a squad of… Justified soldiers are demonstrating that if you don't mind killing the target it's perfectly possible to fight supervillains with guns. I rapid-fly in his direction, crumblers on construct cables punching through their helmets and jamming their central nervous systems. The one half-coated in ice gets a quick blast of hot air while I pull out my purple healing ray.


"Haah. Hahh. Hahh."

I drop the soldiers and dash into a building site, my construct barrier blocking the blast of ice he sends my way for a second before realising that I'm a friendly. The expression of guilt on his face would be funny of not for the three bullet holes in the upper right side of his chest, and the blood covering his hands.

"You look-" Filaments touch him and I begin knitting his flesh together. "-like shit."

"Fuck you, Lantern. Fuck this hurts."

"I realise it's not stylish, but I suggest body armour."

The bullets made a mess on their way out, but on the positive side that means that they're out. After I finish fixing the holes in his lungs and ribs and also give him a courtesy dry clean.

"Not worth it. They all use tungsten bullets. Go right through anyway." He grunts, then pulls himself up. "Where's everyone else?"

"Kadabra and Eiling are at the tower. Apparently Tuppence got disintegrated."

"Ah, shit. I liked her. So..?"

"Up and at 'em, champ."

He takes a deep breath, then nods. I fly up-.

The antennae on the top of the broadcaster shimmers for a moment and then vanishes. The aliens take that as their sign to evacuate as well, throwing plasma grenades at the ground-bound Justified before activating their armours' flight systems and going for height.


I fire three times, knocking out the main thruster from the alien closest to me before punching through their leg armour with the follow up shots. I don't hear a cry, but they fall out of the air a moment later.

Mr. Mahkent dashes along below me, throwing up walls of ice to cover his flanks. Eiling is at the tower, and takes advantage of the explosions going off to rip the entrance door out of the walls.

"Kadabra! Get out here! Time to go, before-!"

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So, marginally less crime-ridden than usual, because everyone's so depressed they can't be arsed to try? If not for the Anti-Life, it might qualify as an improvement. Still, no time to be lolly-gagging, OL...

This place is going to need a lot of work once this is over. Not a lot of people out on the streets, and those are a mixture of long term homeless and… People who just don't have any real objective. Within their limits the homeless are better able to care for themselves…

Wasn't there a Authority comic where something like that happened? Someone broadcast a signal that made socially dominant people kill themselves? They haven't quite gotten to that stage yet, but they can see it from where they are.
Huh. Not a storyline I remember, but most of my knowledge of Authority is the Ellis-Hitch and Ellis-Quitely era.

Empathic vision shows threads of black clogging up everything in everyone I can see. No broadcaster, and no obvious organisation by a strong man figure.

"Orange Lantern to Justice League assets. Please respond."
The joyful aftermath of Mannheim's little visit, I guess. And there are whole swathes of the world in this same shape...

"Orange Lantern. Proceed to New York."

"Mister Atom?"

"Ah, I apologise. Proceed to New York now."
Heh. Adjusting for the fact OL's a bit behind the times? Fast thinking.

"Right." I turn towards New York and accelerate. "You're working with the League?"

"I judged it to be the course of action most likely to result in there being a world for me to rule in thirty nine point four years. Approximated."
Playing the long game. A very long game.

"What's happening in New York?"

"A group of Justified are attempting to raise an Anti-Life broadcast tower. A Task Force X group were assigned to stop them, but both group are under attack from a group not on file."
At least these are things OL knows about. And can deal with with his usual rapid response.

"There are aliens parked around the moon."

"We do not have the resources to fight them effectively. Vexing."
Yeah, Earth might want to do something about that once this is all over.

The United States flashes by beneath me. Nice to see that the fires have gone out. "Lawrence Crock isn't there, right?"

"No. Currently in need of rescue: Cameron Mahkent, Tuppence Beresford, Wade Eiling and Abra Kadabra."
An eclectic combination. I guess they were simply the closest ones to the site.

"Has Mannheim learned to do Anti-Life feedback through a power ring scan?"

Though I doubt Mister Atom has up-to-date logs of that the Lanterns are aware of concerning Mannheim's capabilities.

I form a railgun construct and start scanning New York, wincing a little as I… Hear the whispers of the Anti-Life, and see that the state of the place is much more orderly than Gotham. Gunfire appears to be coming from Newark, and there's an Apokoliptian structure-.

Figures in airborne power armour use plasma throwers to force the… I recognise some of them as Alliance members, but their uniforms now have a degree of actual uniformity. Along with the helmets that mark them as Justified. Another alien in power armour is attaching… Teleport beacons to the large antennae sticking out of the top of the structure.
Still no images of the aliens? Must be an obscure group, then. Or at least one with very little presence in online sources.

A building's front explodes, chunks of rubble shooting out as Eiling and… Anthony Woodward, try punching each other! Eiling's efforts have the most visible effect, but Woodward's metal face just snaps back into place while the tears in Eiling's skin aren't healing anything like as fast.

Woodward isn't vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses and I don't have a specific anti-metal weapon. Anything I could hit him with would do just as much damage to Eiling. On the other hand I doubt that Eiling is going to die in the next thirty seconds, so there's no particular rush.
I'm guessing Girder is Justified. Or worse, actively serving of his own free will.

Woodward somehow manifests a mechanical crusher from his chest and uses it to grab Eiling's head.

Okay, he is going to die in the next thirty seconds.
Huh, guess the process of being Justified has given him nasty new ideas for using his powers.

Particle beam.

Ah, the good old beam of 'fuck you'.

A pale blue beam lances out, cutting a grove across Eiling's right shoulder and hitting Woodward full in the face. A tiny shift in the angle of the beam and it slices across the top of Woodward's head, confusing whatever passes for his mind enough that Eiling is able to free his right hand and tear the clamp off.

And now I've arrived.
I doubt a wound like that is fatal to Girder, given that a body of pseudo-organic steel isn't exactly likely to have a centralised brain.

Eiling shoves his hands through the hole in Woodward's chest and pulls, tearing a vertical cleft in him and literally ripping him apart. I grab both halves and shove them into two separate furnace constructs, melting them into solid masses before freezing both and dumping them on the floor.

Eiling grimaces at me as he gets his breath back.
Okay, that might be a little more effective at keeping him out of the fight for a bit.


"Eiling. Situation?"
At least Eiling's smart enough not to hold a grudge. Or at least acting on it right now.

"Kadabra's still in the tower, Mahkent's laying face down in a ditch and the Terror girl got disintegrated." He grimaces. "And I got a voice in my head telling me it was all inevitable."

"You're not pardoned yet. Find enemies to kill."
:confused: ...Tuppence is dead? [Press (X) to Doubt] After all, it might be hard for someone to tell the difference between a teleport beam and a disintegrating one in the heat of combat...

He grunts, then leaps in the direction of the broadcaster. I scan to try and find where Mahkent ended up… Not in a ditch, but a squad of… Justified soldiers are demonstrating that if you don't mind killing the target it's perfectly possible to fight supervillains with guns. I rapid-fly in his direction, crumblers on construct cables punching through their helmets and jamming their central nervous systems. The one half-coated in ice gets a quick blast of hot air while I pull out my purple healing ray.
Sadly, most supers aren't bulletproof, even in DC. So conventional weapons do tend to be useful.


"Haah. Hahh. Hahh."
Nick of time for OL's arrival, by the sound of it.

I drop the soldiers and dash into a building site, my construct barrier blocking the blast of ice he sends my way for a second before realising that I'm a friendly. The expression of guilt on his face would be funny of not for the three bullet holes in the upper right side of his chest, and the blood covering his hands.

"You look-" Filaments touch him and I begin knitting his flesh together. "-like shit."
And unlike the very similar-looking Iceman of Marvel fame, Icicle does not have a decentralised physiology.

"Fuck you, Lantern. Fuck this hurts."

"I realise it's not stylish, but I suggest body armour."
Perhaps with a layer of ice to conceal it? Or would that be too heavy for your comparatively normal level of strength.

The bullets made a mess on their way out, but on the positive side that means that they're out. After I finish fixing the holes in his lungs and ribs and also give him a courtesy dry clean.

"Not worth it. They all use tungsten bullets. Go right through anyway." He grunts, then pulls himself up. "Where's everyone else?"
Heh. OL's got a knack for patching up allies, doesn't he?

"Kadabra and Eiling are at the tower. Apparently Tuppence got disintegrated."

"Ah, shit. I liked her. So..?"
Still don't assume she's dead. These unknown aliens could be abducting Metahumans...

"Up and at 'em, champ."

He takes a deep breath, than nods. I fly up-.
People still fucking shit up. So fuck them up. Easy enough to understand, right?

The antennae on the top of the broadcaster shimmers for a moment and then vanishes. The aliens takes that as their sign to evacuate as well, throwing plasma grenades at the ground bound Justified before activating their armours' flight systems and going for height.

Odd. All they wanted was the spire? At least if they're raiding these sites, it might make things a little easier.

I fire three times, knocking out the main thruster from the alien closest to me before punching through their leg armour with the follow up shots. I don't hear a cry, but they fall out of the air a moment later.

Mr. Mahkent dashes along below me, throwing up walls of ice to cover his flanks. Eiling is at the tower, and takes advantage of the explosions going off to rip the entrance door out of the walls.
Ah, classic superheroes. Running into the exploding building instead of away.

"Kadabra! Get out here! Time to go, before-!"

...We can hope Abra got a shield or something up in time?

Well, getting his time back on Earth off to a flying start. These alien interlopers are being very enigmatic. I assume the antenna they took included the devices broadcasting the Anti-Life, which makes me wonder what they want with it. Opportunistic looters hunting for advanced tech to sell elsewhere, perhaps? As for Tuppence... No way is she dead. I bet they stole her too. :sneaky:

A pale blue beam lances out, cutting a grove across Eiling's right shoulder...
A pale blue beam lances out, cutting a groove across Eiling's right shoulder...
Wasn't there a Authority comic where something like that happened? Someone broadcast a signal that made socially dominant people kill themselves? They haven't quite gotten to that stage yet, but they can see it from where they are.
That should say 'an'.

"A group of Justified are attempting to raise an Anti-Life broadcast tower. A Task Force X group were assigned to stop them, but both group are under attack from a group not on file."
That should say 'groups'.
Aw man, I also liked Tuppence. Maybe she just got teleported or the White Pulse will have unforeseen resurrective side effects. At the very least I hope she took Paul up on his afterlife insurance.
Hope it was just disintegration when dealing with new gods that could have been the omega effect to the uninformed.
A pale blue beam lances out, cutting a groove across Eiling's right shoulder...
No. He has trees now.
Huh. Not a storyline I remember, but most of my knowledge of Authority is the Ellis-Hitch and Ellis-Quitely era.
It may have been Stormwatch.
That should say 'an'.
That should say 'groups'.
Thank you, corrected.
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Maybe she joined because they offered her a job?

The Suicide Squad has had members such as Nemesis, Barbara Gordon, Black Orchid, Roy Harper, Shade the Changing Man, the third Atom, Firehawk, Steel, Hawkman, Power Girl, Star Spangled Kid, Wildcat, King Faraday, Nightshade, and Katana.

So yeah, Waller won't let a little thing like not being in prison stop her from recruiting someone if she thinks they'd be useful.

I am curious what she offered Tuppence though. "Go to exotic locales, meet interesting people, and beat them to death for a government pension?"

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