Chojin Patriarch
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Ah, P'ol of the Tau Empire. Currently in a committed relationship with a... Water Caste diplomat? And it seems a cult of the brood-children has gone hot in this system. That doesn't bode well, as that sort of thing typically precedes a Hive-Fleet's approach.6 981 941.M41
And there we go.
A swarm of ships of various classifications erupt from the mining stations and floating shipyards, the brood brothers of the Cult of Destined Stars coming into the open in a frantic attempt to prevent Inquisitor Vail's ship warning nearby Imperial worlds.
Of course not, they're nominally enemies of Mankind. Enemies of moderate priority, especially compared to Tyranids, but still enemies.Naturally she wouldn't warn T'au Empire worlds, despite the obvious increase in efficiency that would cause. So if the envoy of self-proclaimed 'downtrodden masses' we received hadn't been spotted by our improved detection protocols, this could have ended up being jolly awkward.
So only, maybe, a mile in length or so. Quite petite by Imperial standards. Still quite useful, and basically her main ride. But sometimes you need to slum it to ensure the foe doesn't see you coming. Edit: Okay, her main personal ride. She does have the ability to requisition any Imperial vessel as needed...Externus Exterminatus is officially listed as a 'yacht'. What that means is that it's between a frigate and a light cruiser in size, has its own navigators and astropaths and a… Decent gunnery. The ships attacking it vary from heavy freighters down to personal mining scouts that are trying to get inside the yacht's void shield envelope so that they can use their melta cutters on the turrets-.
That would be tech-heresy, after all. Can you imagine the binaric screeching of the techpriests?Yep, that one just managed it, and now more are swarming the opening.
Odd, really. I'd expect an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor to have upgraded her ship's weapons with alien technology. Tau turrets would significantly outperform what she's currently using, but I suppose that's what being a puritan means.

Imperials do love to build them big. Mostly because their tech is so old and shit it's often necessary.I transition forwards, right up to the hull of the heavily armoured cargo freighter currently trying to ram the Inquisitor. Her ship is trying to evade, but ships in the 41st millennium aren't the most agile and the cargo ship has had extra manoeuvring thrusters added to help if dodge asteroid clumps. Manoeuvring thrusters whose outlets I could stand inside without my head touching the upper interior surface, so… Tiny by Imperial standards.
Naturally, an out-of-context problem like a Lantern is capable of facerolling these guys. But he is one man, and not a combat-focused build.And out come the melta bombs. I flitter around, planting them on anything that looks exposed and important to the task of ramming the Externus Exterminatus. Nothing the locals can't fix, but this whole place is going to get annihilated by the Imperial Navy in a day or two so I doubt that matters. Punching through the hull would take more time than I want to spend, and… The sheer size of these ships makes actually doing enough damage to kill them frustratingly difficult.
So it's coasting purely on inertia for the most part. No doubt there's screaming amongst its command crew right now, and possibly executions. Edit: Well, there would be if they weren't telepathically interlinked by Genestealer brood telepathy...There. Done. Now transition onto the bow of the Externus Exterminatus and detonate.
Can't see a darn thing from here. That ship is trying to collide with the one I'm standing on and I can barely see it. But my scans show that most of the melta bombs did the trick and the freighter's manoeuvring capacities have dropped right off.
They've met him before, if I remember right? During a different sort of cult outbreak. Edit: Right, Cain, not her. But since she's associated with Cain, she probably got her hands on his reports pronto.I generate a railgun turret and start shooting the tiny mining scouts still trying to swarm the yacht. And the funny thing is that there's a good chance that the pilot and the Inquisitor have no idea that I'm here. Not like these things have much in the way of external cameras.
Ring, contact the ship.
Ave, Lanterna.
No doubt a moment to allow the Lady Inquisitor to stifle the swearing she no doubt broke into when she heard that."This is the Externus Exterminatus, ship of His Most Holy Majesty's Inquisition. All servants of the throne are ordered to lend all possible aid. If you're the one who just-."
"The problem there is that I'm not a 'servant of the throne'. I'm Orange Lantern, and I need a word with Inquisitor Vail. Can that be arranged?"
"Stand by."
Such is the nature of working off the same techbase as your traitorous enemy. Void shields, for reference, are heavy enough that it takes a minimum of anti-tank weaponry to disable a single layer of dozens.I scan the exterior of the ship. A few long-ranged shots are causing the void shields to flare prettily, but they're not exactly overstressing them. The rule with Imperial ships is that two ships of the same class can usually batter down each others' shields, but won't be able to inflict significant hull damage before the shields reset. The few remaining scouts… They're hiding from the orange glow. I've got a null rod in subspace, but it doesn't have the range to try and disrupt them. I move the turret further away from the ship, giving it a better angle.
Good to see the Tau worlds he associates with aren't quite so naive at this stage... I assume the attention he attracts are daemons, and things like Gellar Fields make his trips a lot easier."This is Inquisitor Vail. What is an agent of the Tau Empire doing here?"
"The cultists were trying to convince us that they were totally on our side, and that they'd love it if we'd annex the system. We're not that gullible." Anymore. "Look, do you mind if I come inside? Your way to the Mandeville Point is clear and last time I rode a ship through the warp it got some unwanted attention. I was fine, the ship less so."
Good, they're not being obnoxious about things today.There's a brief delay.
"The closest maintenance hatch is unlocked."
"Ta everso."
Once again: Imperial scale is wacky.I fly up off the hull and around the crenellations and other gothic splurges until I find… The doorway wide enough for an entire maintenance team to leave simultaneously. And this isn't even one of the big doors. Those, you can drive tanks through three abreast.
Interface and open.
Of course there are guns in the airlock.The doors open, and I disable the internal weapons before flying inside and closing the door behind me. The air starts cycling a moment later, and then the internal doors open with a quiet hiss of equalising pressure.
It leads out into a room containing lockers and spacesuits and some sort of manoeuvring frames. There's only one door leading into the ship's interior proper, so I head towards-.
Voidsmen-at-arms, for reference. Famously made their modern debut in the Kill-team game, and basically not-Guardsmen in space. The shotguns are probably the safest weapon aboard ship, with minimal risk of damaging the systems with pellets.A squad of armsmen enter, shotguns levelled. I take an instant to observe their discipline and professionalism, nod, and transition to… A heavy bulkhead door.
This could take a while.
Hope he patched those holes behind him, I doubt they appreciate him leaving pinprick gaps in their bulkheads.After scanning, transitioning and poking holes in a few walls, I finally arrive in the bridge briefing room and raise my right hand in greeting to Inquisitor Vail herself as I shield, scan and set alerts for when they take a crack at me. A few more armsmen level a few more guns at me, and the techpriest-. Is that a Mark I plasma pistol? I've only seen them used by the traitor legions…
Ah, Imperial holography. The finest monochome graphics the Eighties could provide.I point at the tactical plot of the… Shuddering green hologram projector on the table. Far worse than the tau version, which has colours and anti-aliasing. It's showing local space and-.
"Yeah, don't worry about that one. I wrecked its thrusters. Just alter course a little and you'll be fine."
A question asked by many people who encounter P'ol or his alternate selves.She looks up at one of the armsmen and nods, and he leaves the briefing room at a jog. I track him heading for the pilot's station, which… Isn't as insanely gothic as it might have been, but makes up for it in fortifications.
"Why are you here?"

Well, it is tech, and he is a techpriest. While the Mechanicum might not like the idea of it, Tau tech is a little more advanced in some areas over Imperial, and though a hardliner might dismiss it as anathema, he'll still study it."I had some good fortune recently, and I thought that I'd share." The data storage device which isn't built into a skull but should still be compatible with most imperial cogitators appears from subspace, and the techpriest starts furtively fiddling with something under his robes.
Ah, I see he and his lady formalised matters. Good for them, even if she might have been a little bemused by the whole exercise.Hopefully, it's a scanner. I'm a married man after all.
I hold it out to the Inquisitor, but her eyes flick and an armsman comes forward to take it from me instead.
"What is it?"
Now I wonder what else he found aboard it. A repository of what Imperials call Archeotech is a big thing, and Mechanicum priests would give their left nut (organic or cybernetic, natch) to get a sniff of it."The birthright of all humans everywhere." I shrug. "I found a historical database on a derelict ship recently." True, though it was walking around at the time. "I… Don't think you'd be much interested in some of it… Certainly not in the catalogue of pre-Ecclesiarchy human religions and their beliefs for example, but the music should pass a purity screening. Some of it is recognisably the original inspiration for certain popular hymnals. I've already started distributing it amongst the human population of the Tau Empire and I can think of no one better than you to introduce it to the Imperium."
Before anyone asks, he means that by some background material, the light of the Astronomican, Humanity's beacon in the Warp (and basically fuelled by the"I'm a little busy with Genestealer Cults at the moment. Based on the information you provided, they've been prioritised."
"And I'm glad to hear it." I nod, genuinely pleased. The Imperium, prioritising properly? But then I suppose that if 'they're coming for the Emperor' didn't make that happen then nothing would. "We've dealt with all of ours, tau and otherwise. But…" I raise my right hand in a placatory fashion. "We're dealing with a far smaller area."
A rare occasion of the Tau's somewhat totalitarian government coming in useful. Imminent disaster tends to make a good knife for cutting through red tape.And dealing with them using an efficient police state, rather than the inefficient one she's got to deal with.
"Are you prepared to share the details?"
And so she can finish swearing about him in relative privacy, too?"But of course! Tyranids are everyone's problem."
She looks past me. "Pelton, take him to the drawing room on kappa deck and make him comfortable. I will join you once we've transitioned to the warp."
A return to the Warhammer 40,000 Paul alternate, and a fun sequence of showing just how tricky he can be. And a fun contrast to the events of the paragon OL plot. It'll be interesting to see what he's got lined up to share with Vail this time, besides the historical data, and what complications will arise to interfere with existing plans.
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