Chojin Patriarch
Veteran Lurker
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Yeah, when you're only a few inches tall, it's hard to get noticed by the taller species. Especially if they're not used to dealing with you. The resemblance to creatures many species find cute probably doesn't help.13th February 2013
17:49 GMT -5
B'dg makes a point of floating past my face as we approach the late Indigo Lantern's former home. I guess he wants to talk about something.
Care to clarify your subject? New Gods? Orange Lanterns in general or OL specifically? The berrith's behaviour?
Pity about any other races in their path. But most of them don't deal with outsiders, be they future subjects or food.The berrith, I assume. "It takes a lot of work to be all-evil all the time. Apokolips manages it, but most Reach worlds are quite nice places to live if you're a reachian."
"What about the Spider Guild?"
But to each other, they're quite pleasant."The slave pens take up quite a lot of space, and since they like the moans and screams they don't use any sort of sound-deadening technology on them, but outside of that… Pretty much." I shrug. "The Vega branch of the Guild is a little different due to the Queen and the fact that most of them are so young, so my viewpoint is a little slanted."
Don't mistake their response to stressful situations for normal behaviour."What were you expecting?"
"More beatings. I've seen recordings of berrith prisoners, and they had to be kept restrained or they'd fight each other the whole time."
Why not? Do the captives act politely to each other afterwards? Then it's no problem."That was the males, right?" He nods. "They'd only do that until they established a hierarchy. If you kept them in small groups and let them settle things, they'd calm down afterwards."
"We didn't keep people who fought each other without provocation in the same cell!"
Heh. B'dg getting a quick introduction to xenopsychology. Fellow might want to look into it later, if he cares to do his work well."That was a mistake. You should have done. It's unwise to assume that alien species think the same as your own, even if they look like a bigger version of your species."
"… Huh. And the females?"
Amazingly simple, isn't it? All you really have to do is make sure to patch up the injuries afterwards. Or leave the dead to be eaten."Less direct violence, but they might take a little longer to settle things. Or you could just imprison them in the groups you capture them in, because they already have an established hierarchy."
"And that's it?"
Silly boy. I hope this teaches you to look up background information ahead of prospective interactions in future."If you give them a really big prison then they might just avoid each other. I'm a little surprised that you don't know this. It shouldn't really-."
He waves a paw. "I didn't read up on the berrith because it was a done deal. There probably are people who know about it. Now, anyway. Do you know why they eat people, too? "
Ah. Hopefully all that talk of meat-eating isn't turning B'dg's stomach or anything."No, I've been wondering about that as well. My guess would be that their ancestors leaned into the scavenging side of carnivorism. So they evolved guts that could handle partially rotted meat, which meant they also got the ability to eat other berrith without the sort of health problems you or I would get if we tried that. And because they were used to scavenging available meat, the same sort of social prohibition our species-."
"Whow, whow, hey. You might be an omnivore, but I'm strictly a herbivore!"
I can just picture him shuddering when he says 'beetles'. In that 'slightly disgusted' way."My species has about eating each other never developed." I frown at him. "Obligate herbivore or do you just not need it?"
"Some h'lvenites eat… Beetles, but they're weirdoes."
Huyen smoothing the way with his housemates, I see. I'm guessing it's something of a 'They're not staying. Just checking something' explanation.I nod as Huyen shows Vykin in. Berrith appear to like communal dwelling, so it's more like a dormitory with an attached kitchen than a house or flat. There are two other berrith in there, slightly older than our escort but not closely genetically related to him. The one closest to the door gives Vykin a mild glare, but our escort grunts something and he clams down.
"Anything interesting happening in the Green Lantern Corps?"
Bit of a rush job, then?"I wouldn't know. I've never left this Sector. Ch'p is the only other Green Lantern I've ever met."
"He did your… Basic training, then?"
Oh, boy. Is he gonna get an eyeful if or when he reports for Basic Training."That's right. Never even seen Oa. I thought they might send an Honour Guard Lantern to cover for Ch'p, but I guess the Guardians didn't think they needed to."
"You know your ring can contact other Lanterns, right?"
Just be polite when you open a channel. Never know what a more senior Lantern might be up to when you Ring them."Yeah, obviously."
"You can just contact people to have a chat, you know? Or if you want to improve your skills, get a bit of remote tuition? Lantern Priest of Sector One Six Three Four is the most skilled green light user I know, and his Sector is almost completely safe."
Ah, OL. Always with the 'I think that's a compliment' comments."Thanks. Once Ch'p gets back from his paternity leave, I'll do that." He looks me over. "This isn't how I thought this conversation would go."
"The Green Lantern Corps fulfils a vital interstellar policing function. I have a great deal of respect for anyone who puts on one of those-" I nod at his ring-bearing paw. "-and serves their Sector, and if I mention certain issues in your Standard Operating Procedures and training scheme it's because I want you to be able to do better, not because I think that you're worthless."
Please, OL. Don't bury the guy in backhanded compliments or inter-Corps sentiments."Ah… Thanks? I think?"
"And I certainly don't blame the occasionally sub-optimal decisions-."
OL, no. Do you want the guy to have a heart attack when he sees just how insane Earth is?"Okay, you can stop now."
"Of course, if you're feeling really brave, then you could see if you can get released for detached duty in Sector Two Eight One Four. Wait until we've dealt with the Anti-Life, then give us a couple of months to rebuild planet Earth's economy, then we can spare the time to give you some lessons."
Yes, Earth is Bullshit, B'dg. Damage that would take other worlds years if not centuries to recover from, Earth fixes up in months."A couple of…"
"Lanterns!" Vykin gestures to us as the Forever People go inside. "We are ready to begin."
Well, you are the only person to have met Ub'X in the room. Presumably she needs a point of reference.I nod as I walk towards him, B'dg flying alongside me.
"I'm assuming that Dreamer needs me?"
Oh, this will be interesting to hear..."It would make things… Easier. None of us have seen this 'indigo light' before."
"How exactly does her ability work?"
Probably a bit much for a simple Seer. More likely it's local thaumic resonance.Vykin… Actually looks mildly affronted. "Our abilities are a gift from the Source, which we receive as we approach adulthood."
"Right, right, but presumably she's interacting with parts of the 'default' universe in order to get information. I was wondering what part. Unless the Source grants her each vision individually."
OL, just dropping the fact that he's dealt with Epic-level biomes like a boss, no worries, mate."Beneath the corporeal world, beneath even the realm of the spirit, there lies a realm-."
"The Dream, yes, I've been there. Impressive that she-."
A neat summarisation of an entire episode."You've been there?" He blinks. "You mean to say that you have dreamt while maintaining your awareness."
"No, I've physically entered the Dream. Went to dream-Baghdad, spoke to the dream-versions of certain notable historical figures, and ended up running through a dream storm. Interesting, though not a lot of fun. I can see how that would work, though it's impressive that she's able to get that level of resolution out of it."
Ooh, that's worrying. Girl's all out of confidence in herself, I bet."I… See."
We enter the building, Bear's size forcing him to wait in the common room while the rest of us head into the barracks. Huyen gestures to what I assume to be his brother's former bed, and I approach as Dreamer starts to focus.
Show me nothing. I am unworthy.
If OL heard that last bit of Godspeech, he really needs to stick his oar in. Otherwise, I expect Lightray would try to do a little confidence-building... Still, better they discover the issue here, than during a far more tense situation. And it's an unpleasant reminder of how badly the Forever People got hit by the Anti-Life. No doubt Dreamer got it worst of them all, given her powers.