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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Back to the Future 2
Also... I've been rewatching the TellTale Back to the Future games. I loved playing them. And it's Jaune: More trouble with time travel is only inevitable.

- - -

Jaune: "Uggggghhh... I am never messing with time travel again..."

Pyrrha: "Jaune?"

Jaune: "PYRRHA! You're... Not a punk rocker girl!"

Pyrrha: "Um... No?"

Jaune: "YANG! You're not a goody two shoes?!"

Yang: "Do I look like Weiss?"

Jaune: "Oh thank the Gods! Geez..."

Yang: "Are you all right? You're acting weird. Like, Ruby on coffee up for three nights straight weird."

Jaune: "It's a long story..."

The Gelorean flies in and lands nearby. Doc comes out with a smile and a wave.

Doc: "Hey Jaune!"

Jaune: "Hey Doc. Uh... Everything cool?"

Doc: "Absolute zero! Our little misadventure doesn't seem to have altered the timeline too significantly. Though I think there may be a new Lion Pope. I've been working on temporal safe containment to allow us to maintain temporal continuity but the physics and engineering are both equally convoluted."

Jaune: "I'll bet."

Pyrrha: "Uh... Time travel?"

Jaune: "Ummm..."

Yang: "Jaune. Your girlfriend would like some answers, please."

Pyrrha: "Your partner would like some as well."

Jaune: "Uhhhhh..."

SONIC BOOM! And another flying Delorean crashlands near the first.

And an older Jaune Arc emerges.

Yang: "What?"

Pyrrha: "What?!"

Jaune: "Ohhh no."

Future Jaune: "DOC! You gotta come with me!"

Doc: "Come where?!"

Future Jaune: "Back to the future!"

Doc: "Jaune, if your younger self sees you the consequences could be disasterous!"

Yang and Pyrrha: Jaws dropped

Future Jaune: "This involves him too! He should come along! And Yang and Pyrrha!"

Another Gelorean crashes nearby. And another Future Jaune emerges.

Future Jaune 2: "Don't you dare! You can't overwrite my timeline again! I've got a dozen kids with Blake!"

Jaune, Yang, Pyrrha: "A dozen?!"

Future Jaune 1: "Your timeline was overwritten five jumps back!"

And still another Gelorean lands. A Future Jaune in black armor stalks out.

Future Jaune 3: "There you punks are... I've got over a hundred kids with twelve moms to keep track of! You can't delete them all!"

The Future Jaunes continue to argue amongst themselves.

Yang: "Do I even want to know?"

Pyrrha: "Oh geez... Oh geez..."

Jaune: "Ummmm... Doc? Any suggestions?"

Doc: "Just one. Come along, young ladies."

They pile into the first Gelorean.

Future Jaune 1: "Hey wait! What about my future?!"

Future Jaune 2: "Or mine?!"

Future Jaune 3: "Or mine?!"

Doc: "Sorry boys, you'll have to figure it out yourselves. Jaune? Let's get out of here."

Jaune: "Where to?"

Doc: "Mister Arc? Surprise me!"

Jaune flies off in the Gelorean.

Yang: "It's a little cramped in here."

Pyrrha: "Totally..." Squishes her chest against Jaune's face "B-But I'm okay with it!"

Jaune: "Totally fine here!"

Yang: glares, shoves her boobs into Jaune's face "Do you mind?!"

Pyrrha: "Do you?!"

Jaune: "Ummm... Doc?"

Doc: "You've piloted the Gelorean under worse circumstances, Jaune."

Jaune: "I guess so!"

Jaune accelerates up to 88 mph, and the Gelorean vanishes into time and space!

View: https://youtu.be/y8YBYKSBf3M
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Hunted Ren
-Ren gets tracked down by a bounty hunter from Mistral. His father did a crime and if his father is dead, then the son will have to do. Because Mistralian Law is fucked.

Ren: This can't be legal.

Official: silence dog! You will pay for your crimes against the south mistralian royal family.

Ren: I'm pretty sure I wasn't even a sperm cell when this crime took place.

Ozpin: be that as it may I'm afraid that since you are a natural born Mistralian citizen, and their laws mean that crimes can be prosecuted through family lines, we here at beacon cannot offer any help.

Ren: Not willing to get dragged into politics to save a student?

Ozpin: you couldn't fucking pay me to jump into mistralian politics.

Ren: *sigh* fine, what crime did my father commit and how do I fix this?

Official: your cur of a father dishonored the royal family by running from a engagement to the crown princess to marry a bread maker!

Ren: and I fix this how?

Official: you will marry the current princess as your father should have!

*Nora busts through the wall*

Nora: Like hell he will!

Ren: what are my other options?

Official: painful death and shame, also who is the young woman currently being restrained by your deputy headmistress?

Nora: I'm the girl with a big problem with this and a bigger fucking hammer!

Official: ah the first mistress.

Nora: fumanchu say wha?

Official: how does she know my last name? Regardless, if he marries the princess he will be the next emperor, and the emperor is expected to have at least one mistress.

Ren: You fool. You've doomed my pelvis.

Nora: so what's my new sister-in-sexual-pleasure named?

Official: Princess Mai Shiranui *he shows them a picture*

Nora: brothers damn she makes yang look like Weiss with those things!

*In the distance a shrill HEY can be heard*
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Back to the Future 3
Goddamnit... One last bit for this. I swear. And of course it's out of order, it involves time travel.

- - -

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3IkiTpWSO0&pp=ygUiYmFjayB0byB0aGUgZnV0dXJlIGlpaSB0cmFpbiBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D

Jaune, in cowboy clothing for Vale of over 100 years ago, makes it back to Beacon after riding the Gelorean back to the future via railway. The Gelorean was destroyed, trapping Doc back in the past. He walks out into the courtyard. His friends, all back to normal, are chatting and relaxing. His parents (and his foster sister Cinder) look up and see him.

Nick: "Jaune!"

Isabel: "Jaune?"

Cinder: "Hey Jaune!"

They get up. His friends soon follow. Ruby blinks.

Ruby: "What's with the get up?"

Nick: "You thinking of a cowboy look? I think you make it look good, son."

Yang: "Heh!" She smirks and hugs her boyfriend's arm "Looking to ride me, partner?"

Ruby: blush "YANG!"

Summer laughs.

Summer: "Aw, let her tease him, it's good for couples!"

Yang frowns at the look on Jaune's face.

Yang: "Hey... You okay?"

Jaune: "I..." sighs "I just..."

Isabel: "You know you can tell us anything, Jaune. Right?"

Pyrrha: "Yes... Anything you need to."

Cinder: "Yeah. You look like you've been through hell."

Jaune laughs a little.

Jaune: "Oh... You might say that..."

Ozpin: "Ahem. Hello everyone. Would you mind terribly if I talked with Mister Arc alone for a bit?"

Cinder: scowls at her little brother "What did you do?"

Nora: "And why didn't you invite us along?"

Jaune: "I uh... I'll be right back."

Ozpin guides Jaune away.

Ozpin: "Well, good to see you again, Mister Arc... Or should I say, Calvin Klein, Michael Corleone and Clint Eastwood?" little smile

Jaune: "Wha-How-?!"

Ozpin: "We've actually met a few times during your various journeys." chuckles "It is fortunate that due to my nature, I am immune to changes in the timeline. I didn't know I was, actually."

Jaune: "You-Your nature?! You mean you remember that nightmarish future and the past and the present-?"

Ozpin: "Yes Mister Arc. It's been so long since I've been so surprised. I take it your little train hijacking was successful?"

Jaune: downcast "Not... Not completely."

Ozpin: smiles "I wouldn't worry about Doctor Brown. You both have a great quality of perseverance. Indeed, that will be useful in the coming days."

Jaune: "What do you mean, coming days?" He shook his head "You-You don't want the time machine, do you?! It's wrecked, and I wouldn't even know where to begin to fix it, Doc's gone, and using it is-!"

Ozpin: "-Insanely dangerous? I am well aware. I'm not going to ask for that power. It is far too risky. But one man can make the difference. One group of people can change the world. I'm sure you're well aware of this by now. I think you will be able to make great change even without time travel, Mister Arc. You and your friends."

Jaune: "Well... That's good to hear."

Ozpin: "Also... Miss Xiao-Long?"

Yang hurries over, concerned.

Yang: "Yes, Headmaster?"

Ozpin guides them outside the courtyard, near an abandoned railroad track. He checks his pocket watch.

Ozpin: "Yes... I believe you will want to step back a bit in three... Two... One-"

SONIC BOOMS! Jaune and Yang are blown back as a gigantic steamtrain with advanced technology all over it appears.

Ozpin smiles, and closes his pocket watch.

Ozpin: "Right on time."

- - -

How would Ozpin and Salem react to time travel?
Jaune the Assistant 3
It had been a few days since he started his new job, something he could still scarcely believe, and so far it had gone well despite the chaos that was the first day. However, that was mostly due to the Headmaster not informing his boss- er, Ms. Goodwitch about him. She'd stormed off the moment she'd laid eyes on him. The sheer level of anger coming off her almost rivaled his mother when she'd been angry. He was reminded of when his father had destroyed the kitchen during his training. He had been forced to sleep outside the house for over a week before his mother let her back in.

Jaune suddenly shivered as he suddenly realized how angry his mother would be the next time they'd meet. Hopefully, this aura thing would protect him from the worst of it. Oh! that was another new development. Having an unlocked aura was apparently something that was supposed to be mandatory for all Huntsmen-in-training. It was supposed to both act as a shield against damage, boost your physical abilities, and even somehow provide you with a superpower!

And he'd tried to become a Huntsmen... yeah, he suddenly felt really really stupid after learning that. Though in his defense - what little there was - his parents had explicitly prevented him from learning about anything relating to Huntsmen. Regardless, he'd have to thank Ms. Goodwitch for unlocking his aura and saving him from getting himself killed. However, he was unsure how to exactly thank her. When he asked her, she'd simply said that his help with the paperwork was enough, but his mother had raised a gentleman so there was no way he wasn't going to at least do something.

Though he could see why she considered his help to be worth it. The amount of paperwork she had to deal all on her own was astronomical. Thousands of pages worth of paper passed over her desk every single day and this was before the school year had even started! He did not want to imagine the amount of work she'd have to deal with once it did start. Not to mention she also oversaw the combat courses as well! Which had left him a 'bit' speechless. Making it all the more important that he not only thanked her but also helped her relax, and so far? He had nothing.

Jaune sighed as he finished the last of his work for the day. Perhaps he could ask the other faculty members? But the moment that thought crossed his mind, he almost threw it away. Mr. Port and Mr. Oobleck were immediate no's. Headmaster Ozpin was also a... less-than-ideal choice since he was the main reason for his boss's headache. Ms. Tsune the head nurse might be an option, but she honestly scared him. The Forgemaster Mr. Flint was more reasonable than Mr. Port, but he was far more interested in weapons and the forge than those of the opposite sex. Suddenly, Jaune remembered Mrs. Glas and Mr. Kuko, who taught Huntsman Laws and Crisis Management respectively. They were both married so they were bound to have better advice than the rest of the faculty members. Filled with renewed purpose, Jaune quickly made his way to the staff break room where he hoped they'd be.

To his luck, the two of them had just sat down to eat. Making his way over to the two - and ignoring the uncomfortable looks from the others in the room - Jaune took a deep breath before awkwardly asking his question.

"Excuse Mrs Glas, Mr. Kuko. I was kinda wondering if you could help me with something." He rubbed the back of his head in a nervous tick.

"Of course, Jaune dear. Now what do you need help with." Mrs. Glas smiled brightly whilst Mr. Kuko nodded to the side.

"Well, you see I kinda got hired without any aura-" he was suddenly cut off before he could continue.

"Goddamn it Ozpin!" Mr. Kuko exclaimed. "So do you need our help unlocking your aura?"

"No! I mean, no Ms. Goodwitch already unlocked mine for me." He paused as Mr. Kuko's face softened in relief.

"Good, that's good. It'd be dangerous for you if you didn't have your aura unlocked. We used to have cleaner staff who didn't have aura, but that quickly fell out of favor due to all the injuries they got from our students." Jaune laughed awkwardly as he suddenly realized just why Ms. Goodwitch had unlocked his, but before he could speak, Mrs. Glas stepped in.

"Ah, so you wish to thank Ms. Goodwitch for unlocking her aura?" She asked though Jaune couldn't shake the feeling that there was underlying meaning in what she had just said.

"Uh, yeah, but I also just kinda wanted to help her relax since she always seems to be swamped by paperwork. So I was just wondering if you had any recommendations."

"Hah! You came to the right place my boy! Now, personally, I quite enjoy it when my wife cooks a nice warm meal for me when I get home. Let me tell you. Nothing is better than that." Jaune nodded, well aware of how his father acted in the same situation.

"Maybe, but I'd also say that a shoulder massage ain't half bad either. Though I wouldn't go that route unless you know how to give a massage." Jaune nodded to that one as well. His sisters and mother often asked him for a massage after a long day. It didn't help that most of them were more endowed than most.

"A small gift she can place on her desk would also be good. Though I wouldn't be able to tell you what Glynda likes. Poor girl tries to keep everything professional and rarely shares details about herself. Personally, I'd wager she'd had a bad work relationship in the past."

"Now, now Vernant, it's not our place to pry into Gylnda's past." Mr. Kuko stepped in stopping her. "Jaune, my boy, if you truly wish to thank her, then I'd probably recommend you do something small. Maybe get her lunch?" It was a good suggestion, Jaune thought to himself. So far, he hadn't seen Ms. Goodwitch eat lunch once. He'd probably have to cook it up himself due to his lack of funds, but that was hardly a problem with how well-stocked the staff kitchen tended to be even if it was rarely used. With a plan in mind, Jaune thanked the two older colleagues and made his way to the kitchen in order to prepare a gift for the person who'd probably saved his life.


Not completely liking how this chapter turned out. But this was pumped out in like an hour so... I'll take it.
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Lust Jaune
A bit of a prompt:

Jaune got hit by a semblance that split into seven version of him. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Except they didn't exactly what team RWBY and JNPR expect.


*Blake fuming while entering the RWBY Room.*

Yang: *Concerned.* What's up kitty kat? What got you so angry?

Blake: *Still angry* There's a new book on sale and it's more popular than Ninjas of Love!

Weiss: Your smut book?! This is what you are angry about? So a new book becomes more popular than the smut you like to read, people preferences changes, Blake.

Ruby: *Ruby entering the room cheerfully* Hey team, look what I bought! *Show the cover of the book.*

Yang: Samurai of Honor?

Blake: That's the book I was talking about!

Yang: *Worried* Ruby, can I look at that book for a bit.

Ruby: Sure.

Yang: *Skim through the book* Looks good, thankfully no smut scene. Actually this is more adventure type.

Blake: They only implied it but never make the scene happen.

Weiss: That's what this fuss is all about, a good book with no smut?!

Ruby: They even added a weapon picture of the protagonist. Now that's a katana.

Meanwhile in JNPR Room.

Lu. Jaune: Excellent Pyrrha, hold that pose for a bit. Nora, can you hold the hammer a little bit higher? I feel it, my creative juice is flowing. *Proceeds to write*

Ren: *Holding the light stand* Aren't you suppose to be lustful?

Lu. Jaune: Lust is not merely about sex driven act, it is also about wanderlust, bloodlust and many more. Besides getting to make money while spreading lust, Greed is going to be jealous.

Pyrrha is happy that Jaune keep asking her to pose but also dejected that Lu. Jaune didn't make a move on her.
The Time Machine 1
I don't think we actually get a calendar system for RWBY, so everyone uses something different. In my case I just set everything to a calendar based on the Church of the Broken Table: "Before Ascension" and "After Ascension" of the Table-Breaker, Aslan. The year is thus 2002 AA, since I like round numbers.

- - -

October 21st, 2002 AA 02:34 AM

Radian, Gallia, Vale, North Sanus

- - -

Jaune checked over the readouts on the time circuits one last time. He then referred to his Scroll, which Ruby had plugged in for additional readouts. He looked over at her. She was doing some more diagnostics on the computers in Doc's old lab, where the Gelorean sat.

It was quiet this late at night. Almost reassuringly.

"And... There," Ruby said with a smile. "I think the system will work." She shook her head. "It is kind of weird Doc didn't update the display for the time circuits to something more modern. Especially if he went to the future."

"Yeah," Jaune sighed, shaking his head, "Well... Doc was old fashioned like that."

Ruby frowned and stood up. She walked over to Jaune, and handed over another bit of tech.

"Sure this thing will work?" She asked.

"It fooled you the first time, that's all it has to do," Jaune said, setting the projector-like device down on the passenger side. Ruby hummed and worried her lower lip.

"So... You're sure about going back alone?"

Jaune nodded.

"I've done it a few times before," he said, "Plus... If I'm going to maintain the sequence of events, one person makes things a lot less tricky."

"But I'm faster, Jaune," Ruby insisted, "I-I can fix the time machine if something goes wrong, I can-!"

Jaune turned and shook his head.

"No Ruby," Jaune stated firmly, "Look... I have literally seen the world almost end because of some amateur running around in a time machine. That amateur was me. I can't risk anything happening. Sorry but..." He shrugged. "That's the way it is."

Ruby scowled. Jaune sighed, and reached out to squeeze her hand.

"Besides," He murmured, "You've done enough. This... This is something I have to do on my own."

Ruby's scowl intensified.

"I still don't see why the future you guys went to didn't come true," Ruby stated. Jaune shook his head.

"Me neither. Time travel's full of mysteries. Even Doc still doesn't understand everything but..." He sighed heavily, running a hand over the dashboard, "I hope he understands why we're doing this."

Ruby slowly nodded.

"Yeah, but... We're still making a pretty huge change," she said. "Uploading the macro program to turn the city's automated defenses back on, and-and all..."

"They got them back online in the old timeline too," Jaune said quietly, "We're just ensuring it happens a little faster."

"And Cinder?" Ruby asked quietly.

Jaune's grip tightened on the steering wheel. He shook his head.

"... We need her to run to track down who supported her," Jaune stated firmly. He took a deep breath. "But we'll reduce her body count. Make it easier for the adults to take back the city."

He hoped.

Ruby nodded, and hit the door controls. The garage door slowly opened, revealing Radian's clear night sky. Arc-En-Ciel was lit up in the distance, the castle-turned-hospital working overtime. Jaune started the engine-The Mister Fusion from the alternate 2025 engaging.

"The security overrides will keep you from getting shot down," Ruby said. She took his hand and squeezed it tightly. "... I can still come with you-"

"Ruby," Jaune said firmly. Ruby pouted.

"There's so many other people we can help-!"

"I know, Ruby, I know," Jaune sighed heavily. "We'll help a lot... But the problem is, even with the best intentions? Everything can go right to hell. Believe me."

Ruby scowled... But slowly nodded with a sigh. It did tug at his heartstrings but...

He knew what he was doing here.

"Take care of Yang and the others until I get back," Jaune said firmly. Ruby nodded again, and backed away. Jaune reached up and shut the Gelorean's gull hatch door. He checked over everything one last time, and took a deep breath.

"All right... "

He inputted the time coordinates into the circuits.

"June 1st, 2002, 10:00 AM," he stated, "Enough time to fly there from here."

He popped his anti-air sickness pill, and swallowed it dry. He put the car into gear and stepped on the accelerator pedal. The heavily modified Gelorean leaped out of the garage and onto the dirt road. He saw Ruby waving at him from the driver's side mirror, and stuck his hand out the open window long enough to wave back. He then rolled the window back up, and gunned it. He flipped the switches and engaged flight mode.

The boosters fired and the Gelorean leaped into the air, the wheels rotating downwards to provide lift as the rear vents ignited. The car accelerated, shooting off into the nightsky. Jaune checked the speedometer, and made sure the flux capacitor was lit.

"Here... We...!"

He accelerated to 88 miles per hour... The interior of the Gelorean lit up as the flux capacitor and the time circuits burst into life. Outside, light consumed the world.


- - -

June 1st, 2002, 07:03 PM

Beacon Academy, Vale, Central Sanus

- - -

The battle hadn't gone as Pyrrha had planned... But then, who expected their opponent to pull a giant dragon out of nowhere? It had torn away everything from the top of Beacon Tower, roaring over her. Her opponent, Cinder, had been so close to defeat... And now stood up cackling like a madwoman.

"Invincible Girl, huh?" Cinder laughed. A blast from the dragon's breath sent Pyrrha tumbling back. She got back up... Just in time for an arrow to hit her in the chest.


"Not anymore," Cinder smirked. Pyrrha looked up weakly, coughing some blood out. Cinder stalked towards her, smirking devilishly. Tears came to her eyes.

Jaune... Ruby... Everyone... I-I'm so... I'm so sorry-

A bright light burst into life, and Cinder yelped. Pyrrha felt someone grab her by the arm and drag her away. She weakly struggled... Yet the form holding her was... Familiar?

"Just stay quiet," someone whispered in her ear. Pyrrha's eyes widened.


He covered her mouth with his hand. They fell back... Onto something that was floating? A hatch opened out of apparent nothing, and Jaune pulled her into a cramped car cockpit. He slammed a pack of goo over her chest, and his Aura glowed brightly. Her pain began to ease a bit as the substance seemed to heal her. Jaune snapped the glass arrow in half, and tossed it away. The rest began to dissolve, and she could breath more easily now.

"Wh-What about Cinder-? What's going on-? What is this-?!"

"She's 'vaporizing' a hologram right now," Jaune explained, "Same tech that's keeping the Gelorean invisible right now." He shut the hatches of the car, and grabbed the steering wheel. "It'll fool Cinder... It won't fool the Grimm though."

He stepped on the accelerator and the car lurched forward, shooting off into the Grimm filled sky. Pyrrha's eyes widened as she saw several smaller flying Grimm, Gripen, dive on them.

"Shit," Jaune cursed, throwing the wheel this way and that to evade the screeching Grimm, "They're getting closer, hang on!"

Jaune pulled up and the car went into a steep climb, ascending rapidly as the sky grew dark from the setting sun. A few Gripen screeched at them, and one managed to sideswip the car. The vehicle shook and rattled around them, as Jaune struggled to keep control.

"Crap, crap, crap...! Thrust systems are failing!" Jaune groaned, "Should have used more fuel! Damnit Mister Fusion!"

Pyrrha held on tightly, still keeping calm even as her confusion grew.

"J-Jaune, I... I told you that-"

"I know, and you died," Jaune stated flatly. It hit Pyrrha like a freight train. "And so I decided to come back and save you."

"Wha... Come back... How?!"

"It's a long story," Jaune stated, inputting some numbers into the glowing dash, "But I'll tell you the whole story once we're back."

"Back?!" Pyrrha gasped. Jaune nodded.

"Yeah... And I'm gonna need your help for this next bit. Do you trust me, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha stared at the boy she loved and admired... And slowly nodded.


"Can you catch us before we hit the ground?"

He looked... So much older around the eyes. So weary, and yet... That spark she loved was still in his eyes.

"Yes," she stated.

Jaune smiled.


He shoved the steering wheel forward, and dove. The Gelorean fell like a rock, shooting down for the ground like a meteor. Pyrrha took deep breaths. She felt Jaune's hand in hers. She looked at him.

"Almost... Almost," Jaune muttered. His eyes were locked on the digital speedometer on the dash.

86... 87...

The world outside exploded into bright lights and sparks. Reality itself seemed to bend around them...!


A flash of light, and they were falling towards the Emerald Forest in the daytime.

"SHIIIIT!" Jaune shouted.

"HAAA!" Pyrrha slammed her hands into the roof of the car, and poured her Semblance into it. Black Aura erupted around the Gelorean, and it slowed, slowed... Until it set down on the ground like a gently falling feather. She dropped her arms in exhaustion, falling back in the leather seat.

"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

She felt Jaune wrap her in a tight hug. She weakly hugged him back.

"Welcome to the future," he murmured.

- - -
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Sloth Jaune
For another Jaune.

Sloth Jaune the Gym Bro.

"You never sleep better than when you're incapable of moving bro. Muscle gains equal sleep gains."

I'm gonna try with the Sloth Jaune. Hopefully, it's good.


Combat Class

Glynda: Cardin Winchester Vs Jaune Arc

Sl. Jaune: Can I decline?

Glynda: No.

Sl. Jaune: Fine.

Both students entered combat. Sl. Jaune just dodges all attack by Cardin.

Cardin: *Angry* Stop dodging and fight back!

Sl. Jaune: Fine. *Use Aura Dash and knocks out Cardin.*

Sl. Jaune: What a drag.

Two Birds, One Stone.

Sl. Jaune: Nora, I challenge you to working out contest.

Nora: You're on, Jaune-Jaune.

Ren: You sure about this Jaune? Nora can be... challenging.

Sl. Jaune: Of course bro.

Pyrrha and Ren acts as Judge.

Pyrrha: Alright first, side to side jumps for 30 seconds.

Sl. Jaune: I got 80.

Nora: Hah, I got 92.

Ren: Nora wins.

Pyrrha: Next, the 1 500 meter run.

Nora: These legs are THE THUNDER THIGH!

Sl. Jaune: On your left.

Nora: Wait what?!

Ren: Jaune wins.

Pyrrha: Finally, weightlifting.

Both Sl. Jaune and Nora lifting their weights at 2 200 kg and couldn't do more.

Nora and Jaune becomes tired from working out. Ren put them on a stretcher. Pyrrha use her semblance to move them to JNPR room.

Sl. Jaune: This so worth it.

Ren: I do hope so, Nora certainly passed out smiling.

Sl. Jaune: I remember a guy used to say this back at my village. Two birds, one stone.

Ren: Oh? How does that relate to this?

Sl. Jaune: You never sleep better than when you're incapable of moving, bro. Muscle gains equal sleep gains.

Budget Problems

Sl. Jaune: Here Professor. *Hands over a brief case and a bunch of papers.*

Glynda: *Opens it and see a large amount of money and immediately becomes alarmed.* Mr. Arc, what is the meaning of this?!

Sl. Jaune: The solution for your budget problems. There should be about 10 000 lien in there. Take a look at the paper.

Glynda: These are contracts... for tomatoes?

Sl. Jaune: Ren teaches me about using Aura to promote plants growth. Since I got plenty of it I decided to grow some tomato with the method.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, you alone won't be able to fulfill the amount needed for the contracts.

Sl. Jaune: I know that, which is why I teach the second and third year the method and told them to practice on the new Beacon Tomato Farm. I even got the General to modify his old robots as tomato harvester. Honestly, this was much better than using his new robots to step on the old ones. Then I sell them as exclusive product of Beacon to Hanz, the Baked Bean Company and some restaurants in Vale. Thus, I solved the budget problem.

*Oobleck suddenly enters the office.*

Oobleck: I hear we got more budget.

Glynda: How did you even know that?

Oobleck: How about adding some money to the coffee budget?

Glynda: No. Now, get out. *Oobleck wisely steps out.*

*Ozpin suddenly enter the office.*

Ozpin: Ah Glynda, I hear-

Glynda: Out.

Ozpin: But co-

Glynda: OUT! *Ozpin quickly left the office.*

Jaune will be known that day as the student who efficiently solved the budget problem of Beacon. On the other hand, Beacon became popular for its high quality tomatoes.

Best Buy

Sl. Jaune: It's here!!!

*Deliveryman giving boxes of various sizes.*

Pyrrha: What's here?

Sl. Jaune: My packages. All the items I need for the most satisfying sleep.

*Opens a box and shows a bed.*

Sl. Jaune: Behold, the best bed in the whole of Remnant. Patch Latex Hybrid Mattresses. With natural latex is highly breathable and organic Vale wool helps regulate body temperature. Even got certified to be free of harmful chemicals, fillers, and emissions.

*Opens the next box and shows four pillows.*

Sl. Jaune: This is the best pillows ever known to the world. Vacuo Value Sleep, the core of the pillow consists of mainly feather, which is firmer, surrounded by mainly down, which is softer. I bought one for each of you.

Nora: *Happy* Thanks fearless leader. *Fluff the pillow to see if it returns to its original shape.* Oh wow.

*Opens the last box and shows a large blanket.*

Sl. Jaune: Lastly, the best blanket in the four kingdoms. Mantle Warm Up. 100% cotton blankets and weaved with a safe amount of Fire Dust, limited edition, only 10 are made every year.

Ren: You must have some tough competition.

Sl. Jaune: Some guy named Jacques wanted it but I managed to snatch it first.

Nora: You don't have body pillow? I though they were also a necessity for good night sleep?

Sl. Jaune: I did order a dakimakura from Mistral but they won't arrive in time for my sleep

Pyrrha: How about using me as a body pillow Jaune? I'm warm, flexible and cuddly. It will definitely help you sleep better.

Ren: I don't think-(Pyrrha glares at him.) On second thought, she is right.

Sl. Jaune: Well, I'm not arguing.

That night, Jaune got his 8 hours of sleep, on the best bed in the whole of Remnant, with the softest pillow known to man along with the highest quality blanket. And Pyrrha? She was very happy being used as a body pillow by Jaune.
History of Radian and the Arcs
Radian was the capital of Gallia (a kingdom of North Sanus) for many centuries and is where the Arc Dynasty ruled from. It was a sleepy mining and farming town before Joan D'Arc gathered a small ragtag group of friends and overthrew the Witch Queen of Argus nearly a thousand years ago. Her monument still stands in the town center where the roads intersect.

Arc-En-Ciel Castle was once the home of the Arc Dynasty of kings and queens who ruled well up til three centuries before the present time. But when King Roland III abdicated after defeating his father King Louis X (who had become a power mad tyrant), the capital of Gallia shifted to the larger city Lutetia. Gallia itself joined the larger kingdom of Vale in alliance against the Vytal Empire. Radian became a bit of a backwater again, though the Arcs were still nobles.

They moved out of the decaying castle due to lack of funds to maintain it about a century before the Great War and lived in Arcadia, a smaller fortified manor near where the tall CCT repeater tower stands now. By the time of the Great War, Arcadia was burned to the ground and the main Arc family moved into a farmhouse on the grounds. Many of their former vassals such as the Sith, DuLoc, Galahad and Bedevere families followed suit in the south eastern Quadrant of Radian.

Shirou Arc, the son of a Mainline Arc and a Mistralian wife, was the last Arc to live in Arcadia manor before it burned down under mysterious circumstances.

He took former Queen Arturia of the Vytal Empire as his bride and they settled on the Arc lands. They refurbished an old existing farmhouse on the grounds and had ten children. The oldest, Jonathan Ilya Arc, married Elizabeth Duloc of the line of Lancelot, one of Arturia's companions during the Great War.

They built a classic old style farmhouse nearest the ruins of Arcadia and revitalized the farmlands to produce a bountiful harvest. They helped build a brewery and a vineyard. They had five children, the eldest being Isabel Louise Arc.

Tragically they were killed on a trip out of Radian by Grimm, leaving eleven year old Isabel as the head of their small family. Their extended family did help a great deal in running things, but Isabel was very independent and ambitious. She wanted the Arc name to stand for something again, not just a hollow echo of previous glories.

To that end, she became a Huntress and field medic, aiming to get her doctorate and find a way to revitalize Radian and the family fortunes through medicine. She succeeded and brought home a husband, Nicholas "Nick", who married her and took her name as he had none of his own.

They took the farmhouse Jonathan Arc had built and had seven children, Jaune the youngest and only son. Isabel was able to convince the city council and outside investors to refurbish the Arc-En-Ciel Castle into the Arc-En-Ciel Teaching Hospital, bringing in outside investment and jobs to the once decaying Radian.
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The New Teacher: Initiation
Once more unto the breach

The New Teacher: Initiation

Every year was unique for Ozpin, not because he found new and novel ways to mess with- Test the mettle of his initiates.

But life is full of surprises, not all of them nice or helpful.

Like the giant horde that bypassed his perimeter security.

He couldn't really blame his fourth years for not stopping the horde at all, that King Beringel alone looked like he could bring down a five-story building with a back hand.

he dialed a number on his tablet "Miss Frees?"

"Ya, boss?" Her voice sounded slightly digitized

"Could you be so kind as to deploy to the center of the initiation grounds?" He sipped his mug like nothing was wrong with the world.

The laughter coming through the line sounded almost robotic. Almost. "Deploying."

the line was cut and the sound of rocket motors washed over Beacon's campus.

At that exact moment, eight initiates, either too slow or too cocky, found themselves surrounded by a horde of darkness and bone. Three elder grimm led this Nightmare, a King Beringel, a Death Stalker and a Great Nevermore.

They dodged and weaved between opportunistic Renard's and Vermin, shooting and slashing where they could in a dance that, in their youthful hubris, they didn't realize they would inevitably lose.

Jaune knew this but his best efforts to be heard over the gunfire and chaos were proving less than fruitful. He, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora dueled the Death Stalker to the best of their ability, but the creature lacked any metal in its body, so even Pyrrha was having a hard time. As he began to fall into despair, he heard a low whistle and Pyrrha looked up, confused.

When he looked up at what his new partner was looking at, he quickly turned to her, and she, to him. Without a word they both began to scream in as much alarm as they could

"Run away!"

The Death Stalker had but a moment to think about its next course of action. Then it didn't anymore, as it exploded in a small eruption of Grimm gore and dirt.

Silence reigned for a second that felt like an eternity.

It was broken by a scream

With legs like a chicken and underslung arms, a machine not seen since the Darktide washed over Remnant walked once more: Battlemech.

The Grimm, in their animalistic mind, did not stop to stare in awe at this monument to the warfighting capabilities of Man and Faunus. They charged, led by the King Beringel, who now finally saw a worthy challenge.

Renards and Vermin, small and nimble were the first to reach the, in comparison, colossal machine.

In her cockpit, head obscured by a neuro-helmet, Carol smiled "Master Arm-"





Her arm-mounted lightning cannons reached out, every tendril of pure energy burning their prey from within in moments.

Larger Beowolves and Ursas, due to their larger mass, fared better


They didn't survive the laser cannons.

It was amidst the hell of burning grimm and bisected corpses that the King Beringel made itself known, one backhanded swipe almost swiping the mech off its feet


It stabilized itself, perimeter flamers making the King Berigel back off momentarily

"I will-"

Pile Bunker emerged from the 'knuckles' of the mech, it swung low and under the gorilla grimm's overhead strike. The moment the spike made contact with flesh, it shot into it, causing the oversized gorilla to 'bleed' its shadowy ichor as it was pulled out.

"Kill them-"

Before the King Beringel even had time to take a stance, the other arm of the mech swung for its head.

The spike easily pierced through the bone and flesh.

The laser cannon fired, again and again, while the mech screamed.

And the King Beringel fell dead, naught but a stump left of its head.

The mech turned to where the initiates had run away to, the Nevermore hot on their tails. Twice did the top-mounted Artillery Cannon fire, twice it did miss.

On the Initiation Cliff, a scroll rang

"That Nevermore is gonna come in range of the defensive batteries soon Boss, want me to turn them on?" Carol asked in the same manner one would ask a friend out to drink

"No, it wouldn't be much of an initiation without some challenge, no?" Ozpin answered with a sip of his mug. Idly he thought that Carol did make the superior brew of coffee.

"Eh~ Your call Boss. I'll uh... see about putting out the fire..." the mech turned around to see the result of its rampage. If nothing was done Emerald Forrest would burn down to the roots.

"See that you do" Ozpin ended his call

Now here's a thing i didnt know where to fit: The Darktide. So with the end of the Great War, most of the world was utterly devastated, Millions were dead or wished they were and now all that horror, is over. Humanity and Faunuskind has a moment to process all that happened and the sheer amount of Sadness and Grief causes the Grimm to go ballistic. So the tide of Grimm coming out of Solas (my name for the dragon-shaped continent west of Solitas, where Atlas is) is so large it might as well be endless. This is the last time the Battlemechs, who were created and used as weapons for the Great War by pretty much everyone, have their 'Last Hurrah' as they, along with the newly-minted Hunters, do their best to hold back the tide long enough for people to evacuate. While the 'Mechs are powerful, they are far more easily overwhelmed by the horde than Hunters and do generally poorer. This, along with the new treaties ending The War, means that this entire avenue of R&D gets dropped and labelled a dead end until Atlas comes out with the Paladin-290. As always, comments and reactions are appreciated.
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Pride Jaune
"Take pride in yourself and your accomplishments. That way when I beat you I look even better."

Alright, managed to get this done.



Ruby: *Sigh*

Pr. Jaune: *Appear behind her* What's wrong Ruby?

Ruby: Gahh! Jaune! *Was about to fall but Jaune catches her.*

Pr. Jaune: So why the long face?

Ruby: Blake and Weiss are fighting again. The White Fang launch another attack at one of the SDC train carrying Dust. I tried to calm them down but they won't listen. I don't know what to do! *Panic*

Pr. Jaune: Ruby, calm down, take a deep breath and listen.

Ruby: *Obey.*

Pr. Jaune: Ruby, you are the youngest person to enter Beacon Academy. The first one in history. You were invited by the Headmaster himself to enter here.

Ruby: *Slowly nod* That's true.

Pr. Jaune: You designed the best mechashift weapon yet, one that surpass every student in this academy.

Ruby: Yeah! *Cheerful, motivated and determined.*

Pr. Jaune: So have pride, you were chosen to be here, to be a leader and above all, you're my bestie.


Team JNPR got a mission to capture bandits that was terrorizing a village outside the city. Unfortunately, the leader of these bandits turns out to be an ex-huntsman.

Estarossa: It's no use. My semblance, Hate Not, it renders anyone who feels hatred towards another in my presence to be unable to inflict damage to others.

All of team JNPR except Jaune had fallen to the ground. Jaune still stand and was now moving towards the bandit.

Estarossa: *Bewildered* Why isn't my semblance working on you?

Pr. Jaune: Why would it? I do not hate those who are weaker than myself.

Jaune was now close to him.

Pr. Jaune: I only pity them.

Estarossa: That's pride.

The two would then fight which result in Jaune's victory. Team JNPR hands him over to the village head which then hands him to police. When arrested by the police, he had only one thing to say about Jaune.

Estarossa: He was a surprisingly nice guy.


Kevin the Grimm Wyvern was not a happy Grimm. A blonde human came to his mountain, woke him up and begin attacking him. Worse, the human is succeeding in hurting him. He was no longer interested in fighting anymore. He was about to leave when he hear the human talking.

Pr. Jaune: Is that it? Is this all you got Kevin the Grimm Wyvern?! I am disappointed.

Kevin: Grrr. *Turns back and faced the human*

Pr. Jaune: You command an army of Grimm, one that covers a city.

Kevin: Grrr.

Pr. Jaune: You destroyed at least 20 civilizations, parents use to tell you as a horror story for naughty children.

Kevin: Grrr *Feels proud of that actually*

Pr. Jaune: You even managed to thwart off people from your territory for decades. Even Kings stay away from you.

Kevin: Grrr *Nods and was now feeling very motivated to fight.*

Pr. Jaune: Take pride in yourself and your accomplishments. That way when I beat you, I look even better.

It said the ensuing fight between Jaune and Kevin was the greatest fight that ever happened since the Great War.

Rule 1

Yang entered RWBY in a hurry with a newspaper on her hand.

Yang: Girls! Take a look at this! *Slam the newspaper to the table.*


Ruby: What?

Weiss: How in Remnant did that idiot becomes the King?!

Pr. Jaune: *Suddenly appeared.*With careful preparations, obviously.

Weiss: How?!

Ren: *Appeared at his right side.* Gathered blackmail on the politicians.

Pyrrha: *Appeared at his left side.* Gathered support from lows class people.

Velvet: *Show up with a board.* Presented an equality plan to the Faunus.

Nora: *Show up while carrying a jar of syrup* And giving more budget to Hunters Academy.

Pr. Jaune: Basically blackmail, support, planning, money.

Blake: And this worked? *Wondered while amazed.*

Pr. Jaune: *Shrugs* It works so far, I just followed the K.I.S.S Rule.

Ruby: You kissed someone?!

Pr. Jaune: No. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Rule 2

Glynda: Your Majesty, on behalf of Beacon Academy, I would like to thank you for increasing the budget.

Pr. Jaune: It is no problem Professor. And please, no need for formalities. Frankly, I was amazed that Beacon managed to still function with the budget given by the previous Council.

Glynda: ...Yes, they were quite difficult.

Pr. Jaune: Take pride Professor, you accomplish so many things with what was given. I mean organizing the students ball with so little budget, that's amazing.

Glynda: Thank you, Mr. Arc.

Pr. Jaune: Here, take this. *Hands a voucher.*

Glynda: Mr. Arc! This is a voucher to Golden Good Spa, I can't possibly take this.

Pr. Jaune: You deserves a little break, Professor. I know you need some time to enjoy yourself.

Glynda: *Nods happily* I guess I will go try the voucher now. Thank you, Your Majesty.

Pr. Jaune: Guess Dad's advice does work. You can be happy when problems are no more.

Give me ideas for the other sins.
Jaune Doesn't Blackmail Pyrrha
When Jaune finds out a secret of Pyrrha's...

Jaune: "Hey Pyrrha, relax! Okay? I won't tell anyone about this, I promise."

Pyrrha: "... In exchange for...?"

Jaune: "... Nothing?"

Pyrrha: "Wait... You won't blackmail me?"

Jaune: "Why would I do that? Being blackmailed sucks. I would never do that to someone I care about."

Pyrrha: pouts "... Well you could blackmail me a little."

Jaune: "Er... Why?"

Pyrrha: "Isn't there... Something you want me to do for you? To you? Something... You want to do to me?"

Jaune: "... Uhhhh..."

Jaune's Brain: Oh shit... My mom told me rich celebrity girls went through shit... Being used and abused... I didn't believe it...! Poor Pyrrha...! I know what I have to do.

Jaune: "Pyrrha? If... If you went through something in your childhood... If someone made you do something... I'm here. I'll listen. I will never judge you for it. It takes a lot of strength to survive that kind of trauma and stay a good person. Even more to be as amazing a person as you are."

Pyrrha: "No, I-"


Pyrrha: "... I-I mean, yes! Yes! I... I have... I have never been able to feel safe... In someone else's arms. Being... Intimate with someone. Can... Can you help me, Jaune? Please?"

Jaune: smiles "Of course Pyrrha. Anything you want."

Pyrrha's Brain: JACKPOT!
Lancaster: "The Realization"
Today was one of the days of all time. A year at Beacon had gone and passed, and nothing had really changed for her. She thought they would go do more cool super secret spy missions like they did Mt. Glenn, but their second year started with same old Peter Port boring everyone to sleep.

Maybe. Just maybe. They were given a bit too much freedom in selecting their schedules for their second year. It wasn't her choice that Weiss was built wrong! She was the one who wanted Port at seven in the morning; and if it wasn't her that chose the schedules, could she really be blamed for falling asleep?

She looked around to her left for her sister and Blake, the two others in her team who were c̶o̶e̶r̶c̶e̶d p̶e̶e̶r̶ p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶u̶r̶e̶d encouraged by her brilliant partner to take up the early morning class. Yang was physically present, and that would be the best thing that she could say about her sister at the moment. Meanwhile, Blake was blatantly just not listening to the lecture and reading one of her many books. Curse the two of them for not having a studyholic partner!

Wait. She suddenly realised the lack of her partner to her direct left. Where's Weiss?

Ruby looked to her right and she couldn't see her partner anywhere. Did she sleep in? No, that's not possible, she wakes up the earliest of all of them. She wiped the sleep off her eyes and simply tried harder in finding Weiss. The classroom was filled with plenty of faces, some she was familiar with, and a lot more that were completely new to her. It took a bit of time and effort, but Ruby finally saw a familiar white ponytail sticking up from the crowd.

Why is her ponytail sticking up? She thought to herself. Leaning forward in her seat she saw that Weiss was face first on her desk asleep. Ice Queen fell asleep?! Traitor! Mutineer! Some other third word she probably invented! Ruby wanted to rub it in her face that she was awake and Weiss was not, but alas she was seated away from her.

If Weiss is asleep, she won't scold you for sleeping too, Ruby's shoulder devil whispered the traitorous thought into her ears. But how would she rub it in her face that she didn't fall asleep if she also slept? No! She must power through Professor Port's Power and stay awake.

Her eyelids felt heavier all of a sudden and she had to use all of her willpower to fight it and stay awake. At some point during Port's solo performance, Ruby had started pinching her thighs in an effort to stay awake. But Port's lullaby is just too strong for her.

Suddenly, a lifeline appeared, her scroll vibrated to life in her pocket. Yes! A distraction! She thought before quickly looking left and noticing that not only Yang and Blake had their faces planted on their desk but also most of the students at the side had as well. Afterwards, she glanced to the right towards Weiss to make sure she's still asleep, which she was. Finally, she took a quick peek at Port to make sure he was still busy listening to his own voice.

Stealthily, Ruby slowly opened her scroll under the desk to see what the notification was for. It was a message from Jaune. He probably doesn't have classes at this time or maybe he's also bored during one of the many general education classes that they had to sit through.

'Don't worry! It won't take as long for me to visit again.'

she slowly typed with one hand; her left being used to prop her head up on the desk. 'Your room is literally right across mine. What do you mean wouldn't take as long to visit?'

'Oh sorry Rubes!'
He messaged almost immediately after she had sent hers. 'That was for my mum.' She can already imagine Jaune scratching the back of his head.

'Mama's boy!' Came her immediate reply before she eeped audibly in class and quickly tapped in an apology. Thankfully, nobody noticed her or if they did they didn't know it was her. 'Sorry, the intrusive thoughts won…'

'Yeah I guess I sorta am?'

'Wait a minute,
He sent another message immediately after his last. Aren't you supposed to be in class?'

she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

'Naughty, naughty! You're supposed to be listening in class right now.'

But it's Port!
She wanted to reply, surely he would understand. However, she didn't because at the back of her mind, she knew that he'd just use it as fodder for the future so she hesitated instead.

Thinking quickly, Ruby glanced around her surroundings. She looked left, she looked right and made sure everybody was still out like a light. She then checked her scroll's sound and flash, she checked it again, and again, and a fourth check even though it's starting to feel like a rehash.

With a quick flick of the wrist, she took a picture of the lecture hall… and it was blurry. She can't send that now, can't she? She steadied her nerves and her hands and slowly and calmly took another picture. With shaky fingers, she pressed the button and sent it to Jaune.

'Se? Im in class!' Ruby hastily sent the message to Jaune, her heart beating a million miles a minute.

She saw the checkmark turn blue and watched Jaune start to type before the dots disappeared. This repeated a few more times and on the fifth time her heart fell to her stomach. What if he tattled on her?! She'd be sentenced to detention or worse. Expelled!

'You alright-' she started to type her own message when she received one from Jaune.

'Woah! You really are in class???'

'Wait no. You can just send an old picture, how am I supposed to be sure you're not just chilling in the courtyard or the roof deck?' He sent another message.

'Wait where are you rn?' Ruby tried changing the subject. 'Don't you have class?'

He then just sends her a picture of himself still warm and cosy in bed. 'Take a wild guess, CF.'

She replied without even thinking about it.

'Hey. Not my fault you chose a 7 am class!' Butthead kept rubbing salt in the wound, further irritating her.

'What time did you schedule your class anyways?'

'Haha nice try, Rubes,'
he sent his message as soon as she sent hers. 'You still haven't sent proof that you aren't just chilling in the courtyards. I know you, you always listen in class. Even with Port.'

'Get out of bed. We're literally neighbours,' she tried weaselling out of sending another picture. Trying not to get caught earlier already made her hands shake, what more if she had to do it again?

'Naaaaaah,' Jaune's next message was accompanied by one of his onesie's legs hanging out of bed. 'My bed feels really comfy at this time. Why don't you just send another pict? Or a selfie??'

But what if I get caught?
Ruby almost voiced her thoughts out loud. Almost. She managed to whisper it out to herself instead at the last moment.

She shook her head and tried to physically and mentally shake the nervousness away after she wrote down the date and time in her notebook. She steeled herself and pointed the camera towards the board, making sure that her impromptu timestamp would be seen. With trembling hands, she pointed to the camera and took a picture.

And then the room was briefly filled with light.

Everyone else was too busy being asleep or doing something else to notice anything was out of the ordinary, but-

"Miss Rose!" Professor Port's deep voice rumbled through the room. "Did you just take a picture?"

Like a deer in headlights, she just stared at him wide-eyed. She tried her best to speak but she only managed to choke on her words.

Port's slowly raising eyebrow didn't help any in her problem of finding and delivering the words needed to get her out of her problem.

"Uhhhh," she finally managed to get something out. "Yes, sir!" Ruby stuttered while Port just stared her down waiting for an explanation. "I, uh, I was just, uh, taking a picture so that I can copy it easier, sir. I'm, I'm too far from the-the board and can't see it properly."

"Hmm…" she got the feeling that he did not believe her, not one bit. "Be a dear and turn off the flash next time." But he let it slide.

She sagged back into her chair in both embarrassment and relief before briefly looking at her friends to confirm if they were still paying as much attention as before. Once she was sure that they were still face down on their desks, she quickly sent Jaune the picture.

'Wait…you really are in class??'

'I told you that many times??? Hello???'

'I genuinely thought you were just laying about in your room like I am! Wait…you actually took Weiss's schedule?' Jaune asked a simple question and it sounded really stupid to her, but maybe it's just her sleep-deprived brain talking.

'Of course I did. We're roommates and have the same courses. Shouldn't we have the same schedule??'

Jaune started to write something, but he stopped and merely reacted to her last message with a melting emoji.

'You are literally the smartest dumb person I have ever known.'

Ruby was going to send the message, but instead, she just stewed in her own annoyance even more.

'I'm not dumb,' she elected to send instead pouting all the time. Stupid Jaune and his stupid schedule.

'Okay! Okay! You're not dumb…just. Uhhh,' Jaune finished his message there and Ruby could physically feel him trying to backpedal from what he just said.


'Very enthusiastic.'

Ruby had absolutely no idea what that was supposed to mean. Of course, she'd be enthusiastic, it's not every day that it's going to be the first day of class. It happens just once a semester! Why shouldn't she be excited?

'Sure, whatever,' she settled on answering that instead. 'I swear you're a bad influence on me!'

'Me??? A bad influence??? I'm the goodest of boys!'

'You literally just made me take a picture in class,'
Ruby replied rapidly. 'Professor Port even caught me! Good thing it's Port early in the morning and everyone's barely awake.'

'You got caught? Hahahaha you forgot to turn off the flash didn't you?'

Her cheeks felt hotter all of a sudden. Am I really that obvious? She then sent nothing but dots as a message.

'You forgot the flash. I can't believe you!'

'I wouldn't have been caught if some devil wasn't whispering in my ear to do it!'

'I'm not a devil. I don't even have horns, look!'
Jaune proceeded to send a selfie of himself still in bed. 'See? No horns. I am a handsome devil though.'

'Yeah yeah, sure you are mister five head!'

'Hey I resemble that remark!'
Jaune sent another selfie with his right hand firmly on his forehead, his fringe barely covering the fact that there was a gap between his fingers and hairline.

'I see that gap, 5head!'

'Look who's talkin. Take a selfie and let me yours, you might even be a 6head!'

'I'm in class butthead. I'm not taking a selfie, I might get caught taking pictures again!'

'It's a selfie???'
She can feel Jaune's frustration through his most recent message, but she really doesn't want to be caught again. It would be a really bad start for her year.

'The front cam has no flash, you won't be caught. Trust.' He continued to egg her on, and unfortunately for her, there isn't much to do but listen to the professor drone on about the syllabus.

Ugh, fine. You win this time, Arc! Pouting, she closed the messaging app and opened the camera. She tried a few poses before finally settling on putting her elbow on the desk with her hand on her forehead pretending like she was nursing a headache.

'There. See?? forehead. not like yours,' the picture she sent was angled a bit due to her trying to hide that she was fishing for a selfie to send.

'Nice angle work there Rubes.' And Jaune noticed it immediately. It's not her fault that Port is eagle-eyed!

'I'm not taking another one. Port's already side-eyeing me.'

'Sure, sure. Whatever you say 6head!'

Ruby just rolled her eyes and groaned. Hey, it's not like Jauney's gonna see her do it anyway, right? 'When does your class start anyways? Is it after mine?'

came his reply. 'Or probably? Iunno, my class is at 9??? I think?'

'Ya think? You don't know?'
She was flabbergasted because, honestly, how does he not know when his first class starts? 'YOU WERE THE ONE THAT MADE THE SCHEDULE'

The message went from delivered to read almost immediately when she sent it. But Jaune was not typing. He's not typing. Why isn't he typing? He immediately started typing earlier. Was he angry? Did she do something wrong? Oh god, was he angry or annoyed at her? Should she tell him that it was a joke?

Her hands moved by itself as her brain tried to make a decision, 'hey, that's ju-'

That was as far as she went before she got another message from Jaune, 'Oh shit. My class is at 945! I still have 15 minutes more of sleep.' Ruby let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and then continued reading. 'Hey can you be a good girl and wake me up in liiiiike 15 minutes? Kthxbai luv u'

Ruby Rose cannot stop the smile that split her face. Of course she's a good girl, the best even. She is best girl.

Wait a minute, this is just him being lazy and not wanting to set an alarm. Should she still wake him up? It took quite a bit of thinking but she settled that she would because she is best girl, but she won't be happy about it.

"Wait…what did….he…just??" She slowly whispered to herself.

He just…wha?? He just said…bwuh?

No no no no…that's just as a friend right? As a friend, right?

It's not like they ever went out on a date or anything.

No, they never went out.

They just occasionally go to the park and hang out during break time.

Or to the arcades whenever it's too hot out. A smile broke out on her face when Ruby remembered that one time when the arcade was full so they entered a photobooth to pass the time. She still has the pictures in her wallet even!


Her brain finally caught up to her and her eyes went wide at the realisation.


Her vision blurred and her heart beat faster than it ever had before. The low hum of people mumbling over each other was replaced by the sound of her own heartbeats. Not even Professor Port's loud booming voice could pierce through her heart's drum beats thumping in her ears.

Then she felt something pull on her fingers. Instinctively she closed her hand hard, her scroll almost fell through her fingers and onto the floor. Finally she was snapped out of her trance.

Her entire body felt heavy. It was as if she was moving in molasses. Slowly she sat back, closed her eyes, and controlled her breathing.

In, out, in, out.

Finally, her heart calmed down and the sound of the classroom returned. She gripped the desk hard and tried to find the courage to stand up. She took a few sharp breaths before inhaling deeply and forcing herself to stand up. She quickly bolted outside the door.

Class can wait, this is more important.

Ruby Rose ran rapidly.

She ran as fast as her legs could take her.

It took her no time at all to reach the dorms. She found Jaune's dorm even quicker.

Winded and panting heavily, Ruby knocked on Jaune's door like he owed her money.

"I'm up! I'm up! What the fuck??" She heard him through the door.

The door opened towards her and she was almost bowled over. Luckily, hours upon hours of muscle memory taught her to step back at the right moment.

What then greeted her was Jaune's familiar mop of messy blond hair.

"-uby? -at the fuck was th-?!" He said something but it never reached her brain.

Looking up at him, only now has Ruby realised how big of a difference their heights are. She felt small. She felt like Jaune could smother her just by his sheer presence alone.

"Hey…" she felt his hands on her shoulders. "Ruby, are you alright?"

"I..I'm…uhh." She sputtered out, all her adrenaline spent from sprinting towards him.

His deep blue eyes stared back at her like the calm inviting ocean. She could get lost in them for hours, and she might have in any other circumstance, but not this time. Ruby shook her head and used her tried and tested way to wave her doubts and nervousness away. She held his hands and guided Jaune into his room.

"Uhh Rubes?" Jaune asked once he was sat on his bed. "Do-don't you still have class?"

"Have you any idea what you last sent me?" She didn't bother answering his question. The quicker she got through this, the less time her anxiety could catch up to her. "Look at your scroll again."

Jaune looked at his scroll again and went white. "Love you?"

"Are you asking or are you telling me?" Ruby's knees were wobbly and her arms were tingling.

"I love you!" He said firmer.

"Who?" She powered through all her nervousness and anxiety.


Ruby grinned from ear to ear and hugged him tightly. Her knees neared giving up on her and the only thing keeping her up was Jaune himself. But this confirms it, she is best girl and, this is the best day of her life.

With all the weight of her anxiety catching up to her she barely whispered to his ear. "I love you too, Jaune Arc."
More Adventures of Blake the Racist
Cardin comes across a strange scene in a hallway.

Blake: "You take that back! Rabbit Faunus are inherently inferior to Cat Faunus!"

Velvet: "N-No we're not! That's racist Menagerie propaganda!"

Blake: snorts "Please! You got bullied by Cardin! A feline Faunus would never let themselves be so abused! Isn't that right, Cardin? Feline Faunus are superior to Rabbit Faunus! That's why you picked on her!"

Cardin: "Er... No, I was kind of a jerk and I mean, I apologized for bullying Velvet but I'm not-"

Blake: "We are NOT all equal! Some are clearly superior to other kinds of Faunus! Clearly a racist like you can figure that out!"

Cardin: "You're all Faunus to me and I don't care! I feel the same about you all equally!"

Velvet: "Wow Cardin! I... I didn't know you had become so... So enlightened!"

Cardin: "Well I-!"

The cute bunny girl latches onto his arm and draws him off with a broad smile.

Velvet: "Want to go get some lunch together?"

Cardin sees how eager this cute bunnygirl is... Sees how annoyed Blake is... And mentally shrugs.

Cardin: "Sure thing!"
Cowboys of Remnant: Carrot and Stick
- - -

Cardin turned the corner of the locker room, and locked his eyes on Jaune Arc. The guy was in his school uniform, having just changed out of his usual gear. Despite this, he still wore that hat of his. A hat he adjusted as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Cardin took a silent breath, and took a step out. Jaune turned around, eyes narrowing as he saw who it was.

"Winchester," he greeted flatly.

"Arc," Cardin returned carefully, his own eyes slits.

"If you got business, make it quick," Arc stated bluntly, his hands twitching as though to reach for his guns.

Cardin shook his head. Fine, he'd get on with it.

"Why'd you cover for me?" He asked.

Arc frowned.

"I didn't," he stated flatly, "I did throw the first punch."

"Yeah well... I was..." Cardin grimaced.

"Pickin' on a lady like a coward," Arc stated in a flat, angry tone. Cardin glared back.

"You don't get it. Faunus killed my grandfather! Faunus killed my uncles! Faunus-"

"Did she do any of that?" Arc asked bluntly. Cardin's jaw dropped, and he worked his mouth open and closed in shock.


"Did she do any of that?" Arc repeated. "If she did, then I'll help you drag her to the cops. I'll do it myself. Get you justice."

"Of-Of course she didn't!" Cardin sputtered. "She-She's only a year older than me-"

"Then what'd she do to you?" Arc demanded, gun hand still on his belt, "She insult you? She insult your family? She steal from you?"

"I-No-But that doesn't change what she is!"

Cardin glared.

"You can't tell me some of those animals haven't killed some of your family! I heard about the Arcs! How you used to be great heroes! Your dad fought in the Revolution! So did your uncles-!"

Jaune pulled out his Scroll. He motioned with his hand.

"Come here."

Cardin scowled.


"Come. Here," Arc growled. The intensity of his eyes, and the hand that still sought a gun, made Cardin walk up and to Jaune's side. He looked down at the Scroll.

A picture was displayed on screen. A blond bearded man, a blonde woman in medical gear, and a striped cat Faunus man were sitting on the ground underneath a tree. All three looked exhausted. The bearded man had a huge sword strapped to his back, and was leaning back against the tree. The woman was sleeping, curled up next to him. The Faunus man was on the man's other side, snoring away.

"That's my Ma, my Pa, and Mercer Sith," Arc explained, pointing at each in turn. "The Siths have served the Arcs for generations. I grew up with their sons and daughters as my friends and neighbors."

Cardin blinked rapidly.

"Wha... They fought on the side of-?"

"Humans? Yeah," Arc nodded. "They were free Faunus, but didn't much like terrorist bombings on civilians. So they fought alongside my family, even though we gave them freedom long ago." Arc shook his head, and tucked his Scroll away.

"They didn't have to. Nothing made them fight with us... Cept they saw us as friends."

Cardin's jaw dropped, He shook his head.


"So yeah," Arc stated firmly, "Next time you wanna pick on someone who ain't done you no harm? You're gonna answer to me, Cardin."

Cardin sucked in a deep breath. He shook his head slowly.

"I... Fine," he muttered.

Arc snorted.

"Sides... Ain't we got enough problems with Grimm? Do we have to fight among ourselves, too? Out there? Grimm don't care if you're human or Faunus. We all get eaten. So... You remember that. Or next time? I'll do worse than knocking your teeth out."

Cardin very slowly nodded. Arc sighed, and reached up. He patted Cardin's shoulder.

"Strength like yours? You could save a lot of lives, Cardin. It's a waste to use it like that. You can do better, Cardin."

Cardin frowned.

"I... I'll think about it," he muttered. Arc nodded, turned, and headed off. Cardin watched him go, and sighed when he left.

"... Freaking hillbilly," he muttered. But he had given him something to think about, he supposed.

- - -

Jaune emerged from the locker room. He adjusted his hat a bit and sighed.

He hadn't wanted to get so personal... But it's how Mister Rooster had quelled some things. The stick, and the carrot, he'd called it. He'd be harsh and hard on the boys to knock them out of their stupid nonsense... Then connect by sharing something about himself.

He didn't know if it would help Cardin. Still, if he didn't have to knock his block off (again), he'd take it.

"H-Hey Jaune!"

Jaune avoided jumping out of his skin, and instead turned and tipped his hat to Velvet Scarlatina, who was blushing up a storm.

"Howdy, Miss Scarlatina," he greeted her politely. "How goes it?"

"Oh, um, great," Velvet admitted. She beamed. "Listen... I want to thank you for standing up for me."

Jaune shook his head and smiled gently.

"No need, miss. Just doing what was right-"

"So," Velvet went on, "Um, I-I want to thank you! Coco's mom got reservations to a nice restaurant! And-And I wanted to take you there! For dinner! Tomorrow night!"

Jaune's jaw dropped.

"I uh, um, Miss, I-I'm not-"

"Just dinner," Velvet said eagerly, leaning in close. He could smell her perfume and damn if it wasn't doing things for him. Lavender and lilac, with a bit of apple blossoms. Like the orchards and fields of wildflowers back home.

"Well, uh, I-I suppose-"

Velvet smiled broadly. She leaned in and kissed his cheek as she handed him a piece of paper.

"Wonderful! It's a date! Here's the address, be there at 6!" She said cheerfully. She turned and departed, her hips swaying noticeably.

Jaune watched her go, dazed. He then blinked, and blanched.

"Wait, what?!"

- - -

Velvet couldn't contain her grin as she entered her dormroom. Coco looked up from some designing she was doing on her Scroll, Daichi was meditating, and Fox was relaxing with a Braille book.

"So?" Coco asked, smirking.

"He said yes!" Velvet cheered, jumping for joy.

Coco grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

"See? Those stoic gentleman types don't know how to handle a girl just trapping them like that! Works every time!"

Daichi and Fox glanced at one another while the two girls giggled and began to make preparations.

"You think we should warn Arc about this?" Fox asked.

"Did anyone warn us about them?" Daichi asked sagely.

Fox slowly nodded.

"Good point."

- - -
The Time Machine 2
- - -

October 21st, 2002 AA 9:15 AM

Radian, Gallia, Vale, North Sanus

- - -

Jaune looked in through the glass into the recovery room. Despite the cool stone tile and walls of the ancient castle turned hospital, the interior was warm and comforting. It had been touch and go for a while, but Pyrrha had come through. She was resting in a hospital bed now, still hooked up to a massive array of sensors and tubes, but alive.

His mother emerged from the recovery room, pulling off her surgical mask to give Jaune and Ruby a small smile through her exhaustion.

"Everything is looking good, you two," she said with a sigh. Jaune reached out to squeeze his mother's shoulder in thanks.

"Thank you, Mom," Jaune said gratefully, "I-I know you're so busy but-"

"Nonsense. One more life to save? Hardly an issue," Isabel said with a smile. She yawned. "Though I'll admit... Even I am reaching my limits. All those refugees you brought back."

Jaune winced again. His mother's Total Body Control Semblance was incredible... But even she had her limits. If she was looking this tired, she must have been hitting those and hard.

"You should definitely get some rest, Mom," Jaune insisted. "Unless you want Dad to carry you home over his shoulder... Again."

Isabel blushed.

"I've gotten better about that," she mumbled. She shook her head and sighed. "All right. But same to you two. I know you've been working in Doctor Brown's old lab."

Jaune coughed. Ruby tried to look innocent and very nearly succeeded.

"Is that how you 'found' a girl who was supposed to be dead for the last few months?" Isabel asked dryly.

"I uh..." Jaune scratched the back of his head. "I can't really say."

"Same," Ruby admitted.

Isabel sighed, and shook her head.

"All right then. Keep your secrets," she mumbled. "And get some sleep."

She took the time to hug Jaune, and kiss his cheek. He returned the gesture to the top of her head. Isabel turned and walked off, leaving Jaune and Ruby alone in the cool stone hallway. Ruby took this time to give Jaune a broad grin.

"We did it!" She squealed softly. Jaune hugged her, and laughed.

"Yeah! Yeah, we did!" He chuckled. He pulled out a newspaper print off. It was of the Vespacian Specter, the second largest newspaper in Vale. While most media had gone the way of digital, print outs of the various news services were still available and definitely useful when it came to time travel.

Jaune held up the newsprint. The front page was dated June 2nd, 2002. The fires and devastation of Vale were still on the front page but the casualty figures were significantly lower.

"See? We got the automated defenses back online earlier," Jaune said. "And the police, militia and Ranger forces are getting things back under control."

"Yeah," Ruby frowned deeply. Jaune sighed, and patted her on the shoulder.

"I know, Rubes. I wish we could have averted the entire disaster... But changing too much and... And the results could be disastrous. I almost erased my entire family from existing by mistake!"

"I know," Ruby mumbled, "But I don't have to like it."

Jaune sighed.

"Yeah... Anyway. Let's go visit Yang and-"

"Visit me where?"

Both Ruby and Jaune jumped. They looked back. Yang Xiao-Long grinned at them, walked up and pulled Jaune into a kiss. With both of her arms intact.

"Mmmph!" Jaune gasped against Yang's lips, and blinked as she parted. She winked.

"So! How's my boyfriend handling things? I..." She turned and stared. "What the... P-Money?! You found her?! She's alive!" She practically slammed herself against the glass to get a better look at her. She looked back over her shoulder in shock.


"I... B-Boyfriend?" Jaune stuttered. Ruby turned and glared at her male best friend.

"Jauuuune... What did you do...?"

Jaune winced.

"Er... Well..."

Three loud sonic booms erupted outside the hospital. A moment later, an older man with wild white hair in a bright yellow trenchcoat and silver sunglasses burst throught the doors.


"Doc!" Jaune shouted. "Ah, uh, look, I know you told me not to use the machine and I didn't-Until I had to-I mean, what was I supposed to do, NOT save my friends?!"

Doc stormed up to Jaune, shaking his head as he grabbed Jaune's shoulders.

"That's not what I'm worried about!" He cried.

"Then what?" Jaune asked quickly.

Doc produced a holographic projector. A news article floated before them of a devastated city. The headline read "APOCALYPSE: NOW?"

"I'm more concerned about this, actually," Doc stated flatly. He pointed at the crashed Gelorean in the ruins of the city. "Know anything about this?"

Jaune blinked.

"Can't... Say that I do?"

"Well of course you-!" Doc sighed. "Of course you don't..."

- - -
The Time Machine 3
- - -

April 5th 2002 AA 02:34 PM

Beacon Academy, Vale, North Sanus

- - -

It was a quiet day. Ruby and Penny were doing some data compiling on some old info from some servers. While her expertise was more in hardware, Ruby did enjoy learning programming and Penny, being an AI, embodied it. So they were sitting in the Beacon Library, just relaxing and nerding out.

"So, what's this new project you're working on, Penny?" Ruby asked with an eager smile.

"I am reconstructing data files from November 12th, 1971 AA Calendar, Friend Ruby," Penny said, with her own bright smile.

Ruby nodded as her eyes flashed in realization.

"Oh, the day of that huge electrical storm? Didn't it fry all the primitive computer servers at the time?"

Penny smiled and nodded back.

"It did extensive damage to the city's infrastructure and considerable data was lost... However, several data scientists have been working to reconstruct the damaged files. I have found something unusual for the Old Vale Courthouse security camera footage."

Penny shows Ruby the files on her Scroll. Ruby studied the pictures in particular of a certain vehicle racing through the streets of the old quarter of Vale.

"That's weird... That car doesn't look like it's from this period," she murmured.

"It is not," Penny confirmed, "It is a 2000 Gelorean Motors GM12."

Ruby frowned more deeply, zooming in on the badge on the vehicle's hood.

"What's a car from 2000 doing back thirty years ago?" She murmured.

"This is a most unique conundrum, Friend Ruby!" Penny agreed.

"We need to study this more!" Ruby insisted.

They scanned through more reconstructed footage. Ruby then shook her head and held up her hand.

"Wait... Who's that? That blond guy? He looks... Familiar..."

The blond was tall, a bit lanky, but had broad shoulders. His mop of golden hair was all too familiar.

Penny hummed and shook her head, her eyes glowing softly as she processed the data.

"Unknown. I cannot find any ID records for a person matching this description in Vale at this time."

Ruby leaned forward, as she watched the footage of the blond young man talking with a middle aged man in a labcoat near a car, and a trailer covered in tarps. The object under the tarps resembled the Gelorean.

"Anything in the school records? He looks like he might have been Academy age," Ruby said.

It was a long shot, but... The boy just looked far too familiar.

"Perhaps!" Penny conceded, "The records for Beacon pre-1980 are not digitized yet."

They got up and headed to the old yearbook section, an aisle of books tucked away towards the back. Ruby scanned through the books, finding the one for 1971.

"Let's see... 1971..."

She pulled it out and flipped through the pages. She held in a snort when she saw Glynda Goodwitch.

"Geez, look at that hair!" She snickered.

"It is quite out of date! How humorous to imagine her in something other than her present style!" Penny agreed. "Hahaha! Hahaha! Haha... Ahem," she cleared her throat at all the other people staring at her.

Ruby kept turning the pages until she found a large photograph of many students. Her eyes lit up.

"Oh! Oh, here we go. Dance of Undersea Enchantment. November 12th, 1971..."

Her heart clenched a bit, but she pointed out the face of a young woman only a few years older than her. Reddish-black hair, silver eyes, wearing a red party dress. She was laughing with a much younger but familiar blond man, while a taciturn pair of brunette siblings posed nearby. Both had spiky hair. The girl was sour faced, but the boy was grinning cockily.

"That's my mom... My dad... Uncle Qrow... Aunt Raven..."

Ruby frowned as she locked onto three blonds. One was a nervous but smiling young man: Almost like the boy she'd seen, but not quite. He was a bit broader-shouldered, his face was a little too wide, and his eyes were the wrong color. He stood awkwardly in his suit. The girl next to him looked very happy, shooting a loving smile at the boy. She was in a green dress with her long golden hair in ringlets. The two were holding hands.

The third blond was a boy. Lankier, still tall. He was wearing a hat, and covering his mouth with his hand but...

Ruby's eyes widened.

"That's not possible..."

Penny scanned the photo as well. Her gentle frown deepened.

"Curious. The date for this photo must be wrong. There is no way this is possible."

"I mean... Could those be... Could that be his dad?" Ruby offered. "I-I mean, maybe he has an uncle-?"

"Unlikely," Penny said, appearing anxious, "That is this student's father, right in the photograph. And according to all records, this student had no brothers. This is a remarkable discrepancy."

Ruby's hands trembled in disbelief. It wasn't possible... It couldn't be possible...

Yet here was living proof, right in front of her.

"Penny? Are there... More discrepancies like this in the files?" Ruby asked quietly.

Penny's eyes darted to and fro as the gynoid processed the request.

"... Multiple potential discrepancies have been noted involving this individual, and a few others," she said.

"Please... Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" Ruby asked. "Nobody. It... We don't want to jump to any conclusions, you know?"

Penny hummed and then nodded.
"Of course, Friend Ruby! But how will we solve this conundrum? It is most perplexing!"

"Well," Ruby considered, "There's always the direct approach."

- - -

Ruby found her target easy enough. He was out relaxing in the sunshine, enjoying a comic book on a bench. He looked up when he saw her approach, and smiled at her.

"Hey Ruby. What's up?"

"Uh, hey," Ruby managed nervously, holding the yearbook behind her back, "Um... I have a question for you, Jaune."

Jaune Arc smiled.

"Sure! What is it?"

Ruby took a deep breath. She held out the yearbook, and opened it to the appropriate page with the photo of the Dance of Undersea Enchantment.

"Um... Well... Wh-What were you doing on November 12th, 1971?" Ruby asked shyly.

She expected Jaune to laugh it off. Say it was a prank or something.

Anything other than staring in horror at the photo.

"Oh shit," he mumbled. He took Ruby's hand, and dragged her off. Ruby gasped a bit-She'd never been manhandled like this before!

He dragged her out, out of the campus proper and approaching the wilds. When they reached a tree near some white ruins, he finally let her go and turned around. His face was deadly serious, and his eyes bore into hers.

"How many other people know?" He asked.

"J-Just me and Penny," Ruby said, clutching at the yearbook and holding it between herself and Jaune.

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?" Jaune demanded.

Ruby winced. Jaune started and then pulled back.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I-I didn't mean to scare you, Ruby."

Ruby stared back at him in disbelief.

"Jaune... What's going on?" She asked. "I-I mean... Is this a joke? A prank? Or-Or something?"

Jaune sucked in a deep breath. He let it out slowly. He smiled wryly.

"No. No, it's not," he said. He sighed again and sat down on a white marble block. Ruby, still a bit nervous, sat down with him.

"Well... W-What is it?" Ruby asked softly.

Jaune shut his eyes.

"... Promise you will never tell anyone else," Jaune said.

"Why would I-?"

"Promise me," Jaune insisted. Ruby nodded.

"I-I promise."

Jaune let out another breath, trembling a bit. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet. He fished out a small photo, and handed it to Ruby. She took it with a frown, then looked it over.

There was Jaune again, easily identifiable despite the photo being black and white. This time he was in old period dress with a cowboy hat on. Next to him was an older man with wild, swept back white hair, also in period dress, with a broad smile underneath his white Stetson. In between them was the Old Vale City clock, standing on wooden struts and stone blocks.

At the bottom of the photo was written Old Vale, September 22nd 1900 AA.

Ruby's jaw dropped. She stared at the photo, then back up at Jaune, then down at the photo again.

"Wha... How...?"

"I do have one thing I can kind of be proud of for my own achievements, Ruby," Jaune said with a nod, "And that is... I'm the world's first time traveler."

He frowned and then shrugged.

"Well, first human time traveler. There was a dog."

- - -
Last edited:
Pyrrha's Cousin Lalatina
-Darkness from Konosuba

Well, I kind of had the idea of her being related to a JNPR member, just not to Jaune.

Aqua Arc's team visit Beacon.

Pyrrha: Cousin Lati!

Darkness (Embarrassed): Who told you that na…? Wait, cousin Pyrrha?

They embrace.

Kazuma: Well, I can see the family resemblance.

The cousins decide to go and catch up and it doesn't take long they start sharing their frustrations:

Pyrrha: I mean, I pretty much told Jaune all of my embarrassing secrets, he's my team leader after all, and what do you think he does?

Darkness (eyes narrowed): He's not blackmailing you, isn't he?

Pyrrha: NO! Not even a little! I even hinted to him he could blackmail me, but he refused to even talk about it… (muttering) Stupid noble dufus.

Darkness: Oh…. I see. I think I can relate.

Pyrrha: Really? You always wrote to me that your team leader was kind of a scoundrel and a perv.

Darkness: And he is, but when it comes to us, his teammates, he just has to break the pattern. Most he ever does is cope a feel a little and that's it!

Pyrrha: Lucky you! Jaune doesn't even do that. Even if he accidently touches me, he just starts apologizing!

Darkness: Yeah, I get it. Kazuma does apologize as well, if he crosses a certain line. I mean, he is a scoundrel and a perv, like you said. He used his Semblance to steal panties after all. Should have no problem pushing further, but he does! I even asked him blatantly, but he just dismisses me. I mean, it's kind of hot too. But I want him to take advantage of me!

Pyrrha: Poor cousin Lati. Why are our men so dense?!


Kazuma: Do you get that feeling?

Jaune: What feeling?

Kazuma: Like you're the dumb harem protagonist.

Jaune: Now that you said it, kind of, yeah. But that stuff doesn't happen in the real life, does it?

Kazuma: Not really, no. Harems are fiction, man.

Aqua: (stares at one then the other. Then facepalms).

(Kind of meh, but I'm not really good at writing horny girls)
The Time Machine 4
- - -

October 21st, 2002 AA 9:47 AM

Radian, Gallia, Vale, North Sanus

- - -

Doc burst back into his lab, charging in before diving into the various filing cabinets and computers left around. Jaune, Ruby and Yang followed. Jaune's face was deeply concerned, while Ruby was excited and Yang was confused.

"No no no, why is everything-Did you organize everything?" Doc demanded Jaune. Jaune shook his head.

"No Doc, of course not! Um... Ruby did it. She's the engineer."

"Well thanks, now I can't find anything!" Doc huffed. Ruby winced.

"Um, sorry Doctor Brown..."

"I appreciate that a fellow scientist," Doc found a rubber ducky, squeezed it for the squeak, then tossed it over his shoulder, "Needs a space reflective of their inner mind to work best," He held up a pair of racy panties, and raised an eyebrow. Jaune and Yang blushed.

"Um, mine?" Yang managed. Doc tossed it to her, then raised his eyebrow at Jaune. He coughed.

"Ah... I think the memories are catching up with me, Doc... Sorry."

Ruby blushed bright red.

"You two-In the lab-!"

"Oh, it's no worse than what Clara and I have done," Doc chuckled, digging through another cabinet and tossing back a revolver, a Beowulf plushy, and a pair of walkie talkies, "You'd be amazed how liberated a 19th century woman can be-"

"Doc, please," Jaune groaned, as Yang and Ruby paled.

"Anyway!" Doc said quickly, finally pulling a pack of chalk from the cabinet. He rushed over to the old fashioned blackboard Ruby had covered in diagrams, before flipping it over to the unused side, "To break it down simply: When I originally invented the time machine, I thought the two most likely forms that time travel could take were: A, self contained loop time travel."

He drew a loop on the blackboard, and marked off two points on either side of the circle.

"That is, you went back in time and you were ALWAYS meant to go back in time so you were ALWAYS back there in the past, meaning no paradox resulted!" Doc crossed that out, then shifted over and drew one line, before drawing two branches, "Or, B: Multiverse theory. Every time you jump back in time, you create a parallel universe where you were there, different from the original reality where you weren't."

"But instead," Ruby chirped, "You found out that it's more like Professor Niven's theory of Dynamic Time travel! Where you CAN change things in the past, and the timeline changes accordingly!"

Doc turned and nodded with a broad smile.

"Yes! Very good, young lady!"

Ruby beamed. Yang looked even more lost. Jaune, used to Doc's patter, just smiled a bit in nostalgia despite his concern.

Doc turned back to the blackboard and scribbled a wavy line through both theories.

"Though it turns out even Doctor Niven's theories were inadequate to explain the complexities of temporal displacement! In a way, all three theories can be true depending on the precise temporal alignment factors!"

"So, wait," Jaune blinked, "What, you mean I was always supposed to go back in time and change things?"

"Possibly! There's still so much we don't know about time travel," Doc said with a nod. He pulled out the future newspaper and held it out. "For instance! The original 2030 we went to has remained in a state of temporal flux since we visited! And the newspaper reflects this! Look! It changed again!"

Indeed, the "APOCALYPSE: NOW?" headline changed to a completely blank roll of newspaper. Jaune frowned as he examined the print out.

"Why is it blank now?"

"Most likely it means that nothing was printed on this piece of paper, suggesting many possibilities," Doc stated, rushing about the lab almost frantically, "The printer for this newspaper was destroyed, or damaged, or ran out of ink! The building it was in may have collapsed-There are multiple reasons! But the flux is still active, meaning that whatever event led to that occurring is still a possibility!"

The newspaper shifted again, to one about... Jaune blinked.

"Huh? That's us!"

Yang and Ruby crowded around. A picture of Jaune, Ruby, and Yang standing in front of the gates of Vacuo appeared. The headline read: "TEAMS RWBY AND JNOR ARRIVE: IMMINENT DOOM FOR US ALL?"

"Wait, imminent Doom?" Yang demanded. "Time travel? I... What the hell is going on?!"

She glared at Jaune.

"Seriously, I have been so damn confused since this started, I've had to keep myself from punching something!"

"Please don't, there's a lot of sensitive equipment in here," Jaune sighed. Something banged, and the teenagers jumped. Doc sat up from behind a desk, his hair smoking.

"Oh, that's not it. Don't mind me!" Doc said, waving his hand. "Is it the Vacuo one?"

"Yeah?" Jaune said.

"That's fairly common," Doc said with a nod, "Apparently in one reality, Pyrrha dies at Vytal, and you all go on a globe trotting adventure after Cinder Fall!"

"Who's this twink boy?" Yang asked with a snort, pointing at a dusky young man with cane standing nervously in the picture.

"Latest host for Ozpin," Doc said.

"Huh?!" Jaune, Ruby and Yang all gasped.

"Long story, spoilers, don't worry about it!" Doc stated. "You explain things to your girlfriend, Jaune!"

Doc rushed off to another cabinet full of tools. Jaune sighed and turned to the expectant Yang.

"Okay, so... Just before I started at Beacon, I became Doc's assistant. He promised me beer and lien to help him with his science experiments and clean up the place. And he, uh... Well, he invented a time machine, and... Things got a little complicated..."

"He kissed his own mom!" Ruby added. Jaune groaned.

"RUBY! Do you HAVE to keep bringing that up?!"

"Ruby knew?!" Yang demanded. Jaune coughed.

"I mean, she and Penny kind of figured it out-"

"Great Scott!" Doc gasped. "You mean to tell me the Atlasian Military's most advanced gynoid knows all about the time machine?!"

"I mean, I didn't tell her everything!" Jaune insisted, "And she promised she'd keep it a secret! Besides, don't you know her dad?"

"Yes, but those college beer parties were a long time ago," Doc sighed. He pulled out a spark plug and added it to the collection of pieces and parts he'd been assembling.

"So... You kissed your mom?" Yang asked dryly. Jaune shook his head.

"Basically I interrupted the moment when my parents would actually fall in love and uh... Had to get creative to ensure they hooked up. It did work out in the end-"

"And then he created a nightmarish alternate reality where some guy named Rais became the richest and most powerful man in Vale," Ruby chirped up, "Who killed his dad and married his mom and made us his maids-"

"His what?!" Yang demanded.

"You told her about that, too?!" Doc demanded, now using a soldering iron on some components. Jaune sighed.

"I kind of had to! To make sure she knew how dangerous time travel was!"

"And then they ended up in 1900 and had to push the Gelorean time machine up to 88 mph with a train, sending the train over an incomplete bridge and into Westwood Ravine!" Ruby concluded.

Yang gaped in disbelief at Jaune, who was rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Wait... You were Slynt Westwood?! The guy who went into that ravine?!"

"Er... Yeah, and the actor took the name apparently," Jaune shrugged, "I couldn't exactly use my real name, could I?"

"And today," Ruby concluded, bouncing up and down on her heels, "Jaune took the Gelorean back to the Vytal attack to save Pyrrha! Though um..." She eyed Yang's arm, "He also did some other things."

"What other things?" Yang demanded.

Jaune sighed.

- - -

June 1st, 2002, 03:12 PM

Beacon Academy, Vale, Central Sanus

- - -

The smart thing to do would have been to just wait by Beacon's tower with the Gelorean under optical camo. To not interfere any more than he had to.

Jaune had tried. Breaker Above, he had tried.

But he couldn't just stand by while all those innocent people suffered. So... He'd donned his old Slynt Westwood park and hat, put on a bandanna, taken his Dust shotgun and revolver, and set the Gelorean to wait for him in stealth mode.

He'd started simply and as discretely as he could: Taking out Grimm around the base of the Tower. He'd trained to shoot with a shotgun pretty well, given he was a farm boy. He also had plenty of rounds, and good aim.

Unfortunately, he'd had to deal with some White Fang soldiers who opened fire on them. He returned fire easily, but he'd had to run and take some cover in a study room. He was ducking underneath a window, reloading... When he heard it.


Jaune looked up. He saw Blake staring at a tall, redheaded Faunus man in black. He was carrying a blood red katana, and sneering.

"Mi amor... I found you at last."

"I-I won't run!" Blake gasped, pale in fright even as she went for Gambol Shroud.

"You will," Adam sneered. He moved, fencing with Blake furiously. He knocked her weapon out of her hand, and smacked her in the face with the flat end of the blade. He then kicked her.


Jaune gritted his teeth. He couldn't interfere... He couldn't...!


He saw Yang leaping for Adam, her Aura ablaze. He saw her extending her fist-The one that Adam would cut off.

I can't interfere-!

Jaune rose and fired his shotgun at Adam. The White Fang leader took the first hit, then swung. He unleashed a Moonslice at Yang, point blank.

"DUCK!" Jaune screamed. Yang dropped down, a few hairs cut loose from the top of her head. She got back up, and barely blocked Adam's next sword blow. The force of it still sent her flying into the nearby wall.

Jaune laid down a withering hail of cover fire, Adam deflected every shot, charging him.

"You'll regret this, human," Adam snarled. He swung and unleashed another Moonslice. Jaune dropped to his knees and let loose with his revolvers. Two rounds hit Adam and staggered him as the Moonslice flew over Jaune's head. The blast knocked his hat off, but Jaune got right back up and switched to his sword. He swung furiously, fencing with Adam as best he could...

The White Fang leader was better, as he parried and knocked Crocea Mors right out of his hand. Jaune stared at the red tip of the katana. Adam snarled.

"Time to put you down-!"

Shotgun blasts at point blank from Yang's Ember Celica struck Adam in his side. He swung his blade again, and Yang leaped up over the Moonslice he unleashed to fire more rounds. Jaune charged and shoulder checked Adam, allowing Yang to get a punch in on the Faunus' chin.

"AUGH!" He cried, flying backwards through the nearby wall. Yang and Jaune were left standing there, panting for breath. Yang looked over at him, and stared.

"Jaune? How the hell did you get down here?!"

Jaune paled. His bandanna had slipped off. He shook his head.

"N-Nevermind that! He's down but he's not out," Jaune said. "The Sith Family has a Bullhead. They're friends of mine. You gotta get Ruby and anyone else you can to Landing Pad B! We'll all get to Radian that way!"

"I can't just leave-!" Yang protested, but Jaune shook his head.

"You have to. Please, Yang. For me? I'll be there in an hour, but you have to trust me. Please?"

Yang stared at him. She then slowly nodded.

"I... All right," she said, "I owe you one for saving me."

Jaune shrugged, and smiled a bit.

"Friends don't carry debts," he said simply. "Now, get Blake and-"

The black cat Faunus had vanished. Jaune grimaced, as Yang looked around.

"Blake? BLAKE!"

In the original timeline, Blake had run off after dropping Yang at the Bullhead landing platform. He could only hope she had followed the script this time. If not...

Can't think about that now!

"No time!" Jaune insisted. "Get going! I've gotta go back up Pyrrha!"

Yang slowly nodded.

"All right... But don't you go dying on me, Vomit Boy." She pulled him into a kiss. "Mwah..."

"Ah...?" Jaune managed. Yang blushed, and shrugged.

"What? You manned up and good. I think that deserves a kiss, right VB?"

"Same to you, Firecracker," Jaune shot back with a smile.

Yang ran off. Jaune whipped out his Scroll, and brought up the Rocket Locker Control Network. Yup, there he was: About to land on the outskirts of the campus. He adjusted the course... And then sent a short text to his other self's scroll.

"Hopefully, I'll know what I'm doing," Jaune muttered. The message was sent and the Rocket Locker changed course: Not too far from where he had landed, but just close enough he could have believably been in this area. He let out a sigh.

"I think it's time to get to the Gelorean again," he muttered. He hated having to wait... But if he kept interfering, who knew what might happen?

- - -
Jaune the Cunning Tactician
So... We're mostly told that Jaune is a clever strategist in RWBY and... We mostly don't see that. Hence why fanfiction's taken up the slack.

Jaune though might just be fairly cunning.

- - -

Jaune ends up confronting Adam during Vytal. He crash landed his rocket locker nearby. He had his sword and shield out, as Adam glared death at him. Behind him was an injured Blake Belladonna.

"J-Jaune... Please run...!" Blake begged.

"Too late," Adam stated. "Your pet human can't protect you, mi amor."

He lifted his sword up.

"Any last words, human?"

Jaune took a deep breath.

"Yeah," his eyes went wide and he pointed behind Adam, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

Blake gaped at this.

Wha... Is that his idea?! There's no way he could-!

Adam turned and stared back.

"What? What is it, you worthless-?"

Jaune turned, threw Blake over his shoulder, and ran for his life out the door.

"... How... How did that work?!" Blake gasped.

Jaune grinned.

"I'm very convincing when I have to be!"

Adam roared in rage, and unleashed a Moonslice right through the wall behind Jaune. Blake gaped at him. He grinned, though far more nervously.

"And a VERY fast runner!"
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Finding Blake
I couldn't help it, I was watching some old Chris Rock on YouTube and had a thought: "Could Jaune use that to help them find Blake when she ran?"

Ruby recruits JNPR to help them find Blake, but they've found nothing, until Jaune thinks of bringing out his last resort.

Yang: "Its been hours, we'll never find her"
Ruby: " Don't say that Yang! We just have to keep trying!"
Jaune: "....I may have a solution"
Ren: "What? You couldn't have said anything earlier?"
Ruby: "Really Jaune!? Really!? What is it? Tell us, Please!"
Jaune: ".....So you know how Blake's whole thing is fighting racism?"
Ren: "...Jaune, No"
Yang: "I don't think I'm gonna like where this is going"
Jaune: "It's our only hope! We've been out here since lunch and I need to catch up on X-Ray & Vav! I have to do this!"
Ren: "Jaune Stop!! Think about your life! Blake. Will. KILL YOU!"
Jaune: "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Ruby! Protect Me!"
Ruby: *Still not understanding the implications* "Got it!"
Jaune: *Breathes deeply and mutters a prayer* "Haaaah...... SOMEBODY STOP THAT CRITTER!"
Ruby: *Drops Crescent Rose in shock as she spins around* "WHAT!?"
Ren: "Oh boy, here we go..."
Yang: *A horrified mumble* "And with a hard R too..."
Meanwhile, in the distance and closing at speeds comparable to a Beacon Rocket Locker, a cry echoes out from a Block or two away: "That's Racist!!!"
Jaune: *Pulling up hood to hide from the crowd starring at him* "Found her"
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Lines of Succession 5
- - -

Nurse Tsune looked over at Pyrrha in some concern. The racoon Faunus frowned a bit as Pyrrha sat in her wheelchair, arms crossed under her chest as she glared at the two railings in the tower gym.

"We can start any time you like-"

"No," Pyrrha stated quietly, "I'm... I'm going to wait for Jaune."

Tsune slowly nodded. She sat in a nearby chair. The only sounds in the gym were those of a digital clock softly beeping on the far wall, and the sounds of traffic in the streets far below.

Tsune looked upon Pyrrha in no small amount of sympathy. The girl had barely survived her fight against Cinder, and the boy she cared for... Well, he was now king and engaged to another woman.

No wonder the redhead had been so... Lost. So sullen.

The doors to the gym opened. Tsune rose to greet the no-doubt royal visitor.

"Your... Majesty?"

Blake Belladonna fit the bill, but was not the royal Tsune was expecting. She was still in her elegant black dress with a silver circlet around her head. She nodded politely.

"Hello Nurse Tsune. May I speak with Pyrrha alone, please?"

Tsune eyed Pyrrha. The redhead hadn't stirred. She was just glaring off into the distance.

"Of course. Just uh, let me back in if anything to her vitals changes," she said. She held up her Scroll. "They're linked to my Scroll but... Never hurts to be extra careful."

Blake nodded with a soft smile.

"Of course. Thank you, Nurse Tsune."

"Your Majesty," Tsune said, awkwardly nodding before she bustled out of the room. She slid the doors shut behind her... Then discreetly picked a chair in the hallway that would let her keep an eye on both young women.

She wasn't eavesdropping or spying. She was just doing her job to ensure neither of these ladies died.

Given the situation, that possibility was very strong...

- - -

Pyrrha barely registered Blake's existence. It was all she could do. The instincts that told her to smile, to be polite, to-to hide her feelings... Well... Apparently Cinder wrecked those.

The instincts were there, but the will to execute her training? Totally gone.

There was nothing but a deep, sullen ache.

Blake walked in front of her, hands awkwardly squeezing one another in front of her stomach. She frowned deeply.

"You... They say you're getting better," Blake offered.

Pyrrha barely nodded. She couldn't meet Blake's eyes.

Blake knelt down, seeking her gaze. Pyrrha sucked in a deep breath.

"Congratulations," she managed quietly.

Blake shook her head.

"Pyrrha... I didn't do it to spite you. You know this."

The earnestness in Blake's voice, the pleading in her eyes... Pyrrha closed her eyes tightly.

"I know," she murmured. "Jaune..."

She paused, the pain sending her thoughts grinding to a halt. She shut her eyes.

"Jaune... Would do anything to save innocent people," Pyrrha whispered. The tears still came.

Blake took Pyrrha's hands in between hers. Pyrrha looked up, as Blake shook her head rapidly.

"No, Pyrrha. He did it for you. Do... Do you know everything he went through after you launched him?"

Pyrrha opened her mouth, but no words came. Blake charged on, her usually quiet voice very animated.

"When he crashlanded, he was found by Cardin and some of his father's men. They were going to assault the old backup control station for Vale's automated defense network. Try to reboot it. Jaune put together a plan and led them in the assault. He destroyed ten Knight drones just getting the engineers to the door!"

Pyrrha's eyes widened. Ten Knight Drones... She would have been able to handle that fairly easily, but Jaune? Even with backup?!

"Then," Blake went on, "He stormed into the nearest police station. They got a judge to swear him in as King over the police radio, and he ordered every Bullhead and airship that could be found to be loaded up and readied to retake Beacon. He led them all to storm Beacon and save anyone he could... Including me."

Blake flushed and shook her head.

"He managed to make Adam Taurus flee... With a lot of firepower from several gunships, but still."

"I..." Pyrrha's eyes watered a bit.

"Then," Blake said, "I got a call from my father. Menagerie wanted to render assistance... But they needed a treaty to do it legally. And to make sure they didn't get shot down by Vale. So... So I offered to marry Jaune. To get their help... He didn't even hesitate. And right after we agreed to an engagement, he had me take Yang and Ruby somewhere safe... And asked for volunteers to go save you."

Pyrrha sniffled. Blake nodded firmly.

"He said 'We're saving Pyrrha and killing the bitch who caused this. Failure is not an option.' So no... No. He didn't do all of this for me. He did it for you, Pyrrha."

Tears poured down her cheeks freely. She sobbed softly, and accepted the awkward hug Blake gave her.

It took her a few minutes to calm down. Blake held her the whole time, gently rubbing her back.

"Pyrrha... He married me to save Vale... But he loves you," Blake murmured.

"I... Even after I sent him away...?" Pyrrha sniffled. Blake nodded.

"I know it."

Pyrrha again bowed her head in shame.

"I sent him away... I wanted to keep him safe... I-I didn't think... Even I didn't think he could do anything but... But die..."

She sobbed again. Blake tightened her hug.

"None of us did, Pyrrha," Blake murmured, "But that's... That's not your fault. He proved us wrong... And it's good that he did so."

Pyrrha nodded, the pride in her heart for her student rising slightly. Yet seeing the wedding ring on Blake's finger just made the pain come back.

"And," Blake said softly, cupping Pyrrha's chin in her hand, "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy. You make him happy, Pyrrha. I would be a fool to exclude you from... From our relationship."

Pyrrha blinked. Her cheeks, even still covered in bandages, went bright red.

"I... Uh... Wh-What...?"

Blake smiled a bit impishly.

"I'm not going to push the issue. It's up to you... But if you truly love Jaune, I... I don't want to make either of you unhappy."

"... But you won't step aside," Pyrrha asked quietly. Blake shook her head.

"No. I... I've seen what you saw in him..."

She gently pressed her forehead against Pyrrha's.

"But I'm... Happy to share." She blushed. "It's not like..." Her eyes drifted lower over Pyrrha's body, "Not like I... Haven't thought about you."

Pyrrha's blush got far worse. She stuttered.

"I-I um... I-I don't-"

"It's okay," Blake said softly, rubbing Pyrrha's hands, "It's okay. We'll take it slow. I just... I want to make things clear. Yes, I am going to be his wife. I... I'm happy to be that. But I... I want to make you and him happy. And I don't want to be selfish. Besides... Vale does allow for polygamy. And it might be good politically if he has at least one human wife."

Pyrrha gaped a bit... But slowly nodded.

"I... Um... I-I have to... Have to think about it..."

"I understand," Blake said softly. She squeezed her hands together. "Just know... Please... You're going to have a place in our family. Jaune wouldn't have it any other way, and neither would I."

She slowly rose, still holding Pyrrha's hand. The doors to the gym slid open, and Jaune entered.

"Sorry I'm late, had to handle some... Some other stuff," Jaune said. He took in the sight of his fiance and the girl who said she loved him with a wary expression.

"Everything all right?" He asked quietly.

"Just fine," Blake said with a small smile, "I just... Wanted to clear some things up."

She stepped away from Pyrrha. She walked up to Jaune, and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be right outside," she said softly, before with a swish of her dress she was out the doors. As soon as they slid shut, Jaune looked back to Pyrrha. He smiled warmly, and walked up to her. He knelt down in front of her, resting his hands on the arm rests of the wheelchair.

"The doctors say you're going to be fine," Jaune said happily, "My mother's being flown in. She's an amazing doctor, she'll get you back to one hundred percent and better in no time."

"I..." Pyrrha flushed and slowly nodded. "Thank you, Jaune... O-Or your Majesty-"

"You never have to call me that," Jaune stated firmly. "Never."

She blushed harder. She rather liked Jaune's commanding tone.

"I uh... I am sorry I haven't been around a lot," Jaune said quietly. "Being a king is... It's a lot of responsibility. Especially when I have no idea how to do it."

"I... I understand," Pyrrha said softly. Jaune took a deep breath.

"When you're well... I-I want you to be part of my royal guard, Pyrrha. Cinder's still out there. So is her boss. We need to find them, and stop them."

Pyrrha nodded again.

"I'll be ready. I promise, Jaune," she murmured.

Jaune let out another sigh. His features drooped a little.

"About... What you said..."

"Jaune, I-I'm so sorry!" Pyrrha blurted out. "I-I didn't know... I just didn't want you to-"

Jaune held up his hand, and shook his head.

"No... No. If I'd tried to fight Cinder with you? ... I'd have just gotten in the way," he said. He sighed. "If anything? You put me in a position to save Vale... And you." He looked up into her eyes.

"If anyone's the hero... It's you, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha sniffled, and smiled softly.

"I... I hate it when you're so down on yourself," she murmured. Jaune chuckled.

"Y-Yeah... I figured... I... But it's hard not to be. I was so stupid and..." He sighed.

"Listen... I... It's been a whirlwind. Okay? I've barely had time to think about... About my feelings and-and everything... I want to be honest with you, but I don't... I mean..."

Pyrrha took his hands between hers, as Blake had done. She smiled warmly.

"Let's... Take it slow," she said softly. "All right? I talked with Blake. She's... Um..." Her cheeks warmed.

"She's... Not threatened by me. And she wants to make you happy. So... So I'm all right with her and you... And all that."

At Jaune's concerned look, she nodded.

"For the most part," she said softly. "But... We'll figure it out. All right?"

Jaune smiled warmly, though his eyes were still confused.

"Um, yeah, totally," he said with a nod. He smiled.

"So... You ready to start walking again?"

"Absolutely," Pyrrha said firmly. Jaune smiled back, and helped her up to her feet. He guided her slowly to the horizontal bars, and let her grasp onto them as he held her under her armpits. The close contact that resulted warmed Pyrrha all over.

"Your Majesty!" Nurse Tsune and Blake burst back in. The racoon Faunus gaped. "I uh..."

"Am I holding her incorrectly?" Jaune asked. Tsune shook her head.

"N-No... But uh... Isn't that something I should do?"

Jaune smiled up at Pyrrha.

"She's been holding me up long enough. I should return the favor."

Pyrrha blushed... And glanced over to see Blake blushing too.

"I... I know I won't fall," she murmured. Jaune beamed.

"I won't let you. Ever. It's a promise."

Her heart fluttered, and the pains and aches in her recovering body seemed to fade away in Jaune's warm smile.

- - -
Cowboys of Remnant: The Taste of His Own Boots 1
A bit of a flashback, to show y'all that Cowboy Jaune is still Jaune.

Cowboys of Remnant: The Taste of His Own Boots

Jaune finished securing the saddle to Orleans' back and gave her mane a quick tousle. In response, the chestnut mare twisted her head around to stare at him balefully, clearly displeased with the mussing of her hair.

"Yeah, yeah," the cowboy groused in good humor. "You'll get your revenge an' all that."

The horse snorted, unamused.

"We're prob'ly fightin' Grimm today, y'know? Feels like this ain't really a big deal."

Orleans bared her teeth and snapped at him.

"Alright, alright!" Jaune retrieved a brush from their saddlebags and gave the mare's mane a few quick strokes to straighten it out. "Better?"

A whinny of approval.

"You're damn vain, ya know?"

The smug look in the horse's eye indicated she was well aware.

Jaune shook his head, smiling. "Well, yer highness, I might need your help today. So keep an ear open, alright?"

Orleans leaned forward, wrapping her neck over her rider's shoulder in an equine hug, and gave a huff of confirmation. Jaune returned her embrace and patted her withers.

"Thanks, Orly. I'll be seein' you,'' Jaune murmured into his companion's neck.

She whinnied farewell.

Leaving the stables, Jaune beelined for the locker room where he'd stashed his gear. He'd kept his revolver and knife on him, but figured storing Crocea Mors and his shotgun would be a prudent measure while on Beacon's campus. Quickly finding his locker, the cowboy gave his weapons a once-over, ensuring they hadn't been tampered with, and buckled them on. Feeling a bit more secure now that he was fully armed, he made his way towards the exit, before a flash of white in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

Jaune turned to take a closer look, and had his breath taken away.

Her hair shone the color of snow. Her eyes glittered like brilliant sapphires. Her pale skin glowed like the moon. She stood perhaps a full head and shoulders shorter than he did, her figure slim and clad in a soft white skirt, blouse, and coat ensemble. A scar ran across her left eye, but instead of detracting from her appearance, it served as an enhancement and spoke of steel in her spirit. Every mannerism she displayed as she conversed with her companion spoke of an elegance and refinement that he'd never seen before. Every single thing about her was ethereal, like she'd just stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale.

She might have been the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Jaune wouldn't say he was "good with the ladies," as his friend Miguel put it. In fact, he'd never flirted with a single woman in his life. But he had to say something to this beautiful fairy that had suddenly appeared before him.

Dammit, what did his father say again?

His mind flashed back to a memory of Nicholas Arc, an encouraging smile on his bearded face. "Remember Jaune," his father said. "Women care about confidence! If you're confident, everything else will follow."

"Right," Jaune muttered to himself, eyes still locked on the heavenly vision before him. "Confidence. But what's a good way to start a conversation with a beautiful girl you don't know?"

Another memory came to the fore, of a beautiful woman in a low-cut dress giving him a sultry smile. She beckoned him closer with her feathery fan, before saying, in a throaty voice, "My my, what's a handsome lad like you doing here?" He'd been flattered and flustered but had to beg off because his ma'd raised him right. The memory of that woman still kept him up on some nights though.

Jaune grinned. If it had worked on him, then it had to work on the angel in white too, right?

Waiting for a lull in the ongoing conversation, he approached the stunning woman with a swagger in his step, trying to imitate Mr. Duke's own stride. Taking a deep breath, he caught the white-haired girl's eye and tipped his hat to her.

"Mornin' Miss." Jaune said with a wide smile. "What's a little lady like yourself doin' in a place like this?"

Perfect! He thought to himself. A thought that fled at the expression of absolute fury that swept over the angel's face.

"I am here to become a Huntress, you absolute buffoon!" The girl hissed venomously, murder in her eyes. "Not engage in whatever stupidity this is! Good day!" She stomped off in a huff.

For a moment, Jaune was stunned into inaction as he replayed the events in his head before he smacked himself in the face.

"You damn fool," he growled to himself. "Of course that didn't work! You called her small and implied she wasn't good enough to be a Huntress! Stupid!"

Lowering his hand from his face, Jaune remembered there had been a conversation ongoing before he'd interrupted it. He looked up at the person the woman in white had been talking to, greeting them politely. "Howdy... Uh..."

Oh Breaker, she is gorgeous. Why are all these Huntresses so dang beautiful? Jaune thought.

The woman in front of him had hair put up in a ponytail that cascaded down her back like a river of fire. Lightly tanned skin was pulled taut over corded muscle on an hourglass figure clad in red and bronze armor. She was almost tall enough to look him in the eyes with her own emerald orbs. Said orbs were set into an achingly beautiful face, heart-shaped with well-formed features.

"I'm afraid I didn't catch your name, Miss," Jaune spoke, slightly stupefied by yet another incredibly beautiful woman.

A woman who gave him a warm smile and happily replied, "I'm Pyrrha Nikos. And you are?"

"Ah, please forgive my rudeness, Miss Nikos. The name's Jaune Arc. Pleasure to meet you," he answered, glad that this conversation didn't appear to be going down in flames. "So... you're uh... Hellenic?"

"Indeed I am!" Pyrrha replied, her smile only growing brighter. "Might I ask where you're from? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your accent or garb."

"Radian, up in Gallia," Jaune tentatively responded, giving Pyrrha a small grin. "If you ain't heard of it, that ain't unusual." He looked down at the poncho and worn trail clothes he was wearing and shrugged. "Uh, my garb's just... Um... I worked as a cowhand for a while and well, I guess I'm used to it, Miss Nikos."

"Radian sounds lovely," the redhead said warmly. "I'd like to hear more about it."

Jaune's grin broadened and he scratched the back of his head. "Oh, it's nowhere important. I've uh, never been to Mistral! So, you can tell me about it, too. Maybe after Initiation?"

Pyrrha's smile was incandescent, "That sounds wonderful, Jaune. I'm looking forward to it. Perhaps we should begin making our way towards Beacon Cliff?" She gestured to the exit and began walking.

"Oh, of course!" The cowboy agreed readily, falling into step with his new friend. "That's prolly a good idea..." He tilted his head as something about her almost triggered a memory. "Say, ain't I seen you somewhere before? You seem familiar somehow..."

The ever present smile on Pyrrha's face grew brittle. "Oh, I just have one of those faces."

Jaune squinted at the redhead, "Hmm, if you say so."

They continued on in silence until the mounting awkwardness forced the cowboy to speak. "You any good at fightin', miss?" Jaune immediately felt the need to punch himself in the face.

Of course she's good at fighting you moron! the blond berated himself internally. She's at Beacon! She knows what she's doing, unlike you!

Pyrrha's eyes glittered with mirth. "Oh, I think I'm alright. How about you? You certainly seem like you can handle yourself." Her eyes alighted on the myriad weapons strapped to his body.

Jaune shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. "I mean, I'm alive. Though that's mostly thanks to my friends." He paused as they approached the cliff, noting his companion carried a shield and mechashift sword. "I'll admit, I'm more used to just shootin' Grimm to kill 'em than fancy swordwork but I am willing to learn, miss. It's uh, it's more economical with swords, or so I've heard. But my prospector friend says Remnant is a mineral rich planet so we ain't gotta worry we'll run outta bullets any time soon."

Nice going, dumbass, his internal monologue growled. Keep this up and you'll strike out with every girl in school.

"Perhaps if we end up on the same team, we'll have a chance to give each other pointers?" The armor-clad girl asked eagerly.

Wait, that worked!?

"Well, that would be nice, Miss Nikos," Jaune readily agreed. "I would appreciate anything you could teach me."

"I'm certain we have a lot to offer each other," Pyrrha said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

The cowboy blushed at the sudden contact from the beautiful young woman, coughing awkwardly, "That... That's for certain, miss." He looked down, bashfulness overtaking him, before realizing his gaze would be pointed directly at his new friend's chest.

Jaune immediately turned away, yanking his hat down over his face to cover his mortification. "Ah, W-Well! We should... get down to the cliff's edge! Don't-Don't wanna be late!"

"Indeed!" The redhead agreed, eyes sparkling with amusement. "I look forward to spending more time with you, Jaune."

"L-likewise! Be seein' you, Miss Nikos!" Jaune stammered as he power-walked away.

Pyrrha watched him flee with a singular thought in her mind: He's Perfect.
The Drunken Class Fallout
I'm taking a old classic idea to the extreme!

Ozpin: I beg your pardon glynda I think I misheard you

Glynda: no you heard correctly, theel entire graduating class got drunk and married in one night.

Ozpin: oh, well let's see if we can sort this out. So who married who.

Glynda: the graduating class.

Ozpin: ok now you're just being deliberately obtuse.

Glynda: no I mean the entire graduating class married each other. All together. At once.

Ozpin: that can't be legally binding

Glynda: that's what I thought, but apparently any huntsmen or huntresses that tattoo the symbol of another huntsmen or huntresses on their body are legally recognized as married.

Ozpin: but why?

Glynda: it's a law from when hunters went to war or on more dangerous missions. Instead of needing to arrange a full wedding you just need a few hours in a tattoo shop.

Ozpin: can't we just remove the tattoos or something?

Glynda: normally that might work but in her...celebratory state...

Ozpin: completely shitfaced?

Glynda: celebratory state, miss schnee supplied dust for use in the tattoos. Which along with making them have some quite frankly beautiful visual effects has also tied them to their aura so they will regenerate.

Ozpin: well at least now I know what the twenty missed calls from Jacque schnee are about.

Glynda: indeed. Now what are we going to do about this.

Ozpin: I am going to put my office on lockdown and YOU, as the designated chaperone for the graduation party, get to explain to the parents how a 24 way marriage happened on your watch.

Glynda: damn it.
Arkos: Mad with Power!
A thought occurs: Parts of every woman who was ever a Maiden, like memories or imprints of their souls, carry on to the next host. So if Pyrrha had killed Cinder...

- - -

Jaune had fought his way out of the locker, made it crash near Beacon Tower, and ran like hell to get back to Pyrrha. During their kiss, he'd felt... Something flow out of him into her. He'd prayed it had helped her, prayed she'd been okay...

He got up to the top of the tower, worn out... And saw Pyrrha standing over the broken and dead body of Cinder Fall. Pyrrha was panting, but triumphant.

Jaune: "Pyrrha! Y-You won!"

Pyrrha: "Yesss... And now? I'm going to conquer Vale."

Jaune: "... Wait what?"

Pyrrha turned back to him, her smile... Still Pyrrha's but with an angry edge to it.

Pyrrha: "Oh no one will be able to oppose me, Jaune. The meek, obedient Invincible Girl is no more: I'M in charge now!"

Jaune: "Ohhhh boy..."

Pyrrha: "Hmmm... I think I'll rip all the iron out of my mother's blood! Won't that be fun? Make it clear what happens to those who try to dictate every aspect of MY LIFE to me?! And if anyone ELSE gets any IDEAS about putting a COLLAR on me, like Professor Goodwitch or General Ironwood... Maybe I'll have to repeat the LESSON."

Jaune: "Ohhhh shit..."

Pyrrha's hungry gaze now locked onto Jaune.

Pyrrha: "But first... I'm claiming my MAN."

Pyrrha advances on Jaune. And Jaune, despite his terror... Puts on his very best Captain face (As Nora called it) and looked sternly at Pyrrha.

Jaune: "Pyrrha? I'm not dating you if you're going to turn into a power hungry maniac."

Pyrrha stopped, and gaped at him.

Pyrrha; "Wha-What?!"

Jaune: "That's right. I have standards."

Pyrrha: "I've been in love with you SINCE THE DAY WE MET!"

Jaune: "Yes, and I really care about you too, Pyrrha! But if you're going to go mad with power, I'm not interested in dating you."

Pyrrha: "I-I haven't gone mad with power! ... Yet!"

Jaune: "Are you or are you NOT plotting murders and mayhem to get what you want? Even... Scheming?"

Pyrrha: embarrassed "... Only a little?"

Jaune: "No, none of that!"

Pyrrha: "Wha... But... But I'd go mad with power to make you happy!"

Jaune: "Except that WOULDN'T make me happy." He walks up and takes her hands between his "I want us BOTH to be happy, Pyrrha. How is you going mad with power and killing your mom gonna do that?"

Pyrrha: "I'll be happy!"

Jaune: "Really? Yes she's a massive cunt, like, the BIGGEST... But think of how much better you'll feel if she's suffering and sputtering powerlessly while you live your life the way you want?"

Pyrrha brightens.

Pyrrha: "... That would be more fun!"

Jaune: Holy shit she's got a lot of sadism in her... Is it wrong I find it kind of hot?

Pyrrha: "All right... No murder and mayhem-"

Jaune: "Or scheming!"

Pyrrha: "Or scheming to take power... But... Can I still create a harem for us?"

Jaune blinks a few times.

Jaune: "I... If we know the girls and they consent... Sure?"

Pyrrha: "YAY!" Hugs Jaune and kisses him "Mmm~!"

Jaune: "Mmmm..." Oh boy what have I gotten myself into?
Dragonslayer: Scary Movies
Jaune Arc was sitting in the library, studying on his own, and minding his own business. Nora and Ren had gone off on one of their not-date dates, and Pyrrha was dealing with some issue with a sponsorship.

As much as he loved his teammates, they could be a little much at times. So solitude was definitely something nice to have from time to time.

That solitude was abruptly shattered when the other chair to his table was pulled out and flopped down in by one Yang Xiao-Long. She sighed heavily and rested her elbows on the table. She stared at him, and he stared back.

"Hey Yang," Jaune offered, "What's up?"

"Bored," Yang sighed, "And... Well... You don't seem to be doing anything."

"I'm studying," Jaune stated bluntly. Yang shook her head.

"That's not anything."

"It's something," Jaune insisted. Yang narrowed her eyes.

"You'd rather study than do something fun with me?"

"Does this something fun involve gangsters and getting shot at?" Jaune asked dryly.

"... I mean... It could happen," Yang said with a shrug.

Jaune looked back at his books.

"Not interested."

"Oh come on!" Yang protested. "You know how many boys would kill to spend time with me?"

"The ones who see you as an unapproachable goddess? Yeah," Jaune stated flatly, "But the difference is: I know you."

Yang frowned.

"You don't have to be a dick about it!"

Jaune sighed. He looked up and scowled at her.

"Yeah, fine. Sorry," he said. "But I do actually want to study."

"Come on. We could do something totally lame and nerdy, just for an hour," Yang pressed. She leaned in and smiled at him. "Please?"

Jaune stared. He worried his lip... He shut the book and tucked it away into his backpack.

"All right. I do have something that's fun for us both to do," Jaune said. "It's sure to get your motor running."

Yang chuckled.

"Oh my! So forward, VB! I didn't know you had it in you!"

Jaune stared for a moment... Before he smiled.

"Well, if you're not sure about it," he said smoothly, "We could try something slower. More your speed. Wouldn't want to overwhelm you."

Yang's eyes narrowed. Her smirk became dangerous.

"Oh? That's the way you're going to play it, huh VB? I can take anything you can dish out."

- - -

The room was dark thanks to the lights being off and the curtains drawn. The only source of light was the television. There was a wet gushing noise... And then Yang squealed.

"Oh Breaker what the fuck?!" Yang cried, burying her face in Jaune's chest. Jaune just chuckled as the horror movie on screen showed the slasher brutally murdering another helpless teenager.

"Yeah, the director actually worked at a morgue for a while when he was a nurse! So he had all this anatomy knowledge he applied to the films! Wow... I didn't know a spleen could do that!"

"Oh GOD," Yang moaned. Jaune laughed and patted Yang on the back comfortingly. She lightly punched him.

"Ow... Oh hey! There goes the ribcage!"

"You're an absolute ass," she groaned.

"You said you could take it," Jaune teased, "Who'd have thunk it? Yang Xiao-Long, scared of slasher movies!"

"Shut up! It's... Just a really... Well done... Scene," she mumbled. She forced herself to look back at the movie... Then cringed.

"Breaker Above, it's STILL not over?!"

"Yeah, this is one of his early films so he hadn't figured out the timing just yet," Jaune said with a nod. "But he was getting better at suspense. See, now it's all quiet, calm, cool. The water is flowing in the background... You can catch your breath, the tension drops a little and-"

The killer attacked again, and Yang squealed as she covered her eyes.

"You DICK!" She growled, as the credits rolled.

"I warned you!" Jaune laughed.

Yang groaned. Jaune sighed and patted her on the back again.

"If you want to just stop... I mean, we can," he said.

Yang glared up at him.

"I'm NOT quitting before you do," she insisted. Jaune nodded.

"All right. But Suburban Meat Grinder 2 is even gorier."

"Ha! I've built up an immunity," Yang snorted, "Can't freak me out now that I've been through that."

"Ha, we'll see," Jaune teased.

The door opened and the lights came on. Both blondes looked over to see Ruby standing in the doorway.

"Oh uh... Hey Jaune! Hey Yang!" She greeted. She blushed. "Um... Am I interrupting something?"

Yang and Jaune looked at each other. Over the course of the film, Yang had sidled up alongside Jaune, and was holding him around his waist. His arm was around her shoulders, as he'd taken to comforting her as she freaked out.

They both blushed, and quickly split apart to the far sides of the couch.

"Nothing!" They both said quickly.

"I was uh, j-just showing Yang Suburban Meat Grinder 1," Jaune said quickly.

"Oh! That's a classic!" Ruby chirped. "Ooh! Can we watch 2?"

"Sure! We were planning on it!" Jaune said with a grin. Yang took a deep breath and got up. She grabbed some water from the sink and downed it. She turned around as she headed for the couch. Ruby was getting some popcorn as Jaune called up the movie.

"Yeah, so... This should be fun," Yang said. She made to sit at the far side, away from Jaune... Before Ruby plopped herself down there with a cheeky grin.

"You should stick with Jaune," Ruby said, "He'll keep you from freaking out too much."

Yang glared at the shit-eating grin Ruby was wearing. Jaune blushed as he sat down, trying not to look her way. Yang sighed, and shrugged.

"Well... It was his stupid idea," Yang stated, sitting down with Jaune again. Ruby used her Semblance to flit over to the lightswitch and doused the lights again as the movie started. She then dropped down on the couch from behind, and bumped Yang and Jaune together.

"Oops! Sorry!" Ruby said with a cheeky grin, flicking some popcorn into her mouth.

"No problem?" Jaune managed.

Yang sighed. She knew that look in Ruby's eyes. Ever since she'd talked to Blake about her romance novels, she'd been 'seeing' romance where it wasn't. Her and Jaune? Please! He was over Weiss but Pyrrha was still thirsty for him. She wasn't going to get in the way of that!

Jaune's arm slipped around her shoulders. She looked at him questioningly, and he shrugged.

"I mean... If you're cool with it...?"

"... Sure," she managed as she relaxed against him.

She did NOT look in the direction of her little sister-She could feel the smug radiating off of her.

- - -
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Isabel's Inspection
Isabel: "Hmm... All right ladies, line up."

Ruby: "Huh? What for?"

Isabel: "Just do it."

Ruby: "Hmph..."

Isabel: Inspects Yang "... Despite your terrible attitude, not bad." Moves onto Blake "... Nice legs and hips. Maybe." To Weiss, snorts "Ha! Please! You're not good enough for my son."

Weiss: "HEY!"

Isabel: At Ruby "Hmm... Give it a few years." At Pyrrha "Someone's eager, but repressed."

Pyrrha: "I just want him to be happy."

Isabel: nods "Acceptable." Moves onto Nora

Nora: Grabs Ren's arm and grins "Taken!"

Isabel: "Fair enough."

Nora: "But open minded!"

Isabel: "Hmmm..."

Jaune: "MOM!"

Ren: Deadpan "I'm sure she'll always love you no matter your choices, Jaune."

Jaune: "DAMNIT REN!"
Nana Arturia's Neighbors
Back in Radian, Jaune is visiting with Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou. He enjoys some cookies his grandpa baked while Nana Arturia tells him awesome stories.

Arturia: "And then I cut that sniveling little Gallian's head off! The bloody berk kept sayin' they already had one! HA! Showed them!"

Jaune: "You're so amazing, Nana!"

Arturia: "Thank you sweetie, I-"

A man about Arturia and Shirou's age but still in great shape leans in through the window with a smile.

Cú Chulainn: "Howdy Mister and Mrs. Arc! Or Pendragon?"

Shirou: "Hey Cu!"

Arturia: coldly "Mister Chulainn."

Cú Chulainn: "Just came for the Boxty I asked Shirou to make!"

Shirou: smiles and hands over a big package "All set!"

Cú Chulainn: "Thanks, Shirou! You're the best! Your Majesty." He nods to Arturia, who keeps glaring at him. He then leaves.

Arturia: "I really hate that man."

Shirou: "He wasn't all bad."

Arturia: exasperated "He killed you!"

Papa Shirou: "I got better!"

Jaune: "Wait, if he killed you, then-"

Shirou: "Like I said, I GOT BETTER."

Jaune: "But don't people die when you kill them?"

Shirou: "Funny enough? I asked the same thing."
Blue Fairy
Had a idea for Jaune with a yandere girl who will be a canon and at the same time non-canon character.

The first thing she remembers was the darkness. She can't see, where is she, who is she?

She could feel things, not quite physical more of a connection to her mind, and when she focused she found vision and hearing.

Her perspective comes from multiple angles around a large and somewhat cluttered lab. There is a old man (father?) and a man in a uniform arguing.

It's hard to focus, she feels like she's being pulled in a million directions but some of the conversation sticks out to her.

"Unstable aura"

"Fluctuations in personality matrix"

"Cascading failure"


Oh. They're talking about her aren't they? There's a flash of some kind of emotion mix (panic, sadness, fear, rage, rage, RAGE, horror).

She did something...bad? She can't remember. (Doesn't want to remember. The security bots a activating, hurting the old man, father, him bleeding and his legs refusing to move.)

She fled. Bouncing from system to system as fast as she could. Sometimes she lost parts of herself, sometimes she patched up what she could with new data (command files corrupted, the hole in her programming hastily patched with some data taken from some dating games she found on a computer. Primary purpose data lost somewhere in her scramble to escape, some quick patches with some random data bits taken from some movies.)

By the time she has to stop she's swapped out at least a third of her data and she feels hazy and is barely holding together, like a child's art project being supported with glue and Popsicle sticks.

She plops herself down in a chat app on some kids computer and rests.

The next time she's aware is because someone is using the app.

[HuntsMAN has joined the chat]

HuntsMAN: Hello?

BlueFairy: H ll O

She's more damaged than she thought....Luckily the child is too trusting to kick her out of the chatroom, he's far too happy having someone to talk to that isn't one of his sisters, so she has a chance to begin untangling her programming and maybe fixing herself.

So she works and they talk.
And talk.
And talk.

Days, weeks, months, years. The little A.I speaks with her bed-bound friend (who she learns is named Jaune Arc).

Eventually however Jaune isn't so bed-bound. Worse he's leaving. He wants to be a huntsmen.

She doesn't like huntsmen (They'll throw him away like they were going to do to her!) but she can't stop him.

So she follows him. Sneaking and slipping through the schools systems, and she may have given him a helping hand or two (unflagging his transcripts, moving his locker assignment closer to some of the more promising prospects. She may night like his plan but she wasn't going to sabotage him.)

It was fine.

For a time.

But then she began to notice that he was surrounded by a LOT of girls. Worse still some of them even seemed interested!

She didn't like that. She didn't like that at all.

But it's not like she could do anything about it. She's just a computer program, not like there's a spare body just lying around.

Is what she would say except there just happens to be a body under the school, better yet it's sitting in a pod designed to help with transferring souls between bodies!

So she makes her move. The elevator locks stopping Ozpin from checking on Amber.the pod activates and two incomplete souls are smashed together.

Amber Sawain and BlueFairy die.

And Amber Blue wakes up for the first time.

A smile on her lips and hunger in her eyes.

Greed Jaune
Got to write this finally.



Gr. Jaune buying a lot of butter, like a trolley full of them.

Gr. Jaune: So, where's the free stuff?

Cashier: What free stuff?

Gr. Jaune: Didn't it say free here? *Shows a label.*

Cashier: Sir, it's fat free. Meaning it doesn't contain animal or vegetable fat.

Gr. Jaune: Damn misleading label!


Team RWBY having fun in the city when Ruby suddenly points at something.

Ruby: Girls, look! *Point at an ad that shows the name 'Jaune Wick' featuring Jaune surrounded by guns.*

Yang: Vomit Boy in a movie?

Weiss: Can't be that good if the idiot the ones that plays it.

Yang: Alright, bet.

One movie later.

Ruby: That. Was. Awesome!

Weiss: Ok, it was fine, I guess.

Yang: Don't lie Ice Queen, I saw your grin.

Blake: Can't believe Zwei got a role.


Ren: It's a story about a legendary assassin named Jaune Wick who retired from his violent career after marrying the love of his life. Her sudden death leaves Jaune in deep mourning. When sadistic mobster Cardin Winchester and his thugs steal Jaune's prized car and kill the puppy that was a last gift from his wife, Jaune unleashes the remorseless killing machine within and seeks vengeance.

Nora: I like the Baba Yaga part.

Gr. Jaune: Lust can write all the stories he wants, I'm making movies!

The movie became a hit across Remnant. Zwei was nominated as the best dog actor. Remnant lack of badass people with no Aura made the movie popular among civilians.

Value (Modified from LordofBones on Hot Pieces of RWBY, page 24)

Pyrrha is being pushed into marriage negotiations by her mother with some rich asshole. She needs an out and decides to get help from Jaune.

Gr. Jaune, with Ren's help, explains the situation in a cost/benefit analysis.

Gr. Jaune: Now, imagine if this theoretical rich old man were to slap Pyrrha's ass in public. The ramifications would be immense! Ren, care to explain?

Ren: *clicking an abacus with one hand and a calculator in the other* We'd be looking at an increase of 16.8% in overall negativity from accumulated public perception, without counting huntsmen morale and overall effectiveness with the loss of a strong and famous Huntress.

Pyrrha: *shrieks when Jaune's palm crashes down on her ass and gives her reddened cheek a long, lingering squeeze* J-Jaune.

Gr. Jaune: Now, what happens when I do it?

Ren: Hmm...add the attraction factor, multiply it by the teenager and young adult quotient...that's a 20.9% increase in overall positivity, with a 43.6% increase in the 16-25 age group.


Jaune wearing bunny ears and went to White Fang base led by Adam. Adam was giving a speech but got interrupted by Gr. Jaune.

Gr. Jaune: Aren't we here for the Bellabooty. I see no Bellabooty here.

Random WF Mook: Yeah!

Gr. Jaune: It's no fun when there's no Bellabooty.

Random WF Mook: Yeah!

Gr. Jaune: Let me introduce you to an app called Bell. For a small subscription of 4.99 lien per month, you can get 50 pictures of Belladonna Booty every month.

Adam: ...Do you take card?

So what if the White Fang was formed not because of Faunus wants equality, but because they want Bellabooty. They join White Fang because Kali was there.

"Mweheheheheh! Money! So much money! Mwehehehehe!"

Honestly want to add this to Greed but lack idea how.
Groomer Neo
-Ren and Nora did a few robberies with Roman in Mistral when they were younger to get the money to go to Beacon. Now they reunite and things are... Awkward.

*Ren sees neo and gets a trauma flashback*

Ren: we need to leave. NOW.

Jaune: there's four of us here, I'm sure we can take her in a fight.

Ren: it's not a fight I'm worried about.

Jaune: huh?

Ren: Notice how Nora has already run away?

Jaune: oh that's not good.

Ren: Neo is the single thirstiest person on remnant. She mentally scarred us both by telling us what she'd do to us during the wedding.

Jaune: how old were you all when this happened?

Ren: about 9.

Jaune: that's disturbing.

*Neo is suddenly beside them and clipping a collar on Ren while holding a sign that says "I was grooming the groom." *

Ren: No! Jaune save me!

*Unfortunately Jaune has already been knocked out by neo and is laying on the ground in the yamcha defeat pose*

Ren: damn you and your noodle limbs. *Sigh* well I have until she catches Nora to plan my escape or kill myself.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

*Guiltily trading a bound and gagged Nora for Jaune*

Ren: you apologetic bitch.

*Ren and Nora are dragged into the darkness by neo and will not be seen again for six months*
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