Cowboys of Remnant: Carrot and Stick 2
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Jaune Arc had more than a few harrowing memories in his brain. Becoming a cowhand for the Duke Ranch was not for the fainthearted, given they had to move thousands of cattle through bandit and Grimm infested lands. He'd seen men and women die in horrible ways. He'd killed men. Maybe one woman, he wasn't too sure about one bandit's gender.
Probably the scariest moment in his young life was going with his dad and Duke into a village of locals Indendepents called the Blue Sioux. They'd lived and survived on their own in the Valean wilderness for hundreds of years, and killed anyone who intruded on their land unless you could negotiate with and appease them.
They walked into that heavily reinforced village. Spikes covered in preserved Grimm Masks and human skulls decorated the concrete-reinforced walls. Machine gun nests rested on the top of the wall, their shiny barrels pointing out. All the Blue Sioux were dressed in leather and scrap metal armor with blue face paint and heavy weapons pointed at them. Every one of them wore a scowl on their pale faces.
They entered a concrete longhouse, filled with furs and tapestries. There was a throne that appeared to be a very well-upholstered Recliner. There was some plastic wrapping still on the sides. A few TVs hung from the walls, playing informercials.
They walked up to their chief, an old man with long white hair wearing a white robe and a crown of aluminum over a red and yellow beanie. He seemed much more relaxed than his tribemembers. Mister Duke was up in front, while Nick and Jaune flanked him. The chief rose.
"Hello Rooster!" He greeted him.
"Hello Joseph, King," Mister Duke had said, "We again seek to cross your lands with our cattle." He looked around. "The courtesy of your hall seems a bit lessened of late, Joseph, King."
Joseph shook his head and shrugged.
"Sorry. Things have been tense lately. Your Rangers shot at us a few times. The Branwen Tribe has struck too." Joseph frowned and looked around at his people, before looking back to Duke. "They want war."
"War is in no one's business, Joseph, King," Duke replied evenly, as calm as an Atlasian glacier despite all the guns pointed at him. His father was equally unperturbed, even smiling, though Jaune could tell there was a tension in his sword arm. Jaune himself was just trying really hard not to freak out with all the guns pointed at him.
Joseph, King nodded.
"True, true. The younger braves want to start raiding like the Bandits. Take what we want. We did that long ago. Didn't work out well for us." He sighed. "I have to take a heavy tithe for you to pass."
"What's the number, Joseph, King?" Duke gritted out. Joseph looked Mister Duke right in the eyes.
"Half your herd."
Jaune grimaced in disbelief. Half? He was going to shout in protest: They couldn't afford half the herd!
He felt his father's hand on his forearm. He glanced at him. Nick Arc shook his head, and Jaune tried to calm down.
Mister Duke didn't even twitch. His eyes did get a bit more dangerous though.
"Joseph, King, we've been friends a long time. When I was a Ranger, I treated you and your people with respect."
"That is true, Duke, you did," Joseph replied.
"If some low down Atlasian prospector demanded half your assets or he'd kill you, what would your response be?" Duke asked, his voice level but filled with warning. Joseph nodded slowly.
"I'd kill him right back and display his skinned body as a warning."
"Same goes for me," Duke growled. "Now I'll trade with your people fair and square, just like always. You'll get fresh cattle for your herd and a few other items you've been needing. All at fair prices. But if you insist upon trying to cheat a friend because of politics, well... Joseph, King? It will end badly for you."
"HA!" One of the braves shouted in mockery, "You're an old man with a dumb swordsman and a boy! We would kill you in an instant!"
Duke just slowly turned and stared him down. Jaune had no idea what Mister Duke's Semblance was, but being able to fill people with mortal terror might have been part of it since the guy shrank back in fear.
His father was also unperturbed, though there was a small smirk on his face.
"Joseph, King," Duke stated wearily, "We're too old for young man's foolishness. So we'll trade with you fairly, and then we'll leave."
Joseph King stared at Duke. Duke stared back. The silence stretched on for a time. Jaune's heart beat like a drum in his ears. All the braves around them had their weapons ready. His father's hand rested over his sword. Jaune felt the urge to go for his gun, but a look from his father stopped him cold.
At long last, Joseph, King held up his hand. The braves lowered their guns, though they all looked unhappy.
"We trade fairly, old friend."
The tension evaporated. The trade deal went well, though plenty of the braves kept their weapons close by. Which was fine by Jaune, they all did too.
The dread and terror of that moment seemed almost insignificant as he sat in the RWBY/JNPR common room, strumming his guitar listlessly.
Ruby popped up onto the couch next to him with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Jaune? You okay?"
"Huh? Oh, uh, sure as shootin'," Jaune said with a smile. Pyrrha and Weiss were across from him, doing some homework. Yang was back in her apron again, cleaning some dishes with Nora's help. Ren was meditating on a nearby pillow. Blake was flipping through one of her books as she laid out on another couch.
"Cardin's not giving you any more trouble, is he?" Pyrrha asked gently. Jaune shook his head, strumming out more random tunes.
"Oh, no. We uh... We have an understanding of sorts," he said. "Hmmhmm... Hmmm... How'd it go...?"
Nora popped up on Jaune's other side with a grin.
"You took a while in the locker room! You usually take a lot less time! How much time does he take, Ruby?"
"After combat class? Fifteen point two minutes on average," Ruby chirped.
Much staring. Ruby blushed and found her boots very interesting all of a sudden.
"I-I was bored so I did the calculations...? You wanna know how long you spend in the locker room, Weiss?"
"No," Weiss stated flatly.
"Oh, well..." Jaune coughed. "I had to talk to Cardin."
"He doesn't want to join our movie night tomorrow, right?" Nora asked with a pout.
"Um, no," Jaune managed. Nora beamed.
"Also, you haven't chosen the movie! What's it gonna be, Jaune-Jaune? Ooh! Another war movie?"
Nora's eager smile filled his vision. Ruby squeezed in and shook her head.
"No no no! We're gonna see GunGun Mecha Prime: The Return! The mechanical design on the giant robots is superb! It's pure gear porn~!"
"Ruby!" Yang growled. "Don't say 'porn'!"
"So should I just say 'Blake's reading material'?" Ruby deadpanned. Blake scowled. Yang hummed.
"No, that would take too long."
"Hey!" Blake protested quietly.
"So! What are we watching?" Nora asked again, very eagerly.
Jaune sweated. He felt Blake's curious eyes upon him.
Damn her Faunus senses, she can tell I'm nervous, he thought to himself. Crap crap crap...
He could see it in his mind's eye. His admission about Velvet, and all the ladies in his life donning war paint and stringing him up without his skin!
Should he lie? He was no good at lying! He could bluff but that wasn't exactly the same as lying!
Could he go to the Frozen Hell for bluffing? Did the White Witch own his soul now that he played cards?!
"Jaune? Are you all right?" Weiss inquired gently. "You're extremely off tune."
"O-Oh, uh, sorry Weiss," Jaune apologized. Everyone'e eyes were on him, Nora and Ruby's especially. He grimaced.
Okay... Come on... Honesty is the best policy... Just... Stay cool. Be like Mister Duke, and be cool, calm, and collected.
"Well... You'll have to choose the movie for movie night, since I have another engagement," he said, as calmly as possible. Pyrrha smiled.
"Oh? What kind of engagement?"
Right. What did Dad always say? Keep it simple, stupid. Stupid smart folks loved to make things complicated, when smarter dumb folks kept it simple.
"Miss Velvet Scarlatina invited me to a friendly dinner to thank me for standing up to Cardin for her," Jaune said, slowly and carefully.
Much staring. Nora blinked and laughed.
"Oh, that's all? I thought it was serious! Friend dinner, yay!"
The tension seemed broken. Jaune relaxed a bit as his friends did too. Ruby slid back next to him and grinned.
"Oh! That's all? Neat! So, when are we going?"
The tension was back. Jaune resisted the urge to cough.
"It's just me and her. To some place called Minerva's."
Silence fell again. Only broken when Weiss dropped a stylus on the coffee table.
"She got reservations to one of the most exclusive and romantic restaurants in Vale?" She asked, slowly and dangerously. Pyrrha's smile became very brittle, as Yang's smile grew angry.
"I uh... Through her friend, Miss Adel," Jaune went on, "It's just a friendly dinner. I'll be a little late for the movie night, but I will be there."
The silence resumed. Nora again beamed and laughed.
"Oh! Okay!" She then frowned. "Wait... You don't think she's gonna steal your kidneys, do you?"
"Why would she want my kidneys?" Jaune asked, grateful for the distraction. He was gonna buy Nora that cowgirl hat she had been desperate for. As many sparkles as she wanted.
Pyrrha relaxed a little. Ruby's frown remained, but was less tense. Yang laughed and walked up to him. She bent over and winked.
"Well, if you wanted someone with a love of carrots, I would happily oblige, cowboy. I'd even let you use the stick on me~."
Jaune turned bright red.
Weiss sputtered.
"Don't you dare you slut! Stop acting like that-Jaune! Are you absolutely certain you want to go? I-I mean, if you wanted to go to Minerva's, I could have gotten us a table! Two tables!"
"It's not like that," Jaune sighed, doing his best to not look directly into Yang's cleavage. "She's just taking me out as thanks. It's nothing special. I'll be back in time for movie night."
"Oh... Y-You will?" Ruby asked with a smile. Jaune smiled back and patted her on the head.
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."
"See? He wouldn't miss it," Pyrrha said with a smile, "It's good that Miss Scarlatina is thanking Jaune."
"Why is she just thanking him? We did work too!" Nora pouted.
"I'll ask her about that," Jaune said carefully. He plucked the strings of his guitar nervously, then frowned. No wonder he hadn't been able to relax.
"Dang it. I gotta tune her up. Be right back."
He got up and left for his dormroom. He and Ren shared a manly glance. Yup, things could have gone worse.
Getting skinned and beheaded worse. No need for his friends to know about the kiss on his cheek. He was sure Miss Scarlatina was just overcome with emotion.
Everything would be fine.
- - -
Jaune shut the door behind him. All eyes turned to Weiss.
"The most romantic restaurant? It really is that, Weiss?" Ruby asked, looking worried.
"Yes," Weiss seethed, "That little Faunus slut!"
She coughed and looked over at Blake.
"Sorry Blake-"
"Oh no, rabbit Faunus are all the same," Blake stated calmly, turning another page in her book, "Total man stealing sluts. They can't wait to get knocked up and pump out a dozen babies to claim any attractive man who isn't theirs. That's why it took so long for Menagerie to give them the vote."
"They do?!" Pyrrha gasped in horror.
"We're not letting that whore take our... Team Leader," Yang growled, slamming a fist into her palm.
"Absolutely!" Weiss insisted.
"M-Maybe she's not stealing Jaune away?" Ruby suggested.
"She totally is!" Weiss insisted. "Did you see the way she looked at him? Like a ravenous she-wolf!"
Ren looked over at Nora. Nora shrugged with a smile.
"I see this as a win. Fearless Leader is getting a free meal and I get to choose the movie for movie night!"
"We didn't agree to that!" Ruby shot back.
- - -
Probably the scariest moment in his young life was going with his dad and Duke into a village of locals Indendepents called the Blue Sioux. They'd lived and survived on their own in the Valean wilderness for hundreds of years, and killed anyone who intruded on their land unless you could negotiate with and appease them.
They walked into that heavily reinforced village. Spikes covered in preserved Grimm Masks and human skulls decorated the concrete-reinforced walls. Machine gun nests rested on the top of the wall, their shiny barrels pointing out. All the Blue Sioux were dressed in leather and scrap metal armor with blue face paint and heavy weapons pointed at them. Every one of them wore a scowl on their pale faces.
They entered a concrete longhouse, filled with furs and tapestries. There was a throne that appeared to be a very well-upholstered Recliner. There was some plastic wrapping still on the sides. A few TVs hung from the walls, playing informercials.
They walked up to their chief, an old man with long white hair wearing a white robe and a crown of aluminum over a red and yellow beanie. He seemed much more relaxed than his tribemembers. Mister Duke was up in front, while Nick and Jaune flanked him. The chief rose.
"Hello Rooster!" He greeted him.
"Hello Joseph, King," Mister Duke had said, "We again seek to cross your lands with our cattle." He looked around. "The courtesy of your hall seems a bit lessened of late, Joseph, King."
Joseph shook his head and shrugged.
"Sorry. Things have been tense lately. Your Rangers shot at us a few times. The Branwen Tribe has struck too." Joseph frowned and looked around at his people, before looking back to Duke. "They want war."
"War is in no one's business, Joseph, King," Duke replied evenly, as calm as an Atlasian glacier despite all the guns pointed at him. His father was equally unperturbed, even smiling, though Jaune could tell there was a tension in his sword arm. Jaune himself was just trying really hard not to freak out with all the guns pointed at him.
Joseph, King nodded.
"True, true. The younger braves want to start raiding like the Bandits. Take what we want. We did that long ago. Didn't work out well for us." He sighed. "I have to take a heavy tithe for you to pass."
"What's the number, Joseph, King?" Duke gritted out. Joseph looked Mister Duke right in the eyes.
"Half your herd."
Jaune grimaced in disbelief. Half? He was going to shout in protest: They couldn't afford half the herd!
He felt his father's hand on his forearm. He glanced at him. Nick Arc shook his head, and Jaune tried to calm down.
Mister Duke didn't even twitch. His eyes did get a bit more dangerous though.
"Joseph, King, we've been friends a long time. When I was a Ranger, I treated you and your people with respect."
"That is true, Duke, you did," Joseph replied.
"If some low down Atlasian prospector demanded half your assets or he'd kill you, what would your response be?" Duke asked, his voice level but filled with warning. Joseph nodded slowly.
"I'd kill him right back and display his skinned body as a warning."
"Same goes for me," Duke growled. "Now I'll trade with your people fair and square, just like always. You'll get fresh cattle for your herd and a few other items you've been needing. All at fair prices. But if you insist upon trying to cheat a friend because of politics, well... Joseph, King? It will end badly for you."
"HA!" One of the braves shouted in mockery, "You're an old man with a dumb swordsman and a boy! We would kill you in an instant!"
Duke just slowly turned and stared him down. Jaune had no idea what Mister Duke's Semblance was, but being able to fill people with mortal terror might have been part of it since the guy shrank back in fear.
His father was also unperturbed, though there was a small smirk on his face.
"Joseph, King," Duke stated wearily, "We're too old for young man's foolishness. So we'll trade with you fairly, and then we'll leave."
Joseph King stared at Duke. Duke stared back. The silence stretched on for a time. Jaune's heart beat like a drum in his ears. All the braves around them had their weapons ready. His father's hand rested over his sword. Jaune felt the urge to go for his gun, but a look from his father stopped him cold.
At long last, Joseph, King held up his hand. The braves lowered their guns, though they all looked unhappy.
"We trade fairly, old friend."
The tension evaporated. The trade deal went well, though plenty of the braves kept their weapons close by. Which was fine by Jaune, they all did too.
The dread and terror of that moment seemed almost insignificant as he sat in the RWBY/JNPR common room, strumming his guitar listlessly.
Ruby popped up onto the couch next to him with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Jaune? You okay?"
"Huh? Oh, uh, sure as shootin'," Jaune said with a smile. Pyrrha and Weiss were across from him, doing some homework. Yang was back in her apron again, cleaning some dishes with Nora's help. Ren was meditating on a nearby pillow. Blake was flipping through one of her books as she laid out on another couch.
"Cardin's not giving you any more trouble, is he?" Pyrrha asked gently. Jaune shook his head, strumming out more random tunes.
"Oh, no. We uh... We have an understanding of sorts," he said. "Hmmhmm... Hmmm... How'd it go...?"
Nora popped up on Jaune's other side with a grin.
"You took a while in the locker room! You usually take a lot less time! How much time does he take, Ruby?"
"After combat class? Fifteen point two minutes on average," Ruby chirped.
Much staring. Ruby blushed and found her boots very interesting all of a sudden.
"I-I was bored so I did the calculations...? You wanna know how long you spend in the locker room, Weiss?"
"No," Weiss stated flatly.
"Oh, well..." Jaune coughed. "I had to talk to Cardin."
"He doesn't want to join our movie night tomorrow, right?" Nora asked with a pout.
"Um, no," Jaune managed. Nora beamed.
"Also, you haven't chosen the movie! What's it gonna be, Jaune-Jaune? Ooh! Another war movie?"
Nora's eager smile filled his vision. Ruby squeezed in and shook her head.
"No no no! We're gonna see GunGun Mecha Prime: The Return! The mechanical design on the giant robots is superb! It's pure gear porn~!"
"Ruby!" Yang growled. "Don't say 'porn'!"
"So should I just say 'Blake's reading material'?" Ruby deadpanned. Blake scowled. Yang hummed.
"No, that would take too long."
"Hey!" Blake protested quietly.
"So! What are we watching?" Nora asked again, very eagerly.
Jaune sweated. He felt Blake's curious eyes upon him.
Damn her Faunus senses, she can tell I'm nervous, he thought to himself. Crap crap crap...
He could see it in his mind's eye. His admission about Velvet, and all the ladies in his life donning war paint and stringing him up without his skin!
Should he lie? He was no good at lying! He could bluff but that wasn't exactly the same as lying!
Could he go to the Frozen Hell for bluffing? Did the White Witch own his soul now that he played cards?!
"Jaune? Are you all right?" Weiss inquired gently. "You're extremely off tune."
"O-Oh, uh, sorry Weiss," Jaune apologized. Everyone'e eyes were on him, Nora and Ruby's especially. He grimaced.
Okay... Come on... Honesty is the best policy... Just... Stay cool. Be like Mister Duke, and be cool, calm, and collected.
"Well... You'll have to choose the movie for movie night, since I have another engagement," he said, as calmly as possible. Pyrrha smiled.
"Oh? What kind of engagement?"
Right. What did Dad always say? Keep it simple, stupid. Stupid smart folks loved to make things complicated, when smarter dumb folks kept it simple.
"Miss Velvet Scarlatina invited me to a friendly dinner to thank me for standing up to Cardin for her," Jaune said, slowly and carefully.
Much staring. Nora blinked and laughed.
"Oh, that's all? I thought it was serious! Friend dinner, yay!"
The tension seemed broken. Jaune relaxed a bit as his friends did too. Ruby slid back next to him and grinned.
"Oh! That's all? Neat! So, when are we going?"
The tension was back. Jaune resisted the urge to cough.
"It's just me and her. To some place called Minerva's."
Silence fell again. Only broken when Weiss dropped a stylus on the coffee table.
"She got reservations to one of the most exclusive and romantic restaurants in Vale?" She asked, slowly and dangerously. Pyrrha's smile became very brittle, as Yang's smile grew angry.
"I uh... Through her friend, Miss Adel," Jaune went on, "It's just a friendly dinner. I'll be a little late for the movie night, but I will be there."
The silence resumed. Nora again beamed and laughed.
"Oh! Okay!" She then frowned. "Wait... You don't think she's gonna steal your kidneys, do you?"
"Why would she want my kidneys?" Jaune asked, grateful for the distraction. He was gonna buy Nora that cowgirl hat she had been desperate for. As many sparkles as she wanted.
Pyrrha relaxed a little. Ruby's frown remained, but was less tense. Yang laughed and walked up to him. She bent over and winked.
"Well, if you wanted someone with a love of carrots, I would happily oblige, cowboy. I'd even let you use the stick on me~."
Jaune turned bright red.
Weiss sputtered.
"Don't you dare you slut! Stop acting like that-Jaune! Are you absolutely certain you want to go? I-I mean, if you wanted to go to Minerva's, I could have gotten us a table! Two tables!"
"It's not like that," Jaune sighed, doing his best to not look directly into Yang's cleavage. "She's just taking me out as thanks. It's nothing special. I'll be back in time for movie night."
"Oh... Y-You will?" Ruby asked with a smile. Jaune smiled back and patted her on the head.
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."
"See? He wouldn't miss it," Pyrrha said with a smile, "It's good that Miss Scarlatina is thanking Jaune."
"Why is she just thanking him? We did work too!" Nora pouted.
"I'll ask her about that," Jaune said carefully. He plucked the strings of his guitar nervously, then frowned. No wonder he hadn't been able to relax.
"Dang it. I gotta tune her up. Be right back."
He got up and left for his dormroom. He and Ren shared a manly glance. Yup, things could have gone worse.
Getting skinned and beheaded worse. No need for his friends to know about the kiss on his cheek. He was sure Miss Scarlatina was just overcome with emotion.
Everything would be fine.
- - -
Jaune shut the door behind him. All eyes turned to Weiss.
"The most romantic restaurant? It really is that, Weiss?" Ruby asked, looking worried.
"Yes," Weiss seethed, "That little Faunus slut!"
She coughed and looked over at Blake.
"Sorry Blake-"
"Oh no, rabbit Faunus are all the same," Blake stated calmly, turning another page in her book, "Total man stealing sluts. They can't wait to get knocked up and pump out a dozen babies to claim any attractive man who isn't theirs. That's why it took so long for Menagerie to give them the vote."
"They do?!" Pyrrha gasped in horror.
"We're not letting that whore take our... Team Leader," Yang growled, slamming a fist into her palm.
"Absolutely!" Weiss insisted.
"M-Maybe she's not stealing Jaune away?" Ruby suggested.
"She totally is!" Weiss insisted. "Did you see the way she looked at him? Like a ravenous she-wolf!"
Ren looked over at Nora. Nora shrugged with a smile.
"I see this as a win. Fearless Leader is getting a free meal and I get to choose the movie for movie night!"
"We didn't agree to that!" Ruby shot back.
- - -
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