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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I just came up with an awesome idea for an anime or game, but I don't know if it makes sense, and I don't know whether or not it's actually just a stupid idea.
Alexander said:
Look like an alternative to staying all day playing the Game of Divinity.

Of course, I doubt Yu-Shan or Creation as a whole will survive the continuous clash of those two for very long...Yep yep :D

I put more things here: http://questionablequesting.com/index.php?topic=641.0. As usual please review and comment.

Reading a certain story on SV inspired me this little piece:

Eh. Can't he flawlessly perfect disguise himself to Ap 2?

Also why has no one made a stunt as far as I can tell.?

There's no environmental interaction, or cultural reference, or pithy repartey or interaction with NPC.

Like we can refer to our knowledge and training to say that we're going with the specific japanese bow for this situation and then have her respond in kind. .
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Because there is no need to, no roll, so no stunt, we are just saying what we want to say, how hard is that to understand

And no you really can't change your appearance like that without Charms or magic
Say, given the higher tiers of power in the Highschool Dxd verse, would it not be unlikely for the various tiers of HSDK (Among which the Masters of Ryozanpaku stood at the pinnacle) to be stronger in return? Otherwise, they'd be PRETTY weak on the grand scale of things if they were stuck to the levels of canon HSDK?
...Have you been reading all the comments Eva, we have talked about this, a couple of times in fact, Alexander has taken things into account, he is not a bad GM, just trust in him not to fuck things up please, got its later, thankfully they have finished with the road outside so I can crash again, night all, well day *4pm yo*
EternitynChaos said:
...Have you been reading all the comments Eva, we have talked about this, a couple of times in fact, Alexander has taken things into account, he is not a bad GM, just trust in him not to fuck things up please, got its later, thankfully they have finished with the road outside so I can crash again, night all, well day *4pm yo*
I have not. I started on this quest more than a little late, and have missed much of the discussion since.

I am fully aware of Alex's competence as a GM, I was simply clarifying.
EternitynChaos said:
Because there is no need to, no roll, so no stunt, we are just saying what we want to say, how hard is that to understand

And no you really can't change your appearance like that without Charms or magic
But Flawlessly Perfect Disquise is a Charm. Larceny if I got the name right.
In the name of Romance, we must dance The Cuban Pete at least once in this quest. There can be no alternative, nor failure.
[X] Whoa... Oh, right! Diplomacy! Women like to be complimented, right? Let her know how beautiful you find her! That should start things off on a positive note!
darklord said:
[X] Whoa... Oh, right! Diplomacy! Women like to be complimented, right? Let her know how beautiful you find her! That should start things off on a positive note!
1) Classy. Really classy.
2) This is Shigure. There's roughly equal odds that she'll ignore you, gut your or like you for such comments.
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BFldyq said:
1) Classy. Really classy.
2) This is Shigure. There's roughly equal odds that she'll ignore you, gut your or like you for such comments.
I'm willing to take that risk.
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Immediately it seems. After the conversation Sayanomiya-san gave you a train's ticket and a map, saying it's the way to Ryōzanpaku.

The journey took most of the morning, but at least you reach your destination.

It's not evening I think, we should edit the Write-in a little.


Then you should tell her that you know a friend who can produce swords out of thin air, she might be interested more in that part, or let her take a look at our light saber (no, the mass-produced one, not that light saber which we have one dot at).
Wait, aren't we ridiculously good at Social situations, right? So there is a good chance of us rolling enough successes to get her to like us, right? Only I'm not really good at writing so, could someone else come up with the stunt.
touhou ranfuku said:
It's not evening I think, we should edit the Write-in a little.


Then you should tell her that you know a friend who can produce swords out of thin air, she might be interested more in that part, or let her take a look at our light saber (no, the mass-produced one, not that light saber which we have one dot at).

For shame, no quips about showing her our "light saber"? ;)
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Introspective Tinkerer said:
Wait, aren't we ridiculously good at Social situations, right? So there is a good chance of us rolling enough successes to get her to like us, right? Only I'm not really good at writing so, could someone else come up with the stunt.
Not reall?

We're not very charismatic but fairly well trained as a speaker. Nothing truly phenemonal and it won't turn up to much without using our charms to give us an average chance of legendary performance.

Also we suck at ever part of it save personal interaction.
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[X] "Good evening, my name is Hyodo Issei. I have been asked by the History Compilation Committee to speak with the Masters of Ryōzanpaku on their behalf over a matter of grave concern." You say while giving a respectful bow.
Alexander, since you seem to be introducing the Satsujinken and Katsujinken philosophies, please keep in mind that Issei falls under neither. Though killing is not his first response, canon Issei was willing to deal lethal damage (and not in the mechanical sense) when necessary, particularly in defense of those for which he cared. I hope that portion of his personality is maintained. One of the best things about Issei is that he isn't a standard do-no-wrong protagonist and that shouldn't be lost to make him more sympathetic to philosophically one-dimensional crossovers such as the Living/Killing Fist divide.
Finally caught up....

FFFF it's 5 in the morning.

Post more when I wake up T_T
[X] "Good evening, my name is Hyodo Issei. I have been asked by the History Compilation Committee to speak with the Masters of Ryōzanpaku on their behalf over a matter of grave concern." You say while giving a respectful bow.
[X] "Good evening, my name is Hyodo Issei. I have been asked by the History Compilation Committee to speak with the Masters of Ryōzanpaku on their behalf over a matter of grave concern." You say while giving a respectful bow.
When in doubt stick with the polite approach. If she's strong enough that Ddraig instantly took notice, it would be wise not to do anything that could offend her.
TheInnerHollow said:
When in doubt stick with the polite approach. If she's strong enough that Ddraig instantly took notice, it would be wise not to do anything that could offend her.

I'm pretty sure Ddraig was using normal human power level as the standard chart when he compared Shigure.
Weero said:
Unless we're going full kubo...
I keep forgetting what "full kubo" means, beside something worse than bad. Can you remind me?
Unelemental said:
Kenichi! Veritas! So exciting! What's next? The Breaker?
I debated if including The Breaker or not. Then I decided HSDK is enough for the non-blatantly supernatural martial arts side.
Silversun17 said:
I'm already planning a stunt in the event we right Vera built upon that what the fuck.
I can't wait to read it :D
Introspective Tinkerer said:
I just came up with an awesome idea for an anime or game, but I don't know if it makes sense, and I don't know whether or not it's actually just a stupid idea.
Oh? Do tell.
Indrik said:
Alexander, since you seem to be introducing the Satsujinken and Katsujinken philosophies, please keep in mind that Issei falls under neither. Though killing is not his first response, canon Issei was willing to deal lethal damage (and not in the mechanical sense) when necessary, particularly in defense of those for which he cared. I hope that portion of his personality is maintained. One of the best things about Issei is that he isn't a standard do-no-wrong protagonist and that shouldn't be lost to make him more sympathetic to philosophically one-dimensional crossovers such as the Living/Killing Fist divide.
Don't worry I know. Since you brought it up, let me make something clear:

Issei is a selfish person.

Oh he's a good guy alright, and he doesn't ignore the opinions of others. But there is no doubt he puts his own wishes before the rest of the world.

In canon he said, when trying to justify him fighting against the hero faction: "terrorism is no good". This is just a ready and simple excuse he chose because he was incapable of coming up with a better one in the short time he had at his disposition.

Issei, both canon and Solar one, is not stupid. But he chose to dedicate all his mental process to one thing: oppai. With Solar Issei, the Exaltation blasted the channels open so much that he isn't handicapped anymore.

In both version, he wants to experience pleasure. There is an important difference in that he doesn't do good because of others or because it's the right thing. It's to bring forth his own happiness. And without a doubt he would kill anyone that dare threatening or hurting the people he loves. In such a case he will not stop and consider "killing is bad". No sir.

I think the closer comparison is that he's a Dragon (such irony!). The more benevolent type like Skyrim's Paarthurnax, but there is no doubt his pride and self-confidence is growing quite nicely.

Let me explain it by using the Four Virtues:

-Compassion: caring about the things and people he loves and ensuring their happiness, for their are "precious".
-Valor: being ready to defend the subjects of Compassion without holding back, for no threat must be allowed.
-Temperance: the realization that violence isn't the first answer to everything, and be prepared to try other ways before resorting to it.
-Conviction: the resolution to follow one's own dreams and aspiration with all he has, without compromising.


Tonight I had an extravagant idea. It involves about Radiant Dragon deciding to create a new type of Exaltation with Autochthon's (who he helped with his robocancer problem). With that he also enlisted the help of Ophis, Great Red and Gaia (after catching her in one of the rare moments when she returns to Creation and Luna).

Of those new Exalt, called Empyreal (I took the name from your Naruto/Exalted idea MerelysSoul, because the name is cool. But I will change it if you want) there are only 50 and their work with the Primordial-like Charm sets of RD, Ophis, GR, Auto-kun and Gaia, making them similar to Infernal. Their function is to basically repair/heal Creation and fight against the enemies of the same, thus making them more like warriors than kings. They will also function as regulators for other Exalts, so that the excess of the First Age never come to pass again.

Based on their primary patron, their main job is to:

Radiant Dragon-a mix of Dawn and Zenith with a dash of Eclipse, fighting and when possible converting them to their cause.
Ophis-similar to Night caste, pursuing a single objective with maniacal zeal from the shadow. While using overkill to accomplish the task.
Great Red-They would use their shaping powers, with a touch of Fate work, to uplift common people (basically mass-producing heroic mortals).
Autochthon-recover lost technology and make new ones.
Gaia-expand Creation through the Wyld, making it as big as it once was and creating new species.

Names for individual castes, I got nothing. This is a rough draft anyway.
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Alexander said:
Tonight I had an extravagant idea. It involves about Radiant Dragon deciding to create a new type of Exaltation with Autochthon's (who he helped with his robocancer problem). With that he also enlisted the help of Ophis, Great Red and Gaia (after catching her in one of the rare moments when she returns to Creation and Luna).
This is thinking way too fucking far ahead. We are still in the run-up to volume 3.

Especially when I for one am going to vote hard against any actions that lead to us going to Creation. Fuck Creation and fuck what Bright wants.
Smuthunter said:
This is thinking way too fucking far ahead. We are still in the run-up to volume 3.

Especially when I for one am going to vote hard against any actions that lead to us going to Creation. Fuck Creation and fuck what Bright wants.
That's why I called it hypothetical. Please, I understand that when said by me may sound like the future, but it's nothing like that.

Bit of news: updates may slow since I decided to make a good effort to correct past grammatical errors and update the archive. I also have RL.
Off topic for a moment


Diller said:


>Dat Koneko
>Dat Juggernaut Drive
>Dat Oppai Dragon Song


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