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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's unclear why Paul went to Nabu's tomb. I'm guessing that it will be revealed soon.
That's clear enough. The Nazis don't use or understand magic, so they have no specific defense to counter it. Previously, they just used their overwhelming technological advantage to overpower whatever goes against them, magic or not. However, this won't help them in detecting demonic magic use, preventing portals from Demon Earth from being opened, and probably in stopping Demon Superman. Paul went to the two magic users that he knows might be around and found that one won't do anything for now, and that the other doesn't seem to be around anymore.
Thanks for linking to wheel paper. It's interesting
I don't see why he couldn't. It's not like he's failed to brand or assimilate things just as ancient and likely more powerful. Some of them even magical.
Honestly, as understandable as it is I'd probably react to his reasoning with, "Don't care. You're helping anyways." Then either branding or assimilating him.

We've already seen that those branded or assimilated can still use their magic, and, well, fuck it. The alternative is risking another Hell Earth that will be indiscriminate in its suffering.

I doubt he'd be able to do that with Mist.

It's unclear why Paul went to Nabu's tomb. I'm guessing that it will be revealed soon.

He's looking for magical help and Nabu is extremely powerful, so he may be able to help him deal with the Demon Earth.

I don't see why he couldn't. It's not like he's failed to brand or assimilate things just as ancient and likely more powerful. Some of them even magical.

Most of the things he's assimilated were not prepared or were somehow disabled and weakened.

Mist may be prepared and he doesn't appear to be weak.

Also Paul needs to want to assimilate something.

If he doesn't want it then he can't do it.

The other things he's assimilated were things he wanted to assimilate and had no problem with, seeing as they were demons or in Nabu's case, someone he hated.

He has trouble doing that to people that aren't morally repugnant, and Mist isn't morally repugnant.
One of the better maps I could find of the period here... And keep in mind that as an immortal, he lived through that period. So this is not the first time he's been hassled by European 'colonists'.

Though they were lucky he let them hassle him m, since if he wasn't so passive they'd probably be wishing they were dead.

Since the Nazis showing up means someone's about to be taken as a 'criminal' or similar, no doubt.

Or they're just there to hurt people.

And let me guess, a lot of them lean on the asshole side?

They're Nazis.

I'm pretty sure being an asshole was a job requirement.

Give a jerk a little power..

And give a Nazi a little power and they make the jerk seem saintly.

Not by himself, no... But a word in Overman's ear..

Even that may not help much, since while Karl is powerful, he's not all powerful in the political scene.

Ah... You want to see the Nazis bleed a bit first?

Who wouldn't.

And they're idiots. Do you care what they say? You're old enough to know to ignore the barking of dogs.

Unfortunately, these barking dogs are the ones in charge.

And if the world is lost in the teaching of that lesson? Or will you wait and step in only as the Nazis begin to crumble?

Probably the latter.

Because Balewa-16 still loves life. And someone interfering with the natural course of that life? Well...

This one may also love life but he may view it in a different way.

Life is harsh and one big rule of it is adapt or die.

If the Nazis can't adapt...well, they die, and life's natural course continues.
The Nazis are infuriating even if they're not in the scene.

Part of me wishes they do something push Paul too far and he goes GENOCIDE:2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO. The rest of me understands that would be needlessly destructive and would hurt people who have no real sins beyond following stupid cultural norms.

All of me would agree that it would be incredibly cathartic to do the former.
Mr Zoat, random question. Now that Brazil is Accallaland, or whatever it's called as I can't remember what the country was renamed, does Fire still operate there or was she forced to leave as the forest dwellers wanted all non forest dwellers to do?
Why isn't the SI reaching out to atlantis? Is this one of those purely Technological versions?
I hope however long it takes for this story arc to be concluded and for the Demon Superman and his possessed minions to be defeated it ends with OL moving these Africans and any other oppressed and/or resistance group that wants to leave Earth-10 to the newly free former Demon Earth. Yeah it would be damaged but the Earth-10 Dr Mist and any other magic user could help purify and help start to rebuild and colonize it.

OL should also make contact with Paul Freeman and get him set with his ring and a working power lantern and help him move if he wants to to be the Orange Lantern of the firmer Demon Earth and help the new colonists with fabricating and installing advanced technology they may need and whatever defenses they may need.

The Nazi Earth is just a lost cause and no amount of copied alien technology will change that. Thay are stagnant and poisonous. And if all their enemies are safely removed, what will the Nazis do now once all the subhuman and terrorists are gone? I want Paul to pose that question to The Bat before he leaves if what I described or something close to it cones to pass.
And if all their enemies are safely removed, what will the Nazis do now once all the subhuman and terrorists are gone?

Mythic Quest kinda answered that in a hilarious way.

In order to stop Nazis from using their game while not violating free speech, they held a peace conference in the game to sort it out, only to be attacked by Nazis.

However they recorded all the Nazis and made it so that every time they log in they'll just end up in a separate part of the game where only they and those recorded can go.

They were all fighting each other in there.

Though I don't think everyone they consider to be subhuman disappearing would bother them too much.

They've already won.

In the past it was necessary to stir up hate for one or more groups so the Nazis could be seen as saviors and to stop people from actually thinking too hard about the real causes of problems, but now they've won and are just oppressing people either because it's just their policy or because they actually believe the crap Hitler and his cronies spewed, but oppressing them doesn't really bring them anything anymore.
You folks want to know something concerning?

Nazis shouldn't have needed Kal-L's pod to win WW2 in DC.

Not only did the Nazis have the Danner formula, but they apparently cracked how to enhance people after they were born.

Nazis stole the formula from Hugo during his time in Brazil and made Ubermensch.

Who looked like this-
during WW2.

Yet the Nazis only became the government of Germany in 1933.

Since it's highly unlikely that the Nazis would have the resources to go on such trips before they took over the government, Ubermensch there was either enhanced post birth or he's under 12 years old there.
I doubt he'd be able to do that with Mist.

He's looking for magical help and Nabu is extremely powerful, so he may be able to help him deal with the Demon Earth.

Most of the things he's assimilated were not prepared or were somehow disabled and weakened.

Mist may be prepared and he doesn't appear to be weak.

Also Paul needs to want to assimilate something.

If he doesn't want it then he can't do it.

The other things he's assimilated were things he wanted to assimilate and had no problem with, seeing as they were demons or in Nabu's case, someone he hated.

He has trouble doing that to people that aren't morally repugnant, and Mist isn't morally repugnant.

Finally Mist is Life enlightened.

Assimilation works both off the base Greed levels of what you want to assimilate and your own, so the issue would be double staked against it working, both because Paul would have a low desire and because Mist understanding of life leaves him with a low Greed level.

You folks want to know something concerning?

Nazis shouldn't have needed Kal-L's pod to win WW2 in DC.

Not only did the Nazis have the Danner formula, but they apparently cracked how to enhance people after they were born.

Nazis stole the formula from Hugo during his time in Brazil and made Ubermensch.

Who looked like this- during WW2.

Yet the Nazis only became the government of Germany in 1933.

Since it's highly unlikely that the Nazis would have the resources to go on such trips before they took over the government, Ubermensch there was either enhanced post birth or he's under 12 years old there.

Already addressed by Zoat, Hugo mentioned some Germans that were proto Nazis were one of the few people that paid attention to the lectures of his father and invited him to Germany. Meaning they had access to his formula in the early 1900s.

Obviously some Communist also were part of the lecture as we know current day Russia also has Danner enhanced people in the pay roll and they also actually have the formula as well.

The Danner formula isn't really much of a secret and has been in the wild since the late 1800 and early 1900, governments aren't just mass producing super soldiers because they would be hard to control and probably lead to another arm race between nations... The Alcalá taking over Brazil after the Shedda destroyed it has likely made nations like Russia reconsider their policy against mass producing super soldiers, even more so after the Shedda fucked them up too.
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They've got pretty good censor systems. It wouldn't change much
They have no wards to keep out a Lantern's Rings. And clearly lack the necessary advance technological software to stop him. Are you really saying he couldn't make something? Off the top of my head I'd probably ad hoc a Lantern and task a Ring to keep the information readily available to the local world's internet and the Lantern to keep it powered. If not just program the Lantern itself. Then place somewhere, say center of the moon? Hollowed section of the underside of a mountain? Someplace unexpected and hard to get to. Then secure it further like how Paul!Ophidian Hid that shard of Love energy.
Best thing I can consider doing if I couldn't justify a War is to try for a Culture Revolution. Plenty of gays and lesbians in hiding no doubt. Don't need to find them, just give them access to the tools and knowledge of a freeier world.
They have no wards to keep out a Lantern's Rings. And clearly lack the necessary advance technological software to stop him. Are you really saying he couldn't make something? Off the top of my head I'd probably ad hoc a Lantern and task a Ring to keep the information readily available to the local world's internet and the Lantern to keep it powered. If not just program the Lantern itself. Then place somewhere, say center of the moon? Hollowed section of the underside of a mountain? Someplace unexpected and hard to get to. Then secure it further like how Paul!Ophidian Hid that shard of Love energy.
Best thing I can consider doing if I couldn't justify a War is to try for a Culture Revolution. Plenty of gays and lesbians in hiding no doubt. Don't need to find them, just give them access to the tools and knowledge of a freeier world.
The SI is perfectly capable of making something that it would be hard for the Nazis to track down. He can't make something that they couldn't keep out of their data networks without him personally being there to make sure. For obvious reasons they don't use the same sort of free form internet structure that we use. He... Might be able to hide it somewhere, but they're a lot more technologically advanced that Earth 16 and it would have to contact their data networks somewhere.
Honestly I wouldnt say the people of this Earth are innocent. Especially given how the people of Africa are being treated at this moment. Forcing them onto reserves and denying them proper agriculture and medicine is horrible and definitely a form of slow genocide. It is evil.

Honestly with Overman gone, this is a peefect oppurtunity to make some change.
Mr Zoat, random question. Now that Brazil is Accallaland, or whatever it's called as I can't remember what the country was renamed, does Fire still operate there or was she forced to leave as the forest dwellers wanted all non forest dwellers to do?
She left. She didn't have to, but superheroing is volunteer work and she needed an actual job.
Well, Atlantis is a huge risk depending on what version of it it is.
I don't see it being anymore of a risk than the Amazons. Not to mention that the SI's equipment should pretty much guarantee survival against any version of atlantis.

He's also on a nazi earth invaded by Demons, even the most hostile and xenophobic form of Atlantis wouldn't make thr situation much worse.

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