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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Already addressed by Zoat, Hugo mentioned some Germans that were proto Nazis were one of the few people that paid attention to the lectures of his father and invited him to Germany. Meaning they had access to his formula in the early 1900s.

Obviously some Communist also were part of the lecture as we know current day Russia also has Danner enhanced people in the pay roll and they also actually have the formula as well.

The Danner formula isn't really much of a secret and has been in the wild since the late 1800 and early 1900, governments aren't just mass producing super soldiers because they would be hard to control and probably lead to another arm race between nations... The Alcalá taking over Brazil after the Shedda destroyed it has likely made nations like Russia reconsider their policy against mass producing super soldiers, even more so after the Shedda fucked them up too.
That's weirdly smart on these nation's part. In comic books and media in general national leaders always go with the quickest way to gain power no matter the consequences.
Random question: Did Anti-Green Paul keep the ring after getting the gold one? Like obviously he wouldn't keep using it but like, did they develop enough of a rapport that he would wanna keep it in a box and talk to it sometimes?
I don't see it being anymore of a risk than the Amazons. Not to mention that the SI's equipment should pretty much guarantee survival against any version of atlantis.

He's also on a nazi earth invaded by Demons, even the most hostile and xenophobic form of Atlantis wouldn't make thr situation much worse.

Atlantis would have far more magical weapons compared to the Amazons, as well as more mages, so even if they don't pose a threat to him, they'd still be more trouble than the Amazons.

Also, while they may not make the situation worse, they may not want to help and may just choose to wait until the corrupted have done enough damage before they take them out.

Random question: Did Anti-Green Paul keep the ring after getting the gold one? Like obviously he wouldn't keep using it but like, did they develop enough of a rapport that he would wanna keep it in a box and talk to it sometimes?

I think he destroyed it.
That's weirdly smart on these nation's part. In comic books and media in general national leaders always go with the quickest way to gain power no matter the consequences.

The standard Danner formula isn't a quick way to gain power- As I've pointed out before you have to pop out babies and then wait for your future supersoldiers to mature for over a decade, and that's even assuming they survive childhood diseases and all that. Paul is an exception thanks to power ring technology.

And mixing supersoldiers with rebellious teenager phase is definitely a flaw. In fact Hugo's plans depended on teenage rebellion. He told his Sons of Dawn to never ever leave the village, knowing that they'd eventually ignore him. So their almost conquering Brazil was their equivalent of taking the car out for a joyride.

Which is why I pointed out that the Nazis cracked that problem in Young All-Stars, where Nazis stole the formula from Hugo while he was in Brazil and then had an adult supersoldier in time for WW2, because their improved Danner Formula is in fact a quick way to gain power.

So all it would take for Overman to encounter another world where the Nazis won WW2 would be to find the world in which whatever stopped the Nazis from converting every single soldier in their army into a Danner Enhancile didn't happen.

Now that I'm thinking about it there's also the world in which the Olympians' patronage and Nazi WW allowed the Nazis to conquer the world. Don't ask me why the Olympians did that, that story never actually bothered to explain it, or how Diana encountered the Nazis and decided they were the coolest thing since sliced bread.

And the world where the Nazis created a power ring with a demonic ritual and 12 voluntary human sacrifices, although that world apparently didn't have any superheroes in WW2, so you know Lantern versus WW2 era fighter jets isn't a fair fight.

And the world where apparently Nazi T-Rexes rule the world, but since their master race consists of sapient dinosaurs I'm not sure how amenable to cooperation they would be. Although that one is probably too whimsical to show up any time soon in this story anyway.
Atlantis might have been magically neutered. I've said it before but apparently no one can be bothered to remember, the Nazis conquered Atlantis. They basically own it. Aquaman is a member of the New Reichsmen and fights to preserve Nazi rule.

Though if I recall he's also the only one willing to acknowledge that the victims of the regime might have legitimate grievances. Others, like Leatherwing, basically have the stance of, "Fuck you. That happened before I was born. I refuse to feel guilty."

It's kind of silly to me that magic is so thoroughly rejected, since I think they'd exploit any advantage they could and view the Atlanteans as Proto-Aryans. But I guess they'd rather be stupid and reject magic out of hand then do their famous mental gymnastics and decree Atlantean magic is proper Aryan magic.

EDIT: Actually, what about Brunhilde? She's an actual Valkyrie sent by Odin to fight for Germany. How do they explain her away with their anti-magic stance? Or magic's own role in Norse mythology?
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Atlantis might have been magically neutered. I've said it before but apparently no one can be bothered to remember, the Nazis conquered Atlantis. They basically own it. Aquaman is a member of the New Reichsmen and fights to preserve Nazi rule

We know that it's been conquered, it's been mentioned in the story.

It's also been mentioned that they still have magic and are generally left alone since the Nazis consider them Aryan and it would be difficult to rule an underwater kingdom.

The reason they're not seen helping the Nazis is because they hate them and when they help they just do the bare minimum.

And according to Karl, Unserseaman may not care about the Nazis at all and is just serving them to protect his people.

When Karl and Angelika were talking about which of the Reichsmen would like to move to another universe, Karl mentioned that if he could then Underseaman would move his entire civilization to another universe.

It's kind of silly to me that magic is so thoroughly rejected, since I think they'd exploit any advantage they could and view the Atlanteans as Proto-Aryans. But I guess they'd rather be stupid and reject magic out of hand then do their famous mental gymnastics and decree Atlantean magic is proper Aryan magic

They're Nazis, don't try to make sense of their logic.

EDIT: Actually, what about Brunhilde? She's an actual Valkyrie sent by Odin to fight for Germany. How do they explain her away with their anti-magic stance? Or magic's own role in Norse mythology?

There are exceptions to every rule.
Where are you getting any of this from? Because I can't find anything on Earth 10 Atlantis ever actually being mentioned by Zoat.
No. We get basically nothing from the comics other than that the Germans conquered them, spared them because the SS considered them to be Proto-Aryans, and Unterseaman (Aquaman) is a member of the New Reichsmen.

I found some of what Darko was talking about by adjusting my search terms. When I just searched Atlantis it actually completely ignored the posts where Zoat has said stuff about Earth 10 Atlantis. I had to search Nazi Atlantis. (By which I mean, even a recent December post didn't show up at all unless I added Nazi.)

Main things were that actually trying to manage Atlantis from the surface was a pain in the ass so they allow Atlantis autonomy, that the Blood Purists would be ideologically aligned with the Nazis if not for the fact they look down on surfacers, and that Atlantis only cooperates with Germany as much as it has to.
Krummkreuz (part 13)
16th September 2012
18:03 GMT -4

"Good evening, Princess."

Diana looked at me the moment I entered the room, though I don't know if that was because she recognised me from our fight or because she wasn't expecting a man on Themyscira. I suppose there's an outside chance that she knew the 'me' from her parallel. I'm not completely sure that I could stop a demonically-empowered Superman, and I was at the upper end of the power curve during the multi-me meet-up.

"No. No, it isn't."

She's lying on a bed, head propped up slightly by the pillow. She tries to push herself upright only for her right hand to slide out from under her.


"You have just been freed from possession. I doubt that you're going to be up to much for a while."

"Themyscira-. Themyscira was destroyed. Where am I?"

"An alternate reality. Earth Ten, if that means anything to you."

She nods. "Uncle-. Uncle Sam."

"Ah… He's around somewhere. I don't know what you're expecting, but at this point the Allies have lost pretty comprehensively. Look, is there anything we can do for you? The Diana from my home parallel usually heals pretty quickly, but I don't think she's ever been through what you did."

She flops back, barely-open eyes looking at the ceiling.

"I have a healing-."


Earth? Oh earth, yes, clear as mud.


I attach a filament to her and lift her up.

"Where are you-?"

"Earth." I look at the priestess who asked and shrug. "I assume it's a magical thing?"


Diana hasn't ever mentioned anything special about her and soil to me. I don't remember anything about the subject from any of her mission reports. Still, given the usual Themyscira attitude to sacred ritual magic I shouldn't be completely surprised if she considered it a sacred trust.

I head out of the room with Diana floating supine behind me, two of the priestesses following on behind. The nearest piece of greenery… A small park, meant for convalescents taking constitutionals. Small stone path, a few trees… The roots of one of the trees have drained the soil of water enough to kill the grass and expose themselves.

I tilt her slightly so that she can look where I'm pointing.


A weak nod.


I float her over to the bare soil and lay her awkwardly on it. She.. squirms, clearly not entirely in control of her body but trying to get her bare skin into contact with the ground. I reposition her slightly to make it easier.

"What are-?"

The colour washes from her skin as her flesh turns-. Clay, she's turning herself back into clay!

Um. Um.

I didn't see any black. Yes, her internal connections were kind of a mess and I couldn't read them reliably, but black is noticeable. If she intended to kill herself then I'd have seen some sign of it. So that's not what this is.

"She can turn herself back into clay?" The older priestess frowns at me. "She can do that?"

"That's what I'm hoping."

Her frown deepens. "You don't know?"

"I've known her for about half an hour longer than you. How well do you think I know her?"

"I-." Her frown fades slightly and she nods. "I suppose that you have a valid point. What can we do for her?"

"I met Gaea once, and that was for a few seconds. I don't know what this involves or what she hopes to get out of it."

"You met Gaea?"

"A demon abducted and warped a dryad. I freed her and healed her and then brought her to my Themyscira. Gaea appeared to check up on her. This is new."

I take out a rune stone and… Yes, magic is happening. Fairly intense magic, but I've never seen a woman made of clay brought to life before. It is at least reassuring that something has this in hand.

"So… You get out a lot?"

"Your meaning?"

"Do you get off the island a lot?"

"No, not at all."

"So, do you know much about the outside world?"

"Our sisters of the Bana-Mighdall brought us much knowledge when they fled from the Reich."

No idea who they are. I don't remember anything about them from either the comics or Earth 16. Is that what they call the Amazons who went back to Greece here? Have to ask my Diana about them.

"Were the Reich the ones who did this to her? Was this the result of their magic?"

"No, the Reich know nothing of magic. Their ideology forbids it. This was an action taken by one of their other enemies."

"The Reich killed Queen Hippolyta. Why would their enemies do this to one of our sisters?"

"Because the enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, and nothing more. Neither side has any interest in cooperating with you. The only difference is that-."

Diana swells slightly, then a thin outer layer of clay flakes off her fully restored skin as she pushes herself upright.

"Feeling better, sir?"

"My body is hale, but my spirit may never recover." She looks around, right hand rising up to brush clay fragments from her hair. "This is Themyscira on Earth Ten?"


"You are native to this world."

"No, Earth Sixteen. A group of supervillains from my Earth have been raiding your Earth for technology while all the survivors are occupied. This parallel is being attacked by-."

"I know. I was a part of it." She exhales. "Nazis."

"Nazis who can still learn to be better."

She gives me an odd look.

"Perhaps. Who rules here? I must discuss the matter with them."
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I'm not completely sure that I could stop a demonically-empowered Superman, and I was at the upper end of the power curve during the multi-me meet-up.

Unless this happened well before your parallel version became more powerful, or maybe he died before the demon thing happened.

And as we saw from the Kara fight, a Kryptonian trying to kill you has a good chance of doing it.

I have a healing-."


Earth? Oh earth, yes, clear as mud.


I attach a filament to her and lift her up.

"Where are you-?"

"Earth." I look at the priestess who asked and shrug. "I assume it's a magical thing?"

I remember renegade mentioning to Diana from Earth 50 that if she wanted her powers back then she just needs to bury herself in a sacred grove.

"Our sisters of the Bana-Mighdall brought us much knowledge when they fled from the Reich."

No idea who they are. I don't remember anything about them from either the comics or Earth 16. Is that what they call the Amazons who went back to Greece here? Have to ask my Diana about them

They were Amazons that separated from their sisters and worked as magical mercenaries and weapons dealers.

They also worshipped the Egyptian gods.

The Reich killed Queen Hippolyta. Why would their enemies do this to one of our sisters?"

Because a lot of their enemies were also massive assholes.
They were Amazons that separated from their sisters and worked as magical mercenaries and weapons dealers.

They also worshipped the Egyptian gods.
You forget the part where they kept men as slaves to be used as breeders. I can't wait to see the reactions of Diana from Demon Earth and Diana 16 to learning of that little tidbit. Also, Mr Zoat, is there an official designation for Demon Earth, or should we just keep referring to it as such?
You forget the part where they kept men as slaves to be used as breeders. I can't wait to see the reactions of Diana from Demon Earth and Diana 16 to learning of that little tidbit. Also, Mr Zoat, is there an official designation for Demon Earth, or should we just keep referring to it as such?
I'm going to be boring and go with 666.
She's surprisingly coherent... I was expecting something considerably messier.

I'm guessing she's got more mystical protections than Diana 16, which helped her regain her mental clarity, plus the healing she got from becoming one with the earth.
This might be one of the versions that are much older. If her version of Hippolyta got in a nesting mood earlier, this Diana could be a couple thousand years old, and have the weight of millennia backing up her mental fortitude.

Or maybe she's just a tough cookie and being rejuvenated by the Earth really helped.
I think Zoat has blocked Vaermina.
Most of us have. He rarely provides any actually decent feedback. He tries to backseat write Zoat. And keeps saying that Zoat keeps getting the details wrong in Zoat's own custom AU blend of YJ and old DC.

Telling a writer to write a story your way instead of their way is sort of cringe.

And the few interesting comments I have seen Vaermina make almost seemed designed to be subversive and deceptive.
16th September 2012
18:03 GMT -4

"Good evening, Princess."

Diana looked at me the moment I entered the room, though I don't know if that was because she recognised me from our fight or because she wasn't expecting a man on Themyscira. I suppose there's an outside chance that she knew the 'me' from her parallel. I'm not completely sure that I could stop a demonically-empowered Superman, and I was at the upper end of the power curve during the multi-me meet-up.
The joy of being a late-playthrough character: getting the permanently-unlocked benefits of all those previous run-through. :p I wonder which alternate was the first-time playthrough? At any rate, it seems Diana's up, if not about.

"No. No, it isn't."

She's lying on a bed, head propped up slightly by the pillow. She tries to push herself upright only for her right hand to slide out from under her.
And for some reason, I'm picturing her with spots of grey in her hair. To be fair, it wouldn't look out of place after all she's been through.


"You have just been freed from possession. I doubt that you're going to be up to much for a while."
Not that I expect that to slow her down much, if she realises just how precarious the situation is...

"Themyscira-. Themyscira was destroyed. Where am I?"

"An alternate reality. Earth Ten, if that means anything to you."
Well, pretty definite confirmation of her homeland's fate on Earth-Hell... And I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Demon-Superman forced her to lead the assault, for that extra inflicted pain.

She nods. "Uncle-. Uncle Sam."

"Ah… He's around somewhere. I don't know what you're expecting, but at this point the Allies have lost pretty comprehensively. Look, is there anything we can do for you? The Diana from my home parallel usually heals pretty quickly, but I don't think she's ever been through what you did."
For reference, she's probably thinking of Earth-X, which the Justice league visited at least once.

She flops back, barely-open eyes looking at the ceiling.

"I have a healing-."
I don't think the flesh needs healing as much as the spirit does, OL. Even amongst the Amazons, she's unique, after all...


Earth? Oh earth, yes, clear as mud.
Quite literally, in fact.


I attach a filament to her and lift her up.
Much easier than trying to lift her by hand. Diana is probably not nearly as lightweight as she appears.

"Where are you-?"

"Earth." I look at the priestess who asked and shrug. "I assume it's a magical thing?"
It's a god thing, ma'am. Don't worry about it.


Diana hasn't ever mentioned anything special about her and soil to me. I don't remember anything about the subject from any of her mission reports. Still, given the usual Themyscira attitude to sacred ritual magic I shouldn't be completely surprised if she considered it a sacred trust.
Or it's simply something unique to the Diana of Earth-Hell, and others more closely based upon the core timeline. Like Earth-50's Diana, possibly.

I head out of the room with Diana floating supine behind me, two of the priestesses following on behind. The nearest piece of greenery… A small part, meant for convalescents taking constitutionals. Small stone path, a few trees… The roots of one of the trees has drained the soil of water enough to kill the grass and expose themselves.

I tilt her slightly so that she can look where I'm pointing.
Even that small an amount will be enough? I suppose the landscapers will thank you for not tearing up the garden...


A weak nod.

Hopefully she doesn't need any outside assistance.

I float her over to the bear soil and lay her awkwardly on it. She.. squirms, clearly not entirely in control of her body but trying to get her bare skin into contact with the ground. I reposition her slightly to make it easier.

"What are-?"
Evidently she knows what she needs to do. Hopefully it works here, where she probably has no bond to Gaea...

The colour washes from her skin as her flesh turns-. Clay, she's turning herself back into clay!

Um. Um.
I suppose since Gaea brought her to life, she can call upon Gaea to aid her in healing herself...

I didn't see any black. Yes, her internal connections were kind of a mess and I couldn't read them reliably, but black is noticeable. If she intended to kill herself then I'd have seen some sign of it. So that's not what this is.

"She can turn herself back into clay?" The older priestess frowns at me. "She can do that?"
It's news to us too... Still, evidently this is what she wanted to happen...

"That's what I'm hoping."

Her frown deepens. "You don't know?"
Different universes, different rules. There's probably at least one universe out there where she's literally animated clay. Like a golem-cum-greek statue sort of thing.

"I've known her for about half an hour longer than you. How well do you think I know her?"

"I-." Her frown fades slightly and she nods. "I suppose that you have a valid point. What can we do for her?"
He has a point. He and Diana seem to be making this up as they go...

"I met Gaea once, and that was for a few seconds. I don't know what this involves or what she hopes to get out of it."

"You met Gaea?"
She was nice. Better than some of the Titans and Gods he's met.

"A demon abducted and warped a dryad. I freed her and healed her and then brought her to my Themyscira. Gaea appeared to check up on her. This is new."

I take out a rune stone and… Yes, magic is happening. Fairly intense magic, but I've never seen a woman made of clay brought to life before. It is at least reassuring that something has this in hand.
Diana's probably having to discuss matters with Gaea for a bit. Given that she apparently never existed here, so the spellwork used on her should be very interesting to the lady.

"So… You get out a lot?"

"Your meaning?"
Phrasing, OL. This kind of sounds like you're trying to woo her...

"Do you get off the island a lot?"

"No, not at all."
I suspect leaving the island is seen as a fate worse than death... And leading to death, since they lose their immortality, I would expect.

"So, do you know much about the outside world?"

"Our sisters of the Bana-Mighdall brought us much knowledge when they fled from the Reich."
Bana-Mighdall, for reference. Notably, they were not immortal (they basically gave the god's offer of it a big middle finger.) They were also present at the Trojan War, on the Trojan's side. Diana's first visit may also be the source of this 'Call Gaea for help' ability she's showing...

No idea who they are. I don't remember anything about them from either the comics or Earth 16. Is that what they call the Amazons who went back to Greece here? Have to ask my Diana about them.

"Were the Reich the ones who did this to her? Was this the result of their magic?"
It'd be interesting if Diana had no knowledge of them, and in the process of learning more, rediscovered their hidden city...

"No, the Reich know nothing of magic. Their ideology forbids it. This was an action taken by one of their other enemies."

"The Reich killed Queen Hippolyta. Why would their enemies do this to one of our sisters?"
It's... Complicated. Very complicated.

"Because the enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, and nothing more. Neither side has any interest in cooperating with you. The only difference is that-."

Diana swells slightly, then a thin outer layer of clay flakes off her fully restored skin as she pushes herself upright.
Well, that was quick. The power of Titanic magic, I suppose.

"Feeling better, sir?"

"My body is hale, but my spirit may never recover." She looks around, right hand rising up to brush clay fragments from her hair. "This is Themyscira on Earth Ten?"
Yeah, healing her heart and soul may take a lot longer. Especially if she remembers what she did under the Demon's control...


"You are native to this world."

"No, Earth Sixteen. A group of supervillains from my Earth have been raiding your Earth for technology while all the survivors are occupied. This parallel is being attacked by-."
A good reminder that this isn't her first go-around with alternate universes...

"I know. I was a part of it." She exhales. "Nazis."

"Nazis who can still learn to be better."
It might take some effort, but a Superman might manage to accomplish such a feat...

She gives me an odd look.

"Perhaps. Who rules here? I must discuss the matter with them."
Ah, the old 'push it aside, more important things to worry about' reflex. Saves time, at least.

Now, can the Spirit of Truth convince the Amazons to lend their aid to the world? I can imagine the Archon not wanting to risk her sisters for foolish men... But how many of them might follow Diana simply because of her connection to their exiled queen? And what will the Nazis think when they see warrior women riding to battle against the demon hordes. :p
(As for the designation, Earth-666 is taken by the Lucifer TV series, apparently. But given that even the Marvel Universes have designations in the DC Notation... Anything goes in Mr Zoat's story.)

A small part, meant for convalescents taking constitutionals.
More likely 'park'?
I float her over to the bear soil and lay her awkwardly on it.
I float her over to the bare soil and lay her awkwardly on it.
You forget the part where they kept men as slaves to be used as breeders. I can't wait to see the reactions of Diana from Demon Earth and Diana 16 to learning of that little tidbit. Also, Mr Zoat, is there an official designation for Demon Earth, or should we just keep referring to it as such?

I think Zoat once mentioned that they don't exist on Earth 16.

I could be wrong or he may change his mind though.

I think Zoat has blocked Vaermina.

He has.

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