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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Her Wiki page: Magala. Note her appearance, and the first line of her biography:
dc.fandom.com said:
Magala was a cavewoman who was murdered by her mate.
Because immediately Post-'Crisis on Infinite Earths', the Amazons were ret-conned into being the souls of 'women unjustly slain by male violence', reincarnated into new 'superhuman' bodies by the Greek Goddesses. This was done because Wonder Woman got rebooted as part of the aftermath of the event...

:D DC: Making shit as they went for... 85+ years now!
I'm kind of confused as to how Paul doesn't really remember Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, considering her whole Outlaws run with Red Hood and Bizzaro.

That was from the n52, which Zoat doesn't like.

Plus, I think that came out after 2013, which is the year Paul came from, so even if he liked the n52, he still wouldn't have heard of her.

Though she did show up in the comics before the n52.
Honesty, can we please see a Parallel that just lets Nazi Earth be on their own? Not even Ultimate Marvel is that bad and is basically a World of assholes save for like five to ten people.
Hmm. I wonder what the population figures might be.

China was massively depopulated the Nazis deployed a bioweapon because they didn't have the manpower to really assist Japan's subjugation of China.

India was also massively depopulated by this bioweapon, albeit unintentionally.

They were fine with Arabs, Iranians, Afghanis, Indians, etc. China and Japan too. Of course being fine with you doesn't always help since they still deployed that above mentioned bioweapon that fucked India and China because it was easier than normal conquest.

Obviously hated Slavs, Jews, Romani, and Africans. And at least with the Romani, originating from India didn't help them because Europeans still can't stop hating them even today. I also wonder if another custom bioweapon might have been used on Africans. Africa is fucking huge. They had to have killed quite a few of them just to get them to the level of being placed in reservations, plus the additional die off from being forced down to what sounds like near hunter-gatherer levels.

Native Americans probably got fucked even harder. A big part of the inspiration for the Nazis' Lebensbraum plans came from America's ideas of Manifest Destiny and running roughshod over the natives, so I doubt they thought well of them.

I guess it depends on how far they got with their extermination plans since they seemingly only really went all in on it during a period of time where Overman was off having adventures in space.

For the Germans themselves their natalist policies and how successful they were would also be a factor. The Nazis incentivized the shit out of women popping out lots of kids. They had this special motherhood medal that conferred a LOT of special privileges on mothers. The more children you had the better the version of the medal you received and the better the privileges. (Though it wasn't just child count that determined if you got the medal.)

"...they were always given the best of everything: housing, food, clothing, and schooling for their children. Old people even had to give up their seats on the bus or streetcar. They were treated like royalty with the greatest respect. No standing in line for them. At the butchers shop the best cuts of meat would go into their baskets. A helper or nurse was assigned by the government to help them take care of the brood and arrived first thing in the morning".

Since they're the ones dominating the world, other nations might adopt such natalist practices. We know they've been made to adopt their racial policies.

Either way, the majority of the world's population is probably European. Then whatever levels you'd get out of North Africa/the Middle East, Central Asia, Japan as the greatest source of East Asians. And whatever's left of all other groups is in the single digits percentage wise.

Maybe something like 4 billion people? 5 at the most. Unlike in real life where we're pretty damn close to hitting 8 billion people. For reference, the world population during WW2 was about 2.3 billion people. So I think they actually killed less than a billion people. Not that it isn't still awful because the death toll shaping their world would still be hundred of millions. (Of course there's also however many people they might still be killing for being "degenerate". Like LGBT people.)


That bleak shit aside, the idea of the Amazons being the reincarnation of women "unjustly killed by men" is extremely stupid to me just because I refuse to believe the Greek gods would have a single fuck to give about something like that. Or at the very least that they wouldn't have bothered having it extend beyond the Greeks who worshipped them.
Every word out of the Nazis' mouths makes me want OL to just go...

"Okay. I'm done. Excuse me while I go introduce myself to this universe's version of the Ophidian. This requires some deep scrubbing."
If he ever does get to that point, he'll do so with little warning and just take everyone done, just like he thought about doing on Earth -14.
They'd denounce it as some sort of magic trickery. Nothing short of having the truth literally inserted into their minds will work. Maybe the lasso will do just that here.
Wouldn't be surprised if DC Heaven were shaped by human belief. Hitler is in Heaven because the Nazis have taken over Christianity and made it fit their ideals. Even if that's not the case, I've heard it explained that in DC you're the only thing keeping yourself in hell, so Hitler would go there since he didn't have any moral doubts about himself
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Wouldn't be surprised if DC Heaven were shaped by human belief. Hitler is in Heaven because the Nazis have taken over Christianity and made it fit their ideals. Even if that's not the case, I've heard it explained that in DC you're the only thing keeping yourself in hell, so Hitler would go there since he didn't have any moral doubts about himself
I was assuming that since the version of Hitler from Earth 16 is in Hell, the version from Earth 10 would've gone to Hell as well.
That's just like, your opinion, man. In my reality it's working great because I believe it would. Which I choose to believe because I would rather it work great. And since that is in fact how it works, we have no problem.
No modern politics.
Thank you, corrected.
No, I think that's a valid usage.
Poor Kyle Rayner briefly turned into Hal Jordan!
The accompanying line is something like 'I can't believe that after all this time people still think there's only one Green Lantern', which was a giant 'fuck you' to Kyle's entire concept.
...Two words for you, Atom boy: Homonormative. Culture.
Bana-Mighdall actually aren't.
Feels kind of awkward. Perhaps 'other' or 'evil' might work better?
It's supposed to feel awkward.
Superman isn't traditionally a Nazi. Different universe different rules.
I'm talking about the Life Entity. Not Superman.
I meant that it may not be on Earth 666.

And even if it is on Earth 666, it might be immune to the demonic magic, or the magic can't even access it.
I can only hope. But I doubt it. Bet informing the Malthusians about the Life Entities location and the potential hazard would make them move awfully quick.
I'm talking about the Life Entity. Not Superman

He was saying that different universes have different histories and rules to imply that the same may be true for Earth 666.

In the same way Superman can be a Nazi in some universe, the Life Entity may not be on Earth in some universes.

I can only hope. But I doubt it. Bet informing the Malthusians about the Life Entities location and the potential hazard would make them move awfully quick

Why would he need to inform them?

They're usually the ones that put it there.
Oh, good. Mquz hit on an idea I was pondering myself.

Some ideas of morally good behavior have shifted over the millennia. Attitudes from prior eras that were seen as normal aren't seen that way now. Are people from the past who didn't live up to modern moral standards in Hell? Or are they in Heaven because they were good by the standards of the time/place they lived in?

If this kind of thing is influenced by the prevailing attitudes of a given time/place . . . Well, you've got over 70 years of Nazi Germany as world hegemon and dictating a lot of things. These are people who probably genuinely see themselves as good people doing good things. Are they in their own section of Heaven, just kept away from the non-Nazi areas?

I don't really know much about DC's take on Heaven, though apparently if you ever get bored of Paradise you can choose to reincarnate on Earth. And I guess there's Purgatory for "those who have sinned but are not truly evil".

Apparently there was a bit where it was said that Hell is a place you only go to if you truly believe you deserve to be there, with most people being sent there only because they're holding themselves to impossible standards. Though this was also part of a story where Lucifer noped out and some angels took over Hell and made it a place of rehabilitation rather than a place of punishment.

So I guess it depends on the year because DC can't stop making different versions of the afterlives the way they keep resetting shit with their crises.
Wow. Comics are stupid.
I mean, I have no issue with the lasso breaking being conceptual hax bad, but it broke because someone believed really hard they were right? Sheesh!
People believe untrue things all the time. The lasso should break nearly weekly by that logic.

It broke because Diana, holder of the Golden Lasso connected to Gaia herself, and nascent Goddess of Truth herself who as an Amazon is a daughter of Gaia, rejected the truth put forth from Rama Khan, One with the land of Jarhanpur, which is part of the Earth and hence part of Gaea.

You see, Gaea in DC comics isn't just spiritually the Earth, but literally, physically the Earth. Every speck of soil, dust, sand, and rock is part of her body, just as flesh and blood are components of your body. So the sapient patch of land that is Jaranpur that is Rama Khan's patron by definition is part of Gaea.

So Wonder Woman didn't just betray the truth but her own very divine nature and her Primordial patroness from whom her flesh was carved.

The issue was solved when Diana apologized to the land and the land accepted.
Literally every time I read I think "wow who knew Nazi's were pieces of shit" also I didn't know that the lasso was so important to the foundation of the universe.........should she like put it in a box or something to keep it safe?
The lasso is the vector of Diana's growth into the Titan of Truth.

The lasso broke because Diana's faith in Truth wavered in the scenario, basically leading her to be an unexpected (chaotic) titaness for an arch.
Mr Zoat, when I click on links on the TOC to parts on QQ, they don't go to the correct parts anymore. Did something happen?

Edit: I double checked, and found that it starts with Episode 94: Equestrian Girls.

Edit 2: Checked again, and found that Episode 93: Jungle Gym also has this problem.
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Mr Zoat, when I click on links on the TOC to parts on QQ, they don't go to the correct parts anymore. Did something happen?

Edit: I double checked, and found that it starts with Episode 94: Equestrian Girls.

Edit 2: Checked again, and found that Episode 93: Jungle Gym also has this problem.
Yeah, I... Don't know. I think it's something to do with how the site tracks posts. They were accurate when I made them. If you draw my attention to individual ones then I'll correct them but at this point I think it's pretty much most of them.
Yeah, I... Don't know. I think it's something to do with how the site tracks posts. They were accurate when I made them. If you draw my attention to individual ones then I'll correct them but at this point I think it's pretty much most of them.
I am not 100% sure what is happening, but to give an example.
The last update was Krummkreuz (part 15) that has the link
Unfortunately the post was on page 1568. In other words the correct link should have been
Originally I thought that the problem was that either there had been deleted posts or that posts where missing because of the ignore list so that a post would move to an earlier page.
Unfortunately the url you used today at ~6AM pointed to this page that had it's first post 4,5 hours later
So unless there are posts that only you can see (at least 25 of them) it doesn't make sense.

My advice is to edit all of them to not need the page number. In the above example you use
Basically you replace everything before the #post- with https://forum.questionablequesting.com/posts/
And QQ redirects to the appropriate page
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Yeah, I... Don't know. I think it's something to do with how the site tracks posts. They were accurate when I made them. If you draw my attention to individual ones then I'll correct them but at this point I think it's pretty much most of them.
That will take a while. However, here are a few.

Paul in his second day in earth 16 was already the best lantern when it came to versatility.

Meta knowledge of lantern combat techniques and an AI to pull them off go a LONG way, Sentinel has no AI and no meta knowledge, he has no FTL or near FTL strategic movement, ergo by default the local Paul would be the second best lantern on earth. Give him cold beam tech and purple beam designs so he can make his own and he is already above 99.6% of the entire Nazi roster, his inexperience is mitigated if you keep him as rear long range support or a healer. Who can Paul trust to get him on his feet if he gets overwhelmed and defeated by the demons? Certainly not the Nazis.

Paul is literally operating without any kind of support he can trust, the moment he goes down to anything including "friendly fire" he is absolutely fucked.

Two years isn't enough to have a soul, when that plot element happened it was more than clear it would take several years for Paul to develop a soul without assistance. A God could make one for him, or he could develop one if he was constantly around high magic environments, but that isn't the case for Paul Freeman, not by a long shot.

Aside from the fact that we have seen in the story that new Lanterns are sent to the planet Maltus for training, or spend significant time with Paul before taking up their job, and putting aside how fast Paul was taken out of the fight at Nabu's tower when fighting Klarion (the closest example to what the coming fight would be for Paul Freeman) let's think about what would it look like if Paragon ran off to his clone.

Best Case Scenario,

Paul goes to Freeman and gives him a ring. Freeman has been preparing for this moment for two years, knowing he is in a comic book and at some point a crisis that would require giving him his ring would happen. He has spent this time meditating and learning his desires, also Cornwall Boy became a fan of his articles and when the two met face to face Robert tells Freeman he has no soul but the two working together have been fixing that. When given his ring he immediately becomes enlightened and knows how to use the ring at its best use, pointing out to Paul all the mistakes and problems he has caused by just not following the cannon better. Paul weeps and realizes that he has been mentality corrupted by the Orange Light. Freeman forgives him, then armoring him self in power armor, that of course he instinctively knows how to fight in, and after being given one each of Paul's standard weapons, which he can make perfected copies of, the two Pauls with significantly different backgrounds at this point both have the same desire to stop the demon invasion and save Earth 666.

Paul having been shown his errors is able to calmly and rationally explain the Freeman is needed and the Nazis agree.

The Paul and Freeman fight the demons completely in tandem covering each others backs and protecting all the other fighters, nobody dies on either side (even Leatherwing who unfortunately has every bone in his body shattered, three no four... five times. But Freeman heals him every time that happens cause he is the good guy.) and the Nazis see the error in there ways.

Freeman walks up to Superman sitting on his throne and tells him he is possessed then preforms an exorcism with Paul by using their faith in the Orange Light. Ophidian shows up and eats the demon leaving Superman unharmed.

Both Pauls discover that they are in fact the perfect partner for themselves Paul breaks up with Jade (who is totally cool with it) and then has sex with himself for 30 months. Exactatly as powerful as every comic book, tv show, movie, book and Hostess fruit pie commercial ever says they should be with every other character exactaly as powerful as they should be, even the parts that contradict each other, especially the parts that contridact each other. This becomes the best evarr Fan Fiction, all other writers weepp that there prose is not this good! Muse herself blesses this forum. DC makes this story cannon, and the world is good!! Why won't Paul just give a ring to Freeman *WEEP* :eek:

More likely scenarios

1: Paul gives Freeman a ring, the Nazis stop working with him. Paul has to fight Nazis and demons at the same time Freeman is able to stay sane enough to "help" but has to stop for at least 8 hours to sleep 1 hour to meditate on his desires. Also he still takes off his ring to poop and is killed sitting on a toilet.

2: Freeman gets a ring and is taught how to make a railgun. He then grabs the Tower of London loads it in a rail gun and shoots it at Leatherwing. The ring reacts to his subconscious desires and he Wants Leatherwing dead. See above for what happens next. 2b: or after killing Leatherwing Freeman realizes he will keep killing every Nazi he sees and flees Earth so as not to kill everyone.

3: Paul convinces the Nazi's to let Freeman have the ring, somehow. Freeman gets 3 hours of training with Paul and is put in the back of the fighting group as a ranged fighter / healer. The fight starts and Freeman sees Paul wrecking the enemy and tries to help, he goes full Mine, Mine, Mine, and tries to take Paul's rings from him.

4: Freeman gets 3 hours of training before the fight but still doesn't know how to fight supers and win. The moment he feels Fear or Rage or Hope his ring stops working and he is hit by a stick thrown by another stick, used by a demon. 4b: there is enough demon magic flying around in the battle that Freeman get drunk and tries to roll down a hill in an innertube construct right into the arms of demon "take your pick"

5: Freeman gets a ring and doesn't want to save this world. There is a whole universe out there without Nazis

Worst case scenario

Paul finds Freeman, he explains what is going on that there are multiple universes out there, that demons from another world are crossing over and he needs Freeman's help to stop it. He makes a ring and a lantern for Freeman. After claiming the ring he pulls out a book that he has carried with him ever since he was released by Overman, as a journalist he has to keep notes, this book holds his personal notes. Every person he has met or heard about has a listing in this book some names just say kill, others Assimilate and then some names have graphic, methodical and sadistic descriptions of death next to them. Two years of seeing Nazis up close, watching them patting themselves on the back for what the have done, rewriting history, science, culture, leisure and the future. 24 months, half of which he spent being tortured by Leatherwing, seeing that the world has swallowed this poisoned pill, not just with lip service but embracing and championing it.

The first thing Freeman does if lift the Palace of Westminster into orbit while stuffing ever member of the House of Commons and the House of Lords into it. He loads the Palace into a rail gun and shoots it at Leatherwing at 1/3 the speed of light. He kills everyone he doesn't have a use for and takes those he wants. Once he is done with the earth he continues out, this is a Genocide run, after all there are other universes no one needs this one and I want to know what happens when you assimilate someone who already has an orange ring.

Once he is done, a new lantern core behind him, the greatest minds of the universe working for him, the equipment and knowledge of how to travel in the multiverse before him and the answer to a question it is time to thank Paul for his first ring.
Is it just me or does the story feel a bit off lately.

4/5 of the last episodes are basically Paul going to someplace brand new with little real connection to previous events or existing characters being involved. Also very little downtime scenes.

The 2-part space god thing. Then we get Truggs again which leads into Demon Earth and then Nazi earth. All of which with pretty much no downtime scenes. We get a bit of Angelika but not a lot. And superman doesnt get that much time either.

I think the Truggs episode is the only one that had enough pre-existing stuff to still be enjoyable with the Supergirls, Truggs, HERO, and Dana.

I only really noticed why when I did a reread. Some of the best stuff is the slow burn uplift projects and other sideplots. Stuff like Teth Adom, Kord, etc. Xor in particular was fun.

It seemed like Mavolio was kind of heading that way alongside his Orange Acolytes. But that kind of just stopped and we havent really heard much updates on most of his work in at least 5 or 6 episodes.

It also feels very light on Renegade since Grayven-bowl. But I guess it makes sense after such a heavy arc. And he did get 2 episodes so far with the excellent Other Half arc and Grayven-bowl.
Is it just me or does the story feel a bit off lately.

4/5 of the last episodes are basically Paul going to someplace brand new with little real connection to previous events or existing characters being involved. Also very little downtime scenes.

The 2-part space god thing. Then we get Truggs again which leads into Demon Earth and then Nazi earth. All of which with pretty much no downtime scenes. We get a bit of Angelika but not a lot. And superman doesnt get that much time either.

I think the Truggs episode is the only one that had enough pre-existing stuff to still be enjoyable with the Supergirls, Truggs, HERO, and Dana.

I only really noticed why when I did a reread. Some of the best stuff is the slow burn uplift projects and other sideplots. Stuff like Teth Adom, Kord, etc. Xor in particular was fun.

It seemed like Mavolio was kind of heading that way alongside his Orange Acolytes. But that kind of just stopped and we havent really heard much updates on most of his work in at least 5 or 6 episodes.

It also feels very light on Renegade since Grayven-bowl. But I guess it makes sense after such a heavy arc. And he did get 2 episodes so far with the excellent Other Half arc and Grayven-bowl.
I'm actually enjoying the exploration of an non belligerent Nazi culture that's actually quite utopian yet still completely disgusting. It's quite the novel experience.

And Paul getting a taste of his own medicine has been quite amusing.
I also look forward towards him turning the tables and running into his counter part assuming truggs hasn't abducted/killled him for reasons.
Mr Zoat, I finally have some free time, so I'm checking every QQ part in the story from the first one. Here are all of the links that don't link to the story part from the 1st QQ story part to Episode 91: Bended. My earlier one did Episode 92: Gammadion and part of Episode 93: Jungle Gym. I'll check those ones now. If no ones makes a reply before I'm done, I'll just edit the next ones in this post.
Field Trip (part 10)

Conqueror's Moon (part 27)

Guys from Gotham (part 7)


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