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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm actually enjoying the exploration of an non belligerent Nazi culture that's actually quite utopian yet still completely disgusting. It's quite the novel experience.

And Paul getting a taste of his own medicine has been quite amusing.
I also look forward towards him turning the tables and running into his counter part assuming truggs hasn't abducted/killled him for reasons.

Utopian if you are white and straight, sure.
He was saying that different universes have different histories and rules to imply that the same may be true for Earth 666.

In the same way Superman can be a Nazi in some universe, the Life Entity may not be on Earth in some universes.
If truly meant that way, then that does change that it is likely to be there. If Nazi Superman is the example then it doesn't change that Kal-El still got to Earth. No matter the time and place on Earth Earth is still Earth. And Earth 666 is currently swimming in Demon Magic so thick the Thaumasphere literally changed.
They're usually the ones that put it there.
I did not know that. Thought something with all the powers connected to all life, even Malthusian lives would be unstoppable.
Krummkreuz (part 16)
17th September 2012
02:13 GMT +1

José Luis Lopez shakily finishes off the last of the inscriptions, glancing back at Magala as he cautiously rises to his feet. She waves her hands at the whole layout with her eyes half-closed, then nods.

"That's it?" The large moustachioed man with metal skin who was introduced to me as 'Reichsmark' doesn't look convinced. "You think we can just walk through now?"

Mr. Lopez opens his mouth to respond. Then he hesitates, prompting Reichsmark to make a contemptuous hiss through his teeth.

"Then why-?"

"Reichsmark." The Bat shakes his head. "This is a focusing aid for the magic, which comes from them. They can't open a portal without it, but as soon as they start using magic then anyone on the other side will know it."

The almost cartoonishly obvious vampire next to him nods. 'Count Berlin', real name not provided, is a survivor from the Reich's early super soldier experiments. I'm sort of assuming that he was from this universe's Nazi version of the Creature Commandoes, but that information hasn't been volunteered.

"Like a drop of blood in the water calling sharks. It would be foolish to begin that part of the process until we are ready."

Reichsmark shrugs. "I'm ready now."

There's a clank as Baron Gestapo -and for goodness sake, some of these names- sets his squad of hulking robots to ready mode. The Baron himself has a more defensively-weighted version of Atom Man's power armour, and as I understand it functions as a minion controller rather than a front line fighter.

"We're all ready now, Sven. That's what the design being complete means." Reichsmark gives him a slight glare before turning away in an attempt to imply that Gestapo isn't worth his time to argue with. "Well, boy?"

"I-I can begin opening it. If they try to stop me then it won't work, but… I don't think they will. They-. They want people."

The dark brown thing introduced to me as Shadow of War floats a little closer. Apparently there's a female metahuman under there somewhere, rather than the wraith I originally assumed she was. No idea whether whatever that is turns off or not.

"They will learn that war is no kinder to demons than it is to mortal men."

The Bat nods. "We're ready. Open the portal, boy."

Mr. Lopez plants his crosier at the focus of the ritual space and starts quietly praying. The symbols he's been drawing start glowing with white/blue light, dimly at first but with gradually increasing intensity.

Reichsmark grimaces. "That's not what the portals look like."

"That's because he's not using demon magic. Mister Lopez has a far higher calling."

Baroness Reiter straightens slightly in surprise. "His magic comes from God?"

"No. If it came from Yahweh, it would burn with golden fire and the Count would be dust. This is pure human faith manifesting. I know that you don't really know enough to understand it, but achieving something like this through faith alone is actually extremely impressive. Most magicians would need to make pacts with various supernatural beings or access to high powered magic artefacts to do something like this."

White Dragon's hulking armour stomps forward.

"If you want to suck your pet greaser off that badly, wait until after the mission."

I can't help but chuckle at the fact that in a room full of German Nazis, it's the token American on the team who's racist about the Mexican.

The Baroness appears to agree. "Dragon, he's in control of the portal. Do you want to be left behind?"

"It's…" Mr. Lopez bows his head slightly. "It's opening. You should go through as quickly as possible."

The Bat nods. "Baroness, Lantern. You-."

Reichsmark gives him a glare of protest.

"Fine. Baroness, Lantern, Reichsmark. Go through first. Scout the area and attempt to contact Overman and Overgirl. If you can signal us within the first minute, we will deploy at your direction. Otherwise we're coming through shooting after that. Once it's secure -unless we're all dead-"

Reichsmark snorts.

"-Crusader will join us on the far side while Ms. Magala will hold the portal open from this side."

A blue/white film descends vertically across the ritual space, rippling for a moment before stabilising.

"Go. God-"

Reichsmark grins. "Yes sir!"

"-be with you."

The Baroness vanishes in a yellow blur.

I fly through and Reichsmark leaps after me. Through to the other side… Some ruins, dust and ash and craters where something hit the ground hard.

"Orange Lantern to Superman."

I rise up into the air as the Baroness zigzags across the countryside. Reichsmark just sort of stumbles to a disappointed halt. "Where are all the demons?"

"Orange Lantern to Superman."

"Superman here. You make it out alright?"

"I made it to Angelika's home parallel. And brought back… People with whom we can temporarily align ourselves."

"You mean Nazis."

"And the local Wonder Woman, as well as the Wonder Woman from this parallel whom we managed to purify. How are things in South America?"

"We haven't been discovered. We could attack any time, but unless we've got some way to remove the demon magic from everyone I don't know what we're going to do with them."

"Could you get everyone out of the Fortress and then wreck it? That should disrupt the ritual space."

"We can do that."

"I'll send a map of the interior to Overgirl's personal computer."

"Is there anything I should look for inside?"

"The Spear of Destiny. If we're really lucky, that is what is creating the world wide corruption effect. Get it out of his hands, and we just have to deal with Demon Superman."

"And if we're not, we should still get it out of his hands anyway. I don't suppose you could do anything with it, could you?"

"I don't think so. And there's probably still a Larfleeze in this universe-." Hm. "But there's a magician from here we purified on the other side of our portal. If we gave it to him, that might help."

"Alright, we'll do that. You should hear from us in a couple of minutes. Where are you?"

"Western Germany. We'll expect you when you get here."

"Superman out."

Baroness Reiter comes to a halt back at the portal.

"All clear. Ruins, wreckages and hovels."

"No one attacked the portal in the last thirty seconds."

I head back down. "Overman is in good health and will be heading here after hitting a target in South America. I think we can call in the team."
Last edited:
I did not know that. Thought something with all the powers connected to all life, even Malthusian lives would be unstoppable.

Zoat made it up for this story. He made the Earth the 5th world because it's the fifth world that the Guardians have hid the White Light Entity.

In the comics Earth was always where the White Light Entity was and where life began. Never mind that the Earth is several billion years too young for that to make any damn sense.

And I don't know if Zoat was inspired by the fact that humans were stated to be the successors to the Guardians and the New New Gods to be in the comics in Dr Fate, or if it's complete coincidence that Zoat kind of merged the two ideas on his own.
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White Dragon's hulking armour stomps forward.

"If you want to suck your pet greaser off that badly, wait until after the mission."

I can't help but chuckle at the fact that in a room full of German Nazis, it's the token American on the team who's racist about the Mexican.
This brings up the question does the KKK run things in America in this universe?
Zoat made it up for this story. He made the Earth the 5th world because it's the fifth world that the Guardians have hid the White Light Entity.
Nope, Earth being the nascent successor world to New Genesis and Apokolips is very obscure canon. It has nothing to do with the White Light Entity though, the "fifth" is because it's the successor to the Fourth World.
Nope, Earth being the nascent successor world to New Genesis and Apokolips is very obscure canon. It has nothing to do with the White Light Entity though, the "fifth" is because it's the successor to the Fourth World.

How did you fail your reading comprehension check so badly that you thought I confused Zoat's invention for comics canon when I freaking typed that it wasn't canon for the comics and specifically typed that Earth is the only world that the White Light Entity has ever been in the comics?

And if the Earth was the only world that the White Light Entity has ever been, then how the hell would that make Earth the Fifth world? Really.

And obscure canon?

After Death of the New Gods the Super Young Team became the Forever People of the Fifth World and where introduced as such in the finale of Final Crisis.

If you think something blatantly referenced in one of DC's mega-events qualifies as obscure we have very different interpretations of the word.
No. If it came from Yahweh, it would burn with golden fire and the Count would be dust

Assuming he's a real vampire and not just a genetic experiment with similar powers.

"I made it to Angelika's home parallel. And brought back… People with whom we can temporarily align ourselves."

"You mean Nazis

You try to soften the blow but he knew it was coming.

"And if we're not, we should still get it out of his hands anyway. I don't suppose you could do anything with it, could you?"

"I don't think so. And there's probably still a Larfleeze in this universe

Also it may be dangerous to have a guy who has greed as a soul be in everyone's head.

Amd if you're enlightenment somehow gets through, then that may just make them more focused, but still monstrous.

But there's a magician from here we purified on the other side of our portal. If we gave it to him, that might help."

Good thinking.

This brings up the question does the KKK run things in America in this universe?

Probably not, though it wouldn't surprise me if they're fairly powerful.
Assuming he's a real vampire and not just a genetic experiment with similar powers.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Dagon from the Team Titans was a guy who had Dracula's DNA grafted into him via mad science.

Why that was easier than just finding a vampire to bite people, don't ask me, my inclination is that's an example of why it's called "mad science."
17th September 2012
02:13 GMT +1

José Luis Lopez shakily finishes off the last of the inscriptions, glancing back at Magala as he cautiously rises to his feet. She waves her hands at the whole layout with her eyes half-closed, then nods.

"That's it?" The large moustachioed man with metal skin who was introduced to me as 'Reichsmark' doesn't look convinced. "You think we can just walk through now?"
So, finally getting this raid off the ground. And it looks like some C-list Nazi capes have been assembled to go with OL. On the upside, once they hook up with the Kryptonian trio, the goons will be a bit more manageable.

Mr. Lopez opens his mouth to respond. Then he hesitates, prompting Reichsmark to make a contemptuous hiss through his teeth.

"Then why-?"
Oh, yeah, this is one of the assholes responsible for the formation of the late-Noughties Justice Society. By killing the successors and families of World War II members...

"Reichsmark." The Bat shakes his head. "This is a focusing aid for the magic, which comes from them. They can't open a portal without it, but as soon as they start using magic then anyone on the other side will know it."

The almost cartoonishly obvious vampire next to him nods. 'Count Berlin', real name not provided, is a survivor from the Reich's early super soldier experiments. I'm sort of assuming that he was from this universe's Nazi version of the Creature Commandoes, but that information hasn't been volunteered.
That or he's one hell of a 'Nosferatu' fan. :p

"Like a drop of blood in the water calling sharks. It would be foolish to begin that part of the process until we are ready."

Reichsmark shrugs. "I'm ready now."
Sure. Let the fodder take the lead. I get the feeling even his teammates don't like him much. He certainly seems the sort to rub people the wrong way.

There's a clank as Baron Gestapo -and for goodness sake, some of these names- sets his squad of hulking robots to ready mode. The Baron himself has a more defensively-weighted version of Atom Man's power armour, and as I understand it functions as a minion controller rather than a front line fighter.

"We're all ready now, Sven. That's what the design being complete means." Reichsmark gives him a slight glare before turning away in an attempt to imply that Gestapo isn't worth his time to argue with. "Well, boy?"
Ah, the wartime era of villain naming. Where subtlety was something to be glanced at then thrown in the trash.

"I-I can begin opening it. If they try to stop me then it won't work, but… I don't think they will. They-. They want people."

The dark brown thing introduced to me as Shadow of War floats a little closer. Apparently there's a female metahuman under there somewhere, rather than the wraith I originally assume she was. No idea whether whatever that is turns off or not.
I'm guessing this one channels some form of restless spirits. Perhaps those slain in war? I hope she's got decent defences under the shroud.

"They will learn that war is no kinder to demons than it is to mortal men."

The Bat nods. "We're ready. Open the portal, boy."
At least they're motivated to kick ass and skip the name-taking.

Mr. Lopez plants his crosier at the focus of the ritual space and starts quietly praying. The symbols he's been drawing start glowing with white/blue light, dimly at first but with gradually increasing intensity.

Reichsmark grimaces. "That's not what the portals look like."
Not like a gaping anus on the face of reality? Probably something to do with the nature of the local magic, I suppose.

"That's because he's not using demon magic. Mister Lopez has a far higher calling."

Baroness Reiter straightens slightly in surprise. "His magic comes from God?"
I suppose that's marginally more acceptable to them.

"No. If it came from Yahweh, it would burn with golden fire and the Count would be dust. This is pure human faith manifesting. I know that you don't really know enough to understand it, but achieving something like this through faith alone is actually extremely impressive. Most magicians would need to make pacts with various supernatural beings or access to high powered magic artefacts to do something like this."

White Dragon's hulking armour stomps forward.
Which is probably why Deathstroke recruited him in the original comics. An easy-to-aim weapon without the risk of a higher power stepping in...

"If you want to suck your pet greaser off that badly, wait until after the mission."

I can't help but chuckle at the fact that in a room full of German Nazis, it's the token American on the team who's racist about the Mexican.
So, pretty much the entire Fourth Reich team from the JSA comics... Though I doubt they're named that presumptuously.

The Baroness appears to agree. "Dragon, he's in control of the portal. Do you want to be left behind?"

"It's…" Mr. Lopez bows his head slightly. "It's opening. You should go through as quickly as possible."
Ah, the fun times begin.

The Bat nods. "Baroness, Lantern. You-."

Reichsmark gives him a glare of protest.
God, I can almost hear the petulance of the look. That faint, wheedling 'But I wanna go fiiiirrrrrsssst!'

"Fine. Baroness, Lantern, Reichsmark. Go through first. Scout the area and attempt to contact Overman and Overgirl. If you can signal us within the first minute, we will deploy at your direction. Otherwise we're coming through shooting after that. Once it's secure -unless we're all dead-"

Reichsmark snorts.
Oh, I can't wait for him to meet someone immune to his powers, just so he can get his arse kicked.

"-Crusader will join us on the far side while Ms Magala will hold the portal open from this side."

A blue/white film descends vertically across the ritual space, rippling for a moment before stabilising.
A protective 'one-way only' effect, I suppose? Just to stop cultists coming the other way...

"Go. God-"

Reichsmark grins. "Yes sir!"
Seriously, overconfidence will be his downfall, won't it? He's probably used to being a big fish in this pond...

"-be with you."

The Baroness vanishes in a yellow blur.

I fly through and Reichsmark leaps after me. Through to the other side… Some ruins, dust and ash and craters where something hit the ground hard.
Probably Demon-Superman's smashing of a local resistance hideout or something like that...

"Orange Lantern to Superman."

I rise up into the air as the Baroness zigzags across the countryside. Reichsmark just sort of stumbles to a disappointed halt. "Where are all the demons?"
...Did he honestly expect them to be waiting for him? <facepalms> What an idiot...

"Orange Lantern to Superman."

"Superman here. You make it out alright?"
Well, that's a good start. I bet he's been a little worried, these past few hours And yes, it's only been a couple of hours, not even a full day at most.. It just feels so much longer because we only see a few minutes at a time...

"I made it to Angelika's home parallel. And brought back… People with whom we can temporarily align ourselves."

"You mean Nazis."
You make do with the army you have, not the army you want.

"And the local Wonder Woman, as well as the Wonder Woman from this parallel who we managed to purify. How are things in South America?"

"We haven't been discovered. We could attack any time, but unless we've got some way to remove the demon magic from everyone I don't know what we're going to do with them."
Ah. Yeah, I suppose that's a good reason why they haven't been doing anything.

"Could you get everyone out of the Fortress and then wreck it? That should disrupt the ritual space."

"We can do that."
I'm betting he's been itching for a chance to hit something lately.

"I'll send a map of the interior to Overgirl's personal computer."

"Is there anything I should look for inside?"
Oh yeah. Loot, then burn. Wolf's bound to have lots of useful shit.

"The Spear of Destiny. If we're really lucky, that is what is creating the world wide corruption effect. Get it out of his hands, and we just have to deal with Demon Superman."

"And if we're not, we should still get it out of his hands anyway. I don't suppose you could do anything with it, could you?"
Not until they've defeated Demon-Superman, thus claiming his lands. Since the Spear supposedly works 'within the claimed territory of the wielder', or some such...

"I don't think so. And there's probably still a Larfleeze in this universe-." Hm. "But there's a magician from here we purified on the other side of our portal. If we gave it to him, that might help."

"Alright, we'll do that. You should hear from us in a couple of minutes. Where are you?"
...Yeah, best not to poke the Ophidian or the local Agent Orange. This universe ain't nearly ready for the War of Light, after all...

"Western Germany. We'll expect you when you get here."

"Superman out."
So, another chapter or two for them to level the South American fortress...

Baroness Reiter comes to a halt back at the portal.

"All clear. Ruins, wreckages and hovels."
So, local cultists, most likely. Probably cowering from the 'empowered one', if they caught sight of her.

"No one attacked the portal in the last thirty seconds."

I head back down. "Overman is in good health and will be heading here after hitting a target in South America. I think we can call in the team."
Oh, joy...

Well, things are getting underway at last. I hope they have some plan in mind, though, since the usual superhero method of 'making it up as you go' might end poorly here. Thankfully, Demon-Superman doesn't seem inclined to bother stopping them, yet. Let's hope his overconfidence continues to benefit the enemy. :oops:...I hesitate to call Team Nazi the 'good guys', as popular as they might be in their world...
Sure. Let the fodder take the lead. I get the feeling even his teammates don't like him much. He certainly seems the sort to rub people the wrong way.

Even the Nazis dislike other Nazis.

Ah, the wartime era of villain naming. Where subtlety was something to be glanced at then thrown in the trash.

To paraphrase Christoph Waltz, the difference between Austrians and Germans is like the difference between a dance and a warship.

Their naming cinventions are as subtle as a warship.

Not until they've defeated Demon-Superman, thus claiming his lands. Since the Spear supposedly works 'within the claimed territory of the wielder', or some such...

That's not actually necessary.

Apparently that's just the only way the Thule society knew how to use it.
I actually like the Arc Welding of the White Entity with the Fifth World. And how it ties into Earth's meta population and ability to hybridize.

It makes sense given that Maltus would be the 1st world, Oa potentially the 2nd, a 3rd world with old gods, the 4th world that is New Genesis or wherver the New Gods originally came from.
Clearly, time travel was involved /s

You made me chuckle, so have a like.

Anyway, I'm disappointed that Bat's old teammate Sea Wolf hasn't shown up.

He's a Nazi Amphibious Werewolf.

I mean I guess the easiest explanation is that he's an Atlantean that got bitten by a werewolf, but still that's like wow, very comic book.

I actually like the Arc Welding of the White Entity with the Fifth World. And how it ties into Earth's meta population and ability to hybridize.

It makes sense given that Maltus would be the 1st world, Oa potentially the 2nd, a 3rd world with old gods, the 4th world that is New Genesis or wherver the New Gods originally came from.

I'm ambivalent. While it certainly makes more sense than comics canon, I guess I'm old fashioned, it implies the White Light Entity as a proxy for the Source that I'm not that keen on. But whatever.
God I hope OL and his friends wipe the floor with these goons once this nightmare is over.

Every word out of their mouths just pisses me off.
I feel the same but I don't think it's going to happen. OL's made it clear that he doesn't think they are irredemably evil and are capable of change.
Broadly speaking, the Nazis and the KKK hated each other. The Nazis viewed the KKK as incompetent idiots not worth their time. And the KKK . . . Well . . . They were highly nationalistic and despised the Nazis really just because they were foreign despite both groups hating Jews and Africans. (Really, the KKK hated any religious group that wasn't Southern Protestant.)

There's this extremely stupid moment in DC comics where THE JOKER takes offense at the idea of working with Nazis, claiming that he may be a criminal but he's an American criminal. Disregarding the fact that I don't think he'd have a single flying fuck to give about something like that . . . That attitude more or less sums up the KKK's stance on the Nazis. Mostly. They weren't a monolithic group, so there were some Klansmen who liked the Nazis.

Of course things are mostly different today. Neo-Nazis have basically just become generic white supremacists and are mostly interchangeable with the Klan these days. Like, modern Neo-Nazis (usually) accept people the actual Nazis would have hated (Slavs) and hate people the actual Nazis were okay with (Arabs, Iranians, Indians, East Asians, etc.).
Thank you, corrected.
This brings up the question does the KKK run things in America in this universe?
When the ACTUAL NAZIS think you're a bunch of out-there weirdos, it's time to reconsider your life.

After the war, a puppet government was set up with American colaborators. The problem was that Nazi Germany was overstretched. They had the tecnology to defeat anyone, but they didn't have the manpower to occupy the whole world. This left the puppets without much support, and eventually things... Shifted. Full Federal democracy was sort of restored, with the frontrunner being a party that was heavily involved in the most racist areas of the country before the war and indeed once fought a civil war in defence of slavery.


[Looks nervously at the moderators]

I fully accept that people and organisations can change, and that it isn't fair to judge a group that exists now by the behaviour of their distant predecessors. But I'm going to avoid naming them anyway.
Not until they've defeated Demon-Superman, thus claiming his lands. Since the Spear supposedly works 'within the claimed territory of the wielder', or some such...
No, that was a spell Wolf cast using it, not an inherent ability of the Spear itself.
"I made it to Angelika's home parallel. And brought back… People with whom we can temporarily align ourselves."
"You mean Nazis."
"Clark, it's really ironic for you to be the one discriminating against them solely due to the circumstances of their birth. They didn't ask to be born in Nazi Universe any more than you chose for your pod to crash in Kansas as opposed to Germany. If you have a problem with their ideology, fine, but as there's no Jews here and the Nazis are solidly on the anti-demon side of Catholicism, can we please get to work saving the world from demon slavery like people who have the word hope printed on their chest? We can punch the poor misguided Nazis when we run out of literal flesh-eating demons, I promise."

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