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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Do Super Lanterns exist?"

"In our parallel, Larfleeze and Lord Malvolio would both qualify, so if it comes up suggest they look in Vega or Sector One Six Three Four. They're the only Lanterns I know of with more raw power than me. So."
"You're not dealing with the average Lantern anymore..."
That whole line about Super Lanterns has my mind playing that scene with Vegeta smack talking Freiza.
I do like the moments when a character gets a huge reminder that yes, this is another universe.

And TIL about Blue Cards.

Huh, I get the feeling Hal's exile has very much made him different from the Hal we know, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Do the people in this reality have any idea what other lantern colors mean? With only the green corps being active, do they know that orange means avarice?

In canon, the understanding of the emotional spectrum was so limited that not even the Controllers knew that orange meant avarice, until they waltzed into Larfleeze's lair and he ganked them all.
In canon, the understanding of the emotional spectrum was so limited that not even the Controllers knew that orange meant avarice, until they waltzed into Larfleeze's lair and he ganked them all.
I thought it was that they didn't know which light they were getting, not that they didn't know orange = avarice.
I think it was mentioned that he resembled Alan as he is now.

I think that was my fault- This story inspired me to reread Trinity, and the art was inconsistent.

Alan, Carter, and Jay first showed up as TV talking heads.

Carter and Jay looked old, Alan looked more middle aged to me. I thought maybe wearing his ring for over five decades left him healthier, or maybe he just naturally aged more gracefully.

Then later panels had Alan looking as old as Jay and Carter, until they were de-aged enough to take to the front lines once again.

So apparently Zoat is going with Alan aging in real time in Trinity, I guess Trinity Alan's ring didn't leak into his soul for the last fifty plus years.

Which considering Zoat likes having details be consistent, is a tad surprising.
I thought it was that they didn't know which light they were getting, not that they didn't know orange = avarice.

I mean, they didn't come right out and say "We don't know that orange means avarice," but they were explicitly searching for the orange light, and when they found it (with the standard OL glyph), their reaction was "What light is it?" "What does it matter?" When looking right at the orange battery, the statement was "Whatever light it contains, it is strong."

It feels not unreasonable to interpret that as saying that they knew full well that it was orange light that they had found, and just didn't know what orange meant.

Though, of course, your Controllers are completely different from these guys, so don't take this as me trying to insist that this has any meaning in the context of WTR.

Green Lantern v4 28 said:

Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns 1 said:

Green Lantern v4 39 said:
Since it was later established that the Guardians chose the green light of willpower for it being the least mentally corrosive, and that Krona kept all the emotional electromagnetic spectrum entities as pets and made the orange lantern and the gauntlet that was the prototype for the green lantern rings, so it doesn't really make sense that the Controllers didn't know more about the emotional electromagnetic spectrum.

Since the Guardian/Controller split happened after Krona was punished for his misbehavior.

DC writers contradicting each other, truly, a shocking development.
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My favourite thing in fiction is people having their long staid assumptions about the nature of the world challenged, and it's great to see it here.
Obviously With This Ring is chock full of examples, but do you have any beautiful examples to share?

I vaguely recall one example with Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius. I think it was the Dani episode…? That was mostly power-related though.
Obviously With This Ring is chock full of examples, but do you have any beautiful examples to share?

I vaguely recall one example with Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius. I think it was the Dani episode…? That was mostly power-related though.

Lots of the Wandering Inn web serial, it's really my main draw to that story. A couple D&D games I've played in- one that's running as I type this. A few webcomics- the Adventures of Dominick Deegan had a bit at the end where the main villain got his mind asploded that the MC wasn't his fated rival.
Obviously With This Ring is chock full of examples, but do you have any beautiful examples to share?

I vaguely recall one example with Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius. I think it was the Dani episode…? That was mostly power-related though.

Thundercats 2011 has some great ones. Wonder how relevant they will be to the plot with the Yellow Lantern Paul.
Each colour has an embodiment; a huge elemental
Comma instead of semicolon. The comma connects further detail to the noun being described.

But the construct lines don't need to be directly attached to his ring, do they? Or am I misremembering? I thought the subtle filaments just needed to be connected to his environmental shield? That's how he sends lines through the ground, generating the filaments from his feet and stuff.
His environmental shield is connected to his ring.

That said, I think he hides the glow of the filament inside the glow of his environmental shield rather than producing the filament from the shield directly. I'm not 100% sure since it's been a long time.
Ah. Nothing like a spot of god Genocide to start the day. Really get's this old chap feeling that British pride.
Since it was later established that the Guardians chose the green light of willpower for it being the least mentally corrosive, and that Krona kept all the emotional electromagnetic spectrum entities as pets and made the orange lantern and the gauntlet that was the prototype for the green lantern rings, so it doesn't really make sense that the Controllers didn't know more about the emotional electromagnetic spectrum.

Since the Guardian/Controller split happened after Krona was punished for his misbehavior.

DC writers contradicting each other, truly, a shocking development.

I sometimes read that the Controllers were an offshoot species of the Guardians that evolved differently after they split.

So they're not the same individuals that left the Guardians, but their descendants.

That could explain how they forgot about the light.

Though yeah, contradicting writer is the most likely scenario.
Feasibility Study (part 13)
21st November 2012
11:07 GMT -5

Huh. They've responded to me getting closer by spreading their drone ships out widely, though their shield ships are still holding position around their capital ships. One of the fleets tried sneaking stealthed drones close enough to my position to get a meaningful look at me with optical sensors, so I backed off a little quicker there. Maybe they'll decide that the Green Lantern doing it isn't authorised by the Guardians, maybe the Guardians will get a report about an orange Lantern and have a bit of a panic about Larfleeze.

Okay, not panic. Guardian-panic.

Which will hopefully encourage everyone to a cautious-

My ring blinks and

I disengage, moving

to Alan's location.

-state of mind.

Alan's actually armoured up, and-.

"Alan, is that body armour you're wearing?"

"I don't think a superhero should wear it, but with the Sheeda, and… The fact that I might be called into action against things like that in the future… That's not the same thing."

"I'm not criticising the decision. It's nice to know that I got through.""Lantern Jordan, regarding your personal protective equipment-."

"If you're offering, I'll take it."

"I can't imagine our Jordan saying that, but I'm not going to refuse." Orange rays flare out, getting his measurements. "Now, since you're not used to power armour and I'm not a wizard, this is just-" I begin creating armour around his body. "-for small arms and debris. Don't assume that you can take hits from ship weapons with it."

"Got it."

"Same with the force fields. Don't block shots with your body just because you're a little bit more protected. Your main defence is-"

"My ring, got it."

"-evasion first, ring-generated defences second."

I consider giving him one of those authorised side arms that Guy uses, but since the plan doesn't involve him actually getting into combat, I'll skip it.

"Alright, ready to go." I detach my filaments from him as he checks to see if it impairs his movement. Obviously it impairs it more than the skin tight body stocking he usually wears, but he seems to find it acceptable. "Go when ready. I'll move once the capital ship's escort is distracted."

Alan and Jordan take off, becoming invisible to the unaided eye moments later. The Dominion don't bother interdicting interstellar space in their territory, for much the same reason that spiders don't put 'Caution' signs out outside their webs.

The Dominion fleet responds… Yes, by not doing a lot. Some drones are heading out on an interception course, but they're continuing to ignore them. Closer, closer… They're past the orbit of the system's outermost planet now, and… The fleet is slowing.

Now who's on board?

I see a desire to experiment on a Lantern, to discover what makes the brain behind the ring a good match. Surprisingly little irritation about Lanterns being here, and… Working on a gravity-based weapon?


Alan and Jordan fly… Not all that far away from an automated mining platform, and Alan punches it with a giant boxing glove construct, sending it flying into one of its neighbours. The impacts reduce them both to mangled wrecks and then they both fall into a decaying orbit around one of the system's gas giants.

That gets a response. The shield ships start turning, increasing their power output to combat levels and strengthening their shields.

Okay. Keep going, keep going…

Alan generates a slingshot construct and sends an asteroid hurtling towards the inner rocky world which the Dominion has colonised. That gets them worried, and the capital ship appears to bend in space as it uses gravity manipulation to turn itself around and begin moving towards Alan. It's dragging the shield ships along with it…



step out, reappearing

just behind the 'bubble' of altered gravity. Ah, technique seven, thank you Dox, not easy to perform but easy to ramp up when you want to drag a fleet around.

But that does mean that if I do this-

The capital ship's superstructure concertinas as its own gravity manipulation is turned against it, the bubble turning into a flat plane. The shield ships appear to be less affected, their more heavily reinforced hull and smaller size combined with the fact that they're off the plane of the new distortion meaning that they're far more able to absorb the damage.

-and then this

The capital ship snaps along the centre line, the upper portion and lower portion drifting slightly away from each other. Lights start going out as main power loses its connections to just about everywhere. Dominator elites generally go into lockdown at times like this, as there's not really anything that they can add to an emergency situation like this and their survival is of paramount importance.

Singularity projector.

That got a response. The few available drones begin flying in my direction, and the rear shield ships deploy their weaponry.

Too late.

The singularity beam slices the ship-halves into quarters, catching a shield ship as it passes and pulverising it. I


to a dorsal position and carefully target the high caste enclave before firing once more.

That should be sufficient.

I step out and

return to the outskirts of the system, ring feeding me data on what the other Dominion fleets are doing.

"Alan, Jordan, task complete."

They turn around, the Dominion ships which were heading towards them having turned around to back up their overlords.

The other fleets on the other hand have not yet responded. I'd be surprised if no message went out, but this is probably a high caste decision now and they're not going to jump to a conclusion.

Not until I destroy a few more ships, anyway.
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21st November 2012
11:07 GMT -5

Huh. They've responded to me getting closer by spreading their drone ships out widely, though their shield ships are still holding position around their capital ships. One of the fleets tried sneaking stealthed drones close enough to my position to get a meaningful look at me with optical sensors, so I backed off a little quicker there. Maybe they'll decide that the Green Lantern doing it isn't authorised by the Guardians, maybe the Guardians will get a report about an orange Lantern and have a bit of a panic about Larfleeze.

Okay, not panic. Guardian-panic.
Indeed, the Guardians would vehemently deny that they could ever panic over anything short of a Crisis. Much too marinated in Determination to show that kind of weakness before anyone. Though Larfleeze on the rampage would probably come close to a Crisis-level of concern.

Which will hopefully encourage everyone to a cautious-

My ring blinks and
Ah, some of those visual sensors getting a little too close for comfort.

I disengage, moving

to Alan's location.

-state of mind.
On the upside, them being cautious would make them slow to take the offensive... On the downside, it might make them break out some of the creative responses.

Alan's actually armoured up, and-.

"Alan, is that body armour you're wearing?"
I know it probably doesn't look like that, but I can't help but imagine him in the Kingdom Come armour. :p

"I don't think a superhero should wear it, but with the Sheeda, and… The fact that I might be called into action against things like that in the future… That's not the same thing."

"I'm not criticising the decision. It's nice to know that I got through.""Lantern Jordan, regarding your personal protective equipment-."
Would GLC regulations even allow personal protective equipment, if only to prevent renegades having defences the Guardians can't turn off at will?

"If you're offering, I'll take it."

"I can't imagine our Jordan saying that, but I'm not going to refuse." Orange rays flare out, getting his measurements. "Now, since you're not used to power armour and I'm not a wizard, this is just-" I begin creating armour around his body. "-for small arms and debris. Don't assume that you can take hits from ship weapons with it."
Well, very pragmatic of him. No doubt he's had run-ins with nastier weaponry before...

"Got it."

"Same with the force fields. Don't block shots with your body just because you're a little bit more protected. Your main defence is-"
Don't get cocky, kid. They're probably geared for anti-Lantern combat...

"My ring, got it."

"-evasion first, ring-generated defences second."
The best defence is to simply not be there.

I consider giving him on of those authorised side arms that Guy uses, but since the plan doesn't involve him actually getting into combat, I'll skip it.

"Alright, ready to go." I detach my filaments from him as he checks to see if it impairs his movement. Obviously it impairs it more than the skin tight body stocking he usually wears, but he seems to find it acceptable. "Go when ready. I'll move once the capital ship's escort is distracted."
Would make it a bit hard for him to claim to be an 'impartial observer' if he was armed with a low-lethality weapon... Even harder if he has to use it.

Alan and Jordan take off, becoming invisible to the unaided eye moments later. The Dominion don't bother interdicting interstellar space in their territory, for much the same reason that spiders don't put 'Caution' signs out outside their webs.

The Dominion fleet responds… Yes, by not doing a lot. Some drones are heading out on an interception course, but they're continuing to ignore them. Closer, closer… They're past the orbit of the system's outermost planet now, and… The fleet is slowing.
Ah, they've cottoned on that this is not a fakeout.

Now who's on board?

I see a desire to experiment on a Lantern, to discover what makes the brain behind the ring a good match. Surprisingly little irritation about Lanterns being here, and… Working on a gravity-based weapon?
Not all that concerned about the fight, are they? That will change.


Alan and Jordan fly… Not all that far away from an automated mining platform, and Alan punches it with a giant boxing glove construct, sending it flying into one of its neighbours. The impacts reduce them both to mangled wrecks and then they both fall into a decaying orbit around one of the system's gas giants.
An expensive way to say hello.

That gets a response. The shield ships start turning, increasing their power output to combat levels and strengthening their shields.

Okay. Keep going, keep going…
And when they're not looking at OL, he kicks them in the fork.

Alan generates a slingshot construct and sends an asteroid hurtling towards the inner rocky world which the Dominion has colonised. That gets them worried, and the capital ship appears to bend in space as it uses gravity manipulation to turn itself around and begin moving towards Alan. It's dragging the shield ships along with it…

A good way to force a bunch of ships to go after it to stop it.


step out, reappearing

just behind the 'bubble' of altered gravity. Ah, technique seven, thank you Dox, not easy to perform but easy to ramp up when you want to drag a fleet around.
Saves on energy during manoeuvring, no doubt. Lets the smaller ships keep their reserves high for combat.

But that does mean that if I do this-

The capital ship's superstructure concertinas as its own gravity manipulation is turned against it, the bubble turning into a flat plane. The shield ships appear to be less affected, their more heavily reinforced hull and smaller size combined with the fact that they're off the plane of the new distortion meaning that they're far more able to absorb the damage.
Ooh, nasty. I bet more than a few of the crew of the damaged ships are now painting the walls...

-and then this

The capital ship snaps along the centre line, the upper portion and lower portion drifting slightly away from each other. Lights start going out as main power loses its connections to just about everywhere. Dominator elites generally go into lockdown at times like this, as there's not really anything that they can add to an emergency situation like this and their survival is of paramount importance.
Sensible, but it does leave them prime targets for focused attacks, if the attacker knows what they're doing.

Singularity projector.

That got a response. The few available drones begin flying in my direction, and the rear shield ships deploy their weaponry.
Ah, just in time to get smoked by the wash of the blast-wave, Macross-style.

Too late.

The singularity beam sliced the ship-halves into quarters, catching a shield ship as it passes and pulverising it. I
Not so effective now, are they? :p


to a dorsal position and carefully target the high caste enclave before firing once more.
And there's that focused attack I mentioned.

That should be sufficient.

I step out and

return to the outskirts of the system, ring feeding me data on what the other Dominion fleets are doing.
Neatly executed. Now, to see what they do in response...

"Alan, Jordan, task complete."

They turn around, the Dominion ships which were heading towards them having turned around to back up their overlords.
Not going to be much help, since said overlords are now energised particles.

The other fleets on the other hand have not yet responded. I'd be surprised if no message went out, but this is probably a high caste decision now and they're not going to jump to a conclusion.

Not until I destroy a few more ships, anyway.
Let's hope they continue to be predictable.

So, a solid start. No attempt to access their systems, or will that come later, once they've been softened up a little? Either way, I bet Jordan is taking notes about what OL's doing, both for his report, and for future reference. And as word spreads, I expect the Dominators will be starting to worry, especially if anything gets a look at those responsible.
Indeed, the Guardians would vehemently deny that they could ever panic over anything short of a Crisis

Given how much green they have flowing through them, they may honestly no longer be capable of panicking.

Would make it a bit hard for him to claim to be an 'impartial observer' if he was armed with a low-lethality weapon... Even harder if he has to use it.

He kinda is armed with one; his ring.
I think it means that the ship expanding and contorted.
A concertina is a musical instrument a lot like an accordion. Due to English's habit of verbing nouns, "accordion" and "concertina" have both entered the language as verbs meaning "to collapse in a manner similar to a bellows in said instrument".
Think Wile E Coyote after an anvil falls on him.
I've been distracted for the past month, and happy to be back and all caught up.

Some possible corrections for you, Mr Zoat:
because the law as already changed
as -> has
the mood swing you had when you were pregnant
swing -> swings
whose nature is related to their in some way
their -> theirs
The Spider Guild sept sued
sept -> sect
in combat and I once span the moon around on its axis
I once span -> I once spun OR once I span
I consider giving him on of those authorised side
on -> one
Now who's on board?

I see a desire to experiment on a Lantern, to discover what makes the brain behind the ring a good match. Surprisingly little irritation about Lanterns being here, and… Working on a gravity-based weapon?


Practical, businesslike, curious, inventive, and calm.

If the Dominion hadn't stepped out for veal on the day morals were being handed out, they might have been some of Paul's favorite people.

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