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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Transformed (part 3)
16th October 2013
After Receiving The Bad News

"W-?" The human's confidence evaporates at Ratchet's sombre words. "Is there any way to get him out of the Well of All Sparks?"

"If there was, we would have already carried it out. Optimus transferred all of the sparks contained in the Allspark into the Matrix of Leadership in order to protect them from Unicron. Then he-." Ratchet blinks, his optics momentarily unfocusing. "The only way to return the sparks of every Cybertronian who had ever lived was to enter the Well physically."

Arcee glares at him, though not with quite as much passion as she usually summoned up.

"Why do you even care?"

"Quite aside from the fact that Optimus Prime was a good guy and his death leaves a huge leadership vacuum… I just managed to talk Shockwave into standing down."

Wheeljack -who'd rather been ignoring the new arrival once he realised it was someone he wasn't supposed to blow up- suddenly perks up.

"You found Shocker? Let me just go get my-."

"Into standing down, after I convinced him that the only reason he's been fighting this long is because of the mnemosurgery inflicted on him by the Autobot High Council."

Arcee makes a dismissive gesture with her right hand. "You are so full of sludge. No Autobot would-."

Ultra Magnus and Ratchet look slightly awkward.

"Would-." Arcee picks up on their discomfiture. "Ratchet?"

Ratchet inclines his head and takes a deep breath. "Though that sort of treatment wasn't something that Optimus would ever have sanctioned, his predecessor Sentinel Zeta Prime had… A very different attitude."

The human raises his eyebrows. "He organised the caste system which resulted in the enslavement of the majority of your species. He cut off peoples' hands and faces and rearranged their brains for peacefully disagreeing with him. He -more than anyone- was responsible for the war, and, yeah, I see the vehicons you've got around the place-"

One of the vehicons manning a console at the back of the room tries to look like it's not there.

"-but if you want to convince the majority of Decepticons to accept an armistice then you need to stop pretending that there was no fault on the Autobot side at the start of the war."

"If Shockwave wishes to speak with Optimus Prime, that isn't possible. If he wishes to participate in rebuilding Cybertron then we would… Accept him."

"… Okay, good, I assumed that you'd be willing to do that, but he'd also like to reverse the mnemosurgery so he can go back to being the good person he was before the war."

Arcee looks surprised. "Shockwave wants mnemosurgery?"

"He wants his original personality restored to how it was before Sentinel Prime made him what he is today. I thought that-. Since no one still functional knows mnemosurgery, the only thing I could think of that could restore him was… Well, Primus. And since Primus doesn't consciously interact with the physical universe all that much, I was hoping that Optimus Prime could sort something out."

Ratchet nods thoughtfully, his right hand rubbing his chin. "Before the war, Shockwave was an advocate of peaceful reform. And it would be a powerful sign to the surviving Decepticons that we were being truthful about our desire for peace if he was seen working with us."

Ultra Magnus nods. "But we can't do it. Prime's dead, and he took the Matrix of Leadership with him."

"Is there..?" The human looks up at the ceiling, perhaps looking for guidance in the stars. "Is there some way to make a new one? Or otherwise resurrect a dead Cybertronian?"

Ratchet shakes his head. "The first recorded bearer of the Matrix of Leadership is Prima Prime, the first being created by Primus. It may well be that it was created by Primus." He thinks for a moment. "We could.. disarm Shockwave and escort him to the Well of All Sparks. Primus might decide to restore him to his former self."

"None of the original thirteen had any sort of supernatural healing abilities? Or.. any of their artefacts? I know you didn't finish going through your list of relics hidden on Earth."

Ultra Magnus pulls out his hammer, considers it and then looks at Ratchet. "Can we use energon to restore power to the Forge of Solus Prime?"

"The Forge of Solus Prime doesn't run on energon. One of the few things we know about it is that it uses a miniature neutron star as its power source. And we have no idea how to replace it." Ratchet starts pacing. "It might be possible to power it using energon instead, but I also have no idea where to even begin with something like that. The fact of the matter is that many of the relics of the Thirteen are so advanced that they might as well be magic."

The human lowers his gaze to Ratchet, not looking particularly hopeful. "Do any transformers know magic?"

"No. Magic isn't real. There are just technologies too advanced for us to understand."

"Okay. Are there transformers who can reliably use technology you don't understand?"

Ratchet shakes his head again, continuing to pace. "If there are, they could be anywhere in the universe. I can think of only two places where there might be any records we could use, and both of them are out of our reach."

"And those are?"

"The first is Quintessa." The other Autobots wince. "The Quintessons had access to the Matrix of Leadership for hundreds of vorns. I find it unlikely that they wouldn't have studied it, if only to work out how to more effectively maintain their control."

The human shakes his head. "I don't think you're ready for Great War Two."

"I agree. The second is Vector Sigma. It is a database of incalculable value. Unfortunately, during our last attempt to access it, scraplets got in and ate part of the access console."

"Okay, but the database itself should still be there, right? If it's just a matter of repairing the damage I've got Shockwave to work with."

"There is also the matter of accessing it. Only a Prime or someone given access by a Prime can get in. And then whoever was accessing it would have to study the records while avoiding the attention of the surviving scraplets."

"Oh, no, that's easy." Ratchet looks unconvinced. "Just get some human scale glass gas sprayers and send human soldiers in to clear the place out." Ratchet's face falls slightly slack in astonishment. "Scraplets just ignore humans and glass gas only affects metal, so they wouldn't be in any danger."

"That… Is… True…"

"Honestly, using humans to clear this entire planet of scraplets isn't a terrible idea."

"Hey." Bulkhead focuses on the human. "Are you touting for work?"

"I could put together a group of dependable men with military experience willing to work away from home, if the money's right. Or you could just talk to Agent Fowler."

Ratchet nods. "That may well work. Even if it provides no useful information on restoring either Optimus Prime or Shockwave, having access to Vector Sigma's archives would allow us to regain untold amounts of lost information. But we still can't access it.. without…"

He exchanges a look with Arcee, while the human just frowns.

"Without what?"

Arcee shakes her head. "Without 'who'."

17th October 2013
17:13 GMT -7

Jackson Darby nervously regards the Decepticon-affiliated mercenary named Paul.

"I don't think I'm supposed to talk to you."

He turns and glances over his shoulder, to where a holomatter avatar on a bike waves an awkward greeting.

"That would depend on whether you ever want to see Arcee again."
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16th October 2013
After Receiving The Bad News

"W-?" The human's confidence evaporates at Ratchet's sombre words. "Is there any way to get him out of the Well of All Sparks?"

"If there was, we would have already carried it out. Optimus transferred all of the sparks contained in the Allspark into the Matrix of Leadership in order to protect them from Unicron. Then he-." Ratchet blinks, his optics momentarily unfocusing. "The only way to return the sparks of every transformer who had ever lived was to enter the Well physically."
Yeah, it'll be a few years before he turns up again. Optimus always does. But in the meantime... That leaves everyone with rather a conundrum. What with a major Decepticon leader expecting potentially divine assistance.
(Edit: Whoops, wrong continuity. :oops: )

Arcee glares at him, though not with quite as much passion as she usually summoned up.

"Why do you even care?"
Boy, she's taking it hard, isn't she? Femme's always had a bigger heart than she pretends to.

"Quite aside from the fact that Optimus Prime was a good guy and his death leaves a huge leadership vacuum… I just managed to talk Shockwave into standing down."

Wheeljack -who'd rather been ignoring the new arrival once he realised it was someone he wasn't supposed to blow up- suddenly perks up.
Yeah, Prime Wheeljack is like that. Quite a shift if you were used to his G1 mad quirky scientist characterisation.

"You found Shocker? Let me just go get my-."

"Into standing down, after I convinced him that the only reason he's been fighting this long is because of the mnemosurgery inflicted on him by the Autobot High Council."
And you were lucky to manage that, too.

Arcee makes a dismissive gesture with her right hand. "You are so full of sludge. No Autobat would-."

Ultra Magnus and Ratchet look slightly awkward.
Oooh, yeah. I don't think most of them knew the Council did that sort of stuff.

"Would-." Arcee picks up on their discomfiture. "Ratchet?"

Ratchet inclines his head and takes a deep breath. "Though that sort of treatment wasn't something that Optimus would ever have sanctioned, his predecessor Sentinel Zeta Prime had… A very different attitude."
Yes, former Senator on the case. The big cheese had... Opinions about how things should be, of course.

The human raises his eyebrows. "He organised the caste system which resulted in the enslavement of the majority of your species. He cut off peoples' hands and faces and rearranged their brains for peacefully disagreeing with him. He -more than anyone- was responsible for the war, and, yeah, I see the vehicons you've got around the place-"

One of the vehicons manning a console at the back of the room tries to look like it's not there.
Yeah, yeah, Steve, we see you. :p Making yourself useful, I see.

"-but if you want to convince the majority of Decepticons to accept an armistice then you need to stop pretending that there was no fault on the Autobot side at the start of the war."

"If Shockwave wished to speak with Optimus Prime, that isn't possible. If he wishes to participate in rebuilding Cybertron then we would… Accept him."
...I don't see that going too well. Too much bad blood between Logical!Shockwave and... Pretty much everyone.

"… Okay, good, I assumed that you'd be willing to do that, but he's also like to reverse the mnemosurgery so he can go back to being the good person he was before the war."

Arcee looks surprised. "Shockwave wants mnemosurgery?"
And probably a facelift. He had a handsome face, he deserves to get it back, after all.

"He wants his original personality restored to how it was before Sentinel Prime made him what he is today. I thought that-. Since no one still functional knows mnemosurgery, the only thing I could think of that could restore him was… Well, Primus. And since Primus doesn't consciously interact with physical universe all that much, I was hoping that Optimus Prime could sort something out."

Ratchet nods thoughtfully, his right hand rubbing his chin. "Before the war, Shockwave was an advocate of peaceful reform. And it would be a powerful sign to the surviving Decepticons that we were being truthful about our desire for peace if he was seen working with us."
Though a change of colour scheme might also help. All that purple is not the best look, especially if he gets his old face back.

Ultra Magnus nods. "But we can't do it. Prime's dead, and he took the Matrix of Leadership with him."

"Is there..?" The human looks up at the ceiling, perhaps looking for guidance in the stars. "Is there some way to make a new one? Or otherwise resurrect a dead transformers?"
Drawing upon vague memories of G1 cartoon and comic metaknowledge, eh?

Ratchet shakes his head. "The first recorded bearer of the Matrix of Leadership is Prima Prime, the first transformer created by Primus. It may well be that it was created by Primus." He thinks for a moment. "We could.. disarm Shockwave and escort him to the Well of All Sparks. Primus might decide to restore him to his former self."

"None of the original thirteen had any sort of supernatural healing abilities? Or.. any of their artefacts? I know you didn't finish going through your list of relics hidden on Earth."
Alchemist Prime, for example. At this point, though, straight up knocking on the ground and praying might prove more effective...

Ultra Magnus pulls out his hammer, considers it and then looks at Ratchet. "Can we use energon to restore power to the Forge of Solus Prime?"

"The Forge of Solus Prime doesn't run on energon. One of the few things we know about it is that it uses a miniature neutron star as its power source. And we have no idea how to replace it." Ratchet starts pacing. "It might be possible to power it using energon instead, but I also have no idea where to even begin with something like that. The fact of the matter is that many of the relics of the Thirteen are so advanced that they might as well be magic."
It would probably require more energon than currently exists to re-fire the Forge. Unless you tried Nucleon or something... But there may be side-effects.

The human lowers his gaze to Ratchet, not looking particularly hopeful. "Do any transformers know magic?"

"No. Magic isn't real. There are just technologies too advanced for us to understand."
Ah, the old Clarke's Third Law in action. I'm sure there are more things in Allspark and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, old 'bot.

"Okay. Are there transformers who can reliably use technology you don't understand?"

Ratchet shakes his head again, continuing to pace. "If there are, they could be anywhere in the universe. I can think of only two places where there might be any records we could use, and both of them are out of our reach."
For good reasons, I take it.

"And those are?"

"The first is Quintessa." The other Autobots wince. "The Quintessons has access to the Matrix of Leadership for hundreds of vorns. I find it unlikely that they wouldn't have studied it, if only to work out how to more effectively maintain their control."
:confused: Yeah, okay, that's a damn good reason.

The human shakes his head. "I don't think you're ready for Great War Two."

"I agree. The second is Vector Sigma. It is a database of incalculable value. Unfortunately, during our last attempt to access it, scraplets got in and ate part of the access console."
As seen in 'Orion Pax, part 3'. If anyone wanted to rewatch it somehow.

"Okay, but the database itself should still be there, right? If it's just a matter of repairing the damage I've got Shockwave to work with."

"There is also the matter of accessing it. Only a Prime or someone given access by a Prime can get in. And then whoever was accessing it would have to study the records while avoiding the attention of the surviving scraplets."
...Only if you're Cybertronian.

"Oh, no, that's easy." Ratchet looks unconvinced. "Just get some human scale glass gas sprayers and send human soldiers in to clear the place out." Ratchet's face falls slightly slack in astonishment. "Scraplets just ignore humans and glass gas only affects metal, so they wouldn't be in any danger."

"That… Is… True…"
See, old 'bot, the squishy little people can be useful!

"Honestly, using humans to clear this entire planet of scraplets isn't a terrible idea."

"Hey." Bulkhead focuses on the human. "Are you touting for work?"
I rather think it'd take rather a while if Pull had to do it himself.

"I could put together a group of dependable men with military experience willing to work away from home, if the money's right. Or you could just talk to Agent Fowler."

Ratchet nods. "That may well work. Even if it provides no useful information on restoring either Optimus Prime or Shockwave, having access to Vector Sigma's archives would allow us to regain untold amount of lost information. But we still can't access it.. without…"
Although it would mean letting humans have access to Cybertron. Which may be a little awkward. And difficult, given the enviornmental concerns. No breathable atmosphere, after all.

He exchanges a look with Arcee, while the human just frowns.

"Without what?"

Arcee shakes her head. "Without 'who'."
Because someone happens to have a key. But good luck getting his mother to agree to it.

17th October 2013
17:13 GMT -7

Jackson Darby nervously regards the Decepticon-affiliated mercenary named Paul.

"I don't think I'm supposed to talk to you."
Surprisingly good advice, given what Pull's managed to far with just talk-fu.

He turns and glances over his shoulder, to where a holomatter avatar on a bike waves an awkward greeting.

"That would depend on whether you ever want to see Arcee again."
Oh, look, another human-Cybertronian romance. Seems to be a popular thing in this universe, doesn't it? :p

Good to see this B-plot is still playing out. Let's hope this plan works. If only to make sure that Shockwave doesn't undergo any backsliding. It may be a long time before Cybertron enters a new Golden Age, but having one of the greatest scientific minds involved will make it a bit faster. :p Oh, and enabling a fun little bit of romance won't hurt either.

"You are so full of sludge. No Autobat would-."
"You are so full of sludge. No Autobot would-."
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The human lowers his gaze to Ratchet, not looking particularly hopeful. "Do any transformers know magic?"

"No. Magic isn't real. There are just technologies too advanced for us to understand."
I want Rachet to see real magic. Even if it's from another universe, that should blow his processors.

"Oh, no, that's easy." Ratchet looks unconvinced. "Just get some human scale glass gas sprayers and send human soldiers in to clear the place out." Ratchet's face falls slightly slack in astonishment. "Scraplets just ignore humans and glass gas only affects metal, so they wouldn't be in any danger."

"That… Is… True…"
Even after spending time with humans, Rachet, and other Cybertronians, continue to underestimate them.
I want Rachet to see real magic. Even if it's from another universe, that should blow his processors.
it not like he wrong

magic is just a way to control mana

so it is a technology that they don't understand, not that it too advance for them to comprehend
Yeah, it'll be a few years before he turns up again. Optimus always does.
That's actually the wrong Optimus; Cyberverse is a seperate continuity altogether. But he does return in the Aligned continuity partway through Robots in Disguise, after being trained by the Thirteen in the Realm of the Primes to be ready to battle Megatronus, aka The Fallen.

There's actually another interesting possibility here, given Zoat's working in parts of IDW2005 Shockwave's backstory for Aligned Shocker here. Specifically - that panel used to illustrate the Senator's face? Note what he's introducing to his fellow Senators: the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology. Which was basically Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with Shockwave as Professor X; IDW2005 had the concept of Outliers, technically 'possessing abilities that have no apparent connection to their alternate mode' and in functional terms having superpowers, which included Glitch/Tarn's ability to talk people to death, Thundercracker's sonic booms, Skywarp's teleporting, and Mindwipe's telepathy (among others). If that was a thing here, 'superhero Cybertronians' would be interesting, especially if we hit another Crisis Event...

...and while he didn't have any actual powers over death, if he keeps looking for 'how to resurrect a Cybertronian' Paul here might hear rumors of the Necrobot...
16th October 2013
After Receiving The Bad News

"W-?" The human's confidence evaporates at Ratchet's sombre words. "Is there any way to get him out of the Well of All Sparks?"
Nice seeing how Paul is surprised about Optimus sacrifice.

"Why do you even care?"

"Quite aside from the fact that Optimus Prime was a good guy and his death leaves a huge leadership vacuum… I just managed to talk Shockwave into standing down."
I really appreciate that Paul respects Optimus as a good person and a leader, although not his leader.

"Into standing down, after I convinced him that the only reason he's been fighting this long is because of the mnemosurgery inflicted on him by the Autobot High Council."

Arcee makes a dismissive gesture with her right hand. "You are so full of sludge. No Autobot would-."

Ultra Magnus and Ratchet look slightly awkward.

"Would-." Arcee picks up on their discomfiture. "Ratchet?"

Ratchet inclines his head and takes a deep breath. "Though that sort of treatment wasn't something that Optimus would ever have sanctioned, his predecessor Sentinel Zeta Prime had… A very different attitude."

The human raises his eyebrows. "He organised the caste system which resulted in the enslavement of the majority of your species. He cut off peoples' hands and faces and rearranged their brains for peacefully disagreeing with him. He -more than anyone- was responsible for the war, and, yeah, I see the vehicons you've got around the place-"

One of the vehicons manning a console at the back of the room tries to look like it's not there.

"-but if you want to convince the majority of Decepticons to accept an armistice then you need to stop pretending that there was no fault on the Autobot side at the start of the war."

"If Shockwave wishes to speak with Optimus Prime, that isn't possible. If he wishes to participate in rebuilding Cybertron then we would… Accept him."
A good way of pointing out at the start of the way neither side was innocent but later the Autobots cleaned up their act and the Decepticons really lost their way. Also nice to see that even though Optimus is gone, the Autobots are taking his lessons to heart or spark whichever is the case by accepting Shockwave.

"He wants his original personality restored to how it was before Sentinel Prime made him what he is today. I thought that-. Since no one still functional knows mnemosurgery, the only thing I could think of that could restore him was… Well, Primus. And since Primus doesn't consciously interact with the physical universe all that much, I was hoping that Optimus Prime could sort something out."

Ratchet nods thoughtfully, his right hand rubbing his chin. "Before the war, Shockwave was an advocate of peaceful reform. And it would be a powerful sign to the surviving Decepticons that we were being truthful about our desire for peace if he was seen working with us."
It would help signal the end of the war and could serve as an excuse for why the events of Robots in Disguise never happen. Though maybe some Decepticon lunatics try to free Unicron as a weapon for the cause. Where is the Chaos Bringer being kept anyway?

"Is there..?" The human looks up at the ceiling, perhaps looking for guidance in the stars. "Is there some way to make a new one? Or otherwise resurrect a dead transformer?"

Ratchet shakes his head. "The first recorded bearer of the Matrix of Leadership is Prima Prime, the first transformer created by Primus. It may well be that it was created by Primus." He thinks for a moment. "We could.. disarm Shockwave and escort him to the Well of All Sparks. Primus might decide to restore him to his former self."
The Transformer Multiverse would argue about not being able to resurrect a dead Transformer but I suppose the Aligned universe might have that limit. By the way I'm pretty sure Prima was only ever called that and never Prima Prime.

Ultra Magnus pulls out his hammer, considers it and then looks at Ratchet. "Can we use energon to restore power to the Forge of Solus Prime?"

"The Forge of Solus Prime doesn't run on energon. One of the few things we know about it is that it uses a miniature neutron star as its power source. And we have no idea how to replace it." Ratchet starts pacing. "It might be possible to power it using energon instead, but I also have no idea where to even begin with something like that. The fact of the matter is that many of the relics of the Thirteen are so advanced that they might as well be magic."

The human lowers his gaze to Ratchet, not looking particularly hopeful. "Do any transformers know magic?"

"No. Magic isn't real. There are just technologies too advanced for us to understand."
I would argue with there being no magic, Primus and Unicron were not just highly advanced robots, they were gods or at least powerful probably powerful energy beings who gained robotic vessels. So it stands to reason their powers were at least akin to magic and certainly not technology. Also I feel I should point out that the Forge of Solus Prime was broken by Predaking though in the Robots in Disguise comics it was apparently repaired.

"The first is Quintessa." The other Autobots wince. "The Quintessons had access to the Matrix of Leadership for hundreds of vorns. I find it unlikely that they wouldn't have studied it, if only to work out how to more effectively maintain their control."
Quintessa was exclusive to the Michael Bay films and had no presence in the other universes, what's her story here?

"Okay, but the database itself should still be there, right? If it's just a matter of repairing the damage I've got Shockwave to work with."

"There is also the matter of accessing it. Only a Prime or someone given access by a Prime can get in. And then whoever was accessing it would have to study the records while avoiding the attention of the surviving scraplets."

"Oh, no, that's easy." Ratchet looks unconvinced. "Just get some human scale glass gas sprayers and send human soldiers in to clear the place out." Ratchet's face falls slightly slack in astonishment. "Scraplets just ignore humans and glass gas only affects metal, so they wouldn't be in any danger."

"That… Is… True…"

"Honestly, using humans to clear this entire planet of scraplets isn't a terrible idea."
A good way of reinforcing the alliance between Transformers and humans.

"I could put together a group of dependable men with military experience willing to work away from home, if the money's right. Or you could just talk to Agent Fowler."

Ratchet nods. "That may well work. Even if it provides no useful information on restoring either Optimus Prime or Shockwave, having access to Vector Sigma's archives would allow us to regain untold amount of lost information. But we still can't access it.. without…"

He exchanges a look with Arcee, while the human just frowns.

"Without what?"

Arcee shakes her head. "Without 'who'."
Jack is now by great technicality the last Prime and truly is the only one who can help them. Are he and Arcee a couple?

Jackson Darby nervously regards the Decepticon-affiliated mercenary named Paul.

"I don't think I'm supposed to talk to you."
Have they ever met before?

He turns and glances over his shoulder, to where a holomatter avatar on a bike waves an awkward greeting.

"That would depend on whether you ever want to see Arcee again."
Well, Paul could have made that sound less sinister.
Even after spending time with humans, Rachet, and other Cybertronians, continue to underestimate them.
It is not difficult to underestimate someone who is significantly less strong/durable on a 'per ton' basis and a tiny fraction of your mass.

it not like he wrong

magic is just a way to control mana

so it is a technology that they don't understand, not that it too advance for them to comprehend
Saying that magic is just technology is much like saying biology is just chemistry which is just physics which is just maths. Technically true, from a certain point of view, but utterly worthless for all practical purposes.
Quintessa was exclusive to the Michael Bay films and had no presence in the other universes, what's her story here?
She doesn't exist. It is the Quintesson homeworld, as per the link. Going there can net you the Sharkticon Matrix of Leadership.
Jack is now by great technicality the last Prime and truly is the only one who can help them.
No and no. Jack suffered character decay in series 3 thanks to this halfwit, to the point that Miko was making better decisions than him.
Are he and Arcee a couple?
No. Actually, the way Arcee just sort of walked off at the end of series 3 was kind of harsh on him.
Have they ever met before?
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She does exist. It is the Quintesson homeworld, as per the link. Goind there can net you the Sharkticon Matrix of Leadership.
I knew about the planet, I was talking about the entity, the so called Prime of life, but I had no idea the Sharkticon Matrix existed. Though to be fair I haven't read the novel where it appears and only read a few things about it. Thanks for letting me know about it.

No and no. Jack suffered character decay in series 3 thanks to this halfwit, to the point that Miko was making better decisions than him.
He is still the only one who can grant them access to Vector Sigma.

No. Actually, the way Arcee just sort of walked off at the end of series 3 was kind of harsh on him.
Ok then

I'm not sure I would count that as having actually met.
Is it just me or are random evil goons named Steve that go to the good guys very common?

First it was The Owl House and now this.

I think Borderlands did it first actually, or at least before The Owl House- the bandit that goes "Hey O" in promotional work is named steve- he shows up by name in the second Poker Night at the Inventory.
"No. Magic isn't real. There are just technologies too advanced for us to understand."
My brother in Primus, your species has physically intractable souls forged by a small g god who was himself forged by a primordial being that predates the universe and two of his apostles specifically were into spiritualism and magic.
Transformed (part 4)
17th October 2013
17:06 GMT -7

The roads of Jasper, Nevada, are familiar, almost comfortable, under her tires. She'd gotten used to it. Gotten used to Earth. When she visited Cybertron with Jack she could just tell herself that it didn't feel like home because it was such a mess, but if that was the case why did this dirt ball with its sun and one moon and Unicron lurking under the surface feel-?


"Just sit there and don't talk."

The-. Slipstream's partner, on her saddle.



"We need to talk about one thing before we speak to Mister Darby."

"What is it?"

He takes a deep breath, which she knows is something humans do to draw attention to whatever they're about to say. She can't imagine-.

"In the human society that Mister Darby and I both grew up in, there's no precise age at which a person becomes an adult. Depending on what the subject is, it would generally be considered to be between sixteen and twenty one years old."

"Jack's seventeen."

"Yes. Which means that while I turned Miss Nakadai down flat when she asked about my implants-."

Her wheels lock. The-. The meatcepticon on her back locks his legs around her frame and his arms clasp Sadie's holomatter body as they slide along the road, wobbling from side to side.

"You're not giving Jack implants!"

"S-stabilise first-"

Her wheels unlock, and she manoeuvres to regain stability while slowing down because if he wants an argument she's doing in it robot mode!

"-please! And it's-. You can't tell me to do it or not."

"Oh can't I?"

"But you do need to decide what you're going to say when he asks you if he should get them or not."

"Okay, great. Are you done?"

"A-. Sadie, have you ever.. thought about what this whole thing has done to Jack's life?"

"He was never supposed to find out we were here. We protected the kids the-."

"I'm not criticising what you did. But given how much contact he's had with transformers and cybertronian technology… My guess is that Agent Fowler's superiors are going to want to recruit him. And that he's going to jump at the opportunity, because despite the danger he enjoyed the time he spent with you. And.. that's the only way he might get to see you again. And while Fowler has asked about using the implants to interact with MECH's technology, I… Think we both know which piece of cybertronian technology Jack wants to interface with."

Arcee pulls off the road, coming to a halt and deploying her kickstand.

Because… Yeah.

Cliffjumper was her partner, but they weren't… Pledging eternal friendship when you could die in the next fire fight seemed like it was tempting fate. And anything else-.

But now the war's over. None of Team-. Team Prime, were interested in that sort of ritual. At least, she hadn't noticed any of them showing that sort of interest. Unless Knockout's comment on her power-to-weight ratio was suppose to mean-.

"Why would he ask-?" No, that's stupid. The one human who's openly conjuxing just as hard as he can with a cybertronian, it's obvious why he's talking about it. What he's talking about.

"He'd ask because while he might be an adult for some legal purposes, he's not really sure about how you see your relationship and he's scared of alienating you. It'll probably come out as something like 'so, ah, those implants seem kinda useful. What do you think?'"

"He already said that."

"And what did you say?"

"I don't want to talk about it with you."

"Sadie, I'm trying to help. You can't absorb a lifetime of human culture in one year from three children and two adults. And.. I doubt that you'll want to talk to Slipstream about it."

"It's your fault I'm having to think about this."

His legs unclench from around her frame.

"I didn't have these implants when Slipstream and I started becoming close. They might have sped up the process, but-. Ah… I don't know Jack as well as you do, but I wouldn't assume that he wouldn't have been interested anyway. Of course I.. may have completely misread the situation. I just want to make sure that you have thought about it and that you've decided how you want to handle it."

"How would-?"

Why is she even asking this-?

"There are a few possibilities. You know that Earth is the rock accreted around the body of Unicron. It would make sense for a team to remain on Earth long term to monitor and study him. Since you don't need to be on Cybertron and you know people on Earth, you could volunteer yourself."

"Unicron's dead. His spark was destroyed."

A lie, but she doesn't want it to get around that the Autobots have Unicron's spark trapped in the Allspark's housing.

"That's… Do you know where Unicron came from?"


"Have you studied him in any detail?"


"So why are you assuming you got him? Or that you got all of him? And even if you did, it would still make sense to get inside and nuke his joints, or keep tabs on those creatures you found inside him." He sits back on her saddle slightly. "War's over, Arcee. Now you have to work out what you want to do with your life."

She doesn't like it, but he has a point. She was staying on Cybertron in case Knockout tried something, or Starscream or Shockwave or Airachnid came back. So she could fight them, because she doesn't know anything about building or science or leadership or… Not being at war. But if that's not going to happen… What did she even do before the War? Did Cybertron really have any use for Light Exploration Models now? And if it didn't…

"Slipstream mentioned that you used to be pink? Are..? Do you know what happened to Chromia?"

"I haven't heard that she died." She winces slightly at the memory. "When the Decepticons attacked Iacon we weren't exactly overburdened with spare parts. It doesn't take much glass gas to take an Autobot's plating off."

He nods.

"So I… Suppose that everyone's waiting to see who else survived. Getting Shockwave reverted will really help sell the whole 'the War's over' message. It won't be all that long until you know-. Know, one way or the other."


"Have you decide what you're going to say-?"

She revs her engine, and he takes that as his cue to grip Sadie again.

"I'll think of something."
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