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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Remember when O'Neill was made a jaffa by Hathor, and they undid it using a sarcophagus? Teal'c could have done the same at almost any time.
Season 4 Episode 22, Season 5 Episode 1, Teal'c was brought back to life by the Sarcophagus, it did not work that way for him suggesting it only does with created Jaffa not natural born Jaffa.

The ha'tak was designed by Ptah, and according the roleplay sourcebook that heralded a switch away from using Ancient technology. Do you have a source for where each part came from? Because I don't remember any Ancients using weapons like goa'uld energy pulse weapons.
So what your saying is snake FTL? Alteran knock off. Snake shields? Alteran knock off. Snake sensors? Alteran knock off. Snake Life support and gravity? Alteran Knock off. Snake pretty much everything but weapons based is based on Alteran tech, BUT maybe just maybe the plasma weapons might not be based on some old ass weapon system, a mining tool, or something else the smartest idiots in the galaxy left for the snakes to trip over?
The most impressive ships the snakes had in the series could only run thanks to Alteran power cores, something that they couldn't even make knock off of, and instead made knock offs of the back up power generators.

Also yes ham fisted thank you, I was still waking up when I posted that.
Destiny pulse weapons were the same color and style as Goa'uld energy weapons.

Funnily enough, Goa'uld ships even shared a number of architectural similarities with the Destiny. Suggesting the ships the Goa'uld reverse engineered were from earlier in the Ancients technological timeline.

Well, except the cloak, which they likely reverse engineered from a recovered Puddle Jumper.
Mr Zoat also yes after several thousand years humanity is reverse engineering tech to catch up to the snakes they're at war with. Zoat you really need to have someone play devils advocate for the SGC characters because them just staring at you dumb founded, and not having a counter argument despite a number of them being obvious is ruining this segment. I get that you yourself are playing devils advocate, but this time your doing so badly and at best it comes off ham handed

This is true for a lot of Pauls.

Honestly, the only time I remember one other character that managed to rebuke his point was when Optimus Prime basically told him and his Decepticon girlfriend that even if Megatron was once a noble freedom fighter, now he's just a violent warlord, which they were forced to agree with.

Though if I remember correctly, Optimus was talking to the Decepticon, so technically no one has rebuked a Paul.

ok. I would assume the Ancients secured and child-proofed it like everything else they had, so I doubt it was easy

Don't be so sure about that.

For all of their advancement, the Ancients were surprising careless and stupid with some things.
As much as I like stargate Paul really has some good points. Though the last part with Teal'k was him playing up the role of being a petty snake. Stargate command need to bring other nation states in to the fold and reavel statgate stuff to the wider world. There should be a path through the mess they are in with out plot armor if they can get more people trying to study and reverse engineer. Other wise they will get shafted when the Replicatiors or the Ori show up.
No to the point there was never a time the Goa'uld didn't have Alteran tech to base all their shit on. Meanwhile until the stargate came around humanity built their tech base up from zero, and could have kept doing that. But fighting the Goa'uld means they have to rush so now the reverse engineer. Paul compares the two as the same when humanity is 99% percent original, and the Gou'uld are 99% knock off. They are not the same.
I want an actual source for that. Zoat has one, it's the official Stargate RPG sourcebook. We know Goa'uld tech was based on Ancient tech, and it was Ancient not Alteran. They haven't been Alteran for more than a million years preceding the rise of the Goa'uld. If we're calling every species descended from Alterans that, then we're calling humans that, and every product of human innovation becomes Alteran. That's the secret, Alterans are just Precursor humans, and all the tech we ever developed in Stargate, they already made, before degenerating back into tribals if they didn't Ascend.

And so, all of humanities high-tech stuff is based on Goa'uld, Ancient, or Asgard tech. Goa'uld stopped using Ancient tech because they couldn't build or repair it. 99% original my ass. It's exactly the damn same. You can't just start using and building Laser Weapons or spaceships by finding someones blueprints, or an intact weapon, the Ancient didn't leave automated factories around for the Goa'uld to borrow. Taking it apart and looking at it is step 1 of 200. If a primitive caveman was given a circuit board, how would he even begin to understand it? The process behind making it? It's not like the Ancient's explained it to the Goa'uld, they had long since f@cked off or disappeared. And even if they did, the Goa'uld wouldn't have the industrial base to make use of it without working their way up anyway! The Ancient's control systems and Databases are DNA locked, only the oh-so-special Human's with the "Ancient Gene" can access them.

Humanity's tech in Stargate was never original, it's all 'Alteran knockoffs' as you stated. But it's fine when humans do it. After all, innovation it the only valid source of technological development. "Adaption? What's that? Can I eat it?" Intellectual bankruptcy and blatant hypocrisy. Taking the strengths of your enemy and making it your own is basic. Humanity has been doing it for as long as we've warred with each-other. I can't believe you are gatekeeping the legitimacy of any technology not formed whole cloth. You might as well throw out every piece of technology you own and become Amish.

Don't be so sure about that.

For all of their advancement, the Ancients were surprising careless and stupid with some things.
Are you *sure?* A lot of what I remember of the Ancients come from SG: Atlantis, and from what I recall, so much of their stuff was DNA locked or completely inoperable without the right knowledge. Like the Superweapon drone swarm they left under the ice in Antarctica. The Ancient Starships the Goa'uld had are stated to be 'scavenged', and they stopped using them at the first opportunity when a reliable alternative existed. That doesn't say great things about their condition or usability.
You really don't get it. I'm talking about from the start of the show, I'm talking about from the start of each race's history.
This is true for a lot of Pauls.

Honestly, the only time I remember one other character that managed to rebuke his point was when Optimus Prime basically told him and his Decepticon girlfriend that even if Megatron was once a noble freedom fighter, now he's just a violent warlord, which they were forced to agree with.

Though if I remember correctly, Optimus was talking to the Decepticon, so technically no one has rebuked a Paul.
SG1 successfully rebuked Paul here.

But then Paul fabricated a bunch of evidence to support his claims.
Oh for those not familiar with Stargate, Jaffa like Teal'c receive enhanced strength, longevity, resistance to poison and disease, and enhanced healing from their symbiosis.

So basically Paulmon was going "Hey, why don't you trust me to cripple you? What does a soldier need with strength, resistance to biological warfare and crippling injuries? Plus the shaving decades off of your life, that is if the crippling doesn't get you killed in battle first. And if your immense stupidity gets you and your friends killed you can enjoy the warm sensation of knowing you have my respect, for the absolute nothing that means to you."

Truly a mystery for the ages why Teal'c didn't jump at that chance.
Oh for those not familiar with Stargate, Jaffa like Teal'c receive enhanced strength, longevity, resistance to poison and disease, and enhanced healing from their symbiosis.

So basically Paulmon was going "Hey, why don't you trust me to cripple you? What does a soldier need with strength, resistance to biological warfare and crippling injuries? Plus the shaving decades off of your life, that is if the crippling doesn't get you killed in battle first. And if your immense stupidity gets you and your friends killed you can enjoy the warm sensation of knowing you have my respect, for the absolute nothing that means to you."

Truly a mystery for the ages why Teal'c didn't jump at that chance.
Only the enhanced healing came from the symbiotes.

The rest came from the genetic modifications the Goa'uld performed on their ancestors.
Oh for those not familiar with Stargate, Jaffa like Teal'c receive enhanced strength, longevity, resistance to poison and disease, and enhanced healing from their symbiosis.

So basically Paulmon was going "Hey, why don't you trust me to cripple you? What does a soldier need with strength, resistance to biological warfare and crippling injuries? Plus the shaving decades off of your life, that is if the crippling doesn't get you killed in battle first. And if your immense stupidity gets you and your friends killed you can enjoy the warm sensation of knowing you have my respect, for the absolute nothing that means to you."

Truly a mystery for the ages why Teal'c didn't jump at that chance.

Bratac would have stood his ground and told Paul to wait until he is done fighting or to suck a lemon, then again Bratac would have considered Paul argument on their plans to enslave the goalud queens and their babies to sustain their civilization and debated him.

Early seasons Telac hasn't had enough character development to handle what Paulmon is throwing him.
I went back to reread the stargate sections. Paulmon has had the ring for more than 13 years and has been faking being a goa'uld all this time, he has been interacting with other lesser goa'uld for more than a decade and has been a lesser lord sworn to Bastek for at least 3 years.

In regards to ring skills he has practiced combat, ftl movements and using the ring stealthily, he has defeated Cheops level capital ship shielding fairly easily and then later Hatak level capital ship shielding, he never mentioned practicing assimilation, but he was certain he could assimilate the pet snake he has inside him and was aware of the memory transfer thing, so he may have other construct lanterns and if he does they are probably protecting his lab.

Small wonder why he thinks the SGC aren't a threat to him, they would need a nuke to deal with his multi source shielding because it's confirmed he is decked out on goa'uld artifacts and equipment in addition to his ring.
You really don't get it. I'm talking about from the start of the show, I'm talking about from the start of each race's history.
And? I talked at length about both of those scenarios, though I'm guessing you meant to put a 'not' before one of those. I understood your argument. It's just that it was so violently aggravatingly wrong.

Oh for those not familiar with Stargate, Jaffa like Teal'c receive enhanced strength, longevity, resistance to poison and disease, and enhanced healing from their symbiosis.

So basically Paulmon was going "Hey, why don't you trust me to cripple you? What does a soldier need with strength, resistance to biological warfare and crippling injuries? Plus the shaving decades off of your life, that is if the crippling doesn't get you killed in battle first. And if your immense stupidity gets you and your friends killed you can enjoy the warm sensation of knowing you have my respect, for the absolute nothing that means to you."

Truly a mystery for the ages why Teal'c didn't jump at that chance.
Oh no, it's very understandable, even more so when it's an enemy saying they can do this casually. That's a lot more personal power than Teal'c ever saw Apophis have, and having an enemy who can do that close to you is no doubt extremely uncomfortable. Especially since Paulmon is much more dangerous than Apophis.
And? I talked at length about both of those scenarios, though I'm guessing you meant to put a 'not' before one of those. I understood your argument. It's just that it was so violently aggravatingly wrong.

Humans, thousands of years spent building their entire tech base from pointy sticks to cray computers and nukes. It was only after the snakes attacked through the stagate that they started to reverse engineer stuff as a matter of survival.

Snakes, shortly after taking over the Unas they found the active stargate and with no competition proceeded to hoard every piece of ALTERAN they could find and after their population rgew to large for what they could find the slowly over thousands of years reverse engineered it. They have NO TECH that is not based on the reverse engineered Alteran tech they found. They have no tech base that isn't a bad knock off of the 'builders'. Did they likely end up taking a basic alteran plasma tool and turn it into a weapon like a chimp using a screw driver as a dagger, most likely. Feel free to have your wrong opinions, if you'd like to prove otherwise find something on the wiki where it says the tech is completely original, and not based on tech the Alteran's left laying around. Don't worry I'll wait.
Small wonder why he thinks the SGC aren't a threat to him, they would need a nuke to deal with his multi source shielding because it's confirmed he is decked out on goa'uld artifacts and equipment in addition to his ring.
But they are allied with the Nox, Tolan, and Asgard who could all end him.

You aren't respectful to the mobsters daughter because she could kick your ass. You're respectful to her because the people around her could kick your ass.
Humans, thousands of years spent building their entire tech base from pointy sticks to cray computers and nukes. It was only after the snakes attacked through the stagate that they started to reverse engineer stuff as a matter of survival.

Snakes, shortly after taking over the Unas they found the active stargate and with no competition proceeded to hoard every piece of ALTERAN they could find and after their population rgew to large for what they could find the slowly over thousands of years reverse engineered it. They have NO TECH that is not based on the reverse engineered Alteran tech they found. They have no tech base that isn't a bad knock off of the 'builders'. Did they likely end up taking a basic alteran plasma tool and turn it into a weapon like a chimp using a screw driver as a dagger, most likely. Feel free to have your wrong opinions, if you'd like to prove otherwise find something on the wiki where it says the tech is completely original, and not based on tech the Alteran's left laying around. Don't worry I'll wait.
Well wait no more, here I am.

Here is what we know as fact, the Goa'uld at some point after leaving their homeworld studied Ancient tech. It's not stated when, but having samples of advanced technology likely accelerated their own technological development. But having access to roman concrete did exactly fuck all to help us real humans understand how to create it, we only rediscovered that recently, after 1500+ years. And some of Goa'uld technology is based on the Ancients. But almost all actual Ancient tech is so far beyond the Goa'uld it's like comparing the Goa'uld to the Earth.

The Goa'uld eventually moved to their own designs under the influence of P'tah, instead of trying to use ancient tech, and what Ancient tech they did use was referred to as scavenged. There is no proof whatsoever that they copied the Ancients whole "tech tree". In fact, everything logical about technology, technological development, science, and the way civilizations as a whole develop, exists as a counterargument to pretty much everything you have ever spoken on the matter. The Goa'uld literally can't take the Ancient's entire tech tree, even if they wanted to. Being able to copy or reverse engineer technology requires you to have the knowledge base to actually understand that technology. And the Goa'uld don't. They never did.

I would actually wager that the Goa'uld tech being inferior to ancient tech just supports this view, as it's a form of tech they were actually able to understand and create. And your main source for saying all their technology is stolen because "Snake evil, wah!" I've been pulling my info off the wiki the whole time, but I still haven't seen your source.

As for examples of wholly original technology the Goa'uld made? Any sort of personal device relying on Naquada, as it relies on the Goa'uld secreting Naquada into the host's system to function. Something the Ancients didn't have. And thus does not function for any other species in the galaxy, like the Protagon-I mean Ancient Gene. They did not invent most of their current technology, instead adapting it from various species across the galaxy, it's not elaborated upon whether these species were hosts, enemies, or conquered and destroyed species, so we don't know.

The ancients only blatant technological influence seems to have been the Stargate, the transportation rings based on the Stargate, and the Sarcophagi. But the Sarcophagus required enough adaption and invention to be considered "an impressive feat of the Goa'uld", and considering no other species in the galaxy came close to making something similar, they get the W there. But discovery of the Stargate defined their tech-tree, as it was for nearly every species who ever found a Stargate. Just like Mass Relays in Mass Effect.

Word for word; https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Goa'uld_technology

Honestly I could just make a checklist of everything on that page that says "developed by the Goa'uld"

Personally, my actual main gripe with your arguments aside from your blatant Bias is thus: I don't believe there is anything wrong with reverse engineering and adapting technology, invention is nice, but adaption is pragmatic. And I really don't like you trying to gate-keep what is acceptable technological development, and what isn't.
I think readers are letting their nostalgia cloud their vision

Its not just nostalgia but also competing head canon and fanon. It's kind of like a versus battle but instead of the typical bloodlusted death match its social fu vs talk no jutsu. We used to see alot of this style of complaint when the story was still new and Paul ran around lecturing the justice league and all the villains he liked from dc about all their various bs while they gaped like a fish. I didn't flinch when all of dc got shamed repeatedly and done dirty in various ways that really riled up the dc people, but when he solves all of whatever my favorite world is in ten seconds and humiliates everyone there easily I will suddenly be cherry picking feats like everyone else. That is the cycle we see for pretty much every world he goes to, it's just that sg1 is good enough that most people that were tolerant of this same stuff being done to warhammer or whatever actually care now.
Unreal (part 22)
31st March 2013
05:59 GMT +3

The five of us look down at the Aegean as Themyscira… Shimmers back into physicality. Or rather… Not shimmers exactly, but some parts of it shift physically to-. Still there, but… Like I'm having to interpret stimuli, a dream-image, rather than observing a physical object. And then it's there, as if it never left-.

"Great!" Kon smiles broadly. "Let's go down and meet everyone."

I check-. "Reformation island isn't back."

Alan smiles at me as Kon, Mitchell and Donna fly down towards Themyscira City. "That's a nice half-empty glass you've got there."

"I just don't trust John Constantine where I can't see him."

"Ah… Look… Paul, I've been meaning to say something… Do you think-?"

"Oh! I came up with a solution to the President problem. Right before I got sucked into Erebos, but-. I can tell you now."

"That-." He looks down as the other three disappear into the city. "Okay. Let's hear it."

"So we want a fig leaf of legitimacy, which means that doing a Vice Presidential shuffle is off the cards."

"Ye-ah. I'm not-. I don't want to talk about it in terms of it being a fig leaf. I want to follow the law as much as possible, because we can't be-. We shouldn't use this situation to rig things in our favour. It's anti-democratic and it's not right."

"With all due respect to the pirates and revolting thugs who founded your country, I don't think that they had this in mind when they wrote the rules for electing presidents."

"Sometimes, you go into a crisis with the rules you have, not the rules you'd like to have. So what's the solution?"

"We use magic to bind Knight to the idea of Kennedy. He gets motivation and actual moral beliefs and can actually do the job, and Kennedy gets to help his country one more time."

"And does Knight get a say in this?"

"Is Knight mentally competent to have a say in this?"

"Ah…" Alan averts his eyes for a moment. "Yeah… He may not seem like much, but if he was literally incompetent… The twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution covers that. And if he's competent to be President, then he's competent to make his own decisions."

"In that case, we talk to Kennedy about it, then get them a face to face meeting. I'd be surprised and disappointed if he said no, but… Yes, it's his decision."

"You know something? I remember the real Kennedy-."

"Yes, Alan, we all know that you're old."

"I wasn't keen on his mob connections or his affairs. Now, I admit I don't really understand how this.. whole.. magical America thing works, but are there… I don't know, negative side effects?"

"Do you mean, apart from radically altering his personality for the duration of the merger?"

"I mean, if he agrees to it… Yeah, apart from that."

"The Kennedy we encountered is a reflection of President Kennedy as he… Exists in an idealised version of the popular imagination. It won't cause a manifestation of his less than admirable real world traits."

"Then it sounds like a good solution." He frowns. "Unless it… Ah, it's not actually Kennedy, so the two term limit isn't a problem. I'll put it to the rest of the League, see what they think." He smiles. "You about ready to go down now?"

"Yes, I need to talk to Diana about-."

"Taking a day off?"


"You know we keep a record of what you get up to, right?"

"I wasn't specifically aware of that, no. But I'm not surprised, and it's probably wise."

"You remember when Klarion killed all those kids and you worked yourself to exhaustion and Diana had to bench you? We've been keeping tabs on you since then. You've been putting in a lot of hours, and with Themyscira back…" He pauses to consider his best approach. "I'm not saying you're not needed, exactly, but we've gotten to the point where it's doesn't have to be all hands on deck all the time."

"Alright. I was a bit worried about tomorrow anyway."

"The First of April?" I nod. "Do you think Wally is going to prank you or something?"

"There was that thing with Ambush Bug two years ago, and then last year I… Had the same sort of visions of alternate versions of myself. Some of whom I ended up meeting when Krona abducted us. I want to make sure that there isn't some… Lingering effect on me that's magnifying the link between me and the other versions of me. I need to build equipment and… Then do nothing for a day."

"Ah… As long as you're taking it easy, I guess. Are you ready to talk to Diana now?"

"Actually, I… Do need to talk to her."

Alan frowns as we begin our descent. "Anything I need to be worried about?"

"Yes. Probably. But there are only so many examples I have to study so it's difficult to be sure."

"Don't keep a fellah in suspense. Do I need to start getting prostate exams again?"

"You know how you rejuvenated when your ring recharged?"

"Why did you think I stopped getting them?"

"Right. Thanks for that image." He smirks. "Thing is… I don't know if that's a state change or an ongoing process. Are you now a man who's partially emotional energy, or are you gradually becoming more emotional energy?" I shrug. "I've got the same thing with my tattoos, and-."

Below us I see Diana fly up towards us. She's back in her normal costume and I can't see any physical changes-.

"Hey, Diana! What was it like, being a goddess?"

"It was strange." We slow to a stop as she reaches our level. "I felt a deep connection to the fundamental nature of the people around me, to the very concept of truth and rightfulness. But at the same time, it was almost… As if I was not acting but instead being moved by that connection. Now that I am just myself again, I don't think I miss it." She notices my facial expression. "Ah."

"Yes. I'm not certain, but it would make sense for your metaphysique to have adapted to the higher energy level. It would probably have happened eventually anyway, and-. And as I said to Alan, I can't be sure because not enough people have had this happen to them. But I suspect that you'll start drawing more magic from your environment, and… Start being more like a goddess than you are now. You should ask Mister Zatara or Doctor Balewa to get some baseline readings in the next few days."

She nods solemnly. "I will. Do you have more ill-tidings, or can we all enjoy the celebration now?"

"No, that's it. And according to Alan I could do with the respite. Work is officially over for today."
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Oh for those not familiar with Stargate, Jaffa like Teal'c receive enhanced strength, longevity, resistance to poison and disease, and enhanced healing from their symbiosis.

So basically Paulmon was going "Hey, why don't you trust me to cripple you? What does a soldier need with strength, resistance to biological warfare and crippling injuries? Plus the shaving decades off of your life, that is if the crippling doesn't get you killed in battle first. And if your immense stupidity gets you and your friends killed you can enjoy the warm sensation of knowing you have my respect, for the absolute nothing that means to you."

Truly a mystery for the ages why Teal'c didn't jump at that chance.
Yes. The SI's point is that those are benefits that the jaffa got because of the goa'uld. Of course Teal'c doesn't want to give it up. The issue is that Teal'c won't say that his people benefitted from their relationship with the goa'uld, while clearly wanting to keep those abilities. So when the SI says 'if it's really that bad, let me get rid of it for you' and he backs up, he's making the SI's point. Feudalism isn't slavery.

Although as a side issue, it does annoy me that of all the people that Teal'c must have killed fighting for Apophis and being the First Prime, the only episode that addressed it was early on and the one person he murdered wanted to die so that the rest of his people could escape without him.
I check-. "Reformation island isn't back."

Alan smiles at me as Kon, Mitchell and Donna fly down towards Themyscira City. "That's a nice half-empty glass you've got there."

"I just don't trust John Constantine where I can't see him."
I can't wait to see where this plot thread leads.

Mr Zoat, will this incoming April 1st episode contain the part where Future OL trolls Tenzin about possibly being an Airbender and Azula reveals to the people of her world that she's alive and that, from their perspective, has become a powerful spirit of avarice?
I think I viewed Teal'c flinching more as him just not being able to trust Mammon and being afraid of what he was "actually" up to, assuming that it would be something nefarious that could potentially bring him back under direct Goa'uld control.

I'll also say it's pretty bonkers that Jack is ever allowed to participate in any form of negotiations. He plays at being a jokester, but he's actually kind of a massive asshole and most of the morally questionable things SG-1 gets up to over the course of the series are because of him.

Off the top of my head, two of the big ones I still really hated were how he backstabbed Fifth and how he denied Earth access to advanced Eurondan technology by having the iris closed on Alar. He'd already ensured Alar's people lost their war, rejecting the tech database was just short-sighted and petty.
31st March 2013
05:59 GMT +3

The five of us look down at the Aegean as Themyscira… Shimmers back into physicality. Or rather… Not shimmers exactly, but some parts of it shift physical to-. Still there, but… Like I'm having to interpret stimuli, a dream-image, rather than observing a physical object. And then it's there, as if it never left-.

"Great!" Kon smiles broadly. "Let's go down and meet everyone."
I'm surprised there wasn't an almost physical 'pop' as the shift between supernatural and natural states finished. Then again, they aren't sitting right on top of it. People on the island might well have felt their ears pop and click as the pressure change.

I check-. "Reformation island isn't back."

Alan smiles at me as Kon, Mitchell and Donna fly down towards Themyscira City. "That's a nice half-empty glass you've got there."
Is it really 'half-empty' if you have a Constantine in the wind, as it were?

"I just don't trust John Constantine where I can't see him."

"Ah… Look… Paul, I've been meaning to say something… Do you think-?"
That associating with John is a bad idea? Naturally. But it's safer than letting him run around unattended, especially after his bright idea of splitting himself in order to deal with the conflicting energies of order and Chaos...

"Oh! I came up with a solution to the President problem. Right before I got sucked into Erebos, but-. I can tell you now."

"That-." He looks down as the other three disappear into the city. "Okay. Let's hear it."
Probably better to let the kids have a moment with Diana, anyway. Not exactly a private moment, given the whole city will likely be watching, but it'll be a moment to remember.

"So we want a fig leaf of legitimacy, which means that doing a Vice Presidential shuffle is off the cards."

"Ye-ah. I'm not-. I don't want to talk about it in terms of it being a fig leaf. I want to follow the law as much as possible, because we can't be-. We shouldn't use this situation to rig things in our favour. It's anti-democratic and it's not right."
Only natural that an old hand like Alan should feel so strongly about law and democracy. Heck, his generation hung up their masks rather than feed the dubious legality of the McCarthy situation...

"With all due respect to the pirates and revolting thugs who founded your country, I don't think that they had this in mind when they wrote the rules for electing presidents."

"Sometimes, you go into a crisis with the rules you have, not the rules you'd like to have. So what's the solution?"
For another perspective on that, Extra History has a whole series. (Third-party playlist because Extra History itself groups its videos by era, not by series. Though starting at the 'Boston Massacre' video certainly lends context to the whole thing.)

"We use magic to bind Knight to the idea of Kennedy. He gets motivation and actual moral beliefs and can actually do the job, and Kennedy gets to help his country one more time."

"And does Knight get a say in this?"
Also, what if said Idea gets corrupted? You know the Heartlands aren't immune to being affected by external sources.

"Is Knight mentally competent to have a say in this?"

"Ah…" Alan averts his eyes for a moment. "Yeah… He may not seem like much, but if he was literally incompetent… The twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution covers that. And if he's competent to be President, then he's competent to make his own decisions."
Which just escalates the whole problem, really.

"In that case, we talk to Kennedy about it, then get them a face to face meeting. I'd be surprised and disappointed if he said no, but… Yes, it's his decision."

"You know something? I remember the real Kennedy-."
I'm guessing Alan didn't have the best opinion of the man. Kennedy was charismatic, but... He was also flawed.

"Yes, Alan, we all know that you're old."

"I wasn't keen on his mob connections or his affairs. Now, I admit I don't really understand how this.. whole.. magical America thing works, but are there… I don't know, negative side effects?"
Well, that depends on how well-protected the spiritual realm of America is? Even from it's own darker side, which was probably running stronger during the whole Anti-Life crisis.

"Do you mean, apart from radically altering his personality for the duration of the merger?"

"I mean, if he agrees to it… Yeah, apart from that."
If it helps, look at it like Captain Marvel's empowerment, maybe? Except the only superpower imparted will be 'being a better leader', with maybe a small side order of 'womaniser'.

"The Kennedy we encountered is a reflection of President Kennedy as he… Exists in an idealised version of the popular imagination. It won't cause a manifestation of his less than admirable real world traits."

"Then it sounds like a good solution." He frowns. "Unless it… Ah, it's not actually Kennedy, so the two term limit isn't a problem. I'll put it to the rest of the League, see what they think." He smiles. "You about ready to go down now?"
I suspect it'll be met with a 'Is he serious? No, wait, of course he is.' from nearly everyone. Except maybe Marvel, who's probably vouch for the concept.

"Yes, I need to talk to Diana about-."

"Taking a day off?"
...I mean, you have been more or less 'on the clock' since... December?


"You know we keep a record of what you get up to, right?"
Well, that's only good sense. Ol is prone to experiencing a busman's holiday. That is, getting into trouble directly related to his career, even when he's supposed to be relaxing.

"I wasn't specifically aware of that, no. But I'm not surprised, and it's probably wise."

"You remember when Klarion killed all those kids and you worked yourself to exhaustion and Diana had to bench you? We've been keeping tabs on you since then. You've been putting in a lot of hours, and with Themyscira back…" He pauses to consider his best approach. "I'm not saying you're not needed, exactly, but we've gotten to the point where it's doesn't have to be all hands on deck all the time."
And with an island of super-powered warrior women in their corner, well... Most of them might not want to leave the island yet, but some will almost certainly be willing to lend a hand in Man's World.

"Alright. I was a bit worried about tomorrow anyway."

"The First of April?" I nod. "Do you think Wally is going to prank you or something?"
You did read OL's case files, right? What's happened every April Fools thus far? Meta-narrative Trouble.

"There was that thing with Ambush Bug two years ago, and then last year I… Had the same sort of visions of alternate versions of myself. Some of whom I ended up meeting when Krona abducted us. I want to make sure that there isn't some… Lingering effect on me that's magnifying the link between me and the other versions of me. I need to build equipment and… Then do nothing for a day."

"Ah… As long as you're taking it easy, I guess. Are you ready to talk to Diana now?"
True, he probably does need to resupply, and fine-tune his carried loadout. A few anti-magic rounds in harness pockets, for example.

"Actually, I… Do need to talk to her."

Alan frowns as we begin our descent. "Anything I need to be worried about?"
More metaphysical complications, eh?

"Yes. Probably. But there are only so many examples I have to study so it's difficult to be sure."

"Don't keep a fellah in suspense. Do I need to start getting prostate exams again?"
Not your prostate, no... Your soul, maybe?

"You know how you rejuvenated when your ring recharged?"

"Why did you think I stopped getting them?"
And I'm sure he's very happy about that little aspect of it, certainly. Not exactly the most dignified of medical examinations...

"Right. Thanks for that image." He smirks. "Thing is… I don't know if that's a state change or an ongoing process. Are you now a man who's partially emotional energy, or are you gradually becoming more emotional energy?" I shrug. "I've got the same thing with my tattoos, and-."

Below us I see Diana fly up towards us. She's back in her normal costume and I can't see any physical changes-.
I take it by now he's gotten all that Death-related energy out of his system. How is Ahklys doing, by the by?

"Hey, Diana! What was it like, being a goddess?"

"It was strange." We slow to a stop as she reaches our level. "I felt a deep connection to the fundamental nature of the people around me, to the very concept of truth and rightfulness. But at the same time, it was almost… As if I was not acting but instead being moved by that connection. Now that I am just myself again, I don't think I miss it." She notices my facial expression. "Ah."
And no we know why Zeus sometimes acted like a drunken frat boy with eyes on a nubile hottie. Because that was part of his expected character amongst the Hellenic world, and, well... Not that it excuses it, merely explains it a little more.

"Yes. I'm not certain, but it would make sense for your metaphysique to have adapted to the higher energy level. It would probably have happened eventually anyway, and-. And as I said to Alan, I can't be sure because not enough people have had this happen to them. But I suspect that you'll start drawing more magic from your environment, and… Start being more like a goddess than you are now. You should ask Mister Zatara or Doctor Balewa to get some baseline readings in the next few days."
Definitely a good idea. Especially if the Olympians get any ideas about promoting her outside of an emergency situation... Which did happen in the comics, no less, albeit during a time when she was 'dead' and a magical event had provided additional power to do so.

She nods solemnly. "I will. Do you have more ill-tidings, or can we all enjoy the celebration now?"

"No, that's it. And according to Alan I could do with the respite. Work is official over for today."
And then the weird shit can begin. :V

Well, so ends this episode, barring any alternate glimpses. And then, another bit of madness, as April Fools rolls around once more. Yet questions still hang overhead, including 'Where is Constantine and Reclamation Island?', 'What fallout will there be in Olympus after this?' and 'Is all well in the Underworld?' I suppose those will be answered in time. Now, though? Is it going to be Morphing Time? :D (Bet's it's the iconic Ranger Team, if they show up.)
"Oh! I came up with a solution to the President problem. Right before I got sucked into Erebos, but-. I can tell you now."
Honestly I'm drawing a blank on why they care. This is a beyond perfect opportunity to establish a World Government.

"There was that thing with Ambush Bug two years ago, and then last year I… Had the same sort of visions of alternate versions of myself. Some of whom I ended up meeting when Krona abducted us. I want to make sure that there isn't some… Lingering effect on me that's magnifying the link between me and the other versions of me. I need to build equipment and… Then do nothing for a day."
A sound plan. Isn't going to prevent shenanigans but a sound plan nonetheless.

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