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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Nah, the chance of him becoming a unicorn is pretty low. Much higher chance he becomes one of the local god equivalents instead which means either an Alicorn who also have horns, or due to his connection to Apokolips one of the baddy versions. Strangely those ones seem to often have fingers.

Of course, even without that there's nothing stopping him from, say, tying it to his mane.
Fucking hell I am so looking forward to the arc where Sunset returns to Equestria. If Zoat killed off best waifu Sunny Bun, I'd have legit rage quit on him! And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I'm looking forward to it. It'll probably be pretty interesting watching how that turns out when Conquest gets pitted against Friendship, especially given how "empower my underlings" and "convert foes into allies when possible"-focused his powerset is, and thus how Friendship-adjacent it is - and that his presence there in the first place would be happening as a result of his friendship with Sunset.
He might not become a unicorn, and the bracelet thing might not necessarily be possible. Then again, I'm assuming the ring can grow and shrink, so size of the thing it goes on doesn't really matter.
We've already seen it grow, that's what happened when the Renegade took the Venom Buster Formula way back when.
Couple things regarding Grayven's pending trip to Equestria.

(1) Horses have fingers. Their hooves are just enlarged middle fingers. Which means every horse you've ever seen is flipping you off.

(2) Watch him be something completely different, like a draconequus...

I go back through the logs for the ship's esoteric sensors. There weren't any New Gods in the target area, and I assume that Rex won't-. Wouldn't have been displaying his father's innate green light manipulation abilities. Or perhaps that would have been something he picked up later. I don't remember whether Jade was green from birth or not.
Links inside invisitext? You madman!

(Seriously, I didn't realize it was a link until I quoted it, my invisitext detector thought it was invisitext-inside-invisitext.)
Sure it is, because you can't use a power ring or hold a sword as a pony.

There's 2 Lanterns in this image alone who have tentacles rather than hands/fingers

You can see the ring's glow around the tentacle of the Cyclops guy (3rd from the left) and the crystal ball guy over Stewart's shoulder clearly doesn't have hands even though you can't see the ring itself.

Plus of course rkyeun's list below. Mogo's not even all that obscure.
Here's a list of a few other things that don't have fingers.
Planets, math, literally nothing, smallpox, a billion spores.
Ponies aren't difficult. You just put it around their leg just above the hoof.

On a different topic, I haven't been able to read the chapters fro several days (had stopped with the chapter where Renegraven dropped the LIFE=PAIN bomb on the locals) Which worked out well, as I was able to binge the entire battle at once.
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There is literally a horse-like equine green lantern named Brin.
Who has fingers.


Which really fits every single member of the lantern corp, because they all have digits or appendages that a standard power ring fits on.

Pony's don't, they have giant hooves a power ring won't fit on.
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Who has fingers.


Pony's don't, they have giant hooves a power ring won't fit on.
Irrelevant- the post above yours makes the point that there are Green Lanterns who don't even have digits, and even quotes someone else who produced a list which includes Lanterns who don't even have physical bodies, let alone fingers.
Here's a list of a few other things that don't have fingers.
Planets, math, literally nothing, smallpox, a billion spores.
Ponies aren't difficult. You just put it around their leg just above the hoof.

While I suppose it's possible that the spores of the Collective are actually born with a power ring inside their bodies, I suspect they actually come by their powers organically.

If the Collective Queen was actually mass producing green lantern power rings, then the GLC would be sitting on billions of extra rings, as each ring became free as an individual puffball dies.
Also, don't a lot of them have, yknow... a horn? Seems like a convenient spot for a ring if you ask me.

And IIRC, in canon rings can resize significantly to fit their wearer. A small bracelet around a leg isn't out of the question, since that might be the same size as a particularly large species' finger.
Irrelevant- the post above yours makes the point that there are Green Lanterns who don't even have digits, and even quotes someone else who produced a list which includes Lanterns who don't even have physical bodies, let alone fingers.
You might want to read the post you are responding too...

Nose ring option

... my little sister (since she's in college now) got her nose pierced recently :rolleyes:
for that matter, there are earrings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, navel rings, etc
Power Rings don't have a latch that allows them to open up.

Also, don't a lot of them have, yknow... a horn? Seems like a convenient spot for a ring if you ask me.
Only unicorns and alicorns.

And IIRC, in canon rings can resize significantly to fit their wearer. A small bracelet around a leg isn't out of the question, since that might be the same size as a particularly large species' finger.
They resize a small amount.

A bracelet is much larger then anything ever seen.
I would assume Mogo can wear a small ring. All he needs to do is put it on one of the tips of his mountains. Or on a stalactite. As for the rest though, can't really argue.
By the way, since there was some distress in this thread about the new Teen Lantern character and her supposed origin....

Yeah, the new issue of Young Justice came out and she was totally lying about her origin. She didn't hack any power battery. She got her power pack and gauntlet from a dying alien. Where the alien got it from is still unanswered, but there's a vague implication that he was a criminal on the run from someone; perhaps the Guardians. Story still to be filled out.
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Conqueror's Moon (supplementary, SI option)
13th February 2012
22:43 GMT -6

"…in front of him, then showed him my diplomatic passport."

I take a sip of my drink, which in defiance of my usual custom is actually alcoholic. I'm even letting it intoxicate me a little. Just a little, but… I'm still feeling unhappy about Vega. Perhaps a mild amount of mind-altering will give me a new perspective?

"Are you rilly supposed t' use it like that?"

I sit back in my seat. I think Harleen just shifted from 'casual' to 'slightly professional', which… That's not a terrible idea. With someone like me -including me- the people around me have good reason to want to make sure that I'm thinking straight.

"Generally, Queen Hippolyta is happy for me to use it to duck certain vexatious consequences of my work as a superhero. Specifically…" I shrug. "I'm honestly not sure if she's ever touched a computer in her life, so I've got no idea how I'd even start explaining 'microtransactions' to her." I smile. "Though if they try talking her into rescinding my immunity, I'd love to watch them."

"Yeah, but it's kinda out of charactah, ain't it?"

"Y-ess… Sort of." I slightly raise my left hand and rotate the rings so that they're 'sigil up'. "Just because I can focus on long term things, that doesn't mean that I don't still feel the same impulses to implement quick fixes to the things in my immediate environment. I just think twice before I do it. And after the week I've had, I felt the need to do something a little impulsive."

"What happened?"

"Some.. people I was giving a great deal of leeway to used it in a way that I'd rather that they hadn't. And now I'm giving serious thought to whether I need to keep closer watch on the people I give rings to."

"How bad are we tawkin' here?"

"Hard to say. I'm not even completely certain that they were in the wrong." I shake my head. "There was a planet inhabited by a really evil species. And I don't.. mean just.. 'they had a bad government' or whatever, they literally biologically and sociologically engineered themselves to be as cruel and vicious as possible and to enjoy it."


"Yeah. The thing is, they had a lot of 'test subjects' on their planet. And they were planning on fleeing the region. I'm not usually one for palming problems off when I can resolve them, but if they'd offered to trade their hostages for the ability to leave… I'd probably have agreed. As it was, they were all killed and only a handful of their prisoners were rescued. And… A lot of people I trusted… To a degree, anyway, went out of their way to keep me out of the loop. And… I effectively decided not to deal with the problem myself, so I'm annoyed with them for excluding me but also annoyed at myself for being annoyed about them taking the initiative. I mean, orange light; their desires aren't going to line up perfectly with my own."

"You should probably-"

"Talk to them about it." / "-tawk t' them abowt it."

We both chuckle quietly. It's an oldie, but… Yes. Talking to Komand'r and Koriand'r about what I expect from them and what they expect from me is something I'm going to need to do. In a little while. Let things settle down. I checked before I left and there really isn't anything they have planned that I don't approve of.

"Hey, lady. Halloween was five months ago." I look over towards the door as the doorman intercepts my other guest. "And I'm gunna want to see some I… D...."

A slightly-built figure in an all-enveloping cloak and wearing a decorated porcelain mask stares at him for a moment and his whole body locks up. Then she walks past, a damp patch appearing at the crotch of his trousers and trickling down his right leg.

I hold up my right hand in a wave to get Melinoë's attention as she studies the bar. She spots me, but keeps going until she has the whole place surveyed and the bouncer partially collapses against the wall before heading over to us.

"That ain't somethin' you see every day. Do I run now..?"

Melinoë stops at our table and stands there motionless. Alright, I suppose that it's for me to make the introductions.

"Thank you for joining us."

"Father insisted."

Her tone is frostier than usual.

"Have I done something wrong?"

She folds her arms across her chest and looks away.

"I am unhappy to be called upon in this manner. My brother has been making.. lewd insinuations, about our interactions."

"I'll put him straight when I see him." I turn to Harleen. "Doctor Harleen Quinzel, this is Melinoë, chthonic nymph of-."

"Madness. Yeah."

"Madness and nightmares. Don't assume that I can't touch you just because you're sane."

Shadows coil under her, forming themselves into a stool. She sits, then removes her mask and places it upon the table. Harleen blinks in surprise as she gets an unimpeded view of Melinoë's face. The lighting in here is too low for her to see the skin tone clearly but the horns are very obvious.

"Why am I here?"

"Since I've been helping your father find new relevance, it hit me that I could do the same for you."


"You want me to spread madness and nightmares?"

"There was a short story written by my favourite author, in which a travel agent tried to convince the devil that while no one wanted to be stuck in Hell permanently, plenty of people would pay to go there temporarily. People like dabbling with fear or horror in controlled environments. That's.. basically what horror films are."

She regards me carefully. "Go on."

"It wouldn't take much effort to make marker tokens, which could be taken by people who actively want nightmares. Then you could practise your trade upon them."

"What sort of idiot would volunteer for something like that?"

"Hey, that's your future cultists you're talking about."

"And you think people will volunteer to be struck mad too?"

"For just a little while?"

Melinoë deigns to look at Harleen. "That is within my power."

"Are you-? Yeah, just abowt ev'ry shrink on the planet. You could get all kinds of insight if you could get a disordah for a whyle then go back to bein' neurotypical."

She seems genuinely excited at the idea. Melinoë just looks puzzled.

"Perhaps I was premature in my assessment of your mental state after all."
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13th February 2012
22:43 GMT -6

"Are you-? Yeah, just abowt ev'ry shrink on the planet. You could get all kinds of insight if you could get a disordah for a whyle then go back to bein' neurotypical."
She seems genuinely excited at the idea. Melinoë just looks puzzled.
"Perhaps I was premature in my assessment of your mental state after all."

Well this IS Harley Quinn we are talking about...
"You want me to spread madness and nightmares?"

"There was a short story written by my favourite author, in which a travel agent tried to convince the devil that while no one wanted to be stuck in Hell permanently, plenty of people would pay to go there temporarily. People like dabbling with fear or horror in controlled environments. That's.. basically what horror films are."

She regards me carefully. "Go on."

"It wouldn't take much effort to make marker tokens, which could be taken by people who actively want nightmares. Then you could practice your trade upon them."

"What sort of idiot would volunteer for something like that?"

"Hey, that's your future cultists you're talking about."

"And you think people will volunteer to be struck mad too?"

"For just a little while?"

Melinoë deigns to look at Harleen. "That is within my power."

"Are you-? Yeah, just abowt ev'ry shrink on the planet. You could get all kinds of insight if you could get a disordah for a whyle then go back to bein' neurotypical."

She seems genuinely excited at the idea. Melinoë just looks puzzled.

"Perhaps I was premature in my assessment of your mental state after all."
Is this going to be the origin of a heroic Harley Quinn? Just add magic from her new BFF Melinoë to make her a credible threat to bad guys. Maybe she can be a heroic duo with the reformed Pamela Isley, or a trio if Melinoë thinks it's interesting enough.
Well this IS Harley Quinn we are talking about...
It's genuinely shocking (in the best way) to see a Harley who is genuinely interested in academia like this. Too often Harley in fanfiction, even before meeting the Joker, ends up shunted into a ditzy role (I remember one version slept with her professor for a degree, with the goal of writing a tell-all book to get rich quick). I like the idea of a Harley who is a real scientist.

Is this going to be the origin of a heroic Harley Quinn? Just add magic from her new BFF Melinoë to make her a credible threat to bad guys. Maybe she can be a heroic duo with the reformed Pamela Isley, or a trio if Melinoë thinks it's interesting enough.
Birds of Prey, WTR Edition? I like it.
It's genuinely shocking (in the best way) to see a Harley who is genuinely interested in academia like this. Too often Harley in fanfiction, even before meeting the Joker, ends up shunted into a ditzy role (I remember one version slept with her professor for a degree, with the goal of writing a tell-all book to get rich quick). I like the idea of a Harley who is a real scientist.

Yeah, she is mostly just the Jokers girl or a independent villain or semi-villain that USED to be the Jokers girl and no longer has much I any interest in academics.
"…in front of him, then showed him my diplomatic passport."

I take a sip of my drink, which in defiance of my usual custom is actually alcoholic. I'm even letting it intoxicate me a little. Just a little, but… I'm still feeling unhappy about Vega. Perhaps a mild amount of mild-altering will give me a new perspective?
Eh, it's overrated. Nice to see the Paragon dealing with his feelings about Vega.

I sit back in my seat. I think Harleen just shifted from 'casual' to 'slightly professional', which… That's not a terrible idea. With someone like me -including me- the people around me have good reason to want to make sure that I'm thinking straight.
Gee, you think?

"Generally, Queen Hippolyta is happy for me to use it to duck certain vexatious consequences of my work as a superhero. Specifically…" I shrug. "I'm honestly not sure if she's ever touched a computer in her life, so I've got no idea how I'd even start explaining 'microtransactions' to her." I smile. "Though if they try talking her into rescinding my immunity, I'd love to watch them."

"Yeah, but it's kinda out of charactah, ain't it?"
Short-term impulsiveness? Seriously, is this the same SI we're talking about here?

"Y-ess… Sort of." I slightly raise my left hand and rotate the rings so that they're 'sigil up'. "Just because I can focus on long term things, that doesn't mean that I don't still feel the same impulses to implement quick fixes to the things in my immediate environment. I just think twice before I do it. And after the week I've had, I felt the need to do something a little impulsive."

"What happened?"
Oh, where to start...

"Some.. people I was giving a great deal of leeway to used it in a way that I'd rather that they hadn't. And now I'm giving serious thought to whether I need to keep closer watch on the people I give rings to."

"How bad are we tawkin' here?"
That's a very simple way of putting it, heh...

"Hard to say. I'm not even completely certain that they were in the wrong." I shake my head. "There was a planet inhabited by a really evil species. And I don't.. mean just.. 'they had a bad government' or whatever, they literally biologically and sociologically engineered themselves to be as cruel and vicious as possible and to enjoy it."

She's no idiot.

"Yeah. The thing is, they had a lot of 'test subjects' on their planet. And they were planning on fleeing the region. I'm not usually one for palming problems off when I can resolve them, but if they'd offered to trade their hostages for the ability to leave… I'd probably have agreed. As it was, they were all killed and only a handful of their prisoners were rescued. And… A lot of people I trusted… To a degree, anyway, went out of their way to keep me out of the loop. And… I effectively decided not to deal with the problem myself, so I'm annoyed with them for excluding me but also annoyed at myself for being annoyed about them taking the initiative. I mean, orange light; their desires aren't going to line up perfectly with my own."
And it's the fact they didn't communicate with you at all about it that's the sticker, isn't it?

"You should probably-"

"Talk to them about it." / "-tawk t' them abowt it."

We both chuckle quietly. It's an oldie, but… Yes. Talking to Komand'r and Koriand'r about what I expect from them and what they expect from me is something I'm going to need to do. In a little while. Let things settle down. I checked before I left and there really isn't anything they have planned that I don't approve of.
The sooner the better, though. Don't go forgetting about it like so many other sub-plots.

"Hey, lady. Halloween was five months ago." I look over towards the door as the doorman intercepts my other guest. "And I'm gunna want to see some I… D...."

A slightly-built figure in an all-enveloping cloak and wearing a decorated porcelain mask stares at him for a moment and his whole body locks up. Then she walks past, a damp patch appears at the crotch of his trousers and trickling down his right leg.
Geez, kind of excessive?

I hold up my right hand in a wave to get Melinoë's attention as she studies the bar. She spots me, but keeps going until she has the whole place surveyed and the bouncer partially collapses against the wall before heading over to us.

"That ain't somethin' you see every day. Do I run now..?"
Ooh, she is smart. And Genre-savvy.

Melinoë stops at our table and stands there motionless. Alright, I suppose that it's for me to make the introductions.

"Thank you for joining us."

"Father insisted."
Ah, with a line along the lines of "You need to get out more, dear."? :p

Her tone is frostier than usual.

"Have I done something wrong?"

She folds her arms across her chest and looks away
Yup, she ain't happy. Well, less 'not happy' than usual.

"I am unhappy to be called upon in this manner. My brother has been making.. lewd insinuations, about our interactions."

"I'll put him straight when I see him." I turn to Harleen. "Doctor Harleen Quinzel, this is Melinoë, chthonic nymph of-."

"Madness. Yeah."
I could see Harley reading up on Greek gods, especially after Christmas.

"Madness and nightmares. Don't assume that I can't touch you just because you're sane."

Shadows coil under her, forming themselves into a stool. She sits, then removes her mask and places it upon the table. Harleen blinks in surprise as she gets an unimpeded view of Melinoë's face. The lighting in here is too low for her to see the skin tone clearly but the horns are very obvious.
"Ooh, she's a cutie!" Seriously, some girls, horns work.

"Why am I here?"

"Since I've been helping your father find new relevance, it hit me that I could do the same for you."


"You want me to spread madness and nightmares?"
Hear him out, this could be good.

"There was a short story written by my favourite author, in which a travel agent tried to convince the devil that while no one wanted to be stuck in Hell permanently, plenty of people would pay to go there temporarily. People like dabbling with fear or horror in controlled environments. That's.. basically what horror films are."

She regards me carefully. "Go on."
Ooh, she's interested.

"It wouldn't take much effort to make marker tokens, which could be taken by people who actively want nightmares. Then you could practice your trade upon them."
How.. appropriate for this thread.

"What sort of idiot would volunteer for something like that?"

"Hey, that's your future cultists you're talking about."

"And you think people will volunteer to be struck mad too?"

"For just a little while?"
Oh-ho. I can see it, certainly. It would give scientists and psychologists an better understanding of their patients.

Melinoë deigns to look at Harleen. "That is within my power."

"Are you-? Yeah, just abowt ev'ry shrink on the planet. You could get all kinds of insight if you could get a disordah for a whyle then go back to bein' neurotypical."
Like I said.

She seems genuinely excited at the idea. Melinoë just looks puzzled.

"Perhaps I was premature in my assessment of your mental state after all."
Never underestimate Harleen Quinzel.

Good to see the SI getting back to his usual self, after Vega. And a nice break from Godspeech. Back to the Renegade next, I expect?

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