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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

She might not have fallen for the Joker here, but she still the potential to go insane.
Just because we are she crazy does not mean we are she is insane........ Yes, I was obviously talking about Ms. Dr. Quinn only and no one else.........

On topic, a bit of madness is healthy, as long you remain in control of it. I am kinda hoping that she becomes a bit crazier but in a fun way.

Edit: I forgot, in this universe she is a proper Doctor. She did not go to Evil Medical school to be called Ms.
They talked more about ship-sized boom tubes in the episode Excavation. Boom tube power requirements scale with size, and the Renegade straight up didn't have a power source good enough to make ship-sized boom tubes in that episode, which was less than two months ago in story. It's been mentioned that a parallel universe traveling boom tube takes a lot of energy too. So, combine the power requirements of a ship sized boom tube with a parallel universe traveling one, and it's probably out of the cards.

Or they could just use the solution they used in that episode, which was to use magic portals instead.

This episode has shown that the parallel universe traveling boom tube can still be opened by the boom tube generator that he's carrying around with him...

"Mother Box, boom tube to the Mountain."



The portal opens in front of me.

Anyone make it back there?


No, I didn't think so. Close it down.

Now, assuming that the battleship was designed sensibly, it should be capable of generating a standard boom tube without compromising its ability to power weapons and shields. If that's the case, either turning off weapons and shields to free up additional power; or using power rings and some locally sourced asteroids to transmute a bunch of high-tech batteries or capacitors and charging them up with the battleship's own power generation, should get enough power for the trip.
This episode has shown that the parallel universe traveling boom tube can still be opened by the boom tube generator that he's carrying around with him...
Scott did the same thing when he reunited Lynn with the Renegade. Not sure how they're doing that; If hush tube generators can't be man-portable, then the parallel universe traveling boom tubes shouldn't be either. Maybe their Mother Boxes are able to use the Source to connect to the generator though parallel universes, similar to what the Renegade did earlier this episode? We'll see what Mr Zoat has to say about this when he gets back.

Now, assuming that the battleship was designed sensibly, it should be capable of generating a standard boom tube without compromising its ability to power weapons and shields. If that's the case, either turning off weapons and shields to free up additional power; or using power rings and some locally sourced asteroids to transmute a bunch of high-tech batteries or capacitors and charging them up with the battleship's own power generation, should get enough power for the trip.
I think you're vastly underestimating the power requirements. The Renegade thought that a ship-sized hush tube would need all of Apokolips to power it. If the power requirements of a man-sized hush tube aren't notable compared to the power requirements of a man-sized parallel universe traveling boom tube, then the power requirements of a ship-sized parallel universe traveling boom tube...well, this is why I said it was not in the cards.
There's a more obvious reason he's not trying to bring the ship back.

Darkseid would seize control of it the same way he did Fatherbox.
Scott did the same thing when he reunited Lynn with the Renegade. Not sure how they're doing that; If hush tube generators can't be man-portable, then the parallel universe traveling boom tubes shouldn't be either. Maybe their Mother Boxes are able to use the Source to connect to the generator though parallel universes, similar to what the Renegade did earlier this episode? We'll see what Mr Zoat has to say about this when he gets back.

I think you're vastly underestimating the power requirements. The Renegade thought that a ship-sized hush tube would need all of Apokolips to power it. If the power requirements of a man-sized hush tube aren't notable compared to the power requirements of a man-sized parallel universe traveling boom tube, then the power requirements of a ship-sized parallel universe traveling boom tube...well, this is why I said it was not in the cards.

i mean, you both have a point-
we also dont know enough about the ship's infrastructure/capabilities to make definitive judgements, or details of how the tech scales/the ins and outs of the physical limitations- for all we know, its like certain kinda DEW's/weapons in some settings- islands of practicality at either end of the scaling curve- i.e a universe-jumping tube might be the sorta thing that is workable at the single-person scale (economy/level of energy draw), and at the far end of the "starship/super-capitol craft/ fuck-it-lets-strap-boosters-onto-the-planet" region due to the massive increase in available power/hardware, and nowhere inbetween....
i mean, you both have a point-
we also dont know enough about the ship's infrastructure/capabilities to make definitive judgements, or details of how the tech scales/the ins and outs of the physical limitations- for all we know, its like certain kinda DEW's/weapons in some settings- islands of practicality at either end of the scaling curve- i.e a universe-jumping tube might be the sorta thing that is workable at the single-person scale (economy/level of energy draw), and at the far end of the "starship/super-capitol craft/ fuck-it-lets-strap-boosters-onto-the-planet" region due to the massive increase in available power/hardware, and nowhere inbetween....

The Renegade said that the power requirements of a boom tube scale cubically with its size. This is the chapter where I am getting a good portion of my information: https://forum.questionablequesting....stice-si-story-only.8961/page-64#post-2663110
The Renegade said that the power requirements of a boom tube scale cubically with its size. This is the chapter where I am getting a good portion of my information: https://forum.questionablequesting....stice-si-story-only.8961/page-64#post-2663110
oh, no argument,
the primary factor i was thinking of, is if there's a point in scale where the increased efficiency of a larger system/the sheer brute-force of a massively more capable powersource "balances" the exponential increase in draw out past a certain point, even if the sheer expense involved would just make it an accademic curiosity-
im trying to remember WHAT it was, there's...some kind of specific shielding/weapons tech in Proximal Flame's The Last Angelverse that performs the same way- you use it on an infantry/AFV scale or in batteries on a dreadnought, but it isnt really worth it anywhere in between- i think its also kinda like that with Rifling, if inreverse-

at the low end of firearms tech its not worth it for the cost/additional manufacturing complexity for mas use, till its a massive improvement, untill you start getting better performance out of unrifled weapons firing fin-stablised projectiles over a certain velocity...
There's a more obvious reason he's not trying to bring the ship back.

Darkseid would seize control of it the same way he did Fatherbox.

Fatherbox is a living machine, possessed of its own will and desires. That those desires are Darkseid's is solely because it was "born" and "raised" on Apokolipse and that's the sorta place it is.

The ship meanwhile, is a fucking ship. It may have been designed to be used by a New God, but it is still an inanimate object. It is not secretly working for Darkseid, nor will it unless suborned in a relatively more mundane fashion.

Or in other words;

Darkseid: "Obey me, Fatherbox."

Fatherbox: Ploong As you command, Lord Darkseid.

Darkseid: "Obey me, ship."

Ship: "Please input password."

Darkseid: "DeSaad, hack this ship."

Kalibak: *Hands DeSaad an ax*

DeSaad: "No, no. Not that kind of hacking."

Kalibak: "Oooh."
Guys from Gotham (part 1)
Guys from Gotham

16th February
20:12 GMT -5


That's… The bat-signal. I'm honestly… A little surprised that a twenty-first century Gotham uses it. I mean, it sort of made sense when Batman was first published. Telephones were strictly fixed point and connected to traceable wires, and Batman would have to have been waiting around by it to get a message. Or Mr Pennyworth could have taken a message, but the man himself might not have picked it up for hours. And a radio wouldn't have been much better. But… Even in the eighties a bat-pager would have made more sense. It's not as if a giant light shining up into the sky is a subtle signal. Criminals would know that the police were calling in Batman anyway.

Maybe… To get around jamming? But it doesn't work in the day


Actually, where is Batman?

Hm. Well. I suppose they can't expect him to turn up all the time.

Still, I am… Living here now. And Richard has school tomorrow. And I'm not.. doing anything this evening that I can't put off.

I smile and raise my right index and middle fingers to my forehead.

Commissioner James Gordon, Detective Harvey Bullock and a couple of uniformed officers I haven't met before are standing next to the signal on the roof of police headquarters. Gordon's holding a paper folder-

How quaint. Ring, copy it.


-in his right hand. None of them seem particularly excited, but then I suppose that they're used to Batman taking a while to arrive. And a person's capacity for being horrified… Takes a bit of a beating in Gotham.

Well, let's see what's going on. I let my environmental shield glow as I head towards the rooftop. Harvey spots me first, and subtly makes eye contact with Commissioner Gordon before gesturing to me with the end of his cigarette. Then Gordon spots me and… Doesn't exactly look thrilled.

"Something I can do for you gentlemen?"

"Orange Lantern." The Commissioner walks to the edge of the building closest to me as I stand in empty space adjacent to it. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary."


Harvey frowns at me. "What you doin' here, anyway?"

I smile. "You'll laugh."


"I live here now!"

He drops his cigarette, but his facial expression doesn't change all that much. "Since when?"

"Christmas. My girlfriend moved away for work but she wanted to keep the place, so I'm house-sitting for her."

Harvey snorts. "Yeah, word of advice, buddy? If she moves to a different city-."


"That too. Then she's gone."

"I can instantly teleport interstellar distances, so it's not really that far… It's like she's got an overseas posting with the army or something."

He looks sceptical. "If you say so, buddy."

"So… What's the signal for?"

Gordon turns to me after wandering back towards the signal. "It's for Batman."

"I'd… be happy to help?"

"Orange Lantern. I'm… Grateful for the offer, but last time you were working in this city we got invaded by plants, zombies and plant zombies."

"That wasn't last time. Last time was when I apprehended Otis Flannegan."

"It stuck in my mind."

"I didn't bring any of them here."

"And then there were the angels. Do you know how many religious crazies we had to deal with because of that?"

"Hey, I was the victim there."

"We'll wait for Batman. If he wants your help, fine."

"Could be a long wait."

"Batman is a highly skilled criminal investigator with an excellent understanding of the minds of deranged criminals. We need his intellect. We don't need your… Firepower."

Harvey snorts, while Commissioner Gordon looks hopefully at the bat signal.

"I just.. happen to know that he's in the Ukraine right now and probably won't make it back."

Commissioner Gordon sags slightly.

"Come on: don't look a gift-Lantern in the-" Hm? "-mouth."

I look up as Batwoman cape-glides down from a nearby building and lands just in front of Gordon.

"Batman is unavailable."

Gordon glances my way. "We heard." He lifts up his folder-.

Ring, summary?

Thefts of chemicals and medical equipment have led Gotham police to believe that someone is creating Smilex. Joker is still confined to Arkham Asylum. Thieves unidentified, but not wearing Joker motifs.

Can we scan for Smilex and its derivatives?

Smilex found.

I'm sorry, say that again?

Smilex found.

Huh. Someone's not connected to the criminal grapevine very well. I'd gotten a bit used to not being able to skip to the end like this. I mean. okay, those concentrations are probably left over from one of Napier's old crime sprees, but… Yep, that's the stolen equipment.

I transition across the city, to a professional-looking low rise business complex. Just the sort of place for start-ups, and my target isn't the only one with gas tanks. Hah, reminds me of that time back on Earth Prime when the Cells4Life lab team left a nitrogen tank in the hallway and people started panicking about it. But that's definitely Smilex and a.. few novel variants. One man inside. Smilex is very illegal, theft is somewhat illegal and I'm pretty sure that he's breaking zoning laws too.

I drift towards… Whoever that is, the walls and racking in my way breaking into bits and floating aside. He draws a gun -just a chemical kinetic pistol- and I bind him in construct chains before shutting down and grabbing all of his equipment.

Right, that's… About everything. And transition.


They look up in astonishment.

"Looking for this?"
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They look up in astonishment.

"Looking for this?"
Please don't tell me this is the start of what makes Batman and Paul's relationship strained, proving Paul right when he says baseline humans are not much compared to what they have to fight, and that Batman would be better off if he just took the Danner or Garrick Formula.

It's just that it's his army
Actually the Darkstars are of a separate chain of command from the OLC. I think it's more like two different divisions of one large army; Paul is second-in-command of the OLC, while Jade is an operative of the Darkstars.
Hmm... An episode focusing on Gotham? I'm anticipating the local crooks growing ever more vexed by OL ruining their schemes...

That's… The bat-signal. I'm honestly… A little surprised that a twenty-first century Gotham uses it. I mean, it sort of made sense when Batman was first published. Telephones were strictly fixed point and connected to traceable wires, and Batman would have to have been waiting around by it to get a message. Or Mr Pennyworth could have taken a message, but the man himself might not have picked it up for hours. And a radio wouldn't have been much better. But… Even in the eighties a bat-pager would have made more sense. It's not as if a giant light shining up into the sky is a subtle signal. Criminals would know that the police were calling in Batman anyway.
Often, just knowing Batman is on the case might be enough to unsettle some less unhinged goons...

Actually, where is Batman?

Hm. Well. I suppose they can't expect him to turn up all the time.
Love how casually he manages that. Not even a pulse of ring activity.

Still, I am… Living here now. And Richard has school tomorrow. And I'm not.. doing anything this evening that I can't put off.

I smile and raise my right index and middle fingers to my forehead.
So that's become his shorthand for 'using my Orange Light Shaman talents' now :p

Commissioner James Gordon, Detective Harvey Bullock and a couple of uniformed officers I haven't met before are standing next to the signal on the roof of police headquarters. Gordon's holding a paper folder-

How quaint. Ring, copy it.


-in his right hand. None of them seem particularly excited, but then I suppose that they're used to Batman taking a while to arrive. And a person's capacity for being horrified… Takes a bit of a beating in Gotham.
Or it's the early stage of a Weirdo caper.

Well, let's see what's going on. I let my environmental shield grow as I head towards the rooftop. Harvey spots me first, and subtly makes eye contact with Commissioner Gordon before gesturing to me with the end of his cigarette. Then Gordon spots me and… Doesn't exactly looking thrilled.

"Something I can do for you gentlemen?"

"Orange Lantern." The Commissioner walks to the edge of the building closest to me as I stand in empty space adjacent to it. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary."
I suspect they're wary of him overcomplicating things, after all.

He drops his cigarette, but his facial expression doesn't change all that much. "Since when?"
Oh, he's good at hiding his surprise...

"Christmas. My girlfriend moved away for work but she wanted to keep the place, so I'm house-sitting for her."

Harvey snorts. "Yeah, word of advise, buddy? If she moves to a different city-."


"That too. Then she's gone."
Eh, not in this case. After all, an empath would easily pick up on signs of infidelity or uncertainty... Even OL might.

"I can instantly teleport interstellar distances, so it's not really that far… It's like she's got an overseas posting with the army or something."

He looks sceptical. "If you say so, buddy."
Ah, so doubting.

"So… What's the signal for?"

Gordon turns to me after wandering back towards the signal. "It's for Batman."
Face it, OL, you walked into that one. :D

"I'd… be happy to help?"

"Orange Lantern. I'm… Grateful for the offer, but last time you were working in this city we got invaded by plants, zombies and plant zombies."

"That wasn't last time. Last time was when I apprehended Otis Flannegan."
So not a 100% hit rate on bad luck.

"It stuck in my mind."

"I didn't bring any of them here."

"And then there were the angels. Do you know how many religious crazies we had to deal with because of that?"
Like they'd stand out against the general background noise of Gotham crazy?

"Could be a long wait."

"Batman is a highly skilled criminal investigator with a excellent understanding of the minds of deranged criminals. We need his intellect. We don't need your… Firepower."
Well, that's no fun.

Harvey snorts, while Commissioner Gordon looks hopefully at the bat signal.

"I just.. happen to know that he's in the Ukraine right now and probably won't make it back."

Commissioner Gordon sags slightly.
Man, ruining his buzz like that. I bet he was hoping Batman'd pull the stealth-byebye on him... You know, for old time's sake.

"Come on: don't look a gift-Lantern in the-" Hm? "-mouth."

I look up as Batwoman cape-glides down from a nearby building and lands just in front of Gordon.
Well, the nicer-looking alternative. Seriously, the batsuit always works so well on the ladies.

"Batman is unavailable."

Gordon glances my way. "We heard." He lifts up his folder-.

Ring, summary?
Speed-reading the quest text, eh?

Thefts of chemicals and medical equipment have led Gotham police believe that someone is creating Smilex. Joker is still confined to Arkham Asylum. Thieves unidentified, but not wearing Joker motifs.
Interesting. A copycat?

Can we scan for Smilex and its derivatives?

Smilex found.

I'm sorry, say that again?
Wait what?

Smilex found.

Huh. Someone's not connected to the criminal grapevine very well. I'd gotten a bit used to not being able to skip to the end like this. I mean. okay, those concentrations are probably left over from one of Napier's old crime sprees, but… Yep, that's the stolen equipment.
Good grief, an actual possibility for scry-and-die-arrest.

I transition across the city, to a professional-looking low rise business complex. Just the sort of place for start-ups, and my target isn't the only one with gas tanks. Hah, reminds me of that time back on Earth Prime when the Cells4Life lab team left a nitrogen tank in the hallway and people started panicking about it. But that's definitely Smilex and a.. few novel variants. One man inside. Smilex is very illegal, theft is somewhat illegal and I'm pretty sure that he's breaking zoning laws too.

I drift towards… Whoever that is, the walls and racking in my way breaking into bits and floating aside. He draws a gun -just a chemical kinetic pistol- and I bind him in construct chains before shutting down and grabbing all of his equipment.
Oh, man, this is just cruel. This was a level 1 encounter, and you just walk over it with a level 45 Lantern?

Right, that's… About everything. And transition.


They look up in astonishment.

"Looking for this?"
"You're really taking all the fun out if this, you know."

Ah, got to love returning to low-level areas with a character near the level cap. All those grey mobs, unaware of what walks amongst them... :p
Ah, got to love returning to low-level areas with a character near the level cap. All those grey mobs, unaware of what walks amongst them... :p
Or very, very much aware. In City of Heroes the gray mobs pointedly do not attack you unless you attack them first, they actually have a self-preservation instinct!
D-doesn't paul know the bat-signal isn't just for signalling to batman, it's for signalling to Gotham that the batman is out tonight.

For the regular citizens, it gives a sense of security that they are safe, for criminals it puts them on edge or sends them into hiding where they are hurting anyone.
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Laws of comic narrative sort of state that all encounters have to eventually be leveled. Sure, you might get an easy villain, but if you're a powerful hero, there's no way he's working alone. By getting involved, he just has to have caused worse problems.
This guy is an obvious front for either hell or Apocalypse, trying to mix devil jizz with Smilex.
I was laughing so hard for 5 minutes straight with that, so a major inconvenience for everyone trying to sleep at home. Ah, I do love seeing a high-level character just curb-stomp some wannabe villain's scheme or encounter; it had been a long time since the Illustres had one of those.

Maybe while Batman is out, the Illustres decides to crack the mystery that is Gotham, maybe Robin and other members of the Team get pulled in (haven't seen the guys in a while) and we get a self-contained but hilarious Gotham adventure out of it.
I was laughing so hard for 5 minutes straight with that, so a major inconvenience for everyone trying to sleep at home. Ah, I do love seeing a high-level character just curb-stomp some wannabe villain's scheme or encounter; it had been a long time since the Illustres had one of those.

Maybe while Batman is out, the Illustres decides to crack the mystery that is Gotham, maybe Robin and other members of the Team get pulled in (haven't seen the guys in a while) and we get a self-contained but hilarious Gotham adventure out of it.
Cracking the mystery that is Gotham usually tends to go into stupid territory - like being built on top of a portal to hell in older versions (and probably some of New 52), or New 52s Court of Owls and then Barbados.
I was laughing so hard for 5 minutes straight with that, so a major inconvenience for everyone trying to sleep at home. Ah, I do love seeing a high-level character just curb-stomp some wannabe villain's scheme or encounter; it had been a long time since the Illustres had one of those.

Maybe while Batman is out, the Illustres decides to crack the mystery that is Gotham, maybe Robin and other members of the Team get pulled in (haven't seen the guys in a while) and we get a self-contained but hilarious Gotham adventure out of it.
so the boys are back in town?
That's… The bat-signal. I'm honestly… A little surprised that a twenty-first century Gotham uses it. I mean, it sort of made sense when Batman was first published. Telephones were strictly fixed point and connected to traceable wires, and Batman would have to have been waiting around by it to get a message. Or Mr Pennyworth could have taken a message, but the man himself might not have picked it up for hours. And a radio wouldn't have been much better. But… Even in the eighties a bat-pager would have made more sense. It's not as if a giant light shining up into the sky is a subtle signal. Criminals would know that the police were calling in Batman anyway.
The Bat-Signal is a tool of intimidation, a signal to the people that there is hope.
The Beacon causes criminals to flee the streets, and the people to sleep easier at night.
A simple beam of light, and the destiny of the river is changed.

Also, cellphones are easily traceable, the tech did not exist back when pagers were a thing but I assume that someone could figure it out today. The GCPD is no longer (as) corrupt, so the low to mid level crooks would not know. Reading the rest of the post, it was definitely not the smartest of all criminals...........

Though, could this be Mr. Smiley (the evil stand-in for the DC editorial staff) trying to bring a new Joker into the world because you can not have Batman without the Joker? (In his twisted, evil, editorial mind.)
Or very, very much aware. In City of Heroes the gray mobs pointedly do not attack you unless you attack them first, they actually have a self-preservation instinct!
I have heard so many good things about that game, but never got around to trying it before the servers went offline.

Unless there is a fan-server somewhere....... Holy Hand Grenade there is an ACTIVE fan community, with plenty of servers. I honestly was not expecting that, then again maybe I should have since WoW Classic just launched recently......

I really need to computer shop now.

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