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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Well celestra is going to have a fucking panic attack when she sees grayvens pony form.

Not just the look but ponies are powered by friendship and Grayven is powered by Greed and Fear with the anti-life equation fragment in his soul adding some full on nihilism to the mix.
I suppose there's worse worlds to go to, and be transformed to fit... Like, Power Ring World, where humans are unintelligent unless they're wearing one of the (large population) of many-coloured power rings... If you go there, I'd guess you become a power ring, puppeting a human body...

(Disclaimer: Power Ring World invented (as far as I know) for the purpose of this post. :) )

((Further Disclaimer: DC Writers have done some really weird stuff over the years, so I might be remembering...))

(((I guess I'd better forget ideas of power ring reproduction, and human ranches, and rustling...)))
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How hard can being a pony be?
You'd think he'd know better...
*Adjusts Commissar Hat* "There is only one thing for miscreants such as you" *Fires Bolt Pistol*

Your bolt pistol has bolted from your hand and is fleeing down the hall.
Attached to his armour at the hip.
Curses. I was hoping for the Mother Box Cutie Mark butt parasite.
lol, so he's just a normal sized horse with wicked horn and wings.
Good thing is they cannot hit him with the Elements Of Harmony without Twilight Sparkle.

Bad news, he might end fighting Celestia and Luna and his powers do feel evil.
Wait, don't we know that Paulragon goes to Wilson and handles the return of Nightmare Moon? Was that actual future vision or just an illusionary segment?

Any chance Mother Box detects Agent Orange spending three days on the moon while Grayven is visiting Canterlot?

And I assume the guards were actual guards, not kids in costumes.
Comic Celestia states she could easily beat many of the challenges Twilight faces but tends to not step in. Celestia also is stated in show to have prophetic dreams so it could be argued that she knew how it would turn out is was just aiming for the best result but I admit that is a stretch. To be honest the show is very inconsistent with the Princesses. In addition Chrysalis is ancient according to comic canon as well. She can also drain the power and magic from others to boost her own which she was doing heavily from Shining armor who is no slouch to say the least. Shrug personally I prefer the more powerful interpretation of Celestia as it seems more fun. Also the cloud thing is really really inconsistent with everything else considering what we have seen regular Pegasi do.

Also Sunset shimmer isn't show canon. They have stated that the EQG verse is different from the main show-verse.... but then again they did show her in the final song so I dunno.

It was in vain. The princesses knew that Discord had been subverted but that he also knew about Twilight. The whole giving Twlight their powers was pointless. Also while Tirek didn't have magic seeking. Discord who was rounding them up for him does appear too. Again you could make the argument that is she was just aiming for the best result due to future knowledge but eh if that's the case it becomes as bad a plot device as worm's Path to Victory.
Oh, and there was that time Fizzletop Berrytwist took out Celestia, Luna and Cadance.

As I see it, there are two possibilities: either Celestia is powerful but not superpowerful and she's doing the best she can with the resources at her disposal, or she's superpowerful and an incompetent.

For example, even after Chrysalis attacks and conquers Canterlot, Equestria fails to develop any sort of changeling detection spell or ability. Pre-reformation Thorax was just walking around and they had no clue how to find him. The Bearers were replaced and only Starlight spotted it. If Celestia has an amulet which allows her to use changeling magic then she had plenty of time to work on a counter and to teach other ponies. If she didn't, then either she doesn't have the amulet... Or she made a really stupid decision and just left it in the loft for however long.

Whenever I see a fanfiction where Celestia complains about the Canterlot ruling class, I find myself thinking: you had a thousand years as an autocrat. If you don't like how the country looks, then the problem is you.
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*Adjusts Commissar Hat* "There is only one thing for miscreants such as you" *Fires Bolt Pistol*
If the only response to an equine pun is to shoot the punster, you should use a Colt Single Action.
We're on an internet forum. As such, a Flamer is always an option.

No, various shades of grey.
Fifty? :p
either Celestia is powerful but not superpowerful and she's doing the best she can with the resources at her disposal, or she's superpowerful and an incompetent.
Or she's powerful but not superpowerful, but she's not doing the best she could with the resources at her disposal. Incompetence is more of a spectrum than an absolute.
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Shrug she was able to lead a nation for over a thousand years in at least moderate prosperity. Don't think she is incompetent frankly given what we have seen of her at the Gala's she might just be so mind numbingly bored out of her skull that she craves an escape. Might explain why she pushed Twilight to take over so fast. She is sick of being ruler she see her escape from her responsibilities in Twilight especially post ascension which is why she is willing to take more dangerous if faster methods probably against what she knows is her better judgement.

Just speculation at this point.
Bug Queen is pretty scary.

Chrysalis overpowers Celestia, which surprises even herself. Later on, in a surgical strike, Chrysalis manages to defeat and capture the Elements and all the Princesses.

One of the craziest things was that her throne generated an anti-magic field with a huge area of effect. An anti-magic field that no-selled any and all magic that wasn't Changeling magic. Not even Discord's magic could overcome it.

It got destroyed by a shitty deus ex machina that cursed us with skittle bugs, but then we later find out the pieces of her shattered throne still have that anti-magic effect. The area they cover is smaller, sure, but imagine if they'd known that was an option and just, like, crafted weapons and armor out of it.

And later still? The only reason the villains lost in the finale is because Chrysalis is a gloater. The other villains just wanted to kill the heroines and be done with it, but she wanted to brag and watch them suffer.

What I'm trying to say is . . . Who cares about Celestia and Equestria? Grayven should recruit the Queen when he's done blasting the Anti-Life with the Elements.

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