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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Zoat are you going to show alternate versions of the SI in this episode and the next one?
You said there will be two episodes of Equestria.
And he's confirmed as Sombra-like. I wonder if that's a translation of the manteling effect as Grayven?

No one reads the FAQ.

From context, I'd actually infer less the Dresden Files concept of Mantling and more something like what's found in the Elder Scrolls, where someone adopts a divine role hard enough that even the original entity they're mantling starts to be affected and changed in some fashion by their influence on the mythology surrounding it as a primer to the mortals ascension (as happened with Talos) to a novel divine role of their own, or potentially supplanting/subsuming the original entity entirely. To "walk like them until they must walk like you", in a way the direct converse of Dresden Files Mantles, stealing power and authority from and imposing something of mortal nature on the entity being 'mantled'.

Obviously it's not a perfect comparison to Grayven's actual situation with Conquest, but I can see why the term gets invoked.
Still fairly convinced nothing even remotely like manteling is canon to WTR, at least for NG powers. Perhaps something else that hasn't been encountered yet, but that seems highly unlikely given *how often* it's been refuted. (And it's in the faq)
Ironically, I'm pretty sure that that plan would work, since Twilight's been filled in on who he really is by Sunset Glimmer and would solve things by convincing everyone to de-escalate the conflict and talk things out.
It's Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer.

I know they've all got basically the same name, but they are different ponies.
Of course Celestia just catches them like that and takes pictures.
Funny you should say that. Originally, then end of tomorrow's episode had Celestia turning up. Then I realised that wouldn't work with what else I wanted to do with the episode, so she's now launching ships in Manehattan instead and will return to the capital in the next episode.
I think New Gods get their powers from whatever domain they embody. They become gods of something by doing certain things and trying to adopt a certain mindset.
Desaad could have for example been torturing people for some time and adopting a sadistic mindset until he gained the powers of a god of sadism and torture, like maybe having an instinctual knowledge of how to hurt someone even if he doesn't know anything about their biology or how they function and possibly causing anyone in his presence to feel pain. I think Zoat said that Desaad briefly confused renegade for Darkseid because he couldn't feel his soul and Darkseid supreses his power to the point where others can't feel him.

Metron could have been a knowledge seeker before he became a god of knowledge and because he dedicated himself to obtaining knowledge he became a god of it and gained powers of a knowledge deity, like super intelligence.
Orion could have dedicated himself to warfare, specifically the positive aspects, and began to embody those aspects, while Kalibak focused on the horrifying aspects of warfare and became the Horror of War.
Funny you should say that. Originally, then end of tomorrow's episode had Celestia turning up. Then I realised that wouldn't work with what else I wanted to do with the episode, so she's now launching ships in Manehattan instead and will return to the capital in the next episode.

Oh no, the one shipping them is Cadance, then? She is still in Canterot by this time period.
Has Grayven always been this garbage at lanterning? I mean, he's worse than pre-enlightenment Illustress Paul. Now this makes me curious how Renegade managed for the first season's chapters and challenges, before meeting that Fatherbox.
Oh no, the one shipping them is Cadance, then? She is still in Canterot by this time period.
This is set at roughly the same time as the Equestria Girls film; after series 4 and before series 5.
Has Grayven always been this garbage at lanterning? I mean, he's worse than pre-enlightenment Illustress Paul. Now this makes me curious how Renegade managed for the first season's chapters and challenges, before meeting that Fatherbox.
He's less good, certainly, but I think I made it clear in the text that he isn't actually trying to seriously hurt her.

Has Grayven always been this garbage at lanterning? I mean, he's worse than pre-enlightenment Illustress Paul. Now this makes me curious how Renegade managed for the first season's chapters and challenges, before meeting that Fatherbox.
I think he's weaker this arc just cuz of where he is right now, figuring out how to be a pony and participating in what promises to be the most adorable fight in the entire fic.
For some reason, with the description, I kind of see Graven's "pony" form as something like a winged version of the FFX Ixion
Renegade may simply be a very skilled wielder of orange rings.
Paul is on a class of his own. I am pretty sure that even if someone else gets orange enlightenment they will still be inferior to Paul seeing as his soul is made of orange light.
This is set at roughly the same time as the Equestria Girls film; after series 4 and before series 5.

He's less good, certainly, but I think I made it clear in the text that he isn't actually trying to seriously hurt her.


Zoat is happy.

Yeah it was fairly obvious that he is trying to not hurt her, the construct tried to stop her by holding her in place, the dialog portraits Grayven reluctance to hit back, the only solid hit was on accident and he ended it in a grapple to try to subdue her... Its why the bite has me worried as QQ really opens up the possibilities of how this fight will develop.

Then again star crossed are the best two episodes of renegrayven so this one being similar bodes well for the amount of entertainment... We just may need some bleach to wash up the smell of the thread afterwards.
Zoat is happy.

Yeah it was fairly obvious that he is trying to not hurt her, the construct tried to stop her by holding her in place, the dialogue portrays Grayven reluctance to hit back, the only solid hit was on accident and he ended it in a grapple to try to subdue her... Its why the bite has me worried as QQ really opens up the possibilities of how this fight will develop.

Then again star crossed are the best two episodes of renegrayven so this one being similar bodes well for the amount of entertainment... We just may need some bleach to wash up the smell of the thread afterwards.
This is the SFW section. The only difference here is that I can link to NSFW material if I make it obvious that's where the link goes.

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