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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Who are the other three romance options that yellow Paul has, aside from Khoha?
Pumyra, the militant option, is the other option available from near the start. She's the best choice if you want to form a warband, learn non-power ring combat... Or side with Mumm-Ra.

The other two require effort to locate.

Fan demand meant that Cheetara's inclusion was inevitable. However, Cheetara is canonically only interested in Tigra, flirting with Lion-O only to get him to focus on his job. Which means that she's only romancable if Tigra is dead. If that happens, she'll focus on being whatever Lion-O needs to become a great king, leaving no time for romance. So he has to die too. That usually results in her making a suicide run on Mumm-Ra. If you talk her out of it or help her succeed, and have demonstrated a degree of willingness to lead Thundara, she may lock onto you as the next 'king'. What happens next depends on your karma. High karma, and she eventually comes to love you. Good but not great karma, and you have a 'working' marriage. Bad karma and she kills you and then herself.

The last is Mumm-Rana. Not an easy one to trigger. You need to locate the White Pyramid and have a power stone going spare. She gives great access to magic and advanced technology, but the diplomacy penalties are horrid. She quite literally can't regard Mumm-Ra's creations as anything more than tools at best, and will openly discuss 'culling' them. On the plus side, she looks fully human while powered up, and only needs a couple of stones and some raw materials to retain human form permanently.
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Wonder how their sexual relationship would work, seeing as the Thundercats seem to be more human looking in comparison to Cheetah?
Peter and her couldn't kiss, aside from just on the lips, because of her fangs and rough tongue, but at least she has multiple nipples, so that...
Wonder if these cat people also have multiple nipples?

How long has this version been on this world?
Wonder how their sexual relationship would work, seeing as the Thundercats seem to be more human looking in comparison to Cheetah?
Peter and her couldn't kiss, aside from just on the lips, because of her fangs and rough tongue, but at least she has multiple nipples, so that...
Pretty... Normally?
Wonder if these cat people also have multiple nipples?
I don't believe there's a canonical answer for the 2011 series.
How long has this version been on this world?
Does Prince Jon still possess the invulnerability/resistance to harm that Odin gave him?
When he talked to the SI he said that his wife tells him to not try and test out what can actually hurt him, so i was wondering if that meant he still has it?

Did he marry the Valkirye?
Surprised. I just assumed the 2011 series didn't even have a Mumm-Rana.

I guess joining Mumm-Ra through Pumyra and helping him establish order throughout the universe could be an interesting playthrough.
I both love and hate these little Divergence has since they make me so interested to see what Paul does in these other worlds but we usually don't get to see more of them. I mean I actually liked the 2011 Thundercats series and I would love to see where this goes and how it started.
Question he has the eye of Omens in the 2011 series does it have the same power as in the original series to scry for stuff and show things that the user is looking for like perhaps a a source of fear energy that he could use the power up his ring?
One more part for this version of Paul tomorrow.
Seriously? Dick move, kitten. No wonder the lady wants your blood...
Depends, if he was in an enraged mono-focus on Mumm-Ra, he may not have even noticed her (sort of like in Robotech, with Rick Hunter not noticing T.R. Edwards in the wreckage of the Grand Cannon when he was rescuing Lisa Hayes)
Now, I wonder what the remaining heroes have been planning in their allies' absence. Hopefully no ill-advised rescue attempt. Ideally tomorrow sees Lion-O call Tygra and Panthro and send the all-clear... And the Twins making a hard decision...
Sounds like they came here because they heard the village had working vehicles, then were arrested when Pumira recognized Lion-o. The other 2 may not be expecting them back for hours yet.
At least the Twins will know that their mom and siblings are safe, and while Kaho may worry about her kids going into danger with Lion-o, at least she knows they were doing ok this far and survived the fall of Thundaria..
Does Prince Jon still possess the invulnerability/resistance to harm that Odin gave him?
When he talked to the SI he said that his wife tells him to not try and test out what can actually hurt him, so i was wondering if that meant he still has it?

Did he marry the Valkirye?
Yes and yes.
Surprised. I just assumed the 2011 series didn't even have a Mumm-Rana.

I guess joining Mumm-Ra through Pumyra and helping him establish order throughout the universe could be an interesting playthrough.
It didn't, but we see Mumm-Ra use the cats to attack the places which originally held the stones. Someone must have been using them.
Mr Zoat, will the Paragon ever take on an apprentice in his capacity as an Earth superhero?
Lantern Corps, Ho!
Day 297
Mid evening

"Are you our Pa now?"

I.. freeze in the act of tucking Wilykin into bed, and the slight rustling of the sheets suggests that his sister has squirmed her way out from under the covers and is watching me as well. I can't see her expression in this light, though I'm sure they can both see mine perfectly well. Their low light vision is far better than mine, when I'm not enhancing it with the ring anyway.

"Why do you ask?"

"'kit and 'kat wanted to know." Something else occurs to him. "Is it really them?"

"Don't you recognise them?"

He squirms uncomfortable. "I dunno. They went away…"

I nod. "I suppose that must seem like a long time for you. And they're a bit bigger now." He looks at me for a moment, then nods. "I can assure you that they are in fact your missing brother and sister. Your mother remembers what they look like extremely well."

"Did you-" Wilytab wriggles a little further out of bed. "-use your ring?"

"Yes, I used my ring. It's definitely them."

Of course, I only did a DNA check. I haven't seen anything on this planet that could fake that, but given the vast range of levels of technical sophistication that exists here it wouldn't come as a total surprise if something like that happened. Or magic, perhaps. But I think I'll keep my fears to myself.

"So are you?"

While I fully intend to have a slightly more nuanced version of this conversation with Khoah in a little while, I think the kittens can have the simplified version.

"I could never replace your father. But in his absence, perhaps I can substitute for him."

"What does 'substute' mean?"

I nod and smile. "You know how when I go away sometimes and people have questions for me, and your mother answers them?"


"When that happens, your mother is my substitute. She's not becoming me, but she's doing my job for a little while."

"So you're doing Pa's job?"

I lean forward, kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair with my right hand. "Yes, I am."

"Okay." He wriggles around so that he's lying on his side. "'night, Substitute Pa."

"Goodnight Wilykin." I stand up. "Goodnight Wilytab."


I smile at her, then turn around and walk out of the room, carefully closing the door behind-.

"'Substitute Pa'."

Wilykit and Wilykat are looking at me in a way which suggests that they're extremely dubious about me. These two kittens have been through the wringer since leaving home, and Khoah has been delighted to have them back. I make eye contact with each of them, then move my right forefinger to my lips in a 'shush' gesture. Wilykit glances at the door behind me and grimaces slightly while Wilykat glares at me with his arms folded across his chest.

I lead the way down the corridor into a currently unused meeting room. This room has a battery powered electric light in the centre of the table, so I reach over and turn it on low as the older kittens file in behind me.

"Will the two of you be staying once-?"

"What are you doing with Mama?"

I look up to see that Wilykit has joined in with her brother's mock scowling. Oh. No, that isn't supposed to be mock scowling. That's.. adorable.

"Keeping the cats alive. Your mother's farm was far enough away from Thundera that the lizards didn't loot it. There was good farmland, but not enough people to work it. Plus, your mother had an excellent knowledge of farming. Starting the new settlement here just made sense."

"No. What are you doing with her?" Her eyes momentarily widen. "Are you controlling her with your magic ring?"

"No." I shake my head. "Yellow rings can't control people. And even if I could, I don't have enough power to waste on something like that." They're both watching me intently. "Khoah has been invaluable in making this place work. I'd be quite lost without her. Is… Something worrying you?"

Wilykat starts. "You have people tied to posts! With signs around their necks telling everyone what you killed them for!"

I nod. "And you don't think that Khoah would accept that."

"You killed a guy for stealing food! We-."

He stops talking, and his sister's eyes widen in horror. Ah.

"Children, there's a big difference between stealing food because you're starving in a place that has plenty of food, and stealing food when you've been given as much to eat as everyone else in a place that has barely enough for everyone to survive. Khoah wasn't comfortable with it." For stealing food, anyway. No problem with the death penalty for slavery and murder. "However, she's lived on the frontier long enough to know that sometimes there isn't a lot of room for finesse in maintaining order. And generally, that's my responsibility."

Wilykat frowns thoughtfully while Wilykit looks away. Wilykat then looks up at me as his brow smoothes.

"Do you intend to stay? Or carry on travelling with Lion-O? I know that Khoah would like you to stay, and…" Huh. "I would as well. You're far too young to be out by yourselves."

Wilykit scowls petulantly. "We're not by ourselves."

Wilykat nods, arms folded across his chest as he juts his chin out defiantly. "Yeah. Lion-O never would have got to the Book of Omens without us."

Whatever that is.

I nod. "Alright. Please know that you have a home here whenever you want to return." They look at me suspiciously, then give me a small nod. "And you can explain why you're leaving to your mother."

A pair of winces.

"Now, I think you two should probably be getting to bed as well."

"Hey." Wilykat tries to glare again. "We're adventurers now-."

"I'll send your mother up to tell you a bed time story. How about that?"

They look at each other for a moment, then turn around and file out.

That appears to be going… Alright. They don't despise me, at least. I can't see the confrontation with Mumm-Ra lasting more than a few years, so I'll have plenty of time to build bridges with them later. I turn off the lamp and then head out of the room, turn left and down the stairs into the living area.

Khoah looks up from the.. books she brought from her old home. She was going through them with the kittens a little earlier and I didn't want to disturb them.

"How did the meeting go?"

"Lion-O may be salvageable." I cross the room and sit down on the sofa next to her. "Cheetara was a bit useless, though. Apparently clerics here are very different to where I'm from."

"Why did you want a cleric?"

Oh, there's no point dancing around the subject any longer.

"Because I love you and want-" She blinks several times in quick succession. "-to ask you to marry me, but I was concerned that you might still be in the formal mourning period for your late husband." I shrug. "Are you? I'll quite understand if you are, or if you're just not interested in me in that way-."

"Um. No. Wilytom's… Death left a.. hole in my life I.. didn't know if I would ever fill. But youEverything you've done…"

I lean forwards carefully and embrace her. She hugs me back, the right side of her face rubbing against my cheek.

"I'm delighted to hear you say that."
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Day 297
Mid evening

"Are you our Pa now?"

I.. freeze in the act of tucking Wilykin into bed, and the slight rustling of the sheets suggests that his sister has squirmed her way out from under the covers and it watching me as well. I can't see her expression in this light, though I'm sure they can both see mine perfectly well. Their low light vision is far better than mine, when I'm not enhancing it with the ring anyway.
Ah, Children's questions. The bane of any adult's life. How to answer them without using concepts they don't understand yet? (And thus the idea of 'lies-to-children' was created...)

"Why do you ask?"

"'kit and 'kat wanted to know." Something else occurs to him. "Is it really them?"
Heh. Given some of the things we saw Mumm-ra do in the series... A very good question.

"Don't you recognise them?"

He squirms uncomfortable. "I dunno. They went away…"

I nod. "I suppose that must seem like a long time for you. And they're a bit bigger now." He looks at me for a moment, the nods. "I can assure you that they are in fact your missing brother and sister. Your mother remembers what they look like extremely well."
And if their mother says it's so, then it must be true. QED :p

"Did you-" Wilytab wriggles a little further out of bed. "-use your ring?"

"Yes, I used my ring. It's definitely them."
Ah, 'magic' rings. I suppose that's what the children assume it is, no matter how many times it's explained otherwise.

Of course, I only did a DNA check. I haven't seen anything on this planet that could fake that, but given the vast range of levels of technical sophistication that exists here it wouldn't come as a total surprise if something like that happened. Or magic, perhaps. But I think I'll keep my fears to myself.
Something he's very good at, what with his Enlightenment...

"So are you?"

While I fully intend to have a slightly more nuanced version of this conversation with Khoah in a little while, I think the kittens can have the simplified version.
'Lies-to-children'. Making it easier to explain complicated things to children since humanity had language.

"I could never replace your father. But in his absence, perhaps I can substitute for him."

"What does 'substute' mean?"
Ah, too cute...

I nod and smile. "You know how when I go away sometimes and people have questions for me, and your mother answers them?"


"When that happens, your mother is my substitute. She's not becoming me, but she's doing my job for a little while."
See, that's how you explain it. plain and simple...

"So you're doing Pa's job?"

I lean forward, kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair with my right hand. "Yes, I am."
Yaul will make a surprisingly good father... Though I pity any boy looking to date the girls... If they can withstand his shovel speech without wetting themselves, they're keepers.

"Okay." He wriggles around so that he's lying on his side. "'night, Substitute Pa."

"Goodnight Wilykin." I stand up. "Goodnight Wilytab."
Boy, they really stuck to that naming scheme for the family, didn't they?


I smile at her, then turn around and walk out of the room, carefully closing the door behind-.
And now for...

"'Substitute Pa'."

Wilykit and Wilykat are looking at me in a way which suggests that they're extremely dubious about me. These two kittens have been through the wringer since leaving home, and Khoah has been delighted to have them back. I make eye contact with each of them, then move my right forefinger to my lips in a 'shush' gesture. Wilykit glances at the door behind me and grimaces slightly while Wilykat glares at me with his arms folded across his chest.
...The older kids. This is going to involve less lies, I think. At least they're sensible enough to let the kittens sleep.

I lead the way down the corridor into a currently unused meeting room. This room has a battery powered electric light in the centre of the table, so I reach over and turn it on low as the older kittens file in behind me.

"Will the two of you be staying once-?"
I've no doubt they'll end up leaving, but knowing they have somewhere to come home to? Much more motivating.

"What are you doing with Mama?"

I look up to see that Wilykit has joined in with her brother's mock scowling. Oh. No, that isn't supposed to be mock scowling. That's.. adorable.
They're gonna need a few years for that to not look cute...

"Keeping the cats alive. Your mother's farm was far enough away from Thundera that the lizards didn't loot it. There was good farmland, but not enough people to work it. Plus, your mother had an excellent knowledge of farming. Starting the new settlement here just made sense."

"No. What are you doing with her?" Her eyes momentarily widen. "Are you controlling her with your magic ring?"
With Yellow light? God no. Now, Orange, you might have had a case for it...

"No." I shake my head. "Yellow rings can't control people. And even if I could, I don't have enough power to waste on something like that." They're both watching me intently. "Khoah has been invaluable in making this place work. I'd be quite lost without her. Is… Something worrying you?"

Wilykat starts. "You have people tied to posts! With signs around their necks telling everyone what you killed them for!"
Yes, it's called a justice system. I'm sure you two are familiar with how that sort of thing works?

I nod. "And you don't think that Khoah would accept that."

"You killed a guy for stealing food! We-."

He stops talking, and his sister's eyes widen in horror. Ah.
No need to guess what they're thinking. You know Yaul can see it with his empathic vision...

"Children, there's a big difference between stealing food because you're starving in a place that has plenty of food, and stealing food when you've been given as much to eat as everyone else in a place that has barely enough for everyone to survive. Khoah wasn't comfortable with it." For stealing food, anyway. No problem with the death penalty for slavery and murder. "However, she's lived on the frontier long enough to know that sometimes there isn't a lot of room for finesse in maintaining order. And generally, that's my responsibility."
If someone's stolen food once, there's no guarantee they won't do it again if their stomach starts aching... Eventually, hunger overcomes fear...

Wilykat frowns thoughtfully while Wilykit looks away. Wilykat then looks up at me as his brow smoothes.

"Do you intend to stay? Or carry on travelling with Lion-O? I know that Khoah would like you to stay, and…" Huh. "I would as well. You're far too young to be out by yourselves."
Already feeling those fatherly fears, eh, Yaul? And while Lion-O does seem the type to want to keep them safe, well... They are fighting an embodiment of evil.

Wilykit scowl petulantly. "We're not by ourselves."

Wilykat nods, arms folded across his chest as he juts his chin out defiantly. "Yeah. Lion-O never would have got to the Book of Omens without us."

Whatever that is.
Eh, it's not important to you. You're kind of an NPC in Lion-O's story at this point, even if you are the main character of your own..

I nod. "Alright. Please know that you have a home here whenever you want to return." They look at me suspiciously, then give me a small nod. "And you can explain why you're leaving to your mother."

A pair of winces.
Yes, I foresee some tough choices ahead. Hopefully without harsh words to go with them.

"Now, I think you two should probably be getting to bed as well."

"Hey." Wilykat tries to glare again. "We're adventurers now-."
And you do remember how early you usually have to start out in the mornings? A good night's sleep is always desirable.

"I'll send your mother up to tell you a bed time story. How about that?"

They look at each other for a moment, then turn around and file out.
And deep down, they are still kittens...

That appears to be going… Alright. They don't despise me, at least. I can't see the confrontation with Mumm-Ra lasting more than a few years, so I'll have plenty of time to build bridges with them later. I turn off the lamp and then head out of the room, turn left and down the stairs into the living area.

Khoah looks up from the.. books she brought from her old home. She was going through them with the kittens a little earlier and I didn't want to disturb them.
She's going to have too little time with the older ones as it is. Letting her enjoy it is a sign of a good guy.

"How did the meeting go?"

"Lion-O may be salvageable." I cross the room and sit down on the sofa next to her. "Cheetara was a bit useless, though. Apparently clerics here are very different to where I'm from."
Like I keep saying. She may as well call herself a Paladin.

"Why did you want a cleric?"

Oh, there's no point dancing around the subject any longer.
Too bad he doesn't have any kind of ring suitable for it... Though I doubt the Cats go in for them anyway.

"Because I love you and want-" She blinks several times in quick succession. "-to ask you to marry me, but I was concerned that you might still be in the formal mourning period for your late husband." I shrug. "Are you? I'll quite understand is you are, or if you're just not interested in me in that way-."

"Um. No. Wilytom's… Death left a.. hole in my life I.. didn't know if I would ever fill. But youEverything you've done…"
She's been admiring him from afar, so to speak, for a while now. I'd say it's a safe bet they'll work out.

I lean forwards carefully and embrace her. She hugs me back, the right side of her face rubbing against my cheek.

"I'm delighted to hear you say that."
That's another Paul locking in a romance option. I wonder how the people are going to react?x3

And so our time on Third Earth comes to a pleasant close. A little more Pony fun and then back to old 'Orange Quotation Marks' OL...

That avatar plus that quote... Perfection...:D I read it in his voice...
Ah, Children's questions. The bane of any adult's life. How to answer them without using concepts they don't understand yet? (And thus the idea of 'lies-to-children' was created...)

Heh. Given some of the things we saw Mumm-ra do in the series... A very good question.

And if their mother says it's so, then it must be true. QED :p

Ah, 'magic' rings. I suppose that's what the children assume it is, no matter how many times it's explained otherwise.

Something he's very good at, what with his Enlightenment...

'Lies-to-children'. Making it easier to explain complicated things to children since humanity had language.

Ah, too cute...

See, that's how you explain it. plain and simple...

Yaul will make a surprisingly good father... Though I pity any boy looking to date the girls... If they can withstand his shovel speech without wetting themselves, they're keepers.

Boy, they really stuck to that naming scheme for the family, didn't they?

And now for...

...The older kids. This is going to involve less lies, I think. At least they're sensible enough to let the kittens sleep.

I've no doubt they'll end up leaving, but knowing they have somewhere to come home to? Much more motivating.

They're gonna need a few years for that to not look cute...

With Yellow light? God no. Now, Orange, you might have had a case for it...

Yes, it's called a justice system. I'm sure you two are familiar with how that sort of thing works?

No need to guess what they're thinking. You know Yaul can see it with his empathic vision...

If someone's stolen food once, there's no guarantee they won't do it again if their stomach starts aching... Eventually, hunger overcomes fear...

Already feeling those fatherly fears, eh, Yaul? And while Lion-O does seem the type to want to keep them safe, well... They are fighting an embodiment of evil.

Eh, it's not important to you. You're kind of an NPC in Lion-O's story at this point, even if you are the main character of your own..

Yes, I foresee some tough choices ahead. Hopefully without harsh words to go with them.

And you do remember how early you usually have to start out in the mornings? A good night's sleep is always desirable.

And deep down, they are still kittens...

She's going to have too little time with the older ones as it is. Letting her enjoy it is a sign of a good guy.

Like I keep saying. She may as well call herself a Paladin.

Too bad he doesn't have any kind of ring suitable for it... Though I doubt the Cats go in for them anyway.

She's been admiring him from afar, so to speak, for a while now. I'd say it's a safe bet they'll work out.

That's another Paul locking in a romance option. I wonder how the people are going to react?x3

And so our time on Third Earth comes to a pleasant close. A little more Pony fun and then back to old 'Orange Quotation Marks' OL...

That avatar plus that quote... Perfection...:D I read it in his voice...
I want more third earth how much.
For some reason, this is the third time I haven't received an email notification for Mr Zoat's post.

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